Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: chemical synthesis
Consequences of New Approach of Chemical Stability Tests of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)
PublikacjaThere is a great need of broaden look on stability tests of active pharmaceuticalingredients (APIs) in comparison with current requirements contained in pharmacopeia.By usage of many modern analytical methods the conception of monitoring the changesof APIs during initial stage of their exposure to harmful factors has been developed. Newknowledge must be acquired in terms of identification of each degradation...
Characterization of the Physical, Chemical, and Adsorption Properties of Coal-Fly-Ash–Hydroxyapatite Composites
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Identification of Novel Chemical Scaffolds Inhibiting Trypanothione Synthetase from Pathogenic Trypanosomatids
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Description of plants and assessment of chemical properties of three species from the Amelanchier genus
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Effect of substrate type on the field performance and chemical composition of highbush blueberry cv.Patriot
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Syntheses, structures and chemical properties of unsaturated oligo(alkylene-ester-ether)diols
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The Use of Chemical Sensors to Monitor Odour Emissions at Municipal Waste Biogas Plants
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Scaffolds Loaded with Dialdehyde Chitosan and Collagen—Their Physico-Chemical Properties and Biological Assessment
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Chemometric exploration of sea water chemical component data sets with missing elements
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Morphologic, Phylogenetic and Chemical Characterization of a Brackish Colonial Picocyanobacterium (Coelosphaeriaceae) with Bioactive Properties
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The Impact of Effective Microorganisms on Flesh Color and Chemical Composition of Raw Potato Tubers
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Influence of Hydrogenation on Morphology, Chemical Structure and Photocatalytic Efficiency of Graphitic Carbon Nitride
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Thermodynamics of Chemical Processes in the System of Nanocrystalline Iron–Ammonia–Hydrogen at 350 °C
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Physical, Chemical and Biological Changes in the Gulf of Gdańsk Ecosystem (Southern Baltic Sea).
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono fizyczne, chemiczne i biologiczne zmiany zachodzące w ekosystemie Zatoki Gdańskiej (Południowy Bałtyk. Opisano klimat (temp. wody, opady poziom morza, zasolenie), fluktuację stężeń związków biogennych (azotany,fosforany, krzemiany), poziom organicznych zanieczyszczeń (POP´s, PcB´, pestycydy, WWA) oraz zmiany w biologicznym życiu morza.
Elimination of the chemical and microbiological pollutants in the modernized watewater treatment plant ''Wschód'' in Gdańsk.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki 2 letnich, kompleksowych badań efektywności zanieczyszczeń chemicznych, mikrobiologicznych i parazytologicznych w zmodernizowanej oczyszczalni ścieków ''Wschód'' w Gdańsku. Oceniono wpływ funkcjonowania układu generowania lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych na skuteczność usuwania związków biogennych oraz jego oddziaływanie na eliminację zanieczyszczeń biologicznych z oczyszczonych ścieków
Centre of Excellence in Envirinmental Analysis and Monitoring at the Chemical Faculty of the Gdańsk University of Technology.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono działalność Centrum (CEEAM) utworzonego 01.01.2003 na Wydziale Chemicznym PG. Opisano cel powstania, zrealizowane zadania i plany.
Chemical Origins of Optically Addressable Spin States in Eu2(P2S6) and Eu2(P2Se6)
PublikacjaLanthanide materials with a 4f7 electron configuration (8S7/2) offer an exciting system for realizing multiple addressable spin states for qubit design. While the 8S7/2 ground state of 4f7 free ions displays an isotropic character, breaking degeneracy of this ground state and excited states can be achieved through local symmetry of the lanthanide and the choice of ligands. This makes Eu2+ attractive as it mirrors Gd3+ in exhibiting...
Balance of pesticides mass in gas, liquid and solid phase after their chemical degradation.
PublikacjaOpisano metodę usuwania pestycydów z wody przy zastosowaniu fotodegradacji (UV) i katalizatora (TiO2). Efektywność procesu usuwania pestycydów była kontrolowana przy zastosowaniu chromatografu gazowego z detektorem wychwytu elektronów. Oznaczano zawartość pestycydów w wodzie, a także zaadsorbowanych na powierzchni stałej, oraz w fazie gazowej. Największa zawartość pestycydów znajdowała się na fazie stałej, następnie w cieczy i...
Characteristics, Chemical Modification Processes as well as the Application of Silica and its Modified Forms
PublikacjaThe variety of chemical modifications of the surface of silica and its modified forms cause thesematerials to find a consistently wider scope of application. In the publication, the characteristicsof silica, silica gel, aerogel and xerogel are presented. The obtainment, application and propertiesof these materials are discussed. Methods of chemical modifications of surface structures withthe use of different chemical compounds...
Effect of chemical composition and microstructure on mechanical properties of BA1055 bronze sand castings.
PublikacjaW pracy wykazano, że nawet małe zmiany w składzie chemicznym brązu aluminiowego BA1055 mają istotny wpływ na strukturę i właściwości mechaniczne odlewów. Określono wpływ wydzieleń międzymetalicznej fazy κ na właściwości odlewów z brązu BA1055 stosowanego na pędniki okrętowe.
Chemical, thermal and laser processes in recycling of photovoltaic silicon solar cells and modules
PublikacjaIn recent years, photovoltaic power generation systems have been gaining unprecedented attention as an environmentally beneficial method to solve the energy problem. From the economic point of view the pure silicon, which can be recapture from the used cells, is the most important material due to its cost and shortage. In the paper selected methods of used or damaged module and cells recycling and experimental results are presented....
Determination of the chemical structure of potencial organic impurities occuring in the drug substance opopramol
PublikacjaThe tricyclic antipsychotic and antidepressant drug opipramol was examined with regard to the chemical structure of its organic impurities. Impurities were isolated from the technical product by chromatographic methods and their chemical structures were estabilished by HMNR, MS and FTIR.
Raman Spectra Measurements for Chemical Identifications - Aspect of Uncertainty Sources and Reduction of Their Effects
PublikacjaRaman spectrometers enable fast and non-contact identification of examined chemicals. These devices measure Raman spectra and compare with the spectra database to identify unknown and often illicit chemicals (e.g. drugs, explosives) usually without any sample preparation. Raman spectra measurements are a challenge due to noise and interferences present outside the laboratories (field applications). The design of a portable Raman...
Optical and chemical characterization of thin TiNx films deposited by DC-magnetron sputtering
PublikacjaThin titanium nitride (tinx) films were deposited on silicon substrates by means of a reactive dc-magnetron plasma. Layers were synthesized under various conditions of discharge power and nitrogen flows in two operation modes of the magnetron (the so-called "balanced" and "unbalanced" modes). The optical constants of the tinx films were investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry (se). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps) was...
Study of Phase and Chemical Composition of Bi1-xNdxFeO3 Powders Derived by Pressureless Sintering
PublikacjaIn the present paper studies on Bi1xNdxFeO3 for x =0.1-0.4 are reported. The mixed oxide method followed with pressureless sintering was employed for ceramics fabrication. Thermal behavior of stoichiometric mixtures of simple oxide powders, viz. Bi2O3, Nd2O3 and Fe2O3 was studied by simultaneous thermal analysis. It was found that with an increase in neodymium content the weight loss increased from 0.75% to 3.16% for x =0.1 and...
A novel luminescent chemical sensor for the determination of Pb 2+ and Cu 2+ ions
PublikacjaSilica xerogel surface grafted with aminopropyl (PrNH2) groups was additionally treated by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) surfactant and ascorbic acid (asc) in alkaline solution. This material symbolized as SiO2-PrNH2-CTAB/asc, proved to be a stable luminescent material, exhibited an emission band peaked at 393 nm under excitation wavelength 335 nm. Time evolution of the band intensity suggests changes of defect concentration...
Phytoplankton communities of polar regions–Diversity depending on environmental conditions and chemical anthropopressure
PublikacjaThe polar regions (Arctic and Antarctic) constitute up to 14% of the biosphere and offer some of the coldest and most arid Earth's environments. Nevertheless several oxygenic phototrophs including some higher plants, mosses, lichens, various algal groups and cyanobacteria, survive that harsh climate and create the base of the trophic relationships in fragile ecosystems of polar environments. Ecosystems in polar regions are characterized...
Chapter 11 – Application of Chemical Sensors and Sensor Matrixes to Air Quality Evaluation
PublikacjaIndoor and outdoor air quality is one of the key factors influencing human health. However, air quality evaluation is not easy task. Air is a complex system, which is subjected to changes even within short period of time. Progress in analytical methods and analytical tools provides increasingly more reliable information on the condition and quality of indoor and outdoor air. This progress, however, generates an increase in the...
Chemical Derivatization Processes Applied to Amine Determination in Samples of Different Matrix Composition
PublikacjaAmines are important biological compounds, and so their analysis and monitoring in various matrices is worthy of investigation and development.Due to the polar nature of amines, chromatographic analysis of free amines is generally unsatisfactory owing to adsorption and decomposition of the solute on the column, resulting in peak tailing and losses. Therefore, many derivatization reactions are employed to reduce the polarity, improve...
PublikacjaThe article briefly describes the problem of air pollution caused by sea-going ships and the resulting restrictions on the emission of toxic and harmful chemical compounds in the exhaust of marine engines, introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) under the International Convention for the Prevention of Sea Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78). Such emissions provide a significant metrological problem, not only...
Crystal structure, chemical bonding, and physical properties of layered AIrSn2 (A = Sr and Ba)
PublikacjaWe report the experimental and theoretical investigation of structure, chemical bonding interactions, and physical properties of new ternary stannides AIrSn2 (A = Sr and Ba). AIrSn2 (A = Sr and Ba) crystallizes in the orthorhombic Re3B-type structure with the space group Cmcm (No. 64). According to single-crystal X-ray diffraction results, the structure of AIrSn2 (A = Sr and Ba) can be considered as a Zintl-type compound with heterogeneous...
Pt-rich intermetallic APt8P2 (A = Ca and La)
PublikacjaThe combination of experimental and theoretical investigation of two new Pt-rich intermetallic compounds: APt8P2 (A = Ca and La) is presented, including solid-state synthesis, crystal structure determination, physical properties characterization and chemical bonding analysis. APt8P2 was obtained through the high-temperature pellet synthesis. According to both single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction results, APt8P2 crystallize...
Adsorption onto zeolites: molecular perspective
Publikacja2D minerals are among key elements of advanced systems, but the need for understanding their interactions/reactions with materials and systems in which they are involved necessitates tracking their molecular and atomic monitoring. Zeolitic structures are microporous materials formed in the nature through volcanic activities or synthesis. Because of their outstanding physicochemical properties like cation exchange capacity and excellent...
Synthesis of Cyano-Benzylidene Xanthene Synthons Using a Diprotic Brønsted Acid Catalyst, and Their Application as Efficient Inhibitors of Aluminum Corrosion in Alkaline Solutions
PublikacjaNovel cyano-benzylidene xanthene derivatives were synthesized using one-pot and condensation reactions. A diprotic Brønsted acid (i.e., oxalic acid) was used as an effective catalyst for the promotion of the synthesis process of the new starting xanthene–aldehyde compound. Different xanthene concentrations (ca. 0.1–2.0 mM) were applied as corrosion inhibitors to control the alkaline uniform corrosion of aluminum. Measurements were...
Study on the Structure-Property Dependences of Rigid PUR-PIR Foams Obtained from Marine Biomass-Based Biopolyol
PublikacjaThe paper describes the preparation and characterization of rigid polyurethane-polyisocyanurate (PUR-PIR) foams obtained with biopolyol synthesized in the process of liquefaction of biomass from the Baltic Sea. The obtained foams differed in the content of biopolyol in polyol mixture (0–30 wt%) and the isocyanate index (IISO = 200, 250, and 300). The prepared foams were characterized in terms of processing parameters (processing...
The Green Approach to the Synthesis of Bio-Based Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers with Partially Bio-Based Hard Blocks
PublikacjaBio-based polymeric materials and green routes for their preparation are current issues of many research works. In this work, we used the diisocyanate mixture based on partially bio-based diisocyanate origin and typical petrochemical diisocyanate for the preparation of novel bio-based thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers (bio-TPUs). We studied the influence of the diisocyanate mixture composition on the chemical structure, thermal,...
Cast polyurethanes obtained from reactive recovered polyol intermediates via crude glycerine decomposition process
PublikacjaIn this work, the possibility of applying intermediates from polyurethane waste recycling in polyurethane synthesis was presented. Polyurethanes were synthesised in a two-step method using a mixture of petrochemical polyol and glycerolysate, used as a reactive component, 4,4-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) and 1,4-buthanediol (BD). Glycerolysates were produced during decomposition of polyurethane elastomer by crude glycerine...
Towards Computer-Aided Graphene Covered TiO2-Cu/(CuxOy) Composite Design for the Purpose of Photoinduced Hydrogen Evolution
PublikacjaIn search a hydrogen source, we synthesized TiO2-Cu-graphene composite photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution. The catalyst is a new and unique material as it consists of copper-decorated TiO2 particles covered tightly in graphene and obtained in a fluidized bed reactor. Both, reduction of copper from Cu(CH3COO) at the surface of TiO2 particles and covering of TiO2-Cu in graphene thin layer by Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) were...
Biosynthetic and synthetic access to amino sugars.
PublikacjaAmino sugars are important constituents of a number of biomacromolecules and products of mi crobial secondary metabolism, including antibiotics. For most of them, the amino group is located at the positions C1, C2 or C3 of the hexose or pentose ring. In biological systems, amino sugars are formed due to the catalytic activity of specific aminotransferases or amidotransferases by introducing an amino functionality derived from L-glutamate...
3D porous graphene-based structures- synthesis and applications
PublikacjaPorous carbon-based materials are of the great industrial and academic interest due to their high surface area, low density, good electrical conductivity, chemical inertness and low cost of fabrication. Up to now, the main approach to obtain porous carbon structures has involved the pyrolysis of carbonaceous natural or synthetic precursors. After the isolation of graphene, the interest in 3D porous graphene-based structures (called...
Estimation of the expected effects of different surface modifications on mechanical, chemical and biological behaviour of endoprostheses
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono koncepcję nowej endoprotezy o szczególnie wysokiej odporności na zużycie i pękanie. Koncepcja zakada wytwarzanie wieloetapową obróbkę powierzchniową kompozytu metalowo-ceramicznego.
Physico-chemical properties of three-component mixtures based on chitosan, hyaluronic acid and collagen
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Effects of stressful physico-chemical factors on the fitness of the plant pathogenic bacterium Dickeya solani
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High resolution model for assessment of contamination by chemical warfare agents dumped in the Baltic Sea
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Chemical and Mechanical Pressure-Induced Photoluminescence Tuning via Structural Evolution and Hydrostatic Pressure
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Analysis of the application of selected physico-chemical methods in eliminating odor nuisance of municipal facilities
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BelBuk System—Smart Logistics for Sustainable City Development in Terms of the Deficit of a Chemical Fertilizers
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Chemical composition of edible aerial parts of meadow bistort (Persicaria bistorta (L.) Samp.)
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Matcha Green Tea: Chemical Composition, Phenolic Acids, Caffeine and Fatty Acid Profile
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