


  • Offshoring and outsourcing in Visegrad countries, Advantages and disadvantages.

    Outsourcing and offshoring are getting more and more popular in the “new EU” coun-tries. They constitute very attractive venues for more developed EU countries to outsource or offshore their business activities. Authors of the article have investigated the advantages and disadvantages of locating outsourcing activities in each of the Visegrad (V4) countries. The authors have studied macroeconomic factors based on the reports of...

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  • Localization Factors for Outsourcing and Offshoring Projects in the V4 Countries. An Attempt of Initial Investigation


    Main objective of this paper is to present the conditions for the investors in the context of outsourcing or offshoring provided by V4 countries in order to present similarities and opposites between analyzed countries and to identify good and bad sides of investing in particular Visegrad group country.

  • Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal


    ISSN: 1753-8297

  • Integrated sectors - diversified earnings: the (mising) impact of offshoring on wages and wage convergence in the EU27

    This paper assesses the impact of international outsourcing/offshoring practices on the process of wage equalization across manufacturing sectors in a sample of EU27 economies (1995–2009). We discriminate between heterogeneous wage effects on different skill categories of workers (low, medium and high skill). The main focus is on the labour market outcomes of vertical integration, so we augment a model of conditional wage convergence through...

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  • Integrated Sectors - Diversified Earnings: The (Missing) Impact of Offshoring on Wages and Wage Convergence in the EU27


    This paper assesses the impact of international outsourcing/offshoring practices on the process of wage equalization across manufacturing sectors in a sample of EU27 economies (1995-2009). We discriminate between heterogeneous wage effects on different skill categories of workers (low, medium and high skill). The main focus is on the labour market outcomes of vertical integration, so we augment a model of conditional wage convergence...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Does offshoring affect industry employment? Evidence from a wide European panel countries

    is paper contributes to the literature on the possible impact of international outsourcing on domestic labour markets. We focus on off shoring-employment relationship. Th e analysis is performed for a wide European panel, composed of 27 EU countries and 13 manufacturing sectors, observed in the period 1995-2009. Th anks to the use of input-output tables from the WIOD project, we measure the intensity of off shoring in the sectors,...

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  • Aleksandra Parteka dr hab. inż.

    About me: I am an associate professor and head of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology (GdanskTech, Poland).  I got my MSc degree in Economics from Gdansk University of Technology (2003) and Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche (2005), as well as MA degree in Contemporary European Studies from Sussex University (2006, with distinction).  I received my PhD in Economics...

  • Path dependence, modularity and the offshoring of (some) physician services


    - Rok 2010

    This paper integrates ideas from modularity and path dependency to explain the potential for and limitations of the offshoring of high value added physician services. While not all medical services are amenable to offshoring, a growing number of physician activities can be viewed as modular components which, at least technically, could be performed remotely. As a result, the presumption that concerns for efficiency dictate how...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • The effects of offshoring to low-wage countries on domestic wages: a worldwide industrial analysis


    This paper extends the literature on the implications of offshoring for labour markets by investigating its effect on the wages of different skill groups in a broad global context. The analysis draws on input–output data from the WIOD project, and in the panel analysed (13 manufacturing industries, 40 countries, 1995–2009) we account for up to 96 % of the international trade in manufacturing inputs. Being particularly interested...

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  • Quantifying wage effects of offshoring: import- versus export-based measures of production fragmentation

    In this paper we examine the implications of international fragmentation of production on wages in the light of recent methodological developments in offshoring measurement. In particular, we compare the results stemming from two ways of quantifying offshoring – the traditional one based on import statistics and the one obtained from the decomposition of gross exports and input-output information. In the empirical part of our study,...

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  • Mateusz Muchlado dr

    Mateusz Muchlado - adiunkt w Katedrze Inżynierii Zarządzania i Jakości.  Stopień doktora nauk o zarządzaniu i jakości uzyskał w roku 2020 na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej broniąc pracę pt. "Outsourcing w wybranych podmiotach leczniczych województwa pomorskiego". Związany z Politechniką Gdańską od 2010 roku, absolwent kierunku "International Management", studiował w latach 2011-2012 na Otto-Friedrich-Universität...

  • Outsourcing w wybranych podmiotach leczniczych województwa pomorskiego.


    - Rok 2020

    Celem badawczym, przyjętym w niniejszej pracy jest identyfikacja procesów zlecanych na zewnątrz w badanej populacji wraz z czynnikami warunkującymi ich skuteczność. Celem utylitarnym jest opracowanie narzędzia umożliwiającego dobór dostawców oraz ocenę procesów poddanych outsourcingowi. W rozdziale pierwszym pracy omówiono pojęcie outsourcingu oraz jego wykorzystanie w zarządzaniu procesami organizacji. Zidentyfikowano również...

  • Ryszard S. Romaniuk profesor


    Professor of Electronics, Computer and Communications Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology, Poland; Eisenhower Fellow, Philadelphia, MA USA; SPIE Fellow, Bellingham, WA USA; Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, Polish Academy of Sciences; Photonics Spectra Magazine, EAB Member;  ORCID;  GoogleScholar; ResearchGate; Publons; Scopus; PW; OWPW; PBN; NaukaPolska; IN;  

  • Pharmaceutical Outsourcing


    ISSN: 1945-3337

  • Outsourcing w utrzymaniu maszyn i urządzeń technicznych.

    W artykule opisano możliwości firm w zakresie korzystania z usług obcych w ramach outsourcingu. Postarano się przybliżyć różne warianty wyboru powierzania utrzymania obiektów technicznych w ramach usług obcych. Wymieniono korzyści i ewentualne zagrożenia, które może nieść wybrany wariant oraz przybliżono nowe formy podziału pracy w przedsiębiorstwach.

  • Outsourcing w przedsiębiorstawach polskich - model podziału pracy

    Artykuł ukazuje możliwości zastosowania modelu optymalizacji pracy w zakresie korzystania z usług obcych. Dotyczy badań przypadku zlecania na zewnątrz zadań związanych z utrzymaniem maszyn i urządzeń technicznych przez polskie przedsiębiorstwa. Potwierdza zasadność stosowania modelu optymalizacyjnego podziału oraz jego elastyczność w obliczu wymagań przedsiębiorcy.

  • International Trade winter 2022

    Kursy Online
    • A. Parteka

    Main aim of the subject is to transfer knowledge on theoretical and empirical aspects of international trade. During the lectures we will cover patterns of international trade, main models of international trade and topics related to trade policy. During labs students will analyze current issues concerning trade flows in globalized world economy.

  • International Trade - winter 2023

    Kursy Online
    • Z. H. Zarach
    • A. Parteka

    Main aim of the subject is to transfer knowledge on theoretical and empirical aspects of international trade. During the lectures we will cover patterns of international trade, main models of international trade and topics related to trade policy. During labs students will analyze current issues concerning trade flows in globalized world economy.

  • International Competitiveness in the Economics Literature: A Bibliometric Study

    This paper has as its main aim to consolidate the state of the art of academic research on international competitiveness, based on a bibliometric study of the economics literature published over the past 70 years. Citation data is collected from the ISI WEB of Science website, Scopus and Google Scholar and is analysed using Histcite and Vosviewer software. The growth pattern of the international competitiveness literature is investigated...

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  • Outsourcing w przedsiębiorstwach w świetle wyników badań ankietowych w województwie pomorskim i wielkopolskim


    - Rok 2008

    W tradycyjnej gospodarce o zdolnościach konkurencyjnych decydowały klasyczne zasoby przedsiębiorstw. W gospodarce globalnej oprócz zasobów naturalnych, czy też taniej siły roboczej ważna staje sie wiedza, informacja, kompetencje oraz nowe idee, do których tworzenia potrzebny jest czynnik wysoko kwalifikowanej pracy ludzkiej. Pomnażanie wiedzy oraz umiejętność jej wykorzystania wydaje się jednym z największych wyzwań stojących przed...