Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Gulf Cooperation Council - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Gulf Cooperation Council

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Gulf Cooperation Council

  • Arun Kumar Ph.D.


  • Uranium Supporting Cooperation With High Schools Warsztaty z programowania analiz i wizualizacji danych w językach R oraz Python.


    Kierownik projektu: dr inż. Karol Flisikowski

    Projekt realizowany w Politechnika Gdańska zgodnie z porozumieniem 13/1/2024/IDUB/III.3b/U z dnia 2024-02-29

  • Barriers of cross-cultural interactions according to the research findings

    The aims of this article are to label major cultural barriers and to present results of empirical findings referring to barriers to intercultural interactions in foreign subsidiaries of transnational corporations (TNCs). The qualitative research was conducted in TNCs'foreign subsidiaries operating in Poland in winter 2009/2010. The article describes how respondents perceive the problems in cooperation with foreigners, their sources,...

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  • Joanna Rymaszewska prof. dr hab. n. med.


    CV Joanna Rymaszewska Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland +48 601 98 26 24, joanna.rymaszewska@pwr.edu.pl orcid.org/0000-0001-8985-3592 2023 → Professor of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST), Poland 2011 → 2023 Professor of Wroclaw Medical University (WMU), PL 2016 → 2022 Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Wroclaw Medical University 2016 → 2022 Head of the Clinic of Psychiatry,...

  • Development of Education Tomorrow’s Engineers at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in GUT


    Paper presents educational activity of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is one of the largest departments of the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), currently educating about 3 000 student. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering offers studies in different areas: Mechanical Engineering, Medical and Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechatronic,...

  • Local buckling of composite channel columns

    The investigation concerns local buckling of compressed flanges of axially compressed composite channel columns. Cooperation of the member flange and web is taken into account here. The buckling mode of the member flange is defined by rotation angle a flange about the line of its connection with the web. The channel column under investigation is made of unidirectional fibre-reinforced laminate. Two approaches to member orthotropic...

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  • Barriers of Cross-cultural Interactions According to the Research Findings

    • M. Rozkwitalska

    - Journal of Intercultural Management - Rok 2010

    The aim of this article is to label major cultural barriers and to present results of empiricalfindings referring to barriers to intercultural interactions in foreign subsidiaries oftransnational corporations (TNCs). The qualitative research was conducted in TNCs'foreign subsidiaries operating in Poland in the winter of 2009/2010. The articledescribes how the respondents perceived the problems in cooperation with foreigners,defines...

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  • Mateusz Kopec Dr hab. inż.


    Head of the Materials and Structural Testing Laboratory in Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS and Academic visitor in Imperial College London. Lecturer and Master/PhD students supervisor in Doctoral School of IPPT PAN and TIB PAN, and Imperial College London. Member of Polish Materials Science Society, Member of the Board of Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and Council Member of the European...

  • Robert Idem dr hab. inż. arch.

  • Biomass of macrophytobentos in the Puck Bay in 2010-2018

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The database contains data on qualitative composition and biomass of macrophytobenthos (flower plants and macroalgae) in samples collected in the Puck Bay area (Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea) at 20 stations between 2010-2018. The database contains information on sampling sites (region, geographical coordinates, depth), sample characteristics (date,...

  • Suspended matter, composition and fluxes, Gdansk Deep, late spring 2001

    Particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON) concentrations and fluxes were measured in the Gdańsk Deep  (Gulf of Gdansk) from 30.05 to 06.06.2001. The vertical profiles of POC and PON were characterised by the highest values in the euphotic layer, a gradual decrease with depth, and an increase below the halocline. The hydrophysical conditions...

  • Trust triggers and barriers in intercultural teams

    Intercultural teams are more and more popular nowadays — they constitute a serious challenge in terms of effective cooperation and trust building, however. The article presents the potential problems that can affect intercultural cooperation and stresses the power of trust in cultural diversity conditions. The ten-factor model of intercultural team trust is presented. The main aim was to answer the questions: what are the differences...

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  • Total mercury in great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) and fish in polish sector of Vistula Lagoon


    - Rok 2008

    Analizowano tkanki miękkie 55 osobników kormorana czarnego oraz wybrane gatunki ryb stanowiące ich pokarm. Badane próbki pochodziły z ekosystemu Zalewu Wiślanego. Zawartość rtęci oznaczono w narządach wewnętrznych kormorana czarnego takich jak: wątroba, nerki, mięśnie, przełyk, żołądek, jelita, tchawica, płuca, mięsień sercowy. Przebadano następujące gatunki ryb: śledź, stynka, karaś, karaś srebrzysty, płoć, lin, jazgarz. Oznaczenia...

  • Abual Hassan Mr.


    I have completed my B.Sc in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering in 2017 from the University of Engineering and Technology in Lahore, Pakistan. In 2017 Chinese Govt Offered me a Fully funded scholarship and completed my MEng in Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi'an, China. There I graduated with the honor of Excellent Post-Graduate Student of the Year 2020. My research interests include Additive...

  • Contamination of water in Oliwski Stream after the flood in 2016


    In the article pollution of stream waters with surface runoff from an urbanized area caused by an extremely high rainfall is discussed. The analyzes were carried out after the rainfall of the depth 152 mm which took place in Gdańsk on 14th and 15th July 2016. This extreme rainfall caused urban flooding, damage of several retention ponds and pollution of surface waters. In the article the results of physical and chemical analyzes...

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  • An Archaeological - Architectural Documentation Based on Close Range Photogrammetry


    - Rok 2017

    Wisłoujście Fortress is a historical defensive object located on the southwest coast of the Gulf of Gdańsk. Fort Carre, Eastern Sconce and Ravelin are parts of this postmediaeval fortification. In view of planned regeneration of this fortification complex, at the initiative of the Gdańsk History Museum and Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the University of Gdańsk it was decided to perform a documentation of one Fortress...

  • Modeling of Accidental Bunker Oil Spills as a Result of Ship's Bunker Tanks Rupture - a Case Study

    AIS (Automatic Identification System) data analysis is used to define ship domain for grounding scenarios. The domain has been divided into two areas as inner and outer domains. Inner domain has clear border, which is based on ship dynamic characteristics. Violation of inner domain makes the grounding accident unavoidable. Outer domain area is defined with AIS data analyzing. Outer domain shows the situation of own ship in compare...

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  • Participatory projects in urban area – opportunities and limitations on the example of 2013 Podwórkowa Rewolucja


    - Rok 2018

    Participatory projects implemented in urban space have a group of supporters and opponents. The aim of this article is to define the possibilities and limitations of this type of spatial activities on the example of the 2013 Podwórkowej rewolucji in the development of the Edukacja obywatelska w działaniu project in cooperation with the Social Innovation Foundation and its Neighborhood House - the Gościna Przystań, where the inhabitants...

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  • A Test-Bed Analysis of Simultaneous PMIPv6 Handover in 802.11 WLANs Environment


    - Rok 2013

    Providing mobility in access networks is a challenge that we have to deal with. Due to networks’ convergence and migration to all-IP networks, mobility management at the network layer is required. However, there is a need for cooperation mechanisms between the network layer and lower layers to support multimedia services and make handover more efficient. This paper presents experimental research on simultaneous handover performance...

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  • Marcin Wekwejt dr inż.

    Marcin Wekwejt, absolwent studiów inżynierskich w inż. biomedycznej (2016; Politechnika Bydgoska im. J. i J. Śniadeckich & Collegium Medicum im. L. Rydygiera), studiów magisterskich w inż. mechaniczno-medycznej (2018; Politechnika Gdańska & Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny) oraz studiów doktoranckich w dyscyplinie inż. materiałowej (2021, Politechnika Gdańska). Uzyskał z wyróżnieniem stopień naukowy doktora nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych...

  • Marek Dzida dr hab. inż.

    Urodził się 6 sierpnia 1953 r. w Bielsku-Białej. Absolwent Instytutu Okrętowego Politechniki Gdańskiej, od 1978 r. pracuje na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa PG. W 1983 r. uzyskał tytuł doktora nauk technicznych, w 2001 r. – doktora habilitowanego. Aktualnie zatrudniony na stanowisku profesora nadzwyczajnego na PG. Pełnił funkcję prodziekana ds. kształcenia WOiO (1996–2002) oraz dziekana (2005–2012). Od 2010 r. jest kierownikiem...

  • Negocjacyjna metoda generowania protokołu uzgodnień na platformie EBXML

    Celem standardu ebXML jest ustanowienie globalnej platformy dla biznesu elektronicznego, umożliwiającej dowolnym przedsiębiorstwom( bez względu na ich wielkość i lokalizację)poszukiwanie partnerów handlowych i realizowanie transakcji kupna-sprzedaży w oparciu o wymianę dokumentów elektronicznych o strukturze logicznej opisanej w XML.Podstawą do nawiązania kontaktu przez dowolny podmiot jest publikowany przez niego w specjalnym...

  • Wieniec w Twierdzy Wisłoujście z lat sześćdziesiątych XVI wieku, jego przekształcenia i uszkodzenie w wojnie w roku 1577 w świetle badań architektonicznych z lat 2020–2022

    Wieniec w Twierdzy Wisłoujście to unikatowy przykład strażnicy w formie samodzielnej bastei łączącej w sobie tradycje budownictwa średniowiecznego i nowożytnego. Powstała w latach 1562-63 w miejscu wcześniejszego założenia (z ok. 1519 r.). Przedmiotem artykułu jest rozpoznanie pierwotnej formy tego założenia z lat 60. XVI w., wskazanie jego modyfikacji związanych z próbą rozbudowy zespołu i jego uszkodzeniami z oblężenia w 1577...

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  • Początek Gdyńskiego Systemu Wodociągowego Wodociąg wiejski w gminie Oksywie w latach 1911 – 1929. Część I.

    Przedmiotem badań był wodociąg wiejski na Oksywiu z początku XX wieku, jako najstarszy na ziemiach polskich pod zaborami. Po przeprowadzeniu żmudnej kwerendy odtworzono przebieg procesu decyzyjnego jego budowy i eksploatacji. Szczególnie ważkie informacje odkryto w protokołach z posiedzeń Rady Gminnej Oksywia napisanych w języku staroniemieckim w latach 1911 – 1920. W rezultacie ustalono parametry techniczne sieci i urządzeń wodociągowych...

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  • Market Price Prediction of Property Rights from Gas Fired Plants or Plants with Total Installed CHP Source Capacity Below 1 MW until 2025

    The resolution on the Polish Energy Policy until 2030 (PEP-30) was adopted by the Council of Ministers on 10 November 2009. The document specifies the combined electricity and heat generation as a direction of pursuing the goals of energy efficiency, fuel and energy supply security, competitive fuel and energy markets development, and reduction of the energy sector’s environmental impact. PEP-30 assumes that electricity generation...

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  • Corporate social responsibility in reference to environmental statements within EMAS system in small and medium enterprises


    - Rok 2013

    According to the corporate social responsibility concept, organisations should apply any mechanisms available supporting their business actions contributing i.e. to the improvement of natural environment. Among them is EMAS eco-management and audit scheme. The prove of its implementation is environmental statement and entering the organisation into a national EMAS register. The aim of the statement is informing the society and...

  • Urban Mentoring as a new polish management technique in participatory planning


    A decade of experience in implementation of numerous urban modernization projects in Poland resulted in a lively debate on socialization of the planning process, in which the matter of the public space quality has become the center of gravity. In those years, transformation from the classic administrative model of „bureaucracy planning” to the model of „management planning” has not been complete. The socialist primacy of the public...

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  • The impact of institutions on innovation networks: empirical evidence from Poland


    - Technological and Economic Development of Economy - Rok 2022

    Innovation networks may accelerate and improve the innovation process, while institutional pathologies may hamper it. This study employs the Kruskal-Wallis H test and regression analysis to determine if the relationship between institutions and innovation networks does exist among the investigated variables. The purpose of the study was to find out whether cooperation with special local institutions influences the innovative behaviour...

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  • Justyna Borucka dr inż. arch.

    Justyna Borucka jest adiunktem na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej, koordynatorem programu Erasmus i współpracy zagranicznej, a od 2016 roku prodziekanem ds. rozwoju. Jest również członkiem Zarządu Stowarzyszenia Architektów Polskich (SARP Oddział Wybrzeże). Jej badania koncentrują się na teorii architektury i strategii odnowy miejskiej ze szczególnym wpływem interdyscyplinarnych relacji współczesnej architektury i...

  • SVC and power transformers controllers coordination


    The use of shunt compensators such as FACTS (for example SVC) in power systems gives possibility of fast and flexible control of voltage or reactive power. An efficient cooperation between a transformer and compensator connected to busbars, or transformer’s tertiary winding, requires a proper coordination of controls. The article contains theoretical considerations and simulation results which indicate that such co-ordination is...

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  • The Examination of the Upper Layers of the Seabed by the Means of the Acoustic Methods


    Propagation of acoustic waves in the sea, in particular in shallow sea, depends on several factors. The basic of them are source power and frequency of acoustic waves, spatial distribution inhomogeneous medium in which acoustic wave propagates, and distributions of speed of sound and density of seawater. The coastal conditions, which limit water medium from above (free surface of the sea) and from bottom (the seabed), are no less...

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  • Multibeam sonar data processing for seafloor characterisation


    - Rok 2011

    The approach to seafloor characterisation was investigated. It relies on calculation of several descriptors (parameters) related to seabed type using three types of multibeam sonar data obtained during seafloor sensing: 1) the grey-level sonar images of seabed, 2) the 3D model of the seabed surface which consist of (x, y, z) points, 3) the set of time domain echo envelopes corresponding to several beams. The proposed method has...

  • Combined method of multibeam sonar signal processing and image analysis for seafloor classification


    The combined approach to seafloor characterisation was investigated. It relies on calculation of several descriptors (parameters) related to seabed type using three types of multibeam sonar data obtained during seafloor sensing: 1) the grey-level sonar images (echograms) of seabed, 2) the 3D model of the seabed surface which consists of bathymetric data, 3) the set of time domain bottom echo envelopes received in the consecutive...

  • Searching of the buried objects in the sea bottom by means of noninvasive methods


    - Rok 2012

    Searching of objects on the seabed or under its surface currently is a challenge for a number of researchers interested in the sea bottom. The problem relates to the objects on the depths of up to several tens of meters from the surface of the seabed. Finding the objects is the subject of interest for a wide group of users starting from archaeologists, and ending on groups interested in marine safety, as well as in military application...

  • Selecting wells for an optimal design of groundwater monitoring network based on monitoring priority map: A Kish Island case study

    • H. Amiri
    • S. Azadi
    • S. Javadpour
    • A. A. Naghavi
    • G. Boczkaj

    - Water Resources and Industry - Rok 2022

    This paper presents a novel approach, i.e. a combination of gamma test and monitoring priority map, for optimal design of groundwater monitoring network (GMN) by considering the cumulative effects of industries, human activities, and natural factors on the groundwater quality. The proposed method was successfully applied to design an optimal network for groundwater salinity monitoring on Kish Island, Persian Gulf. The priority...

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    Kompetencje międzykulturowe, rozumiane jako postawa wobec współpracy z przedstawicielami innych kultur, to ważny element kształcenia studentów w procesie przygotowywania ich do podejmowania działań na globalnym rynku pracy. Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań dotyczących postaw studentów wobec pracy w zespołach wielokulturowych. Skoncentrowano się głównie na porównaniu nastawienia studentów w zależności od tego, czy byli wcześniej...

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  • Proposal of a method for effective tasks distribution in the execution of compolex problems

    An access to a great number of various services allows for decomposition of complex problems into smaller and less complex tasks. Those tasks can be presented in a form of a dependency graph. This paper shows an idea of executing such a problem using cooperating autonomous agents. Main focus of this work is cooperation covering effective tasks distribution among executors. This paper presents an algorithm for dynamic executor selection...


    The article looks into the employment of Russian citizens in Poland in 2004– 2018. It presents the legal basis for Russians’ entering Poland and taking up work without having to seek a work permit, and specifies who must apply for such a permit. Russian citizens can obtain refugee status under the Geneva Convention, which grants them the right to move freely, choose their place of residence and undertake paid employment, while...

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  • Marzena Starnawska dr


  • Ryszard F. Sadowski dr hab. prof. uczelni


    ZATRUDNIENIE: Ks. prof. Ryszard Sadowski jest od roku 2004 zatrudniony na Wydziale Filozofii Chrześcijańskiej (WFCh) w Uniwersytecie Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie. Jest członkiem zespołu badawczego Centrum Ekologii i Ekofilozofii (dawnej Instytut Ekologii i Ekofilozofii) UKSW. Od roku 2020 jest kierownikiem Katedry Ekofilozofii w Instytucie Filozofii na Uniwersytecie Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie. Od roku...

  • To meet or to connect? Face-to-face contacts vs ICT in cluster organisations

    The main purpose of the paper is to explore how cluster organisations (COs) take advantage of direct (F2F) and indirect (ICT) contacts in fulfilling their main roles. The paper addresses the research question: “How important are Information and Communication Technologies at each level of advancement of cluster cooperation?” The research was conducted in 2016 in four purposefully selected cluster organisations representing metal...

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  • Factors of successful client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services


    Purpose This paper aims to explore the topic of client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). The paper first sketches a theoretical background and reviews previous studies on factors affecting successful client co-production in such companies and then examines these factors via case study research among a small KIBS company and its five customers. Design/methodology/approach The paper is based on an in-depth...

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  • Client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS): Case study analysis


    Purpose: This paper aims to explore the topic of client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). The paper first sketches a theoretical background and reviews previous studies on factors affecting successful client co-production in such companies and then examines these factors via case study research among a small KIBS company and its five customers. Methodology: The paper is based on an in-depth analysis...

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  • Otwarte innowacje w inicjatywach klastrowych



    Specyfika funkcjonowania inicjatyw klastrowych czyni z nich idealne podłoże do wcielania w życie idei open innovation – ułatwiają bowiem nawiązywanie kontaktów z innymi podmiotami, stawiają na otwartość swoich członków i budowę relacji opartych na zaufaniu, stanowią platformę wymiany zasobów (w tym przede wszystkim informacji i wiedzy) oraz wspólnego kreowania rozwiązań innowacyjnych. W artykule podjęto rozważania teoretyczne dotyczące...

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  • Paweł Czarnul dr hab. inż.

    Paweł Czarnul uzyskał stopień doktora habilitowanego w dziedzinie nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie informatyka w roku 2015 zaś stopień doktora nauk technicznych w zakresie informatyki(z wyróżnieniem) nadany przez Radę Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej w roku 2003. Dziedziny jego zainteresowań obejmują: przetwarzanie równoległei rozproszone w tym programowanie równoległe na klastrach obliczeniowych,...

  • Dynamic risk assessment in autonomous vehicles motion planning


    - Rok 2008

    Arguing that an autonomous mobile system is sufficiently safe to operate in presence of other vehicles and objects is an important element in development of such systems. Traditional approach to assure safety is to distinguish between safe and unsafe area and prevent the autonomous vehicle from entering the unsafe area. The paper presents a model of autonomous vehicle control system which uses risk assessment...

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  • Service Recommendation on WIKI-WS Platform


    - TASK Quarterly - Rok 2015

    The article presents the issues of recaommendation services for users. The commonly used solutions include known classes of recommendation systems and information about their area of use and the most frequently used algorithms. the issue of choosing the services has been described based on the Wiki-WS platform including a model of cooperation with the recommendation system. The conclusion from the analysis of the proposed model...

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    Teams are the basic unit of the C2NIWA community, which – using the technical capabilities of this environment – focuses on the implementation of various projects. This article presents one of the competitions carried out within the framework of a C2NIWA project called Uwaga! Upadek! [Attention! Fall!], used as an example of a collaborative project for which analyses related to the assessment of teamwork based on the input-process-result...

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  • Web component for automatic extraction of ontological information from informal description of web services


    - Rok 2012

    This article treats about usage possibilities of Web Services and cooperation in development that leads to constant improvement of these components. It describes the semantic methods which can beused to create the description that is comprehensible for computers. It also presents the two models supporting the automatic generation of the semantic description based on informal description. Thepaper draws upon the comparison of two...

  • Looking For Motivation. How to Keep Students’ Software Projects from Ending up on the Shelf?


    IT specialists in the business environment work in teams according to the established methodology and using the established toolkit. From the university’s point of view, preparing IT students to work in such an environment is a challenging task, as it requires either cooperation with business or the simulation of similar conditions in the university environment. Participation of students in real projects can provide them with the...

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