An Improved Method of Minimizing Tool Vibration during Boring Holes in Large-Size Structures
PublikacjaThe paper presents a thoroughly modified method of solving the problem of vibration suppression when boring large-diameter holes in large-size workpieces. A new approach of adjusting the rotational speed of a boring tool is proposed which concerns the selection of the spindle speed in accordance with the results of the simulation of the cutting process. This streamlined method focuses on phenomenological aspects and involves the...
Zastosowanie odcinków nieliniowej krzywizny w torze zwrotnym rozjazdu kolejowego
PublikacjaW pracy została przedstawiona analityczna metoda kształtowania toru zwrotnego rozjazdu kolejowego posiadającego na swojej długości odcinki nieliniowej krzywizny. Odcinki te służą łagodzeniu wykresu krzywizny w skrajnych strefach rozjazdu W omawianej metodzie dokonano identyfikacji problemu rozkładu krzywizny za pomocą równań różniczkowych. Uzyskane rozwiązania mają charakter uniwersalny; m. in. pozwalają na przyjmowanie dowolnych...
On the Matano Plane Position in Multicomponent Diffusion Couples
PublikacjaEven though several methods of diffusion analysis avoid a necessity for the Matano plane determination, the Matano plane locations are of interest in the multicomponent couples and when tracer experiments are performed. The positions of the Matano plane calculated from the concentration profiles should be exactly the same. However, due to experimental errors, the results can differ significantly. In the paper we consider Matano...
On the Matano Plane Position in Multicomponent Diffusion Couples
PublikacjaEven though several methods of diffusion analysis avoid a necessity for the Matano plane determination, the Matano plane locations are of interest in the multicomponent couples and when tracer experiments are performed. The positions of the Matano plane calculated from the concentration profiles should be exactly the same. However, due to experimental errors, the results can differ significantly. In the paper we consider Matano...
Monitoring of breast tissue thermo-ablation by means of impedance measurements
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące monitorowania jakości termoablacji zmian nowotworowych w piersi przy pomocy pomiarów impedancyjnych. Pokazano prototypowe konstrukcje sond do termoablacji jak również zaprezentowano wyniki symulacji i pierwszych eksperymentów. A usefulness of a developed probe combining power delivery to ablated breast tumour and simultaneous impedance measurements is discussed in the paper. It consists...
Computational analysis of power-law fluids for convective heat transfer in permeable enclosures using Darcy effects
PublikacjaNatural convection is a complex environmental phenomenon that typically occurs in engineering settings in porous structures. Shear thinning or shear thickening fuids are characteristics of power-law fuids, which are non-Newtonian in nature and fnd wide-ranging uses in various industrial processes. Non-Newtonian fuid fow in porous media is a difcult problem with important consequences for energy systems and heat transfer. In this...
Projektowanie łuków koszowych dostosowane do pomiarów satelitarnych
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono nową metodę projektowania rejonu zmiany kierunku trasy kolejowej, dostosowaną do techniki ciagłych pomiarów satelitarnych. Metoda ta może się okazać szczególnie przydatna podczas projektowania regulacji osi istniejącego toru, kiedy określenie obu kierunków głównych trasy okazuje się niemożliwe. Jedynym rozwiązaniem staje się wówczas wprowadzenie do układu geometrycznego dwóch łuków kołowych o różnym promieniu,...
Minimization of a ship's magnetic signature under external field conditions using a multi-dipole model
PublikacjaThe paper addresses the innovative issue of minimizing the ship's magnetic signature under any external field conditions, i.e., for arbitrary values of ambient field modulus and magnetic inclination. Varying values of the external field, depending on the current geographical location, affect only the induced part of ship's magnetization. A practical problem in minimizing the ship signature is separating permanent magnetization...
PublikacjaPurpose: To identify and discuss the protective measures implemented to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection among employees. Design/methodology/approach: The four-stage course of research. Case study and structured interviews with all employees, directly and indirectly, involved in food processing. Research questions: (R1) What measures have been taken to prevent the risk of infection among employees? (R2) What activities and responsibilities...
Discrete and continuous fractional persistence problems – the positivity property and applications
PublikacjaIn this article, we study the continuous and discrete fractional persistence problem which looks for the persistence of properties of a given classical (α=1) differential equation in the fractional case (here using fractional Caputo’s derivatives) and the numerical scheme which are associated (here with discrete Grünwald–Letnikov derivatives). Our main concerns are positivity, order preserving ,equilibrium points and stability...
PublikacjaFor long duration of the flood the water table can appear on the slope with a problem of out-wash in the case of sand type dike. If the dike corps is covered with less permeable layer some additional push-off forces and shearing can rise in the cover. In both cases the micro stability of the inner slope should be considered at normative high water for homogeneous sand type dike or sand type dike with less permeable covers. The...
Balancing energy processes in turbine engines
PublikacjaThe article discusses the issue of balancing energy processes in turbine engines in operation in aeronautic and PDULQHSURSXOVLRQV\VWHPVZLWKWKHDLPWRDQDO\VHDQGHYDOXDWH EDVLFRSHUDWLQJSDUDPHWHUV7KH¿UVWSDUWSUHVHQWV the problem of enormous amounts of energy needed for driving fans and compressors of the largest contemporary turbofan engines commonly used in long-distance aviation. The amounts of the transmitted power and the effect RIÀRZSDUDPHWHUVDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQDOSURSHUWLHVRIWKHHQJLQHV RQWKHLUSHUIRUPDQFHDQGUHDOHI¿FLHQF\DUH evaluated....
Mathemathical model of radial passive magnetic bearing
PublikacjaIn the article mathematical radial model of passive magnetic bearings to ocean engineering units has been presented. The units application in underwater thrusters should increase propulsion systems durability and gives lower maintenance costs. The rotor of electric motor is hanging in magnetic field taken from radial passive magnetic bearings. However axial direction maintenance must be controlled with electromagnets and their...
Simulation of Wave Propagation in Media Described by Fractional-Order Models
PublikacjaIn this paper, algorithms for simulation of the wave propagation in electromagnetic media described by fractional-order (FO) models (FOMs) are presented. Initially, fractional calculus and FO Maxwell's equations are introduced. The problem of the wave propagation is formulated for media described by FOMs. Then, algorithms for simulation of the non-monochromatic wave propagation are presented which employ computations in the time...
Analityczna metoda projektowania łuków odwrotnych
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono nową metodę projektowania rejonu zmiany kierunku trasy kolejowej, dostosowaną do techniki Mobilnych Pomiarów Satelitarnych. Metoda ta może się okazać szczególnie przydatna wówczas, gdy obydwu prostych kierunków trasy nie można połączyć w sposób elementarny, stosując łuk kołowy z krzywymi przejściowymi; dotyczy to również. zastosowania łuku koszowego. Jedynym rozwiązaniem staje się wówczas wprowadzenie do układu...
2022-2023 - Wytrzymałość materiałów I, PG_00039799
Kursy OnlineCelem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z podstawowymi zagadnieniami związanymi z wytrzymałością materiałów. Wykłady dotyczą kolejno: podstawy wytrzymałości materiałów, wytrzymałość pręta prostego na ściskanie/rozciąganie, analiza wytrzymałości dla układów prętowych statycznie niewyznaczalnych, wytrzymałość prętów na skręcanie, wytrzymałość belek zginanie, odkształcenia belki zginanej, ścinanie pręta (pręt ścinany), stany naprężeń,...
Mechatronic Design Towards Investigation of the Temporo-Mandibular Joint Behaviour
PublikacjaA significant problem of the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) research is lack of data concerning geometry and position of TMJ discs. It leads to necessity of developing a driving method of the process optimization, which is based on chosen techniques of mechatronic design. In particular, the latter concerns a technique of experimentally supported virtual prototyping. On this stage, the research is characterized by well-verified...
Nondestructive Testing of the Miter Gates Using Various Measurement Methods
PublikacjaWhen any problems related to civil engineering structures appear, identifying the issue through the usage of only one measuring method is difficult. Therefore, comprehensive tests are required to identify the main source. The strains and displacement measurements, as well as modal identification, are widely used in the nondestructive testing of structures. However, measurements are usually carried out at several points and confirm...
PublikacjaThe article presents an algorithm for calculating the distribution of flow in a junction of open channel network under steady flow conditions. The article presents a simplified calculation algorithm used to estimate the distribution of flow in a network of channels under steady flow conditions. The presented algorithm is based on the continuity equation and a simplified energy equation. To describe the relationship between the...
Anti-plane shear waves in an elastic strip rigidly attached to an elastic half-space
PublikacjaWe consider the anti-plane shear waves in a domain consisting of an infinite layer with a thin coating lying on an elastic half-space. The elastic properties of the coating, layer, and half-space are assumed to be different. On the free upper surface we assume the compatibility condition within the Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity, whereas at the plane interface we consider perfect contact. For this problem there exist two possible...
Arterial cannula shape optimization by means of the rotational firefly algorithm
PublikacjaThe article presents global optimization results of arterial cannula shapes by means of the newly modified firefly algorithm. The search for the optimal arterial cannula shape is necessary in order to minimize losses and prepare the flow that leaves the circulatory support system of a ventricle (i.e. blood pump) before it reaches the heart. A modification of the standard firefly algorithm, the so-called rotational firefly algorithm,...
Generalization of Kramers-Krönig relations for evaluation of causality in power-law media
PublikacjaClassical Kramers-Krönig (K–K) relations connect real and imaginary parts of the frequency-domain response of a system. The K–K relations also hold between the logarithm of modulus and the argument of the response, e.g. between the attenuation and the phase shift of a solution to a wave-propagation problem. For square-integrable functions of frequency, the satisfaction of classical K–K relations implies causality in the time domain....
Decomposition of the induced magnetism degaussing problem for fast determination of currents in demagnetization coils wrapped outside an object under arbitrary external field conditions
PublikacjaSafe passage of ships in the presence of sea mines can be ensured by limiting or reducing the ship’s magnetic footprint. For vessels with plastic hulls, the main component that requires magnetic damping is the engine. Demagnetization of such an object can be achieved by wrapping it with coils and setting the direct current appropriately. For each specific geographic location, the currents in the coils can be determined iteratively...
The effect of numerical 2D and 3D FEM element modelling on strain and stress distributions at laser weld notches in steel sandwich type panels
PublikacjaLike other means of transport, merchant ships face the problem of increasing requirements concerning the environment protection, which, among other issues, implies the reduction of fuel consumption by the ship. Here, the conventional approach which consists in making use of higher strength steels to decrease the mass of the ship hull can be complemented by the use of new steel structures of sandwich panel type. However, the lack...
Simulating propagation of coherent light in random media using the Fredholm type integral equation
PublikacjaStudying propagation of light in random scattering materials is important for both basic and applied research. Such studies often require usage of numerical method for simulating behavior of light beams in random media. However, if such simulations require consideration of coherence properties of light, they may become a complex numerical problems. There are well established methods for simulating multiple scattering of light (e.g....
Study of Non-Newtonian biomagnetic blood flow in a stenosed bifurcated artery having elastic walls
PublikacjaFluid structure interaction (FSI) gained attention of researchers and scientist due to its applications in science felds like biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering etc. One of the major application in FSI is to study elastic wall behavior of stenotic arteries. In this paper we discussed an incompressible Non-Newtonian blood fow analysis in an elastic bifurcated artery. A magnetic feld is applied along x direction. For...
Mathematical modeling and prediction of pit to crack transition under cyclic thermal load using artificial neural network
PublikacjaThe formation of pitting is a major problem in most metals, which is caused by extremely localized corrosion that creates small holes in metal and subsequently, it changes into cracks under mechanical load, thermo-mechanical stress, and corrosion process factors. This research aims to study pit to crack transition phenomenon of steel boiler heat tubes under cyclic thermal load, and mathematical modeling...
Direct-contact condensation from vapour- gas mixture in a spray ejector condenser for negative CO2 power plant
PublikacjaDirect-contact condensation of vapour containing the inert gas on a spray of subcooled liquid exists in a number of technical applications. For example, it may be found in the nuclear industry (e.g. pressurized jet under normal operating conditions, in safety analyses) or in the chemical industry (e.g. mixing-type heat exchanger, degasser, sea water desalting). The problem is also essential to modelling and analysis of some...
Destruction of shell structures under the dynamic load on the human skull trauma basis
PublikacjaThe main aim of this work is to investigate patterns of potential orbital bone fractures due to mechanical injuries. The solution of the main problem is followed by analysis of several testing examples having straight correlation with civil engineering structures, in which materials of wide range of stiffness are applied. To solve the main problem, the three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) model of the orbital region has...
Application of the Monte Carlo algorithm for solving volume integral equation in light scattering simulations
PublikacjaVarious numerical methods were proposed for analysis of the light scattering phenomenon. Important group of these methods is based on solving the volume integral equation describing the light scattering process. The popular method from this group is the discrete dipole approximation (DDA). DDA uses various numerical algorithms to solve the discretized integral equation. In the recent years, the application of the Monte Carlo (MC)...
PublikacjaW dzisiejszych czasach coraz większym problemem stają się podtopienia na terenach zurbanizowanych. Biorąc to pod uwagę, należy większą wagę przyłożyć do prawidłowego obliczania przepustowości koryta. Jednym z czynników wpływających na nie są warunki na odpływie. W przypadku potoków nadmorskich zależą one ściśle od poziomu morza. W pracy podjęto próbę wyznaczenia wpływu poziomu morza na przebieg wezbrań w nadmorskich ciekach powierzchniowych....
PublikacjaMetal – polymer sliding contacts are a typical combination in industry and medicine. For decades such a set of materials has been the primary choice in human joints endoprosthetic technology. In this paper tribological issues of are presented from a research on the potential for practical use of Ti-13Nb-13Zr/UHMW-PE couple for orthopedic endoprosthesis. In tests on simplified models it is critically important to carefully...
Diagnostyka łożysk silnika indukcyjnego na podstawie prądu zasilającego przy użyciu sztucznych sieci neuronowych
PublikacjaW artykule zawarto wyniki badań dotyczące diagnostyki łożysk silnika indukcyjnego na podstawie pomiarów prądu zasilającego z wyko-rzystaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Zaprezentowano wyniki uczenia sieci oraz rezultaty testów przeprowadzonych na danych spoza zbioru uczącego. Badania wykonane zostały na obiektach z celowo wprowadzonymi uszkodzeniami łożysk. Przedstawiona nowa koncepcja zakłada użycie zestawu sieci neuronowych...
Uniwersalny program komputerowy do projektowania zmiany kierunku trasy
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono kolejny program komputerowy stanowiący implementację algorytmu obliczeniowego dotyczącego projektowania zmiany kierunku trasy kolejowej, dostosowanego do techniki ciągłych pomiarów satelitarnych. Program ten ma charakter uniwersalny, gdyż w ogólnym przypadku obejmuje wprowadzenie do układu geometrycznego dwóch łuków kołowych o różnym promieniu, czyli zastosowanie łuku koszowego. Może się to okazać szczególnie...
Design of reverse curves adapted to the satellite measurements
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new method for designing railway route in the direction change area adapted to the Mobile Satellite Measurements technique. The method may be particularly useful in the situations when both tangents cannot be connected in an elementary way using a circular arc with transition curves. Thus, the only solution would be the application of two circular arcs of opposite curvature signs, that is, the use of an inverse...
Linear game non-contextuality and Bell inequalities—a graph-theoretic approach
PublikacjaWe study the classical and quantum values of a class of one-and two-party unique games, that generalizes the well-known XOR games to the case of non-binary outcomes. In the bipartite case the generalized XOR(XOR-d) games we study are a subclass of the well-known linear games. We introduce a 'constraint graph' associated to such a game, with the constraints defining the game represented by an edge-coloring of the graph. We use the...
[AEiE] Selected topics of electrical engineering - models of electrical machines
Kursy Online{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: automatyka, elektronika i elektrotechnika Zajęcia fakultatywne dla doktorantów II roku Prowadzący: dr hab. inż. Andrzej Wilk, prof. PG, prof. dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Krzemiński Liczba godzin: 15 Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: control, electronic and electrical engineering Facultative course for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teachers: dr hab. inż. Andrzej Wilk, prof. PG, prof....
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono propozycję rozwiązania problemu bezczujnikowego sterowania wolnoobrotową maszyną synchroniczną z magnesami trwałymi PMSM. Przedstawiono silnik PMSM, który zastosowano w stanowisku badawczym. Omówiono problem występowania tętnień momentu napędowego wynikający głównie ze znacznego momentu zaczepowego. Pokazano rozwiązanie kompensujące tętnienia momentu napędowego w silniku PMSM. Przygotowano procedurę startową...
Supply current signal and artificial neural networks in the induction motor bearings diagnostics
PublikacjaThis paper contains research results of the diagnostics of induction motor bearings based on measurement of the supply current with usage of artificial neural networks. Bearing failure amount is greater than 40% of all engine failures, which makes their damage-free operation crucial. Tests were performed on motors with intentionally made bearings defects. Chapter 2 introduces the concept of artificial neural networks. It presents...
Deformation of an elastic second gradient spherical body under equatorial line density of dead forces
PublikacjaWe consider deformations of an elastic body having initially a spherical shape. Assumed deformation energy depends on the first and second gradient of displacements. We apply an equatorial line density of dead loads, that are forces per unit line length directed in radial direction and applied along the equator of the sphere. We restrict ourselves our analysis to the case of linearized second strain gradient isotropic elasticity...
Validation of Hydraulic Mechanism during Blowout Trauma of Human Orbit Depending on the Method of Load Application
PublikacjaThe more we know about mechanisms of the human orbital blowout type of trauma, the better we will be able to prevent them in the future. As long as the buckling mechanism’s veracity is not in doubt, the hydraulic mechanism is not based on equally strong premises. To investigate the correctness of the hydraulic mechanism’s theory, two different methods of implementation of the hydraulic load to the finite element method (FEM) model...
TDOA versus ATDOA for wide area multilateration system
PublikacjaThis paper outlines a new method of a location service (LCS) in the asynchronous wireless networks (AWNs) where the nodes (base stations) operate asynchronously in relation to one another. This method, called asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA), enables the calculation of the position of the mobile object (MO) through the measurements taken by a set of non-synchronized fixed nodes and is based on the measurement of...
PublikacjaAllowing for space- and time-dependance of mass in Klein–Gordon equations re- solves the problem of negative probability density and of violation of Lorenz covariance of interaction in quantum mechanics. Moreover it extends their applicability to the domain of quantum cosmology, where the variation in mass may be accompanied by high oscillations....
PublikacjaAllowing for space- and time-dependance of mass in Klein–Gordon equations re- solves the problem of negative probability density and of violation of Lorenz covariance of interaction in quantum mechanics. Moreover it extends their applicability to the domain of quantum cosmology, where the variation in mass may be accompanied by high oscillations....
Publikacja: The study is aimed to develop the logic-linguistic models to design a number of rules for the correct calculation of the vehicles needed, taking into account the technical, technological, and weather and climate conditions of the harvesting and transport complex. The article has shown that the construction of the design of logic-linguistic models was not performed earlier to solve the problem of the agro-industrial production...
Simulation of unsteady flow over floodplain using the diffusive wave equation and the modified finite element method
PublikacjaWe consider solution of 2D nonlinear diffusive wave equation in a domain temporarily covered by a layer of water. A modified finite element method with triangular elements and linear shape functions is used for spatial discretization. The proposed modification refers to the procedure of spatial integration and leads to a more general algorithm involving a weighting parameter. The standard finite element method and the finite difference...
Multi-fidelity aerodynamic design trade-off exploration using point-by-point Pareto set identification
PublikacjaAerodynamic design is inherently a multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem. Determining the best possible trade-offs between conflicting aerodynamic objectives can be computationally challenging when carried out directly at the level of high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations. This paper presents a computationally cheap methodology for exploration of aerodynamic design trade-offs. In particular, point-by-point...
Topological invariants for equivariant flows: Conley index and degree
PublikacjaAbout forty years have passed since Charles Conley defined the homotopy index. Thereby, he generalized the ideas that go back to the calculus of variations work of Marston Morse. Within this long time the Conley index has proved to be a valuable tool in nonlinear analysis and dynamical systems. A significant development of applied methods has been observed. Later, the index theory has evolved to cover such areas as discrete dynamical...
Diagnostyka łożysk silnika indukcyjnego na podstawie prądu zasilającego przy użyciu sztucznych sieci neuronowych
PublikacjaW artykule zawarto wyniki badań dotyczące diagnostyki łożysk silnika indukcyjnego na podstawie pomiarów prądu zasilającego z wykorzystaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Zaprezentowano wyniki uczenia sieci oraz rezultaty testów przeprowadzonych na danych spoza zbioru uczącego. Badania wykonane zostały na obiektach z celowo wprowadzonymi uszkodzeniami łożysk. Przedstawiona nowa koncepcja zakłada użycie zestawu sieci neuronowych...
Efficient and robust quadratures for isogeometric analysis: Reduced Gauss and Gauss–Greville rules
PublikacjaThis work proposes two efficient quadrature rules, reduced Gauss quadrature and Gauss–Greville quadrature, for isogeometric analysis. The rules are constructed to exactly integrate one-dimensional B-spline basis functions of degree p, and continuity class C^{p−k}, where k is the highest order of derivatives appearing in the Galerkin formulation of the problem under consideration. This is the same idea we utilized in Zou et al....