Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BALANCING
Balancing energy processes in turbine engines
PublikacjaThe article discusses the issue of balancing energy processes in turbine engines in operation in aeronautic and PDULQHSURSXOVLRQV\VWHPVZLWKWKHDLPWRDQDO\VHDQGHYDOXDWH EDVLFRSHUDWLQJSDUDPHWHUV7KH¿UVWSDUWSUHVHQWV the problem of enormous amounts of energy needed for driving fans and compressors of the largest contemporary turbofan engines commonly used in long-distance aviation. The amounts of the transmitted power and the effect RIÀRZSDUDPHWHUVDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQDOSURSHUWLHVRIWKHHQJLQHV RQWKHLUSHUIRUPDQFHDQGUHDOHI¿FLHQF\DUH evaluated....
Balancing agility and discipline in a research project
PublikacjaSuccessful software development requires both agility and discipline. Optimal selection of methods, however, is not an easy task. The problem becomes even more difficult for long lasting projects. Appropriate selection of methods involving skillful introduction and abandonment of certain practices in time makes the whole process dynamic. The paper presents in this context a research project which was realized in a few iterations....
Analysis of balancing of four stroke V6 engines
PublikacjaAnalysis of balance of V6 engines with a common-pin crankshaft depending on a cylinder bank angle and the crank radius to connecting rod length ratios , based on the relations derived, is presented in the paper. The bank angles providing the lowest moment of inertia forces in reciprocating motion, for selected values, were determined. The position of the plane of the main counterweights in order to maximum balance of the moment...
Optimal state feedback controller for balancing cube
PublikacjaIn this paper, a nonlinear balancing cube system is considered, the concept for which is based on an inverted pendulum. The main purpose of this work was the modelling and construction of a balancing cube with the synthesis of the control system. The control objectives included swing-up and stabilization of the cube on its vertex at an unstable equilibrium. Execution of the intended purpose required, first, deriving a cognitive...
On the use of a charge balancing method for low energy measurements
PublikacjaThe paper presents the method for the estimation of the energy consumption of the low-power microcontroller-based devices. Due to high dynamics of the changes of the supply current of the tested devices during the operational cycle, the consumed energy estimation is not easy. In order to avoid disadvantages of known methods, the charge balancing method was employed similarly like in some types of A/D converters.
Genetic Programming for Workload Balancing in the Comcute Grid System
PublikacjaA genetic programming paradigm is implemented for reliability optimization in the Comcute grid system design. Chromosomes are generated as the program functions and then genetic operators are applied for finding Pareto-suboptimal task assignment and scheduling. Results are compared with outcomes obtained by an adaptive evolutionary algorithm.
Control of nonlinear and linearized model of self-balancing electric motorcycle
PublikacjaSelf-Balancing Electric Motorcycle (SBEM) is a dynamic and nonlinear electro-mechanical system. In this paper, the process of mathematical modelling and line-arization of SBEM is presented. The model of the control system in Matlab envi-ronment is implemented. The control system using the PID controller is designed. The operation of particular structures of the PID controller on the simulation model is compared. Due to simulation...
DC-link voltage balancing in cascaded H-Bridge converters
PublikacjaIn the paper a DC-link voltage balancing strategy for multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) converter is proposed. Presented solution bases on optimal choice of active vector durations in Space-Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SV-PWM). It makes it possible to DC-link voltages control and to properly generate the output voltage vector in the case of DC-link voltage unbalance. Results of simulation and experimental researches...
Influence of the counterweight model on optimization of balancing of four-bar mechanism
PublikacjaPraca opisuje rozważania na temat wyrównoważania płaskiego czworoboku przegubowego. Do wyrównoważenia wykorzystano metodę alokacji przeciwmas. Zadanie to wymagało połączenia procedur analizy dynamiki układów wielomasowych z procedurą optymalizacji. W pracy umieszczono opis metody dynamiki układów wielomasowych. W procesie optymalizacji skorzystano z metody sympleksów. Opisano model analizowanego układu składający się z dwóch sekcji...
Comparative analysis of balancing of V6 engines with common- and split-pin crankshafts
PublikacjaAn analysis of balancing of V6 engines equipped with split-pin crankshafts with any cylinder bank angle based on the mathematical relations derived in the paper was carried out. A comparison of the quality of their balancing with engines equipped with common-pin crankshafts was also carried out. The bank angle ranges beneficial for balancing of moments of inertia forces in reciprocating motion were determined. A mathematical relation...
Multibody and electromechanical modelling in dynamic balancing of mechanisms for mechanical and electromechanical systems
PublikacjaPraca prezentuje zagadnienia wspólnego modelowania układu wieloczłonowego i napędu elektrycznego oraz problemy wyrównoważania mechanizmów. Analizowanym układem mechanicznym jest płaski czworobok przegubowy. Analizowany mechanizm zamodelowano jako układ wieloczłonowy z zamkniętymi wielobokami ciał. Do wymuszenia ruchu układu wykorzystano model silnika prądu stałego. Zbadano oddziaływania pomiędzy płytą mocującą czworoboku i otoczeniem....
Implementation of failover and load balancing algorithms in SIP PBX High Availability system
PublikacjaGoal of the project was to design a High Availability SIP VoIP system that guarantees access to additional services like auto-attendent and automatic call distribution. The realization of the project required system to have load balancing and failover algorithms implemented. From the end users’ point of view the whole system had to figure as a single element. After taking under consideration the known methods of implementations...
Performance of Passive and Active Balancing Systems of Lithium Batteries in Onerous Mine Environment
PublikacjaTo use lithium-iron-phosphate battery packs in the supply systems of any electric mining equipment and/or machines, the required conditions of work safety must be met. This applies in particular to coal mines endangered by fire and/or explosion. To meet the spark-safety conditions, the cells (together with the battery management system—BMS) must be isolated from the influence of the environment, and therefore placed in special...
Optimization of The Shortest-Path Routing with Equal-Cost Multi-Path Load Balancing
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Four level inverter's DC bus voltage balancing with 3-terminal DAB converter
Publikacja—Multilevel inverters become more and more popular, especially in the medium or high voltage and high power applications. Unfortunately, some of inverter topologies require additional DC bus voltage balancing systems. This paper presents a novel approach to such systems, which is based on a multiple terminal DAB converter. Along with the voltage balancing function the proposed solution enables the connection of energy storage devices...
Balancing Energy Inputs/Outputs and GHG Emissions for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment – a Case Study
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is a model-based evaluation of the selected operating modes and technological upgrades on the energy balance and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a large wastewater treatment plant in the city of Slupsk (northern Poland). The considered scenarios focus on energy savings for aeration, increasing energy recovery via biogas cogeneration and reduction of the CO2 equivalent emission from both direct processes (related...
A selection of PID type controller settings via LQR approach for two-wheeled balancing robot
PublikacjaThe problem of PID type controller tuning has been addressed in this paper. In particular, a method of selection of PD settings based on the solution of linear–quadratic optimisation problem using the energy criterion has been investigated. Thus, the possibility of transforming optimal settings of the linear–quadratic regulator into the settings of the controller in the classical control system has been given. The presented methodology...
Estimation of the angular position of a two-wheeled balancing robot using a real IMU with selected filters
PublikacjaA low-cost measurement system using filtering of measurements for two-wheeled balancing robot stabilisation purposes has been addressed in this paper. In particular, a measurement system based on gyroscope, accelerometer, and encoder has been considered. The measurements have been corrected for deterministic disturbances and then filtered with Kalman, α-β type, and complementary filters. A quantitative assessment of selected filters...
Single-phase, Five-level Inverter with SPWM-Based Neutral Point Voltage Balancing Scheme
PublikacjaMultilevel inverter topologies provide several advantages over two-level inverter configuration. These benefits are the reason for the growing interest in multilevel topologies among research society. One of the most popular topological concepts (diode and active switch clamping) requires neutral-point potential balancing due to series-connected capacitor banks across the input dc link in such derived inverter configurations. This...
Communication and Load Balancing Optimization for Finite Element Electromagnetic Simulations Using Multi-GPU Workstation
PublikacjaThis paper considers a method for accelerating finite-element simulations of electromagnetic problems on a workstation using graphics processing units (GPUs). The focus is on finite-element formulations using higher order elements and tetrahedral meshes that lead to sparse matrices too large to be dealt with on a typical workstation using direct methods. We discuss the problem of rapid matrix generation and assembly, as well as...
Neutral point balancing technique for 3-level neutral point clamped converter with servo system
PublikacjaNeutral point voltage drift compensation technique in 3-level NPC multilevel converter and servo system is described in the paper. Analytical expressions are obtained for power subsystem elements parameters of servo drive system. Simulation of servo system, based on PMSM motor with 3-level NPC converter is considered.
Comparative Study of Balancing SRT by Using Modified ASM2d in Control and Operation Strategy at Full-Scale WWTP
PublikacjaDetailed knowledge on the composition of the influent going into the wastewater treatment system is essential for the development of a reliable computer model. In the context of WWTPs (wastewater treatment plants), the wastewater characteristics are not only important for activated sludge system modelling, but also have an impact on the appropriate control of single unit operations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the concepts...
Space Vector Pulsewidth Modulation Strategy for Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter With DC-Link Voltage Balancing Ability
PublikacjaSpace vector pulsewidth modulation (SVPWM) algorithms for cascaded H-bridge multilevel (CHB ML) inverter usually provide the possibility of using several combinations of active voltage vectors to generate the same output voltage vector. For preselected H-bridges, some of them may generate output voltages opposite to the assumed direction. This results in the change of the dc-link voltages of these H-bridges in the opposite direction...
Balancing energy consumption in limited power grid with active front-end and three phase dual active bridge system
PublikacjaPaper deals with simulation analysis of bidirectional power converters system for charging station of electric vehicle in condition of limited power source in city infrastructure. In case of incapability to provide additional power supply through the grid by virtue of historical, architectural and economic reasons it is possible to solve this issue by implementation of mobile battery-powered supply source. The proposed bidirectional...
Analysis of balancing of six-cylinder in-line two-stroke internal combustion engines = Analiza wyrównoważenia silników rzędowych dwusuwowych sześciocylindrowych
PublikacjaW pracy wyprowadzono proste zależności opisujące przebieg momentu od sił bezwładności pierwszego i drugiego rzędu dla wszystkich 60 wariantów wałów korbowych w silniku 6-cylindrowym 2-suwowym rzędowym. Dokonano analizy i porównania poszczególnych wariantów z punktu widzenia momentów wypadkowych od sił bezwładności pierwszego i drugiego rzędu. Porównania dokonano dla dwóch wartości parametru mechanizmu korbowego 0,3 i 0,5.
The pulse width modulation strategy for a five-phase three-level NPC voltage source inverter with DC-link voltage balancing ability
PublikacjaThe doctoral dissertation is all about the development of the space vector modulation algorithm for controlling the generation of output voltage vectors in a three-level, five-phase NPC inverter. The developed algorithm can be used to control five-phase motors, where it will be possible to increase the motor torque by 15%; by appropriate injection of 3rd harmonic current. The proposed control approach also opens up the possibility...
Influencing the city spatial order by balancing the development of a transportation system - the city of Gdansk example. = Kształtowanie ładu przestrzennego miasta poprzez równoważenie rozwoju systemu transportowego na przykładzie Gdańska
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Dynamic load balancing with data partitioning for efficient paralel compu-ting.**2003, 227 s. 214 rys. 9 tab. bibliogr. 160 poz. maszyn. Rozprawa doktorska /14.01.2003/ Wydz. ETI Promotor: prof. dr hab. inż. H. Krawczyk. Dynamiczne równoważenie obciążenia z podziałem danych dla efektywnego prze-twarzania równoległego.
Output voltage, current and DC-link voltages under SVPWM, experimental results
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the experimental results of the project: A universal algorithm of space vector pulse width modulation for three-level three and multi-phase NPC inverters with DC-link voltage balancing. The output line-to-line voltage, output current and DC-link voltages were included. The comparison studies between proposed Space Vector Pulse-Width...
Output voltage, current and DC-link voltages under SPWM, experimental results
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the experimental results of the project: A universal algorithm of space vector pulse width modulation for three-level three and multi-phase NPC inverters with DC-link voltage balancing. The output line-to-line voltage, output current and DC-link voltages were included. The Carrier-Based Pulse-Width Modulation (CBPWM) technique was...
Dual drive control under SVPWM, experimental results
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the experimental results of the project: A universal algorithm of space vector pulse width modulation for three-level three and multi-phase NPC inverters with DC-link voltage balancing. The analysis includes the behaviour of the drive system, examining the dynamic system response to speed and angle changes, and encompassing data...
Virtual Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Algorithm for Three-Level NPC Converters Based on the Final Element Shape Functions
PublikacjaThe paper puts forth a novel idea for the computation of Nearest Three Virtual Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation for the three level NPC converters. The computations are based on the concept of final element shape function widely used in the domain of finite element analysis. The proposed approach significantly frees the computations from the use of trigonometric functions, which simplifies the computations and permits easier...
Space-vector pulsewidth modulation for a seven-level cascaded H-bridge inverter with the control of DC-link voltages
PublikacjaThe control strategy of DC-link voltages for a seven-level Cascaded H-Bridge inverter is proposed in this paper. The DC-link voltage balancing is accomplished by appropriate selection of H-Bridges and control of their duty cycles in Space-Vector Modulation (SVM) algorithm. The proposed SVM method allows to maintain the same voltage level on all inverter capacitors. Regardless of the balancing function, the...
Distributed VoIP telecommunication system
PublikacjaIn the paper a distributed VoIP telecommunication system architecture with load balancing is described. Important features of this architecture are the high level of system reliability and the possibility of using lowcost hardware solutions.
Chemistry and Nanochemistry 2024
Kursy OnlineWe start from General Chemistry, including: calculus in chemistry, bonds, balancing the chemical reactions, redox reactions, electrochemistry, pH, acids, bases, salts, oxides, organic molecules, and many informations about synthesis, analysis and applications in nanochemistry.
Chemistry and Nanochemistry 2023
Kursy OnlineWe start from General Chemistry, including: calculus in chemistry, bonds, balancing the chemical reactions, redox reactions, electrochemistry, pH, acids, bases, salts, oxides, organic molecules, and many informations about synthesis, analysis and applications in nanochemistry.
Handlowo-techniczne bilansowanie energii w obszarach sieci dystrybucyjnej
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono problemy wywołane przez rosnący udział generacji rozproszonej we współczesnych systemach elektroenergetycznych. Przedstawiono nową koncepcję rozwiązywania zagadnienia bilansowania mocy czynnej w obszarach sieci dystrybucyjnych, opartą o wykorzystanie nowych struktur organizacyjnych takich jak: klastry energii, wydzielone systemy dystrybucyjne, spółdzielnie energetyczne, wirtualne elektrownie i grupy bilansujące.
Voltage Source Power Line Conditioner for Applications in Local Supply Systems
PublikacjaThe paper presents the basic principles of operation of voltage source power line conditioners (VSPLC) as well as their energy and filtration properties. A 4-level cascade based Voltage Source Converter (VSC) is used as a voltage source. The advantages of this topology is relatively simple construction and simple way of balancing DC link voltages. Results of the theoretical and experimental investigations confirm good energetic...
PublikacjaMetody doboru tras ukierunkowane na równoważenie obciążenia sieci (ang: Load-Balancing Routing; LBR) redukują prawdopodobieństwo blokowania żądań na instalację tras i tym samym podnoszą potencjalny przepływ transmisji, przy niezmiennej przepustowości sieci. Niniejsza praca prezentuje nową metodę LBR która prowadzi do istotnej redukcji prawdopodobieństwa blokowania (dla niektórych scenariuszy ponad 3.8 razy).
Big Data Paradigm Developed in Volunteer Grid System with Genetic Programming Scheduler
PublikacjaArtificial intelligence techniques are capable to handle a large amount of information collected over the web. In this paper, big data paradigm has been studied in volunteer and grid system called Comcute that is optimized by a genetic programming scheduler. This scheduler can optimize load balancing and resource cost. Genetic programming optimizer has been applied for finding the Pareto solu-tions. Finally, some results from numerical...
Romanika Okraszewska dr inż. arch.
Osobydr inż. arch. Romanika Okraszewska jest adiunktem w Katedrze Inżynierii Drogowej i Transportowej Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. W 1996 ukończyła klasę matematyczno-informatyczną w VIII Liceum Ogólnokształcącym im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Gdańsku. Absolwentka dwóch wydziałów Politechiki Gdańksiej, w roku 2002 ukończyła studia architektury i urbanistyki a w 2004 zarządzania i ekonomii. W latach...
Hybridized SVPWM Algorithm for Multilevel CHB Inverter With DC-Link Voltage Control Capability
PublikacjaThe deployment of a space vector pulsewidth modulation (SVPWM) scheme in controlling cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter (CHB MLI) is quite challenging; especially, when a substantial number of output voltage levels are involved and the dc-link voltages are out of balance. In this article, a simple SVPWM algorithm for CHB MLI is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, all the H-bridges in an inverter phase are treated as a single...
General Provisioning Strategy for Local Specialized Cloud Computing Environments
PublikacjaThe well-known management strategies in cloud computing based on SLA requirements are considered. A deterministic parallel provisioning algorithm has been prepared and used to show its behavior for three different requirements: load balancing, consolidation, and fault tolerance. The impact of these strategies on the total execution time of different sets of services is analyzed for randomly chosen sets of data. This makes it possible...
Four Level Diode-Clamped Back-To-Back Converter with Active DC Link Voltage Control
PublikacjaThis article presents the design and control of 4L-DC back-to-back converter. To solve the DC link voltage balancing problem in four-level converter a new three-level double chopper topology based on PO-PWM modulation was designed and successfully tested. Also, the paper describes two phase space vector pulse width modulation 2P-SVPWM based on the shape function of finite elements. The control structure with modified Dead-Beat...
Projekt systemu sterowania dwukołowym robotem balansującym
PublikacjaW niniejszym artykule rozważony został problem sterowania dwukołowym robotem balansującym. Celem zaprezentowanych prac było zaprojektowanie systemu sterowania tego typu obiektem z wykorzystaniem metod nowoczesnej teorii sterowania. W ramach syntezy, bazując na wyprowadzonym w oparciu o zasady dynamiki Newtona modelu, dobrana została struktura systemu sterowania w postaci regulatora wykorzystującego sprzężenie zwrotne od stanu oraz...
Benchmarking Performance of a Hybrid Intel Xeon/Xeon Phi System for Parallel Computation of Similarity Measures Between Large Vectors
PublikacjaThe paper deals with parallelization of computing similarity measures between large vectors. Such computations are important components within many applications and consequently are of high importance. Rather than focusing on optimization of the algorithm itself, assuming specific measures, the paper assumes a general scheme for finding similarity measures for all pairs of vectors and investigates optimizations for scalability...
Assessment of risks introduced to safety critical software by agile practices - a software engineer's perspective
PublikacjaIn this article we investigate the problem of applying agile practices into safety-critical projects.The goal of our research is to investigate potential benefits from introducing agile practicesinto safety-critical environment and to present a solution providing for balancing agileapproach with more disciplined assurance techniques, bringing the best of the two worlds together.In the article we present the supporting ideas such...
PublikacjaThis paper presents characteristics and purposefulness of supporting the renewable energy sources (OZE) by means of energy stores. The main emphasis was placed on analysis of virtual energy stores available for implementation in Polish economy conditions. A role which management of Demand Side Response (DSR) may play in balancing Polish electric power system, is discussed. Implementation of such solutions together with conventional...
Bilansowanie lokalne w systemie elektroenergetycznym
PublikacjaWprowadzenie rozliczeń rynkowych w handlu energią elektryczną wymusiło nowe podejście do krótkookresowego bilansowania energii w systemie elektroenergetycznym. Dla sprawnego funkcjonowania handlu energią, konieczne było wprowadzenie Rynku Bilansującego, łączącego realizację zadań technicznych i handlowych. Obecnie bilansowanie systemu rozwiązywane jest ogólnosystemowo. Decentralizacja procesu wytwarzania energii, rozwój niespokojnych...
Ryszard Katulski prof. dr hab. inż.