Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: adaptive kalman filtering - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: adaptive kalman filtering

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: adaptive kalman filtering

  • Asynchronous distributed state estimation based on a continuous-time stochastic model

    W artykule rozważa się ogólny problem estymacji stanu w asynchronicznych rozłożonych systemach (ADE) opartych na wielu czujnikach. W takich systemach stan obiektu jest oceniany przez grupę lokalnych estymatorów, z których każdy oparty zwykle na filtrze Kalmana, dokonuje fuzji danych zebranych poprzez jego lokalne czujniki oraz danych uzyskanych od innych (zdalnych) procesorów, w celu wyznaczenia możliwie najlepszych estymat. Przeprowadzając...

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  • Integration of inertial sensors and GPS system data for underwater navigation

    The Inertial Navigation System (INS) is usually employed to determine the position of an underwater vehicles, like Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) and, more recently, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). The accuracy of the position provided by the INS, which uses accelerometers and gyroscopes, deteriorates with time. An external aiding sources such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) can be employed to reduce the error growth...

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  • Evaluation of high-frequency roughness measurement errors for composite and ceramic surfaces after machining

    • P. Podulka
    • W. Macek
    • M. Szala
    • A. Kubit
    • K. C. Das
    • G. Królczyk

    - Journal of Manufacturing Processes - Rok 2024

    Precise characterisation of surface topography is of the greatest importance since many factors directly affect the accuracy of the whole measurement process. In this paper, the variety of surface topographies from machined composite and ceramic workpieces was studied with a special emphasis on the measurement results. Surfaces were subjected to the ground diamond, honing and milling processes. Measurement results were analysed...

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  • Synteza bezczujnikowego sterowania maszyną indukcyjną klatkową zasilaną z falownika prądu


    - Rok 2016

    Synteza bezczujnikowego sterowania maszyną indukcyjną klatkową zasilaną z falownika prądu stanowi cel niniejszej monografii. Praca zawiera podstawowe informacje na temat modelowania układu napędowego z maszyną indukcyjną klatkową zasilaną z falownika prądu. Przedstawiono informacje na temat linearyzacji nieliniowych obiektów. Na pod-stawie metody syntezy strukturalnej opracowano nowe transformacje do postaci zmien-nych multiskalarnych,...

  • W-like bound entangled states and secure key distillation


    We construct multipartite entangled states with underlying W-type structuresatisfying positive partial transpose (PPT) condition under any (N −1)|1 partition. Then we showhow to distill a N-partite secure key from the states using two different methods: direct applicationof local filtering and novel random key distillation scheme in which we adopt the idea from recentresults on entanglement distillation. Open problems and possible...

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  • Conducted EMI Propagation Paths in DC-AC Hard Switching Converter

    In order to limit the electromagnetic interference (EMI) in power electronics devices, knowledge about the phenomena connected with EMI generation and propagation is necessary. This papers describes the propagation paths in the 3 phase voltage source inverter using wide-band simulation and laboratory test with the signal processing method Wiener filtering, where the transfer functions between voltage across switches and the perturbation...

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  • Topology Discovery of Hierarchical Ethernet LANs without SNMP support


    - Rok 2015

    This paper presents an algorithm that allows for discovery of layer-2 hierarchical Ethernet network topology using agents running on selected end nodes. No SNMP, MIB, hardware, firmware, or operating system-level software modification is required. The method is based on transmission of customized Ethernet frames among installed software agents. It can be used to discover the topology of LAN or one VLAN segment as long as no MAC...


    The paper describes an adaptive control system of the waves, implemented in the Ship Design and Research Centre, CTO S.A. The purpose of generating the waves in the towing tank is the modelling of the environmental conditions during hydrodynamic model tests. The tests are performed on scale models of towed or free running ships, anchored structures like oil rigs or bottommounted structures, e.g. wind turbines. In the towing tank...

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  • Adaptive Expectation Maximization Smoothing (AEMS) inverse technique forindirect fish target strenght estimation. W: [CD-ROM] Full Papers. 6th ICES Symposium on Acoustics in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology. Montpellier, 10-14 June 2002. [Montpellier: Ifremer]**2002, [6 s.] 5 rys. bibliogr. 5 poz. Zastosowanie adaptacyjnej metody EMS do pośredniej estymacji siły celu ryb.


    - Rok 2002

    W pracy przedstawiono modyfikację statystycznej metody EMS (ang. Expecta-tion, Maximization, Smoothing) stosowanej w zagadnienia odwrotnych, polega-jącą na iteracyjnym rozwiązaniu równania Fredholma. Pokazano jej zastosowa-nie do pośredniej estymacji siły celu ryb stosowanej dla danych pozyskanychprzez hydroakustyczne systemy jednowiązkowe wykorzystywane w przeszukiwa-niach akustycznych. Wyniki porównano z rezultatami uzyskanymi...

  • Ochrona odbiorników GNSS przed zakłóceniami celowymi

    Artykuł dotyczy zastosowania algorytmów przestrzennego cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów dla potrzeb selektywnej eliminacji sygnałów zakłócających pracę odbiorników nawigacji satelitarnej GNSS. Omówiono podatność tych odbiorników na ataki elektroniczne typu zagłuszanie oraz spoofing. Polegają one na celowej emisji sygnałów niepożądanych w paśmie pracy systemu. Następnie przedstawiono koncepcję przeciwdziałania tego rodzaju zakłóceniom...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Visual Detection of People Movement Rules Violation in Crowded Indoor Scenes


    The paper presents a camera-independent framework for detecting violations of two typical people movement rules that are in force in many public transit terminals: moving in the wrong direction or across designated lanes. Low-level image processing is based on object detection with Gaussian Mixture Models and employs Kalman filters with conflict resolving extensions for the object tracking. In order to allow an effective event...

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  • Viewpoint independent shape-based object classification for video surveillance


    A method for shape based object classification is presented.Unlike object dimension based methods it does not require any system calibration techniques. A number of 3D object models are utilized as a source of training dataset for a specified camera orientation. Usage of the 3D models allows to perform the dataset creation process semiautomatically. The background subtraction method is used for the purpose of detecting moving objects...

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  • Multipath Complex Root Tracing

    The problem of multipath root tracing is being addressed in this communication. The self-adaptive complex root tracing algorithm, which was previously utilized for the investigation of various propagation and radiation problems, is analyzed here for the cases when the traced characteristic bifurcates. A procedure of multiroute detection is proposed and demonstrated on the coaxially loaded cylindrical waveguide example.

  • Towards Robust Identification of Nonstationary Systems


    The article proposes a fast, two-stage method for the identification of nonstationary systems. The method uses iterative reweighting to robustify the identification process against the outliers in the measurement noise and against the numerical errors that may occur at the first stage of identification. We also propose an adaptive algorithm to optimize the values of the hyperparameters that are crucial for this new method.

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  • Integration of inertial sensors and GPS system data for the personal navigation in urban area


    GPS and Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) have complementary properties and they are therefore well suited for integration. The integrated solution offers better long-term accuracy than a stand-alone INS and better integrity, availability and continuity or a stand-alone GPS receiver, making it suitable for demanding applications. The complementary features of INS and GPS are the main reasons why integrated GPS/INS systems are becoming...

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  • Asynchronous distributed state estimation for continuous-time stochastic processes

    We consider the problem of state estimation of a continuous-time stochastic process using an asynchronous distributed multi-sensor estimation system (ADES). In an ADES the state of a process of interest is estimated by a group of local estimators. Each local estimator based, for example, on a Kalman filter, performs single sensor filtration but also fusion of its local results and results from other (remote) processors to compute...

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  • Sensorless predictive control of three-phase parallel active filter


    The paper presents the control system of parallel active power filter (APF) with predictive reference current calculation and model based predictive current control. The novel estimator and predictor of grid emf is proposed for AC voltage sensorless operation of APF, regardless of distortion of this voltage. Proposed control system provides control of APF current with high precision and dynamics limited only by filter circuit parameters....

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  • Projekt systemu sterowania dwukołowym robotem balansującym

    W niniejszym artykule rozważony został problem sterowania dwukołowym robotem balansującym. Celem zaprezentowanych prac było zaprojektowanie systemu sterowania tego typu obiektem z wykorzystaniem metod nowoczesnej teorii sterowania. W ramach syntezy, bazując na wyprowadzonym w oparciu o zasady dynamiki Newtona modelu, dobrana została struktura systemu sterowania w postaci regulatora wykorzystującego sprzężenie zwrotne od stanu oraz...

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  • Context-aware User Modelling and Generation of Recommendations in Recommender Systems


    - Rok 2018

    Recommender systems are software tools and techniques which aim at suggesting new items that may be of interest to a user. This dissertation is focused on four problems in recommender systems domain. The first one is context-awareness, i.e. how to obtain relevant contextual information, how to model user preferences in a context and use them to make predictions. The second one is multi-domain recommendation, which aim at suggesting...

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  • Multifunctional PID Neuro-Controller for Synchronous Generator

    This paper deals with a PID Neuro-Controller (PIDNC) for synchronous generator system. The controller is based on artificial neural network and adaptive control strategy. It ensures two functions: maintaining the generator voltage at its desired value and damping electromechanical oscillations. The performance of the proposed controller is evaluated on the basis of simulation tests. A comparative study of the results obtained with...

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  • Face Recognition: Shape versus Texture


    - Rok 2015

    This paper describes experiments related to the application of well-known techniques of the texture feature extraction (Local Binary Patterns and Gabor filtering) to the problem of automatic face verification. Results of the tests show that simple image normalization strategy based on the eye center detection and a regular grid of fiducial points outperforms the more complicated approach, employing active models that are able to...

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  • Marine polymers in tissue bioprinting: Current achievements and challenges

    Bioprinting has a critical role in tissue engineering, allowing the creation of sophisticated cellular scaffolds with high resolution, shape fidelity, and cell viability. Achieving these parameters remains a challenge, necessitating bioinks that are biocompatible, printable, and biodegradable. This review highlights the potential of marine-derived polymers and crosslinking techniques including mammalian collagen and gelatin along...

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  • Analysis of nonlinear eigenvalue problems for guides and resonators in microwave and terahertz technology


    - Rok 2023

    This dissertation presents developed numerical tools for investigating waveguides and resonators' properties for microwave and terahertz technology. The electromagnetics analysis requires solving complex eigenvalue problems, representing various parameters such as resonant frequency or propagation coefficient. Solving equations with eigenvalue boils down to finding the roots of the determinant of the matrix. At the beginning, one...

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  • Stochastic optimisation algorithm for optimisation of controller parameters for control of dissolved oxygen in wastewater treatment plant

    Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are very important facilities for mankind. They enable the removal and neutralisation of man-made pollutants. Therefore, it is important for wastewater treatment plants to operate as efficiently as possible so that the level of pollutants in the treated wastewater meets specific requirements. This paper concerns the design of a hierarchical nonlinear adaptive control system for dissolved oxygen...

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  • Nierówności pionowe toru kolejowego


    - Logistyka - Rok 2014

    Ocena jakości geometrycznej toru kolejowego wymaga od zarządców infrastruktury stosowania jednolitych metod pomiarów, obliczania i interpretacji wyników. W tym zakresie należy stosować się do norm europejskich i technicznych specyfikacje interoperacyjności. W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe zagadnienia związane z pomiarem i oceną nierówności pionowych toru kolejowego. Zapisano odchyłki dopuszczalne nierówności pionowych według...

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  • Extinction Event Concepts for the Evolutionary Algorithms


    - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny - Rok 2012

    The main goal of this present paper is to propose a structure for a tool helping to determine how algorithm would react in a real live application, by checking it's adaptive capabilities in an extreme situation. Also a different idea of an additional genetic operator is being presented. As Genetic Algorithms are directly inspired by evolution, extinction events, which are elementary in our planet's development history, became...

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  • Formowanie napięć wyjściowych trójfazowego przekształtnika sieciowego

    W artykule przedstawiono kompensację dwu zasadniczych zjawisk powodujących zniekształcenia prądów fazowych przekształtnika sieciowego. Pierwszym z nich są zniekształcenia napięcia sieci. W celu ich eliminacji zaproponowano uśrednianie za okres podstawowej harmonicznej uchybu regulatora napięcia obwodu pośredniczącego oraz predykcję napięcia sieci. Drugim natomiast są zniekształcenia napięć wyjściowych przekształtnika sieciowego....

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  • Resolving conflicts in object tracking for automatic detection of events in video


    W referacie przedstawiono algorytm rozwiązywania konfliktów w śledzeniu obiektów ruchomych. Proponowana metoda wykorzystuje predykcję stanu obiektu obliczaną przez filtry Kalmana oraz dopasowuje wykryte obiekty do struktur śledzących ich ruch na podstawie deskryptorów koloru i tekstury. Omówiono specyficzne sytuacje powodujące konflikty, takie jak rozdzielanie obiektów. Przedstawiono wyniki testów. Algorytm może być zastosowany...

  • Multi-criterion, evolutionary and quantum decision making in complex systems


    - Rok 2011

    Multi-criterion, evolutionary and quantum decision making supported by the Adaptive Quantum-based Multi-criterion Evolutionary Algorithm (AQMEA) has been considered for distributed complex systems. AQMEA had been developed to the task assignment problem, and then it has been applied to underwater vehicle planning as another benchmark three-criterion optimization problem. For evaluation of a vehicle trajectory three criteria have...

  • Intelligent multimedia solutions supporting special education needs.

    The role of computers in school education is briefly discussed. Multimodal interfaces development history is shortly reviewed. Examples of applications of multimodal interfaces for learners with special educational needs are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with facial expression and speech stretching audio interface representing audio modality....

  • Intelligent video and audio applications for learning enhancement

    The role of computers in school education is briefly discussed. Multimodal interfaces development history is shortly reviewed. Examples of applications of multimodal interfaces for learners with special educational needs are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with facial expression and speech stretching audio interface representing audio modality....

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  • Improvement of time difference of arrival measurements resolution by using fractional delay filters in a direct sequence-code division multiple access radionavigation system

    This study presents a method of improving time measurements resolution in a direct sequence-code division multiple access receiver by using a fine code tracking loop based on fractional delay filtering of a despreading sequence. It briefly describes the structure of a generic digital code tracking loop and the proposed modification which allows to measure time difference of arrival values with the subsample resolution, together...

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  • Ancillary services to grids provided with distributed generation


    - Rok 2009

    The paper introduces system for utilization of the customer-side generated energy. Additionally system can secure some ancillary services to grids. Those services include: current active filtering, load voltage stabilization and in case of grid voltage faults - uninterruptible load supplying (possible with energy storage device). Presented experimental results confirm flexibility of this arrangement in processes of power delivery...

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  • Adaptacyjny system sterowania ruchem drogowym


    - Rok 2024

    Adaptacyjny system sterowania ruchem drogowym to rodzaj systemu sterowania, który dynamicznie, w czasie rzeczywistym, dostosowuje swoje parametry w oparciu o bieżące warunki ruchu drogowego. Celem niniejszej rozprawy jest sprawdzenie wpływu wybranych cech systemu, zbudowanego w oparciu o zaprojektowane i zbudowane z udziałem autora inteligentne znaki drogowe, na wybrane parametry mające wpływ na bezpieczeństwo i płynność ruchu....

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  • Performance analysis of co-existing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth networks

    Pasmo ISM wykorzystywane jest przez wiele różnych technologii transmisji bezprzewodowej. Tym samym pojawiają się problemy związane z zapewnieniem określonej efektywności dla sieci różnych technologii. W artykule analizowano wpływ wzajemnych interferencji nadajników sieci Bluetooth i IEEE802.11b, badano przykładowe scenariusze pracy oraz przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących techniki AFH (ang. Adaptive Frequency Hopping).

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  • Affective reactions to playing digital games


    The paper presents a study of emotional states during a gameplay. An experiment of two-player Tetris game is reported, followed by the analysis of the results - self-reported emotional states as well as physiological signals measurements interpretation. The study reveals the diversity of emotional reactions and concludes, that a representative player's emotional model is hard to define. Instead, an adaptive approach to emotion...

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  • Bogdan Wiszniewski prof. dr hab. inż.

    Bogdan Wiszniewski ukończył studia na Politechnice Gdańskiej w 1977 r. uzyskując tytuł zawodowy magistra inżyniera elektroniki, specjalności automatyka i informatyka. W 1984 r. uzyskał stopień naukowy doktora nauk technicznych, w 1998 r. doktora habilitowanego, a w 2006 r. tytuł profesora. Wykładał na uniwersytetach w Kanadzie, Stanach Zjednoczonych i Wielkiej Brytanii. Był głównym wykonawcą lub koordynatorem kilkunastu krajowych...

  • Control design for slow speed positioning


    - Rok 2013

    The problem under study is a synthesis of position and heading control system for low frequency model of surface vessel described by 3 DOF mathematical model. The recursive vectorial backstepping control design was used to keep fixed position and heading in presence of wave disturbances. The controller has been simulated on computer model of scaled supply vessel. It has been assumed that the actuators produce generalized forces...

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  • The structure of the control system for a dynamically positioned ship


    - Rok 2016

    The article discusses functions and tasks of dynamic positioning (DP) systems for ships. The analysed issues include ship steering, in particular stabilisation of ship position and direction of motion (real course) at low manoeuvring speeds, and commonly used DP ship models. Requirements imposed by classification societies on DP ships are quoted. A multi-layer structure of the DP control system is presented, with special attention...

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  • FIReWORK: FIR Filters Hardware Structures Auto-Generator

    The paper presents application called FIReWORK, that allows for automatic creation of the VHDL hardware structures of FIR filters. Automat- ically generated specialized hardware solutions dedicated to the FPGA and ASIC are commonly known as Intellectual Property Cores. The essential fu- ture of the application is easy initialization of FIR filter parameters in GUI, and then automatically design, calculate and generate the IP Core...

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  • Improving Re-rankCCP with Rules Quality Measures


    - Rok 2022

    Recommender Systems are software tools and techniques which aim at suggesting new items that may possibly be of interest to a user. Context-Aware Recommender Systems exploit contextual information to provide more adequate recommendations. In this paper we described a modification of an existing contextual post-filtering algorithm which uses rules-like user representation called Contextual Conditional Preferences. We extended the...

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  • Residue-Pole Methods for Variability Analysis of S-parameters of Microwave Devices with 3D FEM and Mesh Deformation

    This paper presents a new approach for variability analysis of microwave devices with a high dimension of uncertain parameters. The proposed technique is based on modeling an approximation of system by its poles and residues using several modeling methods, including ordinary kriging, Adaptive Polynomial Chaos (APCE), and Support Vector Machine Regression (SVM). The computational cost is compared with the traditional Monte-Carlo...

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  • Fast Basis Function Estimators for Identification of Nonstationary Stochastic Processes


    The problem of identification of a linear nonsta-tionary stochastic process is considered and solved using theapproach based on functional series approximation of time-varying parameter trajectories. The proposed fast basis func-tion estimators are computationally attractive and yield resultsthat are better than those provided by the local least squaresalgorithms. It is shown that two...

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  • Ripple oscillations in the left temporal neocortex are associated with impaired verbal episodic memory encoding

    • Z. Waldman
    • L. Camarillo-Rodriguez
    • I. Chervenova
    • B. Berry
    • S. Shimamoto
    • B. Elahian
    • M. T. Kucewicz
    • C. Ganne
    • X. He
    • L. A. Davis... i 17 innych

    - EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR - Rok 2018

    BACKGROUND: We sought to determine if ripple oscillations (80-120 Hz), detected in intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) recordings of patients with epilepsy, correlate with an enhancement or disruption of verbal episodic memory encoding. METHODS: We defined ripple and spike events in depth iEEG recordings during list learning in 107 patients with focal epilepsy. We used logistic regression models (LRMs) to investigate the...

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  • On bidirectional preestimates and their application to identification of fast time-varying systems


    - Rok 2023

    When applied to the identification of time-varying systems, such as rapidly fading telecommunication channels, adaptive estimation algorithms built on the local basis function (LBF) principle yield excellent tracking performance but are computationally demanding. The subsequently proposed fast LBF (fLBF) algorithms, based on the preestimation principle, allow a substantial reduction in complexity without significant performance...

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  • Medley filters - simple tools for efficient signal smoothing


    - Rok 2010

    Medley filters are defined as convex combinations of elementary smoothing filters (averaging, median) with different smoothing bandwidths. It is shown that when adaptive weights of such a mixture are evaluated using the recently proposed Bayesian rules, one obtains a tool which often outperforms the state-of-the-art wavelet-based smoothing algorithms. Additionally, unlike wavelet-based procedures, medley filters can easily cope...

  • ANALYSIS OF IMPACT of SHIP model parameters on changes of control quality index in ship dynamic positioning system

    In this work there is presented an analysis of impact of ship model parameters on changes of control quality index in a ship dynamic positioning system designed with the use of a backstepping adaptive controller. Assessment of the impact of ship model parameters was performed on the basis of Pareto-Lorentz curves and ABC method in order to determine sets of the parameters which have either crucial, moderate or low impact on objective...

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  • Parallel frequency tracking with built-in performance evaluation

    The problem of estimation of instantaneous frequency of a nonstationary complex sinusoid (cisoid) buried in wideband noise is considered. The proposed approach employs a bank of adaptive notch filters, extended with a nontrivial performance assessment mechanism which automatically chooses the best performing filter in the bank. Additionally, a computationally attractive method of implementing the bank is proposed. The new structure...

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  • Feature type and size selection for adaboost face detection algorithm


    - Rok 2010

    The article presents different sets of Haar-like features defined for adaptive boosting (AdaBoost) algorithm for face detection. Apart from a simple set of pixel intensity differences between horizontally or vertically neighboring rectangles, the features based on rotated rectangles are considered. Additional parameter that limits the area on which the features are calculated is also introduced. The experiments carried out on...

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  • Modelling Object Behaviour in a Video Surveillnace System Using Pawlak's Flowgraph


    In this paper, methodology of acquisition and processing of video streams for the purpose of modelling object behaviour is presented. Multilevel contextual video processing was also mentioned. The Pawlak’s flowgraph is used as a container for the knowledge related to the behaviour of objects in the area supervised by a video surveillance system. Spatio-temporal dependencies in transitions between cameras can be easily changed in...

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