Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ENERGY TRANSFER
Molecular Determinants of Proton Transfer in ATP Synthase FO Complex
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The Role of Specific Side Groups and pH in Magnetization Transfer in Polymers
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Reversible electron charge transfer in single-wall carbon nanotubes
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The efficiency of scientific activities and technology transfer in higher education in Poland
PublikacjaThe objective of the article is to measure and evaluate the efficiency of scientific activity and technology transfer to the economy by public higher education institutions (HEIs) in Poland and to formulate recommendations for state policy to increase the effectiveness of the technology transfer process by them. The study measured scientific activity and technology transfer separately in two groups of higher education institutions...
Voltage Transients Transfer over Medium Voltage Instrument Transformers
PublikacjaThis paper presents voltage harmonic transfer accuracy problems through voltage transformers which are used in power quality monitoring systems in medium and high voltage grids. A simplified lumped parameters circuit model of the voltage transformer is proposed and verified by simulation and experimental investigations. A number voltage transformers typically used in medium voltage grid has been tested in the conducted disturbances...
Model of heat transfer in the stagnation point of rapidly evaporating microjet
PublikacjaThe paper presents investigation in the single water microjet surface cooling producing evaporating film. Reported tests were conducted under steady state conditions. It was proved that the phenomenon is similar to that of pool boiling. Results of experiments were compared with predictions by the model showing a good consistency.
Instytucje i programy wspierające transfer technologii w Polsce
PublikacjaAutorka omawia instytucje i programy wspierające transfer technologii w Polsce, m.in. parki technologiczne, parki naukowe, parki przemysłowe, inkubatory oraz centra transferu technologii. Autorka prezentuje ofertę i procesy realizowane przez powyższe instytucje, akcentując występujące między nimi różnice.
Modelling heat transfer in heterogeneous media using fractional calculus
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Modeling Heat Transfer in Heterogeneous Media Using Fractional Calculus
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Generation of microbial colonies dataset with deep learning style transfer
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Intensification of free-convection heat transfer in magnetically assisted bioreactor
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Enhancement of condensation heat transfer by means of EHD condensate drainage
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Experimental Comparison of Designed Inductance Coils for Wireless Power Transfer
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Research and Development of Inductive-Resonant Wireless Power Transfer System
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Simulating Electron Transfer Attachment to a Positively Charged Model Peptide
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Heat transfer enhancement through nanofluids with applications in automobile radiator
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Numerical study of turbulent flow and heat transfer of nanofluids in pipes
PublikacjaIn this work, Nusselt number and friction factor are calculated numerically for turbulent pipe flow (6 000 < Re < 12 000) with constant heat flux boundary condition using nanofluids. The nanofluid is modelled with the single-phase approach and the simulation results are compared with experimental data of Vajjha et al. [1]. Ethylene glycol and water, 60:40 EG/W mass ratio, as base fluid and SiO2 nanoparticles are used as nanofluid...
Numerical Study of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer of Nanofluids in Pipes
PublikacjaIn this work, Nusselt number and friction factor are calculated numerically for turbulent pipe flow (Reynolds number between 6000 and 12000) with constant heat flux boundary condition using nanofluids. The nanofluid is modelled with the single-phase approach and the simulation results are compared with experimental data. Ethylene glycol and water, 60:40 EG/W mass ratio, as base fluid and SiO2 nanoparticles are used as nanofluid...
Numerical heat transfer model in skin burn depth simulations
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono numeryczny model wymiany ciepła zachodzącej w tkance skórnej . Wyniki symulacji na modelu zostały porównane z wynikami pomiarów In vivo na zwierzętach.
Charge transfer and formation of complexes in the He+ collisions with the furan molecules
PublikacjaCharge transfer and formation of the collision complexes have been studied experimentally in fragmentation of the furan molecules in collisions with He+ cations. The excited atomic and diatomic fragments of furan have been identified using collision-induced luminescence spectroscopy. Charge transfer ionization of the furan molecules has been observed in production of helium atoms in the excited 1s4d 1D2, 3D1,2,3 states. The fragmentation...
PublikacjaIn the paper authors presented their own constructions of shell and tube heat exchangers with intensified heat transfer. The shell and coils heat exchangers are in common use in heat ventilations and air conditioning systems. Those types of recuperators are quite simple constructions, the low value of pressure drops and good conditions of heat transfer. The present study shows an experimental investigation of the heat transfer...
Heat transfer during pool boiling on smooth tube bundle
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki pomiarów współczynnika przejmowania ciepła dla pęku 19 gładkich rurek ze stali nierdzewnej ogrzewanych elektrycznie podczas wrzenia wody destylowanej, metanolu i R141b. Zaproponowano równanie korelacyjne do obliczania średniego współczynnika przejmowania ciepła.
Measurements of heat transfer enhanced by the use of transverse vortex generators
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy badań eksperymentalnych wymiany ciepła w modelowym wymienniku ciepła z turbulizatorami przepływu dla różnej geometrii turbulizatorów. Badania wykonano przy użyciu termografii ciekłokrystalicznej i cyfrowej anemometrii obrazowej.
Heat transfer characteristics of a two-phase thermosyphon heat exchanger
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu geometrii parownika, rodzaju rur użytych do budowy parownika, rodzaju cieczy pośredniej oraz poziomu cieczy nad najwyższym rzędem rur na działanie dwufazowego, termosyfonowego wymiennika ciepła. Zaprezentowano algorytm obliczeń przedstawionego wymiennika.
Measurements of heat transfer enhanced by the use of transverse vortex generators
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy badań eksperymentalnych intensyfikacji wymiany ciepła w modelowym wymienniku ciepła z turbulizatorami przepływu dla różnej geometrii turbulizatorów. W badaniach zastosowano termografię ciekłokrystaliczną i cyfrową anemometrię obrazową.
Voltage Harmonics Transfer through Medium Voltage Instrument Transformers
PublikacjaVoltage transformers are widely used in power quality monitoring systems in medium and high voltage grids. This paper presents accuracy problems related to voltage harmonics transfer through instrument transformers. A simplified lumped-parameters wideband circuit model of the voltage transformer is proposed and verified by simulation and experimental investigations. A number of voltage transformers have been tested in the frequency...
Conditions of Best Practice Transfer - Results of the Quick IGA Project
PublikacjaThe Quick IGA project supports the development of working and organizational structures in SMEs in order to increase the employment rate of women and elderly and concurrently increases innovation capacities. One of the main project’s tasks was to find best practices from SMEs in Nordic countries in that field (in the first step) and identify (in second step) possibilities and conditions of their implementation in SMEs in other...
Model of heat transfer in the stagnation point of rapidly evaporating microjet
PublikacjaThe paper presents investigation into the single water microjet surface cooling producing evaporating film. Reported tests were conducted under steady state conditions. Experiments were conducted using the nozzle size of 70 and 100 mikrometer respectively. In the course of investigations obtained were experimental relations between heat flux and wall superheating. It was proved that the phenomenon is similar to that of pool boiling...
Computing algebraic transfer entropy and coupling directions via transcripts
PublikacjaMost random processes studied in nonlinear time series analysis take values on sets endowed with a group structure, e.g., the real and rational numbers, and the integers. This fact allows to associate with each pair of group elements a third element, called their transcript, which is defined as the product of the second element in the pair times the first one. The transfer entropy of two such processes is called algebraic transfer...
Polish constructed wetlands performance and transfer of results into Alpine environment.
PublikacjaPrzyjmuje się, że oczyszczalnia hydrofitowa opisana może być równaniem kinetyki reakcji pierwszego rzędu. Uzyskano z danych doświadczalnych, że współczynnik kinetyki reakcji k jest uzależniony od temperatury oczyszczalnych ścieków w gruncie porośniętym trzciną. Można więc wyznaczyć przebieg funkcji k(T), gdzie k jest współczynnikiem kinetyki reakcji, a T-temperaturą ścieków. Można więc niskie wartości k uzyskane w warunkach...
Study of free convective heat transfer from horizontal conic.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono teoretyczne rozważania i badania eksperymentalne konwekcji swobodnej od izotermicznej powierzchni poziomego stożka w przestrzeni nieograniczonej. Rozwiązanie przeprowadzono dla wprowadzonego krzywoliniowego układu współrzędnych, opartego na krzywej linii prądu wokół powierzchni stożkowej.
Convective momentum and heat transfer in single and two-phase flows
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono dorobek autora w zakresie modeowania wymiany pędu i ciepław w przepływach jedno i dwufazowych.
Comparative study of a bottoming SRC and ORC for Joule–Brayton cycle cooling modular HTR exergy losses, fluid-flow machinery main dimensions, and partial loads
PublikacjaEnergy conversion efficiency increase in power plants with high-temperature gas-cooled reactors via implementation of the bottoming cycle was investigated under nominal and minimal thermal load of a high-temperature reactor (HTR). Heat transfer surface area and turbine outlet volumetric flow rate in bottoming cycles was also investigated. Water and two low-boiling point working fluids (ammonia and ethanol) were analyzed. Analyzed...
Mini Light-Emitting Diode Technology with High Quantum Efficient NIR-II Partially Inverse Spinel MgGa2O4:Cr3+,Ni2+ Nanophosphors
Dane BadawczeThe increasing demand for second near-infrared (NIR-II) region materials, which retain the advantage of minimal scattering and immense applications in the medical and NIR spectroscopy field, has led to considerable research in this region. A mini light-emitting diode (mini-LED) is essential for backlighting liquid crystal displays, indicating the need...
Możliwości ograniczenia zużycia energii napędowej urządzeń przez optymalizację doboru wymienników ciepła, właściwą konfigurację i kontrolę przepływu płynów roboczych
PublikacjaArtykuł poświęcony możliwości ograniczenia zużycia energii napędowej urządzeń na drodze optymalizacji doboru wymienników ciepła, właściwej konfiguracji i kontroli przepływu płynów roboczych. Przedstawiono w nim ocenę zużycia energii w systemach energetycznych o największej energochłonności w realiach Polski. Zwrócono uwagę na możliwość wykorzystania wymienników ciepła o wysokiej efektywności dla zmniejszenia oporu przenoszenia...
Joint experimental and theoretical study on low-energy elastic electron scattering by gaseous alkynes: Differential cross sections, shape resonances, and methylation effects
PublikacjaA detailed comparison of experimental and theoretical elastic cross sections for low-energy electron scattering by ethyne, taken earlier in our group by Gauf et al. [Phys. Rev. A 87, 012710 (2013)], and some of its methylated derivatives, propyne, and the isomers 1-butyne and 2-butyne, taken here, are presented. The present differential cross sections were measured at incident electron energies ranging from 1 eV to 30 eV and...
Effect of surface roughness on thermal-hydraulic characteristics of plate heat exchanger
PublikacjaIn the paper the experimental analysis of passive heat transfer intensification in the case of modeled plate heat exchanger is conducted. The plate heat exchanger is chosen for the analysis because this kind of heat exchangers could be prospectively applied in the ORC systems, however other areas or application are equally possible. The experimental setup was assembled at the Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus of Gdansk...
Non-destructive inspection of ground anchors using guided wave propagation
PublikacjaThis paper deals with numerical and experimental investigations of specific problems of guided wave propagation in ground anchors. The research focuses on recognizing the phenomenon of the energy transfer between anchor components. Particular attention is paid to characteristic features of guided waves propagating in free and embedded parts of the tendon, at the interface between the tendon and the surrounding anchor body as well...
Hopping or Tunneling? Tailoring the Electron Transport Mechanisms through Hydrogen Bonding Geometry in the Boron-Doped Diamond Molecular Junctions
PublikacjaMechanisms of charge transport in molecular junctions involving hydrogen bonds are complex and remain mostly unclear. This study is focused on the elucidation of the electron transfer in a molecular device consisting of two boron-doped diamond interfaces bound with an aromatic linker and a hydrogen bonding surrogating molecule. The projected local density of states (PLODS) analysis coupled with transmission spectra and current−voltage...
Operation evaluation method for marine turbine combustion engines in terms of energetics
PublikacjaAn evaluation proposal (quantitative determination) of an y combustion turbine engine operation has been presented , wherein the impact energy occurs at a given time due to Energy conversion. The fact has been taken into account that in this type of internal combustion engines the energy conversion occurs first in the combustion chambers and in the spaces between the blade of the turbine engine. It was assumed that in the combustion...
Experimental study of heat transfer intensification in surface cooling using microjets
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono badania eksperymentalne intensyfikacji wymiany ciepła podczas chłodzenia powierzchni mikrostrugami. Wyniki badań porównano z własnym modelem teoretycznym zjawiska.
Application of load-transfer functions method for the analysis of the work of CFA piles
PublikacjaPrzeanalizowano kilkanaście wyników badań nośności pali CFA z kilku krajowych budów. We wszystkich przypadkach pale zakończone były w piaskach. Wyniki zinterpretowano za pomocą funkcji transformacyjnych. Oszacowano przebieg mobilizacji i wartości graniczne oporów gruntów wzdłuż pobocznic i pod podstawami pali.
The Numerical Comparison of Heat Transfer in a Coated and Fixed Bed of an Adsorption Chiller
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Effects of a rotating magnetic field on gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient
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Characterisation of the interfacial heat transfer coefficient in hot stamping of titanium alloys
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Heat transfer investigations in a liquid that is mixed by means of a multi-ribbon mixer
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Heat transfer and fluid flow visualization using liquid crystal thermography
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono możliwości wykrzystania termografii ciekłokrystalicznej do badań wymiany ciepła oraz wizualizacji pola przepływu w elementach urządzeń przemysłowych.
Impact of Cultural Differences on Knowledge Transfer in British, Hungarian and Polish Enterprises
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Driving proton transfer reactions in the 2-methylfuran ring with external forces
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Thermal-FSI modeling of flow and heat transfer in a heat exchangerbased on minichanels
PublikacjaIn this paper selected numerical modelling problems for an advanced thermal-FSI ("Fluid Solid Interaction") mini-channel heat exchanger model are presented. Special attention is given to the heat transfer between the separated mediums for different mass flows. Similar modelling problems have also been discussed in the literature dedicated to numerical and theoretical modelling problems for typical heat exchangers [1, 2, 3]. Basic...