Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: zeta function regularization - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: zeta function regularization

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: zeta function regularization

  • Tropospheric delays derived from GNSS observations during the derecho event in Poland of 11th August 2017

    Dane Badawcze

    Propagation of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) radio signals is disturbed by the current state of the Earth's atmosphere. For this reason, advances processing of GNSS signals can be used for investigation of the atmospheric condition. In case of troposphere, the GNSS signals allow for obtain information of tropospheric delay, which is mainly...

  • The finite-difference simulation of x-rays propagation through a system of lenses


    - Rok 2014

    The propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of 33 aluminum X-ray refractive lenses is considered. For solving the problem, a finite-difference method is suggested and investigated. It is shown that very small steps of the difference grid are necessary for reliable computation of propagation of X-ray waves through the system of lenses. It is shown that the wave phase is a function very quickly increasing...

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  • Database of the minimal sets of Lefschetz periods for Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms of a connected sum of g tori

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms, structurally stable and having relatively simple dynamics, constitute an important subclass of diffeomorphisms that have been carefully studied during past decades. For a given Morse–Smale diffeomorphism one can consider “Minimal set of Lefschetz periods”, which provides the information about the set of periodic points of...

  • Surface-dependent biological potential of spherical silver nanoparticles

    Dane Badawcze
    • M. Krychowiak-Maśnicka
    • W. Wojciechowska
    • K. Bogaj
    • A. Bielicka-Giełdoń
    • E. Czechowska
    • M. Ziąbka
    • M. Narajczyk
    • A. Kawiak
    • T. Mazur
    • B. Szafranek
    • A. Królicka

    The growing interest in silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) is largely driven by their significant antimicrobial potential. As carriers of reactive silver ions on a nanoscale, AgNPs are considered excellent candidates for specific antibacterial strategies. Numerous scientific studies have highlighted that AgNPs are broad-spectrum antimicrobials, with their...

  • Weakly connected Roman domination in graphs

    A Roman dominating function on a graph G=(V,E) is defined to be a function f :V → {0,1,2} satisfying the condition that every vertex u for which f(u) = 0 is adjacent to at least one vertex v for which f(v)=2. A dominating set D⊆V is a weakly connected dominating set of G if the graph (V,E∩(D×V)) is connected. We define a weakly connected Roman dominating function on a graph G to be a Roman dominating function such that the set...

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  • The α-µ model of the multipath fading channel

    The dataset contains the results of simulations that are part of the research on modelling the multipath fading in the communication channel. The envelope of the α-µ fading process is generated using the Monte-Carlo simulation (MCS) in the LabVIEW programming environment.

  • More Just Measure of Fairness for Sharing Network Resources


    - Rok 2016

    A more just measure of resource distribution in computer networks is proposed. Classic functions evaluate fairness only “on average”. The proposed new fairness score function ensures that no node is left without resources while on average everything looks good. It is compared with well-known and widely adopted function proposed by Jain, Chiu and Hawe and another one recently proposed fairness function by Chen and Zhang. The function...

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  • Epitaph of Ferber family in St. Mary's Church in Gdańsk

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The data set concerns epigraphy. It refers to the epitaph placed in St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk, that is dedicated to one of the greatest family in Gdańsk – family Ferber, and one of its member – Konstantin Ferber, whose official career was crowned with the function of mayor of city. The epitaph was erected by his brother John Ferber, the juror, councilor...

  • Hydraulics and hydrology 2022

    Kursy Online
    • T. Kolerski
    • P. Radan
    • A. M. Mustafa

    For the purpose of this course we are interested in the engineering aspect of hydrology, or what might call engineering hydrology. From this point of view we are mainly concerned with quantifying amounts of water at various locations as function of time for surface water applications. Solving engineering problems using hydrologic principles.

  • Hydraulics and hydrology

    Kursy Online
    • T. Kolerski
    • A. M. Mustafa

    For the purpose of this course we are interested in the engineering aspect of hydrology, or what might call engineering hydrology. From this point of view we are mainly concerned with quantifying amounts of water at various locations as function of time for surface water applications. Solving engineering problems using hydrologic principles.

  • Rating mathematical models for first-pass of tracer in pCT lung studies


    - Rok 2014

    This paper presents a comparison of model based on the Gauss function and the most commonly used Gamma-variate model in perfusion computed tomography (pCT) lung studies. It also verifies whether used model affects value of blood volume parameter. Three mean concentration-time curves were created from actual pCT measurements: arterial input function, blood vessels in lungs and lung parenchyma. On the basis of these mean curves we...

  • Clarke duality for Hamiltonian systems with nonstandard growth


    We consider the existence of periodic solutions to Hamiltonian systems with growth conditions involving G-function. We introduce the notion of symplectic G-function and provide relation for the growth of Hamiltonian in terms of certain constant CG associated to symplectic G-function G. We discuss an optimality of this constant for some special cases. We also provide applications to the Φ-laplacian type systems.

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  • Complex Root Finding Algorithm Based on Delaunay Triangulation

    A simple and flexible algorithm for finding zeros of a complex function is presented. An arbitrary-shaped search region can be considered and a very wide class of functions can be analyzed, including those containing singular points or even branch cuts. The proposed technique is based on sampling the function at nodes of a regular or a self-adaptive mesh and on the analysis of the function sign changes. As a result, a set of candidate points...

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  • Computing dynamical curlicues

    Dane Badawcze

    A curlicue is a piece-wise linear curve in the complex plane which can be generated by an arbitrary sequence of real numbers u_n. It can be interpreted as a trajectory of a particle in the plane which starts in the origin at time t=0 and moves with a constant velocity, changing its direction at instances t=0,1,2,3,..., where the new direction is given...

  • Supramolecular junctions of the PDA tetramers

    In this dataset, a set of polydopamine (PDA) supramolecular junctions with linear and cyclic tetramers in different oxidation states (indolequinone , IQ or dihydroxyindole, DHI) in the scattering region are investigated. Electronic structure of the supramolecular junction with cyclic and linear PDA tetramers, including Electron density maps for the...

  • Epitaph of Dorothy and John Brandes in St. Mary's Church in Gdansk

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The data set concerns epigraphy. It refers to the epitaph placed in St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk, that is dedicated to John Brandes, highly influential citizen of Gdańsk, whose official career was crowned with the function of mayor, and his wife Dorothy née Zimmermann. The epitaph was founded by their family, and especially by their grandson John Speymann,...

  • Alternative convolution approach to friction in unsteady pipe flow

    In the paper some aspects of the unsteady friction in pipe flow expressed by the convolution are analyzed. This additional term introduced into the motion equation involves the accelerations of fluid occurring in the past and a weighting function. The essence of such approach is to assume the appropriate form of weighting function. However, until now no fully reliable formula for this function has been found. To avoid some inconveniences...

  • A high-accuracy complex-phase method of simulating X-ray propagation through a multi-lens system



    The propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many X-ray refractive lenses is considered. For solving the problem for an electromagnetic wave, a finite-difference method is applied. The error of simulation is analytically estimated and investigated. It was found that a very detailed difference grid is required for reliable and accurate calculations of the propagation of X-ray waves through a multi-lens...

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  • Modified Preisach model of hysteresis in multi air gap ferrite core medium frequency transformer


    This article presents the modified Preisach model of hysteresis for a 3-phase medium frequency transformer in a 100 kW dual active bridge converter. The transformer magnetic core is assembled out of ferrite I-cores, which results in multiple parasitic air gaps. For this transformer, the hysteresis loops were measured and parameters of the Preisach model were determined. The Preisach distribution function is approximated with a...

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  • Testing the impact of simplifications adopted in models describing wave loads on ship


    - Rok 2011

    The wave-ship system in naval architecture is generally assumed to be a linear one. This allows for the computation of a transfer function of ship response to waves including wave loads on ship. The transfer function and the wave spectral density function enable the development of the stochastic process of wave loads on ship, corresponding to the irregular wave generating that loads. If the mathematical models of wave load transfer...

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  • Testing the impact of simplifications adopted in models describing wave loads on ship


    - Rok 2012

    The wave-ship system in naval architecture is generally assumed to be a linear one. This allows for the computation of a transfer function of ship response to waves including wave loads on ship. The transfer function and the wave spectral density function enable the development of the stochastic process of wave loads on ship, corresponding to the irregular wave generating that loads. If the mathematical models of wave load transfer...

  • Reliability data safety instrumented systems SIS from the functional safety analysis example critical instalation

    Dane Badawcze

    The dataset represents the results of an example of functional safety analysis systems is presented below. It is based on a control system, which consists of some basic components like sensors, programmable logic controllers and valves. It is a part of petrochemical critical installations. The communication between sensor logic controllers and actuators...

  • Automated Design of Linear Phase Filters

    This paper presents a fast technique for an automated design of microwave filters with linear phase. The proposed method exploits the cost function defined using the location of complex zeros and poles of the filter’s transfer and reflection function. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is presented with two illustrative examples.

  • The influence of pressure drop on the working volume of a hydraulic motor

    Reliability and maintenance analysis of hydraulic positive machines basicly focused on the processes of their wear and failure. But in order to correctly assess the mechanical and volumetric efficiency of a hydraulic motor, both at the stage of development research or at the stage of control tests during its exploitation, the working volume of this motor must be correctly determined. Therefore this paper proposes a new method of...

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  • Proposal of New Tracer Concentration Model in Lung PCT Study Comparison with Commonly Used Gamma-variate Model


    - Rok 2017

    Perfusion computed tomography (pCT) is one of the methods that enable non-invasive imaging of the hemodynamics of organs and tissues. On the basis of pCT measurements, perfusion parameters such as blood flow (BF), blood volume (BV), mean transit time (MTT) and permeability surface (PS) are calculated and then used for quantitative evaluation of the tissue condition. To calculate perfusion parameters it is necessary to approximate...

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  • Simplified saturation modelling in three-leg power transformer for the system stability analisys


    - Rok 2016

    The paper presents a simplified method for modelling non-linearity of the magnetic circuit of the power transformer. The saturation effect is implemented by describing the self and mutual inductances as a function of the magnetic flux. The most important element of this function is the saturation coefficient which is calculated based on transient state during the unloaded transformer switch on. The transformer model is described...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Interpolation properties of domination parameters of a graph

    An integer-valued graph function π is an interpolating function if a set π(T(G))={π(T): T∈TT(G)} consists of consecutive integers, where TT(G) is the set of all spanning trees of a connected graph G. We consider the interpolation properties of domination related parameters.

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  • SEMG signal database for the automated upper limb rehabilitation process

    Dane Badawcze

    An automated rehabilitation device control system requires information about the patient's physiological condition. This is possible thanks to the use of biological feedback in the form of electromyography and surface signals (Surface Electromyography, SEMG).

  • Signal Propagation in Electromagnetic Media Modelled by the Two-Sided Fractional Derivative


    - Fractal and Fractional - Rok 2021

    In this paper, wave propagation is considered in a medium described by a fractional-order model, which is formulated with the use of the two-sided fractional derivative of Ortigueira and Machado. Although the relation of the derivative to causality is clearly specified in its definition, there is no obvious relation between causality of the derivative and causality of the transfer function induced by this derivative. Hence, causality...

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  • Marek Czachor prof. dr hab.

  • On root finding algorithms for complex functions with branch cuts

    A simple and versatile method is presented, which enhances the complex root finding process by eliminating branch cuts and branch points in the analyzed domain. For any complex function defined by a finite number of Riemann sheets, a pointwise product of all the surfaces can be obtained. Such single-valued function is free of discontinuity caused by branch cuts and branch points. The roots of the new function are the same as the...

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  • Global Surrogate Modeling by Neural Network-Based Model Uncertainty


    - Rok 2022

    This work proposes a novel adaptive global surrogate modeling algorithm which uses two neural networks, one for prediction and the other for the model uncertainty. Specifically, the algorithm proceeds in cycles and adaptively enhances the neural network-based surrogate model by selecting the next sampling points guided by an auxiliary neural network approximation of the spatial error. The proposed algorithm is tested numerically...

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  • Response Feature Technology for High-Frequency Electronics. Optimization, Modeling, and Design Automation


    This book discusses response feature technology and its applications to modeling, optimization, and computer-aided design of high-frequency structures including antenna and microwave components. By exploring the specific structure of the system outputs, feature-based approaches facilitate simulation-driven design procedures, both in terms of improving their computational efficiency and reliability. These benefits are associated...

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  • Zero-range potentials for Dirac particles: Bound-state problems


    A model in which a massive Dirac particle in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ is bound by $N\geqslant1$ spatially distributed zero-range potentials is presented. Interactions between the particle and the potentials are modeled by subjecting a particle's bispinor wave function to certain limiting conditions at the potential centers. Each of these conditions is parametrized by a $2\times2$ Hermitian matrix (or, equivalently, a real scalar and a...

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  • Representation of magnetic hysteresis in single-phase transformer for circuit simulations


    - Rok 2014

    The paper presents a mathematical model for the hysteresis phenomenon in a multi-winding single-phase core type transformer. In the circuit transformer model, it is assumed that there is a flux common Φ to all windings as nonlinear and hysteretic function of the total currents Θ (Ampere turns) of all windings. To simulate magnetic behaviour of the iron core the feedback scalar Preisach model of hysteresis is developed. The Preisach...

  • New potential functions for greedy independence and coloring



    A potential function $f_G$ of a finite, simple and undirected graph $G=(V,E)$ is an arbitrary function $f_G : V(G) \rightarrow \mathbb{N}_0$ that assigns a nonnegative integer to every vertex of a graph $G$. In this paper we define the iterative process of computing the step potential function $q_G$ such that $q_G(v)\leq d_G(v)$ for all $v\in V(G)$. We use this function in the development of new Caro-Wei-type and Brooks-type...

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  • Substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) filter design using space mapping


    In this paper, we present a fast technique for an automated design of microwave filters in substrate integrated wave (SIW) technology. The proposed methodology combines the space mapping technique with a cost function defined using the location of complex zeros and poles of filter’s transfer and reflection function and uses a rectangular waveguide as a surrogate model. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is presented with...

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  • Secure Italian domination in graphs



    An Italian dominating function (IDF) on a graph G is a function f:V(G)→{0,1,2} such that for every vertex v with f(v)=0, the total weight of f assigned to the neighbours of v is at least two, i.e., ∑u∈NG(v)f(u)≥2. For any function f:V(G)→{0,1,2} and any pair of adjacent vertices with f(v)=0 and u with f(u)>0, the function fu→v is defined by fu→v(v)=1, fu→v(u)=f(u)−1 and fu→v(x)=f(x) whenever x∈V(G)∖{u,v}. A secure Italian dominating...

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  • Multimodal Genetic Algorithm with Phase Analysis to Solve Complex Equations of Electromagnetic Analysis


    - Rok 2020

    In this contribution, a new genetic-algorithm-based method of finding roots and poles of a complex function of a complex variable is presented. The algorithm employs the phase analysis of the function to explore the complex plane with the use of the genetic algorithm. Hence, the candidate regions of root and pole occurrences are selected and verified with the use of discrete Cauchy's argument principle. The algorithm is evaluated...

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  • Modeling variable curvature on the turnout diverging track length


    The paper presents three variants of variable curvature application on the entire length of the turnout diverging track. One linear and two nonlinear curvature cases: described the function of C1 and C0 class were considered. It turned out that both linear curve and the function of C1 class requires a significant (even twice) length of diverging track extending with respect to the base turnout. The curvature described by the function...

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  • Design and Analysis of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Models for Achieving Self-Sustainability in Sanitation

    • M. Ganesapillai
    • A. Sinha
    • R. Mehta
    • A. Tiwari
    • V. Chellappa
    • J. Drewnowski

    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Rok 2022

    The present study investigates the potential of using fecal ash as an adsorbent and demonstrates a self-sustaining, optimized approach for urea recovery from wastewater streams. Fecal ash was prepared by heating synthetic feces to 500 °C and then processing it as an adsorbent for urea adsorption from synthetic urine. Since this adsorption approach based on fecal ash is a promising alternative for wastewater treatment, it increases...

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  • Investigation of Liquid–Gas Flow in a Horizontal Pipeline Using Gamma-Ray Technique and Modified Cross-Correlation


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2022

    This article presents the application of the radioisotope absorption method in the study of two-phase water–air flow in a horizontal pipe. The measurement principle and the test stand are briefly described. The main part of the article presents the signal analysis methods applied to data obtained from scintillation detectors. Because these signals are mostly stochastic waveforms, they were analyzed statistically using the cross-correlation...

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  • Termination functions for evolutionary path planning algorithm


    In this paper a study of termination functions (stop criterion) for evolutionary path planning algorithm is presented. Tested algorithm is used to determine close to optimal ship paths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. For the simulation purposes a close to real tested environment is created. Five...

  • Measures of region failure survivability for wireless mesh networks


    - WIRELESS NETWORKS - Rok 2015

    Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are considered as a promising alternative to wired local, or metropolitan area networks. However, owing to their exposure to various disruptive events, including natural disasters, or human threats, many WMN network elements located close to the failure epicentre are frequently in danger of a simultaneous failure, referred to as a region failure. Therefore, network survivability, being the ability...

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  • Representation of magnetic hysteresis in a circuit model of a single-phase transformer

    The paper presents a mathematical model for the hysteresis phenomenon in a multi-winding single-phase core type transformer. The set of loop differential equations was developed for K-th winding transformer model where the flux linkages of each winding includes a flux common Φ to all windings as function of magneto motive force Θ of all windings. The first purpose of this paper is to determine a hysteresis nonlinearity involved...

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  • On Surface Kinetic Constitutive Relations


    - Rok 2020

    In the framework of the strain gradient surface elasticity we discuss a consistent form of surface kinetic energy. This kinetic constitutive equation completes the statement of initial–boundary value problems. The proposed surface kinetic energy density is the most general function consistent with the constitutive relations in bulk. As the surface strain energy depends on the surface deformation gradient and its gradient, the kinetic...

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  • Wykładnicze równanie Arrheniusa jako funkcja dojrzałości twardniejącego betonu


    Poprawne określenie funkcji dojrzałości dla mieszanki betonowej warunkuje powodzenie szacowania wytrzymałości na ściskanie na bazie pomiarów temperatury in situ. W artykule omówiono zastosowanie równania Arrheniusa do opisu funkcji dojrzewania twardniejącego betonu. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zależności szybkości zachodzenia reakcji w odmiennych warunkach temperaturowych. Przedstawiono wyniki własnych badań na kostkach zaprawy...

  • Plasmids pMET2M1 and pMET15M1 with the SAT1 Flipper knockout cassette construction

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The goal of the study was to obtain plasmids containing the SAT1 Flipper knockout cassette along with upstream and downstream gene fragments (MET2, MET15) and to introduce a cleavage site for restriction enzymes into them.

  • Adaptive CAD-Model Construction Schemes

    Two advanced surrogate model construction techniques are discussed in this paper. The models employ radial basis function (RBF)interpolation scheme or artificial neural networks (ANN) with a new training algorithm. Adaptive sampling technique is applied withrespect to all variables. Histograms showing the quality of the models are presented. While the quality of RBF models is satisfactory, theperformance of the ANN models obtained...

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  • Density smoothness estimation problem using a wavelet approach


    In this paper we consider a smoothness parameter estimation problem for a density function. The smoothness parameter of a function is defined in terms of Besov spaces. This paper is an extension of recent results (K. Dziedziul, M. Kucharska, B. Wolnik, Estimation of the smoothness parameter ). The construction of the estimator is based on wavelets coefficients. Although we believe that the effective estimation of the smoothness...

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