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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SORTED LINEAR TREE
Chatter Vibration Surveillance by the Optimal-linear Control of Spindle Speed and Randomly Varying Spindle Speed
PublikacjaW artykule opisano dynamikę procesu skrawania smukłym frezem kulistym. Jako metodę nadzorowania drgań chatter zastosowano zmienną prędkość obrotową wrzeciona. Jest ona dobierna z wykorzystaniem energetycznego wskaźnika jakości co prowadzi do optymalno-liniowego sterowania prędkością obrotową. Dodatkowo zastosowano nadzorowanie drgań chatter poprzez losowo zmienną prędkość obrotową.
Comparison of buckling resistance of columns modelled by beam and shell elements using non-linear analysis
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to investigate the stability process in the axially compressed columns modelled by beam and shell elements using static and dynamic finite element analysis by taking both the geometric and material non-linearity into account. The perfect columns and columns with geometric imperfections were analysed. The differences between the results of static and dynamic analyses in shell and beam models were discussed.
Balance errors generated by numerical diffusion in the solution of non-linear open channel flow equations
PublikacjaThe paper concerns the untypical aspect of application of the dissipative numerical methods to solve nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations used in open channel hydraulics. It is shown that in some cases the numerical diffusion generated by the applied method of solution produces not only inaccurate solution but as well as a balance error. This error may occur even for an equation written in the conservative form not...
Optimizing of target detection and tracking processes realized on consoles of passive sonar with linear towed antenna
PublikacjaThe long-range passive towed sonar was first modernised a few years ago. Building on operator experience over that period, a concept was developed of optimising the tasks performed by sonar operators, and improving forms of imaging to inform about object detection and support object tracking. The concept was implemented and successfully tested during ships’ manoeuvres. The optimisation of operator tasks was designed to keep listening...
Nieliniowy model matematyczny transformatora trójfazowego = Non-linear mathematical model of a three-phase transformer
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono model transformatora trójfazowego o rdzeniu trójkolumnowym, który zawiera układ rów-nań opisujących obwód magnetyczny oraz oddzielnie układ równań obwodu elektrycznego. Wydzielenie re-luktancji elementów rdzenia umożliwia uwzględnienie zmian względnej przenikalności magnetycznej w funkcji bieżącej wartości strumienia w rdzeniu. Re-luktancje odpowiadające strumieniom rozproszenia obliczono wg zasad klasycznych. Funkcję...
Analytical and experimental determination of parameters for the non-linear viscoelastic model of earthquake-induced structural pounding
PublikacjaNieliniowy model lepko-sprężysty umożliwia dokładną symulację siły zderzenia w czasie oraz symulację odpowiedzi konstrukcji podatnej na zderzanie podczas trzęsień ziemi. Jednym z celów niniejszego artykułu jest wyprowadzenie wzoru na zależność pomiędzy liczbą tłumienia zderzenia (parametr wspomnianego modelu), a współczynnikiem odbicia. Kolejnym celem jest wyznaczenie zakresu wartości współczynników odbicia oraz współczynników...
Practical Approach to Large-Scale Electronic Structure Calculations in Electrolyte Solutions via Continuum-Embedded Linear-Scaling Density Functional Theory
PublikacjaWe present the implementation of a hybrid continuum-atomistic model for including the effects of a surrounding electrolyte in large-scale density functional theory (DFT) calculations within the Order-N Electronic Total Energy Package (ONETEP) linear-scaling DFT code, which allows the simulation of large complex systems such as electrochemical interfaces. The model represents the electrolyte ions as a scalar field and the solvent...
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Non-linear impedance of V2O5 nanorods obtained at 923K
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the non-linear electrical properties of V2O5 nanorods which were measured by the impedance spectroscopy method. V2O5 nanorods were obtained by the sol-gel method. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials. The precursor powder was pressed into the disk-shaped pellets (12mm in diameter...
Novel liquid chromatography method based on linear weighted regression for the fast determination of isoprostane isomers in plasma samples using sensitive tandem mass spectrometry detection
PublikacjaA simple, fast, sensitive and accurate methodology based on a LLE followed by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for simultaneous determination of four regioisomers (8-iso prostaglandin F2α, 8-iso-15(R)-prostaglandin F2α, 11β-prostaglandin F2α, 15(R)-prostaglandin F2α) in routine analysis of human plasma samples was developed. Isoprostanes are stable products of arachidonic acid peroxidation and are regarded as the...
Direct Response to Proton Beam Linear Energy Transfer (LET) in a Novel Polymer Gel Dosimeter Formulation
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Application of artificial bee colony algorithm to auto-tuning of linear-quadratic regulator for PMSM position control
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Comparison of circular- and linear-stapled gastrojejunostomy in laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a multicenter study
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Application of linear discriminant analysis to the study of dew chemistry on the basis of samples collected in Poland (2004-2005)
PublikacjaTechnikę analizy dyskryminacyjnej wykorzystano do klasyfikacji próbek rosy (zebranych w okresie sierpień 2004 - październik 2005 na terenie Gdyni, Gdańska, Mławy, Sopotu, Krakowa, w których oznaczono stężenia wybranych związków nieorganicznych i organicznych) na naturalnie wyłaniające się grupy oraz by zidentyfikować parametry fizykochemiczne odpowiedzialne za podobieństwa i różnice pomiędzy poszczególnymi miejscami pobierania...
On Dynamic Boundary Conditions Within the Linear Steigmann-Ogden Model of Surface Elasticity and Strain Gradient Elasticity
PublikacjaWithin the strain gradient elasticity we discuss the dynamic boundary conditions taking into account surface stresses described by the Steigmann–Ogden model. The variational approach is applied with the use of the least action functional. The functional is represented as a sum of surface and volume integrals. The surface strain and kinetic energy densities are introduced. The Toupin–Mindlin formulation of the strain gradient elasticity...
Method to solve the non-linear systems of equations for steady gradually varied flow in open channel network.
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono rozwiązanie systemu równań nieliniowych opisujacych przepływ ustalony wolnozmienny w sieci kanałów otwartych. Niewiadomymi są glębokości w poszczególnych przekrojach oraz natężenia przepływów w poszczególnych gałęziach systemu. Układ musi być rozwiązywany iteracyjnie. Klasyczne metody Picarda i Newtona mogą okazać się nieskuteczne ze względu na oscylacje rozwiązania w kolejnych iteracjach i związany z tym brak...
Linear impedance of Bi2VO5.5 glass-ceramic measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Dane BadawczeThe linear electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 glass-ceramic prepared by traditional melt quenching technique was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
MO‐F‐214‐06: Linear Energy Transfer Response of Polymer Gel Dosimeters in Therapeutic Proton Beams
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<title>Cavity control system advanced modeling and simulations for TESLA linear accelerator and free electron laser</title>
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Analytical expression between the impact damping ratio and the coefficient of restitution in the non-linear viscoelastic model of structural pounding
PublikacjaWyniki wcześniejszych badań pokazują, iż nieliniowy model lepko-sprężysty zderzeń konstrukcji budowlanych podczas trzęsień ziemi najdokładniej symuluje siłę zderzenia w czasie kontaktu oraz odpowiedź konstrukcji. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wyprowadzenie wzoru na zależność pomiędzy liczbą tłumienia zderzenia (parametr wspomnianego modelu) a współczynnikiem odbicia, który jest parametrem często stosowanym i analizowanym w literaturze....
Relationships between Linear Sprint, Lower-Body Power Output and Change of Direction Performance in Elite Soccer Players
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Linear impedance of strontium–borate glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Dane BadawczeThe linear electrcial properties of strontium–borate glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Non-linear static stability of bi-layer carbon nanosheets resting on an elastic matrix under various types of in-plane shearing loads in thermo-elasticity using nonlocal continuum
PublikacjaIn this research, the shear and thermal buckling of bi-layer rectangular orthotropic carbon nanosheets embedded on an elastic matrix using the nonlocal elasticity theory and non-linear strains of Von-Karman was studied. The bi-layer carbon sheets were modeled as a double-layered plate, and van der Waals forces between layers were considered. The governing equations and boundary conditions were obtained using the first order shear...
SU-FF-T-284: Linear Energy Transfer (LET) Dependence of BANG® Polymer Gel Dosimeters in Proton Beams
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Acute effects of unilateral and bilateral conditioning activity on countermovement jump, linear speed, and muscle stiffness: A randomized crossover study
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Non-linear FEM analysis of earthquake-induced pounding between the main building and the stairway tower of the Olive View Hospital
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest dokładna, trójwymiarowa analiza MES dotycząca zderzeń pomiędzy budynkiem głównym a konstrukcją wolnostojącej klatki schodowej szpitala Olive View podczas trzęsienia ziemi San Fernando w roku 1971. Wyniki analizy pokazują, iż kolizje mogą prowadzić do znacznego wzrostu odpowiedzi lżejszej konstrukcji klatki schodowej, powodować uszkodzenia w miejscach kontaktu oraz potęgować uszkodzenia u podstawy tej budowli....
Catalytic conversion of linear low density polyethylene into carbon nanomaterials under the combined catalysis of Ni2O3 and poly(vinyl chloride)
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Comparison of tuning procedures based on evolutionary algorithm for multi-region fuzzy-logic PID controller for non-linear plant
PublikacjaThe paper presents a comparison of tuning procedures for a multi-region fuzzy-logic controller used for nonlinear process control. This controller is composed of local PID controllers and fuzzy-logic mechanism that aggregates local control signals. Three off-line tuning procedures are presented. The first one focuses on separate tuning of local PID controllers gains in the case when the parameters of membership functions of fuzzy-logic...
Evaluation the environmental fate of pharmaceuticals using a level III model based on poly-parameter linear free energy relationships
PublikacjaOpisano możliwości zastosowania modelu ''Level III Model'' do opisu losu środowiskowego pozostałości farmaceutyków w środowisku. Zastosowany model umożliwia oszacowanie trwałości, stężeń oraz transportu poszczególnych zanieczyszczeń pomiędzy poszczególnymi elementami składowymi środowiska (powietrze, woda, gleba i osady denne).
Analiza trwałości zmęczeniowej asfaltów drogowych i modyfikowanych z wykorzystaniem testu liniowego zwiększania amplitudy / Analysis of the fatigue life of neat and modified bitumens using linear amplitude sweep test
PublikacjaThe paper presents an evaluation of the fatigue resistance of selected Polish bituminous binders: neat bitumen 50/70, polymer modified bitumen PMB 45/80-55 and polymer highly modified bitumen PMB 45/80-80. The linear amplitude sweep (LAS) test, which is a new bitumen performance grading test developed in the USA, and was used to assess the fatigue life of the bitumens. Highly modified bitumen 45/80-80 showed 10-20 times higher...
Linear impedance of strontium–borate glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at high temperature region
Dane BadawczeThe linear electrcial properties of strontium–borate glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Linear impedance of 40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5 glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Dane BadawczeThe linear electrical properties of 40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Linear impedance of 25Na2O–20CaO–5P2O5–50SiO2 glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Dane BadawczeThe linear electrical properties of 25Na2O–20CaO–5P2O5–50SiO2 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Softly switched robustly feasible mpc for constrained linear systems under set bounded uncertainty- LQ-MPC with IC action
PublikacjaNie jest możliwe efektywne sterowanie procesem w szerokim zakresie zmian warunków operacyjnych przy użyciu jednego uniwersalnego regulatora. W pracy zaproponowano koncepcję sposobu regulacji polegającego na przełączaniu wielu regulatorów uzależnionego od stanu operacyjnego systemu. Często twarde przełączanie regulatorów nie jest pożądane lub wręcz możliwe, alternatywą jest ich miękkie przełączanie. W pracy rozważany jest problem...
<title>Non-linear glasses and metaglasses for photonics, a review: Part II. Kerr nonlinearity and metaglasses of positive and negative refraction</title>
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Assessment of the Effect of Wastewater Quantity and Quality, and Sludge Parameters on Predictive Abilities of Non-Linear Models for Activated Sludge Settleability Predictions
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Prediction of skin color, tanning and freckling from DNA in Polish population: linear regression, random forest and neural network approaches
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Application of the MSPD Technique for the HPLC Analysis of Rutin in Sambucus nigra L.: The Linear Correlation of the Matrix Solid-Phase Dispersion Process
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Linear impedance of Bi2VO5.5 glass-ceramic annealed at 423 K measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Dane BadawczeThe linear electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 glass-ceramic annealed at 423 K prepared by traditional melt quenching technique was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 12 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 20 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 14 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 32 mm piston rod diameter and 500 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 12 mm piston rod diameter and 500 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 20 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 32 mm piston rod diameter and 200 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 200 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 14 mm piston rod diameter and 500 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...