wszystkich: 92
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: HEADSPACE ANALYSIS
Urine headspace analysis in medical diagnostics
PublikacjaThe analysis of the volatile organic compounds in the bodily fluids such as urine may provide useful information on the patients’ general health. The potential application of urine headspace analysis could facilitate the diagnostics of various diseases such as metabolic disorders, urinary tract diseases and gastrointestinal conditions. Described in this paper are the currently available techniques of urine sample analysis as well...
Determination of solvents residues in vegetable oils and pharmaceuticals by headspace analysis and capillary gas chromatography.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki zastosowania techniki analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej w połączeniu z kapilarną chromatografią gazową do oznaczania wybranych rozpuszczalników organicznych w próbkach olejów jadalnych i produktów farmaceutycznych. Oznaczane rozpuszczalniki to: benzen, toluen, heksan oraz chlorowcopochodne węglowodorów alifatycznych. Opracowaną procedurę poddano walidacji. Wyznaczono granicę wytrzymalności, oznaczalności, liniowość...
Dynamic Headspace Sampling as an Initial Step for Sample Preparation in Chromatographic Analysis
PublikacjaThis work represents a brief summary of the use of dynamic headspace (DHS) as a technique for sample preparation in chromatographic analysis. Despite numerous developments in the area of analyte isolation and enrichment, DHS remains one of the fundamental methods used with GC. In our opinion, interest in this technique will not diminish significantly because it conforms to stipulations of green analytical chemistry. Moreover, DHS...
Opracowanie procedury oznaczania lotnych produktów utleniania olejów roślinnychtechniką statycznej analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej = The development of a new procedure for determination of volatile oxidation products in edible oils with the use of static headspace analysis
PublikacjaW publikacji przedstawiono dobór optymalnych parametrów w celu opracowania nowej metody diagnozowania jakości olejów poprzez oznaczenie lotnych związków będących produktami reakcji utleniania olejów. Próbki rafinowanych olejów roślinnych przed analizą poddano procesowi przyspieszonego utleniania, stosując naświetlanie promieniowaniem ultrafioletowym (12 W, 254 nm). Jako technikę ekstrakcji lotnej frakcji próbki zastosowano statyczną...
Application of static headspace gas chromatography for routine analysis of VFAs in cattle farm wastewater
PublikacjaOznaczanie lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych w próbkach środowiskowych jest tematem coraz powszechniej analizowanym z uwagi na ich uciążliwość w środowisku. Celem pracy było wykorzystanie techniki statycznej analizy headspace (HS) w połączeniu z analizą chromatograficzną do oznaczania lotnych kwasów monokarboksylowych w wodnych próbkach środowiskowych pochodzących z hodowli bydła.
Development and evaluation of headspace gas chromatography method for the analysis of carbonyl compounds in spirits and vodkas
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki oznaczania związków karbonylowych (po przeprowadzeniu w pochodne przy użyciu odczynnika derywatyzującego - o-PFBHA) przy wykorzystaniu techniki analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej w połączeniu z chromatografią gazową i detektorem wychwytu elektronów(ECD). Przedstawiono optymalizację metodyki oraz wyniki uzyskane podczas próbek rzeczywistych wybranych wyrobów spirytusowych.
Evaluation of headspace solid-phase microextraction for the analysis of volatile carbonyl compounds in spirits and alcoholic beverages
PublikacjaOpracowano metodę oznaczania C1-C6 związków karbonylowych w układzie GC-ECD w roztworach alkoholowych poprzez derywatyzację pentafluorobenzylohydroksy-aminą i mikroekstrakcję w fazie stacjonarnej z fazy nadpowierzchniowej. Zoptymalizowano warunki eksperymantalne: zawartość alkoholu, czas ekspozycji, temperaturę i sposób mieszania próbki. W metodzie tej najpierw przeprowadza się rozcieńczenie spirytusu lub napojów alkoholowych do...
Headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-olfactometry analysis of raw spirits of different organoleptic quality
PublikacjaCelem pracy było określenie, ktore związki wnoszą wkład w aromat destylatów rolniczych i wskazać te z nich które mogą powodować obniżenie ich właściwości organoleptycznych. W badaniach zastosowano ekstrakcję lotnych analitów z fazy nadpowierzchniowej techniką mikroekstrakcji do fazy nadpowierzchniowej w połączeniu z chromatografia gazową z detekcja olfaktometryczną . Znaleziono 40 zsubstancji, które mogą być markerami jakości organoleptycznej
Comparison of Headspace Solid-phase Microextraction, Headspace Single-drop Microextraction and Hydrodistillation for Chemical Screening of Volatiles in Myrtus Communis L
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A headspace solid-phase microextraction method development and itsapplication in the determination of volatiles in honeys by gas chromatography
PublikacjaThe first part of the paper presents the detailed optimisation of all steps of the determination procedureof volatiles from Polish honeys by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) as the sample preparationmethod and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) as the method of final determination.The methodology of semi-quantative analysis allowed the isolation and identification of volatile fractioncompounds from popular...
Headspace Solvent Microextraction
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Polymeric metal‐containing ionic liquid sorbent coating for the determination of amines using headspace solid‐phase microextraction
PublikacjaThis study describes the design, synthesis, and application of polymeric ionic liquid sorbent coatings featuring nickel metal centers for the determination of volatile and semivolatile amines from water samples using headspace solidphase microextraction. The examined polymeric ionic liquid sorbent coatings were composed of two ionic liquid monomers (tetra(3-vinylimidazolium)nickel bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide [Ni2+(VIM)4]...
Application of dynamic headspace and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (DHS-GC-MS) for the determination of oxygenated volatile organic compounds in refinery effluents
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new procedure for the determination of oxygenated volatile organic compounds (O-VOCs) in postoxidative effluents from the production of petroleum asphalt using dynamic headspace coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode (DHSGC-MS). Among the GC capillary columns tested, a polar SLB-IL111 column with the ionic liquid stationary phase was found to be superior due...
Ionogel sorbent coatings for determining organophosphorus and pyrethroid insecticides in water and fresh juice samples by headspace-solid phase microextraction
PublikacjaThe sol–gel method yielded three different ionogel sorbent coatings that were obtained based on a silica material containing ionic liquids (ILs) immobilized in its pores. Two ILs, triethylsulfonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide [Set3][TFSI] and 1-butyl-1-methylpiperidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [C4C1Pip][TFSI], as well as their equimolar mixture [Set3/C4C1Pip], were used to obtain ionogel fibers. The developed...
Ionogel fibres of bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide anion-based ionic liquids for the headspace solid-phase microextraction of chlorinated organic pollutants
PublikacjaIonogels, a family of hybrid materials in which ionic liquids (ILs) are confined in a sol–gel network, are receiving much attention in a variety of scientific and technological fields. In this work, ionogels derived from three different ILs based on the anion bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (TFSI), namely 1-butyl- 3-methylpyridinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide ([C4C1Py][TFSI]), 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide...
Application and optimization of headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled with gas chromatography - flame-ionization detector (GC-FID) to determine products of the petroleum industry in aqueous samples
PublikacjaA simple and solvent-free analytical method has been optimized for the determination of hydrocarbons (C6 - C20) from products of the petroleum industry in aqueous samples. Extraction and analysis was carried out using headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography coupled with flame-ionization detector (GC-FID). A ZB-5 capillary column (30 m × 0.25 mm inner diameter, 0.25 µm film thickness) was used for...
Botanical and geographical origin characterization of polish honeys by headspace SPME-GCxGC-TOFMS
PublikacjaVolatile organic compounds (VOCs) composition of Polish honeys obtained from various geographical regions was studied. Headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) using Divinylbenzene/Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane-coated fibers was used in combination with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC× GC-TOFMS) because of the complexity of the samples. Acacia, linden, rapeseed, buckwheat...
Modeling of CO Accumulation in the Headspace of the Bioreactor during Organic Waste Composting
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Headspace liquid phase microextraction for quantitation of hexanal in potato crisps by gas chromatography
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Determination of aliphatic amines in water by gas chromatography using headspace solvent microextraction
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Static headspace sampling and solid-phase microextraction for assessment of edible oils stability
PublikacjaStatyczna analiza fazy nadpowierzchniowej i mikroekstrakcja do fazy stacjonarnej z fazy nadpowierzchniowej zostały zastosowane do oznaczenia niskocząsteczkowych aldehydów - markerów procesu utleniania olejów roślinnych. Zoptymalizowano parametry izolacji i ekstrakcji analitów dla obu technik. Wyznaczono granice oznaczalności i wykrywalności oraz powtarzalność dla badanych związków. Obie metody zastosowano w analizie próbek olejów...
Headspace Liquid-Phase Microextraction of Chlorobenzenes in Soil with Gas Chromatography-Electron Capture Detection
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Studies on development of headspace - gas chromatographic determination of volatile fatty acids in troublesome environmental samples
PublikacjaBadania nad opracowaniem procedur oznaczania LKT w silnie zanieczyszczonych próbkach środowiskowych za pomocą techniki analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej w połączeniu z chromatografią gazową z wykorzystaniem detektora płomieniowo-jonizacyjnego na etapie oznaczeń końcowych. Dobrano warunki ekstrakcji LKT do fazy nadpowierzchniowej oraz warunki chromatograficzne. Metodyka pozwala oznaczać LKT w bardzo skomplikowanych próbkach ciekłych...
PTR-MS and electronic nose application for volatile fraction analysis of cigar tobacco
PublikacjaCigar consumers attach great importance to the quality of these products. At the same time, cigars are often expensive, so destructive analytical methods of quality control are not being desired. However, it has been found that there are many volatile organic compounds in their headspace. Because of that, proton transfer reaction–mass spectrometry and electronic nose were used to analyse it. The obtained results were used to distinguish...
Determination of volatile organic compounds in water samples using membrane-solid phase microextraction (M-SPME) (headspace version)
PublikacjaThe results of a study on the use of membrane-solid phase microextraction (M-SPME) for sampling volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the headspace above the liquid medium are presented. The sampled VOCs were subsequently quantified by gas chromatography (GC). Two systems were compared in this study, i.e. a novel two-phase sorption system (M-SPME), and a commercial fibre. Headspace sampling using SPME was optimized with respect...
Direct Screening ofWater Samples for Benzene Hydrocarbon Compounds by Headspace Liquid-Phase Microextraction--Gas Chromatography
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Direct screening of ground water samples for fuel oxygenates by headspace liquid phase microextraction–gas chromatography
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Sample preparation and recent trends in volatolomics for diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases
PublikacjaThe analysis of the human volatilome can be successfully used for rapid and non-invasive diagnostics of gastrointestinal diseases. However, the introduction of techniques based on detection of volatiles is limited, among other factors, by difficulties which arise during the sampling stage and instrumental analysis. The aim of this article was to review and discuss medical and analytical literature on the analysis of volatiles in...
Rapid and sensitive determination of fluoride in toothpaste and water samples using headspace single drop microextraction-gas chromatography
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Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Urine
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Development of headspace solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography method for the determination of solvent residues in edible oils and pharmaceuticals
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki opracowania procedury oznaczania pozostałości rozpuszczalników organicznych w olejach jadalnych z wykorzystaniem techniki HS-SPME na etapie izolacji i wzbogacania analitów. Przedstawiono proces optymalizacji etapu izolacji i rozdzielenia związków. Dla każdego z analitów wyznaczono parametry walidacyjne charakteryzujące procedurę tj. granice wykrywalności, granicę oznaczalności, liniowość, zakres pomiarowy,...
Thin layer headspace gas chromatography for biological monitoring of persons exposed to volatile organohalogen compounds from water
PublikacjaCelem pracy było zbadanie możliwości wykorzystania analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej nad cienką warstwą cieczy z samoczynną generacją ciekłego sorbentu (TLHS)do izolacji i wzbogacania THM w próbkach moczu i krwi ludzkiej. Umożliwiło to następnie wykorzystanie prostej techniki bezpośredniego nastrzyku próbki do kolumny chromatografu gazowego, wyposażonego w detektor wychwytu elektronów (DAI-GC-ECD).Przy pomocy tak opracowanej metody...
Direct determination of cadaverine in the volatile fraction of aerobically stored chicken breast samples
PublikacjaTo supplement the currently used methods for poultry meat shelf life assessment, it might be necessary to develop a technique for rapid headspace analysis of volatiles with no prior sample preparation step. Biogenic amines, in particular cadaverine, are considered meat spoilage indicators. Described in this article are the results of a preliminary investigation of the applicability of proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry...
Prediction of the Biogenic Amines Index of Poultry Meat Using an Electronic Nose
PublikacjaThe biogenic amines index of fresh chicken meat samples during refrigerated storage was predicted based on the headspace analysis using an electronic nose equipped with an array of electrochemical sensors. The reference biogenic amines index values were obtained using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. A prototype electronic nose with modular construction and a dedicated sample chamber...
Investigation of volatile low molecular weight compounds formed during continuous reclaiming of ground tire rubber
PublikacjaGround tire rubber was thermo-mechanically reclaimed at different temperature conditions (80, 120, 160 °C) using a co-rotating twin screw extruder. The progress of ground tire rubber reclaiming was evaluated with specific mechanical energy, sol fraction and thermogravimetric analysis. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including volatile sulfur compounds (VCSs) released from ground tire rubber and ground tire rubber after reclaiming...
Meat freshness classification using ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublikacjaMeat constitutes an important component of human diet. In order to ensure that it is safe to consume, it is important to be able to determine whether a particular sample is fresh. To this end, an analysis of the headspace of pork, beef, and poultrywas performed over a period of seven days using ultra-fast gas chromatography. Compounds that may possibly be used as indicators of spoilage were identified. Based on the obtained results...
The Use of Ultra-Fast Gas Chromatography for Fingerprinting-Based Classification of Zweigelt and Rondo Wines with Regard to Grape Variety and Type of Malolactic Fermentation Combined with Greenness and Practicality Assessment
PublikacjaIn food authentication, it is important to compare different analytical procedures and select the best method. The aim of this study was to determine the fingerprints of Zweigelt and Rondo wines through headspace analysis using ultra-fast gas chromatography (ultra-fast GC) and to compare the effectiveness of this approach at classifying wines based on grape variety and type of malolactic fermentation (MLF) as well as its greenness...
Comparison of Headspace-Single Drop Microextraction and Dispersive Liquid–Liquid Microextraction for Determination of Benzene in Juice Drinks Containing Vitamin C
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Development of headspace-gas chromatography-flame ionization detection procedure to determine volatile fatty acids in zoo organic waste leachate
PublikacjaNadrzędnym celem pracy było opracowanie metodyki oznaczania lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych z fazy nadpowierzchniowej opartej na chromatografii gazowej z detektorem płomieniowo-jonizacyjnym oraz sprawdzenie jej przydatności w analizie próbek odcieku ze składowiska odpadów ogrodu zoologicznego. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań określono warunki, w jakich przebiegać powinna izolacja lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych, a także określono najlepsze...
Determination of authenticity of brand perfume using electronic nose prototypes
PublikacjaThe paper presents practical application of an electronic nose technique for fast and efficient discrimination between authentic and fake perfume samples. Two self-built electronic nose prototypes equipped with a set of semiconductor sensors were employed for that purpose. Additionally 10 volunteers took part in sensory analysis. The following perfumes and their fake counterparts were analysed: Dior – Fahrenheit, Eisenberg – J’ose,...
Determination of methylcyclopentadienyl-manganese tricarbonyl in gasoline and water via ionic-liquid headspace single drop microextraction and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry
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Application of headspace-solid phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to determine short-chain alkane monocarboxylic acids in aqueous samples
PublikacjaCelem prowadzonych badań było opracowanie metodyki oznaczania krótkołańcuchowych kwasów alkanomonokarboksylowych (KKA), opartej na ich izolowaniu i wzbogacaniu za pomocą techniki HS-SPME, a następnie oznaczaniu za pomocą chromatografii gazowej sprzężonej ze spektrometrią mas (GC-MS). Do ekstrakcji zastosowano włókno pokryte polarną fazą stacjonarną opartą na glikolu polietylenowym (PEG). Dla celów porównawczych zastosowano również...
Preliminary Investigation on Auto-Thermal Extrusion of Ground Tire Rubber
PublikacjaGround tire rubber (GTR) was processed using an auto-thermal extrusion as a prerequisite to green reclaiming of waste rubbers. The reclaimed GTR underwent a series of tests: thermogravimetric analysis combined with Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (TGA-FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and static headspace and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SHS-GC-MS) in order...
Determination of terpene profiles in potential superfruits
PublikacjaThe aim of this work was to characterize and compare the profiles of volatile terpenes in four potential superfruits. These profiles were determined using headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography linked to time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The proposed technique allowed the separation and identification of 79 terpenes present in cape gooseberry, crabapple, cherry silver...
Portable Electronic Nose Based on Electrochemical Sensors for Food Quality Assessment
PublikacjaThe steady increase in global consumption puts a strain on agriculture and might lead to a decrease in food quality. Currently used techniques of food analysis are often labour-intensive and time-consuming and require extensive sample preparation. For that reason, there is a demand for novel methods that could be used for rapid food quality assessment. A technique based on the use of an array of chemical sensors for holistic analysis...
Silica-Based Ionogels: Nanoconfined Ionic Liquid-Rich Fibers for Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography–Barrier Discharge Ionization Detection
PublikacjaIn this work, hybrid silica-based materials with immobilized ionic liquids (ILs) were prepared by sol–gel technology and evaluated as solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fiber coatings. High loadings of the IL 1-methyl-3-butylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C4MIM][TFSI]) were confined within the hybrid network. Coatings composition and morphology were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive...
Comparison of the Physical and Sensory Properties of Hybrid Citrus Fruit Jaffa® Sweetie in Relation to the Parent Fruits
PublikacjaIn the presented study, an overall Jaffa sweetie evaluation was made to find a correlation between Citrus grandis Osbeck × Citrus paradisi Macf. and its parent fruits’ (Citrus grandis Osbeck, Citrus paradisi Macf.) properties. Based on the sensory analysis, it was found that the taste and aroma of the new hybrid fruit are close to pummelo. By the use of chromatographic analysis, the selected monoterpenes present in the fruits were...
Application of Headspace Solid-phase Microextraction with Poly(1-vinyl-3- Hexylimidazolium Chloride) Polymeric Ionic Liquid Coating using GC - MS to Determine Volatile Fatty Acids in Dairy Wastewater
PublikacjaVolatile fatty acids were determined in this study using headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) with a poly(1-vinyl-3-hexylimidazolium chloride) polymeric ionic liquid coated fiber followed by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. Experimental parameters such as extraction time and temperature, sample volume as well as desorption time and temperature were optimized. Detection limits of the method were in the range of...
Process Control and Investigation of Oxidation Kinetics of Postoxidative Effluents Using Gas Chromatography with Pulsed Flame Photometric Detection (GC-PFPD)
PublikacjaThis article presents the results of investigations on the use of headspace analysis and gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detection (HSA-GC-PFPD) to evaluate the effectiveness of oxidation of postoxidative effluents from the production of bitumens. Samples of effluents from the bitumen oxidation unit were used in the experiments. In addition, the kinetics of effluent oxidation was also investigated. The content...
Application of headspace-solid phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to determine short-chain monocarboxylic acids in cattle farm wastewater and waste landfill leachates
PublikacjaZaproponowano metodykę oznaczania krótkołańcuchowych kwasów monokarboksylowych w ściekach z hodowli bydła i odciekach ze składowisk zawierających organiczne odpady, oparta na technice mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej z fazy nadpowierzchniowej próbek ciekłych, w połączeniu ze sprzężonym układem GC-MS.