Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: facial motion capture - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: facial motion capture

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: facial motion capture

  • Analiza ruchowa pojazdów szynowych z uwzględnieniem zmian napięcia na odbieraku prądu

    W artykule zaproponowano metodykę wykonywania analizy ruchowej pojazdów szynowych, która uwzględnia wpływ zmieniającego się napięcia zasilającego pojazd a jego właściwości ruchowe. Wykorzystując model opracowany w programie Simulink wskazano na istotne różnice w czasie przejazdu oraz w wartościach napięcia zasilającego pomiędzy proponowanym sposobem analizy a powszechnie stosowanym podejściem uproszczonym.

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  • Experimental Determination of Limit Adhesive Shear Strtess between Solid Wall and Liquid

    Theoretically slip of a fluid with respect to the solid wall should occur even at a very low velocity of motion. However theoretical analysisand some empirical data suggest that there must be a limit value of shear stress, below which the slip does not appear. A simple metyhod of this stress determination was proposed in the paper.

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  • Acute hypoxia diminishes the relationship between blood pressure and subarachnoid space width oscillations at the human cardiac frequency

    • M. Wszędybył-Winklewska
    • J. Wolf
    • E. Świerblewska
    • K. Kunicka
    • A. Gruszecka
    • M. Gruszecki
    • W. Kucharska
    • P. J. Winklewski
    • J. Zabulewicz
    • W. Gumiński... i 5 innych

    - PLOS ONE - Rok 2017

    Acute hypoxia exerts strong effects on the cardiovascular system. Heart-generated pulsatile cerebrospinal fluid motion is recognised as a key factor ensuring brain homeostasis. We aimed to assess changes in heart-generated coupling between blood pressure and subarachnoid space width oscillations during hypoxic exposure.

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  • Determination of Peak Impact Force for Buildings Exposed to Structural Pounding during Earthquakes


    - Geosciences - Rok 2019

    Structural pounding between adjacent, insufficiently separated buildings, or bridge segments, has been repeatedly observed during seismic excitations. Such earthquake-induced collisions may cause severe structural damage or even lead to the collapse of colliding structures. The aim of the present paper was to show the results of the study focused on determination of peak impact forces during collisions between buildings exposed...

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  • Gravity-related research (2020/21)

    Kursy Online
    • A. Dąbrowski
    • E. Wittbrodt

    The goal of the subject is to extend of the knowledge gained in the framework of general mechanics (statics, kinematics, dynamics). Students will be familiarized with the description of the kinematics and dynamics of motion in typical gravity-related research conditions (microgravity in parabolic flights, drop towers, sounding rockets) as well as gravity-related research platforms, its opportunities and limitations. Additionally,...

  • Gravity-related research (Engineering and Management of Space Systems) 21/22

    Kursy Online
    • E. Wittbrodt

    The goal of the subject is to extend of the knowledge gained in the framework of general mechanics (statics, kinematics, dynamics). Students will be familiarized with the description of the kinematics and dynamics of motion in typical gravity-related research conditions (microgravity in parabolic flights, drop towers, sounding rockets) as well as gravity-related research platforms, its opportunities and limitations. Additionally,...

  • Modelling of blood flow: from macro to microscales


    The aim of this paper it to review various scale approaches to blood flow modelling. Blood motion may be described by three types of mathematical models according to the observed scales or resolutions, namely microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic description. The above approaches are discussed together with their advantages and disadvantages. Several results of mesoscopic simulations are presented.

  • Advanced Hysteretic Model of a Prototype Seismic Isolation System Made of Polymeric Bearings

    The present paper reports the results of acomprehensive study designed to verify the effectiveness of an advanced mathematical model in simulating the complex mechanical behaviour of a prototype seismic isolation system made of polymeric bearings (PBs). Firstly, in order to construct the seismic bearings considered in this research, a specially prepared flexible polymeric material with increased damping properties was employed....

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  • Influence of Additional Loads on Chosen Gait Parameters and Muscles Activity

    • M. Ludwicki
    • B. Zagrodny
    • W. Wojnicz
    • J. Mrozowski
    • J. Awrejcewicz

    - Vibrations in Physical Systems - Rok 2016

    This paper is devoted to human motion analysis and comparison of chosen kinematics parameters during normal gait with and without additional load in a form of backpack. A stability in both cases were compared in both frontal and sagittal planes, by applying a video tracking system. Experimental tests performed on treadmill, passive markers, placed on volunteers bare skin were used. Additionally, an infra-red camera was employed...

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  • Evaluation of a Small Inland Ferry’s Energy Requirements from the Acceleration Stage of Towing Tank Model Tests

    Computing the power required to meet a ship’s operational needs is one of the most important tasks in naval design. The power required to propel a vessel is directly related to the resistance the hull experiences as it moves through the water. The conventional method of determining a ship’s resistance involves towing tank tests of ship models at a fixed speed; however, for short-range vessels, where constant speed is not the primary...

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  • Dynamika bezzałogowego aparatu latającego w układzie czterowirnikowego pionowzlotu


    Działanie maszyn, w tym również pojazdów latających, jest nieodłącznie związane z przekazywaniem oddziaływań siłowych: statycznych i dynamicznych. Dynamika jest działem mechaniki zajmującym się makroskopowym ruchem ciał przy uwzględnieniu przyczyn wywołujących ten ruch. Pierwszym etapem analizy dynamiki konstrukcji są zwykle obliczenia wartości i postaci drgań własnych modelu konstrukcji. Drgania własne zwykle ulegają szybkiemu...

  • Impact of Shifting Time-Window Post-Processing on the Quality of Face Detection Algorithms


    - Rok 2018

    We consider binary classification algorithms, which operate on single frames from video sequences. Such a class of algorithms is named OFA (One Frame Analyzed). Two such algorithms for facial detection are compared in terms of their susceptibility to the FSA (Frame Sequence Analysis) method. It introduces a shifting time-window improvement, which includes the temporal context of frames in a post-processing step that improves the...

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  • Carbon Dioxide Recovery Skid

    In the face of tightening climate regulations, the adoption of carbon dioxide recovery systems is inevitable. Modular process skid units have been widely adopted across the industry. The gas-steam power plant skid unit with the carbon dioxide recovery system was described. The proposed skid module consists of the compact cycle with the oxy-combustion and the carbon dioxide capture skid unit producing pure compressed CO2. The compactness...

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  • Analysis of pesticide residue in tomato samples using analytical protocol based on application of QuEChERS technique and GC-ECD system


    QuEChERS sample preparation method was used for the determination of 10 pesticides and their metabolites in tomato samples, coupled to gas chromatography with electron capture detector (GCECD). The experimental parameters including oven temperature program, amount of the sample and purifying agent were optimized. The GC-ECD method was validated in terms of linearity, selectivity and recovery. The limits of detection (LODs) of the...

  • Connected searching of weighted trees

    W artykule rozważamy problem spójnego przeszukiwania drzew obciążonych. Autorzy w [L. Barriere i inni, Capture of an intruder by mobile agents, SPAA'02 (2002) 200-209] twierdzą, że istnieje wielomianowy algorytm dla problemu obliczania optymalnej strategii przeszukiwania obciążonego drzewa. W niniejszej pracy pokazano, że problem ten jest obliczeniowo trudny nawet dla wierzchołkowo-obciążonych drzew (wagi krawędzi równe 1) oraz...

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  • KEMR-Net: A Knowledge-Enhanced Mask Refinement Network for Chromosome Instance Segmentation



    This article proposes a mask refinement method for chromosome instance segmentation. The proposed method exploits the knowledge representation capability of Neural Knowledge DNA (NK-DNA) to capture the semantics of the chromosome’s shape, texture, and key points, and then it uses the captured knowledge to improve the accuracy and smoothness of the masks. We validate the method’s effectiveness on our latest high-resolution chromosome...

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  • Analysis of abrasive particle trajectories during single-sided lapping process with driven conditioning ring

    In this paper new kinematics systems were studied for a single lapping process. In order to ensure the constant profile wear of the tool a standard kinematic system can be changed. Lapping is carried out by applying loose abrasive grains between two surfaces and causes a relative motion between them. The result is a finish of multi-directional lay. During process, the mechanism of surface formation are decisively affected by a...

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  • Towards a method for detecting large roll motions suitable for oceangoing ships



    The concept of autonomous merchant ships is quite recent. The increasing interest in autonomous vessels is nowadays calling for smart technologies that are supposed to replace the human actions on board. This involves troublesome issues related to ship safety. In the future, decision-making processes that are conventionally performed by human beings on board ship will be moved ashore to the control centre and maybe even completely...

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  • Contr-rotating eccentric-mass rotors used as exciters of sinusoidal forces applied to elastically supported bodies

    The work focuses on aspects of multibody dynamics. Investigated object is a mass driven by rotations of an inertial shaker. Resulting vibrational set consists of two counter-rotating identically-unbalanced rotors. Since the mass centres of the rotors do not coincide with the axes of their rotations, significant centrifugal forces arise during rotations. As both rotors are identically unbalanced, the inter-axial force components...

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  • Hydraulic equations for vortex separators dimensioning


    - Rok 2017

    The paper presents a set of hydraulic expressions developed to design vortex separators. These devices are used for gravitational removal of suspensions from wastewater. Measurements and theoretical considerations allowed the authors to formulate a mathematically simple velocity field model. Than, equations describing particle motion in the separator were derived. Finally, a technical procedure for hydraulic design of vortex separators...

  • Excitation of Waves in a Dispersive Medium. Example of Flow of a Bubbly Liquid


    The excitation of wave motion by an external source and the interaction of modes inherent to a ow in a dispersive medium are considered. Dispersion is caused by the presence of gaseous bubbles in a liquid. A large variety of steady excited waveforms is possible when the exciting wave is also steady and propagates at a constant velocity. The velocities of the exciter and forced waves may be dierent. This leads to a variety of non-stationary...

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  • Influence of Thermal Imagery Resolution on Accuracy of Deep Learning based Face Recognition


    Human-system interactions frequently require a retrieval of the key context information about the user and the environment. Image processing techniques have been widely applied in this area, providing details about recognized objects, people and actions. Considering remote diagnostics solutions, e.g. non-contact vital signs estimation and smart home monitoring systems that utilize person’s identity, security is a very important factor....

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  • Three-fast-searchable graphs



    In the edge searching problem, searchers move from vertex to vertex in a graph to capture an invisible, fast intruder that may occupy either vertices or edges. Fast searching is a monotonic internal model in which, at every move, a new edge of the graph G must be guaranteed to be free of the intruder. That is, once all searchers are placed the graph G is cleared in exactly |E(G)| moves. Such a restriction obviously necessitates...

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  • Hyperelastic Microcantilever AFM: Efficient Detection Mechanism Based on Principal Parametric Resonance

    • A. Alibakhshi
    • S. Rahmanian
    • S. Dastjerdi
    • M. Malikan
    • K. Behrouz
    • B. Akgöz
    • Ö. Civalek

    - Nanomaterials - Rok 2022

    The impetus of writing this paper is to propose an efficient detection mechanism to scan the surface profile of a micro-sample using cantilever-based atomic force microscopy (AFM), operating in non-contact mode. In order to implement this scheme, the principal parametric resonance characteristics of the resonator are employed, benefiting from the bifurcation-based sensing mechanism. It is assumed that the microcantilever is made...

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  • Mining inconsistent emotion recognition results with the multidimensional model


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2021

    The paper deals with the challenge of inconsistency in multichannel emotion recognition. The focus of the paper is to explore factors that might influence the inconsistency. The paper reports an experiment that used multi-camera facial expression analysis with multiple recognition systems. The data were analyzed using a multidimensional approach and data mining techniques. The study allowed us to explore camera location, occlusions...

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  • System pozycjonowania dynamicznego morskich jednostek pływających jako system mechatroniczny


    W artykule przedstawiano system pozycjonowania dynamicznego półzanurzeniowej platformy wiertniczej, który jest rozpatrywany jako system mechatroniczny. W szczególności zaś zaprezentowano systemy referencyjne utrzymania stanowiska pozycyjnego na morzu, urządzenia nawigacyjne, czujniki ruchów własnych jednostki pływającej i anemometry rozważane jako czujniki systemu mechatronicznego oraz pędniki azymutalne rozważane jako nastawniki...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Ensuring sustainable development of urban public transport: A case study of the trolleybus system in Gdynia and Sopot (Poland)



    Electromobility is a vital tool in reducing the environmental impact of transportation. A technologically mature means of public transport is the trolleybus. Based on a case study of the Polish cities of Gdynia and Sopot, this paper explores the factors that influence the development of the trolleybus system. Recent developments of in-motion charging (IMC) technology are analysed what provides a new analytical framework for the...

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  • Life tests of a rotary single-stage magnetic-fluid seal for shipbuilding applications


    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2011

    Use of the magnetic fluid seal technology in water is much more difficult technological problem in comparisonto gas or vacuum environment. Some seals constructed up to time been are designed as hybrid, two stagesealing structures with shields or mechanical seals used as protection measures to the magnetic fluid seal.Anyway, there is always problem with immediate contact between magnetic fluid and the environmentalliquid. In the...

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  • Symbolic multibody models for digital-twin applications

    • N. Docquier
    • K. Lipiński
    • O. Lantsoght
    • S. Timmermans
    • P. Fisette


    Symbolic generation of multibody systems equations of motion appeared in the 1980s. In addition to their computational advantage over their numerical counterparts, symbolic models can be very easily and straightforwardly interfaced with a wide range of software environments and hardware devices. These two features place this approach in a pole position to participate and intervene in the design of digital twins for systems such...

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  • Multi-stage magnetic-fluid seals for operating in water - life test procedure, test stand and research results


    The edge criteria for magnetic-fluid seals durability research are critical for the seal'stechnological usefulness. The magnetic fluid seal technology in water is much moredifficult technological problem in comparison to gas or vacuum environment. There isalways problem with immediate contact between magnetic fluid and the environmentaluninspected liquids. In the paper are presented ways of experiments definitions carried outwith...

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  • Simulation of hybridized nanofluids flowing and heat transfer enhancement via 3-D vertical heated plate using finite element technique


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2022

    The present study probed the creation of heat energy and concentrating into Newtonian liquids across vertical 3D-heated plates. The role of the Soret and Dufour theories in concentrating and energy formulas is discussed. The role of hybrid nanoparticles is introduced to illustrate particle efciency in terms of solute and thermal energy. It is removed a viscous dissipation process and a changing magnetic feld. The proposed approach...

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  • Rheology of Variable Viscosity‐Based Mixed Convective Inclined Magnetized Cross Nanofluid with Varying Thermal Conductivity


    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Rok 2022

    Cross nanofluid possesses an extraordinary quality among the various fluidic models to explore the key characteristics of flowing fluid during very low and very high shear rates and its viscosity models depend upon shear rate. The current study establishes the numerical treatment regarding variable viscosity‐based mixed convective inclined magnetized Cross nanofluid with var‐ ying thermal conductivities over the moving permeable...

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  • On ship roll resonance frequency


    - OCEAN ENGINEERING - Rok 2016

    The paper deals with the problem of modeling of rolling motion under a variety of excitation parameters. Special emphasis is put on the analysis and prediction of the frequency of the resonant mode of rolling, since it is often an essential issue in terms of motion of a ship related to her safety against capsizing or excessive amplitudes of roll. The research is performed for both free rolling and excited rolling and it is based...

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  • Effects of Column Base Flexibility on Seismic Response of Steel Moment-Frame Buildings


    - Rok 2022

    Steel Moment Resisting Frames (SMRFs) are very popular lateral load resisting systems in many seismically active regions. However, their seismic response is strongly dependent on the rotational fixity of column base connections. Despite many studies (both experimental and numerical) in this particular area, available approaches for estimating column base flexibility have been validated only against laboratory test data. In the...

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  • Free-surface elevation in open vortex flow controls


    - Water Science - Rok 2016

    Rotational form of fluid motion is complex, but very important in science and technology. The paper is devoted to the hydraulic mechanism of flow in open vortex flow controls, or regulators. The velocity field was described by the kinematic model, and intensity of rotation - by means of the energy balance between the input and dissipation. In consequence some algebraic expresions were obtained, which can be useful in approximated...

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  • Review on Wikification methods


    - AI COMMUNICATIONS - Rok 2019

    The paper reviews methods on automatic annotation of texts with Wikipedia entries. The process, called Wikification aims at building references between concepts identified in the text and Wikipedia articles. Wikification finds many applications, especially in text representation, where it enables one to capture the semantic similarity of the documents. Also, it can be considered as automatic tagging of the text. We describe typical...

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  • Application of Fast Cameras to String Vibrations Recording

    A hardware and software solution for guitar string vibration measurement by fast cameras is described. Orthogonal setup for 3D image acquisition is proposed capable to capture several thousand image frames per second. Dedicated image processing algorithm was developed and described in the paper, aimed at tracking the movement of some selected points along the string. Fast and accurate tracking results provided a detailed information...

  • On phase equilibrium of an elastic liquid shell with wedge disclination


    Based on the six-parameter shell theory we consider the phase equilibrium of a two-phase liquid membrane containing a wedge disclination. The considered problems are related to modelling of phase transitions in biological or lipid membranes. In order to capture the membrane behaviour we consider a special case of elastic shells which energy is invariant under major transformations of a reference configuration and can be treated...

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  • Wybrane elementy nieliniowej dynamiki struktur kratowych


    - Rok 2011

    W pracy jest dyskutowany problem nieliniowej dynamiki struktur kratowych. Zastosowano stacjonarny opis Lagrange'a (ang. Total Lagrange), pokazano silne i słabe sformułowanie dla pręta kratowego, jego aplikację do MES. W zakresie całkowania równań ruchu przedstawiono metodę Newmarka i metodę-a dla problemów liniowych i nieliniowych. Załączony przykład numeryczny ilustruje cechy przedstawionych metod.

  • New method for personalization of avatar animation


    The paper presents a method for creating a personalized animation of avatar utilizing fuzzy inference. First the user designs a prototype version of animation, with keyframes only for important poses, roughly describing the action. Then animation is enriched with new motion phases calculated by the fuzzy inference system using descriptors given by the user. Various degrees of motion fluency and naturalness are possible to achieve....

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  • Analiza ruchu drogowego z wykorzystaniem analizy akustycznej

    Tematyka pracy porusza zagadnienia dotyczące pozyskiwania informacji o ruchu drogowym z wykorzystaniem monitoringu akustycznego. Przybliżono podstawowe techniki nadzoru nad ruchem drogowym. Przedstawiono założenia akustycznego detektora ruchu i zbadano jego skuteczność na trzech płaszczyznach działania – zliczania pojazdów, klasyfikacji rodzajowej i klasyfikacji warunków pogodowych panujących na nawierzchni

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  • Challenges associated with the design of a small unmanned autonomous maritime vehicle

    The paper contains the preliminary results of the research connected with development of a small unmanned autonomous maritime vehicle. First of all a general description of research is introduced. Next, a concept of a vehicle is presented. Then, a brief description of a research method is given. Next, the current research problems under way are introduced. They concern the ballasting, motion and precise position stabilization system...

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  • A Surveillance Of Dynamic Processes in Selected Mechatronic Systems

    The paper concerns development of original method of optimal control at energy performance index and its application to dynamic processes surveillance of some mechatronic systems. The latter concerns chatter vibration surveillance during highspeed slender milling of rigid details, as well as motion control of two-wheeled mobile platform. Results of on-line computer simulations and real performance on the target objects reflect...

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  • Simulation of Life Raft Motions on Irregular Wave - An Analysis of Situations Leading to Raft Capsizing


    Successful rescue action at sea is based on a. o. a correct choice of rescue means and their reliability. Operational characteristics of life-saving appliances determine their performance in a given water area. Therefore they affect duration time of rescue action and decide this way on survival time of shipwrecked persons. This paper presents impact of characteristics of circular inflatable life rafts on their dynamics in a...

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  • Water Behavior Near the Lipid Bilayer


    - Rok 2021

    In this chapter, we focus on the dynamics of water molecules situated in the vicinity of a phospholipid bilayer. Using a molecular dynamics simulation method, we studied interactions between water and the bilayer and tracked trajectories of the water molecules. Based on the hypothesis that molecules trapped inside the bilayer make different motions than the ones which are either attached to the surface or move freely in the water...

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  • Virtual Engineering Object (VEO): Toward Experience-Based Design and Manufacturing for Industry 4.0



    In this article we propose the concept, its framework, and implementation methodology for Virtual Engineering Objects (VEO). A VEO is the knowledge representation of an engineering object that embodies its associated knowledge and experience. A VEO is capable of adding, storing, improving, and sharing knowledge through experience. Moreover, it is demonstrated that VEO is a specialization of a Cyber-Physical System (CPS). In this...

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    The aim of this paper it to review various scale approaches to the blood flow modelling. Blood motion may be described by three types of mathematical models according to the observed scales or resolutions, namely microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic descriptions. The above approaches are discussed together with their advantages and disadvantages. Several results of mesoscopic simulations are presented with particular attention...

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  • Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: the Method's Development and Selected Reaserch Results

    The Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories is a method solving ship encounter situations. The method combines evolutionary approach to planning ship trajectory with some of the assumption of game theory. For given positions and motion parameters the method finds a near optimal set of safe trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter. This paper presents framework of the method and its development. Additionally, selected...

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  • On solvability of initial boundary-value problems of micropolar elastic shells with rigid inclusions

    The problem of dynamics of a linear micropolar shell with a finite set of rigid inclusions is considered. The equations of motion consist of the system of partial differential equations (PDEs) describing small deformations of an elastic shell and ordinary differential equations (ODEs) describing the motions of inclusions. Few types of the contact of the shell with inclusions are considered. The weak setup of the problem is formulated...

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  • Stress Detection of Children with Autism using Physiological Signals in Kaspar Robot-Based Intervention Studies

    • B. Coskun
    • P. Uluer
    • E. Toprak
    • D. E. Barkana
    • H. Kose
    • T. Zorcec
    • B. Robins
    • A. Landowska

    - Rok 2022

    This study aims to develop a stress detection system using the blood volume pulse (BVP) signals of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) during robot-based interven- tion. This study presents the heart rate variability (HRV) analysis method to detect the stress, where HRV features are extracted from raw BVP signals recorded from an E4 wristband during interaction studies with the social robot Kaspar. Low frequency power...

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