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wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
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The role of social support in women’s health and recovery processes
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Trends in the new generation of green solvents in extraction processes
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Advances in Sheet Metal Forming Processes of Lightweight Alloys
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Artificial Intelligence for Energy Processes and Systems: Applications and Perspectives
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Identification of Non-stationary and Non-linear Drying Processes
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Pseudocereal Dry and Wet Milling: Processes, Products and Applications
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Adapting to the Dynamic Nature of Business Processes in the Digital Age
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Electrochemical noise analysis methods for the investigation of corrosion processes
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Metal Foams as Novel Catalyst Support in Environmental Processes
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Membrane processes used for potable water quality improvement
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Production of process water using integrated membrane processes
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Wetting processes in supported ionic liquid membranes technology
PublikacjaCiecz jonowe znajdują szerokie zastosowanie w technologii membran ciekłych, szczególnie w procesach separacji i oczyszczania gazów. Praca opisuje zdolność cieczy jonowych do zwilżania komercyjnie dostępnych porowatych nośników stosowanych w technologii membran ciekłych. Wyznaczenie charakterystyki nośników pozwoliło na wskazanie czynników mających wpływ na procesy zwilżania. Do wyznaczenia kątów zwilżania zastosowano metodą siedzącej...
Module architecture as alternative approach to traditional construction processes
PublikacjaModule architecture today is a special type of building construction process that combines repetitive design, low-cost production based on prefabricated elements and fast erection. Module does not mean the same as modular. In general, module architecture today refers to the design of any system composed of separate components, manufactured before in factory, that can be connected together at the building site much faster than normally....
Diagnostics of thermal processes in antenna systems of broadcast stations
PublikacjaDiagnostics is an important element associated with the operation of a radio antenna systems, allowing earlier detection of potential damage. Thermography is one of the diagnostic tools, which allows for non-invasive assessment of technical condition. It brings together both financial savings associated with the removal of the damage and the potential effects caused by it. The article presents an example of using a thermal imaging...
Disturbances of biological N-removal processes in the presence of sulphonamides
PublikacjaBadano podatność na biodegradację oraz wpływ na efektywność nitryfikacji wybranych sulfonamidów (sulfanilamidu SA, sulfacetamidu SCM oraz p-toluenosulfonamidu p-TSA). Podatnośc na biodegradację badano przy użyciu testu OECD 301D (test zamkniętej butelki). Efektywność nitryfikacji miarzono zgodnie z ISO 9509:1989. Stwierdzono, że wszystkie badane związki wykazują bardzo słabą podatność na biodegradację oraz mają wyraźny wpływ na...
Optimal asynchronous estimation of 2D Gaussian-Markov processes
PublikacjaW artykule rozważa się problem estymacji trajektorii dwuwymiarowych ciągłoczasowych procesów Gaussa-Markowa na podstawie zaszumionych pomiarów wykonywanych w nierównomiernie rozłożonych chwilach czasu. W przypadku takiego problemu, w każdym cyklu pracy algorytmu należy dokonać dyskretnoczasowej predykcji (analogicznie jak w przypadku filtru Kalmana). Niestety zadanie to może być złożone obliczeniowo. Aby rozwiązać ten problem,...
A Method Supporting Monitoring And Repair Processes of Information Systems
PublikacjaW pracy zaproponowano nową metodę (ARM) zarządzania monitorowaniem i naprawą systemów IT, bez przerywania ciągłości ich funkcjonowania. Metoda ta integruje procesy monitorowania (uwzględniając już istniejące i stosowane rozwiązania) z procesami naprawy. Stworzono formalny model koncepcyjny opisujący dziedzinę monitorowania i naprawy oraz formalne specyfikacje mechanizmu napraw oraz wybranych procedur naprawczych. Do specyfikacji...
Experience based enhanced decision support for business processes
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono koncepcje wspomagania procesow biznesowych poprzez wprowadzneie do modelu zbioru doswiadczen.
Losses and raw material yield of wood saeing processes
PublikacjaW artykule opisano sposób wyznaczania bezwzględnych i względnych strat materiałowych, jak również wydajności materiałowej w procesie przecinania drewna.
Trends in the new generation of green solvents in extraction processes
PublikacjaAnalytical chemistry, like other scientific fields, has undergone a number of changes to make it more consistent with the concept of sustainable development. Among the various steps of chemical analysis, without a doubt, sample preparation is the bottleneck in regard to following a green protocol, especially in terms of solvent consumption. Therefore, many attempts have been made to improve the environmental friendliness of this...
Nanosorbents as Materials for Extraction Processes of Environmental Contaminants and Others
PublikacjaThe aim of this work focuses on the application of nanomaterials (NMs) in different sorp- tive extraction techniques for the analysis of organic contaminants from environmental samples of distinct matrix compositions. Without any doubt, the integration of specific NMs such as carbona- ceous nanomaterials, magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs), metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), silica na- noparticles, and ion-imprinted NPs with so lid-phase...
Low-coherence photonic method of electrochemical processes monitoring
PublikacjaWe present an advanced multimodality characterization platform for simultaneous optical and electrochemical measurements of ferrocyanides. Specifcally, we combined a fber-optic Fabry– Perot interferometer with a three-electrode electrochemical setup to demonstrate a proof-ofprinciple of this hybrid characterization approach, and obtained feasibility data in its monitoring of electrochemical reactions in a boron-doped diamond flm...
Application of the expanded clay aggregate in form of granular materials for water treatment
PublikacjaThe paper aimed to evaluate the efficiency of Filtralite MonoMulti compared to the conventional dual-media filter beds comprising silica sand layer covered with anthracite coal. Filtralite media are composed of processed (expanded), highly porous clay products characterized by relatively rough grain surfaces. In order to compare these different media filters in a reliable way, the pilot filter columns operated in parallel, under...
Phages as potential life-saving therapeutic option in the treatment of multidrug-resistant urinary tract infections
PublikacjaUrinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common bacterial infections worldwide and increasing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) challenges conventional antibiotic treatments. Phage therapy (PT) has emerged as a promising alternative due to its specificity, safety and efficacy against multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens causing infectious diseases. PT demonstrates significant potential in treating chronic and recurrent UTIs,...
Chemical Derivatization Processes Applied to Amine Determination in Samples of Different Matrix Composition
PublikacjaAmines are important biological compounds, and so their analysis and monitoring in various matrices is worthy of investigation and development.Due to the polar nature of amines, chromatographic analysis of free amines is generally unsatisfactory owing to adsorption and decomposition of the solute on the column, resulting in peak tailing and losses. Therefore, many derivatization reactions are employed to reduce the polarity, improve...
Prediction of adsorption equilibria for mixtures of pesticides present in industrial wastewater
PublikacjaOpierając się na właściwościach termodynamicznych roztworów w równowadze ciecz-ciało stałe, przeprowadzono analizę wybranych modeli matematycznych znanych z literatury, na wyrażenie izoterm adsorpcji cieczowej. Korelację danych przeprowadzono dla dziewięciu modeli matematycznych, w formie znanego zmodyfikowanego równania Freundlich'a. Wykorzystano doświadczalne wyniki badań nad usuwaniem zanieczyszczeń pestycydowych ze ścieków...
Occurrence and Determination of Volatile Fatty Acids in Wastewater of Different Origin
PublikacjaOpracowano metodykę oznaczania krótkołańcuchowych alifatycznych kwasów monokarboksylowych w ściekach rożnego pochodzenia stosując ekstrakcję za pomocą eteru metylo-tert-butylowego na etapie przygotowania próbek i chromatografię gazową z kolumną kapilarną Stabilwax-DA i Rtx-624, natomiast na etapie detekcji stosowano spektrometr mas.
Industrial wastewater to biohydrogen: Possibilities towards successful biorefinery route
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Valorization of Nutrient-Rich Urinal Wastewater by Microalgae for Biofuel Production
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Green Analytical Chemistry in Determination of Volatile Fatty Acids in Wastewater
PublikacjaCharakterystyka metodyk oznaczania lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych w próbkach wodnych, opierających się na Zasadach Zielonej Chemii. Opis zastosowania techniki bezpośredniego dozowania próbki wodnej do chromatografu gazowego, techniki analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej oraz techniki mikroestrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej.
Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from Air: Focus on Biotrickling Filtration and Process Modeling
PublikacjaBiotrickling filtration is a well-established technology for the treatment of air polluted with odorous and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Besides dozens of successful industrial applications of this technology, there are still gaps in a full understanding and description of the mechanisms of biotrickling filtration. This review focuses on recent research results on biotrickling filtration of air polluted with single and multiple...
Analysis of Roughness, the Material Removal Rate, and the Acoustic Emission Signal Obtained in Flat Grinding Processes
PublikacjaIn this work, the analysis of the acoustic emission (AE) signal in grinding processes is addressed. The proposed analysis method decomposes the acoustic signal into three frequency ranges. The total energy of each range is determined, as well as the highest frequency. Different grinding experiments were carried out, according to a full factorial design of experiments (DOE), in which feed speed, depth of cut, and transversal step...
Alternative methods for dark fermentation course analysis
PublikacjaDark fermentation course analysis is crucial, as complexed matrix of gaseous components may be formed and revealed during the process. The paper considers key issues related to the microbiological process in which complex organic substances are transformed into hydrogen. For the purposes of hydrogen generation, the application of wastewater mixed sludge pre-treated according to Faloye method (Faloye et al. in Int J Hydrog Energy...
Engineering boron and nitrogen codoped carbon nanoarchitectures to tailor molecularly imprinted polymers for PFOS determination
PublikacjaPer- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have gained significant attention as emerging contaminants due to their persistence, abundance, and adverse health effects. Consequently, the urgent need for ubiquitous and effective sensors capable of detecting and quantifying PFAS in complex environmental samples has become a priority. In this study, we present the development of an ultrasensitive molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP)...
Insight into Potassium Vanadates as Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalysts: Synthesis of V(IV)-Rich Nano/Microstructures for the Photodegradation of Methylene Blue
PublikacjaPhotocatalysis is regarded as a promising tool for wastewater remediation. In recent years, many studies have focused on investigating novel photocatalysts driven by visible light. In this study, K2V6O16·nH2O nanobelts and KV3O8 microplatelets were synthesized and investigated as photocatalysts. Samples were obtained via the facile method based on liquid-phase exfoliation with ion exchange. By changing the synthesis temperature...
Mathematical modelling of gasification process of sewage sludge in reactor of negative CO2 emission power plant
PublikacjaSewage sludge is a residue of wastewater processing that is biologically active and consists of water,organic matter, including dead and alive pathogens, as well as organic and inorganic contaminants suchas polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals. Due to the nature of sewage sludge and itspossible influence on human health and wellbeing, it is a subject of various regulations. Currently,sewage sludge is considered...
Impact of binary mixtures of diclofenac and on endocrine processes of the model organism Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (using XenoScreen YES/YAS test)
Dane BadawczeData shown in data set highlighte the results of the edorin processes of the diclofenac sodium salt mixture with Methylparaben. S cerevisiae is used as a model organism in the monitoring of endocrine disruptors in environmental and reference samples in Xenometrix® systems - XenoScreen®. Methylparaben have fungicide properties used in food preservative,...
Long-term comparative evaluation of an acoustic climate in selected schools before and after the acoustic treatment
PublikacjaThe results of long-term continuous noise measurements in two selected schools are presented in the paper. Noise characteristics were measured continuously there for approximately 16 months. Measurements started eight months prior to the acoustic treatment of the school corridors of both schools. An evaluation of the acoustic climates in both schools, before and after the acoustic treatment, was performed based on comparison of...
Renewable energy transition in Europe in the context of renewable energy transition processes in the world. A review
PublikacjaBoth the global and European energy sectors have been undergoing a deep transition for several years, associated with a reduction in the overall share of conventional coal-based energy in favor of new technologies, especially energy from renewable sources (RES). This transition is moving from centralized production towards distributed technologies and from providing only energy to end users towards combining innovative products...
Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of MnCo1.5Fe0.5O4Spinel for Oxygen Evolution Reaction through Heat Treatment
PublikacjaMnCo1.5Fe0.5O4 spinel oxide was synthesized using the sol−gel technique, followed by heat treatment at various temperatures (400, 600, 800, and 1000 °C). The prepared materials were examined as anode electrocatalysts for watersplitting systems in alkaline environments. Solid-state characterization methods, such as powder X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), were used to analyze the materials’ crystallographic...
Evaluation of Temperature Influence on Electrochemical Processes Occurring in a Lithium-Ion Supercapacitor with the Use of Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
PublikacjaIn order to obtain the full impedance characteristics of a lithium-ion capacitor as a function of temperature, the authors proposed the use of dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Impedance tests were carried out under wide range of dynamic temperature changes for lithium-ion supercapacitors. Significant differences in electrochemical processes were observed as a result of working temperature. Moreover, the quality of...
A pilot study to assess manufacturing processes using selected point measures of vibroacoustic signals generated on a multitasking machine
PublikacjaThe article presents the method for the evaluation of selected manufacturing processes using the analysis of vibration and sound signals. This method is based on the use of sensors installed outside the machining zone, allowing to be used quickly and reliably in real production conditions. The article contains a developed measurement methodology based on the specific location of microphones and vibration transducers mounted on...
Chromium (III) removal by perennial emerging macrophytes in floating treatment wetlands
PublikacjaFloating treatment wetlands (FTWs) are a sustainable solution to treat polluted water, but their role in chromium (Cr(III)) removal under neutral pH conditions remains poorly understood. This study evaluated the potential of FTWs planted with two perennial emergent macrophytes, Phragmites australis and Iris pseudacorus, to remove Cr(III) and nutrients (N and PO4-P) from water containing 7.5 mg/L TN, 1.8 mg/L PO4-P, and Cr(III)...
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HTM-Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials
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Personality Disorders-Theory Research and Treatment
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Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment
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Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine
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Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases