Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: LIVE LOAD - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: LIVE LOAD

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: LIVE LOAD

  • Load function walking pedestrian on the footbridge.


    - Rok 2004

    Modern foot bridges are more and more sensitive to variable load created by moving pedestrians. These are several reasons for that. Quickly growing up road infrastructure forces us to build foot bridges just to reconnect one piece of land, separated now by the new road or railway. These bridges are lightweight because the only live load acting on them comes from pedestrians.The paper focuses on the definition of human induces dynamic...

  • Simplified method of applying loads to flat slab floor structural model

    The article analyses the impact of the live load position on the surface of a reinforced concrete flat slab floor of 32.0 m × 28.8 m. Four variants of a live load position are investigated: located on the entire concrete slab, set in a chessboard pattern, applied by bands and imposed separately in each of the slab panels. Conclusions are drawn upon differences in bending moments, the time of calculation and the size of output files....

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  • Sposoby przykładania obciążenia zmiennego na konstrukcję płytowo-słupową


    W pracy przedstawiono analizę porównawczą wybranych metod zadawania obciążenia zmiennego na konstrukcje płytowo-słupową. Przeanalizowano pięć sposobów rozkładu obciążenia na płytę stropową. Wyniki momentów zginających i przemieszczeń w wybranych punktach dla analizowanych przypadków porównywano z wartościami ekstremalnymi obliczonymi na podstawie powierzchni wpływu (Wariant 1). Wykonane obliczenia pozwoliły na wskazanie zalecanej...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    The paper presents the analysis of the monitoring system of the embankment supported on concrete columns and overlaid by a load transfer platform with the embedded steel grid. This field investigation was to study the complex interaction among the columns, the load transfer platform layer, and steel grid via in situ measurements during erection and live loading of the embankment. The study was focused on the behaviour of steel...

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  • Extremal thermal loading of a bifurcation pipe


    - AIP Conference Proceedings - Rok 2019

    The subject of considerations is a spherical bifurcation pipe of a live steam made of steel P91, which is an element of a block of coal-fired power plant working with a 18K370 turbine. As experience shows, it is a very sensitive element of the boiler pipelines. An extreme work scenario for such a block has been adopted, in which the turbine is shutting down to a warm state three times in 24 hours. This is an action dictated by...

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  • A commonly-accessible toolchain for live streaming music events with higher-order ambisonic audio and 4k 360 vision


    - Rok 2023

    An immersive live stream is especially interesting in the ongoing development of telepresence tools, especially in the virtual reality (VR) or mixed reality (MR) domain. This paper explores the remote and immersive way of enabling telepresence for the audience to high-fidelity music performance using freely-available and easily-accessible tools. A functional VR live-streaming toolchain, comprising 360 vision and higher-order ambisonic...

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  • Biophilic Design: A Trend Watch

    During the 20th century, many people migrated to cities for employment and economic opportunities, abandoning farming and natural landscapes so their direct connection to the countryside and nature was lost. This process continues to this day with unprecedented urban growth, in fact, it’s estimated 68% of the world population will live in urban areas by 2050. Due to the evolutionary disposition of humans, when people live in an...

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  • Listening to Live Music: Life beyond Music Recommendation Systems


    - Rok 2018

    This paper presents first a short review on music recommendation systems based on social collaborative filtering. A dictionary of terms related to music recommendation systems, such as music information retrieval (MIR), Query-by-Example (QBE), Query-by-Category (QBC), music content, music annotating, music tagging, bridging the semantic gap in music domain, etc. is introduced. Bases of music recommender systems are shortly presented,...

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  • Seasonal variability and morphological structure of bacteria in the Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctic).

    • K. M. Jankowska
    • D. Górniak
    • A. Świątecki
    • M. K. Zdanowski

    - Rok 2011

    Introduction: The aim of investigations was to state whether melting glaciers cause mass mortality of the sea stenohalyne organisms, what in consequence can lead to an increase of accumulation and growth of psychrophilic bacteria. It may be also that fresh melting water is unfavourable to the sea bacteria and front glacier's regions are not the areas of their intensive development. Methods: Field investigations were done in Admiralty...

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  • Policy Monitoring on Accessible Technology for Inclusive Education – Research Findings and Requirements for a Software Tool


    - Journal of Computer Science and Technology - Rok 2016

    Statistics about disabled people usually do not receive as much attention as statistics highlighting other socio-economic problems. However, such statistics is important due to its actual weight.According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 15% of the world population, meaning one billion people, live with disabilities, and 80% of them live in developing countries. UNESCO claims that 90% of the children with disabilities...

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  • Extinction Event Concepts for the Evolutionary Algorithms


    - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny - Rok 2012

    The main goal of this present paper is to propose a structure for a tool helping to determine how algorithm would react in a real live application, by checking it's adaptive capabilities in an extreme situation. Also a different idea of an additional genetic operator is being presented. As Genetic Algorithms are directly inspired by evolution, extinction events, which are elementary in our planet's development history, became...

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  • Education programmes as an element of limiting space and social barriers.CTA Home : Accessible Transportation : TRANSED 2007 [online]. [dostęp 2007.12.31]. Dostępny w World Wide Web: http: //www.tc.gca.ca - TRANSED 2007 COMOTRED


    - Rok 2007

    The article presents education programme " Creating common space" introduced by Gdansk University of Technology - Architecture Department ( Poland) and local authorities. It also contains workshops " Cities without barriers" carried out in Pomeranian cities, where students are taught an additional subject " Designing common space". Liquidation of space barriers is necessary to help the disabled live their lives, develop and become...

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  • Metoda kosztów narastających w ocenie ekonomicznej efektywności układów ogrzewania z pompami ciepła


    - Rok 2009

    Obliczenia ekonomicznej efektywności instalacji ogrzewania z pompą ciepła sprowadza się do porównania kosztów wytwarzania w niej ciepła z kosztami wytwarzania ciepła w instalacji konwencjonalnej z kotłem olejowym, gazowym, elektrycznym, itd. W artykule opisano metodę kosztów narastających (MKN), która przypomina znaną od dawna i cieszącą się coraz większym zainteresowaniem metodę LCC (Live Cycle Costs)

  • Determining the leakage current resistive component by the orthogonal vector method


    - Rok 2018

    The measurement of the metal – oxide surge arresters (MOSA) leakage current and the analysis of its components is a key diagnostic criterion according to technical standards. During on site MOSA condition assessment, the easy way is based on the measurement only leakage current, without the inconvenient live working measurements of supply voltage. Orthogonal vectors method of determination the resistive leakage current is presented....

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  • Multi-objective Tabu-based Differential Evolution for Teleportation of Smart Virtual Machines in Private Computing Clouds


    - Rok 2021

    We propose a multi-objective approach for using differential evolution algorithm with tabu search algorithm as an additional mutation for live migration (teleportation) of virtual machines. This issue is crucial in private computing clouds. Teleportation of virtual machines is supposed to be planned to determine Pareto-optimal solutions for several criteria such as workload of the bottleneck host, communication capacity of the...

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  • Subcritical Thermodynamic Cycles with Organic Medium and Isothermal Expansion


    The efffciencies of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) are not very high and only very seldom do they exceed 20%. The increase and optimization of initial parameters and certain modifications of the thermodynamic cycle make it possible to overcome these drawbacks. A new modified cycle has been described and analyzed in detail in the paper. Similarly to the Ericsson cycle for gas turbines, isothermal expansion in the turbine is suggested...

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  • MaliciousIDE – software development environment that evokes emotions

    Emotions affect every aspect of human live, including work. Numerous studies in software engineering have shown that negative emotions can lower the productivity of programmers. Unlike traditional approaches to managing software development, modern methods, such as Agile and Lean, take into account human aspects of programming. To thoroughly investigate the impact of negative emotions on the work of programmers, a malicious integrated...

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  • The Urbanity Phenomenon – Tradition and New Cultural Iterations


    - Rok 2017

    Cities that have managed to survive and rebuild lost urbanity do not close themselves towards new forms that are largely generated by culture. People are increasingly organized around common, local goals. They want to live in cities that open themselves up to differences, with culture as a tool for the revitalization of urbanity. Flexible management methods, tailored to the context and new needs, are therefore emphasized. Nowadays,...

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  • Porous Phantoms Mimicking Tissues – Investigation of Optical Parameter Stability Over Time


    - Rok 2022

    In terms of optical parameters, optical phantoms can now replace live tissues and be used to validate optical measurement methods. Therefore, whether these parameters would be maintained after storage for 6 months was examined. The absorption and scattering coefficients were obtained from the measured transmittance and reflectance measurements taken 6 months apart and then compared. All of the measurements were conducted using...

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  • Występowanie bakterii siarkowych a jakość wód podziemnych ujęcia Osowa


    - Przegląd Geologiczny - Rok 2015

    Abstrakt. Microorganisms that live in groundwater should be considered not only from the sanitary-hygienic point of view but also in terms of adverse changes in groundwater chemistry in the aquifer layer and its negative influence on the installed devices. For these reasons, it is important to correct approach to the problem of bacterial contamination of groundwater. The paper presents selected results of physicochemical and bacteriological...

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    Slums are global phenomena that exist as a solution for those who couldn’t afford a house. This phenomenon is growing accompanying the rapid urbanization and the growth of the urban population, three-quarter of the world population anticipated to live in an urban environment by 2050 (Avis, 2016, p. 57). This paper reviews slum's evaluation of the revitalization project for one of the poorest slums in Beirut called Hay-Al Tanak....

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  • Cyanides in the environment—analysis—problems and challenges

    Cyanide toxicity and their environmental impact are well known. Nevertheless, they are still used in the mining, galvanic and chemical industries. As a result of industrial activities, cyanides are released in various forms to all elements of the environment. In a natural environment, cyanide exists as cyanogenic glycosides in plants seeds. Too much consumption can cause unpleasant side effects. However, environmental tobacco smoke...

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  • Human Centric Lighting. The New X Factor?

    We live in challenging times, and one could even claim we’re experiencing a revolution in lighting with LED technology taking over the world. Part of this rapid change involves a concept called Human Centric Lighting (HCL). In Frankfurt this year, during Light+Building, it was the buzzword, with nearly every second manufacturer’s stand claiming they had figured out the special formula necessary to create perfect HCL illumination....

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  • Living and working beneath the sea – next approach


    The idea of living beneath the sea is very new if compared with millennia of shipping activity. In fact, ocean surface was considered mainly as medium suitable for transport of persons and goods as well as aggression and robbery. More practical attempts to live “on” the water surface are limited to well protected internal waters. The presented concept of “an underwater-above water accommodation, especially for residential purposes”...

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  • Phase transition of a dimorphic fungus Penicillium marneffei


    Penicillium marneffei is a pathogenic fungus that afflicts immunocompromised individuals who live or travel in Southeast Asia. This species is unique, because it is the only dimorphic member of the genus Penicillium. Dimorphism results from a process, termed phase transition, which is regulated by temperature of incubation. At room temperature, the fungus grows filamentously (mould phase), but at body temperature (37°C), a uninucleate...

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  • Parallel Background Subtraction in Video Streams Using OpenCL on GPU Platforms


    - Rok 2014

    Implementation of the background subtraction algorithm using OpenCL platform is presented. The algorithm processes live stream of video frames from the surveillance camera in on-line mode. Processing is performed using a host machine and a parallel computing device. The work focuses on optimizing an OpenCL algorithm implementation for GPU devices by taking into account specific features of the GPU architecture, such as memory access,...

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  • Creating a more conscious built environment for day- and night-time setting through interdisciplinary collaboration


    - Rok 2017

    The last decades have seen an increase in the speed, scale and scope of urbanisation, fundamentally shifting the character of the built environment and engendering a radical search for new and resilient design practices. Although we, as society, live in the age of technology, inventions and almost unlimited access to information, we rarely use these opportunities to our advantage to improve the quality of life. It seems that multidisciplinary...

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  • A sense of security and freedom in a residential environment

    The article is based on the results of a survey carried out among students of architecture faculties in several countries, which examined the students’ knowledge of shaping the housing environment in such a way as to enable them to fulfil two basic and, at the same time, seemingly mutually exclusive psychological needs of a person: a sense of security and a sense of freedom. In examining these issues, particular emphasis was placed...

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  • Visual Object Tracking System Employing Fixed and PTZ Cameras

    The paper presents a video monitoring system utilizing fixed and PTZ cameras for tracking of moving objects. First type of camera provides image for background modelling, being employed for foreground objects localization. Estimated objects locations are then utilised for steering of PTZ cameras when observing targeted objects with high close-ups. Objects are classified into several classes, then basic event detection is being...

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  • Speciation of Iron in the Aquatic Environment



    Iron is one of the basic metals occurring in the aquatic environment and it is considered a macroelement with regard to live organisms. This metal has a broad range of applications that, together with factors conditioning its chemical transitions, results in the occurrence of many iron species in water. Depending on water and land development type, as well as the use of water for household and industrial purposes, iron may be found...

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    Sports, hunting and military shooting grounds are well known sources of noise that can be disruptive both for people present at those facilities, as well as for people and animals that live nearby. What is more, shooters are also subjected to very painful and dangerous impulse noise. The paper discusses the issues related to the noise immission during firing of small firearms of military type that are typical for Poland. The experiments...

  • Light Symposium. Connecting health research with lighting practice

    Thanks to state-of-the-art medical and environmental research, our current understanding about the impact of light and lighting is improving at a rapid rate. While the evolution of lighting technologies offers promising design possibilities, it also poses new challenges to planners and the general public. This is further complicated by the fact that today’s modern indoor lifestyle means we can be completely disconnected from nature...

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  • Towards Precise Visual Navigation and Direct Georeferencing for MAV Using ORB-SLAM2


    - Rok 2017

    A low accuracy of positioning using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are not meet geodetic requirements for direct images georeferencing for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry. A majority of UAVs are equipped with a monocular or stereo non-metric cameras for either visual data gathering or live video feed for operator. A cheap positioning techniques used on board commercial UAVs are not that precise as geodetic...

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  • Performance Evaluation of Selected Parallel Object Detection and Tracking Algorithms on an Embedded GPU Platform


    - Rok 2017

    Performance evaluation of selected complex video processing algorithms, implemented on a parallel, embedded GPU platform Tegra X1, is presented. Three algorithms were chosen for evaluation: a GMM-based object detection algorithm, a particle filter tracking algorithm and an optical flow based algorithm devoted to people counting in a crowd flow. The choice of these algorithms was based on their computational complexity and parallel...

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  • Energy storage device based on flywheel, power converters and Simulink real-time


    - Rok 2017

    This electronic document is a “live” template and already defines the components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] in its style sheet. Paper presents information on Energy Storage Device based on Flywheel and bi-directional IGBT Power Converters – designed for LINTE^2 laboratory owned by Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. Paper is divided into four sections. First section of the paper provides introductory information...

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  • On the Consumption of Multimedia Content Using Mobile Devices: a Year to Year User Case Study


    In the early days, consumption of multimedia content related with audio signals was only possible in a stationary manner. The music player was located at home, with a necessary physical drive. An alternative way for an individual was to attend a live performance at a concert hall or host a private concert at home. To sum up, audio-visual effects were only reserved for a narrow group of recipients. Today, thanks to portable players,...

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  • In search of a new relationship between nature and society


    - Rok 2011

    We live in an era of breakthrough- not only in the literal sense of the word, but the breakthrough of the century or the millennium. New discoveries and the crisis present in the economy, society, religion and ecology forces a review of all universally accepted theories. Nature, ecology and environment are the key words used in every area of human activity. It has led to the development of a new scientific field- the philosophy...

  • New methods for assessment and stimulation of non-communicative patients employing advanced multimodal HCI . Nowe metody oceny i stymulacji pacjentów niekomunikatywnych z wykorzystaniem zaawansowanych interfejsów multimodalnych człowiek-komputer


    - Rok 2014

    In most cases of patients with locomotor system damage it is possible to find a solution to the medical problems originating from the injury. However, it is much more difficult to prevent cognitive and emotional impairments. Therefore, we believe that the technological support of therapists working with such patients on an everyday basis may be essential. We have acquired experience in designing and providing diagnostic and therapeutic...

  • Mobile Networks' Analysis in Terms of QoS Performance Assessment


    - Rok 2023

    Quality of service (QoS) assessment is one of the basic processes carried out by mobile network operators (MNOs) and regulators of the telecommunications market. Usually, professional companies carry out measurements for various country areas and use cases (scenarios). In this paper, we show exemplary measurement results carried out in drive tests in the vicinity of the Polish capital by a professional company. The measurement...

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  • Współpraca pomp ciepła ze źródłem konwencjonalnym. Algorytmy obliczenia bilansu energetycznego i efektywności ekonomicznej


    - Rok 2010

    W wielu przypadkach pompy ciepła w instalacjach ogrzewania współpracują z innymi źródłami ciepła (kotły wodne opalane olejem opałowym, gazem ziemnym, biogazem, bojlery elektryczne, miejska lub osiedlowa sieć ciepłownicza) tworząc hybrydowe źródło ciepła. W każdym wariancie źródła hybrydowego odbiorcę i producenta ciepła interesuje bilans energetyczny całego obiektu oraz efektywność ekonomiczna wytwarzania ciepła w źródle hybrydowym...

  • Sustainable Development of Water Housing Using the Example of Poland: An Analysis of Scenarios

    At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, Polish cities began the process of returning to live by water. There is a growing interest in water reservoirs not only as places for recreation, but also as new areas suitable for living, at the very center of the city. Unfortunately, due to the lack of appropriate legal regulations, the dynamic development of floating homes (FHs) is starting to raise increasing concerns in Poland. Regardless...

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  • To Survive in a CBRN Hostile Environment: Application of CAVE Automatic Virtual Environments in First Responder Training

    • P. Maciejewski
    • M. Gawlik-Kobylińska
    • J. Lebiedź
    • W. Ostant
    • D. Aydın

    - Rok 2020

    This paper is of a conceptual nature and focuses on the use of a specific virtual reality environment in civil-military training. We analyzed the didactic potential of so-called CAVE automatic virtual environments for First Responder training, a type of training that fills the gap between First Aid training and the training received by emergency medical technicians. Since real training involves live drills based on unexpected situations,...

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    - Rok 2016

    The article presents a general discussion on the direction of contemporary architecture. We can freely speak that postmodernity, understood in its philosophical core as a search for meaning in architecture, as a strategy of building our environment is over. What comes next? Some say, from lack of better naming, that we live in post-postmodern times. Term post-postmodernity is a call for new strategy of shaping our societies and...

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  • Bacterial presence in polar regions associated with environment modification by chemical compounds including contaminants

    Microbes are omnipresent and diverse members of all biological communities. In marine and freshwater ecosystems, microorganisms form the base of the food chain supporting higher trophic levels. Even though, microbes generally are thought to live in warm regions of Earth, many of them develop in cold climates. Polar regions remain relatively protected from widespread anthropogenic disturbances, which is a consequence of its remoteness...

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  • Effect of Ethanol Extracts of Propolis (EEPs) against Staphylococcal Biofilm—Microscopic Studies


    - Pathogens - Rok 2020

    Staphylococci growing in the form of biofilm exhibit high resistance to a plethora of antibiotics. The aim of the study was to assess the influence of ethanolic extract of propolis (EEPs) on S. epidermidis ATCC 35984 biofilm using fluorescent microscopy. Propidium iodide (PI) and SYTO 9 were used for differentiation of live and dead cells, and calcofluor white was used to stain the extracellular matrix, the self-produced extracellular...

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  • Mechanical simulation of artificial gravity in torus-shaped and cylindrical spacecraft


    - ACTA ASTRONAUTICA - Rok 2021

    Large deformations and stress analyses in two types of space structures that are intended for people to live in space have been studied in this research. The structure under analysis is assumed to rotate around the central axis to create artificial gravitational acceleration equal to the gravity on the Earth's surface. The analysis is fully dynamic, which is formulated based on the energy method by using the first-order shear deformation...

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  • Female entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan


    - Rok 2021

    Women constitute the majority of the Kazakh population and, even though they live almost 10 years longer than men on average, they are far less economically active. Less than half of the female population take up employment. Women’s wages are often as much as 30% lower than men’s. The subjective reasons for undertaking economic activity as mentioned by women included: independence from the husband, low earnings of the husband and...

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  • On energy, exergy, and environmental aspects of a combined gas-steam cycle for heat and power generation undergoing a process of retrofitting by steam injection



    The paper presents a study of retrofitting of a combined heat and power (CHP) plant aimed to increase the electric to heating power ratio. The modification would involve diverting part of the steam to the gas turbine, instead of letting it go to the steam turbine, using injection technique into a combustion chamber. Therefore, two potential retrofitting approaches are analyzed: steam injection gas turbine (STIGT) and combined steam...

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  • Biological hazards in low noise, poroelastic road surfaces


    - Rok 2013

    Drainage pavements as well as poroelastic pavements ("PERS") are a very efficient way to decrease traffic noise by reducing tire/road noise at the source as well as noise propagation over the road surface. Many noise generating mechanisms at the tire/road interface are very much reduced by road porosity (pipe resonance, "air pumping", Helmholtz resonance and the horn effect). A well-designed porous or poroelastic road surface may...

  • Organotin Compounds: Environmental Fate and Analytics

    For more than 50 years, organotin compounds have been used in almost all sectors of industry. As a consequence, specific environmental compartments are affected by the emission of these xenobiotics. The emissions of organotin compounds into the environment from paints used in the shipbuilding industry for ship hull coating, and from the plant protection products are particularly significant.In 2001, the IMO introduced a global...

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