wszystkich: 494
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CIRCUIT SYNTHESIS
Identification and non-integer order modelling of synchronous machines operating as generator
PublikacjaThis paper presents an original mathematical model of a synchronous generator using derivatives of fractional order. In contrast to classical models composed of a large number of R-L ladders, it comprises half-order impedances, which enable the accurate description of the electromagnetic induction phenomena in a wide frequency range, while minimizing the order and number of model parameters. The proposed model takes into account...
Technique to improve CMRR at high frequencies in CMOS OTA-C filters
PublikacjaIn this paper a technique to improve the common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) at high frequencies in the OTA-C filters is proposed. The technique is applicable to most OTA-C filters using CMOS operational transconductance amplifiers (OTA) based on differential pairs. The presented analysis shows that a significant broadening of CMRR bandwidth can be achieved by using a differential pair with the bodies of transistors connected to...
Experimental verification of a new method of loop resistance testing in low voltage systems with residual current devices
PublikacjaA periodical verification of the effectiveness of protection against electric shock shall be performed in low voltage systems. The scope of this verification includes loop impedance/resistance testing. If a residual current device is installed in a tested circuit, this testing is problematic. A residual current device trips out during the test, because of the high value of measurement current. This precludes the execution of the...
Modelling of dielectric properties of BiNbO4-based microwave ceramics
PublikacjaIn the present paper results of the studies devoted to computer simulations of dielectric response of electroceramics in a frequency domain as well as analysis of the experimental data are given. As an object of investigations BiNbO4-based microwave ceramics was taken. Simulations of the hypothetical impedance response of the ceramic system were performed under assumption of the brick-layer model. A strategy for analysis and modelling...
Wideband Highly-Selective Bandpass Filtering Branch-Line Coupler
PublikacjaThis paper presents a novel design of a wideband highly-selective bandpass filtering branch-line coupler (FBLC). By integrating a coupled microstrip line, and an open-ended stub at each port of a single-section BLC, bandpass filtering characteristics with excellent selectivity and broad operating bandwidth have been achieved. The proposed circuit has been verified through EM simulations and physical measurements of the fabricated...
Feasibility Study GaN Transistors Application in the Novel Split-Coils Inductive Power Transfer System with T-Type Inverter
PublikacjaA promising solution for inductive power transfer and wireless charging is presented on the basis of a single-phase three-level T-type Neutral Point Clamped GaN-based inverter with two coupled transmitting coils. The article focuses on the feasibility study of GaN transistor application in the wireless power transfer system based on the T-type inverter on the primary side. An analysis of power losses in the main components of the...
Miniaturized Dual-Band Bandpass Filter with Wide Inter Stopband for 5G Applications
PublikacjaThis article presents the design of a miniaturized dual-band bandpass filter with a wide inter-stopband and improved isolation. A novel topology comprising the series connection of shunt cascaded coupled lines and quarter-wavelength open stubs is proposed to realize the dual-band filter along with half-wavelength stepped-impedance stubs. The circuit characteristics contain nine transmission zeros and four poles. The transmission...
Bayesian Optimization for solving high-frequency passive component design problems
PublikacjaIn this paper, the performance of the Bayesian Optimization (BO) technique applied to various problems of microwave engineering is studied. Bayesian optimization is a novel, non-deterministic, global optimization scheme that uses machine learning to solve complex optimization problems. However, each new optimization scheme needs to be evaluated to find its best application niche, as there is no universal technique that suits all...
Miniaturized Dual-Band SIW-Based Bandpass Filters Using Open-Loop Ring Resonators
PublikacjaThis article presents two novel architectures of dual-band substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) bandpass filters (BPFs). Initially, two identical open-loop ring resonators (OLRRs) are coupled face-to-face on the top of the SIW cavity to realize a dual-band single-pole BPF. To obtain two-pole dual-band characteristics, two OLRRs resonant units are assembled horizontally within the top metal layer of the SIW, which is a technique...
Safety issues referred to induced sheath voltages in high-voltage power cables – case study
PublikacjaLoad currents and short-circuit currents in high-voltage power cable lines are sources of the induced voltages in the power cables’ concentric metallic sheaths. When power cables operate with single-point bonding, which is the simplest bonding arrangement, these induced voltages may introduce an electric shock hazard or may lead to damage of the cables’ outer non-metallic sheaths at the unearthed end of the power cable line. To...
A Comprehensive Survey on Antennas On-Chip Based on Metamaterial, Metasurface, and Substrate Integrated Waveguide Principles for Millimeter-Waves and Terahertz Integrated Circuits and Systems
PublikacjaAntennas on-chip are a particular type of radiating elements valued for their small footprint. They are most commonly integrated in circuit boards to electromagnetically interface free space, which is necessary for wireless communications. Antennas on-chip radiate and receive electromagnetic (EM) energy as any conventional antennas, but what distinguishes them is their miniaturized size. This means they can be integrated inside...
A Perspective on Fast-SPICE Simulation Technology
PublikacjaThis chapter presents an introduction to the area of accelerated transistor-level (‘fast-SPICE’) simulation for automated verification and characterization of integrated circuits (ICs) from technologist’s perspective. It starts with outlining goals, expectations and typical usage models for fast-SPICE simulators, stressing how they differ from regular SPICE tools. It continues with presenting and classifying core technologies typically...
Nonlinear model of a synchronous generator for analysis of more electric aircraft power systems
PublikacjaA nonlinear model for studying a variable-speed synchronous generator (SG) in more electric aircraft (MEA) power system has been developed. The saturation effects of the SG magnetic circuit have been considered. The model has been implemented in the Synopys/Saber simulation environment. The modelling language MAST has been used to elaborate the SG model. The model exhibit a network with the same number of external terminals/ports...
Highly linear CMOS triode transconductor for VHF applications
PublikacjaA high-speed, fully balanced complementary-symmetry metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) triode transconductor is presented. The proposed approach exploits a pseudo-differential-pair triode configuration with a simple adaptive circuit stabilising the drain-to-source voltages of metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) transistors. Since no additional active circuits (apart from the resistors made of the cut-off MOS devices) and no feedback...
Arylated carbon nanotubes for biobatteries and biofuel cells
PublikacjaSinglwalled carbon nanotubes (swcnts)covalently phenylated, napthylated or terphenylated were used for the construction of cathodes in a biobattery and in a biofuel cell. zn is the anode in the biobaterry and single-walled carbon nanotubes are covalently modified with glucose oxidase/catalase (swcnt-gox/cat) and the biofuel cell anode. the cell parameters were determined and the potentials of each of the electrodes under cell working...
New Two-center Ellipsoidal Basis Function Neural Network for Fault Diagnosis of Analog Electronic Circuits
PublikacjaIn the paper a new fault diagnosis-oriented neural network and a diagnostic method for localization of parametric faults in Analog Electronic Circuits (AECs) with tolerances is presented. The method belongs to the class of dictionary Simulation Before Test (SBT) methods. It utilizes dictionary fault signatures as a family of identification curves dispersed around nominal positions by component tolerances of the Circuit Under Test...
Frequency-dependent coupling model for microwave band-pass filter
PublikacjaThe goal of this work was to create a circuit model which represents frequency-dependent coupling between microwave resonators. Our models are designed for in-line filters. The frequency-dependent coupling enables one to realize a transmission zero which is not possible in classical approach with frequency independent inverters. In addition, the proposed model allows us to observe out-of-band behavior, e.g. spurious resonance....
Design and Experiments of a Piezoelectric Motor Using Three Rotating Mode Actuators
PublikacjaThis paper represents a numerical and experimental investigation of the multicell piezoelectric motor. The proposed design consists of three individual cells that are integrated into the stator, double rotor, and a preload system combined into a symmetrical structure of the motor. Each of the cells is characterized by a traveling wave and rotating mode motor. A finite element numerical analysis is carried out to obtain optimal...
Multi-objective optimization of compact UWB impedance matching transformers using Pareto front exploration and adjoint sensitivities
PublikacjaIn this paper, a technique for fast multi-objective optimization of impedance matching transformers has been presented. In our approach, a set of alternative designs that represent the best possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives (here, the maximum reflection level within a frequency band of interest and the circuit size) is identified by directly exploring the Pareto front. More specifically, the subsequent Pareto-optimal...
Inverse surrogate models for fast geometry scaling of miniaturized dual-band couplers
PublikacjaRe-design of microwave structures for various sets of performance specifications is a challenging task, particularly for compact components where considerable electromagnetic (EM) cross-couplings make the relationships between geometry parameters and the structure responses complex. Here, we address geometry scaling of miniaturized dual-band couplers by means of inverse surrogate modeling. Our approach allows for fast estimation...
Rapid multi-objective design optimisation of compact microwave couplers by means of physics-based surrogates
PublikacjaThe authors introduce a methodology for fast multi-objective design optimisation of miniaturised microwave couplers. The approach exploits the surrogate-based optimisation paradigm with an underlying low-fidelity model constructed from an equivalent circuit of the structure under consideration, corrected through implicit and frequency space mapping. A fast prediction tool obtained this way is subsequently optimised by a multi-objective...
Accurate modeling of quasi-resonant inverter fed IM drive
PublikacjaIn this paper wide-band modeling methodology of a parallel quasi-resonant dc link inverter (PQRDCLI) fed induction machine (IM) is presented. The modeling objective is early-design stage prediction of conductive electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions of the considered converter fed IM drive system. Operation principles of the selected topology of PQRDCLI feeding IM drive are given. Modeling of the converter drive system is...
Longitudinally magnetized left-handed cylindrical ferrite coupled line junction for nonreciprocal devices
PublikacjaThis paper presents investigations of longitudinally magnetized left-handed cylindrical ferrite coupled line junction for nonreciprocal devices. The proposed junction is formed as a quasi periodic arrangement of N unit cells. Each unit cell is realized as a cascade of short cylindrical ferrite coupled lines with reactance circuit composed of series capacitors and parallel inductors. The left-handed cylindrical junction with π/4...
Computer-Aided Calculations of Earth Potential Rise in High Voltage Overhead Lines
PublikacjaHigh voltage overhead power lines with earth wires comprise towers made of conductive material. Some towers are in locations where people can be expected to be either for a long time or for a short time but very frequently. Evaluation of shock hazard near such towers requires calculation of line-to-earth short-circuit current, earth current and especially earth potential rise. Number of towers in high voltage power lines can exceed...
Superconductivity and itinerant ferromagnetism of Y9Co7 probed by ac susceptibility
PublikacjaThe ac magnetic susceptibility of a single crystal sample of the compound Y9Co7 has been measured in applied dc fields ranging from 0–6.7 kOe by utilizing a tunnel diode resonator circuit. In agreement with previous measurements on this material, a superconducting transition has been observed to occur at TSC ≈ 2.5 K. A broad maximum has been observed in the zero field susceptibility measurements from 2.5 K < T < 8 K and its behavior...
Low-cost EM-Simulation-based Multi-objective Design Optimization of Miniaturized Microwave Structures
PublikacjaIn this work, a simple yet reliable technique for fast multi-objective design optimization of miniaturized microwave structures is discussed. The proposed methodology is based on point-by-point identification of a Pareto-optimal set of designs representing the best possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives such as electrical performance parameters as well as the size of the structure of interest. For the sake of computational...
A grey box model of glucose fermentation and syntrophic oxidation in microbial fuel cells
PublikacjaIn this work, the fermentative and oxidative processes taking place in a microbial fuel cell (MFC) fed with glucose were studied and modeled. The model accounting for the bioelectrochemical processes was based on ordinary, Monod-type differential equations. The model parameters were estimated using experimental results obtained from three H-type MFCs operated at open or closed circuits and fed with glucose or ethanol. The experimental...
Design Evolution of the Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Motor Using Three Rotating Mode Actuators
PublikacjaThe development process and experimental investigation of the multicell piezoelectric motor is presented in this paper. The proposed design consists of three individual cells integrated into the stator, double rotor, and a preload system. Those elements are combined into a symmetrical structure of the motor. The two new prototypes have been designed, simulated and tested. Finite element numerical analysis is carried out to obtain...
A Direct Modulation for Matrix Converters based on the Onecycle Atomic operation developed in Verilog HDL.
PublikacjaThis paper presents a fast direct Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) algorithm for the Conventional Matrix Converters (CMC) developed in Verilog Hardware Description language (HDL). All PWM duty cycle calculations are performed in one cycle by an atomic operation designed as a digital module using FPGA basic blocks. The algorithm can be extended to any number of output phase. The improved version of the discontinuous Direct Analytic...
A 1-nS 1-V Sub-1-µW Linear CMOS OTA with Rail-to-Rail Input for Hz-Band Sensory Interfaces
PublikacjaThe paper presents an operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) with low transconductance (0.62–6.28 nS) and low power consumption (28–270 nW) for the low-frequency analog front-ends in biomedical sensor interfaces. The proposed OTA implements an innovative, highly linear voltage-to-current converter based on the channel-length-modulation effect, which can be rail-to-rail driven. At 1-V supply and 1-Vpp asymmetrical input driving,...
Compact 4 × 4 butler matrix with non‐standard phase differences for IoT applications
PublikacjaButler matrices represent a popular class of feeding networks for antenna arrays. Large dimensions and the lack of flexibility in terms of achievable output phase difference make conventional Butler structures of limited use for modern communication devices. In this work, a compact planar 4 × 4 matrix with non-standard relative phase shifts of –30º, 150º, –120º, and 60º has been proposed. The structure is designed to operate at...
Polynomial description of dynamic impedance spectrogram—introduction to a new impedance analysis method
PublikacjaThis paper presents a polynomial description of spectrograms obtained using Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. A method to fit the polynomial degree correctly is discussed. A simple electrical system of a diode connected in parallel with a capacitor was used for testing. Dynamic impedance measurements during potentiodynamic polarization were conducted. This paper presents an alternative analysis method that allows...
Torque Transmitted by Multi-plate Wet Clutches in Relation to Number of Friction Plates and Their Dimensions
PublikacjaIn the paper results of experimental tests on multi-plate wet clutch torque capacity for various diameters and numbers of friction plates are presented. Construction of an apparatus for laboratory tests of wet clutch engagement, drag torque and maximum torque is shown. Methodology of maximum torque capacity experiment and hydraulic circuit diagram, which supplies a motor and an actuator for the experiment are described. Analytically...
Design of Compact and Wideband Groove Gap Waveguide-Based Directional Couplers
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a compact cross-shaped groove gap waveguide structure for creating wideband and compact directional couplers with different coupling levels. Groove gap waveguide technology is applied to overcome fabrication challenges of printed and hollow waveguide structures in high frequency bands. The validity of the novel concept is demonstrated through the design and evaluation of several compact broadband directional...
Common-Mode Voltage and Bearing Currents in PWM Inverters: Causes, Effects and Prevention
PublikacjaIn modern induction motor drives an increase of transistors' switching frequency and a decrease of switching times are the sources of some serious problems. The high dv/dt and the common mode voltage generated by the inverter PWM control results in the appearances of bearing currents, shaft voltages, motor terminal overvoltages, the decrease of motor efficiency, and electromagnetic interference. The aspects of common mode (CM)...
Regularized Local Multivariate Reduced-Order Models With Nonaffine Parameter Dependence
PublikacjaThis paper addresses a singular problem, not yet discussed in the literature, which occurs when parametric reduced-order models are created using a subspace projection approach with multiple concatenated projection bases. We show that this technique may lead to the appearance of localized artifacts in the frequency characteristics of a system, even when the reduced-order projection basis is rich enough to describe the original...
Rapid multi-objective design of integrated on-chip inductors by means of Pareto front exploration and design extrapolation
PublikacjaIdentification of the best trade-offs between conflicting design objectives allows for making educated design decisions as well as assessing suitability of a given component or circuit for a specific application. In case of inductors, the typical objectives include maximization of the quality factor and minimization of the layout area, as well as maintaining a required inductance at a given operating frequency. This work demonstrates...
Experimental verification of visual method for measuring displacements of contact line elements
PublikacjaThe increase of rail vehicles speed, as well as the increase of their power, puts high demands on the power delivery system for traction vehicles The most critical point in the vehicle's power supply circuit is the contact between the current collector and contact wires. Ensuring a reliable co-operation of the current collector and contact line, requires technical development...
Vehicle detector training with labels derived from background subtraction algorithms in video surveillance
PublikacjaVehicle detection in video from a miniature station- ary closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera is discussed in the paper. The camera provides one of components of the intelligent road sign developed in the project concerning the traffic control with the use of autonomous devices being developed. Modern Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based detectors need big data input, usually demanding their manual labeling. In the presented...
Programmable Input Mode Instrumentation Amplifier Using Multiple Output Current Conveyors
PublikacjaIn this paper a programmable input mode instrumentation amplifier (IA) utilising second generation, multiple output current conveyors and transmission gates is presented. Its main advantage is the ability to choose a voltage or current mode of inputs by setting the voltage of two configuration nodes. The presented IA is prepared as an integrated circuit block to be used alone or as a sub-block in a microcontroller or in a field...
Implicit Space Mapping for Variable-Fidelity EM-Driven Design of Compact Circuits
PublikacjaSpace mapping (SM) belongs to the most successful surrogate-based optimization (SBO) methods in microwave engineering. Among available SM variations, implicit SM (ISM) is particularly attractive due to its simplicity and separation of extractable surrogate model parameters and design variables of the circuit/system at hand. Unlike other SM approaches, ISM exploits a set of preassigned parameters to align the surrogate with the...
Application of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to monitoring discharging process of nickel/metal hydride battery.
PublikacjaThis paper presents the possibility of applying impedance analysis to cell diagnostics. In order to obtain characteristic curves of both electrodes of a NiMH battery simultaneously, a reference electrode was added into the circuit. The authors analysed the cell under three cases, i.e. when its properties are determined only by the state of the positive electrode, only by the state of the negative electrode, or when both electrodes...
Identification of the mechanical properties of the skin by electromechanical impedance analysis of resonant piezoelectric actuator
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to the analysis and verification of developed piezoelectric sensor/actuator for measuring the mechanical properties of soft tissues, especially human skin. The key element of the measurement structure is an electromechanical system that uses both the reverse piezoelectric effect (vibration generation – stimulation of the tissues in the appropriate frequency range) and direct piezoelectric effect (system response...
Quality Evaluation of Agricultural Distillates Using an Electronic Nose
PublikacjaThe paper presents the application of an electronic nose instrument to fast evaluation of agricultural distillates differing in quality. The investigations were carried out using a prototype of electronic nose equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co., an electronic circuit converting signal into digital form and a set of thermostats able to provide gradient temperature characteristics to a gas mixture. A volatile fraction...
Comparison of state feedback and PID control of pressurizer water level in nuclear power plant
PublikacjaThe pressurizer water level control system in nuclear power plant with pressurized water reactor (PWR) is responsible for coolant mass balance. The main control goal is to stabilize the water level at a reference value and to suppress the effect of time-varying disturbances (e.g. coolant leakage in primary circuit pipeline system). In the process of PWR power plant operation incorrect water level may disturb pressure control or...
Synchronous generator model taking into account the non-uniform saturation of the pole shoes
PublikacjaFor the evaluation of modern electric power systems with regard to their behavior, weight, and reliability a novel modeling and simulation tools have been developed. The paper presents circuit model of synchronous generator taking into account both the non-sinusoidal distribution of the stator and rotor winding, and non-uniform saturation of the pole shoes. This model is suitable for simulation of both salient and no-salient pole...
On the Dynamics of a Visco–Piezo–Flexoelectric Nanobeam
PublikacjaThe fundamental motivation of this research is to investigate the effect of flexoelectricity on a piezoelectric nanobeam for the first time involving internal viscoelasticity. To date, the effect of flexoelectricity on the mechanical behavior of nanobeams has been investigated extensively under various physical and environmental conditions. However, this effect as an internal property of materials has not been studied when the...
Design of Intelligent Low-Voltage Load Switch for Remote Control System in Smart Grid
PublikacjaCurrent low-voltage load switches do not support remote disconnect/connect and real-time monitoring of a disconnect/connect state. Addressing to these issues, this paper presents a low-voltage load switch for a smart remote control system, which uses a one-chip microcontroller board and a DC step motor drive mechanism and provides the feedback on the switch status also. Arrears disconnect and full-pay connect control is implemented...
A 0.5 V Nanowatt Biquadratic Low-Pass Filter with Tunable Quality Factor for Electronic Cochlea Applications
PublikacjaA novel implementation of an analogue low-power, second-order, low-pass filter with tunable quality factor (Q) is presented and discussed. The filter feature is a relatively simple, buffer-based, circuit network consisting of eleven transistors operating in a subthreshold region. Q tuning is accomplished by injecting direct current into a network node, which changes the output resistance of the transistors and, as a result, modifies...
Designing efficient A-D-A1-D-A type fullerene free acceptor molecules with enhanced power conversion efficiency for solar cell applications
PublikacjaThe achievement of highly efficient power conversion efficiency (PCE) is a big concern for non-fullerene organic solar cells (NF-OSCs) because PCE can depend on numerous variables. Here, new five novel acceptor molecules without fullerenes were developed and investigated using DFT (density functional theory) and TD-DFT (time dependent-density functional theory). Compared to the recently synthesized molecule (PZ-dIDTC6), the developed...