Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DOMINATION SUBDIVISION NUMBER - MOST Wiedzy




  • PG_00042018_ PHYSICS I - ET- 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics I lecture for students from both faculties, course number PG_00042018 Lecture runs on 2022/23 academic year

  • PG_00042018_ PHYSICS I - ET- 2023/24

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics I lecture for students from both faculties, course number PG_00042018 Lecture runs on 2023/24 academic year

  • Modelling of acoustic backscattering by southern Baltic herring


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2016

    Assessment of Baltic herring abundance can be carried out using acoustic techniques. Analysis of the relationship between the Baltic herring individual target strength, TS, and the total fish length, L, important for the acoustic assessment, showed the relationship to be dependent on the location of the study area. This finding motivated a detailed analysis of the relationship for the herring occurring in the southern Baltic...

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  • Methodology of the Morphometry Study on Baltic Herring


    - Rok 2022

    Acoustic techniques are used in the estimation of the abundance of Baltic herring. Investigations of the relationship between the Baltic herring individual target strength TS and the total fish length L, significant in the acoustic assessment, demonstrated its de-pendence on the study area location. It motivated the detailed analysis of the relationship between herring from the southern Baltic ICES Subdivisions 24, 25, and 26,...

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  • Restrained differential of a graph


    - Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory - Rok 2023

    Given a graph $G=(V(G), E(G))$ and a vertex $v\in V(G)$, the {open neighbourhood} of $v$ is defined to be $N(v)=\{u\in V(G) :\, uv\in E(G)\}$. The {external neighbourhood} of a set $S\subseteq V(G)$ is defined as $S_e=\left(\cup_{v\in S}N(v)\right)\setminus S$, while the \emph{restrained external neighbourhood} of $S$ is defined as $S_r=\{v\in S_e : N(v)\cap S_e\neq \varnothing\}$. The restrained differential of a graph $G$ is...

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  • Preface of guest editors


    - Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory - Rok 2009

    A special issue of Discussiones Mathematice Graph Theory (DMGT) is dedicated to selected papers presented at the 12th Workshop on Graph Theory: Colourings, Independence and Domination (CID) held on 16-21 September 2007 in Karpacz, Poland. It continues a series of international workshops: 1993-1997 in Lubiatów, 1998-2001 in Gronów, 2003 and 2005 in Karpacz. About 70 participants formed the audience of six invited lectures and 68...

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  • Backscattering properties of southern Baltic herring


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2012

    Reliable TS(L) relationship is required to improve acoustic algorithms of abundanceestimation of Baltic herring. The relationships, empirically obtained in different parts of theBaltic Sea, produce up to 8 dB – difference in the herring TS. In order to develop an accurateTS(L) relationship, it is important to analyze factors controlling the TS variability. Thepossible impact of the regional difference...

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  • PG_00040165_ PHYSICS II - DaPE- 2023/24

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics II lecture for students of DAPE, course number PG_00040165 Lecture runs in academic year 2023/24 

  • PG_00055087_ PHYSICS II - DaPE- 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics II lecture for students of DAPE, course number PG_00055087 Lecture runs in academic year 2022/23 

  • PG_00042031_ PHYSICS 2 - ET- 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics 2 lab for students of ET, course number PG_00042031 lab runs on academic year 2022/23 

  • PG_00042018_ PHYSICS I - DaPE- 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics I lecture for students of DAPE, course number PG_00055087 Lecture runs on academic year 2022/23 

  • PG_00042031 PHYSICS 2-ET- 23/24

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics 2 lab for students of ET, course number PG_00042031 lab runs on academic year 2022/23 

  • PG_00055087_ PHYSICS I - DaPE- 2023/24

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics I lecture for students of DAPE, course number PG_00055087 Lecture runs in academic year 2023/24 

  • Public spaces connecting cities. Green and Blue Infrastructures potential.


    A city fragmentation causes a lot of negative effects in urban environment such as: disconnecting the environmental, functional and compositional relations, a loss of urban compactness, chaotic development, visual chaos, a domination of technical landscape, reduction of security. This is why one of main challenges for urban planners is to connect the fragmented structures by creating friendly, attractive and safe public space....

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  • Research project I (February 2024)

    Kursy Online
    • M. Gajewska
    • S. Gajewski

    This is the course for English-speaking students of Research project I. Access code: KSiSR2024 If you have some problem with access to the course please sent me e-mail to: slagaj@eti.pg.edu.pl (give me the name and your id number).

  • Preface


    - Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory - Rok 2011

    This special issue of Discussiones Mathematice Graph Theory (DMGT) is dedicated to selected papers presented at the 13th Workshop on Graph Theory: Colourings, Independence and Domination (CID) held on 18-23 September 2009 in Szklarska Poręba, Poland. It continues a series of international workshops: 1993-1997 in Lubiatów, 1998-2001 in Gronów, and 2003-2007 in Karpacz. The meeting was organized by the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer...

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  • Numerical modeling of exciton impact in two crystalographic phases of the organo-lead halide perovskite (CH3NH3PbI3) solar cell

    To improve the power conversion efficiency of solar cells based on organo–lead halide perovskites, a detailed understanding of the device physics is fundamental. Here, a computational analysis of excitons impact is reported for these types of photocell. Numerical calculations based on the model, which take into account electronic charge carriers (electrons and holes), excitons and ions, have been carried out. The role of excitons...

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  • Electronics for Mechanical Engineering (2023)

    Kursy Online
    • P. Kurgan

    Name of the course: Electronics (M:32011W0)Specialization: Design and Production Engineering (WM), 1st degree - bachelor/eng., stationary, 2018/2019 - winter semester (currently sem. 4) Number of hours: 30hECTS points: 2 Teacher (lecture/laboratories): Piotr Kurgan

  • Microbiological analysis of sea water and bottom sediments in Kosakowo – Gdańsk profile

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    This dataset contains the results of microbiological analysis of sea water and bottom sediments in Kosakowo – Gdańsk profile in 2013 - 2014 . The tested material consisted of water samples (surface water and bottom water) and bottom sediment samples. Water and sediment samples were analysed for the following: number of Enterobacteriaceae genus bacteria,...

  • Paweł Tysiąc dr inż.

    dr inż. Paweł Tysiąc   Urodził się 25 marca 1992 w Gdańsku. Po ukończeniu Gimnazjum nr 32 uczęszczał do VIII Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Gdańsku, klasy o profilu matematyczno-geograficznym, uzyskując w 2011 roku świadectwo dojrzałości. Następnie w latach 2011-2016 kontynuował naukę na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. Ukończył studia I stopnia w specjalności Geodezja...

  • Enterprises of the SME sector in selected years in Poland - entities registered in the REGON system

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The free market economy in Poland, initiated at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, contributed to a significant increase in the number of private enterprises. During the years of the Polish People's Republic, the number of companies was small, but at the beginning of the 1990s it began to grow rapidly. The following data contains information about number...

  • Bacteria in the area of influence of sewage tretment plant Gdynia - Dębogórze

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

     The dataset contains the results of microbiological analysis of sea waters from Gulf of Puck in area of municipal sewage discharges from the Gdynia Dębogórze sewage treatment plant. The tested material consisted of water samples (surface water and bottom water) collected in 2012. The number of Enterobacteriaceae genus bacteria, number of Escherichia...

  • Students, graduates and lecturers at non-public universities in 1997-2011

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    At the beginning of the 2010/2011 academic year, there were 328 private universities educating 580.1 thousand students (i.e. 31.5% of all students). Compared to the previous year, there was a slight decrease in the number of non-public universities, moreover, the number of young people studying there decreased by 8.4%.

  • Jerzy Proficz dr hab. inż.

    Jerzy Proficz – dyrektor Centrum Informatycznego Trójmiejskiej Akademickiej Sieci Komputerowej (CI TASK) na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Uzyskał stopień naukowy doktora habilitowanego (2022) w dyscyplinie: Informatyka techniczna i telekomunikacja. Autor i współautor ponad 50 artykułów w czasopismach i na konferencjach naukowych związanych głównie z równoległym przetwarzaniem danych na komputerach dużej mocy (HPC, chmura obliczeniowa). Udział...

  • Flow structure, heat transfer and scaling analysis in the case of thermo-magnetic convection in a differentially heated cylindrical enclosure

    • E. Fornalik-Wajs
    • P. Filar
    • J. Wajs
    • A. Roszko
    • L. Pleskacz
    • H. Ozoe

    - Journal of Physics : Conference Series - Rok 2014

    The experimental, numerical and scaling analysis in the case of thermo-magnetic convection in a thermosyphon-like enclosure filled with a paramagnetic fluid is presented. Visualization of temperature field together with the numerical simulation gave an information about the flow structure, which indicated “finger-like” structures of hot and cold streams advecting each other. Their number depended on the Rayleigh number and also...

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  • Activation of peroxymonosulfate using carbon black nano-spheres/calcium alginate hydrogel matrix for degradation of acetaminophen: Fe3O4 co-immobilization and microbial community response

    • R. D. C. Soltani
    • M. Mahmoudi
    • G. Boczkaj
    • A. Khataee


    Herein, we focused on the degradation of acetaminophen (ACT) drug in liquid phase by peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activated by carbon black nano-spheres (CBNS). The nanostructured activator was immobilized into calcium alginate hydrogel matrix (CAHM) to avoid the washout of the fine nanostructures. The Langmuir modeling showed an insignificant contribution to the adsorption process in the removal of ACT. The basic pH conditions favored...

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  • The reliability of tree and star networks

    This paper investigated the reliability of tree and star networks. Following measures of network reliability are assumed: the expected number of nodes, that can communicate with the central node; the expected number of node pairs, that are connected by a path through the central node; the expected number of node pairs communicating.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Seasonal changes of mercury speciation in the coastal sediments



    Purpose Mercury speciation in sediments is linked to environmental conditions and processes. Domination of particular mercury species depends on its source, displays considerable seasonal behavior, and may be further modified due to oxygen levels, icing conditions, or the input of fresh organic matter. The purpose of this study was to examine the coastal area of the Gulf of Gdańsk in terms of mercury contamination and the influence...

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  • Fluid structure interaction study of non-Newtonian Casson fluid in a bifurcated channel having stenosis with elastic walls


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2022

    Fluid–structure interaction (FSI) gained a huge attention of scientists and researchers due to its applications in biomedical and mechanical engineering. One of the most important applications of FSI is to study the elastic wall behavior of stenotic arteries. Blood is the suspension of various cells characterized by shear thinning, yield stress, and viscoelastic qualities that can be assessed by using non-Newtonian models. In this...

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  • Effect of Temperature and Nanoparticle Concentration on Free Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    A theoretical analysis of the influence of temperature and nanoparticle concentration on free convection heat transfer from a horizontal tube immersed in an unbounded nanofluid was presented. The Nusselt (Nu) number and heat transfer coefficient were parameters of the intensity of the convective heat transfer. For free convection, the Nu number was a function of the Rayleigh (Ra) number and Prandtl (Pr) number. The Rayleigh (Ra)...

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  • Current status and future success of renewable energy in Pakistan

    Mismatch between energy demand and supply from last two decades has been increasing because of the domination of expensive imported oil in energy mix of Pakistan. To import crude oil Government paid US $ 9 billion in 2008–2009 to meet the energy demands...

  • FTIR spectra and IGC chromatograms for chemically reduced graphene oxide aerogels (rGOA)

    Dane Badawcze

    The effect of selected synthesis parameters on reduced graphene oxide aerogels properties was investigated using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and dynamic adsorption method (Inverse Gas Chromatography, IGC). Samples were synthesized by sol-gel method by reduction induced self-assembly of graphene oxide. As a reductant l-ascorbic acid was used....

  • Janusz Nieznański prof. dr hab. inż.

    Urodził się w 1957 r. w Gdańsku. Jest absolwentem Wydziału Elektrycznego Politechniki Gdańskiej (1981). W  1990 r. uzyskał stopień doktora, w 1999 r. stopień doktora habilitowanego, a w 2015 r. tytuł profesora. Jest pracownikiem naukowo-dydaktycznym Politechniki Gdańskiej nieprzerwanie od ukończenia studiów. Jego zainteresowania naukowe obejmują sterowanie, diagnostykę, modelowanie i symulację układów energoelektronicznych i napędowych,...

  • Bacteriological monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2009

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2009. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. The aim of this study was to determine the number of Escherichia coli and the number of intestinal...

  • Bacteriological monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2010

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2010. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. The aim of this study was to determine the number of Escherichia coli and the number of intestinal...

  • Bacteriological monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2008

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

     The dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2008. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. The aim of this study was to determine the number of Escherichia coli and the number of intestinal...

  • Numerical simulation of natural convection of Glycol-Al2O3 nanofluids from a horizontal cylinder



    This paper deals with natural convection around a circular cylinder with constant heat flux in a cavity using computational fluid dynamics. As fluids ethylene glycol and a mixture of ethylene glycol with Al2O3 nanoparticles (mass concentrations of nanoparticles: 0.1% and 1%) are chosen. Rayleigh number ranges from 3104 to 3105. The nanofluids are modeled with single-phase approach. For the investigated range of nanoparticle concentration, the...

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  • Scanning networks with cactus topology

    • Ł. Wrona

    - Rok 2008

    The family of Pursuit and Evasion problems is widelystudied because of its numerous practical applications,ranging from communication protocols to cybernetic andphysical security. Calculating the search number of a graphis one of most commonly analyzed members of this problemfamily. The search number is the smallest number of mobileagents required to capture an invisible and arbitrarily fastfugitive, for instance piece of malicious...

  • Folate/homocysteine metabolism and lung cancer risk among smokers


    - PLOS ONE - Rok 2019

    Background: Folate and homocysteine are involved in DNA synthesis and methylation processes, which are deregulated during carcinogenesis. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between folate/homocysteine concentrations, the functional polymorphisms of folate/homocysteine genes and lung cancer risk among cigarette smokers. Study design: The study included 132 lung cancer patients and 396 controls from...

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  • Structure of the SME sector by economy sectors in Poland and the EU-28

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Eurostat data show that almost 75% of SMEs in Poland are trade and services, and every seventh enterprise conducts activities related to construction, and every eight - in industry. Comparing the industry structure of Polish companies with the structure of enterprises operating in EU countries, it should be noted that we are characterized by a greater...

  • Experimental Investigation of Free Convection Heat Transfer from Horizontal Cylinder to Nanofluids


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    The results of free convection heat transfer investigation from a horizontal, uniformly heated tube immersed in a nanofluid are presented. Experiments were performed with five base fluids, i.e., ethylene glycol (EG), distilled water (W) and the mixtures of EG and water with the ratios of 60/40, 50/50, 40/60 by volume, so the Rayleigh (Ra) number range was 3 104 Ra 1.3 106 and the Prandtl (Pr) number varied from 4.4 to 176....

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  • Bacteria in the area of influence of sewage tretment plant Gdynia - Dębogórze in 2009

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The dataset contains the results of microbiological testing of water from Gulf of Puck in surrounding area of Mechelinki town. The aim of the test was to assess the influence of discharging communal sewage into the waters of Gulf of Gdańsk by sewage pipeline located in Mechelinki town area, on the sanitary condition of these waters. The samples were...

  • Some Progress on Total Bondage in Graphs



    The total bondage number b_t(G) of a graph G with no isolated vertex is the cardinality of a smallest set of edges E'⊆E(G) for which (1) G−E' has no isolated vertex, and (2) γ_t(G−E')>γ_t(G). We improve some results on the total bondage number of a graph and give a constructive characterization of a certain class of trees achieving the upper bound on the total bondage number.

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  • A construction for the hat problem on a directed graph


    A team of n players plays the following game. After a strategy session, each player is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then, without further communication, everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. Visibility is defined by a directed graph; that is, vertices correspond to players, and a player can see each player to whom he is connected by an arc. The...

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  • Bacteriological and physicochemical monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2006

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2006. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. Number of Escherichia coli, number of intestinal enterococci, presence of Salmonella sp., pH, temperature,...

  • Bacteriological and physicochemical monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2007

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2007. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. Number of Escherichia coli, number of intestinal enterococci, presence of Salmonella sp., pH, temperature,...

  • Bacteriological and physicochemical monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2004

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2004. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. Number of Escherichia coli, number of intestinal enterococci, presence of Salmonella sp., pH, temperature,...

  • Minimum order of graphs with given coloring parameters



    A complete k-coloring of a graph G=(V,E) is an assignment F: V -> {1,...,k} of colors to the vertices such that no two vertices of the same color are adjacent, and the union of any two color classes contains at least one edge. Three extensively investigated graph invariants related to complete colorings are the minimum and maximum number of colors in a complete coloring (chromatic number χ(G) and achromatic number ψ(G), respectively),...

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  • Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Medium to High and high road sections

    Data contain road sections with the highest number of accidents and victims on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019. Measures used to assess the level of risk is: minimum 4 accidents or 4 seriously injured or fatalities per one kilometer (5 classes: low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):

  • Janusz Cieśliński prof. dr hab. inż.

    Urodził się 15 kwietnia 1954 r. w Słupsku. Jest absolwentem Wydziału Budowy Maszyn Politechniki Gdańskiej (1978), z którą związał całe swoje życie zawodowe. W 1986 r. obronił doktorat, w 1997 r. – habilitację, w 2006 r. – uzyskał tytuł profesora. Pełnił funkcje prodziekana ds. nauki Wydziału Mechanicznego przez dwie kadencje (2002–2008) oraz kierownika: Katedry Maszyn Przemysłu Spożywczego (2002–2006), Katedry Ekoinżynierii i...