Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BEHAVIORAL FEATURES - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BEHAVIORAL FEATURES

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BEHAVIORAL FEATURES

  • Behavioral state classification in epileptic brain using intracranial electrophysiology

    • V. Kremen
    • J. J. Duque
    • B. Brinkmann
    • B. M. Berry
    • M. T. Kucewicz
    • F. Khadjevand
    • J. Van Gompel
    • M. Stead
    • E. K. ST.Louis
    • G. A. Worrell

    - Journal of Neural Engineering - Rok 2017

    OBJECTIVE: Automated behavioral state classification can benefit next generation implantable epilepsy devices. In this study we explored the feasibility of automated awake (AW) and slow wave sleep (SWS) classification using wide bandwidth intracranial EEG (iEEG) in patients undergoing evaluation for epilepsy surgery. APPROACH: Data from seven patients (age [Formula: see text], 4 women) who underwent intracranial depth electrode...

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  • Enhancing environmental literacy through urban technology-based learning. The PULA app case

    • E. Duda
    • H. Anacka
    • H. Obracht-prondzyńska
    • H. C. Geirbo
    • J. Kowal

    - Rok 2024

    This study addresses the need to enhance environmental literacy, focusing on urban adults through mobile applications, based on the example of PULA app that engages early adopters in gamified pro- environmental activities, offering insights into informal learning. Grounded in 'urban pedagogy,' the study combines semi-structured interviews with 17 application testers and quantitative data analysis, unveiling motivations, user feedback,...

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  • Influence of Escherichia coli on Expression of Selected Human Drug Addiction Genes


    - Life - Rok 2021

    The impact of enteric microflora on the expression of genes associated with cocaine and amphetamine addiction was described. Human genome-wide experiments on RNA transcripts expressed in response to three selected Escherichia coli strains allowed for significant alteration (p > 0.05) of the linear regression model between HT-29 RNA transcripts associated with the KEGG pathway:hsa05030:Cocaine addiction after 3 h stimulation with...

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  • Efficient Simulation-Based Global Antenna Optimization Using Characteristic Point Method and Nature-Inspired Metaheuristics

    Antenna structures are designed nowadays to fulfil rigorous demands, including multi-band operation, where the center frequencies need to be precisely allocated at the assumed targets while improving other features, such as impedance matching. Achieving this requires simultaneous optimization of antenna geometry parameters. When considering multimodal problems or if a reasonable initial design is not at hand, one needs to rely...

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  • Overcoming Phobias: Harnessing the Power of Immersive Virtual Reality Therapy


    - Rok 2024

    The goal of the chapter was to review the different therapeutic techniques used in the treatment of various forms of phobias, with particular emphasis on virtual reality treatment. We define different types of phobias, including social ones. We also describe treatment techniques – adopted from behavioral therapy – which have been developed to aid the treatment of phobias. Particular emphasis has been placed on the flooding, implosive...

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  • A simplified behavioral MOSFET model based on parameters extraction for circuit simulations.


    The paper presents results on behavior modeling of general purpose Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) for simulation of power electronics systems requiring accuracy both in steady-state and in switching conditions. Methods of parameters extraction including nonlinearity of parasitic capacitances and steady-state characteristics are based on manufacturer data sheet and externally measurable characteristics....

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  • Mobile Activity Plan Applications for Behavioral Therapy of Autistic Children

    This paper concerns technological support for behavioral therapy of autistic children. A family of tools dedicated for mobile devices is presented, that allows to design and perform an activity schedule in behavioral therapy. The paper describes the main challenges, that were encountered, especially in meeting the non-functional requirements of the application: simplicity, repeatability, robustness, personalization, re-usability...

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  • Applications for investigating therapy progress of autistic children


    The paper regards supporting behavioral therapy of autistic children with mobile applications, specifically applied for measuring the child’s progress. A family of five applications is presented, that was developed as an investigation tool within the project aimed at automation of therapy progress monitoring. The applications were already tested with children with autism spectrum disorder. Hereby we analyse children’ experience...

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  • Impact of information systems (IS) infusion on Open Government Data (OGD) adoption

    • R. Matheus
    • C. H. Alexopoulos
    • N. Rizun
    • L. Euripides
    • S. Saxena

    - Digital Policy Regulation and Governance - Rok 2024

    Purpose – This study aims to underline the possible influence of the moderator, information systems (IS) infusion, on Open Government Data (OGD) adoption and usage. Design/methodology/approach – Using the partial least squares-structural equation modeling methodological approach, the adapted unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model has been used for understanding the role of themoderating variable, namely,...

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  • Experience-Based Cognition for Driving Behavioral Fingerprint Extraction



    ABSTRACT With the rapid progress of information technologies, cars have been made increasingly intelligent. This allows cars to act as cognitive agents, i.e., to acquire knowledge and understanding of the driving habits and behavioral characteristics of drivers (i.e., driving behavioral fingerprint) through experience. Such knowledge can be then reused to facilitate the interaction between a car and its driver, and to develop better and...

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  • What entrepreneurs think about tax optimization?

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The study conducted on a group of 259 entrepreneurs concerned the behavioral attitudes of business owners regarding their opinion on tax optimization. From the study we will learn, among others, how tax optimization is defined according to entrepreneurs, their attitude towards it, as well as what optimization actions they have taken so far.

  • An automated, low-latency environment for studying the neural basis of behavior in freely moving rats

    • M. Jankowski
    • A. Polterovich
    • A. Kazakov
    • J. Niediek
    • I. Nelken

    - BMC BIOLOGY - Rok 2023

    Background Behavior consists of the interaction between an organism and its environment, and is controlled by the brain. Brain activity varies at sub-second time scales, but behavioral measures are usually coarse (often consisting of only binary trial outcomes). Results To overcome this mismatch, we developed the Rat Interactive Foraging Facility (RIFF): a programmable interactive arena for freely moving rats with multiple feeding...

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  • Exploring Stock Traders’ Cognitive Biases: Research Design and Simulator Framework


    - Rok 2023

    Cognitive bias is a phenomenon that has been extensively studied in stock trading and many other fields. This paper presents a framework for a Mobile Stock Trading Simulator (MSTS) that facilitates automatic investment in stocks with minimal human influence, by investigating the behavioral patterns and cognitive errors of stock market investors. The paper aims to determine whether investors’ investment strategies can be improved...

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    This article presents one possibility to employ Moodle, the free e-Leaning platform, to organize learning understood as a process. Behavioral approach and application to massive courses are assumed. A case study is presented, where the introduction of Moodle resulted in better student performance in homework

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  • A proposition for integrating elements of game universe by means of behavioral trees

    Modern computer games often involve autonomous beings collaborating and competing with each other to reach their objectives in the game universe. It seems only natural to use agent-oriented approach in such cases. This article identifies the rules of building a game universe as an environment for executing agents. The paper also covers a method for decomposing compound behaviors into behavioral trees. Dividing complex behaviors...

  • Models of Structures in Didactics


    The final aim of teaching students subjects, such as structural mechanics, reinforced concrete, and steel structures is to teach them how structures work in a given building as well as to provide them with skills enabling them to calculate and design structures. The behavioral model of the structure, contrary to the architectural model, which focuses mainly on the external form of the building, shows workings from both the static...

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  • Intracranial electrophysiological recordings from the human brain during memory tasks with pupillometry


    - Scientific Data - Rok 2022

    Data comprise intracranial EEG (iEEG) brain activity represented by stereo EEG (sEEG) signals, recorded from over 100 electrode channels implanted in any one patient across various brain regions. The iEEG signals were recorded in epilepsy patients (N=10) undergoing invasive monitoring and localization of seizures when they were performing a battery of four memory tasks lasting approx. 1 hour in total. Gaze tracking on the task...

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  • Selection of physiological parameters for optoelectronic system supporting behavioral therapy of autistic children

    In this article the procedure of selection of physiological parameters for optoelectronic system supporting behavioral therapy of autistic children is proposed. Authors designed and conducted an experiment in which a group of 30 health volunteers (16 females and 14 males) were examined. Under controlled conditions people were exposed to a stressful situation caused by the picture or sound (1kHz constant sound, which was gradually...

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  • System supporting behavioral therapy for children with autism

    In this paper, a system supporting behavioral therapy for autistic children is presented. The system consists of sensors network, base station and a brooch indicating person's emotional states. The system can be used to measure values of physiological parameters that are associated with changes in the emotional state. In the future, it can be useful to inform the autistic child and the therapist about the emotional state of the...

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  • Biometryczna kontrola dostępu

    Opisano szczegółowo algorytm detekcji oraz identyfikacji człowieka na podstawie punktów nodalnych twarzy. Zdefiniowano pojęcia: biometria, proces pomiaru biometrycznego, metody biometrycznej identyfikacji oraz kontrola dostępu. Przedstawiono opis opracowanego systemu biometrycznej identyfikacji wykorzystującego sztuczne sieci neuronowe. Podano wyniki badań oraz przeprowadzono ich wnikliwą dyskusję.Biometrics is the study of automated...

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  • Exploration of Behavioral Patterns and Cognitive Biases among Stock Market Investors


    - Rok 2025

    This study aims to explore behavioral patterns and cognitive biases among stock market investors. By analyzing investor behavior through a stock market simulator, the research seeks to understand the impact of cognitive biases on investment decisions. The methodology encompasses a detailed analysis of transaction data to identify prevalent patterns and biases. Findings suggest that biases such as overconfidence, representativeness...

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  • How do personality traits influence Open Government Data (OGD) adoption and usage? Investigating the indirect and moderating effects

    • N. Rizun
    • C. H. Alexopoulos
    • S. Saxena
    • F. Kleiman
    • R. Matheus

    - Rok 2023

    Open Government Data (OGD) research has focused for a long on the adoption and usage from the perspectives of users across different contexts. The underlying rationale for this specific focus is that OGD initiatives are undertaken to further citizen engagement with OGD for value generation and innovation purposes. Conceding that usage propensity is different across individuals, it is important to understand the influence of personality...

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  • Life cycle theories of savings and consumption


    Life cycle theories of savings and consumption are the economics theories explaining the changes in saving and consumption in the subsequent phases of the human life cycle. There are two main approaches: (1) indicating the dependence of the level of savings and consumption on the average level of income over a long period of human life (life cycle hypothesis; LCH) or (2) on psychological factors, in particular self-control and...

  • Energy-Efficient Self-Supervised Technique to Identify Abnormal User Over 5G Network for E-Commerce


    - Rok 2024

    Within the realm of e-commerce networks, it is frequently observed that certain users exhibit behavior patterns that differ substantially from the normative behaviors exhibited by the majority of users. The identification of these atypical individuals and the understanding of their behavioral patterns are of significant practical significance in maintaining order on e-commerce platforms. One such method for accomplishing this...

  • Energy-Efficient Self-Supervised Technique to Identify Abnormal User Over 5G Network for E-Commerce

    Within the realm of e-commerce networks, it is frequently observed that certain users exhibit behavior patterns that differ substantially from the normative behaviors exhibited by the majority of users. The identification of these atypical individuals and the understanding of their behavioral patterns are of significant practical significance in maintaining order on e-commerce platforms. One such method for accomplishing this objective...

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  • Fuzzy Methods and Models for a Team-Building Process


    - Rok 2014

    This chapter contains an introduction to fuzzy-logic model-based approaches for a team-building process. Such appraches allow extending typical recruiting practice and selection processes to enable a wider and more precise assessment of a new team and/or existing team members, taking into account both their hard and soft skills. Moreover, as effectiveness of teams depends on the interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence...

  • Primary role identification in e-mail networks using pattern subgraphs and sequence diagrams


    - Rok 2012

    Social networks often forms very complex structures that additionally change over time. Description of actors' roles in such structures requires to take into account this dynamics reflecting behavioral characteristics of the actors. A role can be defined as a sequence of different types of activities. Various types of activities are modeled by pattern subgraphs, whereas sequences of these activities are modeled by sequence diagrams....

  • Design Elements of Affect Aware Video Games


    - Rok 2015

    In this paper issues of design and development process of affect-aware video games are presented. Several important design aspects of such games are pointed out. A concept of a middleware framework is proposed that separates the development of affect-aware video games from emotion recognition algorithms and support from input sensors. Finally, two prototype affect-aware video games are presented that conform to the presented architecture...

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  • Navigating the Complexity: Understanding Social Integration in Smart Communities versus Smart Cities


    - Rok 2024

    This study delves into the differentiation between smart community and smart city concepts, employing a comprehensive review of conceptual literature. The aim of this study is to identify and deliberate on the nuanced disparities between these two paradigms. By establishing pivotal distinctions, we aim to scrutinize the integration of social aspects in the development and implementation of smart communities. Our findings will offer...

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  • Do personality traits influence the user’s behavioral intention to adopt and use Open Government Data (OGD)? An empirical investigation

    • N. Rizun
    • C. H. Alexopoulos
    • S. Saxena
    • F. Kleiman
    • R. Matheus


    The academic interest in the Open Government Data (OGD) domain has been burgeoning over the years. Conceding that the prime focus of an OGD initiative is its further re-use for value creation and innovation by stakeholders, the present study seeks to underscore the role of HEXACO personality traits on behavioral intention (BI) to adopt and use OGD in developing countries' context. We investigate the direct, indirect, and moderating...

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  • Improved Efficacy Behavioral Modeling of Microwave Circuits through Dimensionality Reduction and Fast Global Sensitivity Analysis


    Behavioral models have garnered significant interest in the realm of high-frequency electronics. Their primary function is to substitute costly computational tools, notably electromagnetic (EM) analysis, for repetitive evaluations of the structure under consideration. These evaluations are often necessary for tasks like parameter tuning, statistical analysis, or multi-criterial design. However, constructing reliable surrogate models...

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  • AffecTube — Chrome extension for YouTube video affective annotations


    The shortage of emotion-annotated video datasets suitable for training and validating machine learning models for facial expression-based emotion recognition stems primarily from the significant effort and cost required for manual annotation. In this paper, we present AffecTube as a comprehensive solution that leverages crowdsourcing to annotate videos directly on the YouTube platform, resulting in ready-to-use emotion-annotated...

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  • Induction machine behavioral modeling for prediction of EMI propagation.

    This paper presents the results of wideband behavioral modeling of an induction machine (IM). The proposed solution enables modeling the IM differential- and common-mode impedance for a frequency range from 1 kHz to 10 MHz. Methods of parameter extraction are derived from the measured IM impedances. The developed models of 1.5 kW and 7.5 kW induction machines are designed using the Saber Sketch scheme editor and simulated in the...

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  • Analysis of human behavioral patterns


    - Rok 2022

    Widespread usage of Internet and mobile devices entailed growing requirements concerning security which in turn brought about development of biometric methods. However, a specially designed biometric system may infer more about users than just verifying their identity. Proper analysis of users’ characteristics may also tell much about their skills, preferences, feelings. This chapter presents biometric methods applied in several...

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  • Influence of the Spectral Quality of Light on Daytime Alertness Levels in Humans

    • K. Łaszewska
    • A. Goroncy
    • P. Weber
    • T. Pracki
    • M. Tafil-klawe

    - Advances in Cognitive Psychology - Rok 2018

    Exposure to light is very important for human health. However, the characteristics of the light stimulus and the appropriate timing of such exposure are essential. Studies that have used monochromatic light exposure have shown no systematic patterns for the effects of blue light compared to longer wavelengths. Previous studies have shown that red light exposure increases objective and subjective measures of alertness at night without...

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  • Cost-Efficient Behavioral Modeling of Antennas by Means of Global Sensitivity Analysis and Dimensionality Reduction

    Computational tools, particularly electromagnetic (EM) solvers, are now commonplace in antenna design. While ensuring reliability, EM simulations are time-consuming, leading to high costs associated with EM-driven procedures like parametric optimization or statistical design. Various techniques have been developed to address this issue, with surrogate modeling methods garnering particular attention due to their potential advantages....

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  • Designing effective educational games - a case study of a project management game

    This paper addresses the issues of designing effective educational games. We aim at investigating how the cognitive, behavioral and emotional aspects of the games influence their educational effectiveness. The results were obtained with an observational user experience study extended with affect analysis carried out for a project management game GraPM. We analyzed the...

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  • Emotion Monitor - Concept, Construction and Lessons Learned

    This paper concerns the design and physical construction of an emotion monitor stand for tracking human emotions in Human-Computer Interaction using multi-modal approach. The concept of the stand using cameras, behavioral analysis tools and a set of physiological sensors such as galvanic skin response, blood-volume pulse, temperature, breath and electromyography is presented and followed...

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  • Monitoring of Caged Bluefin Tuna Reactions to Ship and Offshore Wind Farm Operational Noises

    • V. Puig-Pons
    • E. Soliveres
    • I. Pérez-Arjona
    • V. Espinosa
    • P. Poveda-Martínez
    • J. Ramis-Soriano
    • P. Ordoñez-Cebrián
    • M. Moszyński
    • F. de la Gándara
    • M. Bou-Cabo... i 2 innych

    - SENSORS - Rok 2021

    Underwater noise has been identified as a relevant pollution affecting marine ecosystems in different ways. Despite the numerous studies performed over the last few decades regarding the adverse effect of underwater noise on marine life, a lack of knowledge and methodological procedures still exists, and results are often tentative or qualitative. A monitoring methodology for the behavioral response of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)...

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  • Adjusting Game Difficulty by Recreating Behavioral Trees of Human Player Actions


    - Rok 2013

    This paper presents a proposition of a method for adjusting game difficulty to the current level of player's skills in one-on-one games. The method is based on recognition of human player's actions and recording of those actions in the form of behavioral trees. Such trees are later used to drive behaviors of computer-controlled opponents so that human player has beat hit own strategy and improve on it, to win subsequent games....

  • The dynamic signature verification using population-based vertical partitioning


    - Rok 2020

    The dynamic signature is an attribute used in behavioral biometrics for verifying the identity of an individual. This attribute, apart from the shape of the signature, also contains information about the dynamics of the signing process described by the signals which tend to change over time. It is possible to process those signals in order to obtain descriptors of the signature characteristic of an individual user. One of the methods...

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  • The power of personal brand authenticity and identification: top celebrity players’ contribution to loyalty toward football


    - Journal of Product & Brand Management - Rok 2020

    Purpose: In the current era of fake news, illusions, manipulations, and other artificial attributes of virtuality and reality, authenticity is a virtue that people highly appreciate. This study examines the influence of the personal brand authenticity of top football players on loyalty to the football discipline in general, via the mediation of personal brand identification. Design: Based on data collected from a convenience sample...

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  • Cross-domain applications of multimodal human-computer interfaces


    - Rok 2015

    Developed multimodal interfaces for education applications and for disabled people are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with mouth gestures and audio interface for speech stretching for hearing impaired and stuttering people and intelligent pen allowing for diagnosing and ameliorating developmental dyslexia. The eye-gaze tracking system named...

  • Investor confidence and high financial literacy jointly shape investments in risky assets



    Households consistently invest less in equities and bonds than predicted by economic theory. We explain this from a behavioral economics perspective and distributional analysis using rich US survey microdata. We find that higher investor self-confidence in her financial abilities and financial literacy jointly increase the probability of investing in equities. Conditional on participation, confidence in the macroeconomy additionally...

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  • Investor confidence and high financial literacy jointly shape investments in risky assets


    - Rok 2022

    Households consistently invest less in equities and bonds than predicted by economic theory. We explain this from a behavioral economics perspective and distributional analysis using rich US survey microdata. We find that higher investor self-confidence in her financial abilities and financial literacy jointly increase the probability of investing in equities. Conditional on participation, confidence in the macroeconomy additionally...

  • Revisiting serotonin’s role in spatial memory: A call for sensitive analytical approaches



    The serotonergic system is involved in various psychiatric and neurological conditions, with serotonergic drugs often used in treatment. These conditions frequently affect spatial memory, which can serve as a model of declarative memory due to well-known cellular components and advanced methods that track neural activity and behavior with high temporal resolution. However, most findings on serotonin's effects on spatial learning...

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  • Identification of the Agile Mindset and Its Comparison to the Competencies of Selected Agile Roles


    - Rok 2020

    In this paper we present the results of the identification and evalua-tion of the elements of an agile mindset as well as its comparison to the compe-tence models for the roles of Scrum Master, Product Owner and agile analyst. We have identified 70 unique agile mindset elements from literature and 5 in-terviews with experts. Based on an opinion survey among 52 agile practitioners we evaluated the importance of 26 selected elements...

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  • Neuroeconomy and Neuromarketing: The Study of the Consumer Behaviour in the COVID-19 Context


    - Frontiers in Psychology - Rok 2022

    To address the study of consumer behavior in the post-COVID-19 era, the present Research Topic brings together a set of papers that attempt to study how different factors triggered by the pandemic have achieved a significant effect on consumers' behavioral intentions. These papers examine different subtopics related to food, health products, collaborative economy and, of course, neuroscience. Globally, the objectives of this special...

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  • Low-Cost Behavioral Modeling of Antennas by Dimensionality Reduction and Domain Confinement


    - Rok 2023

    Behavioral modeling has been rising in importance in modern antenna design. It is primarily employed to diminish the computational cost of procedures involving massive full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. Cheaper alternative offer surrogate models, yet, setting up data-driven surrogates is impeded by, among others, the curse of dimensionality. This article introduces a novel approach to reduced-cost surrogate modeling of...

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  • Compliance with the restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland and Sweden

    Dane Badawcze
    open access
    • K. Adamska dr hab.
    • D. Sendlak Brundin
    • P. Jurek

    Our study is aimed to check if the difference between Sweden and Poland in trust is related to negative affective reactions to authorities and law antipathy being manifestations of lack of trust and related to value-based legitimacy, behavioral legitimacy and prosocial justification of compliance with the restrictions put on citizens to limit the spread...