Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: social psychology
Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology
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Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
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Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice
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The importance of trust and altruistic social orientation for COVID-19 distress
PublikacjaBackground: The COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest global health crisis in decades, has been a difficult experience for nations all over the world. In the present study we wanted to assess to what extent a positive attitude towards others, expressed in altruistic social orientation and a high level of trust, would be linked to lower levels of COVID-19 distress in infected and non-infected individuals. Participants and procedure:...
Advances in Cognitive Psychology
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Lonely and thinking about the past: The role of time perspectives, Big Five traits and perceived social support in loneliness of young adults during COVID-19 social distancing
PublikacjaBackground In Spring 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Polish government introduced a policy of social distancing. Being apart from one’s social network had the potential to evoke feelings of loneliness. The aim of the study was to find out how time perspectives might contribute to feeling lonely during the social distancing period, controlling for Big Five personality traits and perceived social support. Participants...
Agent-based social network as a simulation of a market behaviour
PublikacjaRecent years and the outbreak of world's economic crisis in 2008 proved the crucial importance of reliable analysis of market dynamics. However, werarely apply models of proper detail level (the global prosperity forecast of 2007 can be seen as a grim proof). The behaviour of individuals and companies is far from being ideal and rational. Many claims that the economic paradigm of rational expectations (coming from J. Muth and R....
The role of purpose in life and social support in reducing the risk of workaholism among women in Poland
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The role of purpose in life and social support in reducing the risk of workaholism among women in Poland
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Current Psychology Letters : Behaviour, Brain & Cognition
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European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context
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European Journal of Investigation in Health Psychology and Education
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Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
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Journal of Media Psychology-Theories Methods and Applications
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Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice
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Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology-EPOD
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Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology
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International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning
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Sibirskiy Psikhologicheskiy Zhurnal-Siberian Journal of Psychology
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Kulturno-Istoricheskaya Psikhologiya-Cultural-Historical Psychology
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International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation
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TPM-Testing Psychometrics Methodology in Applied Psychology
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Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes
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The Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine, Bioengineering and Psychology
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Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
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Psicologica. International Journal of Methodology and Experimental Psychology
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Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
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Türk Psikoloji Dergisi / Turkish Journal of Psychology
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How does institutional and natural social support shape the beliefs about psychological help among policemen?
PublikacjaEffectiveness of social support mechanisms results from interacting subjective factors (beliefs about help from others) and context (social network available). Organized institutional support and perception of natural support reduce barriers in obtaining psychological help.
Volunteerism in the last year as a moderator between empathy and altruistic social value orientation: An exploratory study
PublikacjaVolunteerism is a sustained prosocial activity, and young adults are one of the most important targets for organizations recruiting volunteers. Empathy and altruistic social value orientation measured by a decomposed game are dispositional traits that might foster engagement in volunteerism. Using a self-report online-based questionnaire study on two groups of young adults (aged 18-35, N = 224 non-volunteers and N = 178 volunteers...
Jolanta Kowal dr hab.
OsobyJolanta Kowal has a Post-doctoral Degree in Social Sciences (dr hab., DSc) in the field of economics and finance, an assistant professor, researcher, and lecturer in the Institute of Psychology of Wroclaw University, and a professor of the Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland, a Jungian analyst, an associate certified coach of International Coach Federation (ACC, ICF). Jolanta from 2014 held functions in the Board of the Polish...
Pastoral Psychology
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Psychology Research
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Psychology & Sexuality
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Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive / Current Psychology of Cognition
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Konsultativnaya Psikhologiya i Psikhoterapiya-Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy
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Revista Interamericana de psicologia/Interamerican Journal of Psychology
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Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
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Future of nature, our future. A preregistered report on future time perspective, social value orientation, and pro-environmental outcomes based on data from Poland and Sweden
PublikacjaIntroduction: The objective of the study was to examine the role of social value orientation and future time perspective to account for individual differences in pro-environmental behaviors, intentions, and opinions about the link between pro-environmental action and pandemic threat (three separate models) in Polish and Swedish samples expected to differ in rate of pro-environmental behaviors (higher in Sweden). We hypothesized...
Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie / German Journal of Educational Psychology
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Health Psychology Review
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European Review of Applied Psychology/ Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée
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Age, frequency of volunteering, and Present-Hedonistic time perspective predict donating items to people in need, but not money to combat COVID-19 during lock-down
PublikacjaRestrictions due to COVID-19 necessitated staying at home, but in some cases, encouraged charitable behavior, e.g., donating items to people in need (e.g., clothes, food), or money to support combatting COVID-19. Drawing on the previous findings regarding helping during disastrous situations and roles of time perspective in helping behaviors, the study tested the predictive value of age, gender, previous volunteering, altruistic...