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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: HEAVY METAL IONS
Recent Advances in Graphene Oxide-Based Membranes for Heavy Metal Ions Separation
PublikacjaGraphene oxide (GO)-based membranes have been widely investigated for separation of dyes, salt ions, heavy metal ions, and biomolecules due to their high mechanical strength, single-layered structure, large surface area, and high affinity. However, due to irregular pore structure, nanochannels, interlayer distance, easy functionalization, swelling effect, and chemical stability under aqueous environment limited their separation...
Recent advancements in molecularly imprinted polymers for the removal of heavy metal ions and dyes
PublikacjaContamination set off by highly toxic metal ions and dyes is a big threat to the environment and living beings. Various industries like metal plating, mining, pesticides, battery manufacturing, and dyeing release metal ions and toxic dyes directly into the water. It is necessary to remove these toxic substances from the environment. Molecular imprinting technology (MIT) got a lot of attention in the last two decades because of...
Use of clinoptilolite for the immobilization of heavy metal ions and preparation of autoclaved building composites
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Magnetic organic xerogels: efficient adsorbents for the removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions
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Functionalized Fe3O4 Nanoparticles as Glassy Carbon Electrode Modifiers for Heavy Metal Ions Detection—A Mini Review
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Energy transfer mechanisms in heavy metal oxide glasses doped with lanthanide ions
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2.7 μm emission in heavy metal oxide glasses doped with erbium ions
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Metal ions in life sciences
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Simultaneous Recovery of Precious and Heavy Metal Ions from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Using Polymer Films Containing Cyphos IL 101
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Spectroscopic properties of heavy metal oxide glasses doped with Er3+ ions for mid-infrared applications
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Thermal, structural and spectroscopic properties of heavy metal oxide glass and glass-ceramics doped with Er3+ions
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Broadband mid-infrared emission in heavy metal oxide glasses triply-doped with Er3+/Ho3+/Yb3+ ions
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New nanoadsorbent based on magnetic iron oxide containing 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane in outer chain (Fe3O4@SiO2-cyclen) for adsorption and removal of selected heavy metal ions Cd2+, Pb2+, Cu2+
PublikacjaMagnetic Fe3O4@SiO2-cyclen nanoparticles were prepared and used as adsorbent for Cd2+, Pb2+ and Cu2+ from aqueous solution removal process controlled with differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV) and hanging mercury drop electrode (HDME). Nanomaterial was synthesised in three-step process co-precipitation of Fe3O4 core, coating with silane and N-(3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl)-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1-carboxamide...
Membranes for toxic- and heavy-metal removal
PublikacjaSince time ago, membranes have greatly attracted the attention of researchers for different types of water-treatment applications, such as wastewater treatment, water purification, removal of microorganisms, chemical compounds, and heavy metals. Nowadays, one of the current challenges of research community definitely deals with the removal of toxic and heavy metals from water. In this regard, the current chapter provides enough...
Calixthioamides as ionophores for transition and heavy-metal cations
PublikacjaThere is an increasing interest in applying p-tert-butylcalix[4]arenes as sensing materials in ion-selective electrodes(ISEs). Considerable efforts were made to design calixarenes that are selective for some heavy- or transitionmetal ions to be used in ISEs for controlling and monitoring the level of such pollutants in the environment. It has been reported that introduction of softer sulfur atoms instead of oxygen atoms in calix[4]arene...
Study of Mid-Infrared Emission and Structural Properties of Heavy Metal Oxide Glass and Optical Fibre Co-Doped with Ho3+/Yb3+ Ions
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Influence of sludge treatment processes on heavy metal speciation
PublikacjaSludge composition is depending on sewage quality and also affected by processing methods such as thickening, stabilization and dewatering. During those processes some of sludge's undesirable properties might be reduced or enhanced.The objective of the study is the assessment of the influence of sludge processing on selected heavy metals partitioning between phases (aqueous and particle) and sludge. Sludge from the WWTP in Gdansk...
Methodological evaluation of method for dietary heavy metal intake
PublikacjaNarażenie człowieka na działanie zanieczyszczeń środowiskowych jest poważnym problemem w obecnych czasach. Metale ciężkie są uważane za toksyczne dla człowieka ze względu na tendencję kumulowania się w wybranych tkankach organizmu. Ponadto, ich obecność w ustroju jest przyczyną wielu schorzeń. Substancje szkodliwe mogą przenikać do organizmu kilkoma drogami, poprzez spożywanie skażonej żywności. Biorąc pod uwagę ryzyko związane...
Simultaneous Analysis of Heavy Metal Concentration in Soil Samples
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The recovery and the separation of metal ions from galvanic wastewaters
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Evaluation of specific capacity of poultry litter in heavy metal sorption
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Calix[4]arene-Thioamides as Ionophores for Transition and Heavy Metal cations
PublikacjaCalix[4]arene derivatives play an important role as sensing materials in Ion Selective Electrodes(ISEs). Nowadays a high impact is put to control in natural waters the level of toxic heavy metals, like Pb ,Cd, Hg or Cu which may cause the great risk to human health. Our goal was to design and to synthesize ligands possessing ability to bind transition and heavy metal cations. The synthesis, crystal structures,extractive and ionophoric...
Speciation of heavy metal compounds in samples of biota from marine ecosystems
PublikacjaIt has become increasingly evident that the toxicity, mobility, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of metals are dependent on the particular physico-chemical form in which the element occurs in the environment. Special attention is paid to metals, which are essential for the proper functioning of organisms if present in appropriate amounts but are toxic if in excess (i.e. Se, Cr, Zn), and also to non-essential elements (i.e. Hg,...
Stimulation of Heavy Metal Adsorption Process by Using a Strong Magnetic Field
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Calix[4]arene-Thioamides as Ionophores for Transition and Heavy Metal Cations.
PublikacjaPochodne kaliks[4]arenów odgrywają ważną rolę jako materiał aktywny w membranowych elektrodach jonoselektywnych. Obecnie duży nacisk kładzie się na kontrolę stężeń kationów metali ciężkich, takich jak Pb, Cd, Hg, Cu w wodach naturalnych. Naszym zadaniem było zaprojektować i zsyntezować ligandy, które wykazują zdolność do wiązania kationów metali ciężkich i przejściowych. Synteza, struktury krystaliczne, ekstrakcja i właściwości...
Direct cloning of heavy metal resistance genes from metagenomic DNA
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Remediation techniques for elimination of heavy metal pollutants from soil: A review
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Mixed conductivity in tungstenite-phosphate glasses containing alkali metal ions
PublikacjaThe conductivity of glasses in the 50WO3-(50-x)P2O5-xA2O (A = Na, K, Cs) system has been investigated as a function of composition. It is shown that in tungstenite-phosphate glasses containing different alkali metal ions the conductivity decreases with an increase in the alkali metal ion content. A decrease in conductivity is larger for heavier ions and reaches more than seven orders of magnitude in the case of glass containing...
Interaction of selected divalent metal ions with human ataxin-3 Q36
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Application of Coordination Compounds with Transition Metal Ions in the Chemical Industry—A Review
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Atmospheric heavy metal deposition accumulated in rural forest soils of southern Scandinavia
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono obliczenia zakumulowanej ( w okresie 50 lat) atmosferycznej depozycji metali ciężkich na glebach leśnych na obszarach wiejskich. Podstawę do obliczeń stanowiły:- pomiary zawartości metali ciężkich w opadach atmosferycznych (przeprowadzone przez okres 33 lat) na terenie Danii,- europejska baza danych o emisji zanieczyszczeń.Oznaczano zawartość metali ciężkich (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, V, Ni, As) w próbkach opadów atmosferycznych...
Heavy-metal tolerance of photobiont in pioneer lichens inhabiting heavily polluted sites
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Material Balance for Stepwise Extraction of Freshwater Algae Biomass with Heavy Metal Sequestration
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Apparent molar volumes and compressibilities of alkaline earth metal ions in methanol and dimethylsulfoxide
PublikacjaTemperature dependencies of density of magnesium (II), calcium (II), strontium (II), barium (II) perchlorates as well as beryllium (II), and sodium trifluoromethanesulfonates in methanol and dimethylsulfoxide have been determined over the composition range studied. From density data the apparent molar volumes and partial molar volumes of the salts at infinite dilution as well as the expansibilities have been evaluated. The apparent...
Utilizing Cement Kiln Dust as an Efficient Adsorbent for Heavy Metal Removal in Wastewater Treatment
PublikacjaCement kiln dust (CKD), a by-product of cement manufacturing, has been largely underutilized despite its potential as an eco-friendly adsorbent for wastewater treatment. This study addresses the knowledge gap regarding CKD’s effectiveness in removing heavy metals from wastewater residuals. A comprehensive experimental program was conducted to optimize key parameters such as the pH (6–9), contact time, sorbent dosage, and initial heavy...
Annual variability of heavy metal content in Svalbard reindeer faeces as a result of dietary preferences
PublikacjaDuring both winter and summer, Svalbard reindeer selectively feed on different types of vegetation that are not only a source of nutritional value, but also a place of heavy metal accumulation. In the present study, the content of cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, nickel, manganese, and zinc in reindeer excrement was measured. The main aims were to determine the seasonal content of several heavy metals in Svalbard reindeer...
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Sustainable Approaches to Alleviate Heavy Metal Stress in Tomatoes: Exploring the Role of Chitosan and Nanosilver
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Complexation studies of 3-substituted β-diketones with selected d- and f-metal ions
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The structure of dimethylsulfoxide-solvated magnesium and calcium ions in solution and the solid state, and overview of the coordination chemistry of hydrated and solvated alkaline earth metal ions
PublikacjaOznaczono strukturę w stanie stałym i ciekłym solwatowanych jonów magnezu i wapnia w dimetylosulfotlenku. Stwierdzono, ze jony te tworzą sześciokoordynacyjne solwaty ze średnią długością wiązań Mg-O i Ca-O 2.062(4) i 2.303(5)A. Przegląd literaturowy ukazał, że jony berylu i magnezu we wszystkich rozpuszczalnikach tworzą odpowiednio cztero- i sześciokoordynacyjne solwaty, podczas gdy jony wapnia i strontu istnieją jako ośmiokoordynacyjne...
The occurrence of heavy metals and metal-resistant bacteria in water and bottom sediments of the Straszyn reservoir (Poland)
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is investigate the distribution of selected heavy metals (zinc, copper, lead, cadmium) and metal-resistant bacteria in water and bottom sediments of drinking water reservoir for Gdańsk (Poland). The research area - Straszyn Lake is a dam reservoir on Radunia river, of the total volume of 3 mln m3. Sediment and water sampling took place between May and October 2013 (eight series). Regarding metal concentration...
Antioxidative enzymes and expression of rbcL gene as tools to monitor heavy metal-related stress in plants
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The level of jasmonic acid in Arabidopsis thaliana and Phaseolus coccineus plants under heavy metal stress
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Relationship between heavy metal distribution in sediment samples and their ecotoxicity by the use of the Hasse diagram technique
PublikacjaOpisane badania wskazują, że istnieje nowe podejście oszacowywania ryzyka zanieczyszczenia określonych przedziałów środowiska morskiego dzięki równoczesnemu monitorowaniu zawartości metali ciężkich i parametrów ekotoksykologicznych. Rutynowe podejście stosuje oddzielnie wskaźniki zawartości metali ciężkich i wskaźniki ekotoksykologiczne w celu wykrycia zależności między poziomami zawartości metali ciężkich a mierzalnymi parametrami...
Studies of scintillation light nonproportionality of ZnSe(Te), CsI(Tl) and YAP(Ce) crystals using heavy ions
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Mixed electronic-ionic conductivity in transition metal oxide glasses con-taining alkaline ions
PublikacjaOpisano właściwości elektryczne szkieł z tlenkami metali przejściowych zawierających jony metali alkalicznych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na typowe zmiany przewodnictwa występujące przy domieszkowaniu tego typu szkieł jonami metali alkalicznych. Porównano przewodnictwo elektryczne szkieł fosforanowo-żelazowych zawierających jony sodu z przewodnictwem szkieł bizmutowo-miedziowych.
Heavy metal accumulation and distribution in Phragmites australis seedlings tissues originating from natural and urban catchment
PublikacjaThe retention of heavy metal (HM) was studied in root and rhizomes (BLG), stems (ST), and leaves (LF) of Phragmites australis (common reed) seedlings collected from different locations, differing in the scale of anthropogenic interference. The analysis includes the reference samples of sediments in uncontaminated lake Garczonki and contaminated roadside ditch in Cieplewo. The concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, and Cr were analyzed...
Risk Analysis of Heavy Metal Accumulation from Sewage Sludge of Selected Wastewater Treatment Plants in Poland
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Up-conversion luminescence in low phonon heavy metal oxide glass co-doped with Er3+/Ho3+