wszystkich: 634
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FCAW-WELDED JOINT
Underwater welded joint properties investigation
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono badania mikro- i makroskopowe złączy spawanych typu implant wykonanych pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej. Wyniki badań świadczą o tym, że w SWC badanych złączy tworzą się kruche struktury hartownicze, które są odpowiedzialne za zwiększoną skłonność stali o podwyższonej wytrzymałości do tworzenia pęknieć zimnych. Analiza rozkładów twardości złączy implant również potwierdza istnienie szkodliwego wpływu środowiska...
Possibilities for assesment of the angular distortion in Welded T-joint
PublikacjaSpawanie jest podstawową techniką łączenia elementów konstrukcji kadłuba statku. Procesowi temu towarzyszą odkształcenia spawalnicze, co przysparza dużo problemów wykonawczych. W pracy przedstawiono wpływ przewymiarowania spoiny pachwinowej na wielkość kątowych odkształceń złącza. Dokonano porównania wartości określonych na podstawie inżynierskich hipotez z wynikami otrzymanymi podczas prób laboratoryjnych.
PublikacjaWelding proces is basic joining technique in shipbuilding. Such method generated welding distortions which cause a lot of problems during the manufacturing process. In the literature it is proposed wide spectrum of suggestions for a correct estimation of welding deformation in particular angular deformation in the fillet welded T joint. In the work influence of oversizing of weld on angular distortions of joint is presented basing...
Influence of annealing on joint zone of explosive welded and rolled Al-Cuplate
PublikacjaRosnące wciąż wymagania co do metalowych materiałów jednorodnych przyczyniło się do zwiększenia zainteresowania materiałami platerowanymi. Blachy platerowane często znajdują zastosowanie w przemyśle chemicznym i petrochemicznym jako materiały antykorozyjne odporne na działanie agresywnego środowiska, w przemyśle okrętowym jako łączniki stopów aluminium ze stalą, w budowie zgrzewarek jako połączenia szczęk z blachą stalową, w przemyśle...
Research on deformations of laser-welded joint of a steel sandwich structure model.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono problemy związane z zachowaniem złącza laserowego pod obciążeniem zginającym. Pokazano wyniki badań laboratoryjnych dla określenia mechanizmu pracy złącza i przedyskutowano uzyskane rezultaty.
PublikacjaIn this paper the influence of tack welds distribution and welding sequence on angular distortion of the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welded joint was tested. Additionally, the effect of welding current on angular distortion was assessed. For research X2CrTiNb18 (AISI 441) stainless steel (2.5 mm thick) was chosen. During research specimens were prepared with different distributionsof tack...
Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Welded Dissimilar Joint of P91 Steel and INCOLOY 800HT Nickel Alloy
PublikacjaThis investigation attempts to explore the weld characteristics of a laser welded dissimilar joint of ferritic/martensitic 9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb (P91) steel and Incoloy 800HT austenitic nickel alloy. This dissimilar joint is essential in power generating nuclear and thermal plants operating at 600–650 °C. In such critical operating conditions, it is essential for a dissimilar joint to preserve its characteristics and be free from any kind...
Influence of the notch rounding radius on estimating the elastic notch stress concentration factor in a laser welded tee joint
PublikacjaIn recent years an increased interest of industry in sandwich-type metal structures can be observed. These structures consist of thin plates of 2.5 mm in thickness separated by stiffeners of different shapes and forms. Welds joining the plates and stiffeners are made on the outer side of the plates using laser welding technique. A locally focused source of heat causes the plate to melt creating a very narrow and elongated joint....
Microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of activated tungsten inert gas welded joint between P91 steel and Incoloy 800HT
PublikacjaThis study examines the welded joint between P91 steel and Incoloy 800HT using the Activated Tungsten Inert Gas (A-TIG) welding process. The focus is on analyzing the microstructure and evaluating the mechanical properties of joints made with different compositions of activating flux. Owing to the reversal of the Marangoni effect in which the conventional direction of molten metal flow in the weld pool is reversed due to the application...
Effect of Pin Shape on Thermal History of Aluminum-Steel Friction Stir Welded Joint: Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling and Validation
PublikacjaThis article studied the effects of pin angle on heat generation and temperature distribution during friction stir welding (FSW) of AA1100 aluminum alloy and St-14 low carbon steel. A validated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was implemented to simulate the FSW process. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed in order to investigate internal materials’ flow. Simulation results revealed that the mechanical work...
Microstructure and mechanical properties of a dissimilar metal welded joint of Inconel 617 and P92 steel with Inconel 82 buttering layer for AUSC boiler application
PublikacjaThe application of the novel dissimilar metal welded (DMW) joint, utilizing Inconel 617 and P92 steel, was showcased in the advanced ultra-supercritical (AUSC) boiler. The work has been performed to investigate the effect of Inconel 82 (ERNiCr-3) buttering layer on microstructure and mechanical properties (high-temperature tensile strength, impact strength and microhardness) of gas tungsten arc welded (GTAW) dissimilar joint between...
A dissimilar welded joint of grade 92 steel and AISI 304L steel obtained using IN82 buttering and IN617 fller: relationship of microstructure and mechanical properties
PublikacjaUnfavourable operating conditions of equipment in the energy industry resulting from high-temperature loads determine the need to use special materials and technological solutions, including welding procedures. In this article, buttering using IN82 (ERNiCr-3) consumables was proposed as a method to improve the weldability of grade 92 steel joined by the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process with AISI 304L (IN617 fller). The...
Microstructure degradation and creep failure study of the dissimilar metal welded joint of heat-resistant steel and Inconel 617 alloy tested at 650 °C and applied stress range of 100–150 MPa
PublikacjaThe advanced ultra-supercritical (A-USC) power plant system is anticipated to become India's next-generation base-load power station. To adopt AUSC technology, dissimilar welded joints (DWJs) between heat-resistant steels and the nickel-based alloys, using the nickel-based fillers, will need to be implemented. However, failure of dissimilar welded joints from P92 steel base metal or the heat affected zone (HAZ) has been commonly...
Corrosion behavior of hydrogen charged super duplex stainless steel welded joints
PublikacjaThe electrochemical behavior of the weld metal, heat-affected zone (HAZ), and base material of super duplex stainless steel (SDSS) welded joints, made with the application of flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) and submerged arc welding (SAW), were investigated with the use of metallographic examinations (optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy), potentiodynamic polarization measurements and total hydrogen content determination...
Angular welding distortion - one sided fillet weld
Dane BadawczeWelding is the basic method of joining ship hull elements during its construction. However, this method of joining structural elements generates shrinks. Shrinks causes deformation of the entire welded structure, both linear and angular. In the shipbuilding industry, there is a tendency to oversize fillet welds, at the design as well as manufacturing...
Advanced ultra super critical power plants: role of buttering layer
PublikacjaDissimilar metal welded (DMW) joint plays a crucial role in constructing and maintaining ultra-supercritical (USC) nuclear power plants while presenting noteworthy environmental implications. This research examines different welding techniques utilized in DMWJ, specifically emphasizing materials such as P91. The study investigates the mechanical properties of these materials, the impact of alloying elements, the notable difficulties...
The Effect of Welding Conditions on Mechanical Properties of Superduplex Stainless Steel Welded Joints
PublikacjaThe tests results of superduplex stainless steel welded joints made with a different heat input, using automatic submerged arc welding (SAW) and semi-automatic flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) have been presented. Metallographic examinations, the measurements of the ferrite content, the width of the heat affected zone (HAZ) and the hardness of the welds in characteristic areas have been performed. Significant differences in the amount of...
The effect of pre-hydrogen charging on corrosion behaviour of superduplex stainless steel welded joints
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of research undertaken to determine the influence of hydrogen on passivity and corrosion resistance of 2507 super duplex stainless steel welded joints. Butt welded joints were made with low heat input using flux corded arc welding (FCAW) method. Coupons of 5.0 x 5.0 mm were cut from the welded joints containing weld metal (WM), heat affected zone (HAZ) and parent metal (PM). Hydrogen was introduced...
Effect of Linear Energy and Microstructure on the Content of Residual Hydrogen in Welded Joints made of Superduplex Steels
PublikacjaThe article presents tests concerning the content of retained hydrogen present in FCAW and SAW welded joints made of superduplex steel. The use of various welding technologies resulted in the obtainment of welds having different microstructures and ferrite contents. Measurements of retained hydrogen present in joints (performed using the complete combustion method) revealed various contents of hydrogen in the base material and...
CTOD designation for WM and HAZ in butt joint made from S460 ML steel, Expertise No. WOiO/II/82/2015
PublikacjaTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability to...
Pulsed GTAW joint of P92 steel and Inconel 625: microstructure and mechanical properties
PublikacjaIn the present work, the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties has been investigated for the dissimilar welded joint of P92 steel and Inconel 625, fabricated using the pulsed current gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process. Microstructural investigation revealed that the pulsed current resulted in fner equiaxed dendrites in the bulk weld metal, while columnar dendrites were observed in the weld metal near...
Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of TIG Welded Dissimilar Joints between 304L Austenitic Stainless Steel and Incoloy 800HT Nickel Alloy
PublikacjaIn this article, the mechanical properties and microstructure of 304L austenitic stainless steel/Incoloy 800HT nickel alloy dissimilar welded joints are investigated. The joints were made of 21.3 mm × 7.47 mm tubes using the TIG process with the use of S Ni 6082 nickel filler metal. No welding imperfections were found and high strength properties of joints were obtained, meeting the assumed acceptance criteria of the product’s...
An investigation on residual stress and fatigue life assessment of T-shape welded joints
PublikacjaThis paper aims to quantitatively evaluate the residual stress and fatigue life of T-type welded joints with a multi-pass weld in different direction. The main research objectives of the experimental test were to test the residual stress by changing direction along with multiple wielding passes and determine the fatigue life of the welded joints. The result shows that compressive residual stress increases in the sample gradually...
Hydrogen effects in duplex stainless steel welded joints - electrochemical studies
PublikacjaIn this work results on the influence of hydrogen on passivity and corrosion resistance of 2205 duplex stainless steel (DSS) welded joints are described. The results were discussed by taking into account three different areas on the welded joint: weld metal (WM), heat-affected zone (HAZ) and parent metal. The corrosion resistance was qualified with the polarization curves registered in a synthetic sea water. The conclusion is that,...
Study on Microstructural Characterization, Mechanical Properties and Residual Stress of GTAW Dissimilar Joints of P91 and P22 Steels
PublikacjaThis article deals with the dissimilar joining of two different grade Cr-Mo steel (2.25Cr-1Mo: P22 and modified 9Cr-1Mo: P91) for power plant application. The dissimilar butt-welded joint was produced for conventional V groove design by using the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process with the application of an ERNiCrMo-3 Ni-based super alloy filler. A microstructure characterization was performed to measure the inhomogeneity...
Exploring the trends in flux-cored arc welding: scientometric analysis approach
PublikacjaFlux-cored arc welding (FCAW) is a universal group of welding methods in terms of the scope of application and automation possibilities, the share of which in various industries in many countries is still increasing. The paper presents the results of bibliographic analyses (scientometric analysis with the use of VOSviewer, Bibliometrix and CitNetExplorer tools) of a data set of 993 publications indexed in the Web of Science database...
Corrigendum to “An investigation on residual stress and fatigue life assessment of T-shape welded joints” [Eng. Fail. Anal. 141 (2022) 106685]
PublikacjaThis paper aims to quantitatively evaluate the residual stress and fatigue life of T-type welded joints with a multi-pass weld in different direction. The main research objectives of the experimental test were to test the residual stress by changing direction along with multiple wielding passes and determine the fatigue life of the welded joints. The result shows that compressive residual stress increases in the sample gradually...
Underwater Local Cavity Welding of S460N Steel
PublikacjaIn this paper, a comparison of the mechanical properties of high-strength low-alloy S460Nsteel welded joints is presented. The welded joints were made by the gas metal arc welding (GMAW)process in the air environment and water, by the local cavity welding method. Welded joints were testedfollowing the EN ISO 15614-1:2017 standard. After welding, the non-destructive—visual, penetrant,radiographic, and ultrasonic (phased array) tests...
Laser Dissimilar Welding of AISI 430F and AISI 304 Stainless Steels
PublikacjaA dissimilar autogenous laser welded joint of AISI 430F (X12CrMoS17) martensitic stainless steel and AISI 304 (X5CrNi18-10) austenitic stainless steel was manufactured. The welded joint was examined by non-destructive visual testing and destructive testing by macro- and microscopic examination and hardness measurements. With reference to the ISO 13919-1 standard the welded joint was characterized by C level, due to the gas pores...
Role of buttering layer composition on microstructural heterogeneity and mechanical properties of Alloy 617 and P92 steel dissimilar welded joints for future Indian AUSC program
PublikacjaRestrictive operating conditions (even exceeding 700 °C) of materials in advanced ultra super critical (AUSC) power plants and the need to minimize manufacturing and maintenance costs require the production of dissimilar metal welded joints (DMW). Significant differences in the physical and chemical properties of welded materials lead to phenomena that reduce the weldability of the metals used and force the search for solutions...
P92 steel and inconel 617 alloy welds joint produced using ERNiCr-3 filler with GTAW process: Solidification mechanism, microstructure, mechanical properties and residual stresses
PublikacjaThe objective of the current study was to analyse the microstructure, mechanical characteristics, and residual stresses of a dissimilar welded joint (DWJ) made of P92 steel and the Inconel alloy 617 (IN617) using the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) method. The ERNiCr-3 filler was selected to produce the conventional V groove (VG) and narrow V groove (NVG) butt joint. The filler deficient zones in the weldments, such as the filler...
Designate CTOD Heat Affected Zone of butt weld, Report No: WOiO/II/76/2013
PublikacjaTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability...
Designate CTOD of Weld Metal of butt weld, No WOiO/II/108/2013
PublikacjaTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability...
Designate of CTOD for WM and HAZ, report no: WOiO/II/122/2014
PublikacjaTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability to...
Effects of polymer sealant interlayer on quality of EN AW-2024-T3 aluminum alloy lap joint prepared by friction stir welding
PublikacjaThis study investigates the influence of polymer interlayers on the mechanical properties and fracture behavior of friction stir welded EN AW-2024-T3 aluminum alloy joints. Aqualock AL 6002 (Adhesive_1) and 3M Adhesion Promoter 86A (Adhesive_2) were selected as polymeric sealants for EN AW-2024-T3 aluminum alloy interfaces. Force analysis revealed that the choice of polymer interlayer significantly affects the axial force during...
High-Temperature Tensile Behaviour of GTAW Joints of P92 Steel and Alloy 617 for Two Different Fillers
PublikacjaThis study explores the high-temperature (HT) tensile rupture characteristics of a dissimilar gas-tungsten-arc-welded (GTAW) joint between P92 steel and Alloy 617, fabricated using ER62SB9 and ERNiCrCoMo-1 fillers. The high-temperature tensile tests were performed at elevated temperatures of 550 ◦C and 650 ◦C. An optical microscope (OM) and a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) were utilized to characterize the...
Metallurgical characterization and high-temperature tensile failure of Inconel 617 alloy welded by GTAW and SMAW—a comparative study
PublikacjaTwo types of the weld joint of Inconel 617 alloy were produced using gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) and shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) processes with ERNiCrCoMo-1 filler metal and ENiCrCoMo-1 electrode, respectively. The weld metal showed the segregation of the principle alloying elements like Mo and Cr along the inter-dendritic spaces, triggering the formation of secondary phases. The microstructure characterization of the...
The Influence of Tool Shape and Process Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of AW-3004 Aluminium Alloy Friction Stir Welded Joints
PublikacjaThe purpose of the following study was to compare the effect of the shape of a tool onthe joint and to obtain the values of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) parameters that provide the bestpossible joint quality. The material used was an aluminium alloy, EN AW-3004 (AlMn1Mg1). To theauthors’ best knowledge, no investigations of this alloy during FSW have been presented earlier. Fivebutt joints were made with a self-developed, cylindrical,...
Investigation of Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Welded Specimens of AA6061-T6 Alloy with Friction Stir Welding and Parallel Friction Stir Welding Methods
PublikacjaThe present study investigates the effect of two parameters of process type and tool offset on tensile, microhardness, and microstructure properties of AA6061-T6 aluminum alloy joints. Three methods of Friction Stir Welding (FSW), Advancing Parallel-Friction Stir Welding (AP-FSW), and Retreating Parallel-Friction Stir Welding (RP-FSW) were used. In addition, four modes of 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 mm of tool offset were used in two welding...
Selection of Electrode Material for Inconel 617/P92 Steel SMAW Dissimilar Welds
PublikacjaThe present work aimed to investigate the microstructure and mechanical properties of the dissimilar shielded metal arc welded (SMAW) joint of Alloy 617 and P92 steel for advanced ultrasupercritical boilers. The SMAW joint was produced using three different types of electrodes, namely, ENiCrFe-3, ENiCrMo-3, and ENiCrCoMo-1. During microstructural observation of the welded joints, no possible cracking was detected in the weldments....
Effect of Tool Positioning Factors on the Strength of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded Joints of AA7075-T6 and AA6061-T6
PublikacjaFriction Stir Welding (FSW) is a solid-state bonding technique. There are many direct and indirect factors affecting the mechanical and microstructural properties of the FSW joints. Tool offset, tilt angle, and plunge depth are determinative tool positioning in the FSW process. Investigating the effect of these factors simultaneously with other parameters such as process speeds (rotational speed and translational speed) and tool...
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Combined GTAW and SMAW Dissimilar Welded Joints between Inconel 718 and 304L Austenitic Stainless Steel
PublikacjaA dissimilar welded joint of Inconel 718 and 304L austenitic stainless steel was prepared using a combined procedure with the gas tungsten arc welding and shielded metal arc welding processes by employing the Ni-based fillers: ERNiCr-3 and ENiCrFe-3. The welded joints were investigated for metallographic testing and mechanical properties, and a relationship was established between the microstructure and the resultant mechanical...
Influence of Parameters of Laser Beam Welding on Structure of 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel
PublikacjaLaser welding is used in modern industry, having many advantages comparing to traditional welding technologies. Nowadays, industry sectors such as shipbuilding, automotive and aviation can’t be imagined without laser processing technologies. Possibility of increase of welded joint properties, autogenous welding and high level of process automation makes the technology of laser welding perspective part of the industry. Physical...
Study on Microstructure-Property Relationship of Inconel 617 Alloy/304L SS Steel Dissimilar Welds Joint
PublikacjaWelding of Inconel 617 (IN617) alloy and austenitic 304L SS steel has been attempted using the autogenous Laser Beam Welding (LBW) process. Characterization of dissimilar weldments was performed on either side of the fusion boundaries. The metallographic results showed that the inhomogeneous microstructure formation for weld metal contained columnar and cellular dendrites near the interface, whilst the columnar, cellular and equiaxed...
Assessment of Corrosive Behaviour and Microstructure Characterization of Hybrid Friction Stir Welded Martensitic Stainless Steel
PublikacjaThis study examined the effect of induction heating on the microstructure and corrosion characteristics of hybrid friction stir welded AISI 410 stainless steel. Five joints have been produced with different friction stir welding parameters like welding speed, spindle speed, plunge depth, and induction power. Their microstructures were evaluated using a scanning electron microscope, and chemical composition was examined using...
Influence of PWHT Parameters on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Behavior of Multi-Pass GTAW Joints of P92 Steel
PublikacjaThe 9% Cr steels were developed for ultra-supercritical (USC) power plants to meet the requirements of high operating temperature and pressure. These steels are produced to operate at high temperatures where impact toughness is not a concern; however, it becomes important for the welded joints to have good impact toughness at room temperature for manufacturing. The present work investigates the effect of the post-weld heat treatment...
Problems of Determination of Welding Angular Distortions of T-fillet Joints in Ship Hull Structures
PublikacjaShip hull structure elements are in majority joined by welding. Welding distortions can cause a lot of problems during the manufacturing process. In the literature it is proposed wide spectrum of suggestions for a correct estimation of welding deformation in particular angular deformation in the fillet welded T joint. In the work verification of selected methods is proposed basing upon of the results of the laboratory measurements....
FEM modelling of stress and strain distribution in weld joints of steel sandwich panels
PublikacjaThe development of laser welding technology has enabled the mass production of thin-walled structures, including steel sandwich panels. The technology of joining plating panels with stiffeners by welding allows us to create joints with a specific geometry and material properties. In comparison with other types of joints, laser welds are characterized by their specific behaviour under cyclic load and, as a consequence, a different...
Assessment of FSW Welds Made of Aluminum Alloy AW7075-T651.
PublikacjaThis paper summarizes the results of experimental studies in which the aluminum alloy AW7075-T651 was friction stir welded (FSW) using various combinations of process parameters (rotational - R and travel speed - T). Mechanical properties of the test welds were assessed by using static tensile test and Vickers hardness measurement. The temperature of the welded plates was monitored during welding by means of thermocouples placed...
Application of Barkhausen method to determine internal stresses in cold-rolled and hot-rolled sheets
PublikacjaThe paper presents investigations on internal stress distribution in plane hot—or cold-rolled sheets dedicated for the cold-formed profiles. The motivation of the research is a new profile design whose bending technology, incorporating a longitudinal welded joint and hot-dip galvanization after bending and welding introduces additional internal stresses. In order to identify the entirety of stresses in the process of sheet production...