Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: path following
Bibliometric approach to tracking the concept of international competitiveness
PublikacjaThe main aim of paper is to identify the growth pattern in the international competitiveness literature, its core publications and key research domains on the basis of bibliometric data from the years 1945–2015. Citation data is collected from the ISI Web of Science Website, Scopus and Google Scholar, and analysed using HistCite, Pajek and VOSviewer software. Bibliometric indicators, network citation, key-route path methods and...
Ensuring sustainable development of urban public transport: A case study of the trolleybus system in Gdynia and Sopot (Poland)
PublikacjaElectromobility is a vital tool in reducing the environmental impact of transportation. A technologically mature means of public transport is the trolleybus. Based on a case study of the Polish cities of Gdynia and Sopot, this paper explores the factors that influence the development of the trolleybus system. Recent developments of in-motion charging (IMC) technology are analysed what provides a new analytical framework for the...
Society 4.0: Issues, Challenges, Approaches, and Enabling Technologies
PublikacjaThis guest edition of Cybernetics and Systems is a broadening continuation of our last year edition titled “Intelligence Augmentation and Amplification: Approaches, Tools, and Case Studies”. This time we cover research perspective extending towards what is known as Society 4.0. Bob de Vit brought the concept of Society 4.0 to life in his book “Society 4.0 – resolving eight key issues to build a citizens society”. From the Systems...
Service restoration in survivable networks under attacks
PublikacjaW artykule dokonano porównania jakości odtwarzania usług w przeżywalnych sieciach optycznych, uszkadzanych w wyniku awarii fizycznych oraz na skutek ataków. Przeanalizowano wariant ochrony ścieżek ('path protection') poprzez wyznaczane zawczasu ścieżki zabezpieczające. Z uwagi na NP-zupełność problemu optymalizacji doboru tras w przeżywalnych sieciach optycznych, zaproponowano efektywny algorytm heurystyczny SCNDP. Autorski symulator...
Mean Crossover in evolutionary path planning method for maritime collision avoidance
PublikacjaAbstract: This paper presents the use of mean crossover genetic operator for path planning using evolutionary algorithm for collision avoidance on sea. Mean crossover ensures widening of the possible solutions' set that can be achieved in comparison to exchange crossover variant. The research shown, that the mean crossover allows to achieve results independent from the initial generation and quicker transition of thealgorithm from...
Skłonność do rywalizacji a intencje przedsiębiorcze – o różnicach międzypłciowych
PublikacjaAccording to the person-environment fit model people are more inclined to choose particular careers paths over other depending on their individual characteristics. They are also more likely to be satisfied with a career path that matches their characteristics and less likely to experience negative consequences including strain. In previous research several characteristics of entrepreneurs which differentiate them from non-entrepreneurs...
PublikacjaIn our work, a further development of the authors model of thermo-chemical flow of fuel, air, oxygen, steam water, species, ionic and electron currents within nano channels and nano-structures of novel devices is presented. Different transport enhancement models are taken into account -among them the most important are: the velocity slip connected with complex external friction, the Darcy mobility and the Reynolds transpiration....
Propagation of Acoustic Disturbances in Shallow Sea
PublikacjaPropagation of acoustic waves in shallow sea differs fundamentally from the same phenomenon occurring in deep sea in view of non-negligible distance from the sea bottom in the first case, where presence of two regions limiting the water layer results in the acoustic pressure distribution induced by a harmonic source has an interferential nature as a result of multi-path propagation of the acoustic signal. These interferential properties...
Comparison and Analysis of Service Selection Algorithms
PublikacjaIn Service Oriented Architecture, applications are developed by integration of existing services in order to reduce development cost and time. The approach, however, requires algorithms that select appropriate services out of available, alternative ones. The selection process may consider both optimalization requirements, such as maximalization of performance, and constraint requirements, such minimal security or maximum development...
Towards More Realistic Probabilistic Models for Data Structures: The External Path Length in Tries under the Markov Model
PublikacjaTries are among the most versatile and widely used data structures on words. They are pertinent to the (internal) structure of (stored) words and several splitting procedures used in diverse contexts ranging from document taxonomy to IP addresses lookup, from data compression (i.e., Lempel- Ziv'77 scheme) to dynamic hashing, from partial-match queries to speech recognition, from leader election algorithms to distributed hashing...
Reliability and Validity of Optoelectronic Method for Biophotonical Measurements
PublikacjaReliability and validity of measurements is of utmost importance when assessing measuring capability of instruments developed for research. In order to perform an experiment which is legitimate, used instruments must be both reliable and valid. Reliability estimates the degree of precision of measurement, the extent to which a measurement is internally consistent. Validity is the usefulness of an instrument to perform accurate...
High-Power Jamming Attack Mitigation Techniques in Spectrally-Spatially Flexible Optical Networks
PublikacjaThis work presents efficient connection provisioning techniques mitigating high-power jamming attacks in spectrally-spatially flexible optical networks (SS-FONs) utilizing multicore fibers. High-power jamming attacks are modeled based on their impact on the lightpaths’ quality of transmission (QoT) through inter-core crosstalk. Based on a desired threshold on a lightpath’s QoT, the modulation format used, the length of the path,...
PublikacjaThe optimal transformation path for the resource is determined by the quality of a log combined with its dimension. The commercial value of derived products is also closely connected with the size and extent of containing wood deficiencies. The results of studies with three diverse strategies for log sorting are presented in the paper. Resource assessment by a worker without extensive experience in sorting logs, the certified grading...
Highly Compact Dual-Band Frequency Selective Surface for Path-loss and Coverage Improvement in Millimeter-wave Advanced Wireless Applications
PublikacjaIn this work, a compact dual-band frequency selective surface (FSS) for path-loss and coverage improvement in advanced wireless communication is showcased. The proposed FSS is a single-layer design with stable and high performance at both 24 GHz and 38 GHz operating frequencies, respectively. The design is highly compact with two wide-band reflection coefficient responses having 49.5% (14.5 – 26.4 GHz) and 66.57% (35.8 – 39.8 GHz)...
The Concept of a Measurement Data Acquisition Platform Based on Compressive Sensing
PublikacjaThe paper introduces the concept of a modern software-hardware platform for data acquisition and analysis, capable of efficiently handling vast amounts of measurement data in real time with minimal energy consumption. The current methodologies for information acquisition are predicated upon traditional sampling techniques, which frequently yield redundant data necessitating subsequent compression. The novel approach is based on...
Simulation model for evaluation of QOS dynamic routing
PublikacjaCurrent informational networks use a large variety of technologies to support data exchange. Most of them are focused on IP protocol and include mechanisms which by definition should supply demanded QoS. One of those mechanisms is efficient path calculation - routing. Traffic offered to the network can change very rapidly in short term. Routing should support such traffic changes and all the time calculate valid paths in terms...
Employment and export specialization patterns versus GDP per capita performance - unifying approach
PublikacjaThis paper analyses the evolution of specialization patterns along the process of economic development. The scope of the paper is twofold: first of all, it aims at understanding if the evolution of employment specialization is reflected in the same manner in trade specialisation patterns. Secondly, it explores the link between the degree of specialization on one side and cross country GDP per capita performance on the other. We...
Subjective tests for gathering knowledge for applying color grading to video clips automatically
PublikacjaThe analysis of film music concerning caused emotions may allow for a more accurate adaptation of the color of the film in the context of color grading. Therefore, this paper aims to gather knowledge on the correlation between the applied color palette to a video clip, music associated with a particular shot, and emotions evoked. For that purpose, subjective tests are prepared in which several video clips are presented with or...
PublikacjaIn the low-pressure part of steam turbine, the state path usually crosses the saturation line in penultimate stages [4,5]. The formation and evolution of these droplets lower the performance of the wet stages of the turbines, and their effects on the efficiency are collectively known as wetness losses [4]. Nowadays, due to work of steam turbines at partial load, process of homogeneous and heterogeneous condensation still is current....
Classification of submandibular salivary stones based on ultrastructural studies
PublikacjaIntroduction: Sialolithiasis remains a clinical problem with unclear etiopathogenesis, lack of prevention methods, and only surgical treatment. Materials and methods: An ultrastructure examination of submandibular sialoliths obtained from patients with chronic sialolithiasis was conducted using a scanning electron microscope and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Results: Based on the results, we divided sialoliths into three types:...
Detection and size estimation of crack in plate based on guided wave propagation
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of the comprehensive theoretical and experimental investigation of crack detection in metallic plate using guided wave propagation. The main aim of the paper is to develop the novel method which would allow for linear crack size estimation with the use of minimal number of the transducers. In general, there exists the relation between length of the propagation path and the wave amplitude value. However,...
Detection of the First Component of the Received LTE Signal in the OTDoA Method
PublikacjaIn a modern world there is a growing demand for localization services of various kinds. Position estimation can be realized via cellular networks, especially in the currently widely deployed LTE (Long Term Evolution) networks. However, it is not an easy task in harsh propagation conditions which often occur in dense urban environments. Recently, time-methods of terminal localization within the network have been the focus of attention,...
Multi-Taper-Based Automatic Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements
PublikacjaPrototype measurements belong to the key steps in the development of antenna structures. Although accurate validation of their far-field performance can be realized in dedicated facilities, such as anechoic chambers, the high cost of their construction and maintenance might not be justified if the main goal of measurements is to support teaching or low-budget research. Instead, they can be performed in non-anechoic conditions and...
Effect of Ion and Binding Site on the Conformation of Chosen Glycosaminoglycans at the Albumin Surface
PublikacjaAlbumin is one of the major components of synovial fluid. Due to its negative surface charge, it plays an essential role in many physiological processes, including the ability to form molecular complexes. In addition, glycosaminoglycans such as hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate are crucial components of synovial fluid involved in the boundary lubrication regime. This study presents the influence of Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions...
Mechanical Properties and Wear Susceptibility Determined by Nanoindentation Technique of Ti13Nb13Zr Titanium Alloy after “Direct Laser Writing”
PublikacjaLaser treatment has often been applied to rebuild the surface layer of titanium and its alloys destined for long-term implants. Such treatment has always been associated with forming melted and re-solidified thin surface layers. The process parameters of such laser treatment can be different, including the patterning of a surface by so-called direct writing. In this research, pulse laser treatment was performed on the Ti13Nb13Zr...
Mitigating metal-organic framework (MOF) toxicity for biomedical applications
PublikacjaMetal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a novel class of crystalline porous materials, consisting of metal ions and organic linkers. These hybrid materials are highly porous and have a large specific surface area, making them of great interest for applications in gas separation, energy storage, biomedical imaging, and drug delivery. As MOFs are being explored for biomedical applications, it is essential to comprehensively assess their...
Atmospheric degradation mechanism of anthracene initiated by OH•: A DFT prediction
PublikacjaDensity functional theory (DFT) calculations at the M06-2X/def2-TZVP level have been employed to investigate the atmospheric oxidation mechanism of anthracene (ANT) initiated by HO•. Direct hydrogen atom abstraction from the ANT using HO• takes place hardly at ambient conditions while the addition of HO• to the C1, C2, and C4 sites are thermodynamically and kinetically more advantageous. The addition reactions are controlled by...
Subjective tests for gathering konwledge for applaying color grading to video clips automatically
PublikacjaThe analysis of film music concerning caused emotions may allow for a more accurate adaptation of the color of the film in the context of color grading. Therefore, this paper aims to gather knowledge on the correlation between the applied color palette to a video clip, music associated with a particular shot,and emotions evoked. For that purpose, subjective tests are prepared in which several video clips are presented with...
Analiza algorytmów rutingu wspierających QoS w DiffServ.
PublikacjaW artykule podjęto tematykę związaną z opisem oraz analizą dostępnych algorytmów rutingu wspierających QoS dla specyficznej architektury sieci IP - DiffServ. Główną przyczyną jaka skłania do badania procedur rutingu QoS o wielu ograniczeniach (multi constrained routing) jest brak jak dotąd jednoznacznie sprecyzowanych, dokładnych metod pozwalających wyznaczyć drogi połączeniowe dla usług, dla których ma być gwarantowana jakość...
Analiza algorytmów rutingu wspierających QoS w DiffServ
PublikacjaW pracy podjęto tematykę związaną z opisem oraz analizą dostępnych algorytmów rutingu wspierających QoS dla specyficznej architektury sieci IP - DiffServ. Główną przyczyną jaka skłania do badania procedur rutingu QoS o wielu ograniczeniach (multi constrained routing) jest brak jak dotąd jednoznacznie sprecyzowanych, dokładnych metod pozwalających wyznaczyć drogi połączeniowe dla usług, dla których ma być gwarantowana jakość (QoS...
Selected local stability problems of channel section flanges made of aluminium alloys
PublikacjaThe paper addresses the issue of local buckling of compressed flanges of cold-formed thin-walled channel columns and beams with nonstandard flanges composed of aluminium alloys. The material behaviour follows the Ramberg–Osgood law. It should be noted that the proposed solution may be also applied for other materials, for example: stainless steel, carbon steel. The paper is motivated by an increasing interest in nonstandard cold-formed...
Reactions of Lithiated Diphosphanes R2P−P(SiMe3)Li (R = tBu and iPr) with [MeNacnacTiCl2·THF] and [MeNacnacTiCl3]. Formation and Structure of TitaniumIII and TitaniumIV β‑Diketiminato Complexes Bearing the Side-on Phosphanylphosphido and Phosphanylphosphinidene Functionalities
Publikacjaβ-Diketiminate complexes of TiIII-containing phosphanylphosphido ligands [MeNacnacTi(Cl){η2-P(SiMe3)- PR2}] (MeNacnac− = [Ar]NC(Me)CHC(Me)N[Ar]; Ar = 2,6- iPr2C6H3) were prepared by reactions of [MeNacnacTiCl2· THF] with lithium derivatives of diphosphanes R2P−P(SiMe3) Li (R = tBu, iPr) in toluene solutions. Surprisingly, reactions of [MeNacnacTiCl2·THF] with R2P−P(SiMe3)Li in THF solutions led to TiIV complexes containing phosphanylphosphinidene ligands...
Increased Certification of Semi-device Independent Random Numbers using Many Inputs and More Postprocessing
PublikacjaQuantum communication with systems of dimension larger than two provides advantages in information processing tasks. Examples include higher rates of key distribution and random number generation. The main disadvantage of using such multi-dimensional quantum systems is the increased complexity of the experimental setup. Here, we analyze a not-so-obvious problem: the relation between randomness certification and computational requirements...
Filter-Hilbert Method for Automatic Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements with Embedded Self-Calibration Mechanism
PublikacjaOne of the most important steps in the process of antenna development involves measurements of its prototype. Far-field performance of radiators is normally characterized in strictly controlled environments such as anechoic chambers which can ensure certification-grade accuracy. Unfortunately, they are also characterized by high construction costs which might not be justified for low-budget research and/or teaching-related activities....
Classification of submandibular salivary stones based on ultrastructural studies
PublikacjaIntroduction: Sialolithiasis remains a clinical problem with unclear etiopathogenesis, lack of prevention methods, and only surgical treatment. Materials and methods: An ultrastructure examination of submandibular sialoliths obtained from patients with chronic sialolithiasis was conducted using a scanning electron microscope and X-ray photoelectron...
Wykorzystanie algorytmu ewolucyjnego i logiki rozmytej do kierowania statkiem
PublikacjaRozwój technik komputerowych w ostatnich latach, wpłynął na zmiany w sposobie prowadzenia nawigacji na współczesnym statku floty handlowej. Dysponując doświadczeniami związanymi z zatonięciem promu ''Estonia'', pod pokładem którego życie utraciły 852 osoby (95 ciał odnaleziono, 757 uznano za zaginione) oraz innych jednostek morskich, opracowano Konwencję STCW-95 nakładającą na oficerów nawigacyjnych i personel pokładowy, obowiązek...
Graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets decorated with HAp@Bi2S3 core–shell nanorods: Dual S-scheme 1D/2D heterojunction for environmental and hydrogen production solutions
PublikacjaBy combining different semiconductors, scientists have developed innovative materials capable of converting solar energy into useful forms of energy or driving chemical reactions that clean up pollutants. These materials offer a promising path to combat global environmental and energy challenges. In this study, HAp@Bi2S3 core–shell structures were synthesized using a facile microemulsion technique, and then loaded onto graphitic...
Capillary Electrophoresis in determination of short - chain carboxylic acids in aqueous samples
PublikacjaAnalysis of pollution is extremely important especially in areas directly adjacent tothe residential district. Studies show that short- chain carboxylic acids are a group ofcompounds widespread around sewage treatment plants, landfills, livestock farms. The mostcommon techniques for determination of short - chain carboxylic acids are chromatographictechniques, especially gas chromatography, whose main limitation is that only volatilemonocarboxylic...
Publikacja3D visualization is a key element of research and analysis and as the source used by experts in various fields e.g.: experts from water and sewage systems. The aim of this study was to visualize in three-dimensional space model of water supply network with relief. The path of technological development of GESUT data (Geodezyjna Ewidencja Sieci Uzbrojenia Terenu – geodetic records of public utilities) for water supply and measurement...
Multi-objective design optimization of antenna structures using sequential domain patching with automated patch size deter-mination
PublikacjaIn this paper, a simple yet efficient and reliable technique for fully automated multi-objective design optimization of antenna structures using sequential domain patching (SDP) is discussed. The optimization procedure according to SDP is a two-step process: (i) obtaining the initial set of Pareto-optimal designs representing the best possible trade-offs between considered conflicting objectives, and (ii) Pareto set refinement...
The effect of social media communication on consumer perceptions of brands
PublikacjaResearchers and brand managers have limited understanding of the effects social media communication has on how consumers perceive brands. We investigated 504 Facebook users in order to observe the impact of firm-created and user-generated (UG) social media communication on brand equity (BE), brand attitude (BA) and purchase intention (PI) by using a standardized online survey throughout Poland. To test the conceptual model, we...
Embodying Intelligence in Autonomous Systems with the Use of Cognitive Psychology and Motivation Theories
PublikacjaThe article discusses, on a certain level of abstraction and generalization, a coherent anthropological approach to the issue of controlling autonomous robots or agents. A contemporary idea can be based on appropriate modeling of the human mind using the available psychological knowledge. One of the main reasons for developing such projects is the lack of available and effective top-down approaches resulting from the known research...
The treatment of wastewater containing pharmaceuticals in microcosm constructed wetlands: the occurrence of integrons (int1–2) and associated resistance genes (sul1–3, qacEΔ1)
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to analyze the occurrence of sulfonamide resistance genes (sul1–3) and other genetic elements as antiseptic resistance gene (qacEΔ1) and class 1 and class 2 integrons (int1–2) in the upper layer of substrate and in the effluent of microcosm constructed wetlands (CWs) treating artificial wastewater containing diclofenac and sulfamethoxazole (SMX), which is a sulfonamide antibiotic. The bacteria in the substrate...
Embodying Intelligence in Autonomous and Robotic Systems with the Use of Cognitive Psychology and Motivation Theories
PublikacjaThe article discusses, on a certain level of abstraction and generalization, a coherent anthropological approach to the issue of controlling autonomous robots or agents. A contemporary idea can be based on appropriate modeling of the human mind using the available psychological knowledge. One of the main reasons for developing such projects is the lack of available and effective top-down approaches resulting from the known research...
Swapping Space for Time: An Alternative to Time-Domain Interferometry
PublikacjaYoung's double-slit experiment [1] requires two waves produced simultaneously at two different points in space. In quantum mechanics the waves correspond to a single quantum object, even as complex as a big molecule. An interference is present as long as one cannot tell for sure which slit is chosen by the object. The more we know about the path, the worse the interference. In the paper we show that quantum mechanics allows for...
Variable-Fidelity Simulation Models and Sparse Gradient Updates for Cost-Efficient Optimization of Compact Antenna Input Characteristics
PublikacjaDesign of antennas for the Internet of Things (IoT) applications requires taking into account several performance figures, both electrical (e.g., impedance matching) and field (gain, radiation pattern), but also physical constraints, primarily concerning size limitation. Fulfillment of stringent specifications necessitates the development of topologically complex structures described by a large number of geometry parameters that...
Thermal Image Processing for Respiratory Estimation from Cubical Data with Expandable Depth
PublikacjaAs healthcare costs continue to rise, finding affordable and non-invasive ways to monitor vital signs is increasingly important. One of the key metrics for assessing overall health and identifying potential issues early on is respiratory rate (RR). Most of the existing methods require multiple steps that consist of image and signal processing. This might be difficult to deploy on edge devices that often do not have specialized...
Structural motifs in the Cu(II), Mn(II) and Zn(II) complexes based on N,N,N-donor dipodal or N,N,N,N-donor tripodal ligands obtained in situ: Synthesis, crystal structures and xanthine oxidase inhibition properties
PublikacjaA series of four novel transition metal complexes, [Cu(NCS)2L1] (1), [Mn(NCS)2L1] (2) where L1 = bis(1-(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)methyl)amine, [Mn(NCS)2L2] (3) and [Zn(NCS)L2]2[Zn(NCS)4] (4) where L2 = tris(1-(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)methyl)amine, has been obtained in situ by a one-step, one-pot synthetic path starting from 1-hydroxymethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazole (L). The isolated complexes were fully characterised by elemental analysis,...
Red Kale (Brassica oleracea L. ssp. acephala L. var. sabellica) Induces Apoptosis in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells In Vitro
PublikacjaThis article presents the results of studies investigating the effect of red kale (Brassica oleracea L. ssp. acephala L. var. sabellica) extract on cancer cells (HT-29). The cytotoxicity of the red kale extract was assessed using MTT and LDH assays, while qRT-PCR was employed to analyze the expression of genes associated with the p53 signaling pathway to elucidate the effect of the extract on cancer cells. Furthermore, HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS...
Theoretical and experimental analysis of guided wave propagation in plate-like structures with sinusoidal thickness variations
PublikacjaGuided waves have attracted significant attention for non-destructive testing (NDT) and structural health monitoring (SHM) due to their ability to travel relatively long distances without significant energy loss combined with their sensitivity to even small defects. Therefore, they are commonly used in damage detection and localization applications. The main idea of incorporating guided waves in NDT and SHM is based on processing...