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wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Enrichment and distribution of trace elements in Padhrar, Thar and Kotli coals from Pakistan: Comparison to coals from China with an emphasis on the elements distribution
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Determination of MDPBP in postmortem blood samples by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry
PublikacjaMDPBP (1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1-butanone) is a new psychoactive substance sold on the black market. It has been a controlled drug of abuse in Poland and China since 2015 as some toxic and fatal cases connected with use of synthetic cathinone derivatives were observed. The fatal case outlined here concerns a 19 year-old man, who was found dead with an envelope containing white powder lying nearby the cadaver....
PublikacjaEnsuring the safety of ship crews at sea is of the utmost importance. Life rafts are one of the basic components of any seagoing vessel and ensuring their stability is an important component of maritime research. This study concerns the determination of the aerodynamic drag coefficients of pneumatic life rafts in a full range of wind speed and directions. The drag coefficients are based on full-scale experimental studies and numerical...
CE-UV method for the determination of catecholamine metabolites from baby pee-covered diapers
PublikacjaA method has been developed for the analysis of vanillylmandelic acid, homovanillic acid, and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid from baby urine as biomarkers of neuroblastoma in infants. Disposable diapers were employed as sampling devices in order to guarantee a low invasiveness during this step. The proposed method consists on a simple extraction step with water from the used diaper followed by the measurement using capillary electrophoresis...
Smartphone-based digital image colorimetry for the determination of total capsaicinoid content in chili pepper extracts
PublikacjaA simple smartphone-based digital image colorimetry was proposed for the determination of total capsaicinoid content and the assessment of chili pepper pungency. The biobased solvent D-limonene was used for the first time to isolate analytes. Capsaicinoids were efficiently separated from chili pepper by solid-liquid extraction with D-limonene followed by partitioning of the analytes into the ammonium hydroxide solution to eliminate...
Determination of antifreeze substances in the airport runoff waters by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry method
PublikacjaA new method has been developed for the determination of antifreeze agents such as ethylene glycol (EG), propylene glycol (PG), and diethylene glycol (DEG) in the samples of airport runoff water. The method is based on headspace solid–phase microextraction (HS–SPME) of target analytes, which is coupled with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Until now, there was a lack of appropriate methodology for collecting reliable...
Determination of thiocyanate (biomarkers of ETS) and other inorganic ions in human nasal discharge samples using ion chromatography
PublikacjaEnvironmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a mixture of air and tobacco smoke containing more than 4000 chemical substances. In view of the health risks of many of these substances, studies are needed to determine biomarkers of exposure to ETS constituents in people who actively or passively are exposed to the toxic compounds. The methodologies for determining most biomarkers from saliva, urine and blood samples are known, but methods...
Optimal spindle speed determination for vibration reduction during ball-end milling of flexible details
PublikacjaIn the paper a method of optimal spindle speed determination for vibration reduction during ball-end milling of flexible details is proposed. In order to reduce vibration level, an original procedure of the spindle speed optimisation, based on the Liao–Young criterion, is suggested. As the result, an optimal, constant spindle speed value is determined. For this purpose, on-stationary computational model of machining process is...
Determination of optimal rotational speeds of circular saws
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono możliwości diagnostyczne stanowiska HewSaw do badania zachowania się pił w funkcji prędkości obrotowej piły. Wykazano, ze wyznaczone wartości prędkości optymalnych badanych pił leżą poniżej wartości zalecanych przez producenta. Praca z prędkościami wyższymi od optymalnych może prowadzić do zwiększenia strat materiałowych, a także stwarzać zagrożenia dla obsługi.
Determination of mechanical and hydraulic properties of PVA hydrogels
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New approaches to chromatographic determination of lipophilicity of xenobiotics
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Recent Developments in Methods of Analysis for Fluoride Determination
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Determination of organophosphorus and organonitrogen pesticides in water samples
PublikacjaPesticides are among the most dangerous environmental pollutants because of their stability, mobility and long-term effects on living organisms. Their presence in sources of drinking water, essential to life, is a particular danger. In water, these compounds can undergo transformations, leading to the production of substances of even greater toxicity. Legal regulations are in force, stipulating the highest permissible level of...
Review of the determination of pesticide residues in ambient air
PublikacjaW publikacji dokonano przeglądu najważniejszych metodyk oznaczania pozostałości pestycydów w powietrzu zewnętrznym. W publikacji przedstawiono także techniki używane do oznaczeń końcowych. Obecnie najpopularniejszą techniką oznaczeń końcowych jest chromatografia gazowa bądź cieczowa sprzężona ze spektrometrem mas.
Determination of the transverse resistance characteristics in railway track
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono problem oporów poprzecznych podsypki z punktu widzenia budowy, utrzymania oraz bezpieczeństwa w eksploatacji toru kolejowego. Zaprezentowano różne sposoby analitycznego podejścia do badanego zjawiska na przykładzie modeli matematycznych spotykanych w literaturze. Scharakteryzowano aktualny stan badań doświadczalnych związanych z oporami poprzecznymi. Omówiono różne sposoby prowadzenia takich badań w eksploatowanych...
Modulation frequency constraints on wow and flutter determination
PublikacjaOpracowane wcześniej algorytmy do określania charakterystyki kołysania i drżenia dźwięku okazały się pomocne w rekonstrukcji rzeczywistych próbek dźwiękowych, jednakże przy ich opracowaniu nie określono przedziału częstotliwości modulujących, które mogą być przez nie śledzone. Prezentowany artykuł zawiera studium pozwalające wyznaczyć brakujące przedziały częstotliwości dla trzech algorytmów śledzących: przydźwięk sieciowy, pozostałość...
A parametric method for preliminary determination of underwater vehiclesdeadweight
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Rational method of grit chamber efficiency determination
PublikacjaAlthough grot chambers are designed with utmost care, they still remain difficuly to control. As concentration of grit is non-uniform, representative measurements of the sand concentration is a very complex issue. In the paper the results of measure,ents performed at WTP in Gdańsk and Gdynia were analyzed. The proposed method to determine grit chambers efficiency is based on comparison of suspension flow in the inlet and flux of...
Simultaneous determination of polyphenolics in extracts of Potentilla species
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Analytical procedures for the determination of surfactants in environmental samples
PublikacjaBecause of their specific physical and chemical properties (amphiphilicity, solubility in polar and nonpolar liquids, ability to form micelles, adsorption at phase boundaries, low toxicity) surfactants (surface-active compounds) are widely applied in industry and in the household. As their applications are on a very large scale, it has become necessary to acquire a more detailed understanding of their environmental fate.In the...
Determination of Failure Causes of a Steam Turbine Casing
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of research and failure analysis undertaken to determine failure causes of a steam turbine casing. After 130,000 hours of service the crack in a outer shell of the turbine casing was found. The inner shell of the casing was made of cast steel grade G21CrMoV5-7, and the outer shell of grade G20CrMo4-5. Following research were performed in order to determine causes of the casing failure: chemical analysis;...
Some approaches to the determination of saw blade stiffness.
PublikacjaW nowoczesnych zakładach przerobu drewna obserwuje się tendencję do redukcji rzazu w celu ograniczenia strat surowca. Jednakże, cienkie piły są bardziej wrażliwe na odziaływanie sił odporowych (bocznych). Dlatego też, znajomość sztywności statycznej pozwala użytkownikowi prognozować zachowanie się piły podczas pracy. W pracy przedstawiono metodykę wyznaczania sztywności statycznej początkowej i roboczej pił trakowych oraz taśmowych....
Determination and pathways of nitrogen during wastewater treatment.
PublikacjaŚcieki rafineryjne, farmaceutyczne oraz z przemysłu spożywczego charakteryzują się wysoką zawartością azotu amonowego. Biologiczne oczyszczanie ścieków przemysłowych zazwyczaj stwarza poważne problemy technologiczne. Azot zawarty w tego typu ściekach jest zawarty w aminach, amidach, czyli związkach, które wymagają wstępnego oczyszczania w celu zmniejszenia ich stężenia do wartości nie inhibujących reakcji biochemicznych oraz nitryfikacji....
Comparision of Methods for Determination of Potential Evapotransportation (PET)
PublikacjaPotencjalna ewapotranspiracja (PET) jest traktowana jako indeks maksymalnej, możliwej ewapotranspiracji i jest wielkością często używaną w modelach hydrologicznych. W pracy porównano 4 modele obliczania PET: Konstantinowa, Turca, Thorntkwaita i Penmana. Są to metody o różnym stopniu dokładności. Przykładowe obliczenia przeprowadzono dla pomiarów ze stacji Bielnik, leżącej w pobliżu Gdańska.
Determination of the Territorial Sea Baseline – Measurement Aspect
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Determination of reservoir decision rules during flood
PublikacjaW artykule opisano zastosowania metody sterowanego przeszukiwania losowego w zadaniu operacyjnego sterowania systemem zbiorników Nysy Kłodzkiej. Celem badań było zwiększenie dokładności uzyskiwanych wyników i efektywności obliczeń. Przetestowano kilka form reguł decyzyjnych i zaproponowano modyfikację analizowanej metody.
A ring-based probe for determination of the skin conductivity
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono konstrukcję sondy do pomiarów przewodności skóry wstanie oparzenia.
Deep eutectic solvents based assay for extraction and determination of zinc in fish and eel samples using FAAS
PublikacjaA new assay based on effective (high recovery) extraction by means of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) was developed for ppb level determination of zinc in fishes and eel samples. Choline chloride and Phenol in a 1:2 M ratio was selected as optimal DES-based extraction solvent. 8-Hydroxy quinoline was used as a chelating agent for zinc ions. The optimized conditions were found at pH value of 8, ligand concentration of 10 mg/L, THF...
Ultrasound-assisted deep eutectic solvent-based liquid–liquid microextraction for simultaneous determination of Ni (II) and Zn (II) in food samples
PublikacjaA new approach was developed for the simultaneous pre-concentration and determination of Ni (II) and Zn (II) in food samples. This method is based on ultrasound-assisted liquid–liquid micro extraction using hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent (DES) and 1,10-phenanthroline as chelating agent. The effect of several parameters, such as pH, selection and volume of DES, amount of chelating agent, time of sonication and centrifugation,...
Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in dust samples collected in air conditioning filters of different usage – method development
PublikacjaThis study presents the results of studies aimed at the development of an analytical procedure for separation, identification, and determination of PBDEs compounds in dust samples collected from automotive cabin air filters and samples collected from filters installed as part of the air purification system in academic facilities. Ultrasound-assisted dispersive solid phase extraction (UA-dSPE) was found to perform better in terms...
Multivariate Assessment of Procedures for Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Synthesis for Pesticides Determination in Environmental and Agricultural Samples
PublikacjaIn the case of quantitative and qualitative analysis of pesticides in environmental and food samples, it is required to perform a sample pre-treatment process. It allows to minimalize the impact of interferences on the final results, as well as increase the recovery rate. Nowadays, apart from routinely employed sample preparation techniques such as solid-phase extraction (SPE) or solid-phase microextraction (SPME), the application...
Development and validation of an eco-compatible UV–Vis spectrophotometric method for the determination of Cu2+ in aqueous matrices
PublikacjaCu 2+ are ubiquitous ions in the ecosystem and are responsible of serious environmental pollution. Indeed, the development of sensitive methods for Cu 2+ detection is an urgent demand. In this work, we proposed a new spectrophotometric method for Cu 2+ determination in different water matrices (distilled water, drinking water, wastewater, and river water). The method employs a bio-based organic ligand namely tetrasodium iminodisuccinate...
Fracture Toughness and Shear Yield Strength Determination for Two Selected Species of Central European Provenance
PublikacjaWhen offcut of wood is formed by shearing, Atkins’s analyses of sawing processes can be applied. Using this modern approach, it is possible to determine the fracture toughness and shear yield strength of wood. This model is only applicable for the axial-perpendicular cutting direction because both of these parameters are suitable for the given direction of cutting edge movement and cannot be considered material constants. Alternatively,...
Chemical Derivatization Processes Applied to Amine Determination in Samples of Different Matrix Composition
PublikacjaAmines are important biological compounds, and so their analysis and monitoring in various matrices is worthy of investigation and development.Due to the polar nature of amines, chromatographic analysis of free amines is generally unsatisfactory owing to adsorption and decomposition of the solute on the column, resulting in peak tailing and losses. Therefore, many derivatization reactions are employed to reduce the polarity, improve...
Evaluation of the potential of Microwave Plasma–Atomic Emission Spectrometry for trace elements leaching assessment from the concrete matrix with sewage sludge ash additives
PublikacjaThe management of ash generated during the thermal utilization of sewage sludge is a significant environmental problem requiring an effective technological solution. One alternative way to dispose of sewage sludge is to bind it in concrete as a substitute for part of the aggregate. The properties of the C-S-H phase enable effective immobilization of harmful substances that sewage sludge contains. The amount of individual compounds...
A comparative study of sequential extraction methods for identification of trace elements fractions (Cr, Ni, Pb, Cd) in urban soils from several parks
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Solid Phase Micro-Extraction, a Versatile and Handy Tool in Environmental Trace Organic Analysis, Gets a New Class of Coatings, Polymeric Ionic Liquids
PublikacjaSolid phase microextraction (SPME) fundamentals, characteristics and application are described. The special stress is put on characteristics of sorbents used as SPME fiber coatings. Description of commercially available fibers and the present-day trends in development of new sorbents for SPME are given. Discussion is focused on possibility of application of ionic liquids (IL) and polymeric ionic liquids (PIL) as SPME fiber coatings....
Optimization of vortex-assisted supramolecular solvent-based liquid liquid microextraction for the determination of mercury in real water and food samples
PublikacjaA novel method was developed for sample preparation for spectrophotometric determination of Hg(II) in water and food samples. The method was based on vortex-assisted supramolecular solvent-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction (VA-SUPRASs-LLME). Analytical parameters such as pH, chelating agent, solvent type and volume, vortex time and salting out effect were optimized. Surface and normal probability plots were drawn for the variables...
Determination of amikacin and ciprofloxacin by liquid chromatography with pre-column derivatization to evaluate sustained delivery of antibiotics from Drug-Eluting Biopsy Needle
PublikacjaDetermination of chosen antibacterial antibiotics: amikacin and ciprofloxacin was carried out by HPLC-UV after derivatization with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate and in their native form by HPLC-MS/MS. Developed methods have been applied to control the kinetics of antibiotic release from polymer-based controlled drug delivery system.
Analytical procedures for the determination of fuel combustion products, anti-corrosive compounds, and de-icing compounds in airport runoff water samples
PublikacjaThe purpose of this study is to propose and evaluate new procedures for determination of fuel combustion products, anti-corrosive and de-icing compounds in runoff water samples collected from the airports located in different regions and characterized by different levels of the activity expressed by the number of flights and the number of passengers (per year). The most difficult step in the analytical procedure used for the determination...
Comprehensive determination of flavouring additives and nicotine in e-cigarette refill solutions. Part II: Gas-chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis
PublikacjaFlavouring compounds are an essential part of e-liquid products for cigarettes. In general, they are regarded as safe for ingestion, but they may have unrecognized risks when they are inhaled. In some cases, manufactures do not currently abide by the Tobacco Products Directive (2014/40/EU) and do not declare the detailed contents of e-liquids on their labels. To help evaluate the health impact of flavouring substances, there is...
Development of a new green analytical methodology for the determination of phthalates in single-use babies diapers using ultrasound-assisted extraction and polypropylene porous membrane
PublikacjaA green extraction strategy was developed and utilized for the extraction and determination of phthalates. The extraction is based on ultrasound-assisted extraction and a polypropylene porous membrane. The Box-Behnken model was performed to optimize the extraction condition. The optimal extraction conditions are 5.5 mL of ethyl acetate, 10 min of extraction time and 55 C for extraction temperature. The developed green extraction...
Application of ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of porous membrane packed liquid samples for polyphenols determination in wine samples
PublikacjaPolyphenols play a crucial role in a proper human health maintenance as well as their presence very often correspond to the quality assessment of producs like wine. Thus, their monitoring is of high interest. However, as they occur in a complex matrices their extraction is very often necessary prior the analysis. Herein, a new ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of porous membrane packed liquid sample technique has been optimized...
DETERMINATION OF SURFACTANTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES - PART I. CATIONIC COMPOUNDS = Oznaczanie Surfaktantów W Próbkach Środowiskowych. Część I. Związki Kationowe
PublikacjaCompounds from the group of cationic surfactants are widely applied in household, industrial, cleaning, disinfectant, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products as their specific properties (antimicrobial, emulsifying, anticorrosion, softening). After use, cationic surfactants are disposed to wastewater-treatment plants and finally with effluent water to surface waters due to their incomplete degradation. Moreover, they can freely circulate...
A new procedure for the determination of distillation temperature distribution of high-boiling petroleum products and fractions
PublikacjaThe distribution of distillation temperatures of liquid and semi-fluid products, including petroleum fractions and products, is an important process and practical parameter. It provides information on properties of crude oil and content of particular fractions, classified on the basis of their boiling points, as well as the optimum conditions of atmospheric or vacuum distillation. At present, the distribution of distillation temperatures...
Determination of rectification corrections for semi gantry crane rail axes in the local 3D coordinate system
PublikacjaElectronic tacheometers are currently the standard instruments used in geodetic work, including also geodetic engineering measurements. The main advantage connected with this equipment is among others high accuracy of the measurement and thus high accuracy of the final determinations represented for example by the points’ coordinates. One of many applications of the tacheometers is the measurement of crane rail axes. This measurement...
Low and high energy explosive materials used in shale gas recovery
PublikacjaNowadays the explosives are widely used in many areas of life, including industry and mining. A wide range of explosive materials is used in the petroleum industry - from low to high explosives. Recently, as the unconventional oil and gas production became possible, explosives are also found to be used in perforators during the pre-completion stage of the fracturing process. This paper presents literature on theoretical and practical...
Determination of eight artificial sweeteners and common Stevia rebaudiana glycosides in non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages by reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry.
PublikacjaThe method for the determination of acesulfame-K, saccharine, cyclamate, aspartame, sucralose, alitame, neohesperidin dihydrochalcone, neotame and five common steviol glycosides (rebaudioside A, rebaudioside C, steviol, steviolbioside and stevioside) in soft and alcoholic beverages was developed using high-performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry with electrospray ionisation (HPLC-ESI-MS/MS). To the best of...
Ultrasound-Assisted Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Using Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) for Neutral Red Dye Spectrophotometric Determination
PublikacjaDeep eutectic solvents (DES), which have low toxicity and are low cost, biodegradable, and easily synthesized, were used for the extraction of neutral red (NR) dye before its spectrophotometric analysis. DES, containing choline chloride as a hydrogen bond acceptor and phenol as a hydrogen bond donor with a molar ratio of 1:2, was used for the extraction of NR dye from aqueous media. The possible interaction of different DESs with...
Rapid determination of multiple aminoglycoside antibiotics in veterinary formulations by ion-pair chromatography coupled with evaporative light scattering detection
PublikacjaA fast and simple method for simultaneous determination of eight aminoglycoside antibiotics using ion-pairing liquid chromatography (IPLC) coupled with evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD) has been developed and validated. Separation of amikacin, apramycin, gentamicin (as a sum of gentamicin C1, C2 and C1A), kanamycin A, neomycin B, paromomycin, streptomycin and tobramycin was achieved using C18 column with H2O and MeOH/acetone,...