wszystkich: 1973
- Publikacje 1689 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
- Czasopisma 20 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
- Osoby 27 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
- Projekty 1 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
- Laboratoria 1 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
- Kursy Online 6 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
- Wydarzenia 1 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
- Dane Badawcze 228 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CHLORIDE-INDUCED CORROSION
3D X-ray Micro-CT Analysis of Rebar Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete Subjected to a Chloride-Induced Environment
PublikacjaThe paper presents experimental investigations of the concrete cover protective ability to coun-teract rebar corrosion in reinforced concrete cubes. To study and quantify the consequences of corrosion a reinforced concrete sample was subjected to chloride-induced environment in order to get corroded and combined with un-corroded sample. Chloride-accelerated technique can in-duce a high degree of corrosion within at a controlled...
Pitting corrosion of Al-Mg alloys in chloride containing media
PublikacjaStopy aluminium znajdują coraz szersze zastosowanie w instalacjach przemysłowych, stosownie do ich ciekawych właściwości fizyko-chemicznych oraz mechanicznych. Niska gęstość, wygląd, odporność korozyjna i dobry stosunek gęstości do odporności mechanicznej. W pracy porównano odporność korozyjną stopu aluminium 5182 zawierającego ok. 4,5% Mg ze stopem stanowiącym "handlowo czyste aluminium" - 1100. Stwierdzono przydatność dynamicznej...
Analysis of features of stainless steels in dissimilar welded joints in chloride inducted corrosion
PublikacjaStainless steels of femtic-austenitic microstructure that means the duplex Cr-Ni-Mo steels, in comparison with austenitic steel includes less expensive nickel and has much better mechanical properties with good formability and corrosion resistance, even in environments containing chloride ions. Similar share of high chromium ferrite and austenite, which is characterized by high ductility, determines that the duplex steels have...
Inhibitive effect of sodium molybdate on corrosion of AZ31 magnesium alloy in chloride solutions
PublikacjaIn this work, corrosion inhibition of the AZ31 magnesium alloy was investigated in NaCl solutions containing different amounts of sodium molybdate inhibitor. Electrochemical, hydrogen evolution, microscopic, and spectroscopic experiments were utilized to examine the mechanism of corrosion inhibition by molybdates. The results showed that Na2MoO4 inhibitor provides reliable inhibition at high concentrations (150 mM). Surface examination...
Flow-induced stress corrosion failure of SS piping
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono uszkodzenie eksploatacyjne rurociągu ze stali austenitucznej typu 18Cr-10Ni-Ti w instalacji przepracowanych olejów napędowych w rafinerii ropy naftowej. Wyjaśniono mechanizm niszczenia środowiskowego stali w wyniku mechanicznego i elektrochemicznego działania strumieni procesowych.
Functionalization of graphene oxide coatings with phosphorus atoms and their corrosion resistance in sodium chloride environment
PublikacjaIn this work, we compared corrosion resistance of graphene oxide, and phosphorus functionalized reduced graphene oxide coatings obtained as a result of electrophoretic deposition on the copper substrate. Doping graphene oxide with phosphorus atoms was performed by a hydrothermal method in the presence of different amounts of phosphoric acid. Structural studies confirmed the insertion of phosphorus atoms into the graphene oxide...
Aqueous Molybdate Provides Effective Corrosion Inhibition of WE43 Magnesium Alloy in Sodium Chloride Solutions
PublikacjaCorrosion and corrosion inhibition of WE43 magnesium alloy were investigated in NaCl solutions containing different amounts of sodium molybdate. Electrochemical, microscopic, and spectroscopic experiments were utilized to examine the mechanism of corrosion inhibition by molybdates. Electrochemical data showed that Na2MoO4 inhibitor provides reliable inhibition at concentrations at and above 100 mM. Raman and XPS spectroscopy demonstrated...
Surface and Corrosion Properties of AA6063-T5 Aluminium Alloy in Molybdate-containing Sodium Chloride Solutions
PublikacjaCorrosion properties of aluminium alloy AA6063-T5 were investigated in molybdate-containing NaCl solutions. Electrochemical, microscopic, and spectroscopic experiments were utilized to examine the mechanism of corrosion inhibition by molybdates. SEM-EDX, magnetic force, and intermodulation electrostatic force microscopy data suggested that the inhibition initiation preferentially occurred over Fe-rich cathodic IMPs. Spectroscopic...
Instantaneous impedance monitoring of AA 7075 aluminum alloy corrosion in borate buffer with admixed chloride ions
PublikacjaThe study presents a research capabilities of Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (DEIS) as a tool used for instantaneous on-line monitoring of corrosion processes on the example of AA 7075 aluminum alloy. A borate buffer with admixed chloride ions in a quantity ranging from 0.05 to 25 mM was used to represent different types of corrosion attack. The surface of samples specimens was evaluated before and after the tests...
Cathepsin G deficiency reduces periaortic calcium chloride injury-induced abdominal aortic aneurysms in mice
Publikacja -
Corrosion Inhibition of AZ31-xLi (x = 4, 8, 12) magnesium alloys in sodium chloride solutions by aqueous molybdate
PublikacjaCorrosion of lithium-containing AZ31 magnesium alloys AZ31-xLi (x = 4, 8, and 12 wt%) has been examined in 0.05 M NaCl solution with and without 10–150 mM of Na2MoO4 inhibitor. Potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS) measurements were used to correlate the phase composition and microstructure of the alloys with their corrosion propensity...
Characterization of Corrosion-Induced Fracture in Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Electrical Potential, Ultrasound and Low-Frequency Vibration
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the non-destructive experimental testing of the reinforced concrete beams under progressive corrosion. A series of experiments using electrical potential, ultrasound and low-frequency vibrations techniques are reported. Electrical potential and natural frequencies were used to characterise and monitor the corrosion process at its initial state. The P-wave velocity measurements were proved to be effective in...
Corrosion behavior of concrete produced with diatomite and zeolite exposed to chlorides
PublikacjaChloride induced reinforcement corrosion is widely accepted to be the most frequent mechanism causing premature degradation of reinforced concrete structures. The electrochemical impedance of reinforcing steel in diatomite- and zeolite-containing concrete exposed to sodium chloride was assessed. Chemical, physical and mineralogical properties of three concrete samples (20% diatomite, 20% zeolite, and a reference containing neither)...
Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...
SEM micrographs of Ti tooth implant corrosion
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains micrographs made with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) Hitachi S-3400N of the tooth implant removed after inflammation. The inflammation was induced by the increased corrosion rate of the titanium screw. The reason for the corrosion to occur was the appearance of the concentration cell of different aeration for various areas...
The corrosion studies of 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid as an effective corrosion inhibitor of low alloy steel
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies evaluating if gallic acid is a corrosion inhibitor for low alloy steel. Three measurements were carried out each case; corrosion potential (label ecorr), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (label eis) and cyclic polarization (label cp). The measurements were carried out in sodium chloride, acidified...
The Impact of Crushed Rock Spoil on Pitting Corrosion of Selected Stainless Steel
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of the pitting resistance investigations of selected stainless steels in the chloride environment and the simultaneous impact of erosive factors using the cyclic polarization technique. Additionally, using electrochemical techniques, ie: electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and measurement of corrosion potential, the behavior of the passive layer of selected stainless steels in the environment...
The AFM micrographs of pitting corrosion evolution on high-alloy steel 1.4301
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of topographic imaging of high-alloy stainless steel 1.4301 on which the pitting corrosion process was induced by electrochemical methods. The study of the effects of a local attack allows for conclusions about the intensity and mechanism of this type of corrosion. The file contains atomic force microscopy (AFM) data...
Corrosion monitoring by harmonic analysis in aqueous environments
PublikacjaThis paper presents tests concerning the rate of corrosion in non-alloy steel (type S235JR) in an aqueous environment, with an additive of sodium chloride by means of polarization resistance measurements and harmonic analysis. The tests have been carried out for steel samples exposed to the testing environment for six weeks, in order to obtain a constant rate of corrosion in the function of time. The measurements have aimed at...
Determination of pitting corrosion stage of stainless steel by galvanodynamic impedance spectroscopy
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the methodology for differentiation of multistep process of pitting corrosion of AISI 304 stainless steel in the environment of iron (III) chloride. Measurements were performed using Galvanodynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (GDEIS). Application of this methodology allowed monitoring of natural corrosion process without external current (IDC = 0A) nor potential perturbation of the system. Applied...
Effect of microstructure on mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of 2205 duplex stainless steel
PublikacjaThis paper presents results of the research on impact of microstructure of austenitic-ferritic steel of duplex type on its mechanical properties and susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking. As showed, improper processing technologies more and more often used in shipbuilding industry for plates and other half-finished products made of duplex steel may cause significant lowering their properties, which frequently makes their...
Acoustic emission studies of the 7075 aluminium alloy pitting corrosion process
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the cyclic polarization studies and corresponding acoustic emission measurements, revealing the pitting corrosion process of the passive layer at the surface of the 7075 aluminum alloy in the borate buffer with different chloride ions concentrations, in the range between 0.05 and 25 mM.
Novel fast non-linear electrochemical impedance method for corrosion investigations
PublikacjaThe paper presents a novel approach to corrosion rate monitoring using non-linear electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The authors propose a new variant of non-linear impedance measurement using amplitude-modulated multi-frequency ac perturbation signal. It allows shortening of measurement duration so it is possible to monitor corrosion rate of the systems experiencing rapid changes. In this way a limitation resulting from lack...
Effect of cobalt addition on the corrosion behaviorof near equiatomic NiTi shape memory alloy in normal saline solution: electrochemical and XPS studies
PublikacjaThe electrochemical and corrosion (uniform and localized) behavior of a binary Ni52Ti48 shape memory alloy (SMA) and two ternary Ni52Ti48-xCox (x = 1.5 and 4.0 wt.%) SMAs were studied. Measurements were conducted in 0.9% NaCl solution at 37 oC employing various electrochemical methods. These include: linear polarization resistance (LPR), linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), chronoamperometry and dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy...
Experimental and numerical identification of corrosion degradation of ageing structural components
PublikacjaThe study presents experimental and numerical identification of corrosion degradation of thin-walled structural components employing guided wave propagation. The steel structural components are subjected to through-thickness varying corrosion degradation levels. The developed approach using the non-destructive guided wave-propagation quantifies the equivalent average corrosion degradation level by exploring a limited number of...
Applying of Doped Graphene Oxide Coatings for Corrosion Prevention
PublikacjaINTRODUCTION Graphene is a carbonaceous material characterized by extraordinary properties (high electron mobility, high surface area, high mechanical strength of 1100 GPa, very dense network hindering the passage of even the smallest helium atoms) [1]. Therefore, it found many applications, also as an anti-corrosive layer [2]. Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) is one of the methods to deposit coatings. However, due to slight solubility...
The AFM micrographs and impedance study of epoxy coatings after exposure in corrosive media
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) images and local impedance measurements of epoxy organic coating used as anti-corrosion protection, before and after 2-month exposure to sodium chloride solution. Additionally, there two local impedance spectra recorded after the coating exposure. The first one was recorded on intact coating surface,...
AFM visualization of Mg alloy surface modification
Dane BadawczeMagnesium alloys with additives improving their mechanical properties are valued as materials with low density and elasticity coefficient. Additionally, their biocompatibility and biodegradability make them interesting in prosthetic applications. However, the last of these features, valuable in medicine, contradicts the industrial needs for the described...
Nickel-nanodiamond coatings electrodeposited from tartrate electrolyte at ambient temperature
PublikacjaIn this study, nanocrystalline Ni and Ni-diamond coatings were obtained by electrodeposition from tartrate electrolyte at ambient temperature aiming at improving corrosion and wear properties of the material. The created surfaces were investigated with regard to microhardness, adhesion, wear- and corrosion-resistance. The various methods such as atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy...
Austenitic stainless steel sensitization
Dane BadawczeHigh-alloy steels, thanks to their composition and content of appropriate alloying additives, are characterized by increased resistance to many corrosive environments. However, this is due to the increased sensitivity of the described construction materials to specific environmental conditions during their use. An example may be the increased susceptibility...
PublikacjaThe paper describes structure and properties of dissimilar stainless steels welded joints between duplex 2205 and austenitic 316L steels. Investigations were focused on environmentally assisted cracking of welded joints. The susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and hydrogen embrittlement was determined in slow strain rate tests (SSRT) with the strain rate of 2.2 × 10–6 s–1. Chloride-inducted SCC was determined in the...
A framework to analyse the probability of accidental hull girder failure considering advanced corrosion degradation for risk-based ship design
PublikacjaShip’s hull girder failure could result from maritime accident that can cause human life loss, environmental disaster, and major economic impacts. In risk-based ship design paradigm, accounting for rare phenomena (e.g. ship-ship collision or grounding) is important to provide safe and durable structure. In-service corrosion-induced hull degradation should be considered at the design stage, as it can significantly affect structural...
Cathodic Protection System of the Spiral Classifier at the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Ore Concentration Plant—Case Study of Commissioning and Control of Operating Parameters
PublikacjaThe project involved designing, constructing and commissioning a cathodic protection system for a selected spiral classifier operating at the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Ore Concentration Plant (O/ZWR). The authors developed a concept and assumptions regarding the corrosion protection of a large industrial device using a cathodic protection system with an external power source. Pre-project studies included conducting a trial polarization...
Experimental and numerical investigations of ultimate strength of degradated structures
PublikacjaThe presented work investigates the corrosion influence on the structural behaviour of structural elements. Nine welded large-scale stiffened plates, and 30 standard small specimens have been subjected to the accelerated marine immersed conditions. After corrosion testing, the specimens have been accurately measured in terms of surface characteristics. The coupon specimens were furtherly subjected to tensile loading to develop...
Paweł Możejko dr hab.
Osoby -
Theoretical and Experimental Studies on the Visible Light Activity of TiO2 Modified with Halide-Based Ionic Liquids
PublikacjaFormation of a surface complex between organic molecules and TiO2 is one of the possible strategies for the development of visible light-induced TiO2 photoactivity. Herein, three ionic liquids (ILs) with the same cation and dierent anions (1-butylpirydynium chloride/bromide/iodide) have been applied for the surface modification of TiO2 and to understand the role of anions in visible light-induced activity of ILs-TiO2 systems. Photocatalytic...
PublikacjaDuplex stainless steels are very attractive constructional materials for use in aggressive environments because of their several advantages over austenitic stainless steels. Duplex steels have excellent pitting and crevice corrosion resistance, are highly resistant to chloride stress-corrosion cracking and are about twice as strong as common austenitic steels. Better properties are associated with their microstructures consisting...
Changes in Epigenetic Patterns Related to DNA Replication in Vicia faba Root Meristem Cells under Cadmium-Induced Stress Conditions
PublikacjaExperiments on Vicia faba root meristem cells exposed to 150 µM cadmium chloride (CdCl2) were undertaken to analyse epigenetic changes, mainly with respect to DNA replication stress. Histone modifications examined by means of immunofluorescence labeling included: (1) acetylation of histone H3 on lysine 56 (H3K56Ac), involved in transcription, S phase, and response to DNA damage during DNA biosynthesis; (2) dimethylation of histone...
An approach for estimation of water wall degradation within pulverized-coal boilers
PublikacjaThe main aim of this paper is to estimate the lifetime of water walls of pulverized-coal boilers at nominal conditions as well as after degradation of water tubes. An approach for a pulverized-coal chamber degradation process has been formulated based on operational and experimental data. This model was formulated using on-line state monitoring of a pulverized coal burner with aim of preventing the fireplace screens from high degradation...
Dependence between Ionic Liquid Structure and Mechanism of Visible-Light-Induced Activity of TiO2 Obtained by Ionic-Liquid-Assisted Solvothermal Synthesis
PublikacjaBecause of the tremendous structural diversityof ionic liquids (ILs), simple transfer of observations performed for one IL used for IL-TiO2 preparation on different samples is not possible. Therefore, four ionic liquids, all containing distinct nitrogen-bearing organic cations (pyridinium, pyrrolidinium, ammonium, imidazolium), were used for the first time for the preparation of IL-TiO2 composites. The role of the individual IL...
Impact of Tetrazolium Ionic Liquid Thermal Decomposition in Solvothermal Reaction on the Remarkable Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2 Particles
PublikacjaIonic liquids (ILs) could serve as a structuring agent, a solvent, or a source of dopant during solvothermal synthesis of semiconductors particles. To understand the role of IL during formation of TiO2 particles, it is necessary to study the stability of this IL in solvothermal synthesis conditions, as well as studying the surface properties of formed TiO2 particles. In view of this, the effect of the 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium...
Corrosion damage identification based on the symmetry of propagating wavefield measured by a circular array of piezoelectric transducers: Theoretical, experimental and numerical studies
PublikacjaThe article investigates the results obtained from numerical simulations and experimental tests concerning the propagation of guided waves in corroded steel plates. Developing innovative methodologies for assessing corrosion-induced degradation is crucial for accurately diagnosing offshore and ship structures exposed to harsh environmental conditions. The main aim of the research is to analyze how surface irregularities affect...
Czasopisma -
Assessment of organic coating degradation via local impedance imaging
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new approach to organic coating condition evaluation at micrometer scale using localized impedance measurements. It is based on atomic force microscopy (AFM) in contact mode. Impedance is measured between conductive AFM tip and metal substrate covered with organic coating. A single-frequency voltage perturbation signal is applied between the electrodes and current response signal is registered. As the tip is...
Experimental and numerical investigations of ultimate strength of imperfect stiffened plates of different slenderness
PublikacjaThe objective of this study is to analyse the behaviour of compressed stiffened plates of different slenderness using experimental and numerical methods. The presented results are part of a long-term project to investigate the ultimate strength of geometrically imperfect structures subjected to different degradation phenomena, including corrosion degradation and locked cracks. Several specimens were subjected to a uniaxial compressive...
English in corrosion
Kursy OnlineKierunek: Korozja Stopień: I, semestr: VII Prowadzący: dr hab. inż. Michał Szociński
Czasopisma -
Aiswarya Manohar
OsobyI joined as a PhD student in Gdansk tech university of Technology in 2022. In my scientific work, I am primarily focusing on studies related to 3D printing, laser induced graphene, electrochemical sensors and biosensors as well as micro arc oxidation, corrosion, and degradation with emphasis on impedance spectroscopy studies of electrode processes. I am specializing in Materials and surface modifications and characterization. ...
Corrosion in Theory and Practice
Kursy Onlinestopień: II, semestr: II
Potential changes in an electric field and electrolytic corrosion.
PublikacjaSources have been described of corrosively hazardous electric fields and methods of determination of the corrosion hazard to metal structures caused by electrolytic corrosion. Results of potential and impedance investigations in the field of stray currents flowing out of a tram traction and in the presence of a defined electric field of low frequency have been presented. Uncertainties have been indicated relating to the generally...