Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: RESEARCH ACTIVITIES - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: RESEARCH ACTIVITIES

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: RESEARCH ACTIVITIES

  • Glucose oxidase as an important yet overlooked factor determiningthe antibacterial activity of bee pollen and bee bread



    Bee pollen (BP) and bee bread (BB) have attracted great attention due to their biological activities including antibacterial activity. However, the mechanism of antibacterial activity is largely unknown. Therefore, we aimed to characterise the antibacterial effect of BP and BB aqueous extracts against bacterial pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Enterococcus faecalis)...

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  • Koncepcja społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu w usługach ubezpieczeniowych


    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu (CSR) w usługach ubezpieczeniowych. Zidentyfikowano w tym celu podstawowe oczekiwania interesariuszy oraz najważniejsze obszary zastosowania CSR w instytucjach ubezpieczeniowych. Zaprezentowano również podstawowy związek pomiędzy działaniami społecznie odpowiedzialnymi realizowanymi przez instytucje ubezpieczeniowe a ich wizerunkiem. Na podstawie...

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  • Innowacyjność instytucji finansowych w Polsce – perspektywy rozwoju


    Usługi finansowe będące coraz ważniejszą częścią gospodarki w krajach rozwiniętych, w dużym stopniu absorbują innowacje, stając się jednocześnie ważnymi podmiotami tworzącymi innowacje w obszarze zmian marketingowych i organizacyjnych. W artykule przedstawiono istotę innowacji w usługach finansowych. Przedstawiono podstawowe kategorie innowacji stosowanych w usługach finansowych. Na podstawie danych statystycznych dokonano analizy...

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  • Assessment of the activities of private universities in the context of quality management in 2010

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    In all universities, the assessment of the quality is made by the supervisor, the opinion of students and the admission of classes have the greatest impact on the assessment of the quality of education. Subsequent tracking of the student's fate has a slightly smaller impact on the grade. Research also shows that only 4 out of 7 respondents monitor the...

  • A city is not a tree: a multi-city study on street network and urban life


    Christopher Alexander, a British-American scholar, differentiated an old (natural) city from a new (planned) one by structure. The former resembles a “semilattice”, or a complex system encompassing many interconnected sub-systems. The latter is shaped in a graph-theoretical “tree”, which lacks the structural complexity as its sub-systems are compartmentalized into a single hierarchy. This structural distinction explains why, or...

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  • Oleksandr Melnychenko dr hab.

    Oleksandr Melnychenko pracuje na stanowisku profesora w grupie pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych Katedry Finansów na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej; jest tłumaczem przysięgłym języka ukraińskiego; przedsiębiorcą z wieloletnim doświadczeniem prowadzenia własnej działalności i zarządzania finansami firm; ma doświadczenie pracy w banku komercyjnym na stanowisku zajmującym się współpracą banku z systemami płatniczymi,...

  • Data gathered in the course of therapeutic sessions carried out with patients suffering from acquired brain damages

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The dataset contains signals gathered in the course of therapeutic sessions carried out with patients suffering from acquired brain damages. Participants’ actions were monitored with an eye-gaze tracking (EGT) device and with an electroencephalogram EEG monitoring headset. 

  • Determinanty i efekty uczenia się wydziałów ekonomicznych publicznych szkół wyższych województwa pomorskiego


    - Rok 2018

    Publiczne uczelnie wyższe jako twory przez lata bardzo zhierarchizowane, ze znacznymi przejawami biurokratyzmu i silnie scentralizowaną władzą, w XXI wieku mają przed sobą długą drogę w dążeniu do doskonalenia własnej zdolności do uczenia się. Głównym celem pracy było zdiagnozowanie stanu determinant i efektów uczenia się badanych organizacji. Postawiono następujące hipotezy badawcze: poziom determinant uczenia się wydziałów ekonomicznych...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Istota chmury wartości - założenia podstawowe

    Obserwacje efektów działań gospodarczych przedsiębiorstw wsparte badaniami literatury pozwoliły na zdiagnozowanie niedostatku w zakresie ogólnych modeli tworzenia wartości. Punktem wyjścia było określenie celu działania przedsiębiorstwa, który wykazuje immanentną dychotomię. Dążenie do realizacja tak ujętego celu jest podstawą do konfigurowania wartości generowanych przez przedsiębiorstwo. W tym zakresie wykorzystujące wyniki prac...

  • Cavitation-based technologies for pretreatment and processing of food wastes: Major applications and mechanisms – A review


    Conversion of food wastes to valuable products is an important topic for sustainable development. Feedstock hydrolysis is a stage strongly affecting the anaerobic digestion process, and resistance of food waste towards hydrolysis causes a decrease in product yield. Such as biomethane, biohydrogen, biohythane, VFAs, and lactic acids. Moreover, mass transfer is a serious limitation of transesterification for the production of biodiesel....

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    • N. D. K. Pham
    • G. H. Dinh
    • H. T. Pham
    • J. Kozak
    • P. N. Hoang

    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2023

    The global supply chain has been growing strongly in recent years. This development brings many benefits to the economy, society, and human resources in each country but also causes a large number of concerns related to the environment since traditional logistics activities in the supply chain have been releasing significant amount of emissions. For that reason, many solutions have been proposed to deal with these environmental...

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  • Management Strategy for Seaports Aspiring to Green Logistical Goals of IMO: Technology and Policy Solutions

    • T. T. Le
    • H. P. Nguyen
    • K. Rudzki
    • L. Rowiński
    • V. D. Bui
    • T. H. Truong
    • H. C. Le
    • N. D. K. Pham

    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2023

    Recently, because of serious global challenges including the consumption of energy and climate change, there has been an increase in interest in the environmental effect of port operations and expansion. More interestingly, a strategic tendency in seaport advancement has been to manage the seaport system using a model which balances environmental volatility and economic development demands. An energy efficient management system...

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  • Depressive symptoms in elderly people participating in University of the Third Age and residents of Nursing Homes: The role of optimism and acceptance of passing


    - RASP-Research on Ageing and Social Policy - Rok 2021

    The elderly age group needs particular support in preventing development of depressive symptoms, among others, due to the prospect of passing. This group is heterogenous in terms of characteristics of ways of spending leisure time, which, as an important aspect of everyday life affecting the quality of interpersonal relationships and well-being, might be related to the level of their depressive symptoms. The aim of this study...

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  • Grzegorz Zieliński dr inż.

    Autor ponad 100 publikacji naukowych (zarówno w języku polskim, jak i angielskim) z zakresu zarządzania działalnością usługową, doskonalenia podmiotów, w tym podmiotów leczniczych. Zainteresowania naukowo-badawcze obejmują obszary związane z dojrzałością i doskonałością przedsiębiorstw w różnych aspektach ich działalności. Uczestniczył w projektach badawczych Narodowego Centrum Nauki oraz projektach realizowanych przez międzynarodowe...

  • Multimodal learning application with interactive animated character. [Multimodalna aplikacja edukacyjna wykorzystująca interaktywną animowaną postać]


    - Rok 2006

    The aim of this study is to design a computer application that may assist teachers and therapists in multimodal manner in their work with impaired or disabled children. The application can be operated in many different ways, giving to a child with special educational needs a possibility to learn and train many skills or treat speech disorders. The main stress in this research is on the creation of animated character that will serve...

  • Art and Healthcare - Healing Potential of Artistic Interventions in Medical Settings


    The stereotype of a machine for healing seems to be well rooted in common thinking and social perception of hospital buildings. The technological aspect of healthcare architecture has been influenced for several years by three major factors. The first is linked to the necessity of providing safety and security in the environment of elevated epidemiological risk. The second concerns the need for incorporating advanced technology...

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  • Efficient Calibration of Cost-Efficient Particulate Matter Sensors Using Machine Learning and Time-Series Alignment

    Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) poses a significant threat to human health, infiltrating the lungs and brain and leading to severe issues such as heart and lung diseases, cancer, and premature death. The main sources of PM pollution are vehicular and industrial emissions, construction and agricultural activities, and natural phenomena such as wildfires. Research underscores the absence of a safe threshold for particulate exposure,...

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  • Phytoextraction and recovery of rare earth elements using willow (Salix spp.)

    • M. Mohsin
    • M. M. A. Salam
    • N. Nawrot
    • D. J. Lane
    • E. Wojciechowska
    • N. Kinnunen
    • M. Heimonen
    • A. Tervahauta
    • S. Peräniemi
    • O. Sippula... i 2 innych


    Soil and water contaminations are caused by rare earth elements (REEs) due to mining and industrial activities, that threaten the ecosystem and human health. Therefore, phytoremediation methods need to be developed to overcome this problem. To date, little research has been conducted concerning the phytoremediation potential of Salix for REEs. In this study, two Salix species (Salix myrsinifolia and Salix schwerinii) and two Salix...

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  • Income obtained according to particular rates only by taxpayers conducting non-agricultural business activity 2015

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Taxation in the form of a lump sum on recorded revenues does not apply to certain types of activity, regardless of their size. We are talking about taxpayers who achieve revenue in whole or in part, among others from on account of running pharmacies, activities in the field of buying and selling foreign exchange values, activities in the field of trade...

  • Health Enhancing Physical Activity Policies in Poland: Findings from the HEPA PAT Survey

    • A. Romanowska
    • A. Morawiak
    • C. Woods
    • L. Kelly
    • K. Volf
    • P. Gelius
    • S. Messing
    • S. Forberger
    • J. Lakerveld
    • N. R. Den Braver... i 2 innych

    - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Rok 2022

    Insufficient physical activity (PA) is one of major risk factors for serious diseases and premature mortality worldwide. Public policies to enhance PA across society are recognized as an effective tool against the problem. This paper presents the results of a comprehensive assessment of national-level PA policy approach in Poland. A standardized survey of Word Health Organization named the Health-Enhancing Physical Activity Policy...

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  • Budget revenues from selected taxes in 2010-2019

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The state is not only a user of the country's resources, a buyer and seller of goods and services, but also under duress takes part of the money from its citizens or entities that carry out activities in the form of taxes. The source of the majority of budget revenues are taxes. The following dataset contains the budget revenues from selected taxes...



    - Rok 2016

    Apart from education process based on the curricular activities, the whole set of co-curricular activities (CCAs) can help students to develope both expert knowledge and social skills. These activities are separated from academic course, sometimes placed outside of school or after regular school hours. Co-curricular activities such as students' scientific circles, workshops, conferences or festivals of science, publication, honor...

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  • Structure of the SME sector by economy sectors in Poland and the EU-28

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Eurostat data show that almost 75% of SMEs in Poland are trade and services, and every seventh enterprise conducts activities related to construction, and every eight - in industry. Comparing the industry structure of Polish companies with the structure of enterprises operating in EU countries, it should be noted that we are characterized by a greater...

  • Adaptacja kulturowa jako wyzwanie w zespołachmiędzynarodowych


    Wyzwania dotyczące pracy w międzykulturowym środowisku są najczęściej odnoszone do menedżerów, ze względu na powszechność ich międzynarodowych migracji oraz podejmowanie międzynarodowej współpracy z kooperantami. Rozwój globalnego rynku pracy stymuluje jednak również szeregowych pracowników do poszukiwania pracy w różnych krajach, co sprawia, że wielu z nich pracuje w międzykulturowych zespołach, gdzie doświadczają kulturowego...

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  • Społeczne uwarunkowania dostępności przestrzeni publicznej


    - Rok 2010

    Działania projektowe urbanistów i architektów powinny iść w kierunku tworzenia pełnej dostępności przestrzeni publicznej, która spełni oczekiwania wszystkich mieszkańców, bez względu na wiek, stan zdrowia czy ogranicznia mobliności lub percepcji. Powszechna dostępność przestrzeni warunkuje prawidłowy rozwój jednostki i całych wspólnot oraz sprzyja tworzeniu zintegrowanego społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. Dla poprawy bezpieczeństwa...

  • Long-Term Impact of Wind Erosion on the Particle Size Distribution of Soils in the Eastern Part of the European Union

    • L. Lackóová
    • J. Pokrývková
    • J. Kozlovsky Dufková
    • A. Policht-Latawiec
    • K. Michałowska
    • J. Dąbrowska

    - ENTROPY - Rok 2021

    Wind erosion is the leading cause of soil degradation and air pollution in many regionsof the world. As wind erosion is controlled by climatic factors, research on this phenomenon isurgently needed in soil and land management in order to better adapt to climate change. In thispaper, the impact of wind erosion on the soil surface in relation to particle size distribution wasinvestigated. Changes in percentage of sand, silt and...

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  • Dynamics of algae growth and nutrients in experimental enclosures culturing bighead carp and common carp: Phosphorus dynamics

    • S. Huang
    • M. Wu
    • C. Zang
    • S. Du
    • J. Domagalski
    • M. Gajewska
    • F. Gao
    • C. Lin
    • Y. Guo
    • B. Liu... i 4 innych

    - International Journal of Sediment Research - Rok 2016

    This is the third paper of the series about “Dynamics of algae growth and nutrients in experimental enclosures culturing bighead carp and common carp”. In this paper, phosphorus dynamics were investigated under the condition of culturing bighead carp and common carp with added fish food (nitrogen dynamics is discussed in the second paper because their behaviors are so different from each other). Nearly fifty days’ observation results...

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  • Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.

    DSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics)  - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019  PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics)  - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction)   Publikacje z listy MNiSW (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis...

  • Productive aging


    The term “productive aging” refers to the participation of older adults in different activities that contribute to generating goods and services and develop the capacity to produce goods and services. In that sense, it includes both the economic activity of this group – serving in the paid workforce – and its social productivity, understood as volunteer activities (Bass et al. 1993). In the broader sense, “productive aging” can...

  • Knowledge Management Approaches of Small and Medium-Sized KIBS Firms: a Descriptive Analysis of Four Countries

    • V. Alexandru
    • A. G. Andrei
    • E. Bolisani
    • J. G. Cegarra Navarro
    • M. Paiola
    • E. Scarso
    • E. M. Vatamanescu
    • M. Zięba

    - Rok 2018

    Purpose –There is evidence that small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) do not manage knowledge the same way as large firms, and that they approach knowledge management (KM) in various ways. However, the literature on this topic is still scarce and fragmented. In order to fill this gap, the paper aims to single out and discuss the different features that characterize the approaches to KM adopted by small companies. Design/methodology/approach...

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  • Rapana venosa consumption improves the lipid profiles and antioxidant capacities in serum of rats fed an atherogenic diet

    • M. Leontowicz
    • H. Leontowicz
    • J. Namieśnik
    • R. Apak
    • D. Barasch
    • A. Nemirovski
    • S. Moncheva
    • I. Goshev
    • S. Trakhtenberg
    • S. Gorinstein


    In the recent years, the consumption of seafood has increased. There are no results on the studies of Rapana venosa (Rv) as a supplementation to the diets. We hypothesized that Rv would increase antioxidant capacity and reduce blood lipids, based on the composition of bioactive compounds and fatty acids. Therefore, the aim of this investigation was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo actions of Rv from contaminated (C) and non-C (NC)...

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  • Agnieszka Pastula Dr


    Agnieszka received her masters degree in biology at Jagiellonian University (Poland). Besides standard university classes, she did multiple extracurricular research internships in both basic science and medical life sciences e.g. at Warsaw University, Jagiellonian University College of Medicine, University of Medical Sciences in Poznań and University Medical Center Utrecht, that provided her with excellent interdisciplinary training...

  • Primary role identification in e-mail networks using pattern subgraphs and sequence diagrams


    - Rok 2012

    Social networks often forms very complex structures that additionally change over time. Description of actors' roles in such structures requires to take into account this dynamics reflecting behavioral characteristics of the actors. A role can be defined as a sequence of different types of activities. Various types of activities are modeled by pattern subgraphs, whereas sequences of these activities are modeled by sequence diagrams....

  • Application of design-thinking models to improve the quality of tourism services

    The paper presents basic aspects of improvement activities for the quality of tourism industry service through its specific determinants of quality. The authors suggested an the application of design-thinking concept in the development of the service itself and an attempt to undertake improvement activities.

  • Epitaph of Anna and Daniel Zierenberg in St. Mary's Church in Gdańsk

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The data set concerns epigraphy. It refers to the epitaph placed in St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk, that is dedicated to Anna and Daniel Zierenberg. Daniel was particularly interested in activities for the education of Gdańsk and was one of those mayors who in 1596 established the foundation called Bibliotheca Senatus Gedanensis (today PAN BG). Data set...

  • Employment structure in business services centers broken down into supported process categories.

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The structure of business services provided in centers in Poland is highly diversified, however, the vast majority of entities provide services in several categories of business processes. IT activities and financial and accounting (F&A) services together generate slightly more than half of employment in the industry (51%). Customer Operations (14%)...

  • Income tax rates for special activities in Czech Republic

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The standard corporate income tax rate is 19%. Since 2015, the tax rates for special activities have changed as follows: the tax rate for pension funds is 0% (with some exemption); The tax regulations define a new so-called "Basic investment fund" and only that particular fund can benefit from the lower tax rate of 5%. Other mutual funds that do not...

  • Elżbieta Marczak dr inż. arch.

    Elżbieta  Marczak (dr inż. arch.) - adiunkt na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej, zatrudniona Katedrze Architektury Miejskiej i Przestrzeni Nadwodnych (dawniej Katedra Architektury Morskiej i Przemysłowej, od roku 1997). Studia na Wydziale Architektury PG ukończyła w roku 1995. Stopień naukowy doktora uzyskała w 2006 r. przedstawiając pracę p.t. Architektura statków na tle rozwoju transportu morskiego. Jej badania naukowe...

  • Novel Resveratrol-Based Substrates for Human Hepatic, Renal, and Intestinal UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases

    • A. K. Greer
    • N. R. Madadi
    • S. M. Bratton
    • S. D. Eddy
    • Z. Mazerska
    • H. P. Hendrikcson
    • P. A. Crooks
    • A. Radominska-Pandya


    Trans-Resveratrol (tRes) has been shown to have powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-aging properties; however, its use as a therapeutic agent is limited by its rapid metabolism into its conjugated forms by UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs). The aim of the current study was to test the hypothesis that the limited bioavailability of tRes can be improved by modifying its structure to create analogs...

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  • Wykorzystanie metafor w identyfikacji i kształtowaniu postaw przedsiębiorczych


    Edukacja przedsiębiorcza odgrywa coraz większą rolę w promowaniu i kształtowaniu zachowań oraz kompetencji przedsiębiorczych młodego pokolenia. W tym kontekście szczególnie podkreśla się znaczenie wykorzystywania nowych, interaktywnych metod i form kształcenia, niezwykle istotnych dla jednego z aspektów edukacji przedsiębiorczej, jakim jest kształcenie kreatywności i proaktywności. Zastosowanie metafor spełnia wymagania stawiane...

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  • Potentials of Water Usage in urban Neighbourhood Structures


    - Rok 2014

    This paper will treat about water influence and possibility of its usage in the urban neighborhood structures (e.g. districts, real estate properties, town parts) in the context of actual regional environmental problems and according to directories determined by European targets. It is not rare yet in the basic stage of urban design that water is treated as a threat, not a chance. In result planned structures are often built,...

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  • How Can We Identify Electrophysiological iEEG Activities Associated with Cognitive Functions?


    - Rok 2023

    Electrophysiological activities of the brain are engaged in its various functions and give rise to a wide spectrum of low and high frequency oscillations in the intracranial EEG (iEEG) signals, commonly known as the brain waves. The iEEG spectral activities are distributed across networks of cortical and subcortical areas arranged into hierarchical processing streams. It remains a major challenge to identify these activities in...

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  • Paweł Szymon Dąbrowski dr inż.

    Dr inż. Paweł Szymon Dąbrowski w latach 2004-2009 studiował na kierunku geodezja i kartografia na Uniwersytecie Warmińsko-Mazurskim w Olsztynie, gdzie uzyskał tytuł zawodowy magistra inżyniera. W latach 2009-2016 pracował w wykonawstwie geodezyjnym w Iławie i Gdańsku. Doświadczenie zawodowe zdobył on podczas realizacji inwestycji Pomorskiej Kolei Metropolitalnej, co pomogło mu w zdobyciu w 2015 r. geodezyjnych uprawnień zawodowych...

  • Hotspot of human verbal memory encoding in the left anterior prefrontal cortex


    - EBioMedicine - Rok 2022

    Background: Treating memory and cognitive deficits requires knowledge about anatomical sites and neural activities to be targeted with particular therapies. Emerging technologies for local brain stimulation offer attractive therapeutic options but need to be applied to target specific neural activities, at distinct times, and in specific brain regions that are critical for memory formation. Methods: The areas that are critical...

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  • Artur Piekarczuk dr hab. inż. prof. ITB


    My professional activity includes issues related to the examination and evaluation of construction products and the preparation of academic, technical and expert opinions on building construction structures as well as scientific articles in the field of buildings. My interests were focused on the use of modern methods of numerical analysis in research and expert works. I am currently the Manager of the Durability Testing Laboratory...

  • IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Students and Young Professionals Just After the Pandemic Time [Students and Young Professionals News]


    - IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine - Rok 2022

    Report on IEEE IES Society student activities in year 2022.

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  • Students and Young Professionals of the IEEE IES in the Time of Information, Automation, and Energy Transformation [Students and Young Professionals News]

    • W. Dai
    • K. F. Tsang
    • L. L. Bello
    • Y. Ibrahim
    • F. Michal
    • M. Turzyński
    • L. S. Sahesch-Pur
    • R. Roos
    • A. Al-Dulaimy
    • M. Behnam
    • M. Jasinski

    - IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine - Rok 2022

    Reports on IEEE IES Society student activities in year 2021.

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  • Kacper Radziszewski mgr inż. arch.

    W 2016 roku ukończył studia magisterskie na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej.Architekt. Współorganizator oraz prowadzący warsztaty badawcze z zakresu architektury parametrycznej oraz nowoczesnych metod fabrykacji m.in. na wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej, w Sopockiej Szkole Wyższej, na wydziale Architektury Politechniki w Bratysławie, wydziale Architektury Politechniki w Białymstoku oraz podczas międzynarodowych...

  • Share of gross value added by factors of production prices generated by the enterprise sector in Poland and in the EU countries in the GDP of individual countries

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Companies operating in the EU countries are characterized by a greater contribution to the creation of GDP than Polish enterprises. Discrepancies in shaping the described value also result from a different industry structure of companies. In other EU countries, more companies are involved in services, and in Poland, enterprises conducting commercial...

  • Accelerometer-based Human Activity Recognition and the Impact of the Sample Size


    The presented study focused on the recognition of eight user activities (e.g. walking, lying, climbing stairs) basing on the measurements from an accelerometer embedded in a mobile device. It is assumed that the device is carried in a specific location of the user’s clothing. Three types of classifiers were tested on different sizes of the samples. The influence of the time window (the duration of a single trial) on selected activities...

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