Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Social Problems
Corporate social responsibility and forward default risk under firm and industry heterogeneity
PublikacjaObjective: This study aims to evaluate the impact of corporate social responsibility on forward default risk (FDR) under the setting of firm and industry heterogeneity. Research Design & Methods: This study evaluated the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on FDR using the data of 497 companies from 2007-2021 in the S&P 500 index, taking into account firm and industry heterogeneity aspects. This study utilized instrumental...
Social learning and knowledge flows in cluster initiatives, In: Sanz S.C., Blanco F.P., Urzelai B. (Eds). Human and Relational Resources (pp. 44-45). the 4th International Conference on Clusters and Industrial Districts CLUSTERING, University of Valencia, Spain, May 23–24 (ISBN: 978-84-09-11926-4).
PublikacjaPurpose – The purpose of the paper is to explore how learning manifests and knowledge flows in cluster initiatives (CIs) due to interactions undertaken by their members. The paper addresses the research question of how social learning occurs and knowledge flows in CIs. Design/methodology/approach – The qualitative study of four cluster initiatives helped to identify various symptoms of social learning and knowledge flows in...
Evaluating urban identity of Gdańsk historical inner city and Granary Island urban regeneration from a neighbourhood perspective
PublikacjaThis study focuses on the post-socialist urban development that evolved in Gdańsk, Poland. It aims to evaluate the effects of an urban regeneration project implemented in Granary Island, a central historical district, on the city identity. To achieve this goal, the study measures citizens’ identification by comparing both the new urban regeneration project and the historical inner city. The study discusses the relationship between...
Contemporary bottom-up tools for public spaces activation. Współczesne oddolne narzędzia aktywizacji przestrzeni publicznych
PublikacjaThis article attempts to figure out the current understanding of public spaces and the contemporary tools for bottom-up activation of public spaces to make them more friendly and functional. The paper investigates contemporary public spaces' challenges and what tools can be used to improve them. In this research, the main issue will be the question: what kind of tools and actions can be offered to maintain the quality of public...
The youth in polish legations and government
PublikacjaUntil the 2015 elections, youth policy in Poland was treated as a separate domain. There is no uniform legal basis concerned with the matters of young people. Youth rights are dealt with in several articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland as well as a number of Acts: on Public Administration Branches, on the Education System, on Higher Education, on Employment Promotion and Labour Market Institutions, on NFZ General...
Fake News: Possibility of Identification in Post-Truth Media Ecology System
PublikacjaInformation comes as basic good which affects social well-being. A modern society and a modern state – its administration, education, culture, national economy and armed forces – cannot function efficiently without a rationally developed field of information. The quality of the functioning of that system depends on a specific feature of information, that is namely: its reliability which makes it possible for us to evaluate accuracy,...
Estimating the parameter of inequality aversion on the basis of a parametric distribution of incomes
PublikacjaResearch background: In applied welfare economics, the constant relative inequality aversion function is routinely used as the model of a social decisionmaker’s or a society’s preferences over income distributions. This function is entirely determined by the parameter, ε, of inequality aversion. However, there is no authoritative answer to the question of what the range of ε an analyst should select for empirical work. Purpose...
“Don’t call it work”: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of volunteer firefighting in young adults based on the volunteer process model
PublikacjaThe number of people engaging in volunteer firefighting is on the decline. It is important to understand what factors on a personal and social level and from the three stages of the volunteer process model: antecedents, experiences and consequences, might be linked to starting and sustaining such engagement. To address this problem, a qualitative, interview-based study was performed on a sample of 10 volunteer firefighters from...
Human Factors in Nuclear Power Engineering in Polish Conditions
PublikacjaThe paper “Human factors in nuclear power engineering in polish conditions” focuses on analysis of dynamics of preparing polish society to build fi rst nuclear power plant in XXI century in Poland. Authors compare experience from constructing nuclear power plant Sizewell B (Great Britain) and Sizewell C, which is in preparation phase with polish nuclear power program. Paper includes aspects e.g. of creating nuclear safety culture and...
Corporate Social Responsibility and Family Business: Current Debates and Future Prospects
PublikacjaThis paper aims at examining the main perspectives on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in family firms discussed in international literature. The topic of CSR has grown exponentially in the last two decades in both, business practice and as an area of interest among academics and researchers. Most studies focus on multinational corporations, some on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the smallest number on family business...
Automatic analysis of the aggressive behavior of laboratory animals using thermal video processing
PublikacjaThe bite detection is very important but difficult element of the social interaction analysis. Standard observation methods like human observer or a camcorder of visible light frequencies fail in this case. However, it is possible to discern cooler spots on the rodent's body that appear after body contact with another individual, and vanish after short time. These spots are assumed to be a saliva trace left on fur after bite. In...
Human factors in nuclear power engineering in Polish conditions
PublikacjaThe paper “Human factors in nuclear power engineering in polish conditions” focuses on analysis of dynamics of preparing polish society to build first nuclear power plant in XXI century in Poland. Authors compare experience from constructing nuclear power plant Sizewell B (Great Britain) and Sizewell C, which is in preparation phase with polish nuclear power program. Paper includes aspects e.g. of creating nuclear safety culture...
Universal and contextualized public services: Digital public service innovation framework
PublikacjaIn view of the rising social and economic inequalities, public service delivery should be both universal, i.e. independent of the recipients' social or economic status, and contextualized, i.e. able to compensate for different local needs and conditions. Reconciling both properties requires various forms of innovations, chief among them innovations in digital public services. Building upon the four-stage model underpinning the...
Development of tools for road infrastructure safety management for the provinces (voivodeships) in Poland
PublikacjaThe development of modern tools for road infrastructure safety management will help to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries as one of the main objectives adopted in 2013 in the National Road Safety Programme 2014-2020 and the new Road Safety Programme 2011-2020 in the EU. Risk Management in Highway Engineering can be applied in developing tools essential in the process of safety management. Risk Management in Highway...
Landscape perception and the teaching of it in Poland
PublikacjaA preliminary assessment of the state of knowledge of landscape perception is contained in this article. A survey was carried out of students of architecture and urban planning during the rural design course in the academic year 2017/2018. The pilot project involved the initial establishment of categories of the countryside image. It was assumed that the results represented students’ knowledge of the landscape characteristics and...
Społeczna odpowiedzialność firm - narzędzie public relations czy coś więcej?
PublikacjaArtykuł stawia pytanie o miejsce działań Corporate Social Resposibility [ CSR} w strategii przedsiębiorstw i zależności między public relations a CSR w realizacji celów przedsiębiorstwa - między innymi kreowania wizerunku, budowania reputacji.
Age, frequency of volunteering, and Present-Hedonistic time perspective predict donating items to people in need, but not money to combat COVID-19 during lock-down
PublikacjaRestrictions due to COVID-19 necessitated staying at home, but in some cases, encouraged charitable behavior, e.g., donating items to people in need (e.g., clothes, food), or money to support combatting COVID-19. Drawing on the previous findings regarding helping during disastrous situations and roles of time perspective in helping behaviors, the study tested the predictive value of age, gender, previous volunteering, altruistic...
Corporate social responsibility and forward default risk mediated by financial performance and goodwill
PublikacjaIn today’s business environment, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly significant factor for firms. This study is driven by the motivation to add to the current literature by investigating the mediating elements that explain the relationship between CSR and forward default risk. In this paper, we attempt to identify the important mediators and give a more comprehensive explanation of this connection...
Blockchain technologies to address smart city and society challenges
PublikacjaNew Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are changing the way in which the world works. These technologies provide new tools to face the issues of contemporary society (poverty, migrations, sustainable development challenges, governance, etc.). Among them, blockchain emerge as a disruptive technology able to make things in a completely different and innovative way. They can provide solutions where before there were...
Narracje o świeżej traumie. Upamiętnianie ataków terrorystycznych w krajobrazie codziennym miast
PublikacjaRecent trauma Narratives: commemorating terrorist attacks in Everyday cityscape Contemporary city incidentally becomes a non-accidental target of acts violating the primary sense of security and safety. The fundamental assumptions about so- cial and interpersonal interactions that guarantee social life are severely disturbed. These events, primarily the ones related to terrorist attacks, leave in social memo- ry traces associated...
Getting to know the potential of social media in forest education
PublikacjaThe development of social network sites not only facilitates the acquisition and deepening of knowledge but also provides the possibility of easily contacting foresters, specialists in natural sciences and nature enthusiasts. In addition, for some years...
Towards ecological transformation: developing architectural education and research through L’Art Urbain initiatives
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to examine the collaboration between the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Poland and L’Art Urbain dans les Territoires, Paris, France, recognised for its involvement in transforming urban development over four decades. The focus is placed on the evolution of the association’s annual competition, highlighting the growing emphasis on sustainability. Special attention...
Listening to Live Music: Life beyond Music Recommendation Systems
PublikacjaThis paper presents first a short review on music recommendation systems based on social collaborative filtering. A dictionary of terms related to music recommendation systems, such as music information retrieval (MIR), Query-by-Example (QBE), Query-by-Category (QBC), music content, music annotating, music tagging, bridging the semantic gap in music domain, etc. is introduced. Bases of music recommender systems are shortly presented,...
Cohousing: the place of community
PublikacjaThe crisis of social bonds, which affects living environment, has lead to the revival of traditional neighbourly relations. The idea of cohousing is included in this trend. Its inspiration may be found in the tradition of rural community, which used to adjust the system of rural settlements to the needs of community life.
Enterprise Gamification - Learning as a Side Effect of Competition
PublikacjaGmification in companies can be used for driving desired employees behaviour that are advantageous to their development and performance improvement. This paper presents tools acquired from online social networking services and game mechanisms to encourage managers to compete by providing extended statistics and user profiles features in e-learning system.
Architektura a dekonstrukcja. Przypadek Petera Eisenmana i Bernarda Tschumiego
PublikacjaArchitecture and Deconstruction Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi Introduction Towards deconstruction in architecture Intensive relations between philosophical deconstruction and architecture, which were present in the late 1980s and early 1990s, belong to the past and therefore may be described from a greater than...
Exploring the role of brand experience in driving consumer emotions and engagement with sports brands in Australia
PublikacjaPurpose: This paper aims to fill the theoretical gap in understanding and practical implementation by examining how sports brands in Australia use brand experience to link emotional response and brand engagement. Design/methodology/approach: The study fits into the positivist paradigm. The starting point is the stimulus-organism-response theory. A quantitative method, which is an online survey, was used to collect data. Responses...
Text-mining Similarity Approximation Operators for Opinion Mining in BI tools
PublikacjaThe concept of the Text-mining Similarity Approximation Operators for Opinion Mining as extensions to Natural Language Interface Database is defined. The new operators: “keywords of” dimension; subsetting operator “about C is q”; aggregation operator “by similar C” are proposed. These operators are based on the Latent Semantic Analysis and Social Network Analysis
Natura i dziedzictwo – Cele Zrównoważonego Rozwoju (SDG) jako czynniki integracji społecznej w przestrzeniach osiedli mieszkaniowych. Studium Zaspy./ Nature and heritage – Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as factors of social integration in the space of housing estates. Study of Zaspa
PublikacjaThis article introduces the topic of revitalising outdoor common spaces in existing housing developments. The aim of the research is to present universal design models by analysing nature and heritage as dominant values, complementing perceived natural and cultural deficiencies. For this purpose, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), UNESCO (UNESCO, 2015) and the Research Through Design (RTD) method were used. The Zaspa housing...
Neuroeconomy and Neuromarketing: The Study of the Consumer Behaviour in the COVID-19 Context
PublikacjaTo address the study of consumer behavior in the post-COVID-19 era, the present Research Topic brings together a set of papers that attempt to study how different factors triggered by the pandemic have achieved a significant effect on consumers' behavioral intentions. These papers examine different subtopics related to food, health products, collaborative economy and, of course, neuroscience. Globally, the objectives of this special...
Architektura pomników poświęconych ofiarom ataków terrorystycznych jako kontynuacja realizacji komemoratywnych kształtowanych w postpamięci
Publikacjaarchitecture of Memorials Dedicated to the Victims of terrorist attacks as a continuation of commemorative Structures created within Post-memory Having the rich art of commemorating events of the Second World War as a key reference, this article will try to show how contemporary architectural interven- tions in public space make attempts to respond to the social need of dealing with traumatic events and formulating a new attitude...
PublikacjaCohousing, one of the attempts to create housing community, has been successfully practised for many years in many countries. Cohousing creates social bonds. It's a self-creating movement in which everything relies on the community engaged. Oriented ecological cohousing (e-cohousing) teaches responsibility for oneself, the others and the environment.
Urban Project IV. Summer semester - ERASMUS
Kursy OnlineCourse Urban Project IV (AI_MK_28/1) SHAPING A NEW DISTRICT – WHITE RIVER (POL. BIAŁA RZEKA) IN THE CITY OF RUMIA The subject of the exercises is to design the spatial layout of the new district in the area of the so-called Small Tricity. The task of the group will be to develop initial design guidelines - layout and character of buildings, primar building parameters, service program. The planned construction of the new SKM...
Blast Charge Technique as a Method of Soil Improving to Locate the New Supporting Runways
PublikacjaA quick and effective method of reinforcing the ground base designed for the construction of engineering structures used for performing various types of air operations was presented. It allows to use wastelands, wetlands, swamps, etc. for these purposes, thus creating a dispersed network of landing sites, increasing the access of large social groups to air transport and increasing their mobility.
PublikacjaStructural mechanics is a key issue to study for engineers. A high rank and high social responsibility profession requires both a high graded and intuitive approach. The evolution of learning / teaching methodology follows the novel technical achievements of every decade. The aim remains the same: to produce a professional to perform advanced relevant analysis and safe, optimal structural design
PublikacjaObjects of cultural heritage are an extremely important element in the proper functioning of the social life. They provide information on our ancestors' actions, as well as shape our culture and social awareness. It is important for the historical objects to provide those information accurately, that is without any unnecessary human intervention over the years of the monument's existence. However, it is not always possible due...
Activating Public Space: How to Promote Physical Activity in Urban Environment
PublikacjaPhysical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. The quality and equipment of urban public space plays an important role in promoting physical activity among people (residents, tourists). In order for recreation and sports activities to be undertaken willingly, in a safe and comprehensive manner, certain spatial conditions and requirements must be met. The distinctive feature of contemporary large cities is the...
Landscape Rurality: New Challenge for The Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Poland
PublikacjaThe standard of country living was a matter of Polish elites’ concern from the eighteenth century. In different historical conditions different concepts of the rural renewal were formed. Today in rural areas of Poland some spatial processes that threaten the quality of life occur. The disadvantageous changes are the result of national or local governments spatial policy and they are an inhabitants’ response to it. The political...
Rural Landscapes of Roman (northern) Liburnia: Diachronic Development of Organisation and the Economy in Extra-Urban Territories in the Light of Recent Archaeological Research
PublikacjaThe archaeology of Roman rural landscapes in the province of Dalmatia, and especially northern Liburnia, has until recently focused on single-site or single-monument analyses, allowing for only geographically patchy and chronologically limited conclusions. Considering the results of recent research in the wider Kvarner and sub-Velebit area, the paper discusses issues of Roman extra-urban territorial organization, the formation...
Memory and Imagination: Artwork as a Form of Testimony
PublikacjaAs the generation of witnesses is passing away and the testimonies of Shoah survivors are replaced by an inherited, culturally constructed memory - post-memory – art becomes a meaningful landmark in the landscape of memory. Although the narration of history - being the researchers’ discourse rather than an objective view - has been considered to a certain extent fictitious, the difference between real and fictional, between remembering...
CSR education in Poland- current situation and future challenges
PublikacjaThe importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in nowadays business reality is constantly growing thanks to many factors, including the important promotional effort at all possible authorities levels and increasing educational effort of universities and in particular of business schools. Since there is no commonly accepted guideline/curriculum/content of social responsibility (SR) education, business schools at higher...
How digital technology affects working conditions in globally fragmented production chains: Evidence from Europe
PublikacjaThis paper uses a sample of over 9 million workers from 22 European countries to study the intertwined relationship between digital technology, cross-border production links and working conditions. We compare the social consequences of technological change exhibited by three types of innovation: computerisation (software), automation (robots) and artificial intelligence (AI). To fully quantify work-related wellbeing, we propose...
Enhancing environmental literacy through urban technology-based learning. The PULA app case
PublikacjaThis study addresses the need to enhance environmental literacy, focusing on urban adults through mobile applications, based on the example of PULA app that engages early adopters in gamified pro- environmental activities, offering insights into informal learning. Grounded in 'urban pedagogy,' the study combines semi-structured interviews with 17 application testers and quantitative data analysis, unveiling motivations, user feedback,...
Smart Services for Improving eCommerce
PublikacjaThe level of customer support provided by the existing eCom-merce solutions assumes that the person using the functionality of theshop has sufficient knowledge to decide on the purchase transaction. Alow conversion rate indicates that customers are more likely to seekknowledge about the particular product than finalize the transaction.This is facilitated by the continuous development of customers’ digi-tal...
Training Services in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Evidence from Poland
PublikacjaIn the knowledge-based economy knowledge and skills are becoming more and more significant for the success of companies. This applies also to firms from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sector. As large companies in many cases posses special divisions devoted to trainings, they normally have no problems with updating the knowledge and skills of their employees. The situation is different with regard to SMEs, which often...
Social activities in The Vistula Marshlands
PublikacjaSocial activities in The Vistula Marshlands favouring development in this part of the Pomeranian Voivodeship and preserving its specific character have recently been a domain of Local Activity Groups, clubs and societies, as well as cultural centres and local schools. The activation of local environment is supported by the possibility of gaining EU grants, particularly 4 LEADER Axis from the Rural Development Programme for years...
Mathematical modelling: Lessons from composite indicators
PublikacjaWe discuss here composite indicators as mathematical models, which can be looked at through the lenses of the five rules discussed in this volume. Composite indicators sit between analysis and advocacy, and their use has social and political implications. For this reason, the lenses of the manifesto can be used to build them better, to make them more transparent, as well as to inspect incumbent indicators for methodological or...
The Future of the University? Social Activism among Young Polish Scholars
PublikacjaThe question “Quo vadis, Academia?” is posed by scholars, research administrators, journalists and is also ofound in public opinion in Poland in different contexts. Authors of the article do not call into question the necessity of changes of contemporary universities, but they think that the source of changes should be characterized by a bottom-up approach, especially by those who have already achieved extraordinary scientific...
Teaching Architecture – contemporary challenges and threats in the complexity of built environment
PublikacjaThe complexity of the modern built environment is a problem n ot only of architectural and urban issues. This issue extends to many othe r disciplines as well as covering a wide range of social engagements. The idea of writing this pa per is generally initiated by the debate which took place in Gdańs k on 22.01.2016, and was prepar ed in order to meet representatives of the four circles of interest...
PublikacjaIn recent years, more careful consideration is taken into social issues of designing skyscrapers by humanizing adherent internal and external public areas. Case studies of The Shard (London: 2012), 122 Leadenhall Street (London: 2014), 20 Fenchurch Street (London: 2014), Heron Tower (London: 2011), Tower 25 (Nicosia: 2013), Zoofenster (Berlin: 2012), DNB House (Oslo: 2012), Centrum Biurowe Neptun (Gdansk, 2014), Skytower (Wroclaw:...