Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: organic chemistry
Performance of organic coatings upon cyclic mechanical load
PublikacjaA number of engineering structures fail due to the fatigue damage resulting from cyclic mechanical stress. However, as far as organic coatings are concerned this degradation factor remains underestimated. In the paper the authors propose a methodology combining global electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and local atomic force microscopy measurements for evaluation of coating resistance to an impact of repetitive mechanical stress. Typical...
Stratification of nano-pigments in anti-corrosive coatings by means of magnetic field
PublikacjaThe concept of self-stratification of coatings, although attractive, causes difficulties in its practical use, especially when pigments are added to the resins. An alternative way of obtaining a multilayer structure in a single step was presented. Using the inhomogeneous magnetic field and magnetically active components of the coating, the possibility of vertically graded differentiation of the one layer properties has been verified....
Transparent nanocomposite coatings based on epoxy and layered double hydroxide: Nonisothermal cure kinetics and viscoelastic behavior assessments
PublikacjaLayered double hydroxide (LDH) has a particular place in clay family because of its flame retardant action. The nanoplatelet-like structure of LDH makes possible development of polymer composites with cationic or anionic nature structures in which macromolecules are positioned in between nanoplatelet galleries. In this work, neat epoxy and its transparent nanocomposite coatings with sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS)-modified...
Unconditionally blue: Curing epoxy with polyethylene glycol (PEG) surface-functionalized Zn Fe3-O4 magnetic nanoparticles
PublikacjaNanoparticles govern early (chemical-controlled) and late (diffusion-controlled) stages of epoxy crosslinking, respectively. Surface functionalization of nanoparticles with macromolecules was recognized as an effective route to compensate for inadequate diffusion-controlled crosslinking. However, the effect of bulk composition amended with cations having catalytic effect towards epoxy ring opening has remained hitherto undescribed....
An attempt to mechanistically explain the viscoelastic behavior of transparent epoxy/starch-modified ZnO nanocomposite coatings
PublikacjaThe effects of bare and starch-modified ZnO (ZnO-St) nanoparticles on viscoelastic and mechanical properties are studied by dynamic mechanical and tensile analyses. Transparent epoxy-based nanocomposite films are prepared by incorporating bare or starch-modified ZnO particles into the epoxy matrix. The results demonstrated that ZnO particles hindered the curing reactions and hence the final properties of the cured epoxy. As a result,...
Flame retardant epoxy/halloysite nanotubes nanocomposite coatings: Exploring low-concentration threshold for flammability compared to expandable graphite as superior fire retardant
PublikacjaEpoxy nanocomposites containing halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) were developed and their low-concentration thresholds for thermal stability and flame retardancy were compared with that of epoxy system containing expandable graphite (EG), as a reference with superior flame retardancy. The effects of HNTs and EG on the peak of Heat Release Rate (pHRR), Total Heat Release (THR), and Time-To-Ignition (TTI) of the prepared samples were...
Effect of environmental temperature variations on protective properties of organic coatings
PublikacjaW oparciu o model rozwoju naprężeń oraz niszczenia kumulatywnego przedyskutowano wpływ zmiennych temperatur środowiska na mechaniczną spójność i własności ochronne systemów powłokowych. Badano wpływ cykli temperaturowych pomiędzy 20 i 55 st. C oraz między -20 i 20 st. C na trwałość różnych powłokowych systemów malarskich na stali. Stosując technikę spektroskopii impedancyjnej monitorowano zmiany parametrów powłok poddanych cyklom...
Conducting coatings as anodes in cathodic protection
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki pomiarów elektrochemicznych powłok przewodzących opartych o mieszaninę pigmentów węglowych osadzonych w matrycy polimerowej. Wyznaczono parametry powłok przewodzących w oparciu o metodę elektrochemicznej spektroskopii impedancyjnej. Parametry elektryczne i elektrochemiczne były wyznaczane jednocześnie, w czasie długotrwałej anodowej polaryzacji badanych powłok. Stwierdzono, że badane powłoki mogą być używane...
Inspection of rubber linings operating in flue gas desulphurisation units. Inspekcje wykładzin gumowych w warunkach instalacji odsiarczania spalin.
PublikacjaPomiary metodą EIS wykładzin gumowych przeprowadzono w warunkach polowych.Stwierdzono, że najlepszym miernikiem jakości powłoki jest pojemność elektryczna powłoki. Sposób wyznaczania zwartości wilgoci w powłoce oparty został na równaniu Brashera-Kingsbury´ego. Wyniki porównano z oznaczeniami wilgoci w wykładzinie metodami niszczącymi przeprowadzonymi w tych samych miejscach co badania elektrochemiczne.
Impedance measurements of coating properties on bridge structures
PublikacjaPomiary impedancyjne pozwalają na prostą ocenę właściwości ochronnych powłok ochronnych i wykładzin. Pomiary stosuje się w celu porównania powłok, monitorowania ich właściwości i oceny mechanizmu działania. Metodyka jest z powodzeniem stosowana w pomiarach laboratoryjnych. Pomiary terenowe są bardziej skomplikowane ponieważ wymagają w pełni kontrolowanych komputerowo przyrządów, kontroli warunków pogodowych oraz wielu innych parametrów...
Donor-substituted SrTi1+xO3−δ anodes for SOFC
PublikacjaNonstoichiometric Nb-substituted SrTiO3 compounds were investigated in order to discuss the influence of nonstoichiometry at the sample properties in the light of recent results reported in the literature. Structural and electrical properties of samples were characterized. Investigated compounds were also applied as anodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and their reactivity with YSZ electrolyte was examined. The defect chemistry explaining...
Recent Applications of 1D GC-MS and 2D GC-MS in Foodomics Studies
PublikacjaGas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry and food chemistry have been tightly linked since the 1960s. This setup is also an integral part of the omics studies when it comes to low mass metabolites. Therefore, the marriage of GC-MS and foodomics is obvious. Two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry fits perfectly within the latest trends in foodomics, since it is tailored for holistic food analysis....
Sample Preparation in Foodomics: Miniaturized Solid-Phase Extraction
PublikacjaAnalytical chemists face a challenge to bring comprehensive information on a given food and biological sample by using the best available analytical techniques and meet the requirements of sustainable development and green chemistry at the same time. A key objective of this chapter is to review selected literature data on the utilization of solid-phase extraction techniques with special attention to their miniaturized modes in...
Mobile Systems (Portable, Handheld, Transportable) for Monitoring Air Pollution
PublikacjaThe monitoring and analysis of atmospheric air pollutants is a rapidly developing branch of analytical chemistry. The in situ analysis of atmospheric air quality using mobile instrumentation is becoming routine. The article provides information on devices used in various kinds of mobile laboratories. It reviews the portable gas chromatographs and handheld devices used for detecting and determining specific harmful substances in...
Deep eutectic solvents with solid supports used in microextraction processes applied for endocrine-disrupting chemicals
PublikacjaThe determination of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has become one of the biggest challenges in Analytical Chemistry. Due to the low concentration of these compounds in different kinds of samples, it becomes necessary to employ efficient sample preparation methods and sensitive measurement techniques to achieve low limits of detection. This issue becomes even more struggling when the principles of the Green Analytical Chemistry...
Molecularly imprinted polymers applied in capillary electrochromatography and electrophoresis techniques
PublikacjaMolecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are synthetic materials with predetermined selectivity for a particular analyte or group of structure-linked chemicals which make them an ideal separation component. The process of developing and applying new types of MIPs in the field of environmental analytical chemistry has been broadly discussedi n many scientific studies in recent years. The use of new types of MIP sorbents as unique sorption...
Ni/cerium Molybdenum Oxide Hydrate Microflakes Composite Coatings Electrodeposited from Choline Chloride: Ethylene Glycol Deep Eutectic Solvent
PublikacjaCerium molybdenum oxide hydrate microflakes are codeposited with nickel from a deep eutectic solvent-based bath. During seven days of exposure in 0.05 M NaCl solution, the corrosion resistance of composite coating (Ni/CeMoOxide) is slightly reduced, due to the existence of some microcracks caused by large microflakes. Multielemental analysis of the solution, in which coatings are exposed and the qualitative changes in the surface...
Clickable polysaccharides for biomedical applications: A comprehensive review
PublikacjaRecent advances in materials science and engineering highlight the importance of designing sophisticated biomaterials with well-defined architectures and tunable properties for emerging biomedical applications. Click chemistry, a powerful method allowing specific and controllable bioorthogonal reactions, has revolutionized our ability to make complex molecular structures with a high level of specificity, selectivity, and yield...
Dependence between Ionic Liquid Structure and Mechanism of Visible-Light-Induced Activity of TiO2 Obtained by Ionic-Liquid-Assisted Solvothermal Synthesis
PublikacjaBecause of the tremendous structural diversityof ionic liquids (ILs), simple transfer of observations performed for one IL used for IL-TiO2 preparation on different samples is not possible. Therefore, four ionic liquids, all containing distinct nitrogen-bearing organic cations (pyridinium, pyrrolidinium, ammonium, imidazolium), were used for the first time for the preparation of IL-TiO2 composites. The role of the individual IL...
Chemical composition of shells from red (Strongylocentrotus franciscanum) and green (Strongylocentrotus droeba-chiensis) sea urchin
PublikacjaThe shells from red and green sea urchins accounted for 47.9 and 40.7% of their body weights, respectively. The red and green sea urchin shells contained 91.08 and 90.77% minerals and 4.06 and 4.99% proteins, respectively. The shells did not contain any chitin. Sea urchin shells had a relatively large amount of naphthoquinone pigments, 121 mg per 100 g in red and 163 mg per 100 g in green species. The small quantities of glucosamine...
PublikacjaMembranes are becoming more and more popular in analytical chemistry, which is why they are used, among others, in extraction processes. Therefore, this work focuses on the process of synthesis PVDF membranes and its optimization. The obtained membranes were used as bags for the phthalate extraction in disposable diapers for babies. Extraction was accomplished by method ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of porous PVDF membrane...
Komitet Chemii Analitycznej PAN i jego działalność : Historia i dzień dzisiejszy
PublikacjaIn the contemporary society analytical chemistry as a scientific discipline and its practical application, termed often ;analysis'', has many important aims, and its role still increases. The Committee, formed in 1955 as a Commission, during several decades has coordinated and supported the activity of Polish analytical chemists on the national and international fields. Its present role includes organization of conferences and...
New clicked full agonists of the estrogen receptor β
PublikacjaA click chemistry approach was used to synthesize a series of 1,4-diaryl-substituted 1,2,3-triazoles designed to behave as estrogen receptor (ER) ligands. We studied their affinities for both receptors α and β, their agonist activities in a cell-based luciferase reporter assay and their effect on the proliferation of the hormone-dependent MCF-7 cell line. We found two compounds (3a and 3c) that behave as selective full agonists...
Characteristics, Chemical Modification Processes as well as the Application of Silica and its Modified Forms
PublikacjaThe variety of chemical modifications of the surface of silica and its modified forms cause thesematerials to find a consistently wider scope of application. In the publication, the characteristicsof silica, silica gel, aerogel and xerogel are presented. The obtainment, application and propertiesof these materials are discussed. Methods of chemical modifications of surface structures withthe use of different chemical compounds...
Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents as Agents for Improving Solubility, Stability and Delivery of Curcumin
PublikacjaPurpose Study on curcumin dissolved in natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) was aimed at exploiting their beneficial properties as drug carriers. Methods The concentration of dissolved curcumin in NADES was measured. Simulated gastrointestinal fluids were used to determine the concentration of curcumin and quantum chemistry computations were performed for clarifying the origin of curcumin solubility enhancement in NADES. Results NADES...
The chemistry, properties and performance of flame-retardant rubber composites: Collecting, analyzing, categorizing, machine learning modeling, and visualizing
PublikacjaRubbers combine the flexibility with mechanical strength, supporting myriad applications, but suffer from inherent flammability. Formulation and production of flame-retardant rubber composites (FRRCs) have intensively been practiced over years, but not comprehensively reviewed. This necessity has outlined collecting, analyzing, screening, classifying, and interpreting the literature with the aim of classifying the FRRCs. We quantified...
How Do Ionic Liquids Affect the Surface Structure of Titania Photocatalyst? An Electron-Trap Distribution-Analysis Study
PublikacjaTitanium(IV) oxide, titania, photocatalyst particles were prepared from titanium alkoxide in the presence of several kinds of ionic liquids, and it was clarified that a group of samples exhibited photocatalytic activity for phenol degradation under the irradiation of light of wavelength >400 nm higher than those of the other group of samples. Although the conventional structural analytical results could not be related to the activity,...
The content of biogenic amines in Rondo and Zweigelt wines and correlations between selected wine parameters
PublikacjaThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the content of biogenic amines (BAs) in wines using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (DLLME-GC–MS). An additional objective was to assess the correlations between selected parameters characterizing the samples such as the content of BAs, sugars, and organic acids, pH, and total acidity. Wines produced from the same grape variety in which alcoholic...
Morphology control via dual solvent crystallization for high-mobility functionalized pentacene-blend thin film transistors
PublikacjaWe present an approach to improving the performance of solution processed organic semiconductor transistors based on a dual solvent system. We here apply this to a blend containing the π-conjugated small molecule 6,13 bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene (TIPS-pentacene) and polystyrene, which acts as an inert binder. Using a semiconductor-binder solution of two solvents, where the main solvent is a better solvent of the small...
Binary-Encounter Model for Direct Ionization of Molecules by Positron-Impact
PublikacjaWe introduce two models for the computation of direct ionization cross sections by positron impact over a wide range of collision energies. The models are based on the binary-encounter-Bethe model and take into account an extension of the Wannier theory. The cross sections computed with these models show good agreement with experimental data. The extensions improve the agreement between theory and experiment for collision energies...
A competition between two- and three-body dissociation channels in photo-double-ionization of tetrahydro-2H-pyran and 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran molecules
PublikacjaVarious molecules possess structures consisting of the heterocyclic rings containing oxygen atoms. These substances often play a significant role in many different fields of chemistry, medicine, and biology. Due to a specific atomic composition and bond arrangement, many of these molecules retain unique electronic properties, which may be probed by diverse spectroscopic techniques, including those utilizing synchrotron radiation....
Environmental impact and industrial development of biorenewable resources for polyurethanes
PublikacjaPolyurethanes are among the most developed types of polymers. They are produced from the three primary components, i.e., polyols, low-molecular-weight glycols used as chain extenders, and diisocyanates. Until recently, all these substrates have been obtained via petrochemical processes. A decrease in petroleum-based resources and new ecological trends in chemistry, chemical technology, and materials engineering have generated increasing...
Potential energy surfaces of the low-lying electronic states of the Li+LiCs system
PublikacjaAb initio quantum chemistry calculations are performed for the mixed alkali triatomic system. Global minima of the ground and first excited doublet states of the trimer are found and Born-Oppenheimer potential energy surfaces of the Li atom interacting with the LiCs molecule were calculated for these states. The lithium atom is placed at various distances and bond angles from the lithium-caesium dimer. Three-body nonadditive forces...
Distillation cleanup preceded gc determination of short-chain monocarboxylic acids in aqueous and solid samples of wastewater origin = Oznaczanie krótkołańcuchowych kwasów monokarboksylowych w próbkach wodnych i stałych pochodzących z oczyszczalni ścieków z wykorzystaniem chromatografii gazowej poprzedzonej destylacją
PublikacjaShort-chain monocarboxylic acids (SCMAs) (C2-C5) formed in the process of aerobic biodegradation of larger organic molecules should often be monitored to optimize wastewater biological treatment and study the processes of converting organic waste matter into methane, etc. Gas chromatography (GC) seems a method of choice for such a task. Majority of samples require clean up before they can be injected into GC system. In this work...
Birds' feathers – Suitable samples for determination of environmental pollutants
PublikacjaThe intensive development of industry and human population results in large amounts of different xenobiotic emitted into individual ecosystem components. As a consequence, monitoring of the level of pollution of particular elements of the environment by exotoxins has become a common interest. The determination of environmental changes by different types of biological indicators is called bioindication, which is used as one of the...
Sample preparation and recent trends in volatolomics for diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases
PublikacjaThe analysis of the human volatilome can be successfully used for rapid and non-invasive diagnostics of gastrointestinal diseases. However, the introduction of techniques based on detection of volatiles is limited, among other factors, by difficulties which arise during the sampling stage and instrumental analysis. The aim of this article was to review and discuss medical and analytical literature on the analysis of volatiles in...
Comparative Analysis of Laboratory-Made and Industrial-Made Sewage Sludge Ash: Implications for Effective Management Strategy Development
Publikacjafirst_pageDownload PDFsettingsOrder Article Reprints Open AccessArticle Comparative Analysis of Laboratory-Made and Industrial-Made Sewage Sludge Ash: Implications for Effective Management Strategy Development by Bartłomiej Michał Cieślik 1,*ORCID,Oskar Ronda 1ORCID,Elżbieta Grządka 2ORCID,Jolanta Orzeł 2 andJustyna Płotka-Wasylka 1 1 Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology, Gabriela...
Multicriteria Decision Analysis and Grouping of Analytical Procedures for Phthalates Determination in Disposable Baby Diapers
PublikacjaThis study presents the application of one of the tools from the multicriteria decision analysis set (MCDA), the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Selected green analytical chemistry metrics were used to rank analytical procedures for the phthalate determination in disposable baby diapers. Nine analytical procedures were assessed in order to find one that has the lowest environmental impact...
Fabrication, structural and electrical properties of Sr(V,Nb)O 3-δ perovskite materials
PublikacjaThe SrV1-xNbxO3-δ materials with different niobium content in perovskite B-sublattice were prepared by a solid-state reaction process. The microstructure and phase compositions of obtained samples were analyzed by the X-ray diffraction technique (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The electrical conductivity of samples was measured by a DC 4-wire method in range of 100–600 °C in different gas conditions. The oxidation...
Synthesis and properties of carboxy derivative of Epidian 6 monomethacrylate (in English)
PublikacjaWe present the synthesis of an oligomer with carboxy and methacrylic groups based on Epidian 6. The effect of the catalyst nature and amount, solvent nature and process temperature on the rate of the reaction between Epidian6 monomethacrylate and adipic acid was examined at 313, 323 and 333 K in the presence of 4-dimethylaminopyridine, 1,4-diazobicyclo[2.2.2]octane, and benzyltriammonium chloride. The synthesized oligomer was characterized...
Występowanie bakterii siarkowych a jakość wód podziemnych ujęcia Osowa
PublikacjaAbstrakt. Microorganisms that live in groundwater should be considered not only from the sanitary-hygienic point of view but also in terms of adverse changes in groundwater chemistry in the aquifer layer and its negative influence on the installed devices. For these reasons, it is important to correct approach to the problem of bacterial contamination of groundwater. The paper presents selected results of physicochemical and bacteriological...
Antioxidants: a premature scientific hypothesis that reshuffled the traditional food pyramid
PublikacjaAntioxidants present in substantial amounts in foods, plant-based products in particular, have been suggested as chemopreventive agents that can curb the development of undesirable health effects caused by oxidative stress simply by enriching diet in such compounds. This idea has been enthusiastically accepted by consumers, as well as food and pharmaceutical industry, and created great demand for products containing antioxidant...
Band engineering of BiOBr based materials for photocatalytic wastewater treatment via advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) – A review
PublikacjaSemiconductor based photocatalysts have been an efficient technology for water and wastewater remediation, addressing the concepts of green chemistry and sustainable development. Owing to narrow and suitable band structure, BiOBr is a promising candidate for efficient wastewater treatment via photocatalysis. Enhancement of photocatalytic properties can be obtained by various techniques like doping, element rich strategy, facet...
Green Chromatography: State-of-the-art, Opportunities and Future Perspectives
PublikacjaIt is well known that chromatographic procedures could have a significant impact on the environment if laboratory practice is not in line with the principles of green analytical chemistry (GAC). However, chromatographic techniques have the potential to be greener in all steps of the analysis. The approaches used to make chromatographic separations greener differ depending on the type of chromatographic method. This chapter considers...
The role of the sawage treatment plant in the removal of genotoxic compounds from the environment
PublikacjaOne reason for increased incidence of various types of cancer are environmental pollutants particularly of anthropogenic origin. All human activities may pollute the environment, but some have significant impact, just to mention energy industry, mining, transportation, chemical and petrochemical industries and housing. Environmental pollutants are a large group of compounds in terms of their physicochemical properties, some of...
Supramolecular deep eutectic solvents and their applications
PublikacjaIn recent years, the growing awareness of the harmfulness of chemicals to the environment has resulted in the development of green and sustainable technologies. The compromise between economy and environmental requirements is based on the development of new efficient and green solutions. Supramolecular deep eutectic solvents (SUPRADESs), a new deep eutectic solvent (DES) subclass characterized by inclusion properties, are a fresh...
The Influence of Microstructure on the Passive Layer Chemistry and Corrosion Resistance for Some Titanium-Based Alloys
PublikacjaThe effect of microstructure and chemistry on the kinetics of passive layer growth and passivity breakdown of some Ti-based alloys, namely Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-7Nb and TC21 alloys, was studied. The rate of pitting corrosion was evaluated using cyclic polarization measurements. Chronoamperometry was applied to assess the passive layer growth kinetics and breakdown. Microstructure influence on the uniform corrosion rate of these alloys...
Polyethylene glycol-coated solid-phase microextraction fibres for the extraction of polar analytes-A review
PublikacjaThe article discusses the merits and limitations of commercially available solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fibres and compares them with the new type of extraction coatings, in particular those containing polyethylene glycol as sorbent, as well as the methods of the preparation of the latter. It also analyses their possible application for the extraction of a broad spectrum of analytes, with particular emphasis on the sampling...
Modern trends in solid phase extraction: New sorbent media
PublikacjaBased on the recently published literature, this review provides an update of the most important features and application of formats and devices employed in solid phase extraction (SPE). Special attention was paid on new trapping media proposed in SPE prior the chromatography analysis, based on the use of nanostructured materials, including carbon nanomaterials, electrospun nanofibers, dendrimes and magnetic nanoparticles, molecular...
Greening procedures and analytical parameters. The polychlorinated naphthalenes analysis in complex matrices as proof of concept
PublikacjaDue to the complexity of analytical procedures employed for the determination of wide spectrum of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), it is important to consider the green character of the applied protocols and propose the greenest solutions. In this review, the green aspects of several analytical procedures used for the determination of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) (as a representatives of POPs) in different types of...