wszystkich: 1989
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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: INLET AIR FOGGING
Comparison of Evaluation of Air Odour Quality in Vicinity of Petroleum Plant Using a Prototype of Electronic Nose Instrument and Fast GC Technique
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of investigation on classification of the ambient air samples collected in a vicinity of the LOTOS Group S.A. petroleum plant with respect to odour. The investigations were carried out with an electronic nose prototype and a commercial electronic nose of Fast GC-type – HERACLES II. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co. and a photoionization sensor of PID-type....
High Temperature Corrosion Evaluation of Porous Hastelloy X Alloy in Air and Humidified Hydrogen Atmospheres
PublikacjaIn this work a commercially available porous Hastelloy X alloy is characterized in terms of high temperature corrosion resistance. The alloy was oxidized in the temperature range from 500C to 900C in air and humidified hydrogen for 100 hours. Corrosion rates and porosity changes were measured. Microstructural characterization was performed using X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy. Results show that porous alloys...
Adaptable management for cooling cyclic air in ship power plants by heat conversion – Part 1: Downsizing strategy for cogeneration plants
PublikacjaThe ship power plants (SPP) are generally based on Diesel engines. Their fuel efficiency is gradually sensible to cyclic air temperatures and drops with their rise. A sustainable performance of ship engines with high fuel efficiency is possible by cooling intake and charge air as two objects in waste heat conversion chillers. The peculiarities of marine engine application are associated with constrained space of machine room. Whereas,...
High-temperature kinetics study of 430L steel powder oxidized in air at 600–850 °C
PublikacjaThe 430L stainless steel powder with a mean particle size of 95 μm was studied to determine its high-temperature oxidation properties. Continuous thermogravimetric measurements were carried out for 100 h in air at temperatures in the range of 600–850 °C. Even though a considerable amount of Cr (up to ˜5 wt.% Cr) inside the grains was depleted – especially inside small grains – no breakaway oxidation was observed. This indicates...
Machine Learning and Text Analysis in an Artificial Intelligent System for the Training of Air Traffic Controllers
PublikacjaThis chapter presents the application of new information technology in education for the training of air traffic controllers (ATCs). Machine learning, multi-criteria decision analysis, and text analysis as the methods of artificial intelligence for ATCs training have been described. The authors have made an analysis of the International Civil Aviation Organization documents for modern principles of ATCs education. The prototype...
CFD-based evaluation of current-carrying capacity of power cables installed in free air
PublikacjaEvaluation of current-carrying capacity of power cables and selection of cross-sectional area of their conductors are mainly performed in accordance with requirements of EN, IEC or IEEE standards. However, these standards do not provide all methods of cables installation and location which occur in practice. Thus, in some cases, performance of advanced modeling of various thermal phenomena, affecting power cables current-carrying...
Ordered TiO2 nanotubes: the effect of preparation parameters on the photocatalytic activity in air purification process
PublikacjaVertically ordered TiO2 nanotube arrays were synthesized by anodic oxidation of titanium foil in glycerol, ethylene glycol and water-based electrolytes. The effect of electrolyte composition, anodization voltage, ultrasonic treatment and calcination time on the morphology of the resulting thin films, as well as on their photocatalytic activity in toluene removal, used as a model volatile organic compound, was investigated. Toluene,...
Monitoring Lead Concentration in the Surrounding Environmental Components of a Lead Battery Company: Plants, Air and Effluents—Case Study, Kenya
PublikacjaLead (Pb) pollution from smelters and lead–acid battery has become a serious problem worldwide owing to its toxic nature as a heavy metal. Stricter regulations and monitoring strategies have been formulated, legislated and implemented in various parts of the world on heavy metal usage. Developed countries such as the USA and in Europe largely operate within the set standards, however, developing countries such as Kenya, Nigeria...
Application of Electronic Nose to Ambient Air Quality Evaluation With Respect to Odour Nuisance in Vicinity of Municipal Landfills and Sewage Treatment
PublikacjaThis chapter contains information about application of the electronic nose type instruments to evaluation of ambient air odour quality connected with such sectors of human activity as municipal landfills or sewage treatment plants. The authors present potential sources of emission from these sectors, characterize the chemical compounds responsible for presence of unpleasant odours, describe the influence of those compounds on human...
Small photovoltaic setup for the air conditioning system
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Mercury emission to air, water and soil in Poland
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Changes in air tourism to Tunisia in 2009–2018
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Ultrasonic reflectometry in air: Errors of sample positioning
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Review of the determination of pesticide residues in ambient air
PublikacjaW publikacji dokonano przeglądu najważniejszych metodyk oznaczania pozostałości pestycydów w powietrzu zewnętrznym. W publikacji przedstawiono także techniki używane do oznaczeń końcowych. Obecnie najpopularniejszą techniką oznaczeń końcowych jest chromatografia gazowa bądź cieczowa sprzężona ze spektrometrem mas.
Mobile system for on-road measurements of air pollutants
PublikacjaW pracy zaprezentowano prototyp mobilnej stacji diagnostycznej do pomiarów stężeń typowych zanieczyszczeń powietrza (C6H6, NO2, NOx, CO i CO2) pochodzących z komunikacji w miastach. Nowością proponowanego systemu jest możliwość przeprowadzania pomiarów emisji zanieczyszczeń wzdłuż ciągów komunikacyjnych i w miejscach, w których nie mogą być zastosowane stacjonarne stacje monitoringowe. W proponowanym rozwiązaniu, urządzenie...
Air flow phenomena in the model of the blind drift
PublikacjaIn the presented paper, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) has been used to investigate flow pattern and turbulent structure in the model of blind drift. The presented model exist in mining, and has been analyzed to resolve ventilation issues. Blind region is particularly susceptible to unsafe methane accumulation. The measurement system allows us to evaluate all components of the velocity vector in channel cross-section simultaneously....
Microorganisms in the air over wastewater treatment plant.
PublikacjaCelem pracy było aktywności źródeł emisji mikroorganizmów do powietrza na terenie oczyszczalni ścieków. Stwierdzono iż najwyższe liczebności bakterii występowały w rejonie piaskowników i komór recyrkulacji osadu czynnego. Natomiast liczba bakterii w rejonie komór napowietrzania była zbliżona do tła.
Passive samplers in indoor air quality control
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań jakości powietrza wewnętrznego w 12 wybranych mieszkaniach usytuowanych na terenie aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej z wykorzystaniem techniki pasywnej (dozymetria pasywna typu permeacyjnego) oraz techniki dynamicznej (rurki sorpcyjne wypełnione sorbentem Tenax TA). Wykorzystując nowe podejście do sposobu kalibracji dokonano monitoringu zarówno poszczególnych lotnych związków organicznych jak i sumarycznej zawartości...
Wavelet analysis of frequency of air bubble departure
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki nieliniowej analizy częstotliwośći generowania pęcherzyków powietrza z dysz o średnicy 0.75 mm, 1.61 mm oraz 2.76 mm umieszczonych 15 cm poniżej poziomu wody.
Currently Commercially Available Chemical Sensors Employed for Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds in Outdoor and Indoor Air
PublikacjaThe paper presents principle of operation and design of the most popular chemical sensors for measurement of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in outdoor and indoor air. It describes the sensors for evaluation of explosion risk including pellistors and IR-absorption sensors as well as the sensors for detection of toxic compounds such as electrochemical (amperometric), photoionization and semiconductor with solid electrolyte ones....
Comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry as tool for characterization of the main pollutants present in atmospheric air in Gdansk
PublikacjaNowadays, the technique that is commonly used to identify and quantify the chemical compounds in gas sample is gas chromatography. The separation resolution in gas chromatography can be improved by applying the modulation technique. In this paper present is the most important information regarding the pollutants present in atmospheric air. The areas in which the tests were carried out are one of the largest industrial zones in...
The effect of anthropogenic activity on BTEX, NO2, SO2, and CO concentrations in urban air of the spa city of Sopot and medium-industrialized city of Tczew located in North Poland
PublikacjaThe major goal of the present study is to compare the air quality of two urban locations situated in Northern Poland – the spa City of Sopot and the medium-industrialized city of Tczew using chemometric methods. As a criterion for the assessment of atmospheric air quality, measurements of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes were used (collected from atmospheric air using diffusion-type passive samplers) as well as...
High temperature oxidation behavior of SUS430 SOFC interconnects with Mn-Co spinel coating in air
PublikacjaIn this study, SUS430 alloy is evaluated for its high temperature corrosion properties as a possible material for interconnects of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Samples are coated with Mn-Co by commercial physical vapor deposition (PVD) process and oxidized in air for 1250 h at 800 °C. A dense cubic Mn-Co-Fe spinel layer is formed on the surface, showing great effect on corrosion reduction compared with the samples without coating....
Characteristics of Anthropogenic Pollution in the Atmospheric Air of South-Western Svalbard (Hornsund, Spring 2019)
PublikacjaThe character of atmospheric pollution and its impact on surface waters may vary substantially in space, and hence, we add a potentially important location for the studies of atmospheric air pollution to the map of the High Arctic. We have investigated the anthropogenic particle characteristics and selected persistent organic pollutant concentrations, in a priorly unmonitored location in the Arctic (Svalbard), exposed to a climatic...
Experimental and numerical study of thermal and electrical potential of BIPV/T collector in the form of air-cooled photovoltaic roof tile
PublikacjaAmong renewable energy sources, Building-Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) systems are gaining increasing interest. To improve their economic competitiveness, technologies that increase their efficiency are searched for. The paper is devoted to evaluating the impact of various air-cooling configurations on the thermal and electrical performance of a photovoltaic roof tile. A numerical model of the own experimental system...
WETI - AiR - Równania Różniczkowe 2018/19 (B.Wikieł)
Kursy OnlineKurs tematyczny z zakresu równań różniczkowych pierwszego rzędu. Materiały zawarte w kursie zapoznają studentów z najważniejszymi definicjami, twierdzeniami oraz metodami rozwiązywania równań różniczkowych różnego typu. Studenci mają możliwość samodzielnego rozwiązywania przykładów i zadań na kursie. Wykład w formie e-kursu odpowiada 2 h wykładu tradycyjnego prowadzonego w ramach przedmiotu Analiza matematyczna II dla studentów...
Metody numeryczne w AiR - 23/24 - laboratorium
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Metody numeryczne w AiR - 24/25 - laboratorium
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Metody numeryczne w AiR 24/25 - Wykład
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Biotrickling filtration of air polluted with hexane and cyclohexane: effects of trickling liquid modification with DES solutions
Dane BadawczeDataset presents selected parameters monitored during processes of biotrickling filtration of air polluted with hexane and cyclohexane.
Galerkin Finite Element Process for Entropy Production and Thermal Evaluation of Third-Grade Fluid Flow: A Thermal Case Study
Publikacja: A fluid’s moving class improves its heat transmission capability, as well as its rigidity, owing to multivariate molecule suspension. In this way, nanofluids are superior to common fluids. In this study, we evaluated the features of ease and heat transfer. Furthermore, we investigated permeable media, heat source, variable heat conductivity, and warm irradiation results. A mathematical technique known as the Galerkin finite element...
Experimental and comparative study on the two-phase pressure drop of air-water mixture in U-bend and straight pipe annuli
PublikacjaIn this paper, the experimental and theoretical analysis of pressure drop in singlephase and two phase-flow were presented for straight and U-bend smooth tube annulus and tube annulus with wire coil insert. Experiments for various boundary conditions were performed. In case of U-tube and straight tube with and without turbulator, tests were made for the water-water and air-water systems. The study covered a wide measuring range,...
A compartment model of alveolar–capillary oxygen diffusion with ventilation–perfusion gradient and dynamics of air transport through the respiratory tract
PublikacjaThis paper presents a model of alveolar–capillary oxygen diffusion with dynamics of air transport through the respiratory tract. For this purpose electrical model representing the respiratory tract mechanics and differentia equations representing oxygen membrane diffusion are combined. Relevant thermodynamic relations describing the mass of oxygen transported into the human body are proposed as the connection between these models,...
Design analysis of combined gas-vapour micro power plant with 30 kW air turbine
PublikacjaThe article presents basic results of the design analysis of a combined gas-vapour micro power plant with a waste-heat boiler without exhaust reheat, working in the vapour section in the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system. The analysis concerned working media most frequently used in those types of power plants and planned to be used in future. The object of the analysis was a micro power plant with a 30 kW gas (air) turbine for...
Design analysis of combined gas-vapour micro power plant with 30 kW air turbine
PublikacjaThe article presents basic results of the design analysis of a combined gas-vapour micro power plant with a waste-heat boiler without exhaust reheat, working in the vapour section in the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system. The analysis concerned working media most frequently used in those types of power plants and planned to be used in future. The object of the analysis was a micro power plant with a 30 kW gas (air) turbine for...
Reducing Air Pollutant Emissions from the Residential Sector by Switching to Alternative Energy Sources in Single-Family Homes
PublikacjaThe paper discusses a scenario for adapting residential buildings to the requirements of the EU climate and energy package. It analyzes the option of reducing pollutant emissions to ambient air by switching to alternative energy sources in a typical single-family residential building. The most common sources of energy in central heating and ventilation systems and water heating systems were compared, and the analyzed energy carriers...
Enzymatic cross-linking of β-lactoglobulin in solution and at air–water interface: Structural constraints
PublikacjaEffective and controlled use of cross-linking enzymes in structure engineering of food systems depends on characterization of the favorable conditions for enzyme-substrate complex and the limiting factors for the desired modification. In this respect, we analyzed the susceptibility of bovine β-lactoglobulin (BLG) to enzymatic cross-linking by Trichoderma reesei tyrosinase (TrTyr) and transglutaminase (TG). Changes in BLG molecular...
Nanoporous TiO2 electrode grown by laser ablation of titanium in air at atmospheric pressure and room temperature
PublikacjaRecently, fabrication of the nanoporous TiO2 photoelectrode on metal foils by means of sputtering of the Ti film on preheatedmetal substrate followed by the TiO2 deposition (doctor blade technique) and sintering represents the frequently applied technique. This is despite the relatively complicated procedure and number of parameters to be controlled in order to fabricate films of required properties. In this work an approach is...
Examination pf pesticide residues in air in Tri-city
PublikacjaCelem prowadzonych badań jest uzyskanie informacji o poziomie zanieczyszczeń powietrza atmosferycznego przez anality z grupy pestycydów (zarówno tych wycofanych jak i współcześnie stosowanych) na terenie Aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej i Tczewa z wykorzystaniem dozymetrów pasywnych z krążkami z pianki poliuretanowej na etapie pobierania próbek.
Correlation between Length of Life and Exposure to Air Pollution
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Heat and mass transfer in air-fed pressurised suits
PublikacjaOpisano konieczność modelowania transportu masy i ciepła w kombinezonach ochronnych. Omówiono różne sposoby modelowania wymiany ciepła, łącznie ze sprzężoną wymianą ciepła. Uwzględniono również ludzki metabolizm i turbulentne mechanizmy wymiany masy i ciepła. Publikacja opisuje również sposób modelowanie turbulentnych przepływów wieloskładnikowych. Pokazano również porównanie obliczeń z eksperymentem.
Design optimisation of air-fed full pressurised suits
PublikacjaOpisano szczegóły złożoności zjawisk cieplno-przepływowych pomiędzy wewnętrzną powierzchnią kombinezonu ochronnego i zewnętrznego ubioru. Komplikacja polega na jednoczesnym rozważaniu wymiany masy i ciepła wraz z realistycznymi, trójwymiarowymi geometriami. Dodatkowo rozważany jest ludzki metabolizm. Zrozumienie tych zjawisk i umiejętnośćich symulacji jest konieczna w celu właściwych prac projektowych nad nowymi typami kombinezonów...
Mobile monitoring system for control of atmospheric air quality
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono ruchomy system monitoringu powietrza, który zapewnia możliwość ciągłego pomiaru stężenia takich zanieczyszczeń powietrza jak benzen, tlenek i ditlenek azotu oraz tlenek i ditlenek węgla. Opracowany zestaw pomiarowy może być zainstalowany na rożnych pojazdach (samochód, autobus, ciężarówka).System zbudowany jest z zestawu małych przenośnych jednostek pomiarowych (elektroniczne urządzenia pomiarowe, rejestrator...
Interaction of light with standing cylindrical ultrasonic wave in air
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Analysis of external sources of hazards in civil air operations
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Relationships between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland
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Application of passive samplers in monitoring of organic constituents of air
PublikacjaTechnika dozymetrii pasywnej - znana od ponad 100 lat - cieszy się ciągłym zainteresowaniem i jest często wykorzystywana w różnych badaniach środowiskowych. Z powodu swej prostoty, różnorodności rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych i możliwości wykorzystania różnych technik oznaczeń końcowych, technika dozymetrii pasywnej może być zastosowana zarówno do oznaczeń związków organicznych jak i nieorganicznych, obecnych zarówno w powietrzu wewnętrznym,...
Cruise Vessels Air Pollution Inventory for the Port of Kotor
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The critical factors of landfill fire impact on air quality