


  • Comprehensive Comparison of a Few Variants of Cluster Analysis as Data Mining Tool in Supporting Environmental Management

    • A. Astel
    • K. Astel
    • S. Tsakovski
    • M. Biziuk
    • K. Obolewski
    • K. Glińska-Lewczuk
    • K. Bigus
    • I. Craciun
    • C. M. Timofte

    - Environmental Engineering and Management Journal - Rok 2016

    A few variants of hierarchical cluster analysis (CA) as tool of assessment of multidimensional similarity in environmental dataset are compared. The dataset consisted of analytical results of determination of metals (Na, K, Ca, Sc, Fe, Co, Zn, As, Br, Rb, Mo, Sb, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Sm, Hf and Th) in ambient air dried and kept alive, by the means of hydroponics, moss baskets collected in 12 locations on the area of Tricity (Poland)....

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  • AutoCAD: Examination of Factors Influencing User Adoption

    The primary purpose of the research is to examine and validate determinants of user intention to use AutoCAD software, utilising the constructs from prior studies in a more integrated model. The paper proposes a revised Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for measuring the adoption of AutoCAD. In the study, a latent construct PPA (perceived physical accessibility) was added to the proposed research model as a new determinant of AutoCAD...

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    Debris from deciduous trees in the form of park green waste was investigated as a potential biosorbent for the removal of chlorinated solvents from water. The sorption properties of beech leaves and cupules, oak leaves and acorns, birch leaves and lime leaves (all tree species common for a moderate climate) in a non-modified form were investigated with regard to the removal of perchloroethylene, 1,1,2-trichloroethane and 1,1,1,2-tetrachlorothane....

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  • Integration of Lean Manufacturing with ISO Management Systems in Enterprise

    Lean manufacturing [LM], quality management system and environmental management system are clear initiatives with a goal of improving effectiveness and efficiencies of organizations. Many organisations tackle lean philosophy, ISO standards individually but this kind of attempt do not focus on the synergy and the advantage from the potential collaboration. This paper aims to present the possibility of integration Lean Management...

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  • Collective creativity in management science

    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to establish the current state of knowledge on collective creativity in management science on the basis of a systematic literature review. Methodology: A systematic review was performed based on the three-step SPL procedure proposed by Tranfield et al. (2003). Two databases (Scopus and Web of Science) were searched electronically up until March 2022. Based on the secondary data a literature...

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  • Management and economic of engineer projects

    Kursy Online
    • A. Ossowska

    Lectures  - 05 October-30 November, 2023 1. Project management: Engineers, projects, management, planning and scheduling, personnel and organizational, team building, project control, estimating and ordering. 2. Team building: personality types, team effectiveness. 3. Project management: WBS, Gantt, Earned Value Method, critical path, risk management. 4. Economic Engineering: Establishing economic equivalence, Interest: cost...

  • Knowledge management and factors influencing its implementation in small KIBS firms – evidence from Poland


    - Rok 2020

    Purpose – Even if the notion of knowledge management (KM) has been introduced more than three decades ago, the application of this concept in the context of small firms has still not been sufficiently explored. The relatively few contributions, however, agree on the fact that small companies do not manage knowledge the same way as their larger counterparts. In order to fill this gap, the present paper aims to the investigate the...

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  • Analiza temperatury ekwiwalentnej do projektowania nawierzchni asfaltowych w Polsce z wykorzystaniem metody AASHTO 2004

    W artykule przedstawiono analizę temperatury ekwiwalentnej obliczanej w oparciu o kryterium spękań zmęczeniowych warstw asfaltowych z metody AASHTO 2004 oraz kryterium deformacji strukturalnych Instytutu Asfaltowego. Do obliczeń przyjęto konstrukcję nawierzchni KR5 oraz wykorzystano dane temperaturowe z 50 stacji meteorologicznych z okresu 30 lat od roku 1989 do roku 2019 włącznie udostępnione przez Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki...

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  • Chat GPT Wrote It: What HCI Educators Can Learn from their Students?


    - Rok 2024

    Recently students, teachers, and researchers equally have become impressed by Generative AI (GenAI) tools, with ChatGPT at the top. However, numerous concerns about the GenAI-related threats to academic integrity and the validity of learning outcomes are emerging. This problem is also vivid in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) education since students can use GenAI tools to rapidly generate ideas, user interface templates, screen...

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  • Recycled Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) as Construction Material in Civil Engineering: A Review

    In general, the quantity of plastics of all types consumed annually all over the world has been growing in a phenomenal way. The manufacturing processes, service industries and municipal solid wastes (MSW) generate numerous waste plastic materials. The increasing awareness about the environment has tremendously contributed to the concerns related with disposal of the generated wastes. It is believed that the management of solid...

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  • Progress in devulcanization of waste tire rubber: Upcycling towards a circular economy

    • Z. u. Haq
    • T. Ren
    • X. Yue
    • K. Formela
    • D. Rodrigue
    • X. Colom
    • T. McNally
    • D. Dawei
    • Y. Zhang
    • S. Wang

    - Express Polymer Letters - Rok 2025

    As a complex composite material, tire rubber has always presented significant environmental and waste management concerns due to its non-biodegradability and accumulation in landfills. The devulcanization of tire rubber has emerged as a historical challenge in the field of sustainable rubber engineering since Goodyear invented cross-linking in 1839. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of waste tire recycling processes,...

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    The main objective of this paper is to show the comparison of two models of infinite ab- sorbing layer with increasing damping in numerical investigations of elastic wave prop- agation in unbounded structures. This has been achieved by the Authors by a careful in- vestigation of two different engineering structures characterised by gradually increasing geometrical and mathematical description complexities. The analysis included...

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    Pracę wykonano na zlecenie Przedsiębiorstwa Badawczo-Wdrożeniowego "HYDRO-POMP" Sp. z o.o. ul. Wróblewskiego 19, 93-578 Łódź. Wykonawcą zlecenia jest Politechnika Gdańska, Wydział Chemiczny, Katedra Elektrochemii, Korozji i Inżynierii Materiałowej, 80-233 Gdańsk, ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12. Celem pracy była analiza stanu technicznego i badania dwóch rurociągów: solanki oraz wody przemysłowej. Badania wykonywano w warunkach terenowych...

  • Współczesne zmiany klimatyczne i ich wpływ na funkcjonowanie systemów miejskich (na przykładzie miast strefy nadmorskiej Polski)

    The purpose of this article is to present contemporary climatic changes in their actual scale, and to assess their impact on functioning of urban areas situated on the Polish coast. The results of the analysis of variability of hydro-climatic conditions that occurred in the last 65 years (1951-2015) in the area of the Polish coast suggest that important changes were concerning: (1) temperature of the air, and thickness and length...

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  • The Effect of Online Reviews on Consumer-Based Brand Equity: Case-Study of the Polish Restaurant Sector


    Purpose: This paper focuses on the effects of positive and negative online reviews (eWOM) on the metrics of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) in the context of the Polish restaurant sector. Methodology: The dedicated online survey was completed by 777 consumers, which we then analyzed with structural equation modeling. Each catering outlet was to allow to order meals online. We used descriptive analysis, confirmatory factor analysis,...

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  • In search of a new relationship between nature and society


    - Rok 2011

    We live in an era of breakthrough- not only in the literal sense of the word, but the breakthrough of the century or the millennium. New discoveries and the crisis present in the economy, society, religion and ecology forces a review of all universally accepted theories. Nature, ecology and environment are the key words used in every area of human activity. It has led to the development of a new scientific field- the philosophy...

  • Automatic classification and mapping of the seabed using airborne LiDAR bathymetry

    • Ł. Janowski
    • P. Tysiąc
    • R. Wróblewski
    • M. Rucińska
    • A. Kubowicz- Grajewska


    Shallow coastal areas are among the most inhabited areas and are valuable for biodiversity, recreation and the economy. Due to climate change and sea level rise, sustainable management of coastal areas involves extensive exploration, monitoring, and protection. Current high-resolution remote sensing methods for monitoring these areas include bathymetric LiDAR. Therefore, this study presents a novel methodological approach to assess...

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  • High-resolution fire danger forecast for Poland based on the Weather Research and Forecasting Model



    Due to climate change and associated longer and more frequent droughts, the risk of forest fires increases. To address this, the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management implemented a system for forecasting fire weather in Poland. The Fire Weather Index (FWI) system, developed in Canada, has been adapted to work with meteorological fields derived from the high-resolution (2.5 km) Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model....

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  • The KLC Cultures Synergy for Organizational Agility. Trust, Risk-Taking Attitude, and Critical Thinking as Moderators


    - Rok 2024

    Organizational agility is visible in organizational change adaptability, and it is based on the development of dynamic capabilities, strategic sensitivity of leaders, accuracy and timing of decision-making, learning aptitude, flexibility in thinking and acting, and smooth resource flow across organizations, including the knowledge resource. In such a context, this study aimed to expose how the knowledge, learning, and collaboration...

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    The article substantiates that the level of company’s financial security depends not so much on the indicators of its activity, but on its perception of decision-makers and other stakeholders. At the same time, this perception is formed due to the continuous participation of the stakeholder in operations, constant monitoring of financial indicators, the study of current approaches to enterprise management, changes in the environment,...

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  • Electro-mechanical shear buckling of piezoelectric nanoplate using modified couple stress theory based on simplified first order shear deformation theory


    This paper studies the electro-mechanical shear buckling analysis of piezoelectric nanoplate using modified couple stress theory with various boundary conditions.In order to be taken electric effects into account, an external electric voltage is applied on the piezoelectric nanoplate. The simplified first order shear deformation theory (S-FSDT) has been employed and the governing differential equations have been obtained using...

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  • Effects of Surface Energy and Surface Residual Stresses on Vibro-Thermal Analysis of Chiral, Zigzag, and Armchair Types of SWCNTs Using Refined Beam Theory

    • S. K. Jena
    • S. Chakraverty
    • M. Malikan
    • F. Tornabene


    In this article, vibration characteristics of three different types of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNTs) such as armchair, chiral, and zigzag carbon nanotubes have been investigated considering the effects of surface energy and surface residual stresses. The nanotubes are embedded in the elastic substrate of the Winkler type and are also exposed to low and high-temperature environments. A new refined beam theory namely, one-variable...

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  • A unified approach to the analysis of electric energy and fuel consumption of cars in city traffic


    - ENERGY - Rok 2019

    Forecasting fuel and electricity consumption is an important factor determining the direction of changes in road engineering solutions, traffic management, selection of routes for public transport and development more efficient car drive systems. With a reliable and easy-to-use computational tool, it is possible to reduce the consumption of primary energy sources and reduce the emission of toxic compounds in cities. An analysis...

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  • Addressing Challenges in AI-based Systems Development: A Proposal of Adapted Requirements Engineering Process


    [Context] Present-day IT systems are more and more dependent on artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. Developing AI-based systems means facing new challenges, not known for more conventional systems. Such challenges need to be identified and addressed by properly adapting the existing development and management processes. [Objective] In this paper, we focus on the requirements engineering (RE) area of IT projects and aim to propose...

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  • Uczelnia organizacją z domieszka turkusu - sznasa czy iluzja?


    - e-mentor - Rok 2021

    Po kilkuletnich dyskusjach nad przyszłym kształtem szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce, zarówno na poziomie systemowym, jak i instytucjonalnym, w 2018 r. uchwalono ustawę Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce, zwaną dalej Ustawą (2018). Regulacja ta wraz z pakietem rozporządzeń poszerzyła autonomię uczelni w zakresie organizacyjno-zarządczym, jednocześnie potęgując znaczenie ich rozliczalności. Wzmocnienie władzy rektora spowodowało zmianę...

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  • Application of foam made of post-consumer pet materials for the construction of footbridges


    The article presents the possibility of application in civil engineering of highly ecological PET foam, manufactured from 100% recycled plastic packaging. It may find uses in construction of numerous engineering structures, such as pedestrian and cycle footbridges. Properly processed waste from post-consumer PET packaging may constitute a quality structural core for use in multilayered composite materials, commonly referred to...

  • Robert Jankowski prof. dr hab. inż.

    Urodził się 26 grudnia 1968 r. w Gdyni. Absolwent Liceum Ogólnokształcącego przy Konsulacie PRL w Benghazi, Libia (1987), student Politechniki Gdańskiej (studia magisterskie jednolite, 1987-1991 i 1992-1993), Uniwersytetu w Sheffield, Anglia (studia inżynierskie, 1991-1992), Uniwersytetu w Roskilde, Dania (kurs magisterski, 1993) oraz Uniwersytetu Tokijskiego, Japonia (studia doktoranckie, 1994-1997). Od początku pracy zawodowej...

  • Applications of Tensor Analysis in Continuum Mechanics


    - Rok 2018

    A tensor field is a tensor-valued function of position in space. The use of tensor fields allows us to present physical laws in a clear, compact form. A byproduct is a set of simple and clear rules for the representation of vector differential operators such as gradient, divergence, and Laplacian in curvilinear coordinate systems. The tensorial nature of a quantity permits us to formulate transformation rules for its components...

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  • Krzysztof Goczyła prof. dr hab. inż.

    Krzysztof Goczyła, profesor zwyczajny Politechniki Gdańskiej, informatyk, specjalista z inżynierii oprogramowania, inżynierii wiedzy i baz danych. Ukończył studia wyższe na  Wydziale Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej w 1976 r. jako magister inżynier elektronik w specjalności automatyka. Na Politechnice Gdańskiej pracuje od 1976. Na Wydziale Elektroniki PG w 1982 r. uzyskał doktorat z informatyki, a w 1999 r. habilitację. W 2012...

  • Prace remontowe betonowych posadzek przemysłowych. Część I

    Posadzki betonowe należą do elementów w obiektach budowlanych, których projektowanie wymaga doświadczenia inżynierskiego, wykonawstwo – zachowania reżimu technologicznego, natomiast podczas ich eksploatacji niezbędne jest prowadzenie remontów okresowych. Najczęściej wykorzystywane są jako przestrzeń robocza i komunikacyjna w obiektach przemysłowych. Niezależnie od miejsca wbudowania posadzki betonowe wymagają prowadzenia okresowych...

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  • Technology Concept of TLP Platform Towing and Installation in Waters with Depth of 60 m

    The article is part of the design and research work conducted at the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology, in cooperation with a number of other research centres, which concerns offshore wind farms planned to be built in the Polish zone of the Baltic sea in the next years. One of most difficult tasks in this project is building suitable foundations for each power unit consisting of a...

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  • Periodic Properties of 1D FE Discrete Models in High Frequency Dynamics

    Finite element discrete models of various engineering 1D structures may be considered as structures of certain periodic characteristics. The source of this periodicity comes from the discontinuity of stress/strain field between the elements. This behaviour remains unnoticeable, when low frequency dynamics of these structures is investigated. At high frequency regimes, however, its influence may be strong enough to dominate calculated...

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  • Equivalent 4-node enhanced assumed strain and hybrid stress shell elements in 6-parameter theory

    We discuss the equivalence of semi-enhanced assumed strain (EAS) and semi-hybrid stress (SEM) shell finite elements. We use the general nonlinear 6-field shell theory with kinematics composed of generalized displacements composed of the translation field and the rotation field. Due to the presence of rotation tensor the elements have naturally six nodal engineering degrees of freedom. We propose interpolation for a strain field...

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  • Urban and Road Engineering - Smolnicki

    Kursy Online
    • P. M. Smolnicki

    Lectures about "Urban and Road Engineering", dedicated to sixth semester of the English-speaking group, will be conducted in a way that activates students. Lectures on Road Engineering cover a wide range of important issues related to the subject, starting from a discussion of the historical circumstances of the creation, development and domination of the contemporary conventional model, through identifying new approaches and...

  • Jacek Oskarbski dr hab. inż.

    Associate professor (D.SC.Eng.) in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Gdansk University of Technology. Main research areas are traffic modeling and forecasting, transport planning, intelligent transport systems, traffic engineering, and mobility management. A graduate of the University (1994). He worked as road planner in BPBK and Transprojekt Gdański Office (1993-1996). Pposition of assistant in the Highway Engineering...

  • Magdalena Gajewska prof. dr hab. inż.

    Magdalena Gajewska (ur. 1.06.1968 r. w Gdańsku) ukończyła studia w 1993 roku na Wydziale Hydrotechniki Politechniki Gdańskiej.  Jest adiunktem w Katedrze Technologii Wody i Ścieków na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. Doktorat (2001) i habilitacja (2013) w dyscyplinie inżynierii środowiska.  W kadencji 2016–2020 pełni funkcję prodziekana ds. nauki. Specjalizuję się w technologiach związanych z ekoinżynierią:...

  • Assessment of the Environmental Impact of a Car Tire throughout Its Lifecycle Using the LCA Method

    • K. Piotrowska
    • W. Kruszelnicka
    • P. Bałdowska-Witos
    • R. Kasner
    • J. Rudnicki
    • A. Tomporowski
    • J. Flizikowski
    • M. Opielak

    - Materials - Rok 2019

    There are numerous threats to the natural environment that pose a significant risk both to the environment and to human health, including car tires. Thus, there is a need to determine the impact of the life cycle of car tires on the environment, starting with the processes of raw materials acquisition, production, and ending with end-of-life management. Therefore, the authors of this study chose to do research on passenger car...

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  • Integrated information and prediction Web Service WaterPUCK General concept


    - Rok 2018

    In this paper, general concept of a new method as ‘Integrated information and prediction Web Service WaterPUCK’ for investigation influence of agricultural holdings and land-use structures on coastal waters of the southern Baltic Sea is presented. WaterPUCK Service is focused on determination of the current and future environmental status of the surface water and groundwater located in the Puck District (Poland) and its impact...

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  • Is the microfiltration process suitable as a method of removing suspended solids from rainwater?


    Due to climate change and anthropogenic pressure, freshwater availability is declining in areas where it has not been noticeable so far. As a result, the demands for alternative sources of safe drinking water and effective methods of purification are growing. A solution worth considering is the treatment of rainwater by microfiltration. This study presents the results of selected analyses of rainwater runoff, collected from the...

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  • Analytical chemistry in technical approaches: immobilization of biosorbent waste containing heavy metals in cemented materials



    An ecologically safe and economically justified method of stabilization of the used biosorbents was developed. Sorbent contaminated with heavy metals has been successfully solidified/stabilized using a hydraulic binder. The test results indicated that up to 1% of the biosorbent residue used could be added without compromising the compressive strength of the mortar. The compressive strength of the modified mortars did not change...

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  • Wybrane aspekty oceny satysfakcji i lojalności klientów i pracowników

    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie propozycji oryginalnego modelu pozwalającego lepiej zrozumieć mechanizmy kształtowania się satysfakcji i lojalności klientów i pracowników oraz umożliwiającego porównywanie satysfakcji klientów różnych przedsiębiorstw w oderwaniu od ich specyfiki branżowej. Zaprezentowany model opiera się na mechanizmach przyczynowo-skutkowych i pozwala na stawianie kwantyfikowalnych celów, dając w rezultacie...

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  • Wykorzystanie słabych sygnałów, foresightu i ciągu zarządzania strategicznego w konfiguracji biznesu przyszłości

    Burzliwość współczesnego otoczenia wyostrza zagadnienie przystosowania prowadzonej działalności gospodarczej do funkcjonowania w przyszłości. Do osiągnięcia sukcesu w biznesie przyszłości przyczynić się może wykorzystanie dostępnej już obecnie wiedzy. Na szczególną uwagę zasługuje teoria słabych sygnałów, metoda foresight oraz ciąg zarządzania strategicznego, które w połączeniu umożliwiają wypracowanie stanowiska w sprawie kształtu...

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  • Changing Attitudes in Cross Cultural Diversity through International Senior Capstone Projects


    - Rok 2015

    In this global world, today’s engineer is likely to have to work in global international teams with colleagues from other nationalities. The challenge for many engineering curricula is how to include, in a realistic way, this global dimension and increase the student’s awareness of the issues that are encountered. In the Purdue University Engineering Technology program, an international capstone project was created to increase...

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  • Wymagania inżynierii systemów dla maszyn wirujących (PG-00060237)

    Kursy Online
    • J. Szwedowicz

    Turbiny wiatrowe, gazowe, mikroturbiny, silniki lotnicze, turbosprężarki i inne systemy mechaniczne to przykłady maszyn wirujących, które wymagają wysoko wykwalifikowanych inżynierów. Powinni oni zrozumieć złożoność procesów projektowania i produkcji, w tym wytwarzania przyrostowego, oraz konserwacji prognostycznej opartej na inżynierii cyfrowej dla bezawaryjnej pracy silnika. Kurs zapewnia fundamentalną wiedzę wymaganą w przemyśle...

  • Unraveling Energy Transfer and Fluorescence Quenching Dynamics in Biomolecular Complexes: A Comprehensive Study of Imiquimod-Rifampicin Interaction.



    In nature, numerous biomolecules are implicated in charge transfer (CT) and energy transfer (ET) mechanisms crucial for fundamental processes such as photosynthesis. Unveiling these mechanisms is pertinent to multiple disciplines including chemistry, engineering and biochemistry. This letter presents a study involving two molecules forming a model system with efficient ET properties. Specifically, their complex exhibits dark quenching...

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  • Aneta Łuczkiewicz prof. dr hab. inż.

    Prowadzę badania nad zdolnościami adaptacyjnymi mikroorganizmów oraz możliwością ich wykorzystania do wspomagania procesów technologicznych. Łączę inżynierię środowiska z elementami inżynierii biomedycznej i materiałowej. Interesują mnie nowatorskie metody detekcji mikroorganizmów istotnych klinicznie w środowisku wodnym (tzw. epidemiologia oparta na ściekach) oraz zaawansowane i praktyczne rozwiązania w sektorze gospodarki wodnej....

  • Mechanical properties of polyester reinforced PVC coated fabric subjected to biaxial loading of creep type


    - Rok 2018

    The goal of the current study is to analyze the basic mechanical properties of the architec-tural fabric VALMEX, which is a composite material built of reinforcing polyester thread families and both sides PVC coated. The material was firstly subjected to biaxial loading of creep type for about 48 hours. The stress levels of the creep loading in two main or-thogonal directions of the fabric (commonly called the warp and fill directions)...



    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents a multi-criteria approach in multifunctional building system design process. The aim is to develop a theory relative to the engineering system of multifunctional with a mathematical representation defined by a holistic network for the lifecycle of the designed object. The idea of work was to define the structure of a complex system. Background for the presented field is to develop a design strategy for multifunctional...

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  • High-accuracy computation of hard X-ray focusing and imaging for refractive optics



    A mathematical apparatus for solving problems of X-ray wave propagation through complex optical systems, when the lens thickness can change with jumps, is developed and presented. The developed method is based on the use of the superposition of oriented Gaussian beams, which satisfy the Helmholtz equation with high accuracy. The wave propagation in air and through kinoform and ordinary lenses is considered. Focusing and imaging...

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  • How to deal with knowledge in small companies? Defining emergent KM approach


    This paper examines the concept of emergent KM approach in small companies. The origins of consideration are grounded in the theory of strategic management literature and in particular in the distinction between deliberate versus emergent approach towards strategic planning. Using the methodology of case study, we carried out an explorative research to analyse the characteristics of KM approach in two small companies located in...

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