


  • Zanikanie. Cmentarze menonickie w przestrzeni kulturowej Żuław

    Cmentarze menonickie są jednym z elementów wielonarodowej mozaiki kulturowej, jaką można odnaleźć na Żuławach Wiślanych. Obecne są w krajobrazie od ponad dwustu pięćdziesięciu lat.Celem publikacji jest przedstawienie współczesnej historii menonickich cmentarzy i obiektów sakralnych. Oparte zostało na badaniach terenowych nekropolii i lapidariów Delty Wisły w Cyganku-Żelichowie, Fiszewie, Jezierniku, Niedźwiedziówce, Pordenowie,...

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  • Extraction with environmentally friendly solvents

    The ever-increasing demand for determining compounds at low concentration levels in complex matrices requires a preliminary step of analytes isolation/enrichment in order to employ a detection technique characterized by high sensitivity at low LOQ. Sample preparation is considered as crucial part of analytical procedures. Previously the parameter of “greenness” is as important as selectivity in order to avoid using harmful organic...

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  • The principles of arturbain.fr for teaching sustainable urban design

    The article is an attempt to show how important it is in the contemporary education of architecture students to use an ordered repertoire of principles and concepts of a universal nature, at the same time, pointing to the new directions of solutions and answers to the problems of the 21st century. This task is implemented by the French Association L'Arturbain dans les Territoires. It is accompanied by an idea consisting in observing...

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  • Entropy Production Associated with Aggregation into Granules in a Subdiffusive Environment

    • P. Weber
    • P. Bełdowski
    • M. Bier
    • A. Gadomski

    - ENTROPY - Rok 2018

    We study the entropy production that is associated with the growing or shrinking of a small granule in, for instance, a colloidal suspension or in an aggregating polymer chain. A granule will fluctuate in size when the energy of binding is comparable to k_{B}T, which is the “quantum” of Brownian energy. Especially for polymers, the conformational energy landscape is often rough and has been commonly modeled as being self-similar...

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  • Street Art and Architecture


    - Rok 2011

    The paper explores both the areas of conflict as well as agreement between architecture and Street Art. The conflict arises from the fact that urban environment has always been a background for street art, which unavoidably jeopardizes the conceptual integrity of the building understood as a work of architecture. However, there are strong interrelations between these two domains of human creativity. Both street art and architecture...

  • Zamieszkiwanie w gdańskich krajobrazach


    - Rok 2021

    Wystawa oparta jest o wybrane prace studentów zrealizowane w ramach przedmiotu ‘Landscape Architecture’ (prowadzący: Agnieszka Kurkowska) oraz ‘Interior Design’ (prowadzący: Agnieszka Kurkowska, Kacper Ludwiczak). Tematycznie projekty urbanistyczne obejmują trzy wnętrza kulturowe (przestrzeń podróży – przystanek SKM z wiaduktem, przestrzeń zamieszkiwania – między blokami przy Pilotów 11, zieloną przestrzeń dla wszystkiego co...

  • The need for linear revitalization. Gdynia case

    The aim of the article is to discuss the need of defining and implementation of the linear revitalization - the new approach related to the revitalization processes. The results of the preliminary investigations indicate that this kind of revitalization seems to be an important tool supporting city management and planning, especially in cases of cities fragmentation - causing lack of physical, social, economic and ecological cohesion....

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  • Jacek Poplatek dr inż. arch.

    Jacek Poplatek – adiunkt w Studio Architektury Ochrony Zdrowia należącym do Katedry Architektury Miejskiej i Przestrzeni Nadwodnych. W pracy naukowo-badawczej zajmuje się głównie problematyką programowania i projektowania obiektów architektury służby zdrowia, w tym głównie szpitali. Przedmiotem zainteresowania są także badania XIX wiecznej architektury historycznej Sopotu i ochrony jej dziedzictwa.  Jest autorem wielu publikacji...

  • Digitalization and digital skills development patterns. Evidence for European countries


    - Rok 2023

    This chapter contextualizes the digitalization process and the digital skills concept. It discusses the very process of technology diffusion, emphasizing several unique features of digital technologies that make them globally available. Next, it turns to the digital skills concept, clarifying how and why they reshape the societal and economic landscape. It also briefly addresses the digital divide and skill-biased technological...

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    Zaspa is a neighbourhood in Gdansk with a long locational history and numerous build-ups. It is situated in a complex landscape between the coastal strip and moraine hills. The housing estates built here in the 1970s followed the postulates of modernist urbanism, ignoring the topographical and natural specifics and the regional heritage. The result was an ergonomic but anonymous space with many current strengths...

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  • Immersive Technologies that Aid Additive Manufacturing Processes in CBRN Defence Industry

    • M. Gawlik-Kobylińska
    • P. Maciejewski
    • J. Lebiedź
    • A. Kravcov

    - International Journal on Information Technologies and Security - Rok 2021

    Testing unique devices or their counterparts for CBRN (C-chemical, B-biological, R-radiological, N-nuclear) defense relies on additive manufacturing processes. Immersive technologies aid additive manufacturing. Their use not only helps understand the manufacturing processes, but also improves the design and quality of the products. This article aims to propose an approach to testing CBRN reconnaissance hand-held products developed...

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  • Dilemmas associated with the implementation of quality management systems in Polish smaller health care units


    - Rok 2014

    The article presents the considerations and recommendations for the implementation of the process-oriented quality management systems (QMS) in small health care units. As an example, the unit providing services for children with disabilities (therapy and rehabilitation) localized in northern part of Poland have been selected. The essential elements of the implementation of the quality system, taking into account the objectives...

  • Street Art and Urban Regeneration. Case Study Gdansk and Rome.


    - Rok 2016

    Street art plays an important role in urban planning as a transforming engine to regenerate the public spaces and in the processes of participation. The article analyzes two main topics. The first one focuses on the urban serving as a support for spatial and cultural strategies in urban redevelopment projects. The second one is related to the potential of micro urban interventions as a strategy for a wider involvement of inhabitants...

  • A place of school in the idea of the sustainable development


    Well designed school space enables social contacts, increases activity of pupils and improves the condition of their health. However, the best design would not bring the expected benefits if it is not integrated with the surroundings in terms of transportation, security and local needs. In the sustainable development, the social goals are in harmony with ecological aims according to the rule of "3 r" (reduce, reuse, recycle).

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  • Sustainable polymers targeted at the surgical and otolaryngological applications: Circularity and future

    The ongoing climate changes, high air and noise pollution have significant impact on humans’ health. This influence is especially visible in otolaryngology, which focuses on respiratory and hearing systems disfunctions. However, even though surgeries are done in response to diseases related to climate changes, they also have a negative impact on the environment, mostly connected with the inherence of single-use fossil fuel derived...

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  • Travelling Architecture: Vanishing heritage of Gypsy caravans in Poland


    The wandering Gypsy/Roma groups began arriving in the territory of Poland in the fifteenth century. Leading a nomadic life, they did not develop any form of a built house until the nineteenth century, until the first wooden caravans appeared. In the twentieth century, the architecture of Gypsy caravans began to thrive. They developed into several different forms of meticulously decorated wooden mobile houses. At the same time however,...

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  • Fortifications of Hel Peninsula in Poland – history, preservation and contemporary adaptation.

    The Hel Peninsula fortifications are one of the largest and most interesting historic coastal fortification complexes in Poland. Built from the 1930s until demilitarisation at the end of the Cold War, they are now one of the biggest tourist attractions of the region. The article attempts to describe the history of their development, current state and selected problems related to their protection and adaptation for touristic purposes....

  • Kształtowanie tożsamości na przykładzie małych miast województwa pomorskiego


    Small towns form an important element of the landscape, economy, both social and cultural life of our regions. Moreover, the way they develop determine regional indicators of the quality of life. These centers take today attempt to redefine its role and place in the spatial structures of the region, looking for new impulses and development opportunities to improve the living conditions of the local public. They have deeply divergent...

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  • Zieleń miejska Gdyni okresu międzywojennego oraz problematyka jej zachowania = Urban greenery of Gdynia of interwar period and the issues of its retaining


    - Rok 2020

    URBAN GREENERY OF GDYNIA OF INTERWAR PERIOD AND THE ISSUES OF ITS RETAINING The subject of this article is the urban greenery arrangement in interwar Gdynia and the issues of its retaining after the II World War. The article will concern retaining the authenticity and integrity of the historic urban greenery of Gdynia, both greenery layouts and the plant material creating it. The author of the article will present in what...

  • Potentials of Water Usage in urban Neighbourhood Structures


    - Rok 2014

    This paper will treat about water influence and possibility of its usage in the urban neighborhood structures (e.g. districts, real estate properties, town parts) in the context of actual regional environmental problems and according to directories determined by European targets. It is not rare yet in the basic stage of urban design that water is treated as a threat, not a chance. In result planned structures are often built,...

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  • Review of International Standards and Policy Guidelines for Smart Sustainable Cities


    - Rok 2021

    Smart cities are often criticized for preoccupation with technology, for ignoring the negative effects of technology, for irrelevance to the needs of the poor, and for ubiquitous data collection creating perfect conditions for surveillance societies and autocratic states. In response, cities pursue smartness and sustainability simultaneously, becoming global (by participation in global digital networks) and local (by addressing...

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  • Working in harmony with nature. Green office buildings in a present-day city


    - GeoScape - Rok 2010

    Metropolis - as main point of people's migration, mostly because of work, have to face sustainable development as a strategy for the near future. This article describes possible ways leading to the best office building concepts in the design process. Searching for a workspace in harmony with nature is one of the aspects of a balanced development. The challenge is to create functional, compact, environmentally friendly and healthy...

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  • Concept of 'Good Urban Governance' and Its Application in Sustainable Urban Planning

    Contemporary urban theory and practice in the post-industrial era is increasingly often turning towards an approach based on sustainable development. That concept bearing the traits of a paradigm has grown on the ground of broad quest for an alternative to the existing development model of the industrial civilisation. It has gained wide social acceptance and is the basis for many development and environmental programmes at the...

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    - Rok 2016

    The history of energetic use of the rivers of Pomerania (Pomorze) is traced from the late Middle Ages. Their potential due to geographical specificity of the region was still attractive in the era of electricity of the19th and the first half of the 20th century. Configuration of the terrain, geological, and natural restrictions, but mainly energetic potential of particular localization were crucial for economical success of the...

  • Soft skills among academics: Five theoretically informed lessons for current times


    RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive examination of the role of soft skills among academics in the context of the evolving higher-education landscape. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: We use a scoping review of existing literature to discuss the importance of soft skills in academia. Through critical analysis and synthesis, we identify patterns and gaps in current knowledge and develop five...

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  • Green Therapy w projektowaniu ośrodków medycznych Green Therapy in complex design of health centres


    Koncepcja przestrzenna ogrodu terapeutycznego podporządkowana jest generalnej idei otwierania się projektantów na poszukiwanie nowych możliwości poprawy samopoczucia odbiorcy - poprzez zapewnienie użytkownikom poczucia bezpieczeństwa, komfortu i odprężenia, harmonii. Dotyczy to nie tylko grupy osób chorych, które dręczone są przez niepokoje i napięcia wywołane przez niepełnosprawność czy chorobę, ale także pacjentów w różnym wieku...

  • Exploring the Benefits, Challenges, and Opportunities of Collaborative Business Intelligence


    - Rok 2024

    In traditional business intelligence (BI) settings, the collective decision-making process is often hindered by the absence of knowledge and expertise exchange among various stakeholders, as well as lack of information sharing. The study delves into the concept of Collaborative BI, which aims to overcome these limitations by promoting collaboration, business networking, knowledge sharing, and improved communication among stakeholders....

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  • Adapting education to a changing climate: preparing architecture students for climate-resilient design

    In this article, the authors explore the connection between climate change and the fields of architecture and urban planning. With the increasing frequency of flooding and extreme weather events, the built environment is confronting challenges in terms of sustainability and resilience. To meet these problems, it is necessary to prepare various specialists to assume responsibility for making future decisions. The authors of this...

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  • DAB+ Coverage Analysis: a New Look at Network Planning using GIS Tools

    For many years, the matter of designing a transmitter network, optimized for best signal coverage, has been a subject of intense research. In the last decade, numerous researchers and institutions used GIS and spatial analysis tools for network planning, especially transmitter location. Currently, many existing systems operate in a strictly two-dimensional manner, not taking into account the three-dimensional nature of the analyzed...

  • Rapid design closure of microwave components by means of feature-based optimization and adjoint sensitivities

    In this article, fast design closure of microwave components using feature-based optimization (FBO) and adjoint sensitivities is discussed. FBO is one of the most recent optimization techniques that exploits a particular structure of the system response to “flatten” the functional landscape handled during the optimization process, which leads to reducing its computational complexity. When combined with gradient-based search involving...

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  • Security Information Sharing for the Polish Power System


    - Rok 2015

    The Polish Power System is becoming increasingly more dependent on Information and Communication Technologies which results in its exposure to cyberattacks, including the evolved and highly sophisticated threats such as Advanced Persistent Threats or Distributed Denial of Service attacks. The most exposed components are SCADA systems in substations and Distributed Control Systems in power plants. When addressing this situation...

  • Knowledge economics and the demand for higher education


    This article suggests that the decreased demand for higher education in Poland is partially caused due to the changes in consumer preferences. The appearance of a cheap and highly accessible form of knowledge offered by the massive open online courses is presumed here to have an effect on the demand for formal higher education. This article proposes an additional perspective to the research on knowledge consumption, especially...

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  • Re-use of the 20th century aviation infrastructure.=Adaptacje XX-wiecznej infrastruktury lotniskowej


    This article explores issues related to the adaptation of former aviation infrastructure. For research purposes, several adaptations of former airports and airplane hangars are selected and presented. Those examples show the importance of this infrastructure in today's urbanized landscape, as well as in history, and thus the social and cultural values it brings. The benefits of the redevelopment of former airport sites are also...

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  • Evaluation of the Greenness of Analytical Procedures

    This contributions introduces the need to develop the methods to evaluate analytical procedures in the light of green analytical chemistry. Green chemistry metrics are not applicable in analytical chemistry because they refer to the mass of product and no product with mass is generated during analytical determination. Analytical greenness evaluations are based on scoring - such as NEMI or Eco-scale or comparative analysis as it...

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  • Bio-inspired Urban Design: Smart Growth and Sustainable Development Frameworks for a New Urban Unit in Cracow


    - Rok 2012

    In March 2012, architects João Diniz (Brazil) and Dorota Wiśniewska (Poland) answered a call to competition from the City of Cracow, submitting an entry for the redesign of 5600 ha of the Nowa Huta district in eastern Cracow, focusing on economic revitalization within a framework of smart growth and sustainable development. The scenario included an ArcerolMittal Steelworks and incorporated a strong ecological analysis for the easternmost...

  • Precise Identification of Different Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) Stages, Using Biomedical Engineering Combined with Data Mining and Machine Learning


    - Rok 2024

    Cervical cancer (CC) is one of the most common female cancers worldwide. It remains a significant global health challenge, particularly affecting women in diverse regions. The pivotal role of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in cervical carcinogenesis underscores the critical importance of diagnostic strategies targeting both HPV infection and cervical...

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  • Urban Design Project III 2023/24

    Kursy Online
    • J. Martyniuk-Pęczek
    • M. Ahmadi
    • K. van Soelen

    # 15-minute CITY ... Gdynia MaŁy Kack The topic of the course will introduce the issues of building a neighborhood identity in the form of densification development.  The interdisciplinary team of instructors will introduce the issues of shaping urban structures based on contemporary trends in urban design.

  • Synthesis of Trehalose by the Erythritol-Producing Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica Co-Displaying Maltooligosyltrehalose Synthase and Maltooligosyltrehalose Trehalohydrolase


    - ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering - Rok 2024

    Industrial trehalose production faces economic challenges with costly enzyme preparations, prompting the exploration of eco-friendly alternatives. Here, we established a coupled functional sugar production line leveraging erythritolproducing cells as an innovative enzyme preparation for trehalose synthesis. The erythritol-producing Yarrowia lipolytica was modified to express a fusion protein consisting of maltooligosyltrehalose synthase...

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  • Silver nanoparticles incorporated with superior silica nanoparticles-based rice straw to maximize biogas production from anaerobic digestion of landfill leachate

    • M. T. Al-shemy
    • F. Gamoń
    • A. Al-sayed
    • M. S. Hellal
    • A. Ziembińska-Buczyńska
    • G. K. Hassan


    Treating hazardous landfill leachate poses significant environmental challenges due to its complex nature. In this study, we propose a novel approach for enhancing the anaerobic digestion of landfill leachate using silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) conjugated with eco-friendly green silica nanoparticles (Si NPs). The synthesized Si NPs and Ag@Si NPs were characterized using various analytical techniques, including transmission electron...

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  • Polish waterfront in the process of transformation: The case of Elbląg port city


    - PORTUSPlus - Rok 2020

    The topic of waterfront transformation is a vast and challenging issue, which in small and medium-sized cities is still unexplored. With growing global interest in the matter of regeneration of city-water relationship and increasing public awareness of the value of waterfront public spaces, actions to transform abandoned waterfront areas have been undertaken in many Polish port cities. City of Elbląg, located in northern Poland,...

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  • Alternative treatment approaches of urinary tract infections caused by uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains

    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most widespread and annoying infections affecting millions of people every year annually. The biggest problem of urinary diseases are recurrences, the increasing resistance of uropathogens to commonly used antibiotics, as well as the high health care costs of afflicted persons. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains (UPECs) are the most dominant etiologic agent of community-acquired infections...

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  • Enhancement of the Magnetoresistance in the Mobility‐Engineered Compensated Metal Pt 5 P 2


    - Advanced Electronic Materials - Rok 2023

    The magnetoresistance (MR) in nonmagnetic materials continues to be a fertile research area in materials science. The search for giant, positive MR has been limited to a rather small window of materials such as high-mobility semimetals in single-crystalline form. Here, the observation of a very large positive MR in metallic Pt5P2 in polycrystalline form is reported. The observations reveal that improvement of the crystallinity...

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    - Rok 2018

    The text investigates new phenomena emerging in the field of social memory and commemoration in contemporary Poland. On the basis of field analyses, case studies and theoretical, transdisciplinary approaches, the paper discusses the issue of contemporary memoryscapes in eastern Poland (Bialystok and Lublin). These emerging forms of remembrance are the result of the sophisticated interplay between different actors involved in the...

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    - Rok 2012

    In order to achieve balanced forms of urban infrastructure, which ensure comfort, safety and spatial order, when designing new solutions it is necessary to adopt a multi-facet approach which will combine everything that the local residents need but will respond harmoniously to the existing cultural landscape. It is therefore necessary to work out complex undertakings for the sake of planning and developing urban space. Coherent...

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  • Frequency-Based Regularization for Improved Reliability Optimization of Antenna Structures

    The paper proposes a modified formulation of antenna parameter tuning problem. The main ingredient of the presented approach is a frequency-based regularization. It allows for smoothening the functional landscape of the assumed cost function, defined to encode the prescribed design specifications. The regularization is implemented as a special penalty term complementing the primary objective and enforcing the alignment of the antenna...

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  • Cancer immune escape: the role of antigen presentation machinery

    The mechanisms of antigen processing and presentation play a crucial role in the recognition and targeting of cancer cells by the immune system. Cancer cells can evade the immune system by downregulating or losing the expression of the proteins recognized by the immune cells as antigens, creating an immunosuppressive microenvironment, and altering their ability to process and present antigens. This review focuses on the mechanisms...

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  • Analiza SWOT i analiza 5 sił Portera dla rynku podstawowej opieki medycznej na obszarze miasta Gdańska


    - Rok 2017

    In recent years we have seen the dynamic development of medical services sector inPoland. Private health centres focus on aggressive development strategy. The role of primaryhealth care facilities, which provide services financed from public funds, declined. The purpose of article is to describe medical services market in Gdańsk, especially in Gdańsk-South district. Itincludes demographics, the number and characteristics...

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  • Joanna Bach-Głowińska dr inż. arch.

    I am an architect by education (M.Sc. Arch 1994) and practice (1994-2011), a Town Planner by practice (1999-2017, Ministerial Entitlements 1655/2002), and a Researcher (Ph.D.2012, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Glasgow School of Art 2013 - 2015, also teaching on Gdansk University of Technology since 2014). I have been the Principal Investigator of Era Net Urban Transformation Capacities EmbedterLabs: Better Embedded Labs for More...

  • Żuławski dom podcieniowy - przykłady i skala współczesnych działań konserwatorskich


    Początki zainteresowania architekturą regionalną na terenach Prus Zachodnich sięgają przełomu XIX/XX wieku i związane są z osobą Bernharda Schmida. Koniec II wojny światowej przyniósł na Żuławach zniszczenie ponad 2 744 zagród chłopskich. Ze względu na priorytet ratowania zabytków Gdańska, historyczne obiekty z okolicznych wsi doczekały się szerszej uwagi służb konserwatorskich dopiero w połowie lat pięćdziesiątych. Opracowanie...

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  • CE-MS and GC-MS as “Green” and Complementary Methods for the Analysis of Biogenic Amines in Wine


    - Food Analytical Methods - Rok 2018

    Two novel complementary analytical methods, namely an extraction-free capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry (CE-MS) and direct immersion-solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DI-SPME-GC-MS), have been developed and successfully applied for the determination of biogenic amines (BAs) in wine and fruit wine. They have been rigorously compared to each other in terms of various...

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