wszystkich: 396
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: integrated spatial and energy planning
A Comprehensive Approach to Azo Dichlorotriazine Dye Treatment: Assessing the Impact of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Treatment Methods through Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data
PublikacjaThis exploration investigates integrated treatment systems combining advanced oxidation processes (Fenton and photo-Fenton) with biological methods for the effective elimination of stubborn organic compounds in simulated textile wastewater composed of azo Dichlorotriazine dye. A comprehensive optimization of key process factors including catalyst dosage, hydrogen peroxide quantity, irradiation duration, etc. was systematically...
Elastic electron scattering and vibrational excitation of isoxazole molecules in the energy range from 2 to 20 eV
PublikacjaDifferential cross sections for elastic electron scattering and the excitation of the C-H vibrational modes of isoxazole molecules were measured in the energy range from 2 to 20 eV and over the scattering angle range from 10◦ to 180◦. The cross sections at the scattering angles of and above 90◦ were accessible with the use of a magnetic angle changer. The differential cross sections were integrated to yield integral and momentum...
Swarm-Assisted Investment Planning of a Bioethanol Plant
PublikacjaBioethanol is a liquid fuel for which a significant increase in the share of energy sources has been observed in the economies of many countries. The most significant factor in popularizing bioethanol is the profitability of investments in construction of facilities producing this energy source, as well as the profitability of its supply chain. With the market filled with a large amount of equipment used in the bioethanol production...
A Comprehensive Survey on Antennas On-Chip Based on Metamaterial, Metasurface, and Substrate Integrated Waveguide Principles for Millimeter-Waves and Terahertz Integrated Circuits and Systems
PublikacjaAntennas on-chip are a particular type of radiating elements valued for their small footprint. They are most commonly integrated in circuit boards to electromagnetically interface free space, which is necessary for wireless communications. Antennas on-chip radiate and receive electromagnetic (EM) energy as any conventional antennas, but what distinguishes them is their miniaturized size. This means they can be integrated inside...
Harmony Search for Self-configuration of Fault–Tolerant and Intelligent Grids
PublikacjaIn this paper, harmony search algorithms have been proposed to self-configuration of fault-tolerant grids for big data processing. Self-configuration of computer grids lies in the fact that new computer nodes are automatically configured by software agents and then integrated into the grid. A base node works due to several configuration parameters that define some aspects of data communications and energy power consumption. We...
Andrzej Chybicki dr inż.
OsobyZ wykształcenia informatyk, absolwent Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej, doktor nauk technicznych w dziedzinie informatyka specjalizujący się w przetwarzaniau danych przestrzennych w rozproszonych systemach informatycznych. Ukierunkowany na wykorzystywanie osiągnięć i wiedzy zakresu prowadzonych badań w przemyśle. Współpracował z szeregiem podmiotów przemysłu informatycznego, geodezyjnego...
Architekt miasta wczoraj i dziś - wizjoner czy administrator? Uwagi na temat roli architekta miejskiego w kształtowaniu wizji miasta
PublikacjaArtykuł jest próbą oceny roli architekta miejskiego od początków XX wieku do czasów obecnych. Opracowanie bazuje na pytaniu badawczym, czy we współczesnym mieście wciąż jest miejsc na wizjonerską i wiodącą rolę architekta miejskiego w kształtowaniu przestrzeni, jak to miało miejsce w przeszłości. Architekci miejscy są dziś raczej związani z pełnieniem funkcji administracyjnych, natomiast kwestie przekształceń urbanistycznych powierzane...
The effect of interview location on the perception of Ecosystem Services provided by trees. A Polish case study.
Dane BadawczeSeveral survey research methods are available to study attitudes towards the environment, including: CAWI (computer-assisted Internet interview), CATI (computer-assisted telephone interview), CAPI (computer-assisted personal interview), and PAPI (paper-pencil interview). An increasingly popular CAWI approach is the geo-questionnaire – an internet survey...
Modelowanie systemów energetycznych wytwarzania energii elektrycznej i ciepła do celów planowania rozwoju - wybrane zagadnienia
PublikacjaSystemy energetyczne wymagają przemian technologicznych w kierunku neutralności klimatycznej. W Polsce, w której systemie elektroenergetycznym i systemach ciepłowniczych dominują przestarzałe elektrownie i ciepłownie węglowe, dążenie do minimalizacji wpływu na środowisko wiąże się z wysokimi kosztami. Dlatego należy szukać optymalnych ścieżek roz-woju energetyki, aby osiągnąć ambitne długoterminowe cele strategiczne, przy minimalizacji...
Selected information technology tools supporting for maintenance and operation management electrical grids
PublikacjaThe paper presents the main issues of management of electrical grids. Selected information technology tools supporting for electrical grids maintenance are presented. In electrical infrastructure maintenance of power companies the geographic information systems are increasingly used to support the management of theirs resources. Their functionalities in terms creating comprehensive databases for electrical infrastructure of power...
Dynamiczna aplikacja Internetowa ASP.NET silnika indukcyjnego jako elementu wirtualnego laboratorium maszyn elektrycznych
PublikacjaTematem referatu jest dynamiczna aplikacja internetowa, która umożliwia symulację obwodową silnika indukcyjnego trójfazowego Sg 100 L2 z wykorzystaniem interfejsu przeglądarki WWW. Model matematyczny silnika jest zdefiniowany w tzw. osiach naturalnych i sformułowany na podstawie metody energetycznej Lagrange’a. Do implementacji modelu maszyny w aplikacji internetowej wybrano projekt typu Web Forms, który jest składnikiem środowiska...
Bearing estimation using double frequency reassignment for a linear passive array
PublikacjaThe paper demonstrates the use of frequency reassignment for bearing estimation. For this task, signals derived from a linear equispaced passive array are used. The presented method makes use of Fourier transformation based spatial spectrum estimation. It is further developed through the application of two-dimensional reassignment, which leads to obtaining highly concentrated energy distributions in the joint frequency-angle domain...
Problemy planowania rozwoju systemu transportowego w obszarach metropolitalnych – przykład Obszaru Metropolitalnego G-G-S
PublikacjaProblemy rozwoju systemów transportowych w metropoliach wynikają ze specyfiki tych obszarów, ich skali i struktury przestrzennej. Obszary te charakteryzują się dużą wewnętrzną integracją funkcjonalną oraz dobrze rozwiniętą siecią transportową. Dynamicznie rozwijające się obszary metropolitalne mają odrębne systemy zarządzania finansami, rozwią- zania prawne oraz administrację, a także własne organy planowania i zarządzania, które...
The Simulation of Activated Sludge System for Optimization of Predictive Aeration at Large WWTP
PublikacjaEffective use of biodegradable substrates as an internal carbon sources (ICS) for denitrification and EBPR and predicting performance of aeration systems during nitrification in activated sludge bioreactors, may be useful in realization the sustainable development by potentially saving energy consumption at WWTPs. A large number of WWTPs use activated sludge systems with an integrated removal of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus...
FE analysis of a coupled energetic-statistical size effect in plain concrete beams with varying material properties.
PublikacjaThe numerical FE investigations of a coupled energetic-statistical size effect in unnotched concrete beams of similar geometry under quasi-static three point bending were performed within elasto-plasticity with non-local softening. The stochastic FE analyses were carried out with three different beam sizes. Deterministic calculations were performed with the uniform distribution of a uniaxial tensile strength. In statistical calculations...
Application of multi-criteria methods to compare different solutions of supplying buildings in electricity from photovoltaic systems
PublikacjaNowadays, the technologies of electricity generation in distributed systems are usually associated with Renewable Energy Sources (RES). The choice of the construction site depends mainly on the availability of the power system. However, energy planning, especially in case of RES, is a complex process involving multiple and often conflicting objectives. The complexity of the selection of the electricity system is typically addressed...
PublikacjaThis work aims to present the recovery potential of the Chilean Sacrifice Zones, urban areas affected by high amounts of pollution caused by industrial activities. It centers in the case of “Bocamina I & II”, two Thermoelectric based in the city of Coronel, southern Chile. A settlement historically related to the mining processes. These plants operated for decades supplying the national energy grid and are seen as both symbols...
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy procesu żywiołowej suburbanizcji (urban sprawl) w Polsce. Jego celami są: (1) analiza powiązań między negatywnymi skutkami tego procesu, (2) prezentacja negatywnych skutków dla transportu i zużycia energii oraz ładu przestrzennego, (3) analiza sposobów przeciwdziałania negatywnym procesom, w tym uwarunkowań (w szczególności ograniczeń) stosowania tych sposobów i ich skuteczności. Jako metody zastosowano: obserwację,...
Hydrographic Multisensory Unmanned Watercraft
PublikacjaThis article describes the design of the unmanned surface vessel (USV) and the algorithms for planning the trajectories to be followed on measurement missions. The algorithms take account of the dynamically varying impacts of external forces (wind and surface current) on the vessel's motion. Feedback loops enable the counteraction of external factors that cause disturbance to the desired trajectory. The sensors installed on the...
Polish Experience of Implementing Vision Zero
PublikacjaPurpose of Review The aim of this study is to present an outline and the principles of Poland’s road safety strategic programming as it has developed over the last 25 years since the first Integrated Road Safety System with a strong focus on Sweden’s “Vision Zero”. Recent Findings Countries that have successfully improved road safety have done so by following strategies centred around the idea that people are not infallible and...
ESPAR Antenna-Based WSN Node With DoA Estimation Capability
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present a low-cost energy-efficient electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna-based wireless sensor network (WSN) node designed for IEEE 802.15.4 standard that is capable of performing direction of arrival (DoA) estimation in real-life outdoor environments. To this end, we propose the WSN node architecture, design and realization that utilizes NXP JN5168 radio frequency (RF) wireless transceiver...
Power System Dynamics. Stability and Control. 3rd edition
PublikacjaComprehensive, state-of-the-art review of information on the electric power system dynamics and stability. It places the emphasis first on understanding the underlying physical principles before proceeding to more complex models and algorithms. The book explores the influence of classical sources of energy, wind farms and virtual power plants, power plants inertia and control strategy on power system stability. The book cover...
The investment process in the power supply industry
PublikacjaThe basis for power supply industry programming in a market economy should be the principle of sustainable development, which must take into account maintaining an adequate level of energy security on the one hand, and the aim to preserve the maximum degree of non-renewable resources on the other hand. Therefore, the overriding aim should be a strive to meet the current and prospective demand for energy and fuel, in conjugation...
Microsphere structure application for supercapacitor in situ temperature monitoring
PublikacjaConstant, real-time temperature monitoring of the supercapacitors for efficient energy usage is in high demand and seems to be crucial for further development of those elements. A fiber-optic sensor can be an effective optoelectronic device dedicated for in-situ temperature monitoring of supercapacitors. In this work, the application of the fiber-optic microstrucutre with thin zinc oxide (ZnO) coating fabricated in the atomic layer...
Integrated Functional Safety and Cybersecurity Evaluation in a Framework for Business Continuity Management
PublikacjaThis article outlines an integrated functional safety and cybersecurity evaluation approach within a framework for business continuity management (BCM) in energy companies, including those using Industry 4.0 business and technical solutions. In such companies, information and communication technology (ICT), and industrial automation and control system (IACS) play important roles. Using advanced technologies in modern manufacturing...
Piękno i Energia – odnalezione wartości w budowaniu współczesnego miejskiego środowiska zamieszkania
Problemy modelowania liczby podróży generowanych i absorbowanych na przykładzie Gdańska
PublikacjaJedną z podstawowych danych niezbędnych do planowania elementów systemu transportowego jest informacja o liczbie podróży odbywanych na analizowanym obszarze. Dane te uzyskiwane są najczęściej za pomocą symulacyjnych modeli transportowych. Jednym z istotnych elementów i pierwszym etapem najczęściej stosowanego, klasycznego modelu czterostopniowego jest modelowanie liczby podróży generowanych i absorbowanych, podczas którego to...
Performance of cryogenic oxygen production unit with exhaust gas bleed for sewage sludge gasification and different oxygen purities
PublikacjaThe paper presents a thermodynamic analysis of the integration of a cryogenic air separation unit into a negative CO2 emission gas power plant. The power cycle utilizes sewage sludge as fuel so this system fits into the innovative idea of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage. A cryogenic air separation unit integrated with the power plant was simulated in professional plant engineering and thermodynamic process analysis software....
Stan estetyczny przestrzeni a kultura korzystania z miasta
PublikacjaArtykuł jest analizą zagadnień estetyzacji przestrzeni w kontekście kulturowym. Istnieje potrzeba analizy, czy przynajmniej szkicu przybliżającego kulturowe uwarun- kowania kształtowania przestrzeni, które doprowadziły do obecnej sytuacji w polskich miastach. Szkic ten może być jednym z głosów w obecnie prowadzonej dyskusji na temat tak zwanej estetyzacji przestrzeni oraz podej- mowanych przez zainteresowanych decyzji.
Modelling of the Heat Flux Density Distribution for Laser Beam Welding
PublikacjaGreat interest of the laser beam welding in industry is a new theoretical task, making planning the welding procedure specification and the quality control of welded joints easier. Estimating and calculating the dimensions of a weld pool and temperature distribution near weld mainly concern heat source modelling. In the presented work calculations of welding pool shape and thermal field for cylindrical-powered-normally model of...
3D Sound Intensity Measurement Around Organ Pipes Using Acoustic Vector Sensors
PublikacjaThe aim of the presented paper was to obtain and visualize sound intensity distribution of radiated acoustic energy around the organ pipes. The experimental setup consisted of the multichannel acoustic vector sensor and the specialized Cartesian robot. Measurements were performed in free field with spatial resolution of 0.1 [m]. Two organ pipes, i.e. wooden and metal were measured during the ex-periment. The organ pipes were activated...
Relativistic two-dimensional hydrogen-like atom in a weak magnetic field
PublikacjaA two-dimensional (2D) hydrogen-like atom with a relativistic Dirac electron, placed in a weak, static, uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the atomic plane, is considered. Closed forms of the first- and second-order Zeeman corrections to energy levels are calculated analytically, within the framework of the Rayleigh–Schrödinger perturbation theory, for an arbitrary electronic bound state. The second-order calculations are...
Experimental investigation of domestic micro-CHP based on the gas boiler fitted with ORC module
PublikacjaThe results of investigations conducted on the prototype of vapour driven micro-CHP unit integrated with a gas boiler are presented. The system enables cogeneration of heat and electric energy to cover the energy demand of household. The idea of such system is to produce electricity for own demand or for selling it to the electric grid – in such situation the system user will became the prosumer. A typical commercial gas boiler,...
The use of LiFePO4 technology in autonomous PV systems
PublikacjaBattery manufacturing based on the flow of lithium ions is currently the fastest growing and the most promising technology. It is used in many applications - from the smallest electronic devices to the large-scale energy trays. However, in the PV systems lead-acid batteries are still the most commonly used. As they are much cheaper they also come with a number of significant disadvantages. It is anticipated that they will be replaced...
Influence of passive house technology on time and cost of construction investment
PublikacjaDue to the changes in the energy standards for housing in Poland there are many concerns. Is the standard required by the regulation achievable and if it is, then at what cost? There are many solutions to construct a building in line with the requirements of passive house technology. They are differentiated by price and time required for implementation. This study is based on the solution proposed by one of Polish companies, offering...
Arsalan Muhammad Soomar Doctoral Student
OsobyHi, I'm Arsalan Muhammad Soomar, an Electrical Engineer. I received my Master's and Bachelor's Degree in the field of Electrical Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. Currently enrolled as a Doctoral student at the Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland. Also worked in Yellowlite. INC, Ohio as a Solar Design Engineer. HEADLINE Currently Enrolled as a Doctoral...
Issues relating to the efficient Application of passive solar protection in multi-family residential buildings
PublikacjaThe following article is intended to discuss the issues concerning the introduction of passive measures aimed at improving solar protection in multi-family buildings. A system of classifying these methods into two groups of solutions (architectural and material-building) was applied. The first group includes issues concerning facade design, the spatial features of which (such as loggias, balconies and other overhangs) can be treated...
The influence of the substrate temperature on the preparation of DNA films for studies under vacuum conditions
PublikacjaExperiments were carried out to determine the dependence of the physical form of supercoiled DNA films on the initial temperature of the substrate. Such films are often used in irradiation experiments involving low energy particles, like electrons or photons. In order to obtain absolute values for cross sections for such experiments, the spatial distribution of the sample in the film has to be well estimated. These investigations...
Hussein Annan
OsobyPhD candidate in Architecture and Urban Planning at the Gdansk University of Technology, with a background in Surveying Engineering. I use GIS to manage, visualize, and analyze spatial data. My philosophy focuses on holistic approaches to sustainable development and good governance.I am skilled in geoprocessing, surveying, and GIS software (ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Google Earth, Global Mapper, SketchUp, Erdas)....
Tworzenie miejskości po 1990r., Geneza niemieckiej urbanistyki współczesnych założeń mieszkaniowych
PublikacjaArtykuł jest przyczyną do przypomnienia genezy współczesnej formy niemieckich miejskich struktur mieszkaniowych w kontekście zmian rozumienia ich wymiaru miejskości. Niemiecka myśl urbanistyczna łączy w sobie dwie wyraziste tradycje dwudziestego wieku - Gründerzeit i KlassischeModerne. Pozostaje jednak silnie otwarta na innowację generowaną nie tylko dzięki postępowi technicznemu, ale przede wszystkim poprzez planowanie interdyscyplinarne...
Window frame integrable air recuperation minichannel/minigap heat exchanger
PublikacjaThis article describes an evaluation of mini heat exchangers operation as a decentralized mechanical ventilation system with recuperative heat recovery that can be integrated into the window frame. The relatively small yet efficient air recuperation system allows for retrofitting existing buildings by reducing the overall energy consumption and thus the CO2 emissions. The proposed design, unlike existing systems, is easy to scale...
Ag modified ZnO microsphere synthesis for efficient sonophotocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants and CO2 conversion
PublikacjaThe synthesis and design of non-precious and efficient sonophotocatalyts by an environment friendly technique are requisites for solar energy conversion and environmental remediation. This work reports the preparation of Ag/ZnO microspheres with different Ag contents through deposition–precipitation method for pollutant degradation and CO2 conversion. Detail structural investigation reveals that ZnO microspheres and Ag-ZnO microspheres...
Detection of Objects Buried in the Sea Bottom with the Use of Parametric Echosounder
PublikacjaThe paper contains results of a in situ research main task of which was to detect objects buried, partially or completely, in the sea bottom. Object detecting technologies employing acoustic wave sources based on nonlinear interaction of elastic waves require application of parametric sound sources. Detection of objects buried in the sea bottom with the use of classic hydroacoustic devices such as the sidescan sonar or multibeam...
Advanced Supervisory Control System Implemented at Full-Scale WWTP—A Case Study of Optimization and Energy Balance Improvement
PublikacjaIn modern and cost-eective Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs), processes such as aeration, chemical feeds and sludge pumping are usually controlled by an operating system integrated with online sensors. The proper verification of these data-driven measurements and the control of different unit operations at the same time has a strong influence on better understanding and accurately optimizing the biochemical processes at WWTP—especially...
Influence of vision measurement system spatial configuration on measurement uncertainty, based on the example of electric traction application
PublikacjaTechnical diagnostics plays a significant role in ensuring operational reliability of electrified rail transport. The most critical point in the transmission of electric energy to vehicles is the sliding contact of the current collector with the traction network. For this reason, work is currently being carried on new measuring methods, whose appliance allows for more complete diagnostics of the contact line and current collectors,...
FDTD Method for Electromagnetic Simulations in Media Described by Time-Fractional Constitutive Relations
PublikacjaIn this paper, the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is derived for electromagnetic simulations in media described by the time-fractional (TF) constitutive relations. TF Maxwell’s equations are derived based on these constitutive relations and the Grünwald–Letnikov definition of a fractional derivative. Then the FDTD algorithm, which includes memory effects and energy dissipation of the considered media, is introduced....
3D Hierarchical Boron-Doped Diamond-Multilayered Graphene Nanowalls as an Efficient Supercapacitor Electrode
PublikacjaSynthesis of stable hybrid carbon nanostructure for high-performance supercapacitor electrode with long life-cycle for electronic and energy storage devices is a real challenge. Here, we present a one-step synthesis method to produce conductive boron-doped hybrid carbon nanowalls (HCNWs), where sp2-bonded graphene has been integrated with and over a three-dimensional curved wall-like network of sp3-bonded diamond. The spectroscopic...
On existence and uniqueness of weak solutions for linear pantographic beam lattices models
PublikacjaIn this paper, we discuss well-posedness of the boundary-value problems arising in some “gradientincomplete” strain-gradient elasticity models, which appear in the study of homogenized models for a large class ofmetamaterials whosemicrostructures can be regarded as beam lattices constrained with internal pivots. We use the attribute “gradient-incomplete” strain-gradient elasticity for a model in which the considered strain energy...
High gain/bandwidth off‑chip antenna loaded with metamaterial unit‑cell impedance matching circuit for sub‑terahertz near‑field electronic systems
PublikacjaAn innovative off-chip antenna (OCA) is presented that exhibits high gain and efficiency performance at the terahertz (THz) band and has a wide operational bandwidth. The proposed OCA is implemented on stacked silicon layers and consists of an open circuit meandering line. It is shown that by loading the antenna with an array of subwavelength circular dielectric slots and terminating it with a metamaterial unit cell, its impedance...
Torsional elasticity and energetics of F1-ATPase
PublikacjaFoF1-ATPase is a rotary motor protein synthesizing ATP from ADP driven by a cross-membrane proton gradient. The proton flow through the membrane-embedded Fo generates the rotary torque that drives the rotation of the asymmetric shaft of F1. Mechanical energy of the rotating shaft is used by the F1 catalytic subunit to synthesize ATP. It was suggested that elastic power transmission with transient storage of energy in some compliant...