Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Local Development
Local Development Strategies in Shaping Rural Landscape
PublikacjaDlaczego krajobraz kulturowy wsi jako zintegrowana całość wymyka się procedurom planistycznym i zarządzaniu? Dlaczego praktyka życia społecznego w dziedzinie gospodarowania przestrzenią na terenach wiejskich przeciwstawia się i zaprzecza równie powszechnie deklarowanej intencji kształtowania harmonijnego krajobrazu?Profesjonalne diagnozy kryzysu krajobrazu kulturowego wsi koncentrują się zwyczajowo na nieskuteczności, często rzeczywiście...
Thematic Areas in the Polish Countryside and Their Role in Local Development
PublikacjaThe article defines the phenomenon of space thematisation with regards to rural areas in Poland. The typology of thematic spaces and criteria of their comparative description have been proposed. Thematic villages, home gardens, amusement parks and housing estates have been distinguished. They have been compared in terms of spatial availability, the degree of user participation and the commercial vs. non-commercial creation purpose....
Innovation level and local development of EU regions. A new assessment approach
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The Analysis of Cultural Heritage Assets as a Potential for Local Development: Study of the Academic Environment
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Students’ soft urban planning skills and local development are the benefits from the Fair of Good Practice. Small cities - big challengesprogramme
PublikacjaThe urban planner in practice needs soft skills when dealing with public consultations connected to local development plans. To improve the abilities of architecture and urban planning students to discuss solutions and to support the development of local public spaces of small towns in the Pomeranian voivodeship ( province) in Poland, the Fair of Good Practice. Small cities - big challenges programme...
LCLS – Large Laser Infrastructure Development and Local Implications
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LCLS – Large Laser Infrastructure Development and Local Implications
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The Use of Artificial Intelligence as a Tool Supporting Sustainable Development Local Policy
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Development of Free Electron Lasers in Europe Local and Global Implications – 2016
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The role of urban movements in the process of local spatial planning and the development of participation mechanism
PublikacjaIn civil societies, urban movements are one of the tools in the process of spatial governance. In Poland, urban activism is beginning to develop together with a budding participation in public life. Therefore, there is a need to assess the scope and effects of the urban movements’ actions. The aim of the study was to determine and evaluate their impact on the spatial development in three Polish cities - Poznań, Gdańsk and Gdynia, especially...
General grants and development – a relationship without a future? The effects of the structure of general grants on the development of local government units in Poland
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to attempt to identify the reasons for the lack of relationship between general grant revenue and investment expenditure of local government units. The author formulated the hypothesis that there is no link between general grants and investment expenditure and that the reason for this are the current spending on education, absorbing the entire amount of general grants received by local government units....
The Application Of Local Indicators For Categorical Data (LICD) In The Spatial Analysis Of Economic Development
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Impact of Mining Exploitation on Properties with Engineering Structures by Local Urban Development Plans
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Enhanced European Coordination of Accelerator Research and Development – EuCARD2 – Global and Local Impact
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ARIES – Development of Accelerator Technology in Europe 2017-2020: Global and Local Consequences
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Social-economic impact of an innovation centre development in local context: an empirical analysis for Poland
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Development of Local IDF-formula Using Controlled Random Search Method for Global Optimization
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is to present the effective and relatively simple empirical approach to rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency-formulas development, based on Controlled Random Search (CRS) for global optimization. The approach is mainly dedicated to the cases in which the commonly used IDF-relationships do not provide satisfactory fit between simulations and observations, and more complex formulas with higher number of parameters...
Seeking the Factors Predisposing to Local Skin Inflammatory State Development in Children with Type 1 Diabetes (T1DM) Treated with Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII)
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Ageing of Society — Local Disparities. Classification of the Pomorskie Voivodship Communes According to the Pace and Progress of Local Communities’ Ageing
PublikacjaThe article deals with the issues of local disparities in the field of advancement and pace of demographic ageing. The subjects of the research were communes of the Pomorskie Voivodship. The purpose of the article — i.e., diagnosing and assessing the progress and pace of ageing of local communities in all 123 communes of the Pomorskie Voivodship, was achieved using a combination of traditional measures of ageing: age factor,...
Strengthening the local communities’ competence for engaging in participatory planning
PublikacjaThe article describes the genesis of undertaking the subject of improving the planning competencies in local communities, in order to eliminate communication gaps to strengthen the civil attitudes. It puts forward a thesis that innovation in this issue involves creation of new participatory planning techniques, i.e. the described urban mentoring model. Describing the inclinations for undertaking the subject of the “Quo Vadis Gdansk?...
A Assessment of Management Efficiency in Local Administrative Offices: Case Study Poland
PublikacjaThe analysis of management efficiency is an important element in evaluating the functioning of public administration from an economic point of view. In order to achieve greater efficiency of the management process, and thus the quality in public administration, it is important to analyze and evaluate its elements. Modern research usually covers individual elements, parts of the management process. However, the current study proposes...
Local Nusselt number evaluation in the case of jet impingement
PublikacjaJet impingement still is one of demanding cases regarding computational fluid dynamics, due to its highly turbulent behaviour, with occurrence of turbulent-laminar transition. Even recently developed methods exhibit some drawbacks – RANS based simulations lack accuracy, LES and DNS based ones require too much computational time. Hybrid methods also exist, but their development and validation is in progress. Nevertheless, CFD application...
Computer -Aided Local Energy Planning Using ALEP-PL Software
PublikacjaThe issue of energy system planning, including the planning of local energy systems, is critical, since it affects the security of energy supplies in communities, regions, and consequently the security of energy supply within the country. Energy planning is a complex process that requires integration of different goals i.e. improvement of energy efficiency, increase in the share of renewables in the energy balance and CO2} emission...
The application of environmental issues in designing urban structures – a framework for comprehensive local planning policies
PublikacjaThe implementation of environmental issues in planning and designing urban structures is becoming a novel approach and a common practice consistent with the paradigm of sustainable development. Maintaining environmental quality in urban areas, managing natural resources and understanding the complexity of urban systems is becoming increasingly challenging. Therefore, it is important to develop strategies for the integration of...
Determination of rectification corrections for semi gantry crane rail axes in the local 3D coordinate system
PublikacjaElectronic tacheometers are currently the standard instruments used in geodetic work, including also geodetic engineering measurements. The main advantage connected with this equipment is among others high accuracy of the measurement and thus high accuracy of the final determinations represented for example by the points’ coordinates. One of many applications of the tacheometers is the measurement of crane rail axes. This measurement...
Elucidating photoluminescent properties of Eu‐doped Ca–Al–Si–O(–N) glasses and the local structures of Eu ions
PublikacjaEuropium (Eu) ion–doped luminescent materials have attracted considerable attention for their numerous optical applications. Eu-doped Ca–Al–Si–O(–N) glasses were synthesized from a mixture of oxynitride glasses and Eu2O3 powder using a standard melt-quenching technique in a radiofrequency furnace. The source Eu trivalent ions primarily changed to Eu2+ during melting, and the ratio of Eu2+ ions increased with an increase in Eu content...
A place of school in the idea of the sustainable development
PublikacjaWell designed school space enables social contacts, increases activity of pupils and improves the condition of their health. However, the best design would not bring the expected benefits if it is not integrated with the surroundings in terms of transportation, security and local needs. In the sustainable development, the social goals are in harmony with ecological aims according to the rule of "3 r" (reduce, reuse, recycle).
Development of globalization in culture on the example of Europe
PublikacjaThis article attempts to reflect on the consequences of cultural globalization i.e. the opporturnities and threats that exist it brings with it for existing local cultures. As we know, The processes of globalization contribute to the emergence of any, often contradictory phenomena in the field of culture which influence the existing local cultural systems in various ways. It is assumed that the most important consequence of cultural...
Social activities in The Vistula Marshlands
PublikacjaSocial activities in The Vistula Marshlands favouring development in this part of the Pomeranian Voivodeship and preserving its specific character have recently been a domain of Local Activity Groups, clubs and societies, as well as cultural centres and local schools. The activation of local environment is supported by the possibility of gaining EU grants, particularly 4 LEADER Axis from the Rural Development Programme for years...
Workbook for cooperative development of personnell and organisation for innovation in SME in the Baltic Sea Region
PublikacjaThis study highlights the potential for cooperative development of personnel and organisational innovations in SMEs and gives an example implemented by the University of Lund together with the Municipality of Astorp and local companies. This innovation field is of particular importance for all companies in the region, since it does apply to any professional sector, be it a service oriented company or a manufacturing business. This...
The Knowledge Transfer From Headquarter to Local Subsidiaries Through Expatriates - Local Employees’ Perspective
PublikacjaBackground. Knowledge transfer between the HQ and subsidiary has recently been targets of increasing research interest. However, the role of expatriate managers and local staff perspective on this process has not been examined enough. Research aims. This paper has two main objectives: first to develop a conceptual framework (model) of knowledge transfer between the headquarters and local subsidiary, and second to empirically evaluate...
Landscape Rurality: New Challenge for The Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Poland
PublikacjaThe standard of country living was a matter of Polish elites’ concern from the eighteenth century. In different historical conditions different concepts of the rural renewal were formed. Today in rural areas of Poland some spatial processes that threaten the quality of life occur. The disadvantageous changes are the result of national or local governments spatial policy and they are an inhabitants’ response to it. The political...
On the space of equivariant local maps
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Local impedance spectroscopy of membranes
PublikacjaCelem niniejszej publikacji jest zaprezentowanie zastosowania techniki Lokalnej Elektrochemicznej Spektroskopii Impedancyjnej (LEIS) do uzyskania lokalnej charakterystyki membran. Membranę wykonaną z polichlorku winylu (PCV), plastyfikowaną sebacynianem bis(2etyloheksylu) i domieszkowaną boranem tetradodecyloamoniowym zbadano pod kątem równomiernego rozkładu przewodnictwa na powierzchni badanej próbki. Lokalne pomiary impedancyjne,...
Local impedance spectroscopy of membranes
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Local Monitoring of EGNOS Services
PublikacjaW artukule przedstawiono wyniki lokalnego monitoringu dostępności serwisów satelitarnego systemu nawigacyjnego EGNOS.
PublikacjaAny SBAS system should deliver to the user corrections to pseudoranges as well as information about the system integrity. In theory, as soon as the system is permanently monitored by RIMS stations, it is impossible to deliver the fault information to the user. However many observations shows that accuracy of EGNOS service in the same time are different in different places, which shows the influence of local conditions on them....
PublikacjaSmart City Concept in the Context of Enterpreneurship Development in Suburban Areas. Supporting innovation and knowledge within economic development, these are the goals of public managers, enthusiasts of the Smart City concept. It is questioned whether this concept is the best solution for regional development and efficient support to local entrepreneurship based on SMEs (small and medium enterprises). Moreover, the results of...
PublikacjaWe deal with families of probability distributions satisfying non-signalling condition, called non-signalling boxes and consider a class of operations that transform local boxes into local ones (the one that admit LHV model). We prove that any operation from this class cannot broadcast a bipartite non-local box with 2 binary inputs and outputs. We consider a function called anti-Robustness which can not decrease under these operations....
Agile Methods In Formation of Metropolis Neighbourhood
PublikacjaA study of the zone adjoining the metropolis area of Tricity (Poland) was conducted on the basis of analyses of changes in spatial development, outline planning decisions and local plans of spatial development. Localities placed at several dozen kilometres from strongly urbanized areas do not constitute metropolis outskirts. The vicinity of large urban centres is an obstacle to the development of localities as self-sufficient units...
Constructing genuinely entangled multipartite states with applications to local hidden variables and local hidden states models
PublikacjaBuilding upon the results of R. Augusiak et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 030404 (2015)] we develop a general approach to the generation of genuinely entangled multipartite states of any number of parties from genuinely entangled states of a fixed number of parties, in particular, the bipartite entangled ones. In our approach, certain isometries whose output subspaces are either symmetric or genuinely entangled in some multipartite...
On the topology of spaces of partial and local maps
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Gradient otopies of gradient local maps
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CBM Experiment Local and Global Implications
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Fractal local fields in random composites
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Local impedance spectra of organic coatings
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Local impedance spectra of organic coatings
PublikacjaPublikacja przedstawia nowe podejście do lokalnych spektroskopowych pomiarów impedancyjnych powłok organicznych, oparte o mikroskop sił atomowych pracujący w trybie kontaktowym. Pomiędzy nieporuszającą się igłę mikroskopu i podłoże metalowe pokryte powłoką epoksydową przyłożono serię sinusoidalnych napięciowych sygnałów pobudzenia w zadanym zakresie częstotliwości. W ten sposób zarejestrowano lokalne widma w trybie "frequency by...
Local buckling of composite channel columns
PublikacjaThe investigation concerns local buckling of compressed flanges of axially compressed composite channel columns. Cooperation of the member flange and web is taken into account here. The buckling mode of the member flange is defined by rotation angle a flange about the line of its connection with the web. The channel column under investigation is made of unidirectional fibre-reinforced laminate. Two approaches to member orthotropic...
Applying Web 2.0 Concepts to Creating Energy Planning Portal
PublikacjaCommunity authorities in Europe are tasked to create Advanced Local Energy Plans (ALEP), which encompasses collecting local data on current energy use and generation, as well as generating future development scenarios. Both the data and the development scenarios must be publicly accessible as a basis for energy-related decisions taken by residents, local companies and other local institutions. The data must partially be collected...