Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
Modern techniques of sample preparation for determination of organic analytes by gas chromatography
PublikacjaW pracy dokonano przeglądu szerokiego spektrum technik przygotowania próbki, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem technik o charakterze prośrodowiskowym. Opisu technik dokonano pod kątem wykorzystywanych mechanizmów izolacji analitów oraz stosowanych rozwiązań aparaturowych. Przegląd rozwiązań aparaturowych uzupełniono o podstawy teoretyczne izolacji bazującej na zjawisku podziału analitów.
Quality problems in determination of organic compounds in environmental samples, such as PAHs and PCBs
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Application of Carbonized Metal–Organic Framework as Efficient Adsorbent of Cationic Dye
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Human hair as a biomarker of human exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
PublikacjaThe main aim of this article is to investigate the possibility of using human hair as a biomarker with particular emphasis on persistent organic pollutants (POPs). We report previous results of studies of this topic. We critically review the available information on analytical procedures applied during analysis of human hair. Finally, we discuss future trends and possibilities arising from hair analysis.
Quality problems in the determination of organic compounds in environmental samples, such as PAHs and PCBs
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono i skomentowano wyniki badań międzylaboratoryjnych w zakresie oznaczania wybranych związków organicznych w próbkach środowiskowych. Oznaczenia wykonane były przez niezależne laboratoria analityczne, które stosowały różne procedury przygotowania próbek do analizy.Badania wskazują, że wynik oznaczania poszczególnych analitów zależny był od stosowanej przez laboratorium procedury izolacji i oznaczania. Stwierdzono różnice...
Surface and Trapping Energies as Predictors for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Aromatic Organic Pollutants
PublikacjaIn this study, anatase samples enclosed by the majority of three different crystal facets {0 0 1}, {1 0 0}, and {1 0 1} were successfully synthesized. These materials were further studied toward photocatalytic degradation of phenol and toluene as model organic pollutants in water and gas phases. The obtained results were analyzed concerning their surface structure, reaction type, and surface development. Moreover, the regression...
The influence of reactions conditions on aggregation of dyes used in biochemistry
PublikacjaSelf-association of dyes and related substances is a very important phenomenon in many fields of applied chemistry. It is also fundamental model reaction of many kinds of molecular interactions such as the micelle formation of amphiphilic substances and the binding of small organic molecules to macromolecules. In spite of many studies concerning the dimerization equilibria of dyes and related substances, the mechanism seems not...
Ag Loading Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of g-C3N4 Porous Nanosheets for Decomposition of Organic Pollutants
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Examination of fresh water chemistry in maritime Antarctica during austral summer 2017
PublikacjaDue to the fact that Antarctica is one of the least polluted places on Earth, it is a perfect place to observe the spread of global pollution. Therefore, research conducted on this continent is important due to the possibility of investigating the type of pollution and their way of transport. This work considers presence of organic contaminants in Maritime Antarctica in unexplored until now, Lions Rump headland. Qualitative and...
Danuta Laskowska
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On-Surface Self-Assembly of Metal-Organic Architectures: Insights from Computer Simulations
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Understanding Pattern Formation in 2D Metal–Organic Coordination Systems on Solid Surfaces
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Investigation of stability of aqueous solutions containing trace amounts of volatile organic analytes
PublikacjaOznaczając lotne związki chlorowcoorganiczne w matrycy wodnej należy uwzględnić specyficzne właściwości, którymi charakteryzują się te związki, a mianowicie:- niska temperatura wrzenia; - wysoka prężność pary nad roztworem; - stosunkowo niska rozpuszczalność w wodzie.Właściwości te należy uwzględnić w trakcie przygotowania wodnych roztworów wzorcowych wykorzystywanych na etapie kalibracji i badań modelowych. Ze względu na istotność...
Miniaturized Passive Emission Chambers for In Situ Measurement of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds
PublikacjaThe results of many different studies have demonstrated unequivocally that the quality of indoor air is often much worse than that of atmospheric air. The presence of dangerous chemical compounds in indoor air can have an adverse impact on human health and cause numerous diseases of the respiratory and circulatory systems. Such harmful chemicals get into indoor air as a result of their emission from building and indoor materials....
Organic and conventional kiwifruit myths versus reality: antioxidant, antiproliferative and health effects
PublikacjaComparison between organic and conventional kiwifruit cultivars ''Hayward'' and ''Bidan'', which was done by four redical scavenging assays, ESI-MS, and DSC measurements, showed significant differences between cultivars. Such results were not estimated in kiwifruit growing under organic and conventional conditions. The extraction of bioactive compounds was done by two different methods: sequential extraction with ethyl acetate...
Organic and conventional kiwifruit, myths versus reality: antioxidant, antiproliferative and helth effects
PublikacjaComparison between organic and conventional kiwifruit cultivars 'Hayward' and 'Bidan', which was done by four radical scavenging assays, ESI-MS, and DSC measurements, showed significant differences between the cultivars. Such results were not estimated in kiwifruit growing under organic and conventional conditions. The extraction of bioactive compounds was done by two different methods: sequential extraction with ethyl acetate...
Problems and challenges associated with estimating the emissions of organic compounds from indoor materials
PublikacjaFor several years intensive research has been carried out with the aim of developing a database of the types and amounts of pollutants released from indoor materials to the indoor environment. The paper discusses in detail basic problems and challenges encountered when estimating the emissions of chemical compounds released from of indoor materials. Factors affecting the validity of data obtained by using two different types of...
Determination of Toxicological Parameters of Selected Bioactive Organic Chemicals Using the Ostracodtoxkit FTM
PublikacjaAssessment of the impact of pharmaceutical residues on living organisms is very complex subject. Apart from taking into account the toxicity of individual compounds also their presence in mixtures should be taken into account. In this work, attempts were made to assess the ecotoxicity of biologically active substances (with 50 % effective concentration (EC50) values growing from fluoxetine (EC50 = 4.431 nM) >> gemfibrozil ≈ 17α-ethinylestradiol...
Deep eutectic solvents microbial toxicity: Current state of art and critical evaluation of testing methods
PublikacjaDeep eutectic solvents (DESs) were described at the beginning of 21st century and they consist of a mixture of two or more solid components, which gives rise to a lower melting point compared to the starting materials. Over the years, DESs have proved to be a promising alternative to traditional organic solvents and ionic liquids (ILs) due to their low volatility, low inflammability, easy preparation, and usually low cost of compounds...
Green and Sustainable Membranes: A review
PublikacjaMembranes are ubiquitous tools for modern water treatment technology that critically eliminate hazardous materials such as organic, inorganic, heavy metals, and biomedical pollutants. Nowadays, nano-membranes are of particular interest for myriad applications such as water treatment, desalination, ion exchange, ion concentration control, and several kinds of biomedical applications. However, this state-of-the-art technology suffers...
Synteza, struktura chemiczna i właściwości bezizocyjanianowych poliuretanów otrzymywanych z wykorzystaniem CO2 oraz surowców pochodzenia naturalnego.
PublikacjaZ uwagi na wciąż rosnącą świadomość proekologiczną, politykę zrównoważonego rozwoju, a także nurt zielonej chemii wiodącym trendem w przemyśle tworzyw sztucznych jest poszukiwanie alternatywnych metod otrzymywania materiałów polimerowych. Komercyjnie poliuretany otrzymywane są w wyniku reakcji poliaddycji di- lub poliizocyjanianów z poliolami i małocząsteczkowymi przedłużaczami łańcucha. Z uwagi na niekorzystne właściwości diizocyjanianów,...
Preparation of environmental samples for gas chromatographic determination of selected organic pollutants
PublikacjaOpisano różne metody izolacji i wzbogacania zanieczyszczeń organicznych z ciekłych, gazowych i stałych próbek środowiskowych. Opisano konstrukcję i testowanie nowych systemów do przygotowania próbek oraz ich zastosowanie w połączeniu z chromatografią gazową do oznaczania zanieczyszczeń organicznych w póbkach rzeczywistych.
Application of multivariate statistics in assessment of green analytical chemistry parameters of analytical methodologies
PublikacjaThe study offers a multivariate statistical analysis of a dataset, including the major metrological, “greenness” and methodological parameters of 43 analytical methodologies applied for aldrin determination (a frequently analyzed organic compound) in water samples. The variables (parameters) chosen were as follows: metrological (LOD, recovery, RSD), describing the “greenness” (amount of the solvent used, amount of waste generated)...
Estimating the Impact of Inflow on the Chemistry of Two Different Caldera Type Lakes Located on the Bali Island (Indonesia)
PublikacjaThis paper is a preliminary attempt to assess the composition of pollutants in two different caldera lakes situated in the Indonesian Archipelago: Batur and Bratan. Both lakes are characterized by largely different physico-chemical regimes; Batur Lake is located in an area that is currently volcanically active, unlike Bratan Lake. The latter is much smaller and shallower than Batur Lake. The concentration of pollutants in the Indonesian...
Determination of carbamazepine in urine and water samples using amino-functionalized metal–organic framework as sorbent
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Magnetic organic xerogels: efficient adsorbents for the removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions
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Elemental and water-insoluble organic carbon in Svalbard snow: a synthesis of observations during 2007–2018
PublikacjaLight-absorbing carbonaceous aerosols emitted by biomass or fossil fuel combustion can contribute to amplifying Arctic climate warming by lowering the albedo of snow. The Svalbard archipelago, being near to Europe and Russia, is particularly affected by these pollutants, and improved knowledge of their distribution in snow is needed to assess their impact. Here we present and synthesize new data obtained on Svalbard between 2007...
The effect of morphology and crystalline structure of Mo/MoO3 layers on photocatalytic degradation of water organic pollutants
PublikacjaMolybdenum oxide layers were formed by anodization of the Mo metallic foil in a water/ethylene glycol-based electrolyte containing fluoride ions. The as-prepared, amorphous samples were annealed in air at different temperatures in a range from 100 �C to 700 �C. The crystal phase and morphology of anodized and annealed MoO3 layers were investigated using X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The...
Applications of metal organic framework adsorbents for pipette-tip micro solid-phase extraction
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Experimental evidence of the excited-state mixing in the blue emitter for organic light-emitting diodes
PublikacjaHigh hopes have been placed on organic emitters, which are supposed to solve the problem of low stability of blue OLEDs. A peculiar phenomenon of thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF), which brought such emitters to the range of the top-studied materials for organic optoelectronics within the last decade, remains poorly understood. Here, we report the results of comprehensive photophysical studies of one of the most successful...
Testing and sampling devices for monitoring volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in indoor air
PublikacjaAdults spend most of their time in enclosed spaces (e.g., apartment, office and public buildings). According to research conducted by scientists, air quality indoors is much worse than the ambient air quality outdoors. Hazardous chemicals found in air indoors can adversely affect the functioning of the human body and cause many respiratory and circulatory diseases. Harmful chemical compounds (mainly volatile organic compounds and...
Adsorption of a Four-Component Mixture of Volatile Organic Compound Vapors on Modified Activated Carbons
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Kinga Kaniewska-Laskowska dr inż.
OsobyWykształcenie Studia I stopnia - inżynierskie, kierunek CHEMIA 2013: Politechnika Gdańska, Wydział Chemiczny, Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej Tytuł pracy inżynierskiej: „Kompleksy żelaza z ligandami fosfinidenowymi” Promotor: dr hab. inż. Rafał Grubba Studia II stopnia - magisterskie, kierunek TECHNOLOGIA CHEMICZNA, spec. Technologia Organiczna 2014: Politechnika Gdańska, Wydział Chemiczny, Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej Tytuł pracy...
Degradacja związków organicznych w środowisku. Degradation of organic compounds in the environment
PublikacjaZwiązki organiczne w zależności od elementu środowiska, w jakim występują (gleba, osady denne, wody powierzchniowe i gruntowe), mogą ulegać - pod wpływem rozmaitych procesów chemicznych, fizycznych, biologicznych czy też foto-chemicznych - różnorakim przemianom. Przedstawiono drogi degradacji wybranych trwałych zanieczyszczeń organicznych w różnych warunkach. Omówiono problem pojawiania się produktów pośrednich w czasie degradacji...
Review on mechanisms and efficiency of removal of microbiological contaminants in constructed wetlands
PublikacjaConstructed wetlands (CW) have been considered as a waste and a stormwater treatment systems for small communities or for areas with unsteady sewage flow conditions. Several investigations were undertaken for estimation suspended solids, organic matter and nutrients efficiency removal but only few focused on retention of microorganisms in constructed wetlands. In this review mechanisms of elimination of viruses, indicator bacteria...
Hydrophobic (deep) eutectic solvents (HDESs) as extractants for removal of pollutants from water and wastewater – A review
PublikacjaDeep eutectic solvents (DESs) are a new generation of solvents that attracted increasing attention in diverse applications. In last years, growing number of studies on hydrophobic (deep) eutectic solvents (HDESs) as an alternative extractants for various chemicals from aqueous environments have been reported. This article provides an overview on the usage of HDESs in liquid–liquid extraction (LLE) of different pollutants from water...
A giant 2-dimensional dielectric response in a compressed hydrogen-bonded hybrid organic–inorganic salt
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The Comparison of Typical Organic Solvents and Ionic Liquid for More Environmentally and User-Friendly Pyocyanin Extraction
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Main complications connected with detection, identification and determination of trace organic constituents in complex matrix samples
PublikacjaIt is well known that some problems with the determination of organic analytes at trace level can occur. This issue is connected with contamination during each stage of the analytical procedure from sampling to sample preparation up to chromatographic analysis, which often leads to false-positive or overestimated results. Another problem associated with determination of analytes occurs at trace- and ultra-trace level is a background...
Developments in ultrasound-assisted microextraction techniques for isolation and preconcentration of organic analytes from aqueous samples
PublikacjaThe great potential of ultrasonic assistance in sample preparation, especially extraction, is being recognized. In this review, we discuss the applications of ultrasonic radiation in assisting microextraction. Topics covered include ultrasound-assisted emulsification microextraction, ultrasound-assisted-emulsification-dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction, and ultrasound-assisted hollow-fiber liquid-phase microextraction with...
Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in atmospheric air. Part I. On-line gas analyzers
PublikacjaThe paper reviews the subject literature concerning the analytical instruments routinely used for monitoring volatile organic compounds in atmospheric air. The analyzers are classified as stationary or mobile according to their ease of transport. Stationary DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) analyzer is characterized, as are MIMS (Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry), MESI (Membrane Extraction with Sorbent...
Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in atmospheric air. Part II. Sample collection and preparation
PublikacjaThe paper reviews literature information on air sampling techniques commonly used for monitoring volatile organic compounds (VOCs) levels in atmospheric air. It describes containers for collecting samples of atmospheric air, such as vacuum canisters and bags made from synthetic materials. It discusses dynamic, passive and denudational techniques for sampling analytes from air combining isolation with preliminary enrichment, and...
Investigation on structural, optical and anti-bacterial properties of organic additives iron oxide prepared by chemical route method
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Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Urine
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Evaluation of polycaprolactone as a new sorbent coating for determination of polar organic compounds in water samples using membrane–SPME
PublikacjaCommercially available solid-phase microextraction fibers used for isolation of polar analytes are based on the adsorption phenomenon. In consequence, typical limitations bonded with analytes displacement and matrix effects are very frequent. In the present study, alternative solution is described. Polycaprolactone (PCL) was used for the first time as sorbent to isolate polar organic compounds from water samples using the membrane–solid-phase...
Automated analyser for monitoring trace amounts of volatile chloro-organic compounds in recirculated industrial water
PublikacjaOpisano konstrukcję oraz badania laboratoryjne modelu nowego automatycznego analizatora śladowych ilości lotnych związków chlorowco-organicznych w wodzie do celów przemysłowych (o wysokiej czystości). Praca analizatora oparta jest na: - przeciwprądowym ciągłym wypłukiwaniu analitów ze strumienia próbki, - okresowym zatrzymywaniu uwolnionych analitów na złożu sorbenta, - desorpcji termicznej, - oznaczaniu sumy związków chlorowco-organicznych...
Direct QSPR: the most efficient way of predicting organic carbon/water partition coefficient (log K OC) for polyhalogenated POPs
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New approach based on solid-phase extraction for the assessment of organic compound pollutions in so-called pharmaceutically pure water
PublikacjaOpisano mozliwość zastosowania nowej procedury analitycznej opartej na wykorzystaniu techniki ekstrakcji do fazy stałej (na etapie izolacji i wzbogacania analitów) do oznaczania śladowych ilości zanieczyszczeń organicznych w wodzie specjalnej czystości używanej do celów farmaceutycznych.Próbka badanej wody jest przepuszczana przez złoże sorbenta, które jest osuszane za pomocą strumienia oczyszczonego powietrza, przed etapem termicznej...
Experimental and Theoretical Screening for Green Solvents Improving Sulfamethizole Solubility
PublikacjaSolubility enhancement of poorly soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients is of crucial importance for drug development and processing. Extensive experimental screening is limited due to the vast number of potential solvent combinations. Hence, theoretical models can offer valuable hints for guiding experiments aimed at providing solubility data. In this paper, we explore the possibility of applying quantum-chemistry-derived...
Nonconventional 1,8-Diazafluoren-9-One Aggregates for Green Light Enhancement in Hybrid Biocompatible Media
PublikacjaOrganic aggregates currently play a prominent role, mainly for their unique optoelectronic properties in the aggregated state. Such properties can be related to the aggregates’ structure and the molecular packing mode. In the literature, we have well-established models of H and J aggregates defined based on the molecular exciton model. However, unconventional aggregates, the most unrecognized forms, have been generating interest...