


  • Mobile virtual presence in civil engineering education and training


    - Rok 2018

    Education technologies are on the cusp, emerging technologies connected with each other might reveal new added value in this field. In this paper, the author showed a framework for conducting civil engineering classes with a virtual presence on the construction site. The presented idea might be realized by use of the unnamed aerial vehicle equipped with 360 video camera. On-site activities are transmitted at a distance by GSM and...

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    ISSN: 1359-4338 , eISSN: 1434-9957

  • State-of-the-art ideas for engineering laboratory classes – virtual reality framework


    - Rok 2018

    Nowadays challenges in science and technology are a driving force in the development of contemporary solutions in education. Virtual reality brings to an edge human imagination. In this paper, authors propose a framework for civil engineering laboratory classes which brings a new quality in this area. The framework shows how to provide learners with an environment where they can realize the health and safety hazards of construction...

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  • A Prototype of Educational Agent in Distance Learning Environment - Virtual Student Assistant

    W zdalnym nauczaniu pojawia się wiele systemów wspierających, z których niezwykle ciekawym przykładem są agenty edukacyjne. Wśród wielu rodzajów agentów edukacyjnych wyróżnia się osobistych asystentów, których rolą jest organizacyjna pomoc osobie zdobywającej wiedzę. Artykuł jest poświęcony zaimplementowanemu na Wydziale ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej prototypowi agenta edukacyjnego o nazwie WAS (Wirtualny Asystent Studenta). Pokazana...

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    ISSN: 1054-7460 , eISSN: 1531-3263

  • Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware


    ISSN: 2096-5796 , eISSN: 2666-1209

  • Integrating Experience-Based Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning for Efficient Virtual Engineering Object Performance


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2021

    Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence have grown significant attention from industry and academia during the past decade. The key reason behind interest is such technologies capabilities to revolutionize human life since they seamlessly integrate classical networks, networked objects and people to create more efficient environments. In this paper, the Knowledge Representation technique of Set of Experience...

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  • International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments


    ISSN: 1947-8518

  • Virtual reality tools in teaching the conservation and history of Polish architecture

    Virtual reality and its impact on teaching conservation and architectural history is the subject of this article. During the COVID-19 crisis in 2020, the education of students of architecture was transferred by Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Gdańsk, Poland, to distance learning. This method has provided academics an opportunity to examine the impact of virtual reality and remote education on architectural history and conservation....

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  • Analysis of luminance distribution uniformity in CAVE-type virtual reality systems


    In recent years, many scientific and industrial centers in the world developed a virtual reality systems or laboratories. The effect of user “immersion” into virtual reality in such systems is largely dependent of optical properties of the system. In this paper, problems of luminance distribution uniformity in CAVE-type virtual reality systems are analyzed. For better characterization of CAVE luminance nonuniformity corner and...

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  • Investigation of optical properties of Infitec and Active Stereo stereoscopic techniques for CAVE-type virtual reality systems

    In recent years, many scientific and industrial centres in the world developed virtual reality systems or laboratories. At present, among the most advanced virtual reality systems are CAVE-type (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) installations. Such systems usually consist of four, five, or six projection screens arranged in the form of a closed or hemi-closed space. The basic task of such systems is to ensure the effect of user...

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  • Patryk Ziółkowski dr inż.

    Absolwent Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej, w specjalności Konstrukcje Budowlane i Inżynierskie. Pracuje na stanowisku adiunkta w Katedrze Konstrukcji Inżynierskich. Brał udział w projektach międzynarodowych, w tym projektach dla Ministerstwa Transportu stanu Alabama (2015), jest także laureatem grantu Fundacji Kościuszkowskiej na prowadzanie badań w USA, który zrealizował w 2018 roku. Współautor...

  • Investigation of tracking systems properties in CAVE-type virtual reality systems


    In recent years, many scientific and industrial centers in the world developed a virtual reality systems or laboratories. One of the most advanced solutions are Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (I3DVL), a CAVE-type (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) laboratory. It contains two CAVE-type installations: six-screen installation arranged in a form of a cube, and four-screen installation, a simplified version of the previous one. The...

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  • To Survive in a CBRN Hostile Environment: Application of CAVE Automatic Virtual Environments in First Responder Training

    • P. Maciejewski
    • M. Gawlik-Kobylińska
    • J. Lebiedź
    • W. Ostant
    • D. Aydın

    - Rok 2020

    This paper is of a conceptual nature and focuses on the use of a specific virtual reality environment in civil-military training. We analyzed the didactic potential of so-called CAVE automatic virtual environments for First Responder training, a type of training that fills the gap between First Aid training and the training received by emergency medical technicians. Since real training involves live drills based on unexpected situations,...

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  • Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Military Training in Virtual Reality Environment

    • M. Gawlik-Kobylińska
    • P. Maciejewski
    • J. Lebiedź
    • A. Wysokińska-Senkus

    - Rok 2020

    In this paper, we explored the factors influencing the effectiveness of military trainings performed in a virtual reality environment. The rationale for taking up the topic is the fact that such trainings are often conducted under specific operational procedures. These procedures may create rigorous frameworks for all elements of the learning environment, including the teacher’s performance. Therefore, to ensure the most conducive...

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  • Jacek Rumiński prof. dr hab. inż.

    Wykształcenie i kariera zawodowa 2022 2016   2002   1995   1991-1995 Tytuł profesora Habilitacja   Doktor nauk technicznych   Magister inżynier     Prezydent RP, dziedzina nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych, dyscyplina: inzyniera biomedyczna Politechnika Gdańska, Biocybernetyka i inżyniera biomedyczna, tematyka: „Metody wyodrębniania sygnałów i parametrów z różnomodalnych sekwencji obrazów dla potrzeb diagnostyki i wspomagania...

  • Application of Intelligent Conversational Agents in E-learing Environments


    - Rok 2010

    The paper concerns intelligent tutoring systems and concentrates on apliaction of virtual mentors in distance learning environments. Different educational agent types are described. The prototype of an agent developed at Gdansk University of Technology is also presented, as well as its internal representation and construction. Benefits of virtual mentors applied in distance learning are also pointed out.

  • Człowiek zanurzony w rzeczywistości wirtualnej na przykładzie Laboratorium Zanurzonej Wizualizacji Przestrzennej


    - Rok 2015

    Artykuł opisuje Laboratorium Zanurzonej Wizualizacji Przestrzennej (LZWP), które umożliwia swobodną podróż w czasie i przestrzeni. Jego podstawowym wyposażeniem jest jaskinia rzeczywistości wirtualnej, czyli pomieszczenie o ścianach, suficie i podłodze stanowiących ekrany projekcyjne, wyświetlające generowane komputerowo obrazy 3D, tworzące spójny widok jednej sceny. Człowiek znajdujący się w takiej jaskini jest zatem zanurzony...

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  • Szymon Kowalski mgr inż. arch.

    Asystent naukowy w badaniach architektonicznych architektury średniowiecznej i nowożytnej w regionie Morza Bałtyckiego. Naukowo zajmuje się możliwościami zastosowania technologii wirtualnej rzeczywistości w kontekście konserwacji zabytków architektury i jej wpływu na teorię konserwatorską, a także rozwiązaniami zwiększającymi możliwości uczenia się studentów architektury.

  • Good practices in requirements, project and risk managment in educational IT projects


    - Rok 2012

    One can find many learning aids and simulations of physical phenomena on the market - provided as a standalone application or as part of an educational package. However, only a few of them allow for the building of interactive experiments: experiments similar to those that should be conducted in physics laboratories at schools. Gdańsk University of Technology decided to fill this market niche by designing and constructing a set...

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