Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PROTECTION - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PROTECTION

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PROTECTION

  • Sanctions and their role in preventing the appropriation of the creditor’s property rights in bankruptcy proceedings–the case of Poland


    - Economics and Business Review - Rok 2019

    The aim of this paper is to fill the cognitive gap regarding the role of sanc-tions in the protection of a creditor’s property rights in the event of an entrepreneur insolvency. The impact of sanctions on transaction costs, including their identifica-tion and types, as well as the impact on the protection of creditor rights, has been poorly recognized in the subject literature to date. This article investigates...

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  • Functional safety and reliability analysis methodoloogy for hazardous industrial plants


    - Rok 2013

    This monograph is devoted to current problems and methods of the functional safety and reliability analyses of the programmable control and protection systems for industrial hazardous plants. The results of these analyses are useful in the process of safety management in life cycle, for effective reducing relevant risks at the design stage, and then controlling these risks during the operation of given installation. The methodology...

  • Koncepcja Smart Cities - obszar Smart Environment


    - Rok 2018

    The Smart Cities Concept– Smart Environment. The paper concentrates on the possibilities of checking the extent to which cities meet the smart city concept. The presented concept concentrates on one of the main smart cities characteristic: Smart Environment. This paper is a result of joint work of specialist from two diff erent areas: management and environmental protection. The interdisciplinary character of the paper is characteristic...

  • Adhesion of organic coatings to hot-dip galvanized steel


    Duplex systems provide long-time corrosion protection, much longer than the sum of the lifetimes of zinc and paint used individually. However loss of adhesion between coating and zinc substrate is often found in practice. Different methods of zinc surface preparations are used in the fi eld. The aim of this study was to examine and compare coating protection when the old zinc surface, stored during long-time period (15 years) in...

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  • Janusz Górski prof. dr hab. inż.


  • Integrated functional safety and cyber security analysis


    - IFAC-PapersOnLine - Rok 2018

    The chapter is devoted some important issues of the functional safety analysis, in particular the safety integrity level (SIL) verification of safety functions to be implemented within the distributed control and protection systems with regard to security aspects. A method based on quantitative and qualitative information is proposed for the SIL (IEC 61508, 61511) verification with regard of the evaluation assurance levels (EAL)...

  • Uziemienia w zespołach elektrowni wiatrowych

    W pracy jest omawiana problematyka budowy systemów uziemień na farmach elektrowni wiatrowych. Uziemienia poszczególnych elektrowni są wykorzystywane jako elementy systemu ochrony odgromowej oraz układu ochrony od porażeń otoczenia elektrowni wiatrowej. Farmy elektrowni są często umieszczane na gruntach o wysokiej rezystywności, co utrudnia realizację skutecznych systemów uziemień elektrowni. Trudność może napotykać zwłaszcza wykonanie...

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  • Reforms of Polish Antitrust Law: Closer to, or Further From, the European Model? Journal of European Competition Law and Practice

    The Polish Act on the Protection of Competition and Consumers has been recently amended. Changes include the introduction of a two-phase based merger control, a more efficient leniency program, and the administrative liability of individuals involved in antitrust agreements.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Determining and verifying the safety integrity level with security aspects


    Safety and security aspects consist of two different group of functional requirements for the control and protection systems. It is the reason why the analyses of safety and security shouldnt be integrated directly. The paper proposes extension of the currently used methods of functional safety analyses. It can be done with inclusion of the level of information security assigned to the technical system. The article addresses some...

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  • Valuation of architectural heritage by multicultural student groups

    In this article, the author addresses the education of architecture students in the field of architectural history and the determination of the value of architectural objects. Important changes at present are underway concerning this. Both the role of architectural history in architectural education and content in architectural history curricula is changing. The need for re-evaluation...

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  • The Modernist Centre of Gdynia. Management Plan for the Nominated Property for the Years 2022-2027. Attachment to: Nomination Dossier on the inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List of a part of Gdynia City Centre, Poland


    - Rok 2021

    The Management Plan is a document that helps in managing the Nominated Property and follows the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the Convention. The Plan is intended as a management tool to ensure the protection and maintenance of the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) and the features that determine the integrity and authenticity of the place.

  • Krzysztof Rajczykowski dr inż.


  • Ranking ecosystem services delivered by trees in urban and rural areas


    - AMBIO - Rok 2022

    Policies and strategies for tree management and protection on a national, regional, and local level have not sufficiently considered differences between rural and urban areas. We used expert knowledge to compare rural and urban areas in a case study evaluating the relative importance of ecosystem services (ES) in policy development. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and focus group discussions were used to rank 17 ES, representing...

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  • Zabezpieczenia antykorozyjne stalowych barierek ochronnych na obiektach mostowych w ujęciu kosztów cyklu ich życia

    The article presents the Life Cycle Costs analysis of steel safety barriers operated in road lane conditions, located on a selected bridge structure. Three corrosion protection systems were proposed, analyzing them in terms of the cost of initial and planned outlays related to maintenance. Based on the LCC analysis for three options, taking into account the 25-year lifetime of the barriers, the optimal solutionwas indicated, i.e....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Performance of zinc-rich coatings evaluated using AFM-based electrical properties imaging

    The paper presents the results of investigation of polyvinyl zinc-rich coating exposed to 97% relativehumidity atmosphere for 40 days. Condition of the coating and evolution of its protective properties weredetermined with the novel AFM-based approach capable of providing surface profiles, local dc currentmaps as well as local impedance spectra. The proposed technique allowed insight into the local changesof coating topography...

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  • Experimental verification of a new method of loop resistance testing in low voltage systems with residual current devices


    - Rok 2016

    A periodical verification of the effectiveness of protection against electric shock shall be performed in low voltage systems. The scope of this verification includes loop impedance/resistance testing. If a residual current device is installed in a tested circuit, this testing is problematic. A residual current device trips out during the test, because of the high value of measurement current. This precludes the execution of the...


    The article deals with one of the scientific issue solved within frames of the research project financed by Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdansk, namely, in particular, the method of energy investigations of the self-ignition engine in conditions of its supply with a non-standard (modified) marine fuel. The representative results of engine tests worked out on the especially built laboratory...

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  • Fortifications of Hel Peninsula in Poland – history, preservation and contemporary adaptation.

    The Hel Peninsula fortifications are one of the largest and most interesting historic coastal fortification complexes in Poland. Built from the 1930s until demilitarisation at the end of the Cold War, they are now one of the biggest tourist attractions of the region. The article attempts to describe the history of their development, current state and selected problems related to their protection and adaptation for touristic purposes....

  • Attitudes to tree removal on private property in rural and urban Polish municipalities.

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 1.1 open access
    • A. Inglot
    • P. Przewoźna
    • M. Mielewczyk
    • K. Mączka
    • P. Matczak
    • P. Wężyk
    - seria: Public Participation GIS study on Ecosystem Services provided by trees in Polish case studies.

    The urban-rural divide is an important factor known to affect public opinion on issues related to environmental protection and management. The present data set allows for a deeper understanding of this issue with respect to policies dealing with tree removal on private property in two municipalities located in southern Poland: Racibórz (an urban municipality)...

  • The Impact of the Antigenic Composition of Chimeric Proteins on Their Immunoprotective Activity against Chronic Toxoplasmosis in Mice


    - Vaccines - Rok 2019

    Toxoplasmosis may pose a serious threat for individuals with weakened or undeveloped immune systems. However, to date, there is no specific immunoprophylaxis for humans. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the immunogenicity of three trivalent—SAG2-GRA1-ROP1L (SGR), SAG1L-MIC1-MAG1 (SMM), and GRA1-GRA2-GRA6 (GGG)—and two tetravalent—SAG2-GRA1-ROP1-GRA2 (SGRG) and SAG1-MIC1-MAG1-GRA2 (SMMG)—chimeric T. gondii proteins, as...

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    - Rok 2013

    Nowadays in the Czech Republic begins implementation of new types of leadership system with insulated conductors nowadays. This system is used because of the use of conductors in difficulties to reach terrains and lower failure rate. The finding of specific faults is problem, because today's digital protection are not able to find it.

  • White cabbage in the biofumigation process- expectations and perspectives

    Health risks related to common use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers raised the interest in alteranative methods of crop protection, among them biofumigation is becoming the most promising. In this process certain natural compounds, mainly degradation products of glucosinolates produced by Brassica species are used to combat pests and microorganisms attacking crops. Increased synthesis of these bioactive compounds can be...

  • Rhodotorulic Acid and its Derivatives: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications

    Siderophores are low molecular weight compounds produced by microorganisms to scavenge iron in iron-deficient environments. Rhodotorulic acid, a natural hydroxamate siderophore, plays a vital role in iron acquisition for fungi and bacteria. As the simplest natural hydroxamate siderophore, it exhibits a high affinity for ferric ions, enabling it to form stable complexes that facilitate iron uptake and transport within microorganisms....

  • Integrated approach for functional safety and cyber security management in maritime critical infrastructures

    The work is devoted important issues of the management in maritime critical infrastructure of functional safety analysis, in particular the safety integrity level (SIL) verification of safety functions to be implemented within the distributed control and protection systems with regard to cyber security aspects. A method based on quantitative and qualitative information is proposed for the SIL (IEC 61508, 61511) verification with...

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  • Cultural Heritage in Spatial Planning


    - Rok 2016

    The cultural heritage objects of each country should have a major impact on the development of space. Unfortunately, most often the investment needs prevail and only the most precious historical objects are protected. Thus often a monument is preserved, but its surroundings (which put it in context) are lost forever. This article addressed the issues of cultural heritage in relation to the spatial planning system in Poland. The...

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  • Magdalena Gajewska prof. dr hab. inż.

    Magdalena Gajewska (ur. 1.06.1968 r. w Gdańsku) ukończyła studia w 1993 roku na Wydziale Hydrotechniki Politechniki Gdańskiej.  Jest adiunktem w Katedrze Technologii Wody i Ścieków na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. Doktorat (2001) i habilitacja (2013) w dyscyplinie inżynierii środowiska.  W kadencji 2016–2020 pełni funkcję prodziekana ds. nauki. Specjalizuję się w technologiach związanych z ekoinżynierią:...

  • Problemy zarządzania bezpieczeństwem obiektu przemysłowego podwyższonego ryzyka


    - Rok 2009

    W rozdziale przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w zautomatyzowanym złożonym obiekcie podwyższonego ryzyka. Pokazano, że ryzyko strat można istotnie ograniczyć stosując odpowiednie rozwiązania techniczne w postaci warstwowego systemu zabezpieczeń, który obejmuje podstawowy system sterowania procesem, człowieka-operatora i system automatyki zabezpieczeniowej. Podkreślono znaczenie właściwego zaprojektowania...

  • Cybersecurity of Enterprise Infrastructure 2023

    Kursy Online
    • R. Leszczyna
    • S. Ostrowski

    The aim of the course is for a student to acquire fundamental knowledge on cybersecurity management in organisations. During the course the concepts and methods associated with of an information security management system, cybersecurity standards and guidelines, cybersecurity management process, cybersecurity policy, cybersecurity threats, risk management, protection controls and the cost of the cybersecurity management will be...

  • Managing enterprise IT infrastructure and security 2022

    Kursy Online
    • R. Leszczyna
    • B. Woliński

    The aim of the course is for a student to acquire fundamental knowledge on cybersecurity management in organisations. During the course the concepts and methods associated with of an information security management system, cybersecurity standards and guidelines, cybersecurity management process, cybersecurity policy, cybersecurity threats, risk management, protection controls and the cost of the cybersecurity management will be...

  • Cybersecurity of Enterprise Infrastructure 2024

    Kursy Online
    • R. Leszczyna
    • S. Ostrowski

    The aim of the course is for a student to acquire fundamental knowledge on cybersecurity management in organisations. During the course the concepts and methods associated with of an information security management system, cybersecurity standards and guidelines, cybersecurity management process, cybersecurity policy, cybersecurity threats, risk management, protection controls and the cost of the cybersecurity management will be...

  • Anita Jaśkiewicz-Sojak dr inż. arch.

    Anita Jaśkiewicz-Sojak (dr inż. arch.) architekt, historyk architektury, konserwator zabytków. Adiunkt w Katedrze Historii, Teorii Architektury i Konserwacji Zabytków na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. Wykształcenie: studia architektoniczne i doktorskie na Politechnice Gdańskiej, historyczne na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim oraz podyplomowe konserwatorskie na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej. Rozprawa doktorska...

  • The methods of secure data transmission in the KNX system

    The article presents the demands concerning data security in distributed building automation systems and shows the need for providing mechanisms of secure communication in the KNX system. Three different methods developed for KNX data protection are discussed: EIBsec, KNX Data Security and the author's method. Their properties are compared and potential areas of application are presented.

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  • A new method of fault loop resistance measurement in low voltage systems with residual current devices

    This paper presents a new method of fault loop resistance measurement in low voltage systems with residual current devices. The method enables measuring fault loop resistance without nuisance tripping of residual current devices, by application an unconventional waveform of measurement current. It is important for proper verification of the effectiveness of protection against electric shock.

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  • Analysis of Ferroresonance Mitigation Effectiveness in Auxiliary Power Systems of High-Voltage Substations

    • R. Tarko
    • W. Nowak
    • J. Gajdzica
    • S. Czapp

    - ENERGIES - Rok 2024

    Ferroresonance in power networks is a dangerous phenomenon, which may result in overcurrents and overvoltages, causing damage to power equipment and the faulty operation of protection systems. For this reason, the possibility of the occurrence of ferroresonance has to be identified, and adequate methods need to be incorporated to eliminate or reduce its effects. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of ferroresonance...

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  • CIP Security Awareness and Training: Standards and Practice


    - Rok 2018

    These are critical infrastructure employees who have access to the critical cyber assets in the first place. This situation is well recognized by international and national standardization bodies which recommend security education, training and awareness as one of the key elements of critical infrastructure protection. In this chapter the standards are identified and their relevant areas are described. A practical implementation...

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  • Cybersecurity in the Electricity Sector


    - Rok 2019

    This book offers a systematic explanation of cybersecurity protection of electricity supply facilities, including discussion of related costs, relevant standards, and recent solutions. The author explains the current state of cybersecurity in the electricity market, and cybersecurity standards that apply in that sector. He then offers a systematic approach to cybersecurity management, including new methods of cybersecurity assessment,...

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  • Piotr Zawadzki mgr inż.


    Piotr Zawadzki w 2018 r. ukończył studia na Wydziale Energetyki i Inżynierii Środowiska Politechniki Śląskiej w Gliwicach. Obecnie pracuje w Zakładzie Ochrony Wód w Laboratorium Technologii Wody i Ścieków, Głównego Instytutu Górnictwa. Jego zainteresowania badawcze obejmują eliminację mikrozanieczyszczeń ze środowiska człowieka z wykorzystaniem napędzanych światłem widzialnym zaawansowanych procesów utleniania, w tym z rodników...

  • Special Issue: Recent Advances in Corrosion Science


    - Materials - Rok 2020

    The dynamic development of the global industry and growing demand for new material technologies generates constantly increasing problems regarding premature material degradation and the requirement to determine corrosion mechanisms and to develop new protection/evaluation approaches. This Special Issue, “Recent Advances in Corrosion Science”, brings together fourteen articles and one review, providing a snapshot of the recent activity...

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  • Integrating environmental issues with the practice of urban planning


    Environmental protection of urban areas has become a common concern among academics, policy makers and urban planners. Therefore, environmental issues are often underlined and incorporated into many strategies for urban development. In the article a discussion about the development of the concept of sustainable development in the context of urban planning and international policies is presented, followed by a review of planning...

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  • Immunizing the Hillcast Method against the Known-Plaintext Attack using Periodic Key Exchange

    This paper considers a Joint Fingerprinting and Decryption method, called Hillcast, for the copyright protection and traitor tracing in case of Video on Demand services. Because the method is based on the Hill cipher, it is vulnerable to a known-plaintext attack. The goal of this paper is to present an efficient periodic key exchange mechanism to make this method secure without compromising its scalability, imperceptibility or...

  • Ryszard Staniszewski PhD, DSc


    Absolwent Technikum Energetycznego w Poznaniu (1988 r.) oraz Wydziału Melioracji i Inżynierii Środowiska AR Poznań (1994 r.). Przebieg pracy zawodowej: 2019; Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska, UP w Poznaniu; profesor UPP 2015; Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska, UP w Poznaniu; adiunkt z habilitacją 2002; Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska, UP w Poznaniu; adiunkt 1996; Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska Rolniczego,...

  • Automatic classification and mapping of the seabed using airborne LiDAR bathymetry

    • Ł. Janowski
    • P. Tysiąc
    • R. Wróblewski
    • M. Rucińska
    • A. Kubowicz- Grajewska


    Shallow coastal areas are among the most inhabited areas and are valuable for biodiversity, recreation and the economy. Due to climate change and sea level rise, sustainable management of coastal areas involves extensive exploration, monitoring, and protection. Current high-resolution remote sensing methods for monitoring these areas include bathymetric LiDAR. Therefore, this study presents a novel methodological approach to assess...

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  • Brygida Mielewska dr

    Brygida Mielewska urodziła się 1 grudnia 1972 r. w Gdyni. Studia wyższe ukończyła w 1997 r. na Wydziale Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, uzyskując tytuł magistra fizyki. W latach 1997–2003 pracowała na stanowisku asystenta w Katedrze Fizyki Zjawisk Elektronowych na Wydziale Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej Politechniki Gdańskiej. Pracę doktorską pisała pod kierunkiem prof. dr. hab. Mariusza Zubka,...

  • Rafał Ossowski dr inż.

    Rafał Ossowski (ur. 8.06.1973 r. w Chojnicach) – specjalista z mechaniki gruntów i geotechniki, głównie w zakresie modelowania numerycznego, oraz badań gruntów antropogenicznych. Autor i współautor publikacji dot. modelowania numerycznego w zagadnieniach mechaniki gruntów, badań podłoża gruntowego, zastosowań gruntów antropogenicznych w kontekście tzw. „zielonej geotechniki”. W latach 1992–1997 odbył studia na Wydziale Hydrotechniki...

  • Piotr Marek Smolnicki dr inż. arch.

    Autor, prelegent, architekt-urbanista, doktor nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych w temacie nowoczesnej zautomatyzowanej i współdzielonej mobilności metropolitalnej, ekspert doradzający miastom nt. prowadzenia procesów partycypacji społecznej przy planowaniu przestrzennym, projektował tzw. uchwały krajobrazowe.

  • Analiza bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego i ochrony informacji w rozproszonych systemach komputerowych pełniących funkcje sterowania i zabezpieczeń

    W niniejszym artykule przedstawiona została problematyka związana z analizą bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego rozproszonych systemów sterowania i automatyki zabezpieczeniowej z uwzględnieniem zagadnień ochrony informacji. Powinny być one rozpatrywane w sposób zintegrowany w zależności od rodzaju komunikacji stosowanej do transmisji danych. W tym celu zaproponowano podział analizowanych systemów na trzy kategorie. Zaproponowane podejście...

  • Analiza bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego i ochrony informacji w rozproszonych systemach komputerowych pełniących funkcje sterowania i zabezpieczeń

    W niniejszym artykule przedstawiona została problematyka związana z analizą bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego rozproszonych systemów sterowania i automatyki zabezpieczeniowej z uwzględnieniem zagadnień ochrony informacji. Powinny być one rozpatrywane w sposób zintegrowany w zależności od rodzaju komunikacji stosowanej do transmisji danych. W tym celu zaproponowano podział analizowanych systemów na trzy kategorie. Zaproponowane podejście...

  • Testing sensitivity of A-type residual current devices to earth fault currents with harmonics


    - SENSORS - Rok 2020

    In many applications, modern current-using equipment utilizes power electronic converters to control the consumed power and to adjust the motor speed. Such equipment is used both in industrial and domestic installations. A characteristic feature of the converters is producing distorted earth fault currents, which contain a wide spectrum of harmonics, including high-order harmonics. Nowadays, protection against electric shock in...

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  • Romanika Okraszewska dr inż. arch.

    dr inż. arch. Romanika Okraszewska jest adiunktem w Katedrze Inżynierii Drogowej i Transportowej Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. W 1996 ukończyła klasę matematyczno-informatyczną w VIII Liceum Ogólnokształcącym  im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Gdańsku. Absolwentka dwóch wydziałów Politechiki Gdańksiej, w roku 2002 ukończyła studia architektury i urbanistyki a w 2004 zarządzania i ekonomii. W latach...

  • NOMINATION DOSSIER, The Modernist Centre of Gdynia, parts 4 - 7


    - Rok 2021

    The city of Gdynia is commonly known in Poland as a symbol of the country’s independence and evidence of the foresight of planners and politicians. It is the outcome of the efforts and aspirations of generations of people from all kinds of backgrounds who made Gdynia their home. Document prepared by researchers from Gdansk University of Technology and other experts is the important part of the Nomination Dossier prepared for international...