wszystkich: 430
- Publikacje 290 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
- Czasopisma 1 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
- Konferencje 1 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
- Osoby 9 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
- Projekty 2 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
- Laboratoria 1 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
- Kursy Online 11 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
- Dane Badawcze 115 wyników po odfiltrowaniu
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CONFINED DISPOSAL FACILITY
Mathematical Modeling of Ice Thrusting on the Shore of the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea) and the Proposed Artificial Island
PublikacjaCoastal lagoons are inland and shallow water bodies, separated from the ocean by a barrier. In cold regions, ice phenomena in shallow water coastal lagoons occur every winter season. Ice is predominantly formed on the surface due to density stratification and surface cooling. The ice dynamics in such areas are dominantly affected by winds. Water dynamics also cause ice movement, but due to the large areal scale of lagoons, the...
Assessment of Environmental Loads in the Life Cycle of a Retail and Service Building
PublikacjaIn order to achieve the European Union’s climate and energy goals, investments are required, mainly in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and infrastructure. Buildings are responsible for almost half of total energy consumption, and nearly 80% of them are energy and ecologically inefficient. The policy of European countries is increasingly more focused on facilities with the highest potential in the areas...
Kursy OnlineThe course on Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles, practices, and technologies involved in managing water resources effectively. It covers both the supply side, focusing on the provision of clean and safe drinking water, and the disposal side, addressing the treatment and management of wastewater to minimize environmental impact. Key Topics Covered: 1. Introduction to...
The effect of agro-waste co-digestion and sludge disposal on carbon footprint in municipal wastewater treatment plants
PublikacjaThe study presents analysis of the carbon footprint (CF) in 6 wastewater treatment plants in northern Poland with a special focus on the effect of co digestion of sewage sludge and food waste. Although co-digestion increases the on-site energy production, but it has a negative effect on the total CF. To overcome the negative effect, several sludge disposal scenarios were analysed and their effect on the CF reduction was determined....
A Proposed Soft Computing Model for Ultimate Strength Estimation of FRP-Confined Concrete Cylinders
PublikacjaIn this paper, the feed-forward backpropagation neural network (FFBPNN) is used to propose a new formulation for predicting the compressive strength of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)-confined concrete cylinders. A set of experimental data has been considered in the analysis. The data include information about the dimensions of the concrete cylinders (diameter, length) and the total thickness of FRP layers, unconfined ultimate concrete...
Measuring radioactive powder samples on the highresolution powder diffraction beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
PublikacjaThis laboratory note describes a new sample preparation technique to enable high-resolution powder diffraction experiments at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility on radioactive samples. The sample preparation involves setting the active material in resin and several layers of encapsulation suitable for measurement at the beamline. This has allowed low-temperature measurements on very small quantities of samples, providing...
Waste Disposal and Sustainable Energy
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Micro-modelling of shear localization during quasi-static confined granular flow in silos using DEM
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the quasi-static confined flow of cohesionless sand in a plane strain model silo with parallel walls and a slowly movable bottom. Numerical modelling was carried out by the discrete element method (DEM) using spheres with contact moments to approximately capture a non-uniform shape of sand particles. Different initial void ratios of sand and silo wall roughness grades were employed. Regular triangular grooves...
An Experimental Facility for Rapid Testing of SCR Systems
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Wireless control process technical exploitation facility
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PublikacjaThis article presents the photogrammetric works carried out during the architectural inventory of the Royal Chapel in the Main Town of Gdansk (Poland). The facility has the status of a monument of architecture and since decades it is covered by geodetic monitoring, realized with the participation of the Department of Geodesy of Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology . For several years,...
Design and implementation of an illumination system to mimic skyglow at ecosystem level in a large‐scale lake enclosure facility
PublikacjaLight pollution is an environmental stressor of global extent that is growing exponentially in area and intensity. Artificial skyglow, a form of light pollution with large range, is hypothesized to have environmental impact at ecosystem level. However, testing the impact of skyglow at large scales and in a controlled fashion under in situ conditions has remained elusive so far. Here we present the first experimental setup to mimic...
Simulation-Driven Antenna Modeling by Means of Response Features and Confined Domains of Reduced Dimensionality
PublikacjaIn recent years, the employment of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools has become imperative in the antenna design mainly for reliability reasons. While the CPU cost of a single simulation is rarely an issue, the computational overhead associated with EM-driven tasks that require massive EM analyses may become a serious bottleneck. A widely used approach to lessen this cost is the employment of surrogate models, especially...
Entanglement in helium atom confined in an impenetrable cavity
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Rapid tolerance‐aware design of miniaturized microwave passives by means of confined‐domain surrogates
PublikacjaThe effects of uncertainties, primarily manufacturing tolerances but also incomplete information about operating conditions or material parameters, can be detrimental to the performance of microwave components. Quantification of such effects is essential to ensure a meaningful evaluation of the structure, in particular, its reliability under imperfect fabrication procedures. The improvement of the circuit robustness can be achieved...
2024 Waste Management and Waste Disposal
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Waste disposal sites as sources of mercury in the atmosphere in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic Sea)
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FPGA-based cavity simulator and controller for TESLA test facility
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Impact of Cyclist Facility Availability at Work on the Number of Bike Commuters
PublikacjaThe article describes the results of research designed to establish whether cycle provision can influence the number of employees commuting by bike. To that end, employee surveys were conducted in three IT companies in 2012 and 2016. The questionnaire asked about travel behaviour and what the staff thought about their company’s provision of cyclist facilities. Since 2012 each of the companies has moved its head office and the...
Facial data registration facility for biometric protection of electronic documents
PublikacjaIn modern world, information is crucial, and its leakage may lead to serious losses. Documents as the main medium of information must be therefore highly protected. Nowadays, the most common way of protecting data is using passwords, however it seems inconvenient to type complex passwords, when it is needed many times a day. For that reason a significant research has been conducted on biometric authentication...
Confined space effects driving to heterogenization of solutions at the interfaces
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Confined granular flow in silos : experiments and numerical investigation
PublikacjaW monografii opisano niektóre charakterystyczne zjawiska mające miejsce podczas przepływów silosowych materiałów sypkich. Wykonano badania doświadczalne oraz obliczenia numeryczne celem wyjaśnienia zjawisk. Doświadczenia wykonano w dużych i małych silosach. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych opartej na hipoplastycznym modelu konstytutywnym dla materiałów sypkich.
Automotive fleet repair facility wastewater treatment using air/ZVI and air/ZVI/H2 O2 processes
PublikacjaAdvanced automotive fl eet repair facility wastewater treatment was investigated with Zero-Valent Iron/Hydrogen Peroxide (Air/ZVI/H2 O2 ) process for different process parameters: ZVI and H2 O2 doses, time, pH. The highest Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal effi ciency, 76%, was achieved for ZVI/H2 O2 doses 4000/1900 mg/L, 120 min process time, pH 3.0. COD decreased from 933 to 227 mg/L. In optimal process conditions odor and...
Michał Michna dr hab. inż.
OsobyJest absolwentem Wydziału Elektrycznego Politechniki Gdańskiej (1998). W 2004 r. uzyskał stopień doktora. Od 2004 r. zatrudniony w Katedrze Energoelektroniki i Maszyn Elektrycznych Politechniki Gdańskiej (asystent, adiunkt, starszy wykładowca). W latach 2010-2015 zastępca kierownik katedry. Jego zainteresowania naukowe i dydaktyczne obejmują szerokie spektrum zagadnień związanych z projektowanie, modelowanie i diagnostyką maszyn...
<title>FPGA-based cavity simulator for Tesla test facility</title>
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The Effect of Environmental Criteria on Locating a Biorefinery: A Green Facility Location Problem
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Mn Road Facility Badania nawierzchni drogowych w amerykańskim stylu
PublikacjaPomimo znacznego rozwoju technik modelowania matematycznego oraz badań laboratoryjnych nie jest obecnie możliwe wyeliminowanie badań nawierzchni drogowych i ich monitorowania w warunkach drogowych. W pracy przedstawiono drogowe badania oporu toczenia opon samochodowych na torach doświadczalnych Francji i Stanów Zjednoczonych wykonane za pomocą przryczepy dynamometrycznej zbudowanej w Politechnice Gdańskiej. Podano przykładowe wyniki...
Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal - Nowy - Nowy
Kursy OnlineKurs jest przeznaczony dla studentów 1 semestru studiów II stopnia stacjonarnych w języku angielskim - specjalność Environmental Engineering. Kurs ma na celu zapoznanie studentów z zagadnieniami dotyczącymi zasobów wodnych, ujęć i uzdatniania wody, odbioru, transportu i zagospodarowania ścieków i wód opadowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem rozwiązań zdecentralizowanych ( retencja i rozsączanie wód opadowych, rozwiązania kanalizacji...
Waste managment and waste disposal - summer 2022
Kursy OnlineCelem przedmiotu jest przedstawienie różnych aspektów i informacji dotyczących odpadów, takich jak polityka gospodarki odpadami, rodzaje odpadów, ich zbiórka, segregacja i metody utylizacji. Kurs na platformie wykorzystany zostanie do prowadzenia zajęć wykładowych oraz seminarium.
Waste managment and waste disposal 22/23
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Dynamics and thermal stability of surface-confined metal–organic chains
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Critical conditions of hydrogen-air detonation in partially confined geometry
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Antibacterial performance of nanocrystallined titania confined in mesoporous silica nanotubes
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Confined lead nanogranules investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Confined granular flow in silos with inserts - full-scale experiments
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia wyniki doświadczalne przepływów silosowych w silosach w naturalnej skali ze wstawkami. Podczas doświadczeń pomierzono przemieszczenia oraz napór na ściany. Zastosowano różne typy wstawek położone na różnej wysokości. Wyniki badań doświadczalnych porównano z przepływami bez wstawek.
Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to learn the characteristics of different types of wastewater depending on their origin (industrial sector) as well as introduce the commonly used technologies for removing pollutants from wastewater and get to know an alternative methods. Another goal is to understand the problems of management of sewage sludge generated in municipal wastewater treatment plants and industrial plants.
2022 Wastewater Treatment and Disposal of Sewage Sludge
Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to learn the characteristics of different types of wastewater depending on their origin (e.g. industrial sector) as well as to introduce the commonly used technologies for removing pollutants from wastewater and get familiar with alternative methods. Another goal is to understand the problems of management of sewage sludge generated in municipal wastewater treatment plants and industrial plants.
Research and numerical assessment of design and construction errors in the swimming pool facility structures
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Fate and significance of phthalates and bisphenol A in liquid by-products generated during municipal solid waste mechanical-biological pre-treatment and disposal
PublikacjaSamples of liquid by-products generated by municipal solid waste plants (MSWPs) were tested for the presence of phthalates (PAEs) and bisphenol A (BPA). The results indicated that the wastewater generated during mechanical (sorting unit - SU) and biological (composting unit - CU) pre-treatment (MBT) of residual (mixed) solid waste is a significant source of these compounds. The concentrations of PAEs (up to 32222 lg/L) and BPA...
Surface‐Confined Self‐Assembly of Asymmetric Tetratopic Molecular Building Blocks
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Steering the Surface-Confined Self-Assembly of Multifunctional Star-Shaped Molecules
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Detonations in hydrogen-methane-air mixtures in semi confined flat channels
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Enhancement of the structure stability of MOF‐5 confined to multiwalled carbon nanotubes
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Experimental and theoretical studies of resonance effects during confined flow in silos
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono badania nad rezonansowymi efektami dynamicznymi podczas przepływów silosowych. Wpływ rezonansu na wielkość naporu był analizowany przy pomocy badań doświadczalnych i obliczeń MES na bazie prawa mikropolarnego sprężysto-plastycznego. Doświadczenia wykonano w silosie o przekroju okrągłym i prostokątnym. Zaproponowano efektywną metodę redukcji efektów dynamicznych. Obliczenia wykonano dla dużych i małych silosów.
Occurrence of Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults after a Stroke in the Nursing Home Facility
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A novel version of simulated annealing based on linguistic patterns for solving facility layout problems
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Variational ansatz for p-wave fermions confined in a one-dimensional harmonic trap
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Radial and angular correlations in a confined system of two atoms in two-dimensional geometry
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Expedited Variable-Resolution Surrogate Modeling of Miniaturized Microwave Passives in Confined Domains
PublikacjaDesign of miniaturized microwave components is largely based on computational models, primarily, full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. EM analysis is capable of giving an accurate account for cross-coupling effects, substrate and radiation losses, or interactions with environmental components (e.g., connectors). Unfortunately, direct execution of EM-based design tasks such as parametric optimization or uncertainty quantification,...
<title>Design and simulation of FPGA implementation of a RF control system for the TESLA test facility</title>