Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN IN RAILWAYS - MOST Wiedzy




  • Heat transfer characteristics of hybrid microjet – Microchannel cooling module

    The paper presents experimental investigation of heat transfer intensification in a microjet–microchannel cooling module. Applied technology takes benefits from two very attractive heat removal techniques. When jets are impinging on the surface, they have a very high kinetic energy at the stagnation point, also in microchannels boundary layer is very thin allowing to obtain very high heat fluxes. Main objective of this paper was...

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  • Obliczanie przesunięć osi toru przy modernizacji łuków parabolicznych na liniach kolejowych

    Podstawowym zadaniem modernizacji linii kolejowych jest właściwe zaprojektowanie nowego układu geometrycznego, który będzie spełniał założone kryteria związane z parametrami eksploatacyjnymi danej linii. Dążąc do spełnienia przyjętych warunków nałożonych na projektowany układ, projektant najczęściej koryguje podstawowe parametry geometryczne, tj. przechyłkę, promień łuku kołowego oraz długości krzywych przejściowych. W artykule...

  • The influence of selected strain-based failure criteria on ship structure damage resulting from a collision with an offshore wind turbine monopile


    Offshore wind farms are developing well all over the world, providing green energy from renewable sources. The evaluation of possible consequences of a collision involves Finite Element computer simulations. The goal of this paper was to analyse the influence of selected strain-based failure criteria on ship damage resulting from a collision with an offshore wind turbine monopile. The case of a collision between an offshore supply...

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  • Heat transfer characteristics of hybrid microjet -microchannel cooling module


    The paper presents the experimental investigation of heat transfer intensification in a microjet- microchannel cooling module. Applied technology takes benefits from two very attractive heat removal techniques. When jets are impinging on the surface, they have a very high kinetic energy at the stagnation point, also in microchannels boundary layer is very thin allowing to obtain very high heat fluxes. Main objective of this paper...

  • New methods for assessment and stimulation of non-communicative patients employing advanced multimodal HCI . Nowe metody oceny i stymulacji pacjentów niekomunikatywnych z wykorzystaniem zaawansowanych interfejsów multimodalnych człowiek-komputer


    - Rok 2014

    In most cases of patients with locomotor system damage it is possible to find a solution to the medical problems originating from the injury. However, it is much more difficult to prevent cognitive and emotional impairments. Therefore, we believe that the technological support of therapists working with such patients on an everyday basis may be essential. We have acquired experience in designing and providing diagnostic and therapeutic...

  • Multimodal learning application with interactive animated character. [Multimodalna aplikacja edukacyjna wykorzystująca interaktywną animowaną postać]


    - Rok 2006

    The aim of this study is to design a computer application that may assist teachers and therapists in multimodal manner in their work with impaired or disabled children. The application can be operated in many different ways, giving to a child with special educational needs a possibility to learn and train many skills or treat speech disorders. The main stress in this research is on the creation of animated character that will serve...

  • The advanced monitoring as a key factor for appropriate optimization and control of full-scale activated sludge systems – case study Debogorze WWTP.


    - Rok 2017

    Computer simulation has become a helpful tool in wastewater treatment systems performance and effectiveness analysis. Advanced monitoring, by using appropriate software, enables to create a mathematical model of a real wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), run a simulation and subsequently interpret results under various conditions. An operation of WWTP is usually controlled by global parameters such as flow, solids retention time,...

  • Collision Risk-Informed Weather Routing for Sailboats

    Selected COLREG rules, good seamanship and sheer common sense indicate that it is in a sailboat's interest to follow collision-free routes without relying on large power-driven ships to give way. Until now, however, no method has integrated a sailboat's weather routing with collision risk monitoring and collision avoidance. Therefore, a new deterministic approach to combine the above features within one method is introduced here....

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  • Reinforcement Learning Algorithm and FDTD-based Simulation Applied to Schroeder Diffuser Design Optimization


    The aim of this paper is to propose a novel approach to the algorithmic design of Schroeder acoustic diffusers employing a deep learning optimization algorithm and a fitness function based on a computer simulation of the propagation of acoustic waves. The deep learning method employed for the research is a deep policy gradient algorithm. It is used as a tool for carrying out a sequential optimization process the goal of which is...

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  • Człowiek zanurzony w rzeczywistości wirtualnej na przykładzie Laboratorium Zanurzonej Wizualizacji Przestrzennej


    - Rok 2015

    Artykuł opisuje Laboratorium Zanurzonej Wizualizacji Przestrzennej (LZWP), które umożliwia swobodną podróż w czasie i przestrzeni. Jego podstawowym wyposażeniem jest jaskinia rzeczywistości wirtualnej, czyli pomieszczenie o ścianach, suficie i podłodze stanowiących ekrany projekcyjne, wyświetlające generowane komputerowo obrazy 3D, tworzące spójny widok jednej sceny. Człowiek znajdujący się w takiej jaskini jest zatem zanurzony...

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    The basis of microjet technology is to produce laminar jets which when impinging the surface have a very high kinetic energy at the stagnation point. Boundary layer is not formed in those conditions, while the area of film cooling has a very high turbulence resulting from a very high heat transfer coefficient. Applied technology of jet production can result with the size of jets ranging from 20 to 500μm in breadth and 20 to 100μm...

  • Multimedia i interfejsy 2024

    Kursy Online
    • M. Szwoch

    {mlang pl} Celem kursu jest zapoznanie studentów z: rodzajami danych multimedialnych oraz metodami ich pozyskiwania formatami i standardami danych multimedialnych metodami kompresji danych multimedialnych podstawami przetwarzania danych multimedialnych oraz ich rozpoznawania programowaniem aplikacji multimedialnych, w tym gier wideo rodzajami interfejsów użytkownika w systemach komputerowych metodami opisu oraz zasadami tworzenia...

  • Uniwersalna metoda projektowania regulacji osi toru z wykorzystaniem pomiarów satelitarnych i optymalizacji


    W pracy zwrócono uwagę na ograniczenia stosowanej w naszym kraju metodyki regulacji osi toru związane w głównym stopniu z uzyskiwaną dokładnością określania istniejącego kształtu toru. Jako rozwiązanie alternatywne wskazano opracowaną przez interdyscyplinarny zespół naukowy Politechniki Gdańskiej i Akademii Marynarki Wojennej / Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni i stosowaną od 2009 roku nowatorską technikę mobilnych pomiarów satelitarnych....

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  • Do the young employees perceive themselves as digitally competent and does it matter?

    Purpose – The study aims to examine the digital competence of young employees (under 30 years of age) who graduated from the technical university. Self-assessment of selected digital competencies was examined along with the determination of a self-efficacy level in the area of using digital competencies. Design/methodology/approach – Quantitative research was conducted using the computer-assisted web interview method on a sample...

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  • Behavior Based Complete Coverage Task of Unknown Area by an Autonomous Mobile Robot SCORPION with Static Obstacles in Environment

    In the paper the behavior based control system of an autonomous mobile robot SCORPION is presented to execute the one of the most difficult navigation task, which is the complete coverage task of unknown area with static obstacles in the environment. The main principle assumed to design control system was that the robot should cover all area only once, if it possible, to optimize the length of path and energy consumption. All commercial...

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  • Paweł Możejko dr hab.

  • Driving forces of informal employment: An empirical study based on Polish enterprise data

    Objective: The article aims to indicate the determinants of informal employment in registered enterprises using company-level evidence from Poland. Research Design & Methods: The survey conducted among Polish small and medium-sized (SME) enterprises in 2018 was used to find the driving forces of informal employment in Poland. The adequate sample comprised 952 representative surveys derived from the computer-assisted telephone...

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  • Surface diffusion and cluster formation of gold on the silicon (111)

    Purpose: Investigation of the gold atoms behaviour on the surface of silicon by molecular dynamics simulation method. The studies were performed for the case of one, two and four atoms, as well as incomplete and complete filling of gold atoms on the silicon surface. Design/methodology/approach: Investigations were performed by the method of molecular dynamics simulation using the Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel...

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  • Visual Features for Endoscopic Bleeding Detection

    Aims: To define a set of high-level visual features of endoscopic bleeding and evaluate their capabilities for potential use in automatic bleeding detection. Study Design: Experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Computer Architecture, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology, between March 2014 and May 2014. Methodology: The features have...

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  • Large hydrodynamic thrust bearing: Comparison of the calculations and measurements

    Hydrodynamic thrust bearings, used to carry axial loads in heavily loaded shafts of water power plants hydro turbines, can reach outer diameters even exceeding 5 m. In such large objects scale effect could be observed. According to this, allowable bearing specific load assuring safe operation of the bearings has to be decreased, which increases thrust bearing dimensions. This effect is caused by excessive thermal deflections of...

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  • Monte Carlo simulations of the fracture resistance degradation of asphalt concrete subjected to environmental factors

    The paper presents the results of laboratory tests of SCB (semi-circular beam) samples of asphalt concrete, subjected to the destructive effect of water and frost as well as the aging processes. The determined values of material parameters show significant dispersions, which makes the design of mixtures difficult. Statistical analysis of the test results supplemented by computer simulations made with the use of the proprietary...

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  • Computer controlled systems - 2022/2023

    Kursy Online
    • P. Raczyński

    materiały wspierające wykład na studiach II stopnia na kierunku ACR pod tytułem komputerowe systemy automatyki 1. Computer system – controlled plant interfacing technique; simple interfacing and with both side acknowledgement; ideas, algorithms, acknowledge passing. 2. Methods of acknowledgement passing: software checking and passing, using interrupt techniques, using readiness checking (ready – wait lines). The best solution...

  • CCS-lecture-2023-2024

    Kursy Online
    • P. Raczyński

    materiały wspierające wykład na studiach II stopnia na kierunku ACR pod tytułem komputerowe systemy automatyki 1. Computer system – controlled plant interfacing technique; simple interfacing and with both side acknowledgement; ideas, algorithms, acknowledge passing. 2. Methods of acknowledgement passing: software checking and passing, using interrupt techniques, using readiness checking (ready – wait lines). The best solution optimization...



    The paper studies the role of light in architectural creations of contemporary buildings of representative function. Based on the selected projects and completed buildings dedicated to culture and art, it analyzes and systematizes the examples of using light to obtain visual effects that mark the architecture with a universal and timeless message. The method of research is case study and critical analysis of literature. Light plays...

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  • Analysis of the Heating Process of Hydraulic Motors during Start-Up in Thermal Shock Conditions


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    Conditions that prevail during harsh winters and hot summers pose a serious challenge for machine designers building devices suitable for operation in extreme weather. It is essential for the designers and the users to define the principles and conditions for the safe operation of machines and devices with hydraulic drive in low ambient temperatures. Bearing in mind the above, the author tested the hydraulic motors in thermal shock...

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  • Distributed Architectures for Intensive Urban Computing: A Case Study on Smart Lighting for Sustainable Cities


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2019

    New information and communication technologies have contributed to the development of the smart city concept. On a physical level, this paradigm is characterised by deploying a substantial number of different devices that can sense their surroundings and generate a large amount of data. The most typical case is image and video acquisition sensors. Recently, these types of sensors are found in abundance in urban spaces and are responsible...

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  • Design Methodology for Small Passenger Ships On the Example of the Ferryboat Motława 2 Driven by Hybrid Propulsion System

    Dynamic development in practically all elds of science and engineering has not passed over shipbuilding . In last years , engineers got to their use computer soware which makes it possible to perform strength and hydrodynamic calculations as well as to visualize design projects in 3 D space [1-4]. At their disposal they have full spectrum of modern solutions associated with the use of advanced materials and technologies [5-7]....

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  • Mechanics of Micro- and Nano-Size Materials and Structures


    - Rok 2022

    Nanotechnology knowledge is always looking to expand its boundaries to achieve the mostsignificant benefit to human life and meet the growing needs of today. In this case, we can refer tomicro- and nanosensors in micro/nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS). These electricaldevices can detect minimal physical stimuli up to one nanometer in size. Today, micro/nano-sensordevices are widely used in the...

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  • Multimedia i Interfejsy 2022

    Kursy Online
    • J. Daciuk
    • W. Szwoch
    • M. Szwoch

    {mlang pl} Celem kursu jest zapoznanie studentów z: rodzajami danych multimedialnych oraz metodami ich pozyskiwania formatami i standardami danych multimedialnych metodami kompresji danych multimedialnych podstawami przetwarzania danych multimedialnych oraz ich rozpoznawania programowaniem aplikacji multimedialnych, w tym gier wideo rodzajami interfejsów użytkownika w systemach komputerowych metodami opisu oraz zasadami...

  • Multimedia i Interfejsy 2023

    Kursy Online
    • J. Daciuk
    • W. Szwoch
    • M. Szwoch

    {mlang pl} Celem kursu jest zapoznanie studentów z: rodzajami danych multimedialnych oraz metodami ich pozyskiwania formatami i standardami danych multimedialnych metodami kompresji danych multimedialnych podstawami przetwarzania danych multimedialnych oraz ich rozpoznawania programowaniem aplikacji multimedialnych, w tym gier wideo rodzajami interfejsów użytkownika w systemach komputerowych metodami opisu oraz zasadami...

  • Experimental Study of the Influence of Noise Level on the Uncertainty Value in a Measurement System Containing an Analog-to-Digital Converter

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    For newly developed measuring systems it is easy to estimate type B uncertainties based on the technical data of the measuring modules applied. However, it is difficult to estimate A type un-certainties due to the unknown type and level of interferences infiltrating into the measuring sys-tem. This is a particularly important problem for measurements...

  • Daylight Appraisal Classes For Achitecture Students A Survey Combined With A Practical Assessment For Educational Training Recommendations

    The main objectives of this article are: (i) to present the relations between architecture students' subjective assessment of daylight in classrooms and the objective evaluation of daylit conditions using daylight simulations tools, (ii) to formulate guidelines and recommendations on daylight appraisal methods and tools which may be useful in architectural training. The methodology used includes an evaluation of the results of...

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  • Dariusz Dąbrowski dr hab. inż.

    Dariusz Dąbrowski ukończył studia w Instytucie Okrętowym Politechniki Gdańskiej, a w 1987 roku podjął pracę na tej uczelni na stanowisku asystenta w Zakładzie Organizacji Przemysłu Okrętowego w ówczesnym Instytucie Organizacji i Projektowania Systemów Produkcyjnych. W 1990 roku wyjechał na stypendium TEMPUS, UE, i spędził 14 miesięcy na Uniwersytecie w Sheffield, gdzie uczestniczył w programie Master of Business Administration...

  • Oprogramowanie Systemów Elektronicznych 2023/2024

    Kursy Online
    • M. Kowalewski

    {mlang pl} Cel kursu: Programowanie urządzeń pomiarowych, obsługa interfejsów komputerowych, poznanie mechanizmów zwiększania wydajności oprogramowania (Win32 API, DLL, ODBC), projektowanie aplikacji wielozadaniowych. Dla studentów jakiego kierunku/stopnia studiów dany kurs jest przeznaczony: Przedmiot prowadzonych na studiach II stopnia.Obowiązkowy dla specjalności "Komputerowe Systemy Elektroniczne" i "Computer Electronic...

  • Oprogramowanie Systemów Elektronicznych 2021/2022

    Kursy Online
    • M. Kowalewski

    {mlang pl} Cel kursu: Programowanie urządzeń pomiarowych, obsługa interfejsów komputerowych, poznanie mechanizmów zwiększania wydajności oprogramowania (Win32 API, DLL, ODBC), projektowanie aplikacji wielozadaniowych. Dla studentów jakiego kierunku/stopnia studiów dany kurs jest przeznaczony: Przedmiot prowadzonych na studiach II stopnia.Obowiązkowy dla specjalności "Komputerowe Systemy Elektroniczne" i "Computer Electronic...

  • Anita Maria Dąbrowicz-Tlałka dr

    Uzyskała, z wynikiem bardzo dobrym, tytuł magistra na kierunku matematyka na Wydziale Matematyki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. Praca magisterska pt. „Zbiory swojskie i dzikie w R3” była z  dziedziny topologia geometryczna. Równolegle ukończyła na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim „Podyplomowe Studium Podstaw Informatyki”. W 2001 roku uzyskała na Politechnice Poznańskiej tytuł doktora nauk matematycznych. Praca doktorska pt. „Iteracje monotoniczne...

  • Wojciech Chrzanowski dr hab. inż.


    Wojciech Chrzanowski, urodzony w 1952 r. w Toruniu, ukończył w 1975 r. studia magisterskie na kierunku Technologia Chemiczna, w specjalności Technologia Nieorganiczna (specjalizacja: ochrona przed korozją), na Wydziale Chemicznym PG, uzyskując dyplom z wyróżnieniem. W tym samym roku został zatrudniony w Zakładzie Technik Analitycznych ówczesnego Instytutu Inżynierii Chemicznej i Technik Pomiarowych, początkowo na stanowisku technicznym,...

  • Rola i znaczenie zbiornika sieciowego w kształtowaniu hydrauliki i jakości wody w systemie wodociągowym


    - Rok 2012

    Eksploatacja zbiornika sieciowego powinna zapewniać cykliczną wymianę wody w jego komorach. Koniecznym warunkiem prawidłowej eksploatacji zbiornika jest zgodność założeń projektowych ze stanem faktycznym. Praktyka eksploatacyjna wskazuje na szereg nieprawidłowości w tym względzie. Z powodu lokalizacji zbiornika sieciowego za nisko lub za wysoko albo wskutek błędów popełnionych w ustaleniu jego parametrów obserwuje się niestabilność...

  • Voice command recognition using hybrid genetic algorithm


    Abstract: Speech recognition is a process of converting the acoustic signal into a set of words, whereas voice command recognition consists in the correct identification of voice commands, usually single words. Voice command recognition systems are widely used in the military, control systems, electronic devices, such as cellular phones, or by people with disabilities (e.g., for controlling a wheelchair or operating a computer...

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  • Engineering and Management of Space Systems (EMSS) - an international joint Master's double-degree program


    Dynamic development of the space sector of European, and especially of Polish and German economies results in a necessity for suitable Higher Education Institution graduates. The increasing digitization, distribution and networking of technical systems leads to the necessity of a degree programme teaching “the systems view” and “interdisciplinarity” methods and skills. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider the entire life cycle...

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  • System of monitoring of the Forest Opera in Sopot structure and roofing

    The authors present a solution realized in Forest Opera (name in Polish: Opera Leśna) in Sopot (Poland) in connection with the modernization and construction of a new roof. The complicated structure of the roof of the facility and the used covering in form of membrane made of technical fabric required (for security reasons) to install the unit of devices allowing for the continuous geodetic monitoring of the facility. Monitoring...

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  • Usability of Mobile Applications: A Consolidated Model


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2024

    Mobile devices have become an integral part of the digital ecosystem, connecting people, businesses, and information around the world in ways never before possible. In particular, smartphones, tablets and other handheld devices equipped with mobile applications have changed every aspect of our lives. Today, a user can choose from nearly five million applications available for both Android and iOS operating systems. However, only...

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  • Jakub Jabłoński inż.

    Wykształcenie Jakub Jabłoński w roku 2016 ukończył XX Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Zbigniewa Herberta w Gdańsku (klasa o profilu matematyczno-fizyczno-informatycznym). Od 2017 rozpoczął studia I stopnia na kierunku Geodezja i Kartografia na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej, które w 2021 roku zakończył otrzymując tytuł inżyniera. W trakcie studiów brał czynny udział w Kole Naukowym Hevelius. Zatrudnienie Około...

  • Karolina Lademann mgr


    Curriculum vitae

  • The particle method for simulation of self-organization phenomena


    - Rok 2011

    The aim of the work was to design, implement, and use, in a number of experiments, an abstract software environment (an artificial world)suitable for modelling systems consisting of many moving and interactingobjects distributed in space. The environment, named DigiHive, is directed towards modeling of complex systems manifested by processes of self-organization, self-reproduction and self modifications. The environment is mainly...

  • Implementation of failover and load balancing algorithms in SIP PBX High Availability system


    - Rok 2014

    Goal of the project was to design a High Availability SIP VoIP system that guarantees access to additional services like auto-attendent and automatic call distribution. The realization of the project required system to have load balancing and failover algorithms implemented. From the end users’ point of view the whole system had to figure as a single element. After taking under consideration the known methods of implementations...

  • Embedded system using Bluetooth Low Energy sensors for smart farming applications

    • A. Dworzańska
    • J. Komińczyk

    - Rok 2020

    The main goal of this Bachelor of Engineering project titled Embedded system using Bluetooth Low Energy sensors for smart farming applications is to create a prototype of a system consistent with Agriculture 4.0 concept using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. Developed solution shall be easy in implementation and its main functionality shall be periodic gathering of data from environmental sensors...

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  • Can augmented democracy fulfil the ideal of deliberative democracy?


    - Rok 2023

    New technologies can broaden the scope of human limits. We can fly to the moon thanks to rocket science, we can communicate with each other by mobile phones and WiFi and we can exceed human life with medical equipment like pacemakers. But there are aspects of our life that still are very distrustful of implementing new technology into functioning. An example of such a field of our everyday life is...

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  • Shady S. Refaat


    Shady S. Refaat received the B.A.Sc, M.A.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 2002, 2007, and 2013, respectively, all from Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. He has worked in the industry for more than 12 years as Engineering Team Leader, Senior Electrical Engineer, and Electrical Design Engineer on various electrical engineering projects. He has worked as an associate research scientist in the Department of Electrical...

  • Performance and Security Testing for Improving Quality of Distributed Applications Working in Public/Private Network Environments


    - Rok 2010

    The goal of this dissertation is to create an integrated testing approach to distributed applications, combining both security and performance testing methodologies, allowing computer scientist to achieve appropriate balance between security and performance charakterstics from application requirements point of view. The constructed method: Multidimensional Approach to Quality Analysis (MA2QA) allows researcher to represent software...