Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEM - MOST Wiedzy




  • Integrated system of transport safety


    - Journal of KONBiN - Rok 2008

    W styczniu 2007 Minister Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, na podstawie konkursu na projekt badawczy zamawiany PBZ 2/2006, podjął decyzję o przyznaniu prawa realizacji trzyletniego projektu pt. ''Zintegrowany system bezpieczeństwa transportu'' konsorcjum naukowemu w składzie: Politechnika Gdańska, Politechnika Śląska, Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych w Warszawie oraz Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. Przedmiotem niniejszego referatu...

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    Nowadays, a rapid development of metropolises is connected with the pressure on urbanizing, which leads to a sharp increase in developed areas as well as urbanized areas. As this trend becomes more dynamic, cities sprawl beyond their administrative boundaries, causing spatial disintegration and hindering sustainable development of a given area. Increased dispersion of residential area results in extensive and chaotic spatial development,...

  • Multimedia noise monitoring system

    W artykule przedstawiono Multimedialny System Monitorowania Hałasu. Projekt jest sieciocentrycznym systemem dedykowanym monitorowaniu zagrożeń hałasem. Jego nadrzędnym celem jest zwiększenie skuteczności w zakresie profilaktyki chorób słuchu. Umożliwia pobieranie, gromadzenie, analizę i wizualizację danych dotyczących hałasu, pobieranych ze zdalnych urządzeń pomiarowych oraz elektronicznych ankiet dostępnych przez Internet. Ponadto...

  • Influence of Natural Conditions on the Imaging of the Bottom of the Gdańsk Bay by Means of the Side Scan Sonar

    The interest in underwater resources is the reason for the development of modern hydroacoustic systems, including side sonars, which find numerous applications such as: research of seabed morphology and sediment characteristics, preparation of sea sediment maps, and even in special cases of biocenoses such as sea grass meadows, detection of specific targets at the bottom such as shipwrecks, mines, identification of suitable sites...

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  • Testbed analysis of video and VoIP transsmission performance in IEEE 802.11 b/g/n networks

    The aim of the work is to analyze capabilities and limitations of different implementations of IEEE 802.11 technologies (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n), utilized for both video streaming and VoIP calls directed to mobile devices. Our preliminary research showed that results obtained with currently popular simulation tools can be drastically different than these possible in real-world environment, so, in order to correctly evaluate performance...

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  • Guido: a musical score recognition system


    - Rok 2007

    This paper presents an optical music recognition system Guido that can automatically recognize the main musical symbols of music scores that were scanned or taken by a digital camera. The application is based on object model of musical notation and uses linguistic approach for symbol interpretation and error correction. The system offers musical editor with a partially automatic error correction.

  • Risks caused by microbiologically influenced corrosion in diesel fuel storage tanks


    Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) poses serious problems for the petrochemical and refinery industries. Particularly favourable conditions for MIC arise in storage tanks and transmission pipelines for mixtures of diesel oil with the addition of a biocomponent (in Poland 7%). The best conditions for the development of MIC occur at the fuel-water interface, where microorganisms are provided with a source of food and water,...

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  • Implementation of spatial information for monitoring and analysis of the area around the port using laser scanning techniques


    Nowadays, maritime infrastructure is heavily exploited, which requires monitoring. The article presents the implementation of spatial information which are point clouds for monitoring and analysis of the area around the port (buildings and wharves). For this study, point clouds coming from terrestrial (TLS) and airborne laser scanning (ALS), each of them having different accuracy, were used. An important part of the analysis was...

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    Na sieci kolejowej istotny wpływ na płynność ruchu mają odpowiednio usytuowane odcinki odstępowe. Z podobną sytuacją mamy do czynienia przy modernizacji stacji kolejowych i tworzeniu nowych rozwiązań, w których należy uwzględnić prognozy rozwoju ruchu na danym elemencie sieci kolejowej. Jednak w przypadku stacji sytuacja staje się dużo bardziej skomplikowana i kosztowna, gdyż poprawa przepustowości wymaga istotnych zmian organizacyjnych...

  • Container monitoring system


    W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję systemu monitorowania kontenerów przewożonych drogą morską. Scharakteryzowano główne cechy oraz przedstawiono modułowo-warstwowy schemat funkcjonalny. Ponadto opisano założenia funkcjonalno-użytkowe dotyczące Inteligentnego Modułu Kontenerowego (SCM), będącego podstawowym elementem składowym systemu. Przedstawiono również główne zadania projektowe związane z realizacją projektu

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  • Józef Kotus dr hab. inż.

  • Road Restraint Systems as a Basis for Roadside Safety Improvement

    Roadside-related crashes occur when vehicles run off the road. The majority of the crashes have severe outcomes, especially when an object is hit (tree, pole, supports, front wall of a culvert, barrier). These accidents represent app. 19% of all of Poland's road deaths. Roadside crashes involve: hitting a tree, hitting a barrier, hitting a sign or utility pole, vehicle roll-over on the roadside, vehicle roll-over on a slope and...

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  • Testbed for development and verification of hybrid localization systems


    - Rok 2011

    In this paper a testbed for development and verification of hybrid localization systems is presented. It allows for systematic analysis of hybrid localization methods and speed up the development of new schemes. The proposed testbed platform is composed of subsystem for sequential data collection and testing infrastructure that can be used for investigating the localization mechanisms in controllable environment.

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    ISSN: 0951-8320 , eISSN: 1879-0836

  • Interworking and Cross-layer Service Discovery Extensions for IEEEE802.11s Wireless Mesh Standard

    With the rapid popularization of mobile end-user electronic devices wireless network technologies begin to play a crucial role as networks access technologies. While classic point-to-multipoint wireless access systems, based on fixed infrastructure of base stations providing access to clients, remain the main most popular solution, an increasing attention is devoted to wireless mesh systems, where each connecting client can extend...

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  • Service and Path Discovery Extensions for Self-forming IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Systems


    - Rok 2012

    With the rapid growth of the quantity and capabilities of end-user electronic devices, both stationary and mobile, they are employed in increasing number of applications. In this situation, wireless network technologies begin to play a crucial role as networks access technologies, as cable-based solutions tend to be of limited utility in case of easily portable or mobile devices. Resulting development of wireless technologies reached...



    - Rok 2012

    In order to achieve balanced forms of urban infrastructure, which ensure comfort, safety and spatial order, when designing new solutions it is necessary to adopt a multi-facet approach which will combine everything that the local residents need but will respond harmoniously to the existing cultural landscape. It is therefore necessary to work out complex undertakings for the sake of planning and developing urban space. Coherent...

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  • The effects of vehicle restraint systems on road safety

    Key to understanding the needs and tools of road infrastructure management for preventing run-off-road crashes or minimising their consequences, is to identify the hazads and sources of hazards caused by wrong or improper use of road safety devices and identify errors in the desifn, structure, construction and operation of road safety devices. Studying such an extended scope of the problem required fieldwork and surveys with road...

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  • Coastline change-detection method using remote sensing satellite observation data


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2016

    Coastal zones are not only the fundaments for local economics based on trade, shipping and transport services, but also a source of food, energy and resources. Apart from offering diverse opportunities for recreation and tourism, coastal zones provide protection against storms and other meteorological disturbances. Environmental information is also essential because of the direct influence on a country’s maritime zones, which are...

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  • "Creating a numerical model of noise conditions based on the analysis of traffic volume changes in cities with low and medium structure.


    The subject of this research study is to analyze noise conditions of the selected area in the city of Gdańsk using data related to traffic volume changes during a day. This is because daily distribution of noise levels is much more helpful for noise control and reduction than traditional maps with Lden levels indicated. Calculations are made with the use of a numerical model developed at the Gdansk Univ. of Technology and implemented...

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  • "Creating a numerical model of noise conditions based on the analysis of traffic volume changes in cities with low and medium structure.


    - Rok 2015

    The subject of this research study is to analyze noise conditions of the selected area in the city of Gdańsk using data related to traffic volume changes during a day. This is because daily distribution of noise levels is much more helpful for noise control and reduction than traditional maps with Lden levels indicated. Calculations are made with the use of a numerical model developed at the Gdansk Univ. of Technology and implemented...

  • C2 NIWA Community-Segmentation Criteria and Building Brand Associations on the Example of a Selected Target Group


    Every organization which offers products or services wishes to communicate with their customers in the most effective way. This kind of communication is based on proper selection of target groups, which are extracted in the process of market segmentation. That is way it is very important to ask the question to whom the message is to be directed and what kind of message we want to give. This article describes the selection criteria...

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  • LTE and NB-IoT Performance Estimation Based on Indicators Measured by the Radio Module

    Monitoring the operating parameters of power grids is extremely important for their proper functioning as well as for ensuring the security of the entire infrastructure. As the idea of the Internet of Things becomes more ubiquitous, there are tools for monitoring the state of the complex electrical grid and means to control it. There are also developed new measuring devices and transmission technologies allowing for the transfer...

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  • Application of Ontology In the ITIL Domain


    Business standards tend to be less formal in description then strict technical norms. Authors of this chapter suggest applying ontological description (powered by the capabilities of the OWL language) to express Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). One of the goals of this initial study is to determine the usefulness of such semantic model in organizations that adopted or plan to adopt ITIL.

  • Yacht harbour as a part of city public space


    - Rok 2016

    Transformation of harbors opens opportunities to introduce new functions into city centers. Very often abandoned ports’ infrastructure is adopted into a yacht harbor. The article elaborates typology of yacht harbors and theirs’ potential which can be used in creation of city center. Thesis are illustrated by examples of Port Vell, Barcelona, Spain and Sundby Harbour, Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • Integracja narzędzi CASE w oparciu o projekt uniwersyteckiego centrum kompetencyjnego


    Głębokie zmiany, jakie zachodzą w informatyce, polegające na przejściu od fundamentalnych aplikacji i ich wsparcia infrastrukturą informatyczną do traktowania oprogramowania jako usługi SaaS (ang.Software-as-a-Service) oraz infrastruktury informatycznej jako usługi IaaS (ang. Infrastructure-as-a-Service), wymuszają gruntowne zmiany również w procesach kształcenia.

  • Refurbishment of a historical building - design issues


    - Rok 2013

    Over a 10-year modernization of the main building of Gdansk University of Technology is coming to the end. The ever increasing number of students requires not only the development of the campus with new facility buildings, also the existing buildings are subject to adaptation and modernization. In addition to high-impact solutions, as restoring the former glory of the building (reconstruction of the clock tower), or introducing...

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  • Electrifying the bus network with trolleybus: Analyzing the in motion charging technology


    - APPLIED ENERGY - Rok 2025

    Currently, electric buses are becoming more and more popular, and their number in operation is increasing. The range of electric buses is also increasing and solutions that seem to be working almost without fixed infrastructure are being promised. However, this requires the use of high-capacity batteries, which increases the weight and price of the vehicle and causes high costs of battery replacement during operation. Moreover,...

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  • A Survey of Vehicular Network Systems for Road Traffic Management


    In this survey, we analyze the proposals of vehicular communication systems in the context of road traffic management. Starting with the definition of communications between vehicles (V2V), vehicles-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicles-to-everything (V2X), we first focus on the requirements and current standards for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), including the maximum communication delay, the communication range and the...

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  • S09-4 The development of the Physical Activity Environment Policy Index (PA-EPI): a tool for monitoring and benchmarking government policies and actions to improve physical activity

    • C. B. Woods
    • L. Kelly
    • K. Volf
    • P. Gelius
    • S. Messing
    • S. Forberger
    • J. Lakerveld
    • N. d. Braver
    • J. Żukowska
    • E. G. Bengoechea


    Background Insufficient physical activity (PA) is a global issue for health. A multifaceted response, including government action, is essential to improve population levels of PA. The purpose of this study was to develop the ‘Physical Activity Environment Policy Index’ (PA-EPI) monitoring framework to assess government policies and actions for creating a healthy PA environment. Methods An iterative process was undertaken. This...

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  • The Physical Activity Environment Policy Index for monitoring government policies and actions to improve physical activity

    • C. B. Woods
    • L. Kelly
    • K. Volf
    • P. Gelius
    • S. Messing
    • S. Forberger
    • J. Lakerveld
    • N. R. den Braver
    • J. Żukowska
    • E. García Bengoechea


    Background A multifaceted response, including government action, is essential to improve population levels of physical activity (PA). This article describes the development process of the ‘Physical Activity Environment Policy Index’ (PA-EPI) monitoring framework, a tool to assess government policies and actions for creating a healthy PA environment. Methods An iterative process was undertaken. This involved a review of policy...

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  • Green, blue and energy in cities


    The article refers to the implementation of blue-green infrastructure in cities, with particular emphasis on the aspect of rainwater and energy management. The article presents the advantages of water and greenery in the city and gives examples of engineering solutions used, both the more popular (including green and biosolar roofs), as well as experimental solutions, which are an interesting and necessary alternative in the era...

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  • Data Analysis in Bridge of Data


    The chapter presents the data analysis aspects of the Bridge of Data project. The software framework used, Jupyter, and its configuration are presented. The solution’s architecture, including the TRYTON supercomputer as the underlying infrastructure, is described. The use case templates provided by the Stat-reducer application are presented, including data analysis related to spatial points’ cloud-, audio- and wind-related research.

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  • Performance Analysis of Multicast Video Streaming in IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Testbed Environment


    The aim of the work is to analyse capabilities and limitations of different IEEE 802.11 technologies (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n), utilized for both multicast and unicast video streaming transmissions directed to mobile devices. Our preliminary research showed that results obtained with currently popular simulation tools can be drastically different than these possible in real-world environment, so, in order to correctly evaluate performance...

  • Searching for road deformations using mobile laser scanning

    Millions of people use roads every day all over the world. Roads, like many other structures, have an estimated durability. In Poland a lot of the roads were built at the turn of the 20th and 21st c., especially for light cars. Many of these roads carry traffic and heavy goods vehicles which were not predicted when the traffic was first estimated. It creates a lot of problems with technical conditions and the infrastructure must...

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  • Travel Time of Public Transport Vehicles Estimation

    Effective prediction of speed is central to advanced traveler information and transportation management systems. The speed of public transport vehicles is affected by many external factors including traffic volume, organization and infrastructure. The literature presents methods for estimating travel time on sections of a transport network and vehicle arrival at stops, often making use of the AVL (automatic vehicle location). The...

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  • Wpływ imperfekcji geometrycznych na bezpieczeństwo montażu i naprawy zbiorników cylindrycznych metoda podbudowy


    W pracy zajęto się wyznaczeniem nośności granicznej zbiorników stalowych o osi pionowej montowanych lub naprawianych z zastosowaniem hydraulicznego systemu podnoszenia konstrukcji. Podniesiony zbiornik jest szczególnie narażony na utratę stateczności, a obciążenie wiatrem utrudnia prowadzenie prac. Jakiekolwiek deformacje blach, szczególnie w pobliżu zamocowań podnośników mogą w znacznym stopniu obniżyć obciążenie krytyczne konstrukcji....

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    The physical modelling of subsoil behaviour and soil-structure interaction is essential for the proper design of offshore structures and port infrastructure. A brief introduction to such modelling of geoengineering problems is presented and some methods and experimental devices are described. The relationships between modelling scales are given. Some examples of penetration testing results in centrifuge and calibration chamber...

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    - Rynek Energii - Rok 2022

    Jednym z trendów, które są obserwowane we współczesnych systemach elektroenergetycznych jest stopniowa decentralizacja, będąca w dużej mierze efektem rosnącej roli generacji rozproszonej oraz ewolucją odbiorców w stronę prosumeryzmu. Rośnie rola lokalnego bilansowania i rodzi się zapotrzebowanie na powstawanie lokalnych struktur organizacyjnych, dążących do wydzielenia części infrastruktury elektroenergetycznej. Rodzi to nie tylko...

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  • Cybersecurity of Enterprise Infrastructure 2023

    Kursy Online
    • R. Leszczyna
    • S. Ostrowski

    The aim of the course is for a student to acquire fundamental knowledge on cybersecurity management in organisations. During the course the concepts and methods associated with of an information security management system, cybersecurity standards and guidelines, cybersecurity management process, cybersecurity policy, cybersecurity threats, risk management, protection controls and the cost of the cybersecurity management will be...

  • Cybersecurity of Enterprise Infrastructure 2024

    Kursy Online
    • R. Leszczyna
    • S. Ostrowski

    The aim of the course is for a student to acquire fundamental knowledge on cybersecurity management in organisations. During the course the concepts and methods associated with of an information security management system, cybersecurity standards and guidelines, cybersecurity management process, cybersecurity policy, cybersecurity threats, risk management, protection controls and the cost of the cybersecurity management will be...

  • MEMS based voice message system for elevators

    W artykule przedstawiono implementację systemu głosowych komunikatów w windach. Prezentowany system posiada unikalną cechę polegającą na tym, że do działania nie potrzebuje połączenia z systemem sterującym windy. Zasilany z baterii lub akumulatorów może być zamontowany w ścianie windy, wymaga tylko prostej kalibracji. System oparty jest na akcelerometrach MEMS dokonujących pomiaru przeciążeń w kabinie windy. W artykule przedstawiono...

  • Pedestrian safety management using the risk-based approach

    The paper presents a concept of a multi-level pedestrian safety management system. Three management levels are distinguished: strategic, tactical and operational. The basis for the proposed approach to pedestrian safety management is a risk-based method. In the approach the elements of behavioural and systemic theories were used, allowing for the development of a formalised and repeatable procedure integrating the phases of risk...

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  • Digital Public Service Innovation: Framework Proposal


    - Rok 2016

    This paper proposes the Digital Public Service Innovation Framework that extends the "standard" provision of digital public services according to the emerging, enhanced, transactional and connected stages underpinning the United Nations Global e-Government Survey, with seven example "innovations" in digital public service delivery -- transparent, participatory, anticipatory, personalized, co-created, context-aware and context-smart....

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  • The issue of uncertainty of visual measurement techniques for long distance measurements based on the example of applying electric traction elements in diagnostics and monitoring


    - MEASUREMENT - Rok 2018

    Rail transport is the most economical and energy-effective in the field of land transport, in particular electrified. In order to ensure efficient and reliable operation of electrified rail transport, the issues of monitoring and diagnostics of the traction infrastructure and vehicles are extremely important. The most critical point in the transmission of electric energy to the vehicle is the sliding contact of the current collector...

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  • Preliminary safety assessment of Polish interchanges


    - Archives of Transport - Rok 2021

    Interchanges are a key and the most complex element of a road infrastructure. The safety and functionality of interchanges determine the traffic conditions and safety of the entire road network. This applies particularly to motorways and express-ways, for which they are the only way to access and exchange traffic. A big problem in Poland is the lack of comprehensive tools for designers at individual stages of the design process....

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  • Concrete versus green corridors in road planning. Gdansk case


    The aim of an article is to present the threats which may be caused by the construction of the transit road inside the city structure, and some mitigation measures aiming to eliminate or minimize environmental and landscape damages and social problems. Theoretical guidelines and conclusions will be followed by the example illustrating the problem. As an answer, some guidelines enabling sustainable road planning will be presented....

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  • A comprehensive review on economic, environmental impacts and future challenges for photovoltaic-based electric vehicle charging infrastructures


    - Frontiers in Energy Research - Rok 2024

    In this paper, a comprehensive review of the impacts and imminent design challenges concerning such EV charging stations that are based on solar photovoltaic infrastructures is presented, which is based on state-of-the-art frameworks for PV-powered charging stations and the latest case studies. The main factors that are targeted in this review are the management of an EV charging system that is a composite of PV and public grid,...

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  • Sustainable Use of the Catenary by Trolleybuses with Auxiliary Power Sources on the Example of Gdynia


    - Infrastructures - Rok 2021

    The current developments in onboard power source technology, in particular, traction batteries, open up new potential in trolleybus transport and also make it possible to introduce electric buses. Thus far, trolleybus transport has required the presence of overhead lines (OHL). Introducing trolleybuses with onboard batteries makes it possible to grow the zero-emissions transport network in places with limited power supply capabilities...

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  • Studying the Behaviour of Pedestrians and Drivers Within Pedestrian Crossings


    - Rok 2018

    Every third road accident in Poland involves a pedestrian as a participant or, most of the time, a casualty. Pedestrian accidents are usually the result of complex situations and the outcome of a number of factors related to driver and pedestrian behaviour and road infrastructure. Safety depends largely on how well the traffic condition is perceived and on visibility in traffic. The re-lations between pedestrians and motorists...

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