wszystkich: 744
New technologies for green hydrogen activation, storage, and transportation
PublikacjaDeveloping new green hydrogen activation, storage, and transportation technologies is a highly complex and multidisciplinary endeavor. This challenge arises from integrating various scientific, engineering, and environmental considerations. Effective evaluation of green hydrogen technologies involves a holistic approach that considers not only the technical aspects but also economic, environmental, and social factors. These criteria...
Techno-economic assessment of cooperation of hybrid renewable energy sources with hydrogen storage
PublikacjaThe paper presents a technical and economic analysis of the power supply for a model industrial facility with the use of the most promising renewable energy sources (RES), supported by a hydrogen energy storage. This scenario was compared with the variants of supplying the facility directly from the grid and from RES without energy storage. A strategy was proposed for powering the plant aimed at maximising self-consumption of self-generated...
Holistic view to decarbonising cruise ships with a combination of energy saving technologies and hydrogen as fuel
PublikacjaCruise ship decarbonisation was studied on a Mediterranean cruise profile. The analysis focused on ship energy flows, fuel consumption, carbon emissions, ship CII and EEDI. A combination of technologies for reducing ship fuel consumption was simulated before introducing hydrogen fueled machinery for the ship. The studied technologies included ultrasound antifouling, shore power, battery hybrid machinery, waste heat recovery and...
Review of hydrogen production technologies for automotive sector – thermodynamic analysis of energy and exergy losses
PublikacjaFew recent years has shown that hydrogen technology has a good chance to replace petroleum technology in automotive sector. However, hydrogen in pure form practically does not occur on Earth. That is why H2 form is used only as an energy carrier and it must be produced using another source of energy form water or hydrocarbon fuels. In this paper short overview of hydrogen production technology has been presented, with energy and...
Exploring hydrogen energy systems: A comprehensive review of technologies, applications, prevailing trends, and associated challenges
PublikacjaExploring hydrogen energy and its associated technologies is a pivotal pathway towards achieving carbon neutrality. This article comprehensively reviews hydrogen production technologies, storage technologies, and end-use applications of hydrogen, based on the input energy source, operating conditions, conversion efficiency, energy density, and unit investment cost. The review also highlights the advantages, disadvantages, and technological readiness...
Optimisation of cooperation of hybrid renewable energy sources with hydrogen energy storage toward the lowest net present cost
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of a technical and economic analysis of the power supply for a model industrial facility based on intermittent renewable energy sources in the form of wind turbines and photovoltaic modules, supplemented with hydrogen energy storage. The adopted power supply strategy assumed the maximisation of self-consumption of self-produced electricity. Six variants were considered, including two with an energy...
Recent Progress on Hydrogen Storage and Production Using Chemical Hydrogen Carriers
PublikacjaDepleting fossil fuel resources and anthropogenic climate changes are the reasons for the intensive development of new, sustainable technologies based on renewable energy sources. One of the most promising strategies is the utilization of hydrogen as an energy vector. However, the limiting issue for large-scale commercialization of hydrogen technologies is a safe, efficient, and economical method of gas storage. In industrial practice,...
Hydrogen Storage in Geological Formations—The Potential of Salt Caverns
PublikacjaHydrogen-based technologies are among the most promising solutions to fulfill the ze- ro-emission scenario and ensure the energy independence of many countries. Hydrogen is considered a green energy carrier, which can be utilized in the energy, transport, and chemical sectors. However, efficient and safe large-scale hydrogen storage is still challenging. The most frequently used hydrogen storage solutions in industry, i.e., compression...
Influence of hydrogen on a nanocrystalline high-entropy oxide with application potential in hydrogen technologies
PublikacjaThe influence of hydrogen on a (Co0⋅2Cu0⋅2Mg0⋅2Ni0⋅2Zn0.2)O HEO with a rock salt structure was studied. Two forms of this HEO (nanopowder and sinter) were prepared via mechanochemical synthesis (MS) and additional heat treatment, respectively. The chemical stability of the synthesized samples in a pure hydrogen atmosphere was investigated using Sievert’s technique. High-pressure hydrogenation at 250 ◦C had no noticeable effect...
Ternary LaNi4.75M0.25 hydrogen storage alloys: Surface segregation, hydrogen sorption and thermodynamic stability
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Effect of the welding environment and storage time of electrodes on the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublikacjaIn the study the glycerin displacement method was used for determination of diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal. Specimens were welded in the air and in the water with covered rutile electrodes. The first part of the specimens was made immediately after opening the package of the electrodes. The electrodes were then stored in opened packages in laboratory conditions that allowed for contact with the air for three years....
Electrochemical impedance studies of AB5-type hydrogen storage alloy
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Electrochemical impedance studies of AB5 -type hydrogen storage alloy
PublikacjaDo wyznaczenia własności stopu AB5 wykorzystano elektrochemiczną spektroskopie impedancyjną. Badania impedancyjne wykonano podczas chronowoltamperometri cyklicznej oraz cykli ładowania i rozładowania elektrody. Interpretacja uzyskanych w trybie potencjostatycznym wyników pozwoliła na dalszą interpretacje wyników uzyskanych w trybie galwanostatycznym. Proponowana metodologia umożliwia śledzić parametry elektryczne badanego układu...
Magazynowanie energii elektrycznej i gospodarka wodorowa
PublikacjaW artykule dokonano przegl ą du aktualnych technologii magazynowania energii elektrycznej oraz zestawiono uzyskiwane parametry w aspekcie zastosowa ń w zasobnikach systemowych. Przedstawiono studium mo ż liwo ś ci magazynowania energii z odnawialnych ź róde ł energii (O Ź E) w zasobnikach akumulatorowych i elektrowniach szczytowo-pompowych w Polsce. Omówiono tak ż e mo ż liwo ś ci wykorzystania...
Hydrogen production from wastewater, storage, economy, governance and applications: a review
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Technological solutions for boosting hydrogen role in decarbonization strategies and net-zero goals of world shipping: Challenges and perspectives
PublikacjaFacing the problems concerning greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from international ocean shipping has meant that the latest regulations of the International Maritime Organization, issued on 1st January 2023, have come into force, with the aim of reducing GHG emissions from maritime activities. Hydrogen has been suggested as an alternative fuel to achieve decarbonization ambitions in the near future. Although hydrogen has been investigated...
In situ deposition of Pd nanoparticles with controllable diameters in hollow carbon spheres for hydrogen storage
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Effect of Pd loading on hydrogen storage properties of disordered mesoporous hollow carbon spheres
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Renewable energy transition in Europe in the context of renewable energy transition processes in the world. A review
PublikacjaBoth the global and European energy sectors have been undergoing a deep transition for several years, associated with a reduction in the overall share of conventional coal-based energy in favor of new technologies, especially energy from renewable sources (RES). This transition is moving from centralized production towards distributed technologies and from providing only energy to end users towards combining innovative products...
Pd supported ordered mesoporous hollow carbon spheres (OMHCS) for hydrogen storage
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Correlation between partial inhibition of hydrogen evolution using thiourea and catalytic activity of AB5-type hydrogen storage alloy towards borohydride electrooxidation
PublikacjaDirect borohydride fuel cells (DBFCs) are devices which directly convert the chemical energy stored in the borohydride ion and oxidant into electrical energy as a result of redox reactions. Unfortunately, a significant amount of fuel is lost as a result of the undesirable hydrolysis reaction. The selection of an efficient borohydride hydrolysis inhibitor requires detailed knowledge regarding the interaction mechanism between the...
Ewa Klugmann-Radziemska prof. dr hab.
OsobyEwa Klugmann-Radziemska ukończyła studia wyższe na kierunku fizyka na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim. Od roku 1996 związana jest z Politechniką Gdańską, kiedy to rozpoczęła studia doktoranckie. Obecnie jest profesorem na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej, od roku 2006 kierownikiem Katedry Konwersji i Magazynowania Energii. W latach 2008–2016 pełniła funkcję Prodziekana ds. współpracy i rozwoju, w latach 2016-2019 była Pełnomocnikiem...
Pd nanoparticles with tunable diameter deposited on carbon nanotubes with enhanced hydrogen storage capacity
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Sustainable Conversion of Mixed Plastics into Porous Carbon Nanosheets with High Performances in Uptake of Carbon Dioxide and Storage of Hydrogen
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The Effect of C45 Carbon Black-Phosphomolybdic Acid Nanocomposite on Hydrogenation and Corrosion Resistance of La2Ni9Co Hydrogen Storage Alloy
PublikacjaIn this paper, we analysed the influence of corrosion processes and the addition of a carbon black-heteropoly phosphomolybdic acid (C45-MPA) nanocomposite on the operating parameters of a hydride electrode obtained on the basis of the intermetallic compound La2Ni9Co. The electrochemical properties of negative electrodes for NiMH batteries were studied using galvanostatic charge/discharge curves, the potentiostatic method, and electrochemical...
A Comparison of Hydrogen Storage in Pt, Pd and Pt/Pd Alloys Loaded Disordered Mesoporous Hollow Carbon Spheres
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Bartosz Dawidowicz dr inż.
OsobyAbsolwent Wydziału Budowy Maszyn Politechniki Gdańskiej Mgr inż. - Wydział Budowy Maszyn Politechniki Gdańskiej: specjalizacja: Maszyny i Urządzenia Przemysłu Spożywczego (2000)Dr - Wydział Budowy Maszyn Politechniki Gdańskiej, dyscyplina: budowa i eksploatacja maszyn, specjalność: wymiana ciepła (2008) Zainteresowania naukowe dotyczą technik wodorowych – ogniwa paliwowe, wykorzystanie wodoru na cele energetyczne, odnawialnych...
Powering the Future by Iron Sulfide Type Material (FexSy) Based Electrochemical Materials for Water Splitting and Energy Storage Applications: A Review
PublikacjaWater electrolysis is among the recent alternatives for generating clean fuels (hydrogen). It is an efficient way to produce pure hydrogen at a rapid pace with no unwanted by-products. Effective and cheap water-splitting electrocatalysts with enhanced activity, specificity, and stability are currently widely studied. In this regard, noble metal-free transition metal-based catalysts are of high interest. Iron sulfide (FeS) is one...
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Muhammad Danish Ali MSc.
OsobyMuhammad Danish Ali is a dedicated researcher ( Google scholar h index 12) specializing in energy Storage Materials at Silesian University of Technology in Katowice, Poland. He is completing his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Anna Starczewska from Silesian University of Technology, Katowice, Poland. With a solid academic foundation in material science from the University of the Punjab, Lahore, he has focused his research on...
Anna Kuczyńska-Łażewska dr inż.
OsobyAnna Kuczyńska-Łażewska ukończyła studia na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej na kierunku Chemia (I st.) i Technologie Ochrony Środowiska, specjalizacja: systemy ochrony środowiska (II st.). W 2014 odbyła 3-miesięczny staż w Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse w Rostocku. Doktorat w tematyce recyklingu modułów I i II generacji obroniła w 2018 roku po opieką prof. dr hab. Ewy Klugmann-Radziemskiej w Katedrze Aparatury i Maszynoznawstwa...
Electrocatalytic water splitting by bifunctional Zircon-doped borophene
Dane BadawczeThe data in the folder represent modified boron for use in electrochemical water splitting half reactions. The oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) play a vital role in renewable energy applications such as water splitting. Borophene, a two-dimensional (2D) boron-based material, has garnered significant attention due...
Układy napędowe pojazdów elektrycznych
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono nowe technologie stosowane w układach napędowych pojazdów elektrycznych. Praca zawiera zależności teorii ruchu pojazdu, nowe rozwiązania w konstrukcji silników trakcyjnych. Przedstawiono również zagadnienia układów zasilania bateryjnego i magazynów energii z superkondensatorami. Pokazano metody sterowania zapewniające optymalizacje rozdziału energii pomiędzy akumulatorami a magazynem energii. Zaprezentowano...
Bariery stosowania technologii odzysku energii w transporcie szynowym
PublikacjaNa wstępie artykułu został przedstawiony przegląd istniejących technologii odzysku energii w procesie hamowania oraz możliwości jej wykorzystania. Omówiono możliwości akumulowania rekuperowanej energii w zasobnikach stacjonarnych oraz tych zainstalowanych w pojazdach, możliwość przesyłu energii do krajowej sieci energetycznej jak również jej bezpośredniego wykorzystania przez inne pojazdy znajdujące się na sieci. W części zasadniczej...
PublikacjaMetropolia trójmiejska ma wyjątkowo negatywne uwarunkowania terenowe dla funkcjonowania i rozwoju sieci komunikacji publicWyznej. Dzielnice położone w tzw. dolnym tarasie są dobrze skomunikowane za pomocą linii SKM i tramwajowych. Jedynie te środki komunikacji szynowej, przy częstotliwości połączeń nie większej niż co 10 minut, są konkurencyjne dla indywidualnych dojazdów samochodami osobowymi. Natomiast autobusy i trolejbusy utykające...
Determination of moisture resistance of covered electrodes according to PN-EN ISO 14372
PublikacjaMoisture present in the electrode covering is one of the sources of diffusible hydrogen in welded joints. In order to study the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal, a stand for moisturizing covered electrodes, in accordance with the PN-EN ISO 14372 standard, was built. After the stand was completed, a test of moisturizing the electrodes was carried out and measurements of the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited...
Storage of High-Strength Steel Flux-Cored Welding Wires in Urbanized Areas
PublikacjaThe condition of the consumables is a key factor determining the waste reduction in the welding processes and the quality of the welded joint. The paper presents the results of tests of four types of fux-cored wires dedicated for welding high-strength steels, stored for 1 month and 6 months in Poland in two urbanized areas: in a large seaside city (Gdańsk) and in Warsaw, located in the center of the country. The wires were subjected...
PublikacjaDogodne warunki terenowe Wzgórza Szubienicznego w Gdańsku oraz istniejąca tam infrastruktura stanowią podstawę do rozważenia koncepcji doposażenia instalacji badawczej Laboratorium Innowacyjnych Technologii Elektroenergetycznych i Integracji Odnawialnych Źródeł Energii LINTE^2 w skojarzony, hydro-wiatrowy zespół wytwórczy. W artykule zaproponowano koncepcję budowy elektrowni pompowo-szczytowej z turbinami Francisa oraz elektrowni...
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to investigate thermodynamic efficiency of advanced hierarchic power cyclesunder partial loads by using of exergy analyze. Advanced hierarchical power systems arecomposed of few energy conversion cycles, most common are steam and gas cycles in various configurations, but they may contain fuel cells, ORC, lithium bromide absorption chillers and others. Moreover hierarchical cycles can be powered by several...
Analysis of "green methanol" production from carbon dioxide acquired from negative emission power plants using CFD approach for catalytic reactor
PublikacjaThe growing global demand for energy, coupled with the urgent need to reduce carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions, has led to the development of innovative energy cycles such as the negative CO₂ gas power plant (nCO2PP). Carbon dioxide storage and reuse in current industries is therefore becoming an important issue. The answer to this is the process of synthesizing methanol, commonly used in many industries from captured carbon dioxide...
Preliminary studies of seamless flux cored wires stored in extreme conditions
PublikacjaIn the paper preliminary experimental studies of flux cored wires moisturized under controlled conditions are described. Three seamless wires of different grades have been placed in environmental chamber and moisturized in extremely adverse conditions (temperature T = 60° C, relative humidity H = 90%) for 240 hours. During this time measurements of weight gain and observations of surface of wires have been carried out. Also diffusible...
Plasticity of Bead-On-Plate Welds Made with the Use of Stored Flux-Cored Wires for Offshore Applications
PublikacjaExtreme atmospheric conditions in the marine and offshore industry are harmful to engineering materials, especially to welded joints, and may cause degradation of their properties. This article presents the results of research on the plasticity of bead-on-plate welds made using two types of seamless, copper plated flux-cored wires. Before welding, spools with wire were stored for 1 month in two distinct locations with different...
Jacek Gębicki dr hab. inż.
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Thermodynamic analysis of the Compressed Air Energy Storage system coupled with the Underground Thermal Energy Storage
PublikacjaImprovement of flexibility is one of the key challenges for the transformation of the Polish Power System aiming at a high share of renewable energy in electricity generation. Flexible and dispatchable power plants will contribute to this ongoing transformation process as they compensate for fluctuations in electricity generation from renewable energy sources such as wind and photovoltaics. In this context, CAES storage tanks are...
PublikacjaT his article is devoted to the investigation of the characteristics of a low-emission gas turbine combustion chamber, which can be used in Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels and operates on a mixture of natural gas and hydrogen. A new approach is proposed for modelling the processes of burning out a mixture of natural gas with hydrogen under preliminary mixing conditions in gaseous fuel with an oxidizer...
Partial inhibition of borohydride hydrolysis using porous activated carbon as an effective method to improve the electrocatalytic activity of the DBFC anode
PublikacjaCarbon materials are commonly used catalyst supports in various types of fuel cells. Due to the possibility of designing their properties, they seem to be attractive and functional additives. In Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells (DBFCs), the electrooxidation reaction of borohydride competes with the undesirable hydrolysis reaction, therefore our work aimed to modify anodes based on a multi-component hydrogen storage alloy with a small...
Energy Storage
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Recent Advances in Polymer Nanocomposites: Unveiling the Frontier of Shape Memory and Self-Healing Properties—A Comprehensive Review
PublikacjaShape memory and self-healing polymer nanocomposites have attracted considerable attention due to their modifiable properties and promising applications. The incorporation of nanomaterials (polypyrrole, carboxyl methyl cellulose, carbon nanotubes, titania nanotubes, graphene, graphene oxide, mesoporous silica) into these polymers has significantly enhanced their performance, opening up new avenues for diverse applications. The...
CAES – Energy storage providing stability for national power system
PublikacjaThis paper presents a short characteristics of the power system. It also describes various types of energy storage technologies. The suggested solution of accumulation and generation of electric power is based on the cooperation of gas turbine with Compressed Air Storage Energy systems – CAES. This analysis describes also various types of cooperation of CAES and renewable sources of energy, particularly wind power systems.
Modelowanie systemów energetycznych wytwarzania energii elektrycznej i ciepła do celów planowania rozwoju - wybrane zagadnienia
PublikacjaSystemy energetyczne wymagają przemian technologicznych w kierunku neutralności klimatycznej. W Polsce, w której systemie elektroenergetycznym i systemach ciepłowniczych dominują przestarzałe elektrownie i ciepłownie węglowe, dążenie do minimalizacji wpływu na środowisko wiąże się z wysokimi kosztami. Dlatego należy szukać optymalnych ścieżek roz-woju energetyki, aby osiągnąć ambitne długoterminowe cele strategiczne, przy minimalizacji...