


  • Optymalizacja topologiczna części lotniczych


    - Rok 2018

    Ostatnie 40 lat to ciągły rozwój przemysłu lotniczego, dzięki któremu możliwe jest wykonywanie bezpiecznych, szybkich oraz ekonomicznych lotów. Projektowanie i budowa nowoczesnych samolotów wymaga jednak wykorzystywania wysoko rozwiniętych metod oraz technologii, dzięki którym możliwe jest sprostanie stawianym przed nimi wymaganiom. EADS Innovation Works, jako organizacja badawczo-technologiczna, jest zaangażowana w rozwój oraz...

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  • Pealizacija inicjatiw wostocznogo partnerstwa w Azerbajdżane

    Azerbaijan established political relations with the EU during the implementation of TACIS Programme projects and signed the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the EU in 1996. It joined the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2004 and the Eastern Partnership programme in 2009. Despite the sceptical attitude taken by Azerbaijan's government towards the Eastern Partnership initiative, the EU earmarked further funds for Azerbaijan for 2011 – 2014 as part of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. During the third Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius in November 2013, Azerbaijan signed only an agreement concerning visa facilitations and readmission. However, it also undertook certain measures as part of the five Eastern Partnership initiatives. In the framework of the Integrated Border Management Programme, Azerbaijan implemented projects connected with improving the access of resettled people to the judicial system, creation of electronic border control systems, social protection, increasing public awareness to eliminate domestic violence, improving assimilation of asylum - seekers and immigrants, and supporting occupational health organisations. Activities aimed at supporting SMEs included training for entrepreneurs, promotional conferences and loans to the SME sector. Recommendations of the initiative promoting the creation of regional electrical and renewable energy markets were implemented by Azerbaijan in the form of 33 projects as part of the INOGATE Programme. With respect to environmental management, Azerbaijan developed a digital regional atlas of natural disasters, and with respect to natural disaster mitigation it planned population protection measures. Azerbaijan was ranked last but one in the evaluation presented in the annual report prepared by the EU. The transformation process in this country has been slow and illusory in certain aspects. Nevertheless, the EU has continued its Eastern Partnership initiative activities, allocating between EUR 252,000 and 308,000 for transformations in Azerbaijan

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  • Do personality traits influence the user’s behavioral intention to adopt and use Open Government Data (OGD)? An empirical investigation

    • N. Rizun
    • C. H. Alexopoulos
    • S. Saxena
    • F. Kleiman
    • R. Matheus


    The academic interest in the Open Government Data (OGD) domain has been burgeoning over the years. Conceding that the prime focus of an OGD initiative is its further re-use for value creation and innovation by stakeholders, the present study seeks to underscore the role of HEXACO personality traits on behavioral intention (BI) to adopt and use OGD in developing countries' context. We investigate the direct, indirect, and moderating...

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    - Rok 2015

    Celem rozdziału jest określenie, na bazie danych sektorowych i z wykorzystaniem modelu panelowego, w jakim stopniu zmiany międzynarodowej konkurencyjności gospodarki polskiej wynikają ze zmian w konkurencyjności sektorów przemysłu przetwórczego. Determinanty konkurencyjności sektorów przemysłu zostały wybrane w świetle dorobku teorii handlu zagranicznego, teorii wzrostu oraz teorii innowacji. W szczególności pragniemy zbadać, jak...

  • Evolution of End-User Participation in IT Projects.


    - Rok 2013

    This chapter is aimed at presenting a review of evolutionary design paradigms which determine the end-user’s role in IT (Information Technology) projects across recent decades. This review covers different perspectives starting from technology-oriented sequential software development lifecycles, through user-centred approaches, ending finally in contemporary service design approaches supported by e-business and social media. Finally,...

  • International Competitiveness of Czech Manufacturing: A Sectoral Approach with Error Correction Model

    The main objective of this paper is to find the determinants of the international competitiveness of the manufacturing sectors of the Czech economy, using the database of 13 manufacturing subsectors in 1995–2011, with the aid of ECM model. The authors research the question of how much foreign and domestic demand, the level of labour costs, the level of sector innovation intensity, the level of sector openness to foreign markets...

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  • Different sources of market information and product innovativeness

    The purpose of this study is to identify whether the gathering of market information from different sources – i.e. from customers, competitors and other entities – is related to product innovativeness. The relationships proposed so far have not been empirically investigated but they can have important theoretical and practical implications for product innovation. To achieve the purpose of the paper data concerning 287 new products...

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  • Wojciech Grabowski dr hab.


    Wojciech Grabowski, Ph.D. with habilitation, is affiliated researcher at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Gdansk. Working across the disciplines of political science and international relations his research examines regional cooperation of authoritarian states of the Middle East, including the changing role and position of Persian Gulf states (Gulf Cooperation Council) in the regional and global order. He...

  • Symbiosis of Art and Technology – From Renaissance to Interactive Art,


    The article presents the mutual relations between art and technology from the Renaissance to the interactive art of today. It indicates important factors influencing the possibilities of imaging and interpreting reality by artists, ranging from the development of oil painting techniques, linear perspective, the invention of printing and photography, to achievements related to the development of information technologies (computers,...

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  • (Re)Shaping Open Access Policy to Scientific Resources at Polish Technical Universities: Gdańsk University of Technology Perspective


    - Rok 2017

    Developing European Open Access policy to scientific resources is one of the most important issues undertaken during the public debate about future scholarly communication trends. The Open Access landscape is determined by several factors (e.g. mandates). The open mandate: voluntary or mandatory, can be implemented at the institutional, national or international level. It requires scholars to use open repository to deposit results...

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  • The usage of the openBIM idea in architectural design on the example of Blender and BlenderBIM add-on


    - Architectus - Rok 2021

    The aim of the article is the research about the method and advancement of the openBIM idea implementation, clearly defined by the buildingSMART organization. The conducted analysis are limited to the Blender program and the BlenderBIM add-on and has been embedded in the context of the work of an architect and other IT solutions. The article presents four aspects of the openBIM concept implementation. The first approach relates...

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  • The Bridge of Knowledge – defining and implementing national Open Access policy by Polish universities. Gdansk University of Technology perspective


    The European Commission states that Open Access to scientific resources funded by the European Union shall facilitate the use of research results financed from the public funds. Moreover, it will cause an increase in the innovative capacity of Europe. The Open Access landscape is determined by several factors such as mandates. The open mandate may be voluntary or mandatory and implemented at the institutional, national or international...

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  • Daniel Chuchała dr hab. inż.

  • Territorial Aspects of Entrepreneurial Activity in Polish Suburban Zones


    Globalization has led to an increased correlation and integration of various fields in modern civilization, including those connected with allocation of entrepreneurial functions. Connection, on a global scale, has shown an increased significance of worldwide corporations. Territorial allocation of the entrepreneurial function has become the subject of translocation and revaluation. Translocation can be understood as the change...

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  • Piezoelectric Transducer for Mechanical Assessment of Soft Tissues. Concept, Implementation and Analysis


    - Rok 2017

    The main goal of this work was following: preparation of a new concept, implementation and analysis of the piezoelectric resonant sensor/actuator for measuring the aging process of human skin. The research work has been carried out in the framework of cooperation between the INP-ENSEEIHT-LAPLACE, Toulouse, France, and at the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Research Group of...

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  • Randomness Amplification under Minimal Fundamental Assumptions on the Devices

    • R. Ramanathan
    • F. Brandão
    • K. Horodecki
    • M. Horodecki
    • P. Horodecki
    • H. Wojewódka


    Recently, the physically realistic protocol amplifying the randomness of Santha-Vazirani sources producing cryptographically secure random bits was proposed; however, for reasons of practical relevance, the crucial question remained open regarding whether this can be accomplished under the minimal conditions necessary for the task. Namely, is it possible to achieve randomness amplification using only two no-signaling components...

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  • The culture of excellence and its dimensions in higher education


    - The TQM Journal - Rok 2024

    Purpose To recognize the existing state of knowledge on a culture of excellence (CoE) in higher education institutions (HEIs) and to define the CoE in HEI and the dimensions that make up that culture. A subsidiary goal is to propose a qualitative tool to measure CoE maturity. Design/methodology/approach The study was based on the qualitative method, the preferred reporting system of systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA)....

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  • RSS-Based DoA Estimation Using ESPAR Antenna for V2X Applications in 802.11p Frequency Band


    In this paper, we have proposed direction-of arrival (DoA) estimation of incoming signals for V2X applications in 802. 11p frequency band, based on recording of received signal strength (RSS) at electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna's output port. The motivation of the work was to prove that ESPAR antenna used to increase connectivity and security in V2X communication can...

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  • Miejsce polski w innowacyjnej gospodarce światowej


    - Rok 2008

    celem artykułu jest określenie poziomu innowacyjności polskiej gospodarki na tle pozostałych krajów ue oraz stanów zjednoczonych, kanady, japonii, australii, chorwacji, turcji i izraela. autorka przeanalizowała szczegółowo metodologię i wyniki europejskiego badania innowacyjności - european innovation scorebord za lata 2005-2007. analizie podano poziom i dynamikę zmian 25 wskaźników innowacyjności, pogrupowanych w pięciu kategoriach.na...

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    Kompetencje międzykulturowe, rozumiane jako postawa wobec współpracy z przedstawicielami innych kultur, to ważny element kształcenia studentów w procesie przygotowywania ich do podejmowania działań na globalnym rynku pracy. Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań dotyczących postaw studentów wobec pracy w zespołach wielokulturowych. Skoncentrowano się głównie na porównaniu nastawienia studentów w zależności od tego, czy byli wcześniej...

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  • Rozwijanie kreatywności ucznia w procesie kształtowania umiejętności językowych. Innowacja pedagogiczna z elementami neurodydaktyki w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej


    This text is a ready-to-use pedagogical innovation program combining teaching English and classes developing creativity in early childhood education. Classes developing creativity are a unique opportunity to implement innovative solutions and ideas to develop language competencies and key competencies, which can be difficult during a standard English lesson. The...

  • Study on Strategy in University Laboratory Class Teaching


    - Rok 2021

    Laboratory teaching is a critical way to ensure the effective input of techniques in engineering learning. Laboratory teaching not only contributes to improving course quality but also helps enrich comprehensive engineering application ability. However, there are some typical problems in current university laboratory teaching, such as rigid and isolated course design, outdated contents and materials, and not encouraging innovation...

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  • Tacit knowledge awareness and sharing as a focal part of knowledge production, Polish-US view on IT, healthcare, and construction industry


    - Rok 2021

    In the knowledge economy era, knowledge production and dissemination are of key interest to individuals, organizations, and economies. Tacit knowledge results from experience, leading to innovation. The learning culture can facilitate the transformation of errors into experiences. This study explores whether mistake acceptance facilitates tacit knowledge awareness and sharing in the information technology, healthcare, and construction...

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  • Shaping the brand awareness of science and technology parks in Eastern Poland


    - Barometr Regionalny. Analizy i Prognozy - Rok 2016

    The main aim of the paper is the analysis of the effects of actions undertaken so far that have aimed at shaping brand awareness of the parks in Eastern Poland, supported under the OP DEP. The authors focused on the demand-side perspectiveand scrutinized two vectors of conscious branding: the surrounding environment and communication with customers. The group of potential customers underwent qualitative research (ITI interviews)....

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  • Conditions of Iranian international trade in terms of lifting the sanctions: A case study of Polish-Iranian trade perspectives

    The main aim of the paper is to identify the areas and determine the feasibility of trade between Polish and Iranian companies in relation to historical and cultural conditions. The authors describe the complexity of the issue of foreign trade, the determinants of relations between Poland and the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Iranian economy – its features, strengths and weaknesses, and consequences of the recent UN, EU, and...

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  • Digital competence learning in secondary adult education in Finland and Poland

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  • Digital Innovations for Sustainable Development in the Time of Crisis

    • J. Kowal
    • E. Duda
    • K. Dunaj
    • J. Klebaniuk
    • J. Mäkiö
    • E. Pańka
    • P. Soja
    • P. Weichbroth

    - International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies - Rok 2022

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  • Encouraging pro-environmental behaviour through an educational mobile application: Preliminary insights from early adopters

    This article aims to explore the extent to which the educational mobile application PULA supports and promotes pro-environmental behaviours, identify the most utilised functionalities by early adopters, and explore the least engaged functionalities. The study employs a quantitative approach based on data collected from the application. The analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of users' experiences and behaviours within...

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  • Social perception of technological innovations at sports facilities: justification for financing ‘white elephants’ from public sources? The case of Euro 2012 Stadiums in Poland

    The main purpose of the paper is to provide a monetary valuation of social benefits in connection with the hypothetical implementation of technological innovations at four Euro 2012 stadiums in Poland. Not only the construction of the sport’s arenas, but also the ongoing maintenance drain the pockets of Polish taxpayers. At the same time Euro 2012 stadiums remain underused, which familiarize the host cities with the concept of ‘white...

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  • Encouraging Pro-environmental Behaviour Through an Educational Mobile Application: Preliminary Insights from Early Adopters


    - International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies - Rok 2023

    This article aims to explore the extent to which the educational mobile application PULA supports and promotes pro-environmental behaviours, identify the most utilised functionalities by early adopters, and explore the least engaged functionalities. The study employs a quantitative approach based on data collected from the application. The analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of users' experiences and behaviours within...

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  • Implementation of an Interdisciplinary Educational Path Within "Glassworks in Pomerania Region, Crafts and Industry" Project


    Teaching practical skills for work in field during academic lessons for students of geodesy and cartography and students of archaeology is crucial to prepare young students of the profession to participate in apprenticeships, professional realizations excavations and carry out their geodetic services. Another aspect of teaching of future archaeologists and surveyors working with them, is the ability to mutual understanding between...

  • David Duenas Cid dr hab.


    He is an Associate Professor at Kozminski University and the director of the Pub-Tech (Public Sector Data-Driven Technologies) Research Center.  Previously, he served as an H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Widening Fellow at Gdansk University of Technology, as a Researcher at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies of the University of Tartu, as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance...

  • Steering is an essential feature of non-locality in quantum theory


    - Nature Communications - Rok 2018

    A physical theory is called non-local when observers can produce instantaneous effects over distant systems. Non-local theories rely on two fundamental effects: local uncertainty relations and steering of physical states at a distance. In quantum mechanics, the former one dominates the other in a well-known class of non-local games known as XOR games. In particular, optimal quantum strategies for XOR games are completely determined...

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  • Development of proximity in cluster organizations

    Sustainable development in cluster organizations (COs) is most fully manifested in the synergy effect. In turn, the synergy effect is achieved thanks to the development of proximity among cluster entities. The purpose of the paper is to test two conceptual models reflecting relations between selected dimensions of proximity in cluster organizations. The author reports the findings of a quantitative study conducted in four COs....

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  • A Comprehensive Framework for Measuring Governments’ Digital Initiatives Including Open Data


    - Rok 2022

    Digital innovation and digital initiatives are generally recognized and considered to be the driving forces behind firm survival and success in the market. This is not the case in the public sector, where digital initiatives have suffered not only from a lack of research trying to explain them but also from a major lack of recognition of their importance. The government’s eagerness to introduce more digital initiatives for better...

  • Whither the need and motivation for open government data (OGD) promotional strategies?

    • C. H. Alexopoulos
    • S. Saxena
    • M. Janssen
    • N. Rizun

    - Digital Policy Regulation and Governance - Rok 2023

    Purpose It has been underscored in the extant literature that open government data (OGD) has not percolated across the length and breadth of any country, let alone the awareness of the OGD among the stakeholders themselves. In this vein, this study aims to underline the reasons as to why OGD promotion merits consideration apart from underlining the manner in which OGD promotion may be done. Design/methodology/approach Based on...

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  • Mapping negative unintended consequences of disruptive technologies use in smart cities


    - Rok 2021

    Smart cities governance (SCG) consists of both to foster technology-enabled innovation, and to utilize disruptive technologies (DT) outcomes and impacts to increase public value of urban services. Despite widespread discussion of DT benefits, scientific literature identifies multiple determinants of unintended negative consequences (UC) of DT deployment in smart city initiatives. By considering UC as the negative aspects resulting...

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  • Polynomial analysis as a new way of describing dynamic impedance spectra – Differential and relative impedance spectra

    Model measurements of an equivalent electrical system were carried out using the technique of Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. The measurement took the form of potentiodynamic changes imposed on the tested system. Using the possibility of continuous impedance measurements, an attempt was made to develop an original and innovative method of analyzing impedance spectrograms, which is termed polynomial analysis. As...

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  • Multibeam Echosounder and LiDAR in Process of 360-Degree Numerical Map Production for Restricted Waters with HydroDron


    - Rok 2018

    In order to increase the safety of inland navigation and facilitate the monitoring of the coastal zone of restricted waters, a model of multi-sensory fusion of data from hydroacoustic and optoelectronic systems mounted on the autonomous survey vessel HydroDron will be developed. In the research will be used the LiDAR laser scanner and multibeam echosounder. To increase the visual quality and map accuracy, additionally side scan...

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  • Role of research and development in internationalization of high-tech firms: Empirical results from Poland


    The article focuses on the significance of research and development (R&D) in driving the internationalization of Polish high-tech firms. R&D is essential for businesses to remain competitive and adapt their products to the specific requirements of different markets. The study aims to investigate the relationship between R&D and the internationalization process of high-tech firms based in Poland, with a focus on the innovation context....

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  • Tomasz Maria Boiński dr inż.

    Z uczelnią jestem związany już od 2000r kiedy to rozpocząłem studia na kierunku Informatyka wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki. Po ich ukończeniu z wyróżnieniem, w 2005 roku rozpocząłem studia doktoranckie. W trakcie studiów i bezpośrednio po ich zakończeniu zaangażowany byłem, we współpracy z firmą Hogart z Warszawy, we wdrażanie rozwiązań biznesowych w gdyńskiej firmie Elektronia S.A. (Infor FMS SunSystems) oraz...

  • Trust triggers and barriers in intercultural teams

    Intercultural teams are more and more popular nowadays — they constitute a serious challenge in terms of effective cooperation and trust building, however. The article presents the potential problems that can affect intercultural cooperation and stresses the power of trust in cultural diversity conditions. The ten-factor model of intercultural team trust is presented. The main aim was to answer the questions: what are the differences...

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  • Jakub Kruszyński mgr. inż


    Motivated and focused to steady discovering amazing chemistry of polymer and cooperating with fascinating people. Currently PhD student in cooperation between SABIC B.V and Gdansk University of Technology. I have 3 year industrial experience. Mainly as a R&D Junior Specialist in Synthos S.A and intern in SABIC Technology&Innovation Center, Geleen. Graduate of Gdansk University of Technology in Polymer Specialization on...

  • Threats to Armenia’s Security in the National Strategy and Practice with Special Emphasis on External Security,

    The national security strategy adopted in 2007 provided a detailed definition of security and identified its threats. The key threat to the Armenian state was considered to be the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The document indicated the Collective Security Treaty Organisation main guarantor of security, with Russia being Armenia’s main partner in bilateral relations. The second position in the strategy was assigned to cooperation...

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  • Identification of ship’s hull mathematical model with numerical methods


    - Rok 2023

    The modern maritime industry is moving toward the development of technology that will allow for full or partial autonomy of ship operation. This innovation places high demands on ship performance prediction techniques at the design stage. The researchwork presented in the article is related to the design stage of the ship and concerns methods for prognosis and evaluation of the specific operational condition of the ship, namely...

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  • How Swiss Watchmaking Brands are Communicating Made in Switzerland


    - Rok 2023

    Country-of-origin indications, also called “made in” labeling [35], are utilized in marketing strategies by companies to distinguish themselves from others, trying to associate their products with positive characteristics [9]. Swiss watchmaking companies have an iconic status that is essential to their reputation - mainly due to their high quality, precision, innovation, and craftsmanship [7]. They are also using country-of-origin...

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  • Influence of Honing Parameters on the Quality of the Machined Parts and Innovations in Honing Processes


    - Metals - Rok 2023

    The article presents a literature review dealing with the effect of the honing parameters on the quality of the machined parts, as well as with the recent innovations in honing processes. First, an overview about the honing and the plateau-honing processes is presented, considering the main parameters that can be varied during machining. Then, the influence of the honing parameters on surface finish, shape deviation and material...

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  • Student competitions as a socio-spatial tool for planning urban structures

    The aim of the article is to show the interdependencies between theory and practice based on the example of the student competitions at the Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology. These competitions, on the one hand, broaden the spectrum of issues related to design and, on the other hand, contribute to the better recognition of problems related to tasks to be solved. Both the teaching and applicational aspects...

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  • The Bridge of Data Project Objectives


    Open Research Data (ORD) is one of the emerging trends for researchers across the globe. However, it has to be stressed that the level of implementation and awareness of ORD varies between countries. Many initiatives have been created in Polish scientific institutions to support the process of opening publications. These are mainly Open Access (OA) repositories, implementing the so-called green road of OA. However, only a few universities...

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  • Agnieszka Krawczyk-Kłos mgr inż.