Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NEURAL NETWORK ARCHITECTURE - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NEURAL NETWORK ARCHITECTURE

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NEURAL NETWORK ARCHITECTURE

  • Deep learning approach on surface EEG based Brain Computer Interface


    - Rok 2022

    In this work we analysed the application of con-volutional neural networks in motor imagery classification for the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) purposes. To increase the accuracy of classification we proposed the solution that combines the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) with convolutional network (ConvNet). The electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the modalities we try to use for controlling the prosthetic arm. Therefor in this...

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  • Accurate Lightweight Calibration Methods for Mobile Low-Cost Particulate Matter Sensors


    - Rok 2023

    Monitoring air pollution is a critical step towards improving public health, particularly when it comes to identifying the primary air pollutants that can have an impact on human health. Among these pollutants, particulate matter (PM) with a diameter of up to 2.5 μ m (or PM2.5) is of particular concern, making it important to continuously and accurately monitor pollution related to PM. The emergence of mobile low-cost PM sensors...

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  • Towards Designing an Innovative Industrial Fan: Developing Regression and Neural Models Based on Remote Mass Measurements


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2022

    This article presents the process of the construction and testing a remote, fully autonomous system for measuring the operational parameters of fans. The measurement results obtained made it possible to create and verify mathematical models using linear regression and neural networks. The process was implemented as part of the first stage of an innovative project. The article presents detailed steps of constructing a system to...

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  • Adaptive Hounsfield Scale Windowing in Computed Tomography Liver Segmentation

    In computed tomography (CT) imaging, the Hounsfield Unit (HU) scale quantifies radiodensity, but its nonlinear nature across organs and lesions complicates machine learning analysis. This paper introduces an automated method for adaptive HU scale windowing in deep learning-based CT liver segmentation. We propose a new neural network layer that optimizes HU scale window parameters during training. Experiments on the Liver Tumor...

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  • Intelligent Autonomous Robot Supporting Small Pets in Domestic Environment

    In this contribution, we present preliminary results of the student project aimed at the development of an intelligent autonomous robot supporting small pets in a domestic environment. The main task of this robot is to protect a freely moving small pets against accidental stepping on them by home residents. For this purpose, we have developed the mobile robot which follows a pet and makes an alarm signal when a human is approaching....

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  • TensorHive: Management of Exclusive GPU Access for Distributed Machine Learning Workloads

    TensorHive is a tool for organizing work of research and engineering teams that use servers with GPUs for machine learning workloads. In a comprehensive web interface, it supports reservation of GPUs for exclusive usage, hardware monitoring, as well as configuring, executing and queuing distributed computational jobs. Focusing on easy installation and simple configuration, the tool automatically detects the available computing...

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  • Architektury klasyfikatorów obrazów


    - Rok 2022

    Klasyfikacja obrazów jest zagadnieniem z dziedziny widzenia komputerowego. Polega na całościowej analizie obrazu i przypisaniu go do jednej lub wielu kategorii (klas). Współczesne rozwiązania tego problemu są w znacznej części realizowane z wykorzystaniem konwolucyjnych głębokich sieci neuronowych (convolutional neural network, CNN). W tym rozdziale opisano przełomowe architektury CNN oraz ewolucję state-of-the-art w klasyfikacji...

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  • Sterowanie optyczną siecią wielodomenową z hierarchiczną strukturą płaszczyzn sterowania

    W artykule przedstawiono problem sterowania wielodomenową siecią optyczną z hierarchiczną strukturą płaszczyzn sterowania. Autorzy proponują wykorzystanie koncepcji sieci ASON/GMPLS, która spełnia wymagania nowoczesnych sieci optycznych, a jednocześnie umożliwia sterowanie wielodomenową siecią z gwarancją jakości usług. W artykule zaproponowano algorytm sterowania z gwarancją jakości, którego efektywność zweryfikowano metodą symulacji...

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  • The Use of Artificial Neural Networks and Decision Trees to Predict the Degree of Odor Nuisance of Post-Digestion Sludge in the Sewage Treatment Plant Process

    This paper presents the application of artificial neural networks and decision trees for the prediction of odor properties of post-fermentation sludge from a biological-mechanical wastewater treatment plant. The input parameters were concentrations of popular compounds present in the sludge, such as toluene, p-xylene, and p-cresol, and process parameters including the concentration of volatile fatty acids, pH, and alkalinity in...

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  • Outlier detection method by using deep neural networks


    - Rok 2017

    Detecting outliers in the data set is quite important for building effective predictive models. Consistent prediction can not be made through models created with data sets containing outliers, or robust models can not be created. In such cases, it may be possible to exclude observations that are determined to be outlier from the data set, or to assign less weight to these points of observation than to other points of observation....

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  • The application of neural networks in forecasting the influence of traffic-induced vibrations on residential buildings

    Traffic-induced vibrations may cause the cracking of plaster, damage to structural elements and, in extreme cases, may even lead to the structural collapse of residential buildings. The aim of this article is to analyse the effectiveness of a method of forecasting the impact of vibrations on residential buildings using the concept of artificial intelligence. The article presents several alternative forecasting systems for which...

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  • Instance segmentation of stack composed of unknown objects

    The article reviews neural network architectures designed for the segmentation task. It focuses mainly on instance segmentation of stacked objects. The main assumption is that segmentation is based on a color image with an additional depth layer. The paper also introduces the Stacked Bricks Dataset based on three cameras: RealSense L515, ZED2, and a synthetic one. Selected architectures: DeepLab, Mask RCNN, DEtection TRansformer,...

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  • Method for Clustering of Brain Activity Data Derived from EEG Signals

    A method for assessing separability of EEG signals associated with three classes of brain activity is proposed. The EEG signals are acquired from 23 subjects, gathered from a headset consisting of 14 electrodes. Data are processed by applying Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) for the signal analysis and an autoencoder neural network for the brain activity separation. Processing involves 74 wavelets from 3 DWT families: Coiflets,...

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  • Dynamic Bankruptcy Prediction Models for European Enterprises

    This manuscript is devoted to the issue of forecasting corporate bankruptcy. Determining a firm’s bankruptcy risk is one of the most interesting topics for investors and decision-makers. The aim of the paper is to develop and to evaluate dynamic bankruptcy prediction models for European enterprises. To conduct this objective, four forecasting models are developed with the use of four different methods—fuzzy sets, recurrent and...

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    In this paper the authors propose a decision support system for automatic blood smear analysis based on microscopic images. The images are pre-processed in order to remove irrelevant elements and to enhance the most important ones - the healthy blood cells (erythrocytes) and the pathologic (echinocytes). The separated blood cells are analyzed in terms of their most important features by the eigenfaces method. The features are the...

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  • Towards Cancer Patients Classification Using Liquid Biopsy

    Liquid biopsy is a useful, minimally invasive diagnostic and monitoring tool for cancer disease. Yet, developing accurate methods, given the potentially large number of input features, and usually small datasets size remains very challenging. Recently, a novel feature parameterization based on the RNA-sequenced platelet data which uses the biological knowledge from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, combined with a classifier...

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  • Fragmentation of Hydrographic Big Data Into Subsets During Reduction Process


    - Rok 2017

    The article presented problems of fragmentation of hydrographic big data into smaller subsets during reduction process. Data reduction is a processing of reduce the value of the data set, in order to make them easier and more effective for the goals of the analysis. The main aim of authors is to create new reduction method. The article presented the first stage of this method – fragmentation of bathymetric data into subsets. It...

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  • Estimation of the Ultimate Strength of FRP Strips-to-Masonry Substrates Bond


    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Rok 2023

    Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRP) were developed as a new method over the past decades due to their many beneficial mechanical properties, and they are commonly applied to strengthen masonry structures. In this paper, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN), K-fold Cross-Validation (KFCV) technique, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (MARS) method, and M5 Model Tree (M5MT) method were utilized to predict the ultimate strength of...

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  • Embedded Representations of Wikipedia Categories


    - Rok 2021

    In this paper, we present an approach to building neural representations of the Wikipedia category graph. We test four different methods and examine the neural embeddings in terms of preservation of graphs edges, neighborhood coverage in representation space, and their influence on the results of a task predicting parent of two categories. The main contribution of this paper is application of neural representations for improving the...

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  • Deep Features Class Activation Map for Thermal Face Detection and Tracking


    - Rok 2017

    Recently, capabilities of many computer vision tasks have significantly improved due to advances in Convolutional Neural Networks. In our research, we demonstrate that it can be also used for face detection from low resolution thermal images, acquired with a portable camera. The physical size of the camera used in our research allows for embedding it in a wearable device or indoor remote monitoring solution for elderly and disabled...

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  • Evaluation of Facial Pulse Signals Using Deep Neural Net Models


    - Rok 2019

    The reliable measurement of the pulse rate using remote photoplethysmography (PPG) is very important for many medical applications. In this paper we present how deep neural networks (DNNs) models can be used in the problem of PPG signal classification and pulse rate estimation. In particular, we show that the DNN-based classification results correspond to parameters describing the PPG signals (e.g. peak energy in the frequency...

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  • KEMR-Net: A Knowledge-Enhanced Mask Refinement Network for Chromosome Instance Segmentation



    This article proposes a mask refinement method for chromosome instance segmentation. The proposed method exploits the knowledge representation capability of Neural Knowledge DNA (NK-DNA) to capture the semantics of the chromosome’s shape, texture, and key points, and then it uses the captured knowledge to improve the accuracy and smoothness of the masks. We validate the method’s effectiveness on our latest high-resolution chromosome...

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  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods for Fast and Accurate Assessment of Transthoracic Echocardiogram Image Quality

    • W. Nazar
    • K. Nazar
    • L. Daniłowicz-Szymanowicz

    - Life - Rok 2024

    High-quality echocardiogram images are the cornerstone of accurate and reliable measurements of the heart. Therefore, this study aimed to develop, validate and compare machine learning and deep learning algorithms for accurate and automated assessment of transthoracic echocardiogram image quality. In total, 4090 single-frame two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiogram...

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  • From Scores to Predictions in Multi-Label Classification: Neural Thresholding Strategies

    In this paper, we propose a novel approach for obtaining predictions from per-class scores to improve the accuracy of multi-label classification systems. In a multi-label classification task, the expected output is a set of predicted labels per each testing sample. Typically, these predictions are calculated by implicit or explicit thresholding of per-class real-valued scores: classes with scores exceeding a given threshold value...

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  • A Novel Method for the Deblurring of Photogrammetric Images Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks


    The visual data acquisition from small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) may encounter a situation in which blur appears on the images. Image blurring caused by camera motion during exposure significantly impacts the images interpretation quality and consequently the quality of photogrammetric products. On blurred images, it is difficult to visually locate ground control points, and the number of identified feature points decreases...

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  • Training of Deep Learning Models Using Synthetic Datasets


    - Rok 2022

    In order to solve increasingly complex problems, the complexity of Deep Neural Networks also needs to be constantly increased, and therefore training such networks requires more and more data. Unfortunately, obtaining such massive real world training data to optimize neural networks parameters is a challenging and time-consuming task. To solve this problem, we propose an easy-touse and general approach to training deep learning...

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  • Wirtualne sieci 5G, NGN i następne. Radioinformatyczna metamorfoza sieci komórkowych

    Przedstawiono problematykę ewolucyjnej, a w zasadzie rewolucyjnej, metamorfozy komórkowych systemów radiokomunikacyjnych w kontekście architektury sieci 5G, zasad jej działania oraz nowych możliwości implementacyjnych usług sieci NGN. Artykuł dotyczy w szczególności istoty działania sieci 5G, łączącej w sobie cechy sieci radiokomunikacyjnych poprzednich generacji, zwłaszcza 4G, oraz nowe właściwości charakterystyczne dla 5G. Dotyczą...

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    The paper presents utilization of one of the latest tool from the group of Machine learning techniques, namely Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), in process of decision making in selected medical problems. After the survey of the most successful applications of CNN in solving medical problems, the paper focuses on the very difficult problem of automatic analyses of the skin lesions. The authors propose the CNN structure...

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  • Mechanizmy bezpieczeństwa w strefie C systemu netBaltic

    W artykule zaprezentowano rozwiązania zaimplementowane do zabezpieczania komunikacji w warunkach sporadycznej i nieciągłej łączności (Delay Tolerant Networking – DTN) w systemie netBaltic - charakterystycznej dla strefy C tego systemu. Ze względu na dużą różnorodność rozważanych mechanizmów komunikacyjnych, architektura bezpieczeństwa całego systemu została podzielona na kilka elementów – infrastrukturę klucza publicznego (PKI),...

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  • Human-Computer Interface Based on Visual Lip Movement and Gesture Recognition

    The multimodal human-computer interface (HCI) called LipMouse is presented, allowing a user to work on a computer using movements and gestures made with his/her mouth only. Algorithms for lip movement tracking and lip gesture recognition are presented in details. User face images are captured with a standard webcam. Face detection is based on a cascade of boosted classifiers using Haar-like features. A mouth region is located in...

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  • Machine Learning and Text Analysis in an Artificial Intelligent System for the Training of Air Traffic Controllers

    • T. Shmelova
    • Y. Sikirda
    • N. Rizun
    • V. Lazorenko
    • V. Kharchenko

    - Rok 2020

    This chapter presents the application of new information technology in education for the training of air traffic controllers (ATCs). Machine learning, multi-criteria decision analysis, and text analysis as the methods of artificial intelligence for ATCs training have been described. The authors have made an analysis of the International Civil Aviation Organization documents for modern principles of ATCs education. The prototype...

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  • Driver’s Condition Detection System Using Multimodal Imaging and Machine Learning Algorithms

    To this day, driver fatigue remains one of the most significant causes of road accidents. In this paper, a novel way of detecting and monitoring a driver’s physical state has been proposed. The goal of the system was to make use of multimodal imaging from RGB and thermal cameras working simultaneously to monitor the driver’s current condition. A custom dataset was created consisting of thermal and RGB video samples. Acquired data...

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  • IFE: NN-aided Instantaneous Pitch Estimation


    Pitch estimation is still an open issue in contemporary signal processing research. Nowadays, growing momentum of machine learning techniques application in the data-driven society allows for tackling this problem from a new perspective. This work leverages such an opportunity to propose a refined Instantaneous Frequency and power based pitch Estimator method called IFE. It incorporates deep neural network based pitch estimation...

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  • Food analysis using artificial senses.

    Nowadays, consumers are paying great attention to the characteristics of food such as smell, taste, and appearance. This motivates scientists to imitate human senses using devices known as electronic senses. These include electronic noses, electronic tongues, and computer vision. Thanks to the utilization of various sensors and methods of signal analysis, artificial senses are widely applied in food analysis for process monitoring...

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  • Intra-subject class-incremental deep learning approach for EEG-based imagined speech recognition


    - Biomedical Signal Processing and Control - Rok 2023

    Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) aim to decode brain signals and transform them into commands for device operation. The present study aimed to decode the brain activity during imagined speech. The BCI must identify imagined words within a given vocabulary and thus perform the requested action. A possible scenario when using this approach is the gradual addition of new words to the vocabulary using incremental learning methods....

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  • MobileNet family tailored for Raspberry Pi

    With the advances in systems-on-a-chip technologies, there is a growing demand to deploy intelligent vision systems on low-cost microcomputers. To address this challenge, much of the recent research has focused on reducing the model size and computational complexity of contemporary convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The state-of-the-art lightweight CNN is MobileNetV3. However, it was designed to achieve a good trade-off between...

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  • The Neural Knowledge DNA Based Smart Internet of Things



    ABSTRACT The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant attention from industry as well as academia during the past decade. Smartness, however, remains a substantial challenge for IoT applications. Recent advances in networked sensor technologies, computing, and machine learning have made it possible for building new smart IoT applications. In this paper, we propose a novel approach: the Neural Knowledge DNA based Smart Internet...

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  • Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking Using Local Image Features and Neural Networks


    - Rok 2012

    A method for tracking moving objects crossing fields of view of multiple cameras is presented. The algorithm utilizes Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). Each ANN is trained to recognize images of one moving object acquired by a single camera. Local image features calculated in the vicinity of automatically detected interest points are used as object image parameters. Next, ANNs are employed to identify the same objects captured...

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  • Optimized Deep Learning Model for Flood Detection Using Satellite Images

    • A. Stateczny
    • H. D. Praveena
    • R. H. Krishnappa
    • K. R. Chythanya
    • B. B. Babysarojam

    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2023

    The increasing amount of rain produces a number of issues in Kerala, particularly in urban regions where the drainage system is frequently unable to handle a significant amount of water in such a short duration. Meanwhile, standard flood detection results are inaccurate for complex phenomena and cannot handle enormous quantities of data. In order to overcome those drawbacks and enhance the outcomes of conventional flood detection...

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  • Diagnostyka łożysk silnika indukcyjnego na podstawie prądu zasilającego przy użyciu sztucznych sieci neuronowych


    W artykule zawarto wyniki badań dotyczące diagnostyki łożysk silnika indukcyjnego na podstawie pomiarów prądu zasilającego z wyko-rzystaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Zaprezentowano wyniki uczenia sieci oraz rezultaty testów przeprowadzonych na danych spoza zbioru uczącego. Badania wykonane zostały na obiektach z celowo wprowadzonymi uszkodzeniami łożysk. Przedstawiona nowa koncepcja zakłada użycie zestawu sieci neuronowych...

  • Robustness in Compressed Neural Networks for Object Detection


    Model compression techniques allow to significantly reduce the computational cost associated with data processing by deep neural networks with only a minor decrease in average accuracy. Simultaneously, reducing the model size may have a large effect on noisy cases or objects belonging to less frequent classes. It is a crucial problem from the perspective of the models' safety, especially for object detection in the autonomous driving...

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  • Thermal Image Processing for Respiratory Estimation from Cubical Data with Expandable Depth


    - Journal of Imaging - Rok 2023

    As healthcare costs continue to rise, finding affordable and non-invasive ways to monitor vital signs is increasingly important. One of the key metrics for assessing overall health and identifying potential issues early on is respiratory rate (RR). Most of the existing methods require multiple steps that consist of image and signal processing. This might be difficult to deploy on edge devices that often do not have specialized...

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  • A Study of Cross-Linguistic Speech Emotion Recognition Based on 2D Feature Spaces

    • G. Tamulevicius
    • G. Korvel
    • A. B. Yayak
    • P. Treigys
    • J. Bernataviciene
    • B. Kostek

    - Electronics - Rok 2020

    In this research, a study of cross-linguistic speech emotion recognition is performed. For this purpose, emotional data of different languages (English, Lithuanian, German, Spanish, Serbian, and Polish) are collected, resulting in a cross-linguistic speech emotion dataset with the size of more than 10.000 emotional utterances. Despite the bi-modal character of the databases gathered, our focus is on the acoustic representation...

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  • Ranking Speech Features for Their Usage in Singing Emotion Classification


    This paper aims to retrieve speech descriptors that may be useful for the classification of emotions in singing. For this purpose, Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and selected Low-Level MPEG 7 descriptors were calculated based on the RAVDESS dataset. The database contains recordings of emotional speech and singing of professional actors presenting six different emotions. Employing the algorithm of Feature Selection based...

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  • Mixed-use buildings as the basic unit that shapes the housing environment of smart cities of the future


    The contemporary approach to creating the residential function is confronted with the trend of increasing the volume of buildings and expectations regarding the future urban environment focused on sustainable development. This paper presents an overview of the residential structure in the context of defined thematic scopes. Namely, it is a systemic approach to the problem of designing mixed-use buildings which create a modern residential...

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  • The Development of a Combined Method to Quickly Assess Ship Speed and Fuel Consumption at Different Powertrain Load and Sea Conditions

    Decision support systems (DSS) recently have been increasingly in use during ships operation. They require realistic input data regarding different aspects of navigation. To address the optimal weather routing of a ship, which is one of the most promising field of DSS application, it is necessary to accurately predict an actually attainable speed of a ship and corresponding fuel consumption at given loading conditions and predicted...

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  • Prediction of the Biogenic Amines Index of Poultry Meat Using an Electronic Nose

    The biogenic amines index of fresh chicken meat samples during refrigerated storage was predicted based on the headspace analysis using an electronic nose equipped with an array of electrochemical sensors. The reference biogenic amines index values were obtained using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. A prototype electronic nose with modular construction and a dedicated sample chamber...

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  • Standard of living in Poland at regional level - classification with Kohonen self-organizing maps

    The standard of living is spatially diversified and its analyzes enable shaping regional policy. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the standard of living and to classify regions due to their standard of living, based on a wide set of determinants. The most common research methods are those based on composite indicators, however, they are not ideal. Among the current critiques moved to the use of composite...

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  • Vehicle detector training with labels derived from background subtraction algorithms in video surveillance


    Vehicle detection in video from a miniature station- ary closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera is discussed in the paper. The camera provides one of components of the intelligent road sign developed in the project concerning the traffic control with the use of autonomous devices being developed. Modern Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based detectors need big data input, usually demanding their manual labeling. In the presented...

  • Behavior Analysis and Dynamic Crowd Management in Video Surveillance System

    A concept and practical implementation of a crowd management system which acquires input data by the set of monitoring cameras is presented. Two leading threads are considered. First concerns the crowd behavior analysis. Second thread focuses on detection of a hold-ups in the doorway. The optical flow combined with soft computing methods (neural network) is employed to evaluate the type of crowd behavior, and fuzzy logic aids detection...

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