Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: path following
The voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the car carrier electrical power system at sea trials during a bow thruster start-up
Dane BadawczeThe dataset is a part of the research results on the quality of supply voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ship's electrical power system in different states of ship exploitation. In ships' electrical power systems, disturbances occurring in voltage waveforms on bus bars of the main switchboard are connected mainly with the processes...
The voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ferry electrical power system during a layover at the port
Dane BadawczeThe dataset is part of the research results on the quality of supply voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ship's electrical power system in different states of ship exploitation. The attached dataset contains the measurement results carried out onboard the ferry during a layover at the port.
Mobile mutual-visibility sets in graphs
PublikacjaGiven a connected graph G, the mutual-visibility number of G is the cardinality of a largest set S such that for every pair of vertices x, y ∈ S there exists a shortest x, y-path whose interior vertices are not contained in S. Assume that a robot is assigned to each vertex of the set S. At each stage, one robot can move to a neighbouring vertex. Then S is a mobile mutual-visibility set of G if there exists a sequence of moves of...
European Green Deal Index: a new composite tool for monitoring European Union’s Green Deal strategy
PublikacjaThe European Union’s growth strategy, called "The European Green Deal," strives to create a competitive economy in which there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 and growth is decoupled from resource use. This paper aims to develop a new composite indicator, the European Green Deal Index, to analyse the implementation of the European Green Deal in the Member States. This index is based on 26 indicators proposed by...
Electrically Conductive Carbon‐based (Bio)‐nanomaterials for Cardiac Tissue Engineering
PublikacjaA proper self-regenerating capability is lacking in human cardiac tissue which along with the alarming rate of deaths associated with cardiovascular disorders makes tissue engineering critical. Novel approaches are now being investigated in order to speedily overcome the challenges in this path. Tissue engineering has been revolutionized by the advent of nanomaterials, and later by the application of carbon-based nanomaterials...
Collision‐Aware Routing Using Multi‐Objective Seagull Optimization Algorithm for WSN‐Based IoT
PublikacjaIn recent trends, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become popular because of their cost, simple structure, reliability, and developments in the communication field. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnection of everyday objects and sharing of information through the Internet. Congestion in networks leads to transmission delays and packet loss and causes wastage of time and energy on recovery. The routing protocols...
Minimizing Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Ships Using a Pareto Multi-Objective Optimization Approach
PublikacjaTo confront climate change, decarbonization strategies must change the global economy. According to statements made as part of the European Green Deal, maritime transport should also become drastically less polluting. As a result, the price of transport must reflect the impact it has on the environment and on health. In such a framework, the purpose of this paper is to suggest a novel method for minimizing emissions...
Two complementary approaches for the synthesis and isolation of stable phosphanylphosphaalkenes
PublikacjaPhospha-Wittig (phosphanylphosphinidene titanium(IV) complex) and phospha-Peterson (lithiated diphosphane) reactions were used to obtain phosphanylphosphaalkenes with the general formula XYC=P-PtBu2 (X = alkyl, aryl group or H; Y = alkyl or aryl group). Therefore, two series of reactions with different ketones and aldehydes were performed. An examination revealed that the two methods are complementary. For smaller carbonyl compounds,...
Photoresponsive Amide-Based Derivatives of Azobenzene-4,4′-Dicarboxylic Acid—Experimental and Theoretical Studies
PublikacjaAzobenzene derivatives are one of the most important molecular switches for biological and material science applications. Although these systems represent a well-known group of compounds, there remains a need to identify the factors influencing their photochemical properties in order to design azobenzene-based technologies in a rational way. In this contribution, we describe the synthesis and characterization of two novel amides...
An Efficient Noisy Binary Search in Graphs via Median Approximation
PublikacjaConsider a generalization of the classical binary search problem in linearly sorted data to the graph-theoretic setting. The goal is to design an adaptive query algorithm, called a strategy, that identifies an initially unknown target vertex in a graph by asking queries. Each query is conducted as follows: the strategy selects a vertex q and receives a reply v: if q is the target, then =, and if q is not the target, then v is a...
Path integrals formulations leading to propagator evaluation for coupled linear physics in large geometric models
PublikacjaReformulating linear physics using second kind Fredholm equations is very standard practice. One of the straightforward consequences is that the resulting integrals can be expanded (when the Neumann expansion converges) and probabilized, leading to path statistics and Monte Carlo estimations. An essential feature of these algorithms is that they also allow to estimate propagators for all types of sources, including initial conditions....
Computationally-Efficient Statistical Design and Yield Optimization of Resonator-Based Notch Filters Using Feature-Based Surrogates
PublikacjaModern microwave devices are designed to fulfill stringent requirements pertaining to electrical performance, which requires, among others, a meticulous tuning of their geometry parameters. When moving up in frequency, physical dimensions of passive microwave circuits become smaller, making the system performance increasingly susceptible to manufacturing tolerances. In particular, inherent inaccuracy of fabrication processes affect...
On Tradeoffs Between Width- and Fill-like Graph Parameters
PublikacjaIn this work we consider two two-criteria optimization problems: given an input graph, the goal is to find its interval (or chordal) supergraph that minimizes the number of edges and its clique number simultaneously. For the interval supergraph, the problem can be restated as simultaneous minimization of the path width pw(G) and the profile p(G) of the input graph G. We prove that for an arbitrary graph G and an integer t ∈ {1,...
Formation of chlorinated breakdown products during degradation of sunscreen agent, 2-ethylhexyl-4-methoxycinnamate in the presence of sodium hypochlorite
PublikacjaIn this study, a new degradation path of sunscreen active ingredient, 2-ethylhexyl-4-methoxycinnamate (EHMC) and 4-methoxycinnamic acid (MCA) in the presence of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), was discussed. The reaction products were detected using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Since HOCl treatment leads to more polar products than EHMC, application of polar extracting agents, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate/n-hexane...
Specialization and inequality along the development path: an interindustry analysis.
PublikacjaCelem niniejszej rozprawy doktorskiej jest przeprowadzenie empirycznej analizy procesów zwišzanych ze zmianami w strukturze specjalizacyjnej państw w procesie rozwoju ekonpmicznego oraz zwišzanych z nimi efektami dystrybucyjnymi dotyczšcymi rozkładu płac i dochodu. Rozprawa składa się z czterech częci: I. Employment and export specialization patterns versus GDP per capita performance - unifying approach; II.Determinants of export...
PublikacjaToday's educational offer at universities contains a lot of theoretical and general knowledge, which becomes less understandable and less suitable for students of the new generation. Student's educational needs aimed at increasing the practical experience necessary for future professional life. Heritage conservation projects are a good opportunity to implement project-based learning methods. Such projects can be scientific and...
Optymalizacja przepływów anycast oraz unicast w przeżywalnych sieciach komputerowych z wykorzystaniem algorytmu Tabu Search
PublikacjaOptymalne wykorzystanie dostępnych zasobów sieciowych, przepustowości łączy, a także zapewnienie przeżywalności nabiera coraz większego znaczenia ze względu na fakt, iż wszystkie istotne gałęzie gospodarki i codziennego życia, takie jak m.in. bankowość, służby ratunkowe, edukacja, w szerokim stopniu uzależnione są od różnego rodzaju usług sieciowych. Przeżywalność zapewniana poprzez generowanie dwóch rozłącznych ścieżek jest techniką...
Proportional-Derivative and Model-based Controllers used for a Serial Type Manipulator in case of a Variable Mass Payload
PublikacjaIn the paper, numerical analysis of dynamics of a variable mass system is considered. Its reference example is a serial-like manipulator composed of revolute joints and rigid bodies. Payload of its gripper is considered as its variable mass element (mass and inertia irregularly between subsequent payloads). For the rest of the system, inertia parameters are considered as known (precisely identified during the assembling process)....
Overview of planar antenna loading metamaterials for gain performance enhancement: the two decades of progress
PublikacjaMetamaterials (MTMs) are artificially engineered materials with unique electromagnetic properties not occurring in natural materials. MTMs have gained considerable attention owing to their exotic electromagnetic characteristics such as negative permittivity and permeability, thereby a negative refraction index. These extraordinary properties enable many practical applications such as super-lenses, and cloaking technology, and are...
A systematic retrieval of international competitiveness literature: a bibliometric study
PublikacjaOver the last three decades there has been growing interest in international competitiveness research. However, as evidenced by the academic literature, there is a lack of systematic chronological studies synthesizing how this field has evolved over time. The main aim of this paper is to consolidate the state of the art of academic research on international competitiveness in the discipline of economics by using a new method: a...
Porous carbon derived from rice husks as sustainable bioresources: insights into the role of micro-/mesoporous hierarchy in hosting active species for lithium–sulphur batteries
PublikacjaThe exploration of natural resources as sustainable precursors affords a family of green materials. Exploring highly abundant and available biowaste precursors remaining from food processing throughout a scalable and cost-effective material synthesis path is highly important especially for new materials discovery in emerging energy storage technologies such as lithium–sulphur (Li–S) batteries. Herein, we have produced a series...
An advanced tool integrating failure and sensitivity analysis into novel modeling of the stormwater flood volume
PublikacjaAn innovative tool for modeling the specific flood volume was presented that can be applied to assess the need for stormwater network modernization as well as for advanced flood risk assessment. Field measurements for a catchment area in Kielce, Poland, were used to apply the model and demonstrate its usefulness. This model extends the capability of recently developed statistical and machine learning hydrodynamic models developed...
The image of the City on social media: A comparative study using “Big Data” and “Small Data” methods in the Tri-City Region in Poland
Publikacja“The Image of the City” by Kevin Lynch is a landmark planning theory of lasting influence; its scientific rigor and relevance in the digital age were in dispute. The rise of social media and other digital technologies offers new opportunities to study the perception of urban environments. Questions remain as to whether social media analytics can provide a reliable measure of perceived city images? If yes, what implication does...
The voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ro-ro ship electrical power system during a sea voyage
Dane BadawczeThe dataset is part of the research results on the quality of supply voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ship's electrical power system in different states of ship exploitation. The attached dataset contains the measurement results carried out onboard a ro-ro ship during a sea voyage.
Service and Path Discovery Extensions for Self-forming IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Systems
PublikacjaWith the rapid growth of the quantity and capabilities of end-user electronic devices, both stationary and mobile, they are employed in increasing number of applications. In this situation, wireless network technologies begin to play a crucial role as networks access technologies, as cable-based solutions tend to be of limited utility in case of easily portable or mobile devices. Resulting development of wireless technologies reached...
Improving the energy balance in wastewater treatment plants by optimization of aeration control and application of new technologies
PublikacjaThe methods to improve the energy balance of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) by optimization of aeration process control and application of innovative nitrogen removal technologies were overviewed in the study. The control of aeration based on the ABAC (Ammonia-Based Aeration Control) system allows not only for significant savings in electricity consumption, but it can also increase the efficiency of the denitrification process....
Interworking and Cross-layer Service Discovery Extensions for IEEEE802.11s Wireless Mesh Standard
PublikacjaWith the rapid popularization of mobile end-user electronic devices wireless network technologies begin to play a crucial role as networks access technologies. While classic point-to-multipoint wireless access systems, based on fixed infrastructure of base stations providing access to clients, remain the main most popular solution, an increasing attention is devoted to wireless mesh systems, where each connecting client can extend...
Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser surface-treated Ti13nb13zr alloy with MWCNTs coatings
PublikacjaLaser surface modification of titanium alloys is one of the main methods of improving the properties of titanium alloys used in implantology. This study investigates the microstructural morphology of a laser-modified surface layer on a Ti13Nb13Zr alloy with and without a carbon nanotube coating deposited by electrophoretic deposition. Laser modification was performed for samples with and without carbon nanotube coating for two...
Ultra-Miniaturized HMSIW Cavity-Backed Reconfigurable Antenna Diplexer Employing Dielectric Fluids with Wide Frequency Tuning Range
PublikacjaThis communication presents an ultra-miniaturized two-way frequency tunable antenna diplexer based on cavity-backed slots and dielectric fluids. The proposed antenna utilizes two half-mode substrate-integrated rectangular cavities loaded with slots and fluidic pockets. The conventional size reduction is achieved by employing half-mode cavities, whereas ultra-miniaturization is obtained by applying the slots, which provides additional...
On deterministic procedures for low-cost multi-objective design optimization of miniaturized impedance matching transformers
PublikacjaPurpose This paper aims to investigate deterministic strategies for low-cost multi-objective design optimization of compact microwave structures, specifically, impedance matching transformers. The considered methods involve surrogate modeling techniques and variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations. In contrary to majority of conventional approaches, they do not rely on population-based metaheuristics, which permit lowering...
Review on robust laser light interaction with titania – Patterning, crystallisation and ablation processes
PublikacjaTitanium dioxide is regarded as a very promising semiconducting material that is widely applied in many everyday-use products, devices, and processes. In general, those applications can be divided into energy or environmental categories, where a high conversion rate, and energy and power density are of particular interest. Therefore, many efforts are being put towards the elaboration of novel production routes, and improving the...
A Framework for Searching in Graphs in the Presence of Errors
PublikacjaWe consider a problem of searching for an unknown target vertex t in a (possibly edge-weighted) graph. Each vertex-query points to a vertex v and the response either admits that v is the target or provides any neighbor s of v that lies on a shortest path from v to t. This model has been introduced for trees by Onak and Parys [FOCS 2006] and for general graphs by Emamjomeh-Zadeh et al. [STOC 2016]. In the latter, the authors provide...
Impact of Propeller Emergence on Hull, Propeller, Engine, and Fuel Consumption Performance in Regular Head Waves
PublikacjaIn this study, the impact of propeller emergence on the performance of a ship (speed), propeller (thrust, torque, and RPM), a diesel engine (torque and RPM) and fuel consumption are analysed under severe sea conditions. The goal is to describe the variation in the system variables and fuel consumption rather than analysing the motion of the ship or the phenomenon of propeller ventilation in itself. A mathematical model of the...
Experimental Study of the Influence of Noise Level on the Uncertainty Value in a Measurement System Containing an Analog-to-Digital Converter
Dane BadawczeFor newly developed measuring systems it is easy to estimate type B uncertainties based on the technical data of the measuring modules applied. However, it is difficult to estimate A type un-certainties due to the unknown type and level of interferences infiltrating into the measuring sys-tem. This is a particularly important problem for measurements...
Surface treatment of C80U steel by long CO2 laser pulses
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of laser-melted C80U steel. The processed steel was placed between two permanent magnets and laser beam whose scanning velocity was 10 mm/s. CO2 laser beam was working in pulse mode. Pulses were generated at 100% of the average preset power of 700W, with 45 ms irradiation, zero interval between pulses and beginning of pulse repetition upon the achievement of the average laser power. During the operation,...
Structural features responsible for control of the eukaryotic GlcN-6-P synthase activity
PublikacjaGlucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN-6-P) synthase is responsible for catalysis of the first and practically irreversible step in hexosamine metabolism. As UDP-GlcNAc, the final product of the hexosamine path, constitutes one of the essential substrates for assembly of bacterial and fungal cell walls, the enzyme is an interesting target for antimicrobial therapy.The structure of E. coli enzyme, known since 2001, forms a dimer of two identical...
Methylene Blue Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging in Breast Cancer Sentinel Node Biopsy
PublikacjaIntroduction: Fluorescence-based navigation for breast cancer sentinel node biopsy is a novel method that uses indocyanine green as a fluorophore. However, methylene blue (MB) also has some fluorescent properties. This study is the first in a clinical series presenting the possible use of MB as a fluorescent dye for the identification of sentinel nodes in breast sentinel node biopsy. Material and methods: Forty-nine patients with...
Surface Roughness Evaluation in Thin EN AW-6086-T6 Alloy Plates after Face Milling Process with Different Strategies
PublikacjaLightweight alloys made from aluminium are used to manufacture cars, trains and planes. The main parts most often manufactured from thin sheets requiring the use of milling in the manufacturing process are front panels for control systems, housing parts for electrical and electronic components. As a result of the final phase of the manufacturing process, cold rolling, residual stresses remain in the surface layers, which can influence...
Topology recognition and leader election in colored networks
PublikacjaTopology recognition and leader election are fundamental tasks in distributed computing in networks. The first of them requires each node to find a labeled isomorphic copy of the network, while the result of the second one consists in a single node adopting the label 1 (leader), with all other nodes adopting the label 0 and learning a path to the leader. We consider both these problems in networks whose nodes are equipped with...
Doskonalenie strumienia wartości
PublikacjaKsiążka ta ma na celu praktyczne ujęcie problemu optymalizacji przedsiębiorstwa opartej na koncepcji Lean (z ang. Lean – szczupły) i jej narzędziu Mapowania Strumienia Wartości. ---- Tu pobierzesz jej pełną treść w wersji elektronicznej: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xNrdiuOHKpyjzG5dY3ocFG8fp2hY1b9C/view?usp=sharing ---- Prezentowane...