Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FIBRES
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Exotic Optical Fibres
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Special Optical Fibres
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Multicore Optical Fibres For Sensors
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Special Fibres For Application Environments
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Broadband Buses Based On Multicore Optical Fibres
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Multiclad Monomode Optical Fibres By MZD Technology
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Single-Mode Quadruple-Core Optical Fibres
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Application of optical fibres in oxidation-reduction titrations
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Multicore Optical Fibres for an External Talbot Cavity
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The influence of polypropylene fibres on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete
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The effect of the concentration of steel fibres on the properties of industrial floors
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Effectiveness of Concrete Reinforcement with Recycled Tyre Steel Fibres
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Effect of polymer fibres reinforcement on selected properties of asphalt mixtures
PublikacjaThe paper presents selected results of the research program concerning fibre reinforced asphalt concrete. Aramid-polyalphaolefin fibres was used in this study. Selected properties responsible for low temperature cracking and resistance to permanent deformation are presented in this paper. Low temperature cracking susceptibility was evaluated with the results obtained from bending test of rectangular beams with constant rate of...
The Application of Fibres from Recycled Postconsumer Tyres for Concrete Reinforcement
PublikacjaPoland as a Member State is obliged to implement the EU specific environmental legislation focused on the reduction, transport and treatment of waste. The Landfill Directive prohibited the landfilling of whole tyres and their by-products. Although the EU Directive of Waste limits the use of tyres as secondary fuel, Poland is still the EU leader in burning tyres in cement kilns. Post-consumer tyres are utilised in a number of...
Technological Sensitizing Of Mosaic Optical Fibres For Sensory And Microoptics Applications
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Prussian Blue Analogues Cubes in the Organic Polymer Electrospun Fibres
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Evaluation of recycled tyre steel fibres adhesion to cement matrix
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Active optical fibres for application in laser and broadband ASE sources
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<title>The manufacturing and properties of double-clad optical fibres</title>
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Mode interaction in few-mode optical fibres with Kerr effect
PublikacjaUogólnioną metodę rzutowania do ortogonalnej bazy funkcji poprzecznej współrzędnej Bessela stosuje się do wyprowadzania układów równań nieliniowych Schrodingera. Teoria jest ważna dla paczek falowych w światłowodach i kilku modelach.
Fibres from recycled post-consumer tyres for concrete reinforcement
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono aktualną sytuację dot. wykorzystania drutu stalowego z recyklingu opon samochodowych. Przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w laboratorium Katedry Konstrukcji Betonowych i Technologii Betonu nad zastosowaniem włókien stalowych z recyklingu do zbrojenia betonu. Otrzymane wyniki porównano z próbkami fibrobetonu uzyskanego na bazie przemysłowo produkowanych włókien stalowych.
The effect of mercerized sisal fibres on natural rubber composites' properties
PublikacjaW pracy omówiono wyniki badań fizyko-mechanicznych kompozytów otrzymanych z mieszanek zawierających kauczuk naturalny oraz statystycznie zdyspergowane krótkie włókno sisalowe. Włókno naturalne przed użyciem poddano merceryzacji.Otrzymane wulkanizaty poddano badaniom wytrzymałościowym w warunkach statycznych w celu określenia wpływu parametrów wulkanizacji i ilości dodanego włókna na właściwości otrzymanych produktów. Stwierdzono...
The effect of macro polymer fibres length and content on the fibre reinforced concrete
PublikacjaThe paper presents studies of a ready-mix concrete containing polymer fibres of three different lengths: 24, 38 and 54 mm. The performed tests allowed to determine the effect of fibre volume fraction and length on the concrete strength. The basic parameters of concrete mixture (consistency, air content and bulk density) were identified. Fibre reinforced concrete belongs to a group of composite materials. The polymer fibres are...
New matrix-free reference material for ethene in the form of optical fibres
PublikacjaReference materials are indispensable in the qualitycontrol and quality assurance of analytical measurements. Onenovel approach to the generation of standard gaseous mixturesof toxic, reactive, volatile, labile, and malodorous substancesinvolves thermal decomposition or rearrangement, under definedtemperature conditions, of compounds immobilized, bychemical bonding, on the surface of an appropriate carrier torelease specific amounts...
Mechanical Properties of Bio-Composites Based on Epoxy Resin and Nanocellulose Fibres
PublikacjaThe aim of our research was to investigate the effect of a small nanocellulose (NC) addition on an improvement of the mechanical properties of epoxy composites. A procedure of chemical extraction from pressed lignin was used to obtain nanocellulose fibers. The presence of nanoparticles in the cellulose pulp was confirmed by FTIR/ATR spectra as well as measurement of nanocellulose particle size using a Zetasizer analyzer. Epoxy...
<title>Octopus-Like-Shape Cored Optical Fibres /OLSCF/</title>
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The equations for interactions of polarization modes in optical fibres including the kerr effect
PublikacjaWe have derived coupled nonlinear Schro¨ dinger equations (CNLSE) for arbitrary polarized light propagation in a single-mode fibre employing electromagnetic field complete description. We used a basis of transverse eigenmodes with appropriate projecting; hence, the nonlinear constants depend on the waveguide geometry. Accounting for a weak nonlinearity, which is connected to the Kerr effect, we have given explicit expressions for...
Application of polarisation-maintaining side-hole fibres do direct force measurement
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie utrzymujących polaryzację światłowodów typu Side Hole do bezpośredniego pomiaru siły. Dla wybranych struktur tych światłowodów wyznaczono, przy pomocy Metody Elementów Skończonych i metody modów sprzężonych, czułość na siłę działającą prostopadle do osi symetrii światłowodu. Określono zależność tej czułości od poszczególnych wymiarów struktur tych światłowodów. Następnie, biorąc pod...
Preparation, morphology and properties of natural rubber composites filled with untreated short jute fibres
PublikacjaGreen composites were obtained by incorporation of short jute fibres in natural rubber matrix using a laboratory two-roll mill. The influence of untreated fibre content (1, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 phr) on the mechanical properties, dynamic mechanical properties, swelling properties was examined. The behaviour of prepared green composites under cyclic compression was also investigated. Fibre dispersion in rubber matrix was studied by...
Three dimensional simulations of FRC beams and panels with explicit definition of fibres-concrete interaction
PublikacjaHigh performance concrete (HPC) is a quite novel material which has been rapidly developed in the last few decades. It exhibits superior mechanical properties and durability comparing to normal concrete. HPC can achieve also superior tensile performance if strong fibres (steel or carbon) are implemented in the matrix. Thus, there exist the unabated interest in studying how the addition of different types of fibres modifies the...
approximation of photonic crystal fibres with large air holes by the step index fibre model
PublikacjaAn equivalent step index fibre with a silica core and air cladding is used to model photonic crystal fibres with large air holes. We model this fibre for linear polarisation (we focus on the lowest few transverse modes of the electromagnetic field). The equivalent step index radius is obtained by equating the lowest two eigenvalues of the model to those calculated numerically for the photonic crystal fibres. The step index parameters...
Polyethylene glycol-coated solid-phase microextraction fibres for the extraction of polar analytes-A review
PublikacjaThe article discusses the merits and limitations of commercially available solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fibres and compares them with the new type of extraction coatings, in particular those containing polyethylene glycol as sorbent, as well as the methods of the preparation of the latter. It also analyses their possible application for the extraction of a broad spectrum of analytes, with particular emphasis on the sampling...
Nucleation and growth of CVD diamond on fused silica optical fibres with titanium dioxide interlayer
PublikacjaNucleation and growth processes of thin diamond films on fused silica optical fibres have been investigated. Fibres were coated with diamond film using microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (µPE CVD) system. Since the growth of diamond on the fused silica glass requires high seeding density, two types of glass pre-treatment were applied: titanium dioxide (TiO2) interlayer deposition and sonication in nanodiamond...
Morphology of bio-based polyurethane composites filled by mer-cerized or silanized natural fibres
PublikacjaBio-composites are materials which possess unique properties and undergo biodegra-dation under specific conditions. Bio-composites belong to the group of materials produced with the use of renewable raw materials. They contain reinforcement, mainly in the form of natural fiber, which has high stiffness and resistance; filler powders are less frequently used. Significant features of natural fibers are elongation, density, thermal...
Nanocrystalline CVD Diamond Coatings on Fused Silica Optical Fibres: Optical Properties Study
Publikacjapre-treatment by dip coating in two detonation nanodiamond (DND) seeding media has been studied. The DND suspension in ethyl alcohol and dispersion of DND in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) were chosen for the seeding purpose. The grain size distribution of nanodiamond particles in both seeding media was kept at the same level (approximately 1050 nm). After the seeding nanocrystalline diamond lms were deposited...
Exploration of optical fibres as a carrier for new benzene and toluene matrix-free reference materials
PublikacjaTo meet high expectations concerning precision and accuracy of reference materials, preparation of matrixfree reference materials using thermal decomposition-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS) was proposed in this study. In the paper, the results obtained in preparation of the new reference materials for benzene and toluene are presented, based on the thermal decomposition technique of compounds chemically bound to...
The State Of Lightguide Technology In Poland On The Basis Of The IV National Symposium "Optical Fibres And Their Applications"
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Fiber optic sensor based on optical frequency domain reflectometry.Optical Fibres and their Applications VIII.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki modelowania systemu sensorów światłowodowych wykorzystującego reflektometrię optyczną w dziedzinie częstotliwości. Na podstawie tych wyników zrealizowano quasi-rozłożony sensor temperatury. Zaprezentowano i omówiono wyniki pomiarów.
Simulation of fracture process in concrete elements with steel fibres using discrete lattice model
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia wyniki modelowania procesu zarysowania w elementach betonowych zawierające stalowe włókna przy zastosowaniu dyskretnego modelu kratownicowego. Beton był modelowany na poziomie mezoskali z uwzględnieniem 5 faz: kruszywa, zaczynu cementowego, włókien i obu stref kontaktu. Obliczenia wykonano dla jednoosiowego ściskania, jednoosiowego rozciągania i zginania prostego.
Effect of steel fibres on concrete behavior in 2D and 3D simulations using lattice model.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej symulacji betonu zbrojonego włóknami stalowymi. Beton został opisany w skali mezo jako materiał 3-fazowy przy zastosowaniu modelu sieciowego. Obliczenia wykonano dla rozciągania jednoosiowego. Porównano ze sobą wyniki dwu- i trójwymiarowe.
Mechanical Performance and Environmental Assessment of Sustainable Concrete Reinforced with Recycled End-of-Life Tyre Fibres
PublikacjaThe presented research’s main objective was to develop the solution to the global problem of using steel waste obtained during rubber recovery during the tire recycling. A detailed comparative analysis of mechanical and physical features of the concrete composite with the addition of recycled steel fibres (RSF) in relation to the steel fibre concrete commonly used for industrial floors was conducted. A study was carried out using...
Submicron inorganic particles as an additional filler in hybrid epoxy matrix composites reinforced with glass fibres
PublikacjaIn this study, the effect of selected submicron metal oxide (zinc oxide, titanium oxide) or non-metal oxide (silicon dioxide) particles on mechanical and thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy/glass composites was investigated. The applied epoxy resin was a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A cured with triethylenetetramine. As a reinforcement twill weave E-glass fabric was used. Hybrid composites (contained particulate and fibrous...
Metal-coated fused silica fibres as a support for immobilized compounds yielding a volatile analyte (C2H4)
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących wykorzystania chemicznie modyfikowanych włókien szklanych pokrytych warstwą metalu (aluminium), jako nośników związków powierzchniowych. W trakcie procesu termicznego rozkładu z tak zmodyfikowanych włókien uwalnia się eten, który stanowi składnik mierzony uzyskiwanej gazowej mieszaniny wzorcowej. Ilość uwalnianego etenu zależy jedynie od długości danego rodzaju i typu modyfikowanego włókna...
Ultimate Development Of Hybrid Extrusion, Multicrucible And Multirod-In-Tube Technologies Of Tailored /Special Purpose/ Optical Fibres
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State-Of-The-Art Of Fibre And Integrated Optics In Poland On The Basis Of V National Symposium On "Optical Fibres And Their Applications"
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Fabrication of polyurethane and polyurethane based composite fibres by the electrospinning technique for soft tissue engineering of cardiovascular system
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Mechanical properties of 3D-printed polylactide and short carbon fibres reinforced polylactide laminate subjected to environmental aging
PublikacjaIn this work the mechanical characterisation of fused filament fabricated non-reinforced polylactide and polylactide reinforced with short carbon fibre laminate after environmental aging was reported. In the manufacturing process, the symmetric laminate was used to determine the influence of environmental aging of 3D printed parts. The sterilisation agents and buffered saline solution environment were used as aging factors. Also,...
Airborne wear particle emission from train brake friction materials with different contents of steel and copper fibres
PublikacjaThis study investigated the influence of the amount of steel and copper fibres in a train brake friction material on the tribological performance, emission intensity and characteristics of airborne wear particles. The particles were generated on a pin-on-disc tribometer under controlled friction and environmental conditions. It was found that the steel fibre results in a more intensive emission of 0.3–10 μm particles compared to...
Processing and characterization of reinforced polyethylene composites made with lignocellulosic fibres isolated from waste plant biomass such as hemp