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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: 11th standard configuration
2D Viscous Flutter Analysis of a 11th Standard Configuration Using Ansys Cfx 14
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Automatic configuration of FMC boards for FPGA-based reconfigurable measurement and control systems with mezzanines in FMC standard
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Standard Compliance Framework for effective requirements communication
PublikacjaStandard Compliance Framework (SCF) is a framework, which supports application of standards at the stages of achieving, assessing and maintaining the compliance. It uses Trust Case language to develop argument structures demonstrating compliance with standards. The paper presents how SCF is applied to increase effectiveness of requirements communication. Relevant mechanisms of the framework are thoroughly described referring to...
ASHRAE Standard
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Next generation automatic IP configuration deployment issues
PublikacjaAlthough Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) protocol was defined in 2003, it was designed as a framework rather than a complete solution to the automatic configuration in IPv6 networks. There are still some unsolved problems and new options yet to be defined. One example of such case is Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) option, which final version has been published in late 2007. It describes DHCPv6 client...
A concept of measurement system based on the Z-Wave standard
PublikacjaIn the paper a new concept of measurement system based on the Z-Wave standard is presented. This standard is dedicated to use mainly in home automation systems, but its properties enable to use it in dispersed measurement systems and support wireless communication between measurement nodes in a mesh-type network. In the paper basic metrological aspects of the Z-Wave standard and an example of impedance measurement system are discussed.
Standard HL7
PublikacjaWarunkiem niezawodności i wysokiej jakości opieki zdrowotnej jest możliwośćharmonijnej współpracy wielu działów służby zdrowia. Ważnym elementem prowa-dzącym do osiągnięcia tego celu jest zastosowanie komputerowych technik gro-madzenia i pzresyłania informacji. Jednak, aby wszystkie działy służby zdro-wia mogły wymieniać ze sobą dane elektroniczne w ogólnie zrozumiałej formie,potrzebne było stworzenie standardu tekstowej wymiany...
Acoustic journal bearing - A search for adequate configuration
PublikacjaClassical non-contact bearings are already used in a number of specialist applications but there are somespecialist areas where they cannot be used for variety of reasons and acoustic sliding bearings could be an alternative. The paper presents the quest for a configuration of an acoustic journal bearing and shows that the overall shape of the bearing and its geometry are of a vital importance for the load capacity oft he bearing....
Optimal configuration of an electrode array for measuring ventricles' contraction
PublikacjaAn influence of an electrode-array configuration on an impedance signal composition for a fixed spatial distribution of its sources is examined in the paper. The Finite Element Method and Geselowitz relationship were used for examining three different electrode-arrays. A sensitivity approach was used to evaluate each configuration assuming that localization of the signal source is known. A conductivity change, thus the source of...
Harmony Search for Self-configuration of Fault–Tolerant and Intelligent Grids
PublikacjaIn this paper, harmony search algorithms have been proposed to self-configuration of fault-tolerant grids for big data processing. Self-configuration of computer grids lies in the fact that new computer nodes are automatically configured by software agents and then integrated into the grid. A base node works due to several configuration parameters that define some aspects of data communications and energy power consumption. We...
Equivalent standard manoeuvres for pod-driven ships
PublikacjaProcedures for carrying out the manoeuvring tests presented in International Maritime Organisation (IMO) resolution MSC.137(76) are based on the capabilities of ships with conventional steering-propulsion systems. Therefore they do not correspond to ships with other steering-propulsion devices, like pod drives. IMO is aware of this shortcoming and for ships with non-conventional steering and propulsion system may permit the use...
Analysis of GNSS sensed precipitable water vapour and tropospheric gradients during the derecho event in Poland of 11th August 2017
PublikacjaNowadays, one of the techniques that meets the increasing requirements of meteorologist in terms of monitoring of severe weather events is global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), which can provide information about the tropospheric state independently of the weather conditions and even in real time. In this paper we present the usage of GNSS sensed tropospheric data to monitor sudden and intense weather events. Our analyses...
An Analysis of Multistrip Line Configuration on Elliptical Cylinder
PublikacjaA configuration of multistrip lines mounted on a multilayer dielectric coated elliptic cylinder is investigated in this paper. A full-wave analysis and a moment-method calculation are employed. The analysis is carried out considering the expansion of the field as a series of Mathieu functions. Both open and shielded lines are considered in the analysis. Propagation coefficients and characteristic impedances are calculated for the...
Dynamic host configuration protocol for IPv6 improvements for mobile nodes
PublikacjaIn wireless networks mobile clients change their physical location, which results in changing point of attachment to the network. Such handovers introduce unwanted periods, when node does not have communication capabilities. Depending on many conditions, such events may require reconfiguration of layer 2 (e.g. IEEE 802.16) or both 2 and 3 layers (IPv6). This paper investigates delays introduced in the latter type of handover. IPv6...
Marine autonomous surface ship - control system configuration
PublikacjaThis paper addresses the problem of marine autonomous surface ship (MASS) control. The contribution of the paper is the development of a control system configuration, done assuming fully autonomous MASS operation under distinct operational conditions. The overview of hardware and software selection is included.
Application of the 2-deoxyglucose scaffold as a new chiral probe for elucidation of the absolute configuration of secondary alcohols
PublikacjaHerein, we present the application of 2-deoxy-D-glucose derivatives as chiral probes for elucidation of the absolute configuration of chiral secondary alcohols. The probes are attached to the studied molecules via glycosylation reaction and the resulting products are examined by a set of standard 2D NMR experiments. The absolute configuration of an oxymethine carbon atom binding the probe is established on a basis of a set of diagnostic...
Simulations of the Derecho Event in Poland of 11th August 2017 Using WRF Model
PublikacjaThis series contains datasets related to the forecasting of a severe weather event, a derecho, in Poland on 11 August 2017. The simulations were conducted using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model version 4.2.1 with different initial and boundary conditions of the pressure and model levels derived from 5 global models: Global Forecast System (GFS), Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS), European Centre for Medium-Range...
Three electrode configuration measurements of electrolyte-diffusion barrier-cathode interface
PublikacjaMeasurements of a system consisting of cathode/doped ceria diffusion barrier/doped zirconia electrolyte were made using two- and three-electrode configuration. Results obtained on a three-electrode measurement configuration were compared with and reflect the results obtained in two-electrode configuration. Three-electrode measurements allowed separating the impact of the symmetrical interface in the investigated system. They also...
Design and Configuration of Context-aware VoIP Telephony Systems
PublikacjaVoice over IP is a widely used concept with regard to a realization technology of different types of telephony systems, including those that are used in enterprises. Such systems of a call procesing component and a set of desk endpoints that are pervasove from a user perspective. Those andpoints are usually not mobile, but in result can deliver a much greater set of functions needed in an everyday office work. Those functions also...
Monosaccharides as Potential Chiral Probes for the Determination of the Absolute Configuration of Secondary Alcohols
PublikacjaHerein, a new method for the elucidation of the absolute configuration of chiral secondary alcohols is proposed. This method is an alternative for a widely used approach reported by Mosher and Dale and similar methods that are based on the 1H NMR shift (δ) changes of protons that are attached to the substituents of the oxymethine carbon atom. The presented method is not based on tracking the chemical shift changes and utilizes...
New developments in preparation and use of standard gas mixtures
PublikacjaStandard gas mixtures are commonly applied in all stages of analytical work related to the analysis of gaseous samples. Numerous techniques for generating standard gas mixtures are in use. In this article, we present new developments regarding the production of standard gas mixtures, with particular focus on improvements in the application of dynamic techniques for generating them. Furthermore, we describe the application of new...
A standard analytical method as the common good and pollution abatement measure
PublikacjaA standard method can be considered as a common-good “resource,” and the solution to “the commons” problems usually lies in societal self-organization. The multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) was applied to model complex phenomena, such as the standard selection for imidacloprid determination. In this process, the standard was self-selected by the analytical chemistry society. The results show that analytical chemistry is a...
Harmony Search to Self-Configuration of Fault-Tolerant Grids for Big Data
PublikacjaIn this paper, harmony search algorithms have been proposed to self-configuration of fault-tolerant grids for big data processing. Some tasks related to big data processing have been considered. Moreover, two criteria have been applied to evaluate quality of grids. The first criterion is a probability that all tasks meet their deadlines and the second one is grid reliability. Furthermore, some intelligent agents based on harmony...
Standard IEEE 802.21 - mechanizmy wspierania mobilności
PublikacjaRosnąca liczba dostępnych technik bezprzewodowych o zróżnicowanych funkcjonalnościach tworzy naturalną potrzebę opracowania metody koegzystencji i współpracy tych rozwiązań. Przedmiotem artykułu są mechanizmy wspierania mobilności w szerokopasmowych sieciach heterogenicznych serii IEEE 802.x w szczególności IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) i Ieee 802.16 (WiMAX), a takze UMTS, oferowane praez standard Ieee 802.21. zawarte w pracy opisy 802.21...
Management Information Base module for electrical power system configuration and use
PublikacjaInternet standards describe a virtual information store, termed the Management Information Base (MIB), which is made available through Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). No standard MIB exists to date for monitoring power lines in facilities over IP network. This paper defines a subset of the MIB for power system monitoring.
The Implementation of the Taxonomic Spatial Measure of Development in the Analysis of Convergence in the Standard of Living
PublikacjaThe main goal of this paper is to analyse the existence of the social convergence in the European Union between 19952012. The social convergence refers to a reduction in the dispersion of the standard of living across countries. A taxonomic spatial measure of development was used as the standard of living approximation. The use of the new approach proposed by E. Antczak allowed for an explanation of the disparities in the analysed...
Impact of configuration of earth continuity conductor on induced sheath voltages in power cables
PublikacjaIn high voltage power cable systems a problem of induced sheath voltages exist. Due to these voltages electric shock and damage of non-metallic outer sheath of the cables may occur. Exposure to voltage of the outer sheath may be very high in case of earth fault with high value of earth current. In order to reduce induced sheath voltages an earth continuity conductor (conductors) along power cables is applied. Configuration of this...
Statistical properties of a modified standard map in quantum and classical regimes
PublikacjaWe present a model—a modified standard map. This model has interesting properties that allow quantum–classical correspondences to be studied. For some range of parameters in the classical phase space of this model, there exist large accelerator modes. We can create a family of maps that have large accelerator modes.
Planning, Configuration and Usefulness of Microseismic Monitoring on Eastern-Europe Platform – Example from East Pomerania
PublikacjaThe microseismic monitoring is a method of monitoring of fracture propagation during hydraulic fracturing process. The method uses array of geophones to localize micro tremors induced by liquid pumped underground at high rate and pressure. The acquired information helps to optimize fracturing process and prevents fracture growth to aquifer levels. It proved to be useful on several unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs in the USA....
The Taxonomy Spatial Measure of Development in the Standard of Living Analysis
PublikacjaIncorporation of spatial relationships in the construction of taxonomy measure of development is gaining popularity in Polish literature. However, there is no one common idea concerning how the spatial relationship should be taken into account when creating a synthetic variable nor, indeed, where the spatial weight matrix should be placed. It seems that the inclusion of spatial relationships is more important in smaller regions’...
Standard of living in Poland at regional level - classification with Kohonen self-organizing maps
PublikacjaThe standard of living is spatially diversified and its analyzes enable shaping regional policy. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the standard of living and to classify regions due to their standard of living, based on a wide set of determinants. The most common research methods are those based on composite indicators, however, they are not ideal. Among the current critiques moved to the use of composite...
Non-Contact Monitoring of ECG in the Home Environment—Selecting Optimal Electrode Configuration
PublikacjaCapacitive electrocardiography (cECG) is most often used in wearable or embedded measurement systems. The latter is considered in the paper. An optimal electrocardiographic lead, as an individual feature, was determined based on model studies. It was defined as the possibly highest value of the R-wave amplitude measured on the back of the examined person. The lead configuration was also analyzed in terms of minimizing its susceptibility...
A Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Bandpass Filter in A Box Configuration With Frequency-Dependent Coupling
PublikacjaThis letter presents the design of a microwave bandpass filter with frequency-dependent coupling implemented in substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology. The proposed filter implements a four-pole generalized Chebyshev filtering function with two transmission zeros. Resonators are arranged in an extended box configuration with dispersive coupling on a main signal path, which produces an extra zero in comparison to classical...
Standard MST i jego wykorzystanie przy opisie jednostek chorobowych
PublikacjaW podrozdziale przedstawiono ujednolicony sposób opisu chorób gastroentero-logicznych. Omówiono założenia standardu MST oraz model dokumentu elektroni-cznego. Opisano jak zaimplementowano ten standard w systemie ERS i jak natej podstawie utworzono elektroniczny atlas endoskopowy.
Fast method for IEEE 802.16-2004 standard-based networks coverage measuring
PublikacjaThis paper presents the time and cost efficient method for measuring effective coverage of IEEE 802.16-2004 standard-based networks. This is done by performing a series of continuous measurements on the grid basis. Due to this kind of signal quality surveying, estimationof the probable coverage area can be made. It is significant that themethod is fast and is uses a standard customer equipment which makes it more accessible for...
Konfiguracja przestrzeni a bezpieczeństwo = Crime and space configuration
PublikacjaArtykuł podejmuje kwestię występowania patologii społecznych na wielkich osiedlach mieszkaniowych z perspektywy uwarunkowń przestrzennych Przedstawiono wyniki badań pokazujące, że bardzo podobne pod względem rodzaju tkanki, położenia, oraz struktury społecznej blokowiska mogą posiadać odmienną charakterystykę poziomu bezpieczeństwa, co daje się powiązać ze specyficznie kształtowaną strukturą przestrzeni osiedla jako całości. Wskazuje...
SIMCON ver.2.1: configuration and control procedures
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The impact of nozzle configuration on the heat transfer coefficient
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UWB planar antenna dipole in the sandwich configuration
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad planarną anteną dipolową o ramionach kołowych, przeznaczoną dla systemu UWB. Ramiona dipola umieszczono pomiędzy dwoma warstwami dielektryka (konfiguracja kanapki) uzyskując redukcję wymiarów anteny. Stwierdzono, że impedancja wejściowa jest mniejsza, niż w przypadku pojedynczego podłoża, co umożliwia łatwiejsze dopasowanie anteny do toru zasilającego. Współczynnik odbicia w całym paśmie...
Non-matrix reference matrials- chalanges in the preparation of standard gas mixtures
PublikacjaIn the last few years particularly great pressure is exerted on quality control and assurance of analytical measurement results. An invaluable role in this process is played by reference materials. The paper presents the characteristics of basic types of reference materials, with particular attention to gaseous reference materials. In addition, a review of literature on techniques of preparation of gaseous standard materials, published...
Standard gas mixtures- indispensable reference materials in the analysis of gaseous media
PublikacjaIn recent years the need for the quality control and assurance of analytical measurement results has been particularly strongly emphasised. Certified reference materials play an invaluable role in this process. The article characterises the basic types of reference materials, focusing in particular on those in the gaseous state. It also reviews the literature on the techniques of preparing standard gas mixtures over the last ten...
Standard gas mixtures- indispensable reference materials in the analysis of gaseous media
PublikacjaIn recent years the need for the quality control and assurance of analytical measurement results has been particularly strongly emphasised. Certified reference materials play an invaluable role in this process. The article characterises the basic types of reference materials, focusing in particular on those in the gaseous state. It also reviews the literature on the techniques of preparing standard gas mixtures over the last ten...
Effective configuration of a double triad planar parallel manipulator for precise positioning of heavy details during their assembling process
PublikacjaIn the paper, dynamics analysis of a parallel manipulator is presented. It is an atypical manipulator, devoted to help in assembling of heavy industrial constructions. Few atypical properties are required: small workspace; slow velocities; high loads. Initially, a short discussion about definition of the parallel manipulators is presented, as well as the sketch of the proposed structure. In parallel, some definitions, assumptions...
The effect of adding a standard on the result of determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in bottom sediment samples
PublikacjaBottom sediments are a very important component of aquatic ecosystems. The sediment matrix is highly diverse and heterogeneous; in consequence, compounds entering the aquatic environment from different sources are considerably enriched at its surface. Bottom sediments are regarded as natural sorbents, since they accumulate many harmful substances, such as heavy metals and stable organic contaminants.Extraction is a key stage in...
Auto-tuning methodology for configuration and application parameters of hybrid CPU + GPU parallel systems based on expert knowledge
PublikacjaAuto-tuning of configuration and application param- eters allows to achieve significant performance gains in many contemporary compute-intensive applications. Feasible search spaces of parameters tend to become too big to allow for exhaustive search in the auto-tuning process. Expert knowledge about the utilized computing systems becomes useful to prune the search space and new methodologies are needed in the face of emerging heterogeneous...
Influence of mesh density on 2D viscous flutter in a turbomachinery cascade
PublikacjaIn this study numerical simulations of 2D viscous flutter were performed and compared with available experimental results for various mesh densities and flow parameters. Calculations were carried out for the bending oscillations of an Eleventh Standard Configuration cascade. ANSYS CFX code was used for the SST, SA and k-ω turbulence model calculations.
Basic sensitivity analysis of a telecommunication tower complementing standard reinforcement design process
PublikacjaThis paper presents straightforward sensitivity assessment of a telecommunication tower. The analysis is set toidentify the elements of the tower which may be reinforced with the greatest structural advantage. As current expertopin ions on structural redesign of similar structures due to a planned addition of extra loads are mainly based ondeterministic computations or engineering intuition,...
Non-standard contact conditions in generalized continua: microblock contact model for a Cosserat body
PublikacjaGeneralized continuum theories involve non-standard boundary conditions that are associated with the additional kinematic variables introduced in those theories, e.g., higher gradients of the displacement field or additional kinematic degrees of freedom. Accordingly, formulation of a contact problem for such a continuum necessarily requires that adequate contact conditions are formulated for the additional kinematic variables and/or...
Non-standard errors in the cryptocurrency world
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Compact microstrip to coplanar standard transformer.
PublikacjaW pracy zaprezentowano transformator standardu umożliwiający bezodbiciowe połączenie linii mikropaskowej z linią koplanarną. Konstrukcja układu opiera się na założeniu zachowania jednakowej wartości impedancji w każdym przekroju poprzecznym struktury. Zaprojektowano i przebadano dwa rozwiązania z ze skokową i ciągłą zmianą szerokości linii. Do badań numerycznych wykorzystano symulator pełnofalowy Momentum. W symulacjach uwzględniono...