Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FTIR SPECTROSCOPY
PublikacjaW niniejszej pracy zbadano skuteczność adsorpcyjnego usuwania jonów Hg2+, Sr2+ z roztworów wodnych, z wykorzystaniem funkcjonalizowanych materiałów węglowych. Jako adsorbenty zastosowano nanorurki węglowe, tlenek grafenu oraz węgiel aktywny. Oprócz często stosowanej praktyki jaką jest wykorzystanie materiałów węglowych które na swojej powierzchni zawierają tlenowe grupy funkcyjne, zaproponowano aby na powierzchnię materiałów węglowych...
Electrochemical behavior of a composite material containing 3D-structured diatom biosilica
Publikacja3D-structured diatom biosilica mixed with conducting carbon black was investigated as an active electrode material for lithium-ion batteries. Diatom biosilica was obtained by cultivation of the selected diatom species under laboratory conditions. Several instrumental techniques (XRD, FTIR, Raman, SEM-EDX, TGA) were used to characterize the physicochemical properties of applied biosilica. It was evidenced that the prepared new composite...
PublikacjaTlenkowe ogniwa paliwowe zasilane biogazem degradują się pod wpływem węgla osadzającego się na anodzie. Aby wyeliminować ten efekt, szuka się warstw katalitycznych, które nałożone na anodę powstrzymują osadzanie się węgla i zmniejszają straty wydajności ogniwa. Związkiem użytym w tym celu jest Ce0,9Pr0,1O2-δ wytworzony dwiema metodami: Pechiniego i metodą strącania z odwróconej emulsji. Aby zbadać wpływ metody syntezy na właściwości...
Bis-phosphonated carbon nanotubes: one pot synthesis and their application as efficient adsorbent of mercury
PublikacjaEffective, one-pot method of CNTs phosphonylation is presented. Cheap and readily available reagents are used, so the process can be easily transferred to large-scale production. The product was analyzed using spectroscopic methods (FTIR, UV-vis, XPS). Thermal properties of the bis-phosphonated nanotubes are reported for the first time. Newly obtained material was tested as an adsorbent for mercury removal from water. The sorption...
Luminescence properties of Eu3+ and Tb3+ doped silica-based xerogels
PublikacjaPure SiO2 xerogels and SiO2 xerogels containing SrF2: Eu3+/: Tb3+ crystals were prepared using sol-gel method. Luminescent spectra showed excitation and emission peaks characteristic to Eu3+ and Tb3+ 4f - 4f transitions. ET Tb3+→Eu3+ has been observed. XRD pattern of SiO2 matrix confirmed lack of long range order. Patterns of SiO2-SrF2:Eu3+ and SiO2-SrF2:Tb3+ showed peaks corresponding to SrF2. SEM images have shown agglomerates...
Protein thermal stabilization in aqueous solutions of osmolytes
PublikacjaProteins’ thermal stabilization is a significant problem in various biomedical, biotechnological, and technological applications. We investigated thermal stability of hen egg white lysozyme in aqueous solutions of the following stabilizing osmolytes: Glycine (GLY), N-methylglycine (NMG), N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG), N,N,N-trimethylglycine (TMG), and trimethyl-N-oxide (TMAO). Results of CD-UV spectroscopic investigation were compared...
Zastosowanie glikolizatu odpadowej pianki obuwniczej do otrzymania nowych eco-podeszew
PublikacjaZbadano możliwości zastosowania glikolizatu, otrzymanego w reakcji dekompozycji odpadowej pianki obuwniczej z etano-1,2-diolem, do otrzymania poliuretanu w postaci płytek oraz podeszew zawierających 2 i 3,2% mas. glikolizatu. Otrzymany glikolizat mieszano z konwencjonalnym poliolem. Zbadano właściwości reologiczne i strukturę chemiczną glikolizatu oraz zsyntetyzowanych poliuretanów za pomocą spektroskopii w podczerwieni (FTIR). Oznaczono...
The structure of novel polyurethanes containing synthetic poly[(R,S)-3-hydroxybutyrate]
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to estimate the structure of new polyurethanes with the potential to be used in medicine. Atactic poly[(R,S)-3-hydroxybutyrate], obtained via a ring-opening polymerization, and polycaprolactonediol or polyoxytetramethylenediol were used to built the soft segments. 4,4'-methylene dicyclohexyl diisocyanate and 1,4-butanediol were the components to form hard segments. Polyurethanes with low-molecular weight...
Functionalization of graphene oxide coatings with phosphorus atoms and their corrosion resistance in sodium chloride environment
PublikacjaIn this work, we compared corrosion resistance of graphene oxide, and phosphorus functionalized reduced graphene oxide coatings obtained as a result of electrophoretic deposition on the copper substrate. Doping graphene oxide with phosphorus atoms was performed by a hydrothermal method in the presence of different amounts of phosphoric acid. Structural studies confirmed the insertion of phosphorus atoms into the graphene oxide...
Chromogenic azomacrocycles with imidazole residue: Structure vs. properties
PublikacjaNew diazo macrocycles linked by hydrocarbon chain bearing imidazole or 4-methylimidazole residue have been synthetized with satisfactory yield (24–55%). The structure of macrocycles was confirmed by X-ray analysis and spectroscopic methods (1H NMR, MS, FTIR). Metal cation complexation studies were carried out in acetonitrile and acetonitrile-water system. It was found that azomacrocyles form triple-decker complexes with lead(II)....
Termoplastyczne elastomery biopoliuretanowe otrzymywane z dwóch substratów pochodzenia roślinnego
PublikacjaCelem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie wpływu monomerów pochodzenia roślinnego na wybrane właściwości nowych termoplastycznych elastomerów poliuretanowych. Przygotowane w pracy materiały otrzymano metodą dwuetapową (prepolimerową) z wykorzystaniem petrochemicznego diizocyjanianu oraz dwóch monomerów pochodzenia roślinnego (odnawialnego): biopoliolu i bioglikolu. Zbadano także wpływ stosunku molowego grup izocyjanianowych [NCO] do...
Structural, magnetic and spectral properties of tetrahedral cobalt(II) silanethiolates: a variety of structures and manifestation of field-induced slow magnetic relaxation
PublikacjaBlue crystals of five heteroleptic cobalt(II) silanethiolates 1–5 have been obtained by the reaction of [Co{SSi (tBuO)3}2(NH3)]2 with aminopyridines and aminomethylpyridines at an appropriate molar ratio and their structural, spectral, thermal and magnetic properties have been established and described. All complexes 1–5 contain Co(II) ions in a tetrahedral CoN2S2 environment formed by (tBuO)3SiS− residues and pyridines and present...
Tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolate complexes of manganese(II) with chelating heterocyclic bases - Structure of compounds with a MnN2O2S2 or MnN2OS2 kernel and MeOH within the coordination sphere
PublikacjaNieliczna, do tej pory, grupa tiolanowych kompleksów manganu (II) wzbogaciła się o układy wywodzące się z tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolu jako źródła liganda. Połączenia te można ustabilizować wprowadzając N-donorowe ligandy chelatujące takie jak 2,2'-bipirydyl (bipy), 1,10-fenantrolina (phen) czy też 2,9-dimetylo-1,10-fenantrolina (neo).Skład związków[(tBuO)3SiS]2Mn(bipy) (2), [(tBuO)3SiS]2Mn(phen)(MeOH)] (3), [(tBuO)3SiS]2Mn(phen)]...
Effects of artificial lighting on bioactivity of sweet red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
PublikacjaRecent studies have shown that artificial light effectively promotes the growth and development of red peppers when light spectra, intensities and duration are controlled. Cited reports deal mostly with studies involving with the growth stages of pepper. Changes in the biochemical status of plants were not studied. Therefore, this study focuses on the changes in the content of some bioactive compounds (polyphenols, flavonoids,...
Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Poly(ester-Urethane-Urea)s Synthesized Using Biobased Diamine
PublikacjaModern polymer science and technology is focused on the development of partial or fully green polymers. This focus is related to green chemistry trends, which propose using natural and renewable resources as monomers in the synthesis of polymers. In this study, biobased diamine was used as a chain extender of ester-urethane prepolymer. Obtained poly(ester-urethane-urea) contains 16 wt% of biobased diamine. There is mention of an...
Isolation and characterization of Acid Soluble Collagen from the Skin of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Salmon (Salmo salar) and Baltic cod (Gadus morhua)
PublikacjaAcid-soluble collagen (ASC) from the fish skin of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Salmon (Salmo salar) and Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) was extracted and characterized. The ASC extraction yield was 75%, 73% and 68%, respectively. The denaturation and melting temperatures of African catfish ASC (29.3°C and 100.0°C) were significantly higher than ASC of Salmon and Baltic cod (20.6°C and 90.5°C; 15.2°C and 86.7°C, respectively), assessed...
Investigation of an elutable N-propylphosphonic acid chitosan derivative composition with a chitosan matrix prepared from carbonic acid solution
PublikacjaPorous chitosan composites using CO2 dissolution procedure and including water soluble N-propylphosphonic chitosan derivative (p-CHI) were obtained and characterized. In contrast to the control material, composites containing modified chitosan distinguished by a rapid moisture absorption and good adhesion to the skin. The FTIR analysis confirmed the presence of propylphosphonic group in the structure of the polymer. The porosity...
Golden artefacts, resin figurines, body adhesives and tomb sediments from the pre-Columbian burial site El Caño (Gran Coclé, Panamá): tracing organic contents using molecular archaeometry
PublikacjaThis research aimed to determine the origin of organic residues from funerary contexts in the El Ca~no settlement (Gran Cocl�e area, Panam�a, Central America) by means of multiple molecular probing techniques (GC-MS of organic solvent extracts and pyrolysis-GC-MS, THM-GC-MS and FTIR of solid samples). The samples include particles of precious resin figurines, fillings of golden objects, tomb sediments, plant exudates from extant...
Proton hydration in aqueous solution: FTIR studies of HDO spectra
PublikacjaW artykule scharakteryzowano sfery hydratacyjne protonu w roztworze wodnym na podstawie pomiarów widm FTIR wody półciężkiej (HDO), rozcieńczonej izotopowo w H2O. Wyniki eksperymentalne skonfrontowano z obliczonymi metodami chemii kwantowej strukturami niewielkich klasterów wodnych typu H+(H2O)n. Otrzymane geometrie optymalne porównano z odległościami międzyatomowymi otrzymanymi na podstawie położeń pasm HDO. Pierwsza sfera hydratacyjna...
DAF - and collagen-binding properties of chimeric Dr fimbriae
PublikacjaEkspozycja białek heterologicznych na powierzchni mikroorganizmów jest jedną z nowych strategii stosowanych w mikrobiologii, biotechnologii oraz projektowaniu nowoczesnych szczepionek. W niniejszej pracy zbadano możliwość wykorzystania białka podjednostkowego DraE fimbrii Dr uropatogennych szczepów Escherichia coli jako nośnika heterologicznych sekwencji. W rejon odpowiadający N-terminalnej domenie 2 białka DraE wprowadzono epitopową...
Effect of AlF3 and KF addition on the structure and luminescent properties of P2O5 – K2O – Nb2O5 – Bi2O3 glasses doped with Eu3+
PublikacjaBased on the developed phosphate glasses P2O5–K2O–Bi2O3–Nb2O5 doped with Eu3+, the influence of AlF3 and KF on the structural and luminescent properties was investigated. For this purpose, three series of glasses containing from 5 to 15 mol% fluorides were synthesized. Two of the series included the KF additive, which was introduced in two ways - proportionally and disproportionately at the expense of the K2O share. The structural characterization...
In search of molecular precursors for cadmium sulfide-new complexes with a sulfur-rich kernel: cadmium(II) tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates with additional diethyldithiocarbamato ligand
PublikacjaW ramach rozprawy opracowano metodę syntezy związków koordynacyjnych kadmu zawierających mieszane ligandy S-donorowe, które stanowią reszta tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolanowa oraz ditiokarbaminianowa. Zostały one poddane badaniom za pomocą analizy składu pierwiastkowego, metod spektroskopowych (FTIR, FIR, UV-Vis, NMR, MS) oraz termicznych. W celu osadzenia cienkich warstw wybranych związków posłużono się techniką nakładania obrotowego...
Efektywność działania środków przeciwstarzeniowych w procesie przyśpieszonego starzenia cieplnego
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem przedstawionych badań są wulkanizaty kauczuku naturalnego i butadienowo-styrenowego. Celem pracy było zbadanie efektywności działania środków przeciwstarzeniowych w procesie przyspieszonego starzenia cieplnego (w czasie 7 i 14 dni w temperaturze 70°C). Do badań wykorzystano dwie substancje przeciwstarzeniowe: komercyjnie dostępny przeciwutleniacz IPPD (N–fenylo-N′-izopropylo-p-fenylenodiamina) oraz ekologiczny przeciwutleniacz...
Modeling and MANOVA studies on toxicity and endocrine potential of packaging materials exposed to different extraction schemes
PublikacjaThe stability of the linings of packaging that is in contact with the goods stored has been of major concern during decades of the development of packaging materials. In this work, an attempt was undertaken to assess the applicability of using two bioassays (Microtox® and XenoScreen YES/YAS) in estimating the stability of packaging (cans, caps, multilayer material) and the impact of their degradation on the toxicity of some simulated media....
Wpływ budowy chemicznej na zmiany właściwości mechanicznych i termomechanicznych elastomerów biopoliuretanowych = The influence of chemical structure on mechanical and thermomechanical properties of cast biopolyurethane elastomers
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem niniejszej pracy są elastomery biopoliuretanowe otrzymywane metodą dwuetapową, tzw. prepolimerową, z wykorzystaniem surowców bio-pochodnych. Zbadano wpływ różnych małocząsteczkowych przedłużaczy łańcucha prepolimerowego: 1,2-biopropanodiolu oraz 1,3-biopropanodiolu na strukturę chemiczną i właściwości mechaniczne (warunki statyczne i dynamiczne) elastomerów biopoliuretanowych. Ponadto, wykorzystano również inny surowiec...
Metodyka oceny bioolejów
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono procedurę kontroli olejów do smarowania układów tnących pilarek i harwesterów. Potrzeba kontroli wynika z rozporządzenia Dyrektora RDLP w Gdańsku z dnia 28.09.2015r., które dotyczy stosowania biodegradowalnych olejów do smarowania układów tnących. Procedura obejmuje wykonanie wstępnego testu kroplowego z zastosowaniem lampy UV oraz badań laboratoryjnych technikami: cienkowarstwowej chromatografii cieczowej...
Eu3+ doped tellurite glass ceramics containing SrF2 nanocrystals: Preparation, structure and luminescence properties
PublikacjaEu3+ doped tellurite glass ceramics containing SrF2 nanocrystals were prepared using melt quenching technique and subsequent heat treatment of glass in 370 °C for different time periods. Thermal properties of glass matrix have been determined based on DSC measurements. XRD and XPS results confirmed formation of SrF2 nanocrystals in glass matrices after annealing at 370 °C. FTIR studies revealed absorption bands in the range of...
Investigation of praseodymium and samarium co-doped ceria as an anode catalyst for DIR-SOFC fueled by biogas
PublikacjaThe Pr and Sm co-doped ceria (with up to 20 mol.% of dopants) compounds were examined as catalytic layers on the surface of SOFC anode directly fed by biogas to increase a lifetime and the efficiency of commercially available DIR-SOFC without the usage of an external reformer. The XRD, SEM and EDX methods were used to investigate the structural properties and the composition of fabricated materials. Furthermore, the electrical...
Synthesis and Structure of Novel Copper(II) Complexes with N,O- or N,N-Donors as Radical Scavengers and a Functional Model of the Active Sites in Metalloenzymes
PublikacjaToevaluatetheantioxidantactivityofpotentialsyntheticenzymemimetics,wepreparednewfivecopper(II)complexesviaaself‐assemblymethodandnamedthem[Cu(2‐(HOCH2)py)3](ClO4)2(1),[Cu(2‐(HOCH2)py)2(H2O)2]SiF6(2),[Cu2(2‐(HOCH2CH2)py)2(2‐(OCH2CH2)py)2](ClO4)2(3),[Cu(pyBIm)3](BF4)2∙1.5H2O(4)and[Cu(py2C(OH)2)2](ClO4)2(5).ThesyntheticprotocolinvolvedN,O‐ orN,N‐donors:2‐(hydroxymethyl)pyridine(2‐(HOCH2)py),2‐(hydroxyethyl)pyridine(2‐(HOCH2CH2)py),2‐(2‐pyridyl)benzimidazole(pyBIm),di(2‐pyridyl)ke‐tone(py2CO).TheobtainedCu(II)complexeswerefullycharacterisedbyelementalanalysis,FTIR,EPR,UV‐Vis,single‐crystalX‐raydiffractionandHirshfeldsurfaceanalysis.Crystallographicandspectroscopicanalysesconfirmedchromophoresofbothmonomeric({CuN3O3}(1),{CuN2O4}(2),{CuN6}(4),{CuN4O2}(5))anddimericcomplex({CuN2O3}(3)).Mostoftheobtainedspeciespos‐sessedadistortedoctahedralenvironment,exceptdimer3,whichconsistedoftwocoppercentreswithsquarepyramidalgeometries.Thewater‐solublecompounds(1,3and5)wereselectedforbiologicaltesting.Theresultsofthestudyrevealedthatcomplex1insolutionsdisplayedbetterradicalscavengingactivitythancomplexes3,5andfreeligands.Therefore,complex1hasbeenselectedforfurtherstudiestotestitsactivityasanenzymemimetic.Thechosencompoundwastestedontheerythrocytelysateoftwogroupsofpatientsafterundergoingchemotherapyandchemoradiotherapy.Theeffectofthetestedcompound(1)onenzymeactivitylevels(TAS,SODandCAT)suggeststhattheselectedcomplexcanbetreatedasafunctionalmimeticoftheenzymes.
Synteza poliuretanu z udziałem biomonomerów i jego recykling chemiczny
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono recykling chemiczny (aminoliza i glikoliza) zsyntezowanego wcześniej poliuretanu, otrzymanego z wykorzystaniem surowców pochodzenia naturalnego, oraz zbadano podstawowe właściwości otrzymanych produktów depolimeryzacji chemicznej. Poliuretan otrzymano metodą prepolimerową, wykorzystując surowce pochodzenia naturalnego, czyli poliol PriplastTM 1838 i diizocyjanian TolonateTM X FLO 100. Łańcuchy prepolimeru uretanowego...
Hydrogen evolution reaction catalyzed by Co-based metal-organic frameworks and their derivatives
PublikacjaIn this study, Co-bearing Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are grown via a facile solvothermal process on the surface of two kinds of conductive substrates – titanium dioxide nanotubes (TiO2NT) and fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) glass and tested as electrodes in the electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The materials derived from three organic linkers - terephthalic acid (Co-BDC), 2-aminoterephthalic acid (Co-BDCNH2),...
Hydration of Simple Carboxylic Acids from Infrared Spectra of HDOand Theoretical Calculations
PublikacjaBadanie hydratacji kwasów karboksylowych w rozcieńczonych roztworach wodnych ma duże znaczenie dla zrozumienia ich funkcji biologicznych. Metodą stosowaną w badaniach była spektroskopia oscylacyjna FTIR z zastosowaniem techniki rozcieńczenia izotopowego wody półciężkiej HDO w roztworze wody zwykłej. Do analizy danych widmowych wykorzystano ''metodę widm różnicowych''. Widma HDO zaburzonej przez kwasy: mrówkowy, octowy i propionowy...
Effect of Acetylation and Beta‐Amylase Treatment on Complexation of Debranched Starch with Naringenin
PublikacjaStarch inclusion complexation has been shown to improve solubility of water insoluble molecules. Potato starch and Hylon VII are acetylated at two levels and then debranched alone or combined with β‐amylase hydrolysis, and its complexes with naringenin are prepared in aqueous conditions and characterized in this study. Both soluble and insoluble complexes are formed with the soluble complex present in the supernatant and the insoluble...
Preparation, characterization and anti-colitis activity of curcumin-asafoetida complex encapsulated in turmeric nanofiber
PublikacjaUlcerative colitis (UC) is a main form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Asafoetida (ASF) and turmeric have traditionally been used for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases, including UC, because ASF is rich in sulfur compounds and turmeric contains curcumin (CUR). Turmeric nanofiber (TNF), the modified cell wall component of turmeric is considered to play important role in the human diet, health and can be used as...
Comprehensive study on graphene hydrogels and aerogels synthesis and their ability of gold nanoparticles adsorption
PublikacjaGraphene hydrogels were prepared by ascorbic acid-assisted gelation of graphene oxide (GO) aqueous suspensions both in acidic and basic conditions. Different mass ratio of ascorbic acid (AA) to GO was used (namely 20:1 and 10:1). In order to eliminate the influence of AA on the final structure of hydrogels, samples without AA were prepared by a hydrothermal gelation of GO in an autoclave. An in-depth structural characterization...
Performance properties of rigid polyurethane-polyisocyanurate/brewers’ spent grain foamed composites as function of isocyanate index
PublikacjaIn the presented work, rigid polyurethane-polyisocyanurate (PUR-PIR) foams filled with brewers’ spent grain (BSG) were prepared. The influence of the isocyanate index (II) on its performance was investigated. Foams obtained with higher isocyanate index required a higher amount of hydrofluorocarbon physical blowing agent to provide the same apparent density of material. An increase of isocyanate index resulted in a slight decrease...
New-fangled sources of cellulose extraction: comparative study of the effectiveness of Cissus latifolia and Ficus benghalensis cellulose as a filler
PublikacjaRecycled polymers and biopolymers are receiving a great deal of attention these days. If these two can be combined, it will lead to an environment-friendly green material with a great deal of applications. Here the present work is about incorporating bio-based fillers in a recycled polyurethane matrix. Two unusual and extremely novel sources of cellulose have been proposed. The celluloses obtained from Cissus latifolia and Ficus...
The influence of amorphous macrodiol, diisocyanate type and l-ascorbic acid modifier on chemical structure, morphology and degradation behavior of polyurethanes for tissue scaffolds fabrication
PublikacjaStudies described in this work were related to the bulk synthesis and characterization of polyurethanes (PURs) obtained with the use of cyclic 4,4′-methylene bis(cyclohexyl isocyanate) (HMDI) or linear 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI), amorphous α,ω-dihydroxy(ethylene-butylene adipate) macrodiol (PEBA), 1,4-butandiol (BDO) chain extender and dibutyltin dilaurate (DBTDL) catalyst. Obtained PURs were modified with l-ascorbic...
M-BDC (M = Co and/ or Fe) MOFs as effective catalysts for hydrogen generation via hydrolysis of sodium borohydride
PublikacjaMono- (Co-BDC, Fe-BDC) and bimetallic FeCo-BDC Metal-Organic Frameworks are successfully synthesized by the solvothermal method in DMF at 150 °C within 15 h and tested as catalysts for sodium borohydride hydrolysis. The materials are characterized by FTIR, PXRD, TGA, ICP-OES, H2-TPR, BET model, and SEM-EDS. The catalytic activity of these materials is studied for dehydrogenation of sodium borohydride in water at various temperatures...
Hydration of simple amides. FTIR spectra of HDO and theoretical studies
PublikacjaZastosowano metodę ważonych widm różnicowych do opisu hydratacji amidów w roztworach wodnych: formamidu, N-metyloformamidu, N,N-dimetyloformaidu, acetamidu, N-metyloacetamidu, N,N-dimetyloacetamidu. Narzędziem wspomagającym interpretację wyników eksperymentalnych są struktury agregatów solwatacyjnych wokół cząsteczki substancji rozpuszczonej uzyskane na podstawie obliczeń teoretycznych metodą ab initio z korelacją elektronową...
Effect of sisal fiber filler on thermal properties of bio-based polyurethane composites
PublikacjaThis work is mainly focused on study of thermal and thermomechanical properties of obtained bio-based polyurethane (coded as bio-PU) composites via using different types of bio-components (bio-glycol, modified soybean oil and sisal fiber) in the procedure. The chemical structure, morphology and mechanical properties were also investigated and described in this manuscript in order to know more perfect characterization of produced...
The effect of high molecular weight bio-based diamine derivative of dimerized fatty acids obtained from vegetable oils on the structure, morphology and selected properties of poly(ether-urethane-urea)s
PublikacjaIn this work, the effect of the high molecular weight bio-based diamine on the chemical structure and selected properties of poly(ether-urethane-urea)s has been investigated. The ether-urethane prepolymer was cured using 1,4-butanediol and/or bio-based diamine. Mentioned chain extenders were used separately or in the mixture, and their different molecular weight and chemical structure resulted in obtaining materials with diversified...
Novel luminescent calixarene-based lanthanide materials: From synthesis and characterization to the selective detection of Fe3+
PublikacjaCalix[n]arene-based coordination networks are an emerging class of materials with intriguing properties resulted from the presence of the cavity-like structure of the macrocycle and metallic nodes. In this work, four novel luminescent materials based on calix[4]arene-carboxylate and lanthanides (Eu3þ and Tb3þ) were prepared by two synthetic approaches, solvothermal (CDA-Eu-ST) and slow diffusion (CDA-Eu-RT, CDA-Tb-RT, CTA-Tb-complex)...
Preparation and Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Composites Filled with Powdered Buckwheat Husks
PublikacjaBio-based fillers for the polymer composites are still interesting from the scientific and industrial point of view, due to their low cost and renewable nature. In this work partially green composites were obtained by the mixing of thermoplastic poly(ester-urethane) with the unmodified and modified (by acetylation) grinded buckwheat husks. Obtained biocomposites were characterized in the terms of their chemical structure (FTIR),...
Tunable emission and energy transfer of B2O3–Bi2O3–AlF3 glass system doped with Eu3+/Dy3+
PublikacjaThe structure and luminescent properties of the B2O3–Bi2O–AlF3 glass system doped with Eu3+/Dy3+ ions in different molar ratios were studied. A series of glasses were synthesized by the conventional melt quenching technique. Glass transition and crystallization temperatures were examined by Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) measurements. The amorphous character of the prepared samples was confirmed by the X-ray diffraction (XRD)...
Change of reaction quotients for SOFC fueled by biogas mixture at 750 C
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the Change of reaction quotients for SOFC fueled by biogas mixture at 750 C (60:40 CH4:CO2). The outlet concentration of the gases from SOFC were measured using novel FTIR-based unit.
Biopolyols obtained via microwave-assisted liquefaction of lignin: structure, rheological, physical and thermal properties
PublikacjaThe present study examined the application of polyols obtained via microwave-assisted liquefaction of lignin in the production of rigid polyurethane foam. Lignin was liquefed in crude glycerol and 1,4-butanediol at diferent temperatures (130–170 °C), without a catalyst and using various biomass concentrations (15 and 30 wt%). The physicochemical properties, process yield, and FTIR-based identifcation of the obtained polyols were...
Effect of hydroxylated soybean oil and bio-based propanediol on the structure and thermal properties of synthesized bio-polyurethanes
PublikacjaThe aim of this work was to obtain bio-polyurethanes using synthetic compounds and bio-components, i.e. bio-glycols. Bio-polyurethanes were prepared by means of the prepolymer method. Prepolymers were synthesized from 4,4′-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) and a polyol mixture containing 75% by weight of commercial polyether and 25% by weight of hydroxylated soybean oils (H2 or H3), the latter being obtained in the reaction with...
Effect of urea and glycine betaine on the hydration sphere of model molecules for the surface features of proteins
PublikacjaWater properties may significantly affect protein stability. Osmolytes are compounds that intrinsically affect water in many different ways and thus can influence proteins with this type of indirect mechanism. In this study, we characterize water properties in ternary solutions: model–water–osmolyte, with two model molecules: N-methylacetamide (NMA) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and two osmolytes: glycine betaine (TMG)and urea....
Advantageous conditions of saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass for biofuels generation via fermentation processes
PublikacjaProcessing of lignocellulosic biomass includes four major unit operations: pre-treatment, hydrolysis, fermentation and product purifcation prior to biofuel generation via anaerobic digestion. The microorganisms involved in the fermentation metabolize only simple molecules, i.e., monosugars which can be obtained by carrying out the degradation of complex polymers, the main component of lignocellulosic biomass. The object of this...