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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE

  • Selfish Attacks in Two-Hop IEEE 802.11 Relay Networks: Impact and Countermeasures


    In IEEE 802.11 networks, selfish stations can pursue a better quality of service through selfish MAC-layer attacks. Such attacks are easy to perform, secure routing protocols do not prevent them, and their detection may be complex. Two-hop relay topologies allow a new angle of attack: a selfish relay can tamper with either source traffic, transit traffic, or both. We consider the applicability of selfish attacks and their variants...

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  • A Cross-Team Collaborative Evaluation of a CRM System


    - Rok 2013

    This paper presents an analysis of an usability evaluation a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) performed by a team composed of external usability experts jointly with a CRM staff. The evaluation process differed from a classical scheme known from former projects, including some new elements resulting from a specific context of this study. These novel elements resulted in reshaping the role of the CRM system and considering...

  • The analysis of turbine propulsion systems in nuclear submarines


    The article systematises submarines, which are presently in service, according to their propulsion types (both conventional and nuclear), power output, and submersion depth. Contemporary types of propulsion systems installed and used in submarines are discussed. Calculations were performed for the PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor) type nuclear propulsion system and the supercritical turbine propulsion system (supercritical reactor...

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  • Parallelization of Compute Intensive Applications into Workflows based on Services in BeesyCluster


    - Rok 2011

    The paper presents an approach for modeling, optimization and execution of workflow applications based on services that incorporates both service selection and partitioning of input data for parallel processing by parallel workflow paths. A compute-intensive workflow application for parallel integration is presented. An impact of the input data partitioning on the scalability is presented. The paper shows a comparison of the theoretical...

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  • Asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA) method

    A new method for a location service in the asynchronous wireless sensor networks is outlined. This method, which is called asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA), enables calculation of the position of a mobile node without knowledge of relative time differences (RTDs) between measuring sensors. The ATDOA method is based on the measurement of time difference of arrival between the node and the same sensor at the discrete...

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  • Law regulation in Poland related to biofuels


    The situation in the area of using biofuels in transport mostly the law aspects was presented and discussed. In Poland there are various legal issues with biofuel production, examination and use. These include among the others: quality inspection, production costs and market prices of biofuels, forms of public and legal service for biofuel producers or programs of biofuels promotion. In order to popularise biofuels it is significant...

  • Service Recommendation on WIKI-WS Platform


    - TASK Quarterly - Rok 2015

    The article presents the issues of recaommendation services for users. The commonly used solutions include known classes of recommendation systems and information about their area of use and the most frequently used algorithms. the issue of choosing the services has been described based on the Wiki-WS platform including a model of cooperation with the recommendation system. The conclusion from the analysis of the proposed model...

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  • Mowa nienawiści (hate speech) a odpowiedzialność dostawców usług internetowych w orzecznictwie sądów europejskich


    - Rok 2015

    The article analyses the phenomenon of hate speech in the Internet contrasted with the problem of responsability of Internet Service Providers for cases of such abuses of freedom of expression. The text provides an analysis of jurisprudence of two European Courts. On the one hand it presents the position of the European Court of Human Rights on the problem of hate speech: its definition and the liability for it as an exception...

  • Skarby Menonitów - polsko-holenderskie warsztaty naukowe


    Skarby Menonitów - polsko-holenderskie warsztaty naukowe- sprawozdanie z badań terenowych. Przedstawienie tematyki i zakresu polsko-holenderskich warsztatów naukowych dotyczących dziedzictwa kulturowego Żuław. Warsztaty SKARB MENONITÓW przeprowadzone w ramach międzynarodowych badań naukowych od 22 do 27 września 2008 roku w gminie Cedry Wielkie przy współpracy Wydziału Architektury Politechniki , National Service for Archeology,...

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  • Evaluation of multimedia applications in a cluster oriented environment

    In the age of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Web and the Internet have changed significantly the way applications are developed, deployed and used. One of recent trends is modern design of web-applications based on SOA. This process is based on the composition of existing web services into a single scenario from the point of view of a particular user or client. This allows IT companies to shorten product time-to-market....

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  • Knowledge management implementation in small and micro KIBS : A categorization


    - Knowledge and Process Management - Rok 2023

    he main goal of the paper is to provide a statistical categorization of small and micro knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) companies, based on their knowledge management (KM) attitude. Since knowledge is the main production factor and output of these companies, it is essential to achieve a better understanding of how they manage this resource. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted on a sample of Polish small and micro...

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  • Badanie jakości sieci komórkowych w przededniu technologii 5G na wybranym przykładzie

    Wraz z rosnącą popularnością i dostępnością urządzeń mobilnych, zwiększa się liczba abonentów w sieci. Fakt ten prowadzi do wzrostu świadomości użytkowników, pod kątem jakości treści, które konsumują. Wielu dostawców usług oraz operatorów skupia swoje działania na monitorowaniu parametrów jakościowych QoN (Quality of Network) i QoS (Quality of Service). Niniejsza praca przed-stawia wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na terenie kampusu...

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  • CEE Trade in Services: Value-Added Versus Gross Terms Approaches

    This article assesses the impact of the determinants of service exports in both value-added terms and gross terms for seven Central Eastern European economies in 1995–2011. The results confirm the importance of increasing labor productivity and highly skilled and medium-skilled workers in the growth of trade in services. Exports of services are also supported by linkages between domestic services, especially business services,...

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  • Performance of FAN conception of traffic control in IP QoS networks


    - Rok 2008

    In this paper we present the architectural implementation of Flow Aware Networking (FAN), a new approach for realizing QoS guarantees in the Internet. We also propose FAN traffic control algorithm which performs traffic control on flow level. Using the proposed FAN node model, we conduct simulation research to prove if FAN can be a new approach for realizing QoS guarantees. The basis of this research is finding a way to guarantee...

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  • Bezpieczeństwo transferu zestrukturalizowanych plików xml w sieci grid w oparciu o usługi web service poprzez protokół soap


    - Rok 2012

    Niezależny protokół SOAP (ang. Simple Object Access Protocol) działający głównie ponad protokołem HTTP (inne protokoły transportowe to np. MSMQ, MQ Series, SMTP lub TCP/IP) posiada na dzień dzisiejszy wiele rozwiązań dotyczących bezpieczeństwa transferu zestrukturalizowanych plików XML (ang. Extensible Markup Language). W rozdziale zaprezentowano sposoby zapobiegania nieautoryzowanym dostępom do danych przesyłanych w sieci grid...

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  • KOALA Graph Theory Internet Service

    KOALA has been created with the idea of C++ library templates, implementing a broad set of procedures in the fields of algorithmic graph theory and network problems in discreate optimization. During the C2NIWA project, a library has been greatly ectended, the code refactored and enclosed with the internet service available in the public repository of thr project. Today it contains interconnected educational materials in the form...

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  • Pollutants in Airport Runoff Waters

    Runoff waters from airport areas constitute a serious environmentalproblem. It is essential to monitor levels of pollutants emitted intothe environment and measure their toxicity on a continuous basis.The authors' aim was to critically review data on pollution fromaviation fuel combustion, aviation fuel spillage, the washing andcleaning of aircraft and airport service equipment, and the useof de-/anti-icing agents published in...

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  • A Reputation Scheme to Discourage Selfish QoS Manipulation in Two-Hop Wireless Relay Networks


    - Rok 2018

    In wireless networks, stations can improve their received quality of service (QoS) by handling packets of source flows with higher priority. Additionally, in cooperative relay networks, the relays can handle transit flows with lower priority. We use game theory to model a two-hop relay network where each of the two involved stations can commit such selfish QoS manipulation. We design and evaluate a reputation-based incentive scheme...

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  • Wiarygodna integracja systemów ESB oraz Web services

    W pracy przedstawiono problem wiarygodnej integracji aplikacji rozproszonych z wykorzystaniem technologii Enterprise Service Bus oraz Web services. Przeprowadzono badania trzech platform integracji serwisów: Sun Open ESB, Windows Workflow Foundation oraz Mule ESB wraz z najbardziej popularnymi serwerami Web services. Badania wykazały, że delkarowane i zaimplementowane możliwości współpracy w platformach integracji różnią się w...

  • Simultaneous handover scheme for IEEE 802.11 WLANs with IEEE 802.21 tiggers

    Handover performance in wireless networks is important, especially nowadays, when multimedia services are becoming increasingly available over the wireless devices. However, users expect uncompromised mobility when using the service. Thus, the support of multimedia services is not possible if handover is inefficient. At the same time it is clear that a strict separation between IP Layer and the Link Layer results in built-in sources...

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  • Determination of Failure Causes of a Steam Turbine Casing


    - Solid State Phenomena - Rok 2012

    The paper presents results of research and failure analysis undertaken to determine failure causes of a steam turbine casing. After 130,000 hours of service the crack in a outer shell of the turbine casing was found. The inner shell of the casing was made of cast steel grade G21CrMoV5-7, and the outer shell of grade G20CrMo4-5. Following research were performed in order to determine causes of the casing failure: chemical analysis;...

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  • Accuracy and Availability of EGNOS - Results of Observations


    According to SBAS concept the user should receive timely the correct information about the system integrity and corrections to the pseudoranges measurements, which leads to better accuracyof coordinates. In theory the whole system is permanently monitored by RIMS stations, so it is impossible to deliver the faulty information to the user. The quality of the system is guaranteed inside the border of the system coverage however in...

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  • Scalable Maintenance of Address Mapping and Autodetecion in Environments Where Agents are Uncapable of Self-Registration


    - Rok 2013

    When working with multi-agent systems it is often desirable to manage the agent set. The existing methods of central monitoring stems from two different fields of application. The first has its roots in in computer network monitoring, the other in mutli-agent simulation environments. Both approaches are not general enough to cater for loosely controlled environments, where the total agent population is not known and often fluctuating,...

  • SMAQ - A Semantic Model for Analitical Queries


    - Rok 2014

    While the Self-Service Business Intelligence (BI) becomes an important part of organizational BI solutions there is a great need for new tools allowing to construct ad-hoc queries by users with various responsibilities and skills. The paper presents a Semantic Model for Analytical Queries – SMAQ allowing to construct queries by users familiar with business events and terms, but being unaware of database or data warehouse concepts...

  • Situational Awareness Network for the Electric Power System: the Architecture and Testing Metrics

    The contemporary electric power system is highly dependent on Information and Communication Technologies which results in its exposure to new types of threats, such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) or Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. The most exposed components are Industrial Control Systems in substations and Distributed Control Systems in power plants. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the cyber security of...

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  • Analiza jakości transmisji treści audio-wideo w symulowanym łączu telekomunikacyjnym z wykorzystaniem techniki OFDM

    Wdrożenie niezawodnego systemu komunikacji audio-wideo przynosi wiele korzyści. Z uwagi na fakt, że ilość dostępnego pasma stale się kurczy, badacze koncentrują się na nowatorskich metodach transmisji. Obecnie technika OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) jest szeroko stosowana zarówno w mediach przewodowych, jak i bezprzewodowych. W pracy przedstawiono badania jakości QoS (Quality of Service) symulowanego łącza transmisji...

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  • Criteria for evaluation and selection of the best offer for the Contract Engineer service

    The purpose of the legal regulations regarding public procurement in EU countries is to ensure effective funds' spending. When assessing and selecting the best offer, the contracting entities have at their disposal many different criteria, including non-price criteria. Their proper selection and application is necessary to ensure the high quality of the ordered product, delivery or service. Making an order for intellectual services,...

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  • Effect of pavement roughness and vehicle dynamic loads on decrease of fatigue life of flexible pavements


    - Rok 2018

    Due to the fact that pavement surfaces are not ideally even, dynamic loads of vehicle axles deviate from static loads. Higher dynamic loads contribute to faster pavement distress. The distribution of dynamic loads is similar to normal distribution and can be described by static load and factors DI (dynamic impact) and DLC (dynamic load coefficient). With the deterioration of pavement condition its evenness decreases as well and...

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  • Design Methodology for Small Passenger Ships On the Example of the Ferryboat Motława 2 Driven by Hybrid Propulsion System

    Dynamic development in practically all elds of science and engineering has not passed over shipbuilding . In last years , engineers got to their use computer soware which makes it possible to perform strength and hydrodynamic calculations as well as to visualize design projects in 3 D space [1-4]. At their disposal they have full spectrum of modern solutions associated with the use of advanced materials and technologies [5-7]....

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  • Application of Multivariate Analysis Methods in Welding Engineering

    Phenomena and processes taking place during welding are usually very complex and, for this reason, should be described using multivariate methods. The article discusses the methodological basis and selected application areas as regards the solving of welding problems using statistical multivariate methods. In addition, the article presents exemplary applications of the design of experiment, multiple regression analysis, cluster...

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  • State of the Art of Automated Buses

    • J. Ainsalu
    • V. Arffman
    • M. Bellone
    • M. Ellner
    • T. Haapamäki
    • N. Haavisto
    • E. Josefson
    • A. Ismailogullari
    • E. Pilli-sihvola
    • O. Madland... i 13 innych

    - Sustainability - Rok 2018

    Urban transportation in the next few decades will shift worldwide towards electrification and automation, with the final aim of increasing energy efficiency and safety for passengers. Such a big change requires strong collaboration and efforts among public administration, research and stakeholders in developing, testing and promoting these technologies in the public transportation. Working in this direction, this work provides...

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  • Perspektywy rozowju elastycznych systemów produkcyjnych nowej generacji


    - Rok 2007

    Niniejszy artykuł pokazuje zmainy paradygmatu projektowania i eksploatacji elastycznych systemów produkcyjnych, na przykładzie róznych modeli systemów nowej generacji NGMS (next Genaeration Manufacturing System). Dokonano analizy prównawczej wybranych rozwiazań w przedmiotowym obszarze, formułując prognozy rozwojowe w oparciu o zaproponowane megatrendy rozwojowe: miniaturyzacji, sieciowości (networking), (microfactory) oraz wskazano...

  • A Novel Multicast Architecture of Programmable Networks


    - Rok 2015

    In the paper a multicast architecture for programmable networks based on separation of group management and network control tasks is proposed. Thanks to this separation, services which want to make use of multicast communications no longer have to implement low-level network functionalities and their operation is greatly simplified. Abstracting service’s view of the network into a fully connected cloud enables us to transparently...

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  • Logistics aspects in the group of health care accreditation standards associated with patient nutrition


    - Logistyka - Rok 2014

    Medical services are currently one of the more popular branches of the service sector, both in Poland and worldwide. Along with direct impact on human health and life, they have influence on the necessity of constant search for forms of their improvement. Actions taken for improvement of health services quality are implemented with diversity, both as an obligatory action imposed in all medical services units, as well as, actions...

  • Centers of Excellence - initial conception


    In literature, the most basic definition of centers of excellence is " CoE is a team of people that promote collaboration and use best practices around a specific focus area to drive business result". More broadly, center of excellence is defined as " a premier organization providing an exceptional product or service in an assigned sphere of expertise and within a specific field of technology, business, or government, consistent...

  • Ontology-Driven Rule-Based Model for an Extension of Information Technology Infrastructure Library Processes


    The aim of this study is to present the stages for building a development model to create information technology (IT) systems for IT service providers. In order to ensure the consistency of the model, a novel solution is proposed where the stages of the model's construction are controlled using ontologies dedicated to the ITIL standard. In this article, a description of models used to assess the provider organization, with particular...

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    - Rok 2016

    WORK OBJECTIVES:  To examine whether and to what extent a company's presence in Google Search mobile results, and Google Maps service search results, affects pharmacies' acquisition of new consumers   RESEARCH QUESTIONS: Does the presence of pharmacies in Google MyBusiness increase the number of their customers ? Is the increase in the...

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  • Resilience of 5G Mobile Communication Systems to Massive Disruptions


    - Rok 2020

    This chapter discusses vital techniques to enhance the resilience of 5G systems. It starts with dependability assessment of 5G networks. Next, it describes (a) the frequency fallback technique to improve availability and survivability of 5G services, (b) segment interleaving scheme to enhance communications resilience between base stations and the remaining part of the network and (c) multi-operator protection to address the resilience...

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  • Effective Decision-Making in Supply Chain Management

    Proper decision-making in Supply Chain Management (SCM) is crucial for an appropriately functioning mechanisms. The paper presents how IT technologies can impact on an organization and process realization. Especially Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) standard and the Cloud Computing (CC) paradigms are taken into account. A general model of decision-making is proposed and based on a specific practical example is analyzed using...

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  • Communication Networks in the Service of the Environmental Monitoring

    In the paper selected issues relating to communication networks in the services of the environmental monitoring (EM) have been described. It is divided into three main parts: introduction, wire and wireless networks. At the beginning of the basic definitions were explained. The wire part focuses on a plain old telephone service (POTS), an integrated services digital network (ISDN), a digital subscriber line (DSL) and a fiber-optic...

  • Application of Barkhausen effect in the impact assessment of welding to internal stress distribution in steel


    - Rok 2016

    The paper presents identification method of internal stresses in plane steel elements in the chase of deliverance and welding assembly. The assessment was made by means of a non-destructive experimental method based on measurements incorporating local external magnetic field and the measurement of induced voltage, including Barkhausen noise. This method allows a degradation assessment due to internal and external actions, causing...

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  • Application of Barkhausen effect in the impact assessment of welding to internal stress distribution in steel


    - Rok 2016

    The paper presents identification method of internal stresses in plane steel elements in the chase of deliverance and welding assembly. The assessment was made by means of a non-destructive experimental method based on measurements incorporating local external magnetic field and the measurement of induced voltage, including Barkhausen noise. This method allows a degradation assessment due to internal and external actions, causing...

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  • Global Value Chains and Wages: International Evidence from Linked Worker-Industry Data


    Using a rich dataset on over 110,000 workers from nine European countries and the USA we study the wage response to industry dependence on foreign value added. We estimate a Mincerian wage model augmented with an input-output interindustry linkages measure accounting for task heterogeneity across workers. Low and mediumeducated workers and those performing routine tasks experience (little) wage decline due to major dependency of...

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  • Evaluation of Workflow Runtime Platforms in Service Composition


    - Rok 2012

    Typically, workflow applications are constructed from basic functionalities that may be realized by alternative services deployed in heterogeneous runtime platforms. Depending on workflow structure and selection of services, the applications differ in attributes such as price, Quality of Service (QoS) and others. In the paper, we propose a method of evaluation of workflow runtime platforms using Data Envelopment Analysis. We present...

  • Architecture of ecumenical spaces in public buildings in the 21st century: Links among the architecture of multi-faith spaces, their names, and the functions they serve in Polish airports

    This study explores the architecture and arrangement of prayer spaces in public buildings. It examines whether Polish airports have prayers spaces and whether a correlation exists between the name (e.g., “multi-faith space,” “place of prayer,” and “place of focus”) and design. The study is supported by analyses of ecumenical spaces, which have recently been brought into service andwhere a visible symbiosis exists between their...

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  • GeoSPAR Project. Validation and selection methods of geoinformation analysis using GIS for ranking and forecasting of terrorist threats and criminal events


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2013

    The paper presents the description of work activities which have already been done within the first two stages – WorkPackage 1 and WorkPackage 2 - of the GeoSPAR Project. In such a context the general conceptual design of the GIS system and associate web service was presented and analysed. In addition, the operational and technical requirements for the GeoSPAR system have been specified and discussed; with special emphasis on system...

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  • Effect of Overloaded Vehicles on Whole Life Cycle Cost of Flexible Pavements


    - Rok 2018

    The phenomenon of vehicle overloading—illegal exceeding of maximum legal weight of vehicles, is a serious problem both in developing and developed countries around the world. Overloaded vehicles occur less frequently in comparison to properly loaded vehicles but due to their greater potential to cause damage they significantly contribute to distress of pavement structure. As studies show, the number of overloaded vehicles increases...

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  • Knowledge‐Intensive Business Services (KIBS) and Their Role in the Knowledge‐Based Economy


    - Rok 2013

    The importance of the knowledge‐intensive business services sector for the development of the economy is growing. In the 80s and 90s this sector became the fastest growing sector in the OECD countries (OECD, 2001). Many publications stress its close relationship to the levels of innovation and performance of the whole economy (e.g. Hipp, 1999; Tomlinson, 1999; Aslesen and Isaksen, 2007). It is an increasingly common belief that...

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  • The effects of relational and psychological capital on work engagement: the mediation of learning goal orientation



    Purpose – This paper proposes a research model in which learning goal orientation (LGO) mediates the impacts of relational capital and psychological capital (PsyCap) on work engagement. Design/methodology/approach – Data obtained from 475 managers and employees in the manufacturing and service industries in Poland were utilized to assess the linkages given above. Common method variance was controlled by the unmeasured latent method...

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  • D-loop sequences retrieved from Canis lupus familiaris mitochondrial genome

    Dane Badawcze
    open access
    • K. Kowal
    • B. Ślaska
    • A. Tkaczyk-Wlizło

    Canine mitochondrial genome is built of 16727 bp. Non-coding control region (mtCR), called also D-loop, begins with 15458 nucleotide and ends with 16727 nucleotide. The length of this fragment is 1270 bp (Kim et al., 1998). D-loop region is responsible for replication and transcription of mitochondrial DNA. Mutations that occur within it may cause irregularity...