Zaawansowane metody charakterystyki i uzdatniania wody w basenach kąpielowych
PublikacjaW literaturze przedmiotu szeroko opisywane są zagrożenia dla zdrowia kąpiących się i obsługi ze względu na losowe występowanie w wodzie bakterii grupy coli, bakterii Escherichia coli typu kałowego, gronkowca koagulazo-dodatniego, pierwotniaków Cryptosporidium Parvum, Gardia i innych mikroorganizmów, a także produktów reakcji związków dezynfekujących z zanieczyszczeniami organicznymi w wodzie. Stosowane dotychczas technologie uzdatniania...
Identification and cloning of C. albicans SC5314 genes encoding L-methionine biosynthetic pathway enzymes.
Dane BadawczeEnzymes of fungal L-methionine biosynthetic pathway: homoserine O-acetyltransferase (Met2p), O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase (Met15p) and cystathionine-γ-synthase (Str2p) could be exploited as molecular targets for antifungal chemotherapy. The goal of the study was to identify and clone genes encoding mentioned above enzymes. MET2, MET15 and STR2 genes...
Beata Krawczyk dr hab.
Osobydr hab. Beata Krawczyk, prof. uczelni Stopnie naukowe, wykształcenie, kwalifikacje Beata Krawczyk uzyskała tytuł magistra biologii na Wydziale Biologii (wówczas: Wydział Biologii i Nauk o Ziemi), Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego w 1986 roku, a doktorat z biologii molekularnej na Wydziale Biologii (wówczas: Wydział Biologii, Geografii i Oceanologii) Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego w 1996 roku. Stopień doktora habilitowanego w zakresie nauk biologicznych...
Sposób otrzymywania rekombinantowego szczepu Escherichia coli Rosetta (DE3) pLysS oraz sposób wytwarzania białka syntazy trehalozy Deinococcus radiodurans DSMZ 20539
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Structural studies of a cold-adapted dimeric Beta-D-galactosidase from Paracoccus sp. 32d
PublikacjaThe crystal structure of a novel dimeric [beta]-D-galactosidase from Paracoccus sp. 32d (Par[beta]DG) was solved in space group P212121 at a resolution of 2.4 Å by molecular replacement with multiple models using the BALBES software. This enzyme belongs to glycoside hydrolase family 2 (GH2), similar to the tetrameric and hexameric [beta]-D-galactosidases from Escherichia coli and Arthrobacter sp. C2-2, respectively. It is the second...
Toxoplasma gondii: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay using different fragments of recombinant microneme protein 1 (MIC1) for detection of immunoglobulin G antibodies
PublikacjaTrzy rekombinantowe fragmenty białka antygenowego MIC1 Toxoplasma gondii (r-MIC1ex2, r-MIC1ex34 i r-MIC1) zostały wyprodukowane jako białka fuzyjne (zawierające dwie domeny oligohistydynowe na N- i C-końcu) w komórkach bakteryjnych Escherichia coli. Homogenne preparaty antygenów rekombinantowych otrzymane z zastosowaniem jednoetapowego oczyszczania metodą chromatografii metalopowinowactwa, wykorzystano następnie do immunoidentyfikacji...
Bioactivation of Konjac Glucomannan Films by Tannic Acid and Gluconolactone Addition
PublikacjaWound healing is a dynamic process that requires an optimal extracellular environment, as well as an accurate synchronization between various cell types. Over the past few years, great efforts have been devoted to developing novel approaches for treating and managing burn injuries, sepsis, and chronic or accidental skin injuries. Multifunctional smart-polymer-based dressings represent a promising approach to support natural healing...
Lipopolysaccharides: regulated biosynthesis and structural diversity
PublikacjaThe cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria contains two distinct membranes, an inner (IM) and an outer (OM) membrane, separated by the periplasm, a hydrophilic compartment that includes a thin layer of peptidoglycan. The most distinguishing feature of such bacteria is the presence of an asymmetric OM with phospholipids located in the inner leaflet and lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) facing the outer leaflet. The maintenance of this...
Józef Kur prof. dr hab.
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The database of localization and expression of classical aquaporins (AQPs) in the male reproductive system in cattle
Dane BadawczeThe data present research results being part of the OPUS-22 project entitled “In search of new markers of male fertility in cattle. Aquaporins expression in the reproductive organs and sperm of the bulls (Bos taurus)” financed by the National Science Center in Poland (grant no. 2021/43/B/NZ9/00204). The aim of this part of the project was (i) to determine...
PublikacjaUropatogenne szczepy Escherichia coli są przyczyną blisko 80% przypadków zakażeń dróg moczowych (ang. UTI- Urinary tract infection). Ponadto, aż 30% odmiedniczkowego zapalenia nerek występującego u ciężarnych kobiet jest spowodowane przez szczepy E.coli Dr+. Szerząca się lekooporność bakterii i trudności w leczeniu UTI wymusiły na środowiskach naukowych poszukiwania nowych związków chemicznych pełniących rolę chemoterapeutyków. Na...
Preclusion of irreversible destruction of Dr adhesin structures by a high activation barrier for the unfolding stage of the fimbrial DraE subunit
PublikacjaFimbrie Dr uropatogennych szczepów Escherichia coli stanowią przykład eksponowanych powierzchniowo struktur adhezyjnych podlegających biogenezie według zakonserwowanego, pośród bakterii Gram-ujemnych, systemu "chaperone-usher" ("białko opiekuńcze-zewnątrzbłonowe białko kanałowe"). Powyższe struktury adhezyjne są niezbędne w procesie specyficznej adhezji bakterii do receptorów zlokalizowanych na powierzchni docelowych komórek gospodarza....
Possibility of Using Tea Fungus for Fermentation of Beetroot and Carrot Pomace Beverages
PublikacjaFermented beverages obtained from plant-based raw materials are becoming more popular due to their beneficial effects on human health. These include kombucha beverages, which are obtained by fermenting tea brew using the so-called tea fungus, which includes acetic acid bacteria and osmophilic yeast. A consortium of these microorganisms could also be used to prepare functional fermented beverages obtained from extracts of vegetable...
Fusion of Taq DNA polymerase with single-stranded DNA binding-like protein of Nanoarchaeum equitans—Expression and characterization
PublikacjaDNA polymerases are present in all organisms and are important enzymes that synthesise DNA molecules. They are used in various fields of science, predominantly as essential components for in vitro DNA syntheses, known as PCR. Modern diagnostics, molecular biology and genetic engineering need DNA polymerases which demonstrate improved performance. This study was aimed at obtaining a new NeqSSB-TaqS fusion DNA polymerase from the...
A New Expression System Based on Psychrotolerant Debaryomyces macquariensis Yeast and Its Application to the Production of Cold-Active β-D-Galactosidase from Paracoccus sp. 32d
PublikacjaYeasts provide attractive host/vector systems for heterologous gene expression. The currently used yeast-based expression platforms include mesophilic and thermotolerant species. A eukaryotic expression system working at low temperatures could be particularly useful for the production of thermolabile proteins and proteins that tend to form insoluble aggregates. For this purpose, an expression system based on an Antarctic psychrotolerant...
Structural analogues of reactive intermediates as inhibitors of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase and phosphoglucose isomerase
PublikacjaCentra aktywne izomerazy fosfoglukozowej (PGI) oraz domeny izomerazowej (HPI) syntazy glukozamino-6-fosforanu (GlcN-6-P), wykazują podobieństwo ułożenia przestrzennego kluczowych reszt aminokwasowych, z wyjątkiem reszty Arg272 PGI i reszt Lys603 i Lys485 HPI. Dziesięć pochodnych D-heksitolo-6-P, kwasu 5-fosfoarabonowego i kwasu 6-fosfoglukonowego, strukturalnych analogów cis-enolaminy lub cis-enolanu, przypuszczalnych stanów przejściowych...
A method for the production of D-tagatose using a recombinant Pichia pastoris strain secreting beta-D-galactosidase from Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus and a recombinant L-arabinose isomerase from Arthrobacter sp. 22c
PublikacjaD-Tagatose is a natural monosaccharide which can be used as a low-calorie sugar substitute in food, beverages and pharmaceutical products. It is also currently being tested as an anti-diabetic and obesity control drug. D-Tagatose is a rare sugar, but it can be manufactured by the chemical or enzymatic isomerization of D-galactose obtained by a beta-D-galactosidase-catalyzed hydrolysis of milk sugar lactose and the separation of...
Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of porous composites based on chitosan/poly (vinyl alcohol)
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of microbiological tests of composite porous materials whose activity was assessed for their ability to reduce the number of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus strain, representing the Gram (-) and Gram (+) bacteria, respectively.
The database of localization and expression of aquaporin 3 (AQP3), aquaporin 7 (AQP7) and aquaporin 9 (AQP9) in the male reproductive system in cattle. Morphometric studies. Localization of zinc finger transcription factor GATA-4.
Dane BadawczeThe data present research results being part of the OPUS-22 project entitled “In search of new markers of male fertility in cattle. Aquaporins expression in the reproductive organs and sperm of the bulls (Bos taurus)” obtained from the National Science Center in Poland (grant no. 2021/43/B/NZ9/00204). The aim of this part of the project was (i) to determine...
Expression profile of messenger and micro RNAs related to the histaminergic system in patients with five subtypes of breast cancer
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Gracjana Klein-Raina dr hab.
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Detection of cellulose production capacity of recombinant Escherichia coli strains BL21(DE3) and AAEC191A
Dane BadawczeBacteria that form biofilms generate an extracellular matrix (ECM), where cellulose stands out as a key constituent. An approach for assessing microorganisms' cellulose production involves using calcofluor white staining on colonies. In this method, a fluorescent dye (calcofluor-white) is introduced to a stable YESCA substrate composed of casamino acids,...
Detection of cellulose production capacity of recombinant Escherichia coli strains BL21(DE3) and AAEC191A
Dane BadawczeBacteria that form biofilms generate an extracellular matrix (ECM), where cellulose stands out as a key constituent. An approach for assessing microorganisms' cellulose production involves using calcofluor white staining on colonies. In this method, a fluorescent dye (calcofluor-white) is introduced to a stable YESCA substrate composed of casamino acids,...
Detection of cellulose production capacity of recombinant Escherichia coli strains BL21(DE3) and AAEC191A
Dane BadawczeBacteria that form biofilms generate an extracellular matrix (ECM), where cellulose stands out as a key constituent. An approach for assessing microorganisms' cellulose production involves using calcofluor white staining on colonies. In this method, a fluorescent dye (calcofluor-white) is introduced to a stable YESCA substrate composed of casamino acids,...
Detection of cellulose production capacity of recombinant Escherichia coli strains BL21(DE3) and AAEC191A
Dane BadawczeBacteria that form biofilms generate an extracellular matrix (ECM), where cellulose stands out as a key constituent. An approach for assessing microorganisms' cellulose production involves using calcofluor white staining on colonies. In this method, a fluorescent dye (calcofluor-white) is introduced to a stable YESCA substrate composed of casamino acids,...
Sekwencja DNA, startery oligonukleotydowe, sekwencja DNA wraz z miejscami rozpoznania dla enzymów restrykcyjnych NcoI i HindIII, wektor ekspresyjny, rekombinowany szczep Escherichia coli TOP10/F' i jego sposób otrzymywania oraz sposób wytwarzania termostabilnego białka SSB-podobnego Deinococcus radiopugnans DSMZ 12027
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Sekwencja DNA, startery oligonukleotydowe, sekwencja DNA wraz z miejscami rozpoznania dla enzymów restrykcyjnych NcoI i HindIII, wektor ekspresyjny, rekombinowany szczep Escherichia coli TOP10/F' i jego sposób otrzymywania oraz sposób wytwarzania termostabilnego białka SSB-podobnego Deinococcus radiopugnans DSMZ 11303
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The effect of oxidized cholesterol on barrier functions and IL-10 mRNA expression in human intestinal epithelium co-cultured with dendritic cells in the transwell system
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Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the hydrophobicity of cells of recombinant Escherichia coli strains: AAEC191A and BL21(DE3)
Dane BadawczeThe ability of a cell surface to repel or adhere to surfaces is crucial, and it was assessed through a microbiological adhesion test involving hexadecane and xylene. In this method, microorganisms in an aqueous layer are mixed with an organic layer, and after completion, the absorbance of each sample is measured at a 570 nm wavelength. The results obtained...
Aravind Ayyolath
OsobyI am interested in the biology of bacterial stress response and its growth under stress conditions. Our lab focuses on two aspects; protein folding and lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis and we address them with Escherichia coli models. Our recent studies have provided more evidence regarding several genes involved in the survival of bacteria under stress. I am also interested in disease biology and also in identifying proper therapeutic...
Rafał Piątek dr hab. inż.
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Beata Zalewska-Piątek dr hab.
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Anna Brillowska-Dąbrowska dr hab. inż.
OsobyAnna Brillowska-Dąbrowska, urodzona w 1971 r. w Gdańsku, ukończyła w 1996 r. studia magisterskie na kierunku Biotechnologia, na Wydziale Chemicznym PG. Stopień doktora uzyskała po ukończeniu Studium Doktoranckiego przy Wydziale Chemicznym PG w 2001 r. W 2013 r. uzyskała stopień doktora habilitowanego. W 2004 r. została zatrudniona na stanowisku naukowiec w Statens Serum Institut w Danii w Jednostce Mikologii i Parazytologii. W...
Edyta Malinowska-Pańczyk dr hab. inż.
OsobyEdyta Malinowska-Pańczyk w 1995 r. ukończyła Technikum Przemysłu Spożywczego w Krajence (specjalność analiza środków spożywczych). Kontynuowała naukę na Wydziale Technologii Żywności Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu (obecnie Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy, Wydział Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu). W 2000 r., po uzyskaniu tytułu magistra inżyniera rozpoczęła naukę na Studium Doktoranckim Politechniki Gdańskiej. W 2006 r. obroniła pracę doktorską...
Actions of a nitric oxide donor on prostaglandin production and angiogenic activity in the equine endometrium
PublikacjaNitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in prostaglandin secretion and angiogenesis in the reproductive system. In the present study, the roles of the NO donor spermine NONOate and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF; as a positive control) in prostaglandin production and angiogenic activity of equine endometria during the oestrous cycle were evaluated. In addition, the correlation between NO production...
Phoenixin-14 effect on viability and THBS2 and CDH1 expression in 12Z endometriosis cell line
Dane BadawczePhoenixin-14 is a neuropeptide produced by the paraventricular nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus that regulates reproductive system functions. Its level in patients with endometriosis is reduced and may be the cause of dysregulated HPG-axis. Our study tested endometriosis-specific concentrations of PNX-14 on endometrial epithelial cell line 12Z in...
Single Cell Expression Systems for the Production of Recombinant Proteins for Immunodiagnosis and Immunoprophylaxis of Toxoplasmosis
PublikacjaToxoplasmosis represents a significant public health and veterinary concern due to its widespread distribution, zoonotic transmission, and potential for severe health impacts in susceptible individuals and animal populations. The ability to design and produce recombinant proteins with precise antigenic properties is fundamental, as they serve as tools for accurate disease detection and effective immunization strategies, contributing...
Qualia: About Personal Emotions Representing Temporal Form of Impressions - Implementation Hypothesis and Application Example
PublikacjaThe aim of this article is to present the new extension of the xEmotion system as a computerized emotional system, part of an Intelligent System of Decision making (ISD) that combines the theories of affective psychology and philosophy of mind. At the same time, the authors try to find a practical impulse or evidence for a general reflection on the treatment of emotions as transitional states, which at some point may lead to the...
Cloning, expression, purification and characterization of recombinant trehalose synthase from Deinococcus radiodurans.
PublikacjaTrehalose (α-D-glucopyranosyl-1,1-α-D-glucopyranoside) is a nonreducing disacharide in which the two glucose molecules are linked trough a α-1,1-glycosidic bond. Trehalose is readily hydrolyzed to glucose and can be used as a reserve of that sugar in the cell. The presence of trehalose was found in the cells of fungi and yeasts, bacteria, nematodes, insects, eggs, pupae and some plants. The characteristics of trehalose make it...
Analysis of heat transfer and AuNPs-mediated photo-thermal inactivation of E. coli at varying laser powers using single-phase CFD modeling
PublikacjaPurpose In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemics, the demand for innovative and effective methods of bacterial inactivation has become a critical area of research, providing the impetus for this study. The purpose of this research is to analyze the AuNPs-mediated photothermal inactivation of E. coli. Gold nanoparticles irradiated by laser represent a promising technique for combating bacterial infection that combines high-tech and...
PublikacjaEnzymy lipolityczne ze względu na swoje unikalne właściwości takie jak stereo-, chemo- i regiospecyficzność znajdują szereg zastosowań w różnych gałęziach przemysłu. Lipazy i esterazy wykorzystywane są w przemyśle chemicznym, farmaceutycznym, spożywczym oraz w syntezie organicznej. W ramach wcześniejszych badań zidentyfikowałam i scharakteryzowałam aktywną w niskiej temperaturze esterazę z Pseudomonas sp. S9. Esteraza Pseudomonas...
Impact of the glazed roof on acoustics of historic interiors
PublikacjaThe paper discusses the adverse acoustic phenomena occurring in the semi-open interiors (courtyards, yards) covered with a glass roof. Particularly negative is the rever-beration noise, which leads to the degradation of the utility functions of the resulting spaces. It involves the drastically reducing the intelligibility of speech, loss of natural sounding of music, problems with the sound system, as well as disturbances in the...
Dynamic Data Management Among Multiple Databases for Optimization of Parallel Computations in Heterogeneous HPC Systems
PublikacjaRapid development of diverse computer architectures and hardware accelerators caused that designing parallel systems faces new problems resulting from their heterogeneity. Our implementation of a parallel system called KernelHive allows to efficiently run applications in a heterogeneous environment consisting of multiple collections of nodes with different types of computing devices. The execution engine of the system is open for...
The concept of stream and system reliability on the example of the bakery industry
PublikacjaThis article presents a new concept of technological system reliability based on the analysis of the relationship of associations of elements of energy streams, matter, information, time and finance. The method of stream specification and the method of determining the reliability values of significant and supporting relationships are given. Relevant relationships between elements of system streams were defined as having one-time...
Cancer immune escape: the role of antigen presentation machinery
PublikacjaThe mechanisms of antigen processing and presentation play a crucial role in the recognition and targeting of cancer cells by the immune system. Cancer cells can evade the immune system by downregulating or losing the expression of the proteins recognized by the immune cells as antigens, creating an immunosuppressive microenvironment, and altering their ability to process and present antigens. This review focuses on the mechanisms...
Second-order Stark effect and polarizability of a relativistic two-dimensional hydrogenlike atom in the ground state
PublikacjaThe second-order Stark effect for a planar Dirac one-electron atom in the ground state is analyzed within the framework of the Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theory, with the use of the Sturmian series expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green's function. A closed-form analytical expression for the static dipole polarizability of that system is found. The formula involves the generalized hypergeometric function ${}_{3}F_{2}$...
Transcriptomic responses to wounding: meta-analysis of gene expression microarray data
PublikacjaBackground A vast amount of microarray data on transcriptomic response to injury has been collected so far. We designed the analysis in order to identify the genes displaying significant changes in expression after wounding in different organisms and tissues. This meta-analysis is the first study to compare gene expression profiles in response to wounding in as different tissues as heart, liver, skin, bones, and spinal cord, and...
Database of speech and facial expressions recorded with optimized face motion capture settings
PublikacjaThe broad objective of the present research is the analysis of spoken English employing a multiplicity of modalities. An important stage of this process, discussed in the paper, is creating a database of speech accompanied with facial expressions. Recordings of speakers were made using an advanced system for capturing facial muscle motion. A brief historical outline, current applications, limitations and the ways of capturing face...
Expression of a GDSL esterase from Pseudomonas sp. S9 in Pichiapastoris
PublikacjaCold active lipolytic enzymes are promising to replace the conventional enzymes processes of biotechnological industries. One of the most important feature of the cold-active lipases and esterases is that they offer economic benefits through energy saving. In general, they exhibit high activity at low temperatures and low thermostability at moderate temperatures. Lipolytic enzyme EstS9 was isolated from Pseudomonas sp. S9. A multiple...
Virulence, antifungal susceptibility and molecular mechanisms of echinocandin resistance among Candida isolates recovered from clinical specimens
PublikacjaFungi of the genus Candida belong to the natural microflora of healthy individuals. However, they can also be a cause of opportunistic infections especially among patients with an impaired immune system. The first line therapy of Candida infections is based on triazoles. However, in recent years there an increase of azole resistant Candida spp., in particular C. glabrata and C. krusei, has been observed. For this reason, echinocandin...