Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: water quality
Chemometric Evaluation of WWTPs’ Wastewaters and Receiving Surface Waters in Bulgaria
PublikacjaWastewater treatment plant (WWTP) installations are designed and operated to reduce the quantity of pollutants emitted to surface waters receiving treated wastewaters. In this work, we used classical instrumental studies (to determine chemicals and parameters under obligations put with Directive 91/271/EEC), ecotoxicological tools (Sinapis alba root growth inhibition (SA-RG) and Heterocypris incongruens mortality (MORT) and growth...
Integrated membrane bioreactors modelling: A review on new comprehensive modelling framework
PublikacjaIntegrated Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) models, combination of biological and physical models, have been representing powerful tools for the accomplishment of high environmental sustainability. This paper, produced by the International Water Association (IWA) Task Group on Membrane Modelling and Control, reviews the state-of-the-art, identifying gaps for future researches, and proposes a new integrated MBR modelling framework. In...
Treated wasetewater as a source of humic substances in surface waters
PublikacjaHumic substances impose substantial effect on the aquatic environment as well as the water organisms and human health. Among other features, the humic acids determine organoleptic properties of surface waters. Therefore explanation of the origin and properties of humic acids in surface waters is one of the priorities of water technology.Recently it was pointed out that in the wastewater treatment process organic compounds characterized...
Present state and future of wetland technology in environmental protection in Poland
Publikacja: Polish experience with implementation and operation of constructed wetland systems are presented. Wetland technology can be applied for the removal of contaminants from aerial sources, point sources and for utilization of sewage sludge.From 1994-2002 monitoring of three different facilities for water protection was carried out. Substantial im-provement of water quality after implementation of the facilities was observed.From...
Innovative Urban Blue Space Design in a Changing Climate: Transition Models in the Baltic Sea Region
PublikacjaWaterfront areas in cities are subject to constant changes. The desire to integrate the transformed waterside areas with the urban fabric involves shaping high-quality public spaces related to water, which are often referred to as urban blue spaces (UBS). The aim of the research was to examine the transformation processes of urban waterfront areas in the Baltic Sea Region and identify emerging transition models and types of blue...
Influence of selected additives and admixtures on underwater concrete and the environment
PublikacjaThe intensive civilization development has an influence on searching for new possibilities connected with extension of city agglomerations, both the areas of flat building and the industrial areas. One of the most interesting solution is to use water reservoirs, rivers and sea areas. The extension of buildings has an influence on building materials, especially hydrotechnical, which means development of production of hydrotechnical...
Modelling the impact of the agricultural holdings and land-use structure on the quality of inland and coastal waters with an innovative and interdisciplinary toolkit
PublikacjaThe changes taking place in the marine coastal zones are extremely important, as about 40% of the human population currently lives in the coastal areas (within 100 kilometres of the coastline) increasing anthropogenic pressure on the marine ecosystems. Agriculture is a significant source of nutrients to the marine environment that increase hypoxia, eutrophication and may pose a threat to the services provided by ecosystems. In...
Vapor correction of FTIR spectra – A simple automatic least squares approach
PublikacjaFTIR spectroscopy is one of the best techniques to study intermolecular interactions. However, such an application requires high quality spectra with as little noise as possible, which are often difficult to obtain. One of the main sources of unwanted interference is water vapor. Here a robust method is proposed for automatic, fast and reliable vapor correction of FTIR spectra. The presented least squares approach of vapor subtraction...
Zmiany składu chemicznego wód podziemnych na obszarze Żuław Wielkich w ujęciu historycznym i współcześnie
PublikacjaBadania hydrogeologiczne Żuław Wielkich koncentrują się na zasoleniu wód podziemnych. Od początku XX wieku do chwili obecnej obserwuje się wysokie stężenia chlorków, jonów amonowych i mineralizacji we wszystkich poziomach wodonośnych. Uznaje się, iż na przeważającym obszarze nie występują tu warstwy wodonośne o znaczeniu użytkowym, a zasoby wód podziemnych Żuław Wielkich są ograniczone. Przeprowadzone...
Implementation of advanced micropollutants removal technologies in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) - Examples and challenges based on selected EU countries
PublikacjaThe accumulation of micropollutants (MPs) and their increasing concentration in the aquatic environment are an emerging issue for water quality in the world. The complex web of exposure pathways, as well as the variety in the chemical structure and potency of MPs, represents enormous challenges for researchers and policy initiatives. In order to manage MPs, it has to be decided which of them have to be reduced and to what extent,...
Comparison of Average Energy Slope Estimation Formulas for One-dimensional Steady Gradually Varied Flow
PublikacjaTo find the steady flow water surface profile, it is possible to use Bernoulli’s equation, which is a discrete form of the differential energy equation. Such an approach requires the average energy slope between cross-sections to be estimated. In the literature, many methods are proposed for estimating the average energy slope in this case, such as the arithmetic mean, resulting in the standard step method, the harmonic mean and...
Revitalized Mill Island in Bydgoszcz - the identity of the place created by the Brda River and its tributary named Młynowka
PublikacjaMill Island in Bydgoszcz, Poland is an example of downtown public space where a meander of the Młynówka creates the identity of the area.Before 2005, the only outstanding local feature was the fact that its south and west ends resembled the Venetian canals. The way the other parts of Mill Island were managed was inappropriate for a downtown.A comprehensive revitalization programme is returning Mill Island public space to residents,...
The Role of Proteins in Food
PublikacjaThis chapter describes the effect of proteins on the sensory attributes and the biological value and safety of foods. The role of proteins depends on their amino acid composition and structure, on changes due to storage and processing, as well as on interactions with other food components. The effect on the sensory quality of foods is brought about by hydrophobicity, solubility, water holding capacity, gelling, film formation,...
Analiza parametrów płukania sieci wodociągowej metodą ukierunkowanego przepływu wody
PublikacjaEksperymenty prowadzone przez wiele lat podczas płukania sieci wodociągowej metodą jednokierunkowego przepływu wody umożliwiają weryfikację interakcji między jakością wypłukiwania nagromadzonych zanieczyszczeń oraz parametrami przepływu, liczbą cykli wymiany wody, a także zasięgiem płukania. Usuwanie zanieczyszczeń na początku przebiega zgodnie z szybko rosnącą krzywą, a następnie według funkcji malejącej. Taki przebieg jest spowodowany...
Recent Issues and Challenges in the Study of Inland Waters
PublikacjaThis paper addresses several important problems and methods related to studies of inland waters based on the existing scientific literature. The use of UAVs in freshwater monitoring is described, including recent contact and non-contact solutions. Due to a decline in biological diversity in many parts of the globe, the main threats are described together with a modern method for algae and cyanobacteria monitoring utilizing chlorophyll...
Quality of limes juices based on the aroma and antioxidant properties
PublikacjaKaffir (Citrus hystrix) and Key (Citrus aurantifolia) limes juices were investigated and compared. Two dimensional gas chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC-TOF-MS) was applied to assess the botanical origin of Kaffir and Key limes juices, based on volatile substances. The biggest differences in the contents of selected terpenes in Kaffir and Key limes occur in chemical compounds such as Limonene,...
PublikacjaThe use of biomass, especially waste biomass, as an alternative energy source is a very important issue today. Pyrolysis is a process of thermal degradation of raw material and one of its products is biochar. This product is mainly distinguished by its high carbon content, and by improving its quality through activation, it can be more widely used. Activated biocarbon has a strongly developed surface and porous structure, and as...
AI-Driven Sustainability in Agriculture and Farming
PublikacjaIn this chapter, we discuss the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in promoting sustainable agriculture and farming. Three main themes run through the chapter. First, we review the state of the art of smart farming and explore the transformative impact of AI on modern agricultural practices, focusing on its contribution to sustainability. With this in mind, our analysis focuses on topics such as data collection and storage, AI...
Preconcentration and Analytical Methods for Determination of Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether and Other Fuel Oxygenates and Their Degradation Products in Environment: A Review
PublikacjaFuel oxygenates (FOs) are mainly ethers or alcohols which are added to gasoline either to boost the octane number or to make the fuel burning process more "cleaner" with increasing the oxygen content, or to obtain a combination of both effects. FOs are water soluble with high mobility in the environment which presence even at very low concentrations lower the quality of water making it unsafe or unpleasant due to their objectionable...
Sea, River, Lake Ice Properties and Their Applications in Practices
PublikacjaThis Special Issue aims to highlight research articles focusing on the geographical scale of glacier and lake ice variations, as well as the engineering scale of ice properties and their practical applications via laboratory tests and numerical modeling. Additionally, it includes research on ecosystems under lake ice. The main goal is successfully achieved through the joint efforts of authors, anonymous reviewers, and editorial...
PublikacjaWaterborne transport is the cheapest, the safest and the least harmful to the natural environment. Restoring regular waterway cargo transport will require revitalisation of the existing trans-shipment and logistics infrastructure for commercial inland ports and building new. Transport policy makers must remember that waterborne transport is the most ecological type of transport. It produces only 10% of the gases emitted to the...
Study of Cloud Water Samples Collected over Northern Poland
PublikacjaThe paper gives the results of the first studies on the chemistry of cloud water collected during 3 mo (Aug.–Oct. 2010) in the free atmosphere over the area to the south of the Tri-City (Gdansk-Sopot-Gdynia) conurbation on the Gulf of Gdansk, Poland. Taken from cumulus, stratus, and stratocumulus clouds by means of an aircraft-mounted collector, the water samples were analyzed for the following contaminants: anions (chlorides,...
PublikacjaNowadays, occurrence of abnormal mineral or organic natural (geogenic) compounds concentrations, in ground and infiltration water, but also quite often in surface waters, is now a common problem encountered in Poland, Europe and many other countries throughout the world. The most concern is usually paid on the removal of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) as well as anthropogenic compounds (in particular referring to the organic compounds...
Nitrogen conversion during treatment of various type of wastewater in multistage treatment wetlands
PublikacjaThe objective of this investigation was to recognize nitrogen speciation during wastewater treatment in three multistage TWs (MTWs), which are assuming more a most effective in nitrogen removal than single stage TWs. Carried out investigations and analysis enable for determination of conditions, relationships and processes responsible for nitrogen conversions in subsequent stages of MTWs. In treated wastewater and reject water...
Bridging the gap between architectural and environmental engineering education in the context of climate change
PublikacjaIndicated in this article is the urgent need to adjust architectural education to the challenges triggered by climate change. Although reports on the future scenarios for cities are alarming, documents that set criteria for architectural education do not indicate competencies related to climate change adaptation and mitigation, mainly by avoiding environmental engineering considerations. An immediate answer to this problem could...
Analizy ilości i jakości odpływu wód deszczowych i roztopowych z kontrolowanej zlewni zurbanizowanej
PublikacjaIstotnym problemem Gdańska staje się bezpieczeństwo ekologiczne związane ze spływami miejskimi odprowadzanymi bezpośrednio do wód powierzchniowych, często akwenów użyteczności publicznej. W latach 2011÷2013, Katedra Hydrotechniki Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej, we współpracy z Wojewódzkim Funduszem Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Gdańsku oraz Gdańskimi Melioracjami, podjęła się wdrożenia...
Review on the quality of sediments from the stormwater drainage system in the urban area
PublikacjaThe main task of the stormwater drainage system is a safe drainage of rainwater and snowmelt from the urban area to the receiver. The flow of rain water in the drainage pipes is directly related with the formation of sediments in the whole stormwater system. In addition, pollutants from land runoff get adsorbed to the sediments. The sludge is mainly formed in those elements of stormwater drainage system, wherein the flow conditions...
Wstępna ocena wielkości stężeń związków azotu i fosforu odprowadzanych z wodami powierzchniowymi do Zatoki Puckiej z terenu gminy Puck
PublikacjaThe ferilizers used in agriculture negatively affect the surface and groundwater quality. The Bay of Puck is a semi-closed part of the Gulf of Gdańsk, which is particularly vulnerable to eutrophication caused by the inflow of nutrient substances. The Bay is surrounded by the lands intensively used in agriculture. Also a number of touristic resorts is located on its coast. The streams and rivers carry the load of nitrogen and phosphorus...
Tetracycline and ampicillin resistance of Escherichia coli strains of surface water origin: the potential for horizontal transfer of resistance genes = Oporność na tetracyklinę i ampicylinę szczepów Escherichia Coli wyizolowanych z wody powierzchniowej : możliwość horyzontalnego przenoszenia genów oporności
PublikacjaThe aim of this preliminary study was to assess the occurrence and molecular diversity of tetracycline and ampicillin resistance genes carried by Escherichia coli present in surface water. Bacterial strains were isolated from two watercourses (the Reda River and the Oliwski Stream) that influence the quality of coastal waters in the Gdańsk Bay (Northern Poland) by direct discharge. The bacterial drug susceptibility, tested against...
Application of analytical methods for the determination of bioactive compounds in some berries
PublikacjaFluorometry, ESI-MS, FTIR, and radical scavenging assays were used for characterization of bioactive compounds and the levels of their antioxidant activities. Polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and ascorbic acid and the level of antioxidant activity of water extracts of “Murtilla-like” [Myrteola nummularia (Poiret) Berg.], and other widely consumed berries were determined and compared. The contents of bioactive compounds and...
Polysaccharide nanocomposites in wastewater treatment: A review
PublikacjaIn modern times, wastewater treatment is vital due to increased water contamination arising from pollutants such as nutrients, pathogens, heavy metals, and pharmaceutical residues. Polysaccharides (PSAs) are natural, renewable, and non-toxic biopolymers used in wastewater treatment in the field of gas separation, liquid filtration, adsorption processes, pervaporation, and proton exchange membranes. Since addition of nanoparticles...
Management of low-temperature heat source by ORC aided by additional heat source
PublikacjaThe presented work is aimed at utilisation of waste heat in the manner to produce electricity in ORC installation. Therefore the precondition of the study was to use the waste heat available in the form of a stream of hot water at 90°C. Such low enthalpy heat source is rather insufficient to produce a good quality vapour to feed the ORC turbine. That was the incentive to search for the ways of increasing the temperature of the...
Chlorinated solvents in a petrochemical wastewater treatment plant: Anassessment of their removal using self-organising maps
PublikacjaThe self-organising map approach was used to assess the efficiency of chlorinated solvent removal frompetrochemical wastewater in a refinery wastewater treatment plant. Chlorinated solvents and inorganicanions (11 variables) were determined in 72 wastewater samples, collected from three different purificationstreams. The classification of variables identified technical solvents, brine from oil desalting andrunoff sulphates as pollution...
Metabolomic and antioxidant properties of different varieties and origins of Dragon fruit
PublikacjaDragon fruit has appealed much concern from consumers as a novelty fruit with potent nutritional and medicinal benefits. Dragon fruit quality warrants comprehensive evaluation, based on the contents of pigments and health- promoting natural compounds in different varieties. This study was aimed to evaluate the differences among dragon fruit varieties extracted with methanol–water (CD3OD-D2O) and methanol (CD3OD) by proton nuclear magnetic...
Improving SBR Performance Alongside with Cost Reduction through Optimizing Biological Processes and Dissolved Oxygen Concentration Trajectory
PublikacjaAuthors of this paper take under investigation the optimization of biological processes during the wastewater treatment in sequencing batch reactor (SBR) plant. A designed optimizing supervisory controller generates the dissolved oxygen (DO) trajectory for the lower level parts of the hierarchical control system. Proper adjustment of this element has an essential impact on the efficiency of the wastewater treatment process as well...
PublikacjaOne of the most promising new applications of remote observation satellite systems (RO) is the near-shore bathymetry estimation based on spaceborn multispectral imageries. In recent years, many experiments aiming to estimate bathymetry in optically shallow water with the use of remote optical observations have been presented. In this paper, optimal models of satellite derived bathymetry (SDB) for relatively turbid waters of the...
Reshaping of Coastlines as the Beginning of Urban Structures Changes in North Poland
PublikacjaThis article discusses the problem of strategies concerning the processes of re-shaping the Baltic Sea southern coastline applied recently in North Poland. The undertaken research is an attempt to identify the relationship between the modifications of coastline forms and the positive changes of urban structures. It can be seen that these modifications are needed because of the problems of existing shoreline erosion. It can be also...
The newest researches and applications of treatment wetlands in sewage sludge management
PublikacjaIn the paper the newest researches and applications of treatment wetlands conducted by re-searchers of Civil and Environmental Faculty are presented. Among others it was proved that this technology could be successfully implemented for highly polluted wastewater treatment. Within the research project two multistage treatment wetlands, one for landfill leachate and the second for reject water from digested sewage sludge centrifugation,...
Exploring synergistic effects in physical-chemical activation of Acorus calamus for water treatment solutions
PublikacjaThe research proposed a novel method of obtaining sorption material from readily available Acorus calamus bio- mass through a combination of physical and chemical activation processes. The material with the highest specific surface area (1652 m2 g−1) was obtained by physical activation with CO2, followed by chemical activation with KOH. Reversing the order of activation methods resulted in a lower specific surface area (1014 m2...
Potentiometric sensor with lipid-polymer membranes for quality assessment of French red wines
PublikacjaThe quality of wines resulting from vineyard management is important for consumers due to the taste and price of wines. In this work, the quality of red wines of three vintages has been investigated by potentiometric sensors with six all-solid-state electrodes. Two series of experiments were carried out. The first involved a qualitative analysis of wine of different vintages from freshly opened bottles. The second consisted of...
Estimation of Conservative Contaminant Travel Time through Vadose Zone Based on Transient and Steady Flow Approaches
PublikacjaEstimation of contaminant travel time through the vadose zone is needed for assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution, planning monitoring and remediation activities or predicting the effect of land use change or climate change on groundwater quality. The travel time can be obtained from numerical simulations of transient flow and transport in the unsaturated soil profile, which typically require a large amount of data and...
Assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution in the Puck region (denudation moraine upland) using vertical seepage method
PublikacjaDegradation of groundwater quality can cause a serious water supply and environmental problems. The identify of potential groundwater pollution can be determined by assessment of groundwater vulnerability method. The assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution was based on estimation of migration time of potential conservative contamination through the vadose zone. Area of investigation is a type of denudation moraine...
Combined operation of 900MW power plant with the ORC through the bleed steam extraction point and CO2 recovery system
PublikacjaThe work presented here is aimed at utylisation of waste heat in the reference supercritical power plant in the manner to produce electricity in ORC installation. The waste heat is available in the form of a stream of hot water at 90 C, recovered from the exhaust gases in the amount of 200MW. Such low enthalpy heat source is rather insufficient to produce a good quality vapour to feed the ORC turbine. Therefore an original approach...
Energy and valuable organic products recovery from anaerobic processes
PublikacjaChapter 8 contains: Introduction, Energy balance in wastewater treatment plants and potential energy recovery, Potential valuable products recovery, Anaerobic processes focused on liquid products recovery; Anaerobic digestion (AD) processes focused on gaseous products recovery, Processes enhancing energy and valuable organic products recovery, Conclusions and perspectives. Anaerobic processes offer different pathways for the recovery...
Treatment Wetland effluent quality improvement by usage sorbents of various origin
PublikacjaTWs are finding as low-cost and also effective system to treat domestic wastewater. The aim of this study is to find suitable adsorbing material for application in an additional treatment unit where treatment wetlands do not provide sufficient PO4 3- reduction level. Material M1 is a fine-grained by-product of thermal treatment of carbonate-siliceous rock (opoka) with high content of calcium carbonate CaCO3 in temperature 700°C....
GIS-based hydrodynamic modeling for urban flood mitigation in fast-growing regions: a case study of Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
PublikacjaFloods threaten urban infrastructure, especially in residential neighborhoods and fast-growing regions. Flood hydrodynamic modeling helps identify flood-prone locations and improve mitigation plans' resilience. Urban floods pose special issues due to changing land cover and a lack of raw data. Using a GIS-based modeling interface, input files for the hydrodynamic model were developed. The physical basin's properties were identified...
Hybrid constructed wetlands for the National Parks in Poland - a case study, requirements, dimensioning, preliminary results
PublikacjaWater and wastewater management, especially in rural areas, greatly affects loads of nutrients discharged to the Baltic Sea. In Poland, this management is unbalanced because of the dispersed development and in many locations con struction of sewerage system is uneconomic or even impossible. For this reason, a significant part of sewage from single-family houses in rural areas must be discharged into domestic sewage systems. The...
Sources of contamination in sediments of retention tanks and the influence of precipitation type on the size of pollution load
PublikacjaDensification of cities and urban population contributes to increased runoff and suspended solids and alteration of the urban water cycle. Nowadays, Blue-Green Infrastructure is promoted to increase a city’s resilience to floods; however, stormwater drainage systems, supported with retention tanks are still important in protecting urban areas against floods. Sediment accumulation in stormwater infrastructure relates to an issue...
Radar technique in application of interlayer identification connections
PublikacjaOne of important issues in pavement construction is to ensure that layers applied directly one on top of the other make up a continuous whole and form an integral construction complex. An appropriate interlayer connection plays here significant role ensuring proper transmission of distortions generated by wheels of vehicles to lower layers and preventing water penetration between the layers. In case of damaged pavements where lack...
Analysis of Airport Runoff Waters
PublikacjaA particularly important facet of airport operation is the impact of the pollution caused byrunoff waters. Runoff waters at an airport may contain relatively high concentrations of differentcontaminants resulting from the various aspects of its operation: de/anti-icing operations,washing and cleaning operations, spills of fuel and lubricants, exhaust fumes, and weed removal.The pollution caused by airport operations affects soil,...