wszystkich: 308
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MODERATELY THICK FGM
Nonlocal elasticity analysis of moderately thick porous functionally graded plates in a hygro-thermal environment
PublikacjaThis work performs a novel quasi three-dimensional (3D) bending analysis for a moderately thick functionally graded material (FGM) made of nanoceramics and metal powders, in presence of porosities due to some incorrect manufacturing processes. Such porosities can appear within the plate in two forms, namely, even and uneven distributions. The modeled system assumes a polymer matrix where both shear and transverse factors coexist....
A new hyperbolic-polynomial higher-order elasticity theory for mechanics of thick FGM beams with imperfection in the material composition
PublikacjaA drawback to the material composition of thick functionally graded materials (FGM) beams is checked out in this research in conjunction with a novel hyperbolic‐polynomial higher‐order elasticity beam theory (HPET). The proposed beam model consists of a novel shape function for the distribution of shear stress deformation in the transverse coordinate. The beam theory also incorporates the stretching effect to present an indirect...
A comprehensive study on nonlinear hygro-thermo-mechanical analysis of thick functionally graded porous rotating disk based on two quasi three-dimensional theories
PublikacjaIn this paper, a highly efficient quasi three-dimensional theory has been used to study the nonlinear hygro-thermo-mechanical bending analysis of very thick functionally graded material (FGM) rotating disk in hygro-thermal environment considering the porosity as a structural defect. Two applied quasi three-dimensional displacement fields are assumed in which the strain along the thickness is not zero unlike most of the other plate...
Elastoplastic nonlinear FEM analysis of FGM shells of Cosserat type
PublikacjaThe paper is a continuation of [1] where the formulation of the elastic constitutive law for functionally graded materials (FGM) on the grounds of nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with the 6th parameter (the drilling degree of freedom) was presented. Here the formulation is extended to the elasto-plastic range. The material law is based on Cosserat plasticity and employs the well-known Tamura-Tomota-Ozawa (TTO) [2] mixture...
A Stabilized Complex LOBPCG Eigensolver for the Analysis of Moderately Lossy EM Structures
PublikacjaThis letter proposes a stabilized locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient method for computing selected eigenvalues for complex symmetric generalized non-Hermitian eigenproblems. Effectiveness of the presented approach is demonstrated for a moderately lossy dual-mode dielectric resonator, modeled using finite-element method with higher order elements
Geometrically nonlinear FEM analysis of FGM shells based on neutral physical surface approach in 6-parameter shell theory
PublikacjaThe paper presents the formulation of the elastic constitutive law for functionally graded materials (FGM) on the grounds of nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with the 6th parameter being the drilling degree of freedom. The material law is derived by through-the-thickness integration of the Cosserat plane stress equations. The constitutive equations are formulated with respect to the neutral physical surface. The influence of...
Polymer based thick films - material quality and interface resistance evaluation
PublikacjaThe properties of polymer based thick film layers mede using different resistive pastes and dipping silvers have been studied. The composite of carbon and graphite (C/Gr) conducting particles suspended in different polymer vehicles were used for preparation resistive layers. Interface resistance Rc created between dipping silver (DiAg) contact layer and resistive layer was determined from the surface potential distribution measurements...
Modification of current-voltage characteristics of planar organic systems by nm-thick interlayer
PublikacjaEffect of nm-thick interlayer of copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) or perylene dye (MePTCDI) on current-voltage characteristics of planar organic systems is discussed in the work. The MePTCDI layer strongly limits injection of holes from ITO into CuPc, while CuPc limits injection of electrons from ITO into MePTCDI. In the systems with CuPc/MePTCDI heterojunction an explicit photovoltaic effect occurs.
Long-range, water-mediated interaction between a moderately active antifreeze protein molecule and the surface of ice
PublikacjaUsing molecular dynamics simulations, we show that a molecule of moderately active antifreeze protein (type III AFP, QAE HPLC-12 isoform) is able to interact with ice in an indirect manner. This interaction occurs between the ice binding site (IBS) of the AFP III molecule and the surface of ice, and it is mediated by liquid water which separates these surfaces. As a result, the AFP III molecule positions itself at a specific orientation...
Moderately Reactive Molecules Forming Stable Ionic Compounds with Superhalogens
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On a fully three-dimensional bending analysis of very thick smart composite cube-like bulk structures
PublikacjaHere we discuss the behaviour of very thick composite plates considering electro-magneto-elastic coupling of various types using fully three-dimensional (3D) kinematics. Published research highlights a lack of studies on the 3D mechanics of smart composite plates that integrate both higher-order (flexoelectric/flexomagnetic) and lower-order (piezoelectric/piezomagnetic) multiple physical fields (electro-magneto-elastic). The common...
Thick film Lisicon sensor with gold electrodes.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono preparatykę i badania czujnika gazowego na bazie litowego jonoprzewodzącego elektrolitu stałego. Czujnik został przygotowany w technologii grubowarstwowej. Jego zasada działania polega na pomiarze prądu elektrycznego w czasie liniowych zmian napięcia. Charakterystyki prądowo-napięciowe czujnika mają unikalny kształt, zależny od rodzaju gazu oraz jego koncentracji. Pomiary wykonano w mieszaninach dwutlenku...
Phenotypic yield and its structure variability of moderately late and late potato cultivars
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Optimization of working conditions of thick-film LSFO bolometers
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono opracowaną przez autorów metodę wytwarzania bolometrów w technologii LTCC. Jako warstwy aktywne wykorzystano niestechiometryczne tlenki lantanowo-strontowo żelazowe (LSFO). Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów wybranych właściwości bolometrów oraz charakterystyki wykorzystane w procesie doboru punktu pracy bolometru.
Thick film traps with an irregular film. Preparation and evaluation.
PublikacjaOpisano nową metodę wytwarzania otwartych pułapek kapilarnych do wzbogacania lotnych związków organicznych z próbek gazowych. Badanie właściwości tego typu pułapek wykazało, że spadek ich sprawności chromatograficznej w porównaniu z pułapkami z filmem regularnym, jest rzędu 20-30%. Opracowana technologia jest bardzo prosta i pozwala na szybkie i tanie wytwarzanie dużych ilości pułapek z grubymi filmami również przez niewyspecjalizowane...
LTCC compatible PLZT thick-films for piezoelectric devices.
PublikacjaOpisano proces produkcji grubych warstw PLZT oraz pomiary ich dielektrycznych i piezoelektrycznych parametrów. Temperatura obróbki termicznej (850 stopni C) czyni te warstwy kompatybilnymi z technologią LTCC.
Thick - film and LTCC multicontact resistors - preliminary results
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano i skomentowano wstępne wyniki elektryczxnych i geometrycznych charakterystyk wielokontaktowychstruktur rezystywnych wykonanych w technologiigrubowarstwowej i LTCC ( ceramicznej z niską temperatura wypadaniz). Realizowane struktury miały rozmiary od 200 x 100 μm2 do 1500 x 500 μm2 i 3 lub 6 kontaktów rozmieszczonych e różny sposób na obwodzie warstwy rezystywnej.
An enhanced method in predicting tensile behaviour of corroded thick steel plate specimens by using random field approach
PublikacjaThe present work investigates the possibility of using random field techniques in modelling the mechanical behaviour of corroded thick steel plate specimens. The nonlinear Finite Element method, employing the explicit dynamic solver, is used to analyse the mechanical properties of typical specimens. A material model considering full nonlinearity is used to evaluate the stress-strain response. The influence of major governing parameters...
Ultra thick open tubular traps with an increased inner diameter.
PublikacjaPrzeanalizowano zagadnienia związane z zastosowaniem otwartych pułapek kapilarnych z grubym nieregularnym filmem polidimetylosiloksanu do wzbogacania lotnych związków organicznych. Przeprowadzone rozważania teoretyczne oraz prace eksperymentalne wykazały, że zwiększenie średnicy wewnętrznej pułapek może znacząco polepszyć ich właściwości. Dla danego natężenia przepływu próbki oraz danego stosunku objętości faz w pułapce, liczba...
PublikacjaIn the shipbuilding industry, the risk of brittle fracture of the structure is limited by using certified materials with specified impact strength, determined by the Charpy method (for a given design temperature) and by supervising the welding processes (technology qualification, production supervision, non-destructive testing). For off-shore constructions, classical shipbuilding requirements may not be sufficient. Therefore, the...
Evaluation of conductive-to-resistive layers interaction in thick-film resistors
PublikacjaSpektroskopia szumowa w zakresie małych częstotliwości jest używana do badania oddziaływania warstwy rezystywnej i przewodzącej w wytwarzanych rezystorach grubowarstwowych. Wprowadzono dwa parametry szumowe do określania stopnia tego oddziaływania. Opisano wyniki przeprowadzonych badań oddziaływania warstw z dwutlenku rutenu, rutenku bizmutu z kontaktami ze złota, platyna-złoto, pallad-srebro, od różnych producentów.
A Study on Deformation According to Steel Constraints During Thick-Plate Fillet Welding and Line Heating
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On the possibility of the application of magnetoacoustic emission intensity measurements for the diagnosis of thick-walled objects in the industrial environment
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wyniki pomiarów sygnału emisji magnetoakustycznej (EMA) wykonanych na obiektach grubościennych w środowisku przemysłowym oraz omawia możliwe sposoby jego dalszej analizy. Pomimo tego, ze bezpośredni pomiar sygnału EMA nie pozwala na określenie jego natężenia w artykule wykazano, że możliwa jest separacja użytecznego sygnału od szumów tła albo poprzez analogowe filtrowanie sprzętowe albo poprzez cyfrową analizę...
Microbeam radiation therapy: Tissue dose penetration and BANG-gel dosimetry of thick-beams’ array interlacing
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New trim configurations for laser trimmed thick-film resistors - theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and experimential verification
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono nowe podejście do korekcji rezystorów warstwowych polegające na wytwarzaniu dodatkowego kontaktu w celu rozszerzenia zakresu korekcji i uproszczenia projektowania. Ponadto zaprezentowano nową szybką metodę wyznaczania charakterystyk korekcyjnych a także weryfikację eksperymentalną. Przedstawiono wyniki w postaci zakresów korekcji i względnych przyrostów rezystancji w funkcji kształtu dodatkowego kontaktu oraz...
Effect of ground plane size on radiation pattern in IFF/SSR microstrip antenna on thick substrate fed by H type slot
PublikacjaW pracy pokazano numeryczne i eksperymentalne wyniki badania wpływu rozmiarówmasy na charakterystyki promieniowania anteny dla zastosowań IFF/SSR, zrealizowanej na grubym podłożu i zasilanej przez szczelinę typu H. Pokazane wyniki dla anteny oryginalnej porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi po zmniejszeniu wymiarów masy (w każdym z kierunków). Pokazano jak dalece można zminimalizować wymiary anteny, przy założonym poziomie listków bocznych.
Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinizing, NOS - Female, 48 - Tissue image [8120730007226001]
Dane BadawczeThis is the histopathological image of NASAL CAVITY AND MIDDLE EAR tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinizing, NOS - Female, 48 - Tissue image [8120730007223441]
Dane BadawczeThis is the histopathological image of NASAL CAVITY AND MIDDLE EAR tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Recent Achievements in Constitutive Equations of Laminates and Functionally Graded Structures Formulated in the Resultant Nonlinear Shell Theory
PublikacjaThe development of constitutive equations formulated in the resultant nonlinear shell theory is presented. The specific features of the present shell theory are drilling rotation naturally included in the formulation and asymmetric measures of strains and stress resultants. The special attention in the chapter is given to recent achievements: progressive failure analysis of laminated shells and elastoplastic constitutive relation...
Structural Dynamics and Stability of Composite Structures
PublikacjaThis an editorial for a special Issue devoted to the application of dynamic and stability analysis of composite structures. In structural applications, past few decades have seen outstanding advances in the use of composite materials including Functionally Graded Materials (FGM). Most structures, whether they are used in civil, marine, or aerospace engineering, are subjected to dynamic loads during their operation.Therefore, dynamic...
Thermal buckling of functionally graded piezomagnetic micro- and nanobeams presenting the flexomagnetic effect
PublikacjaGalerkin weighted residual method (GWRM) is applied and implemented to address the axial stability and bifurcation point of a functionally graded piezomagnetic structure containing flexomagneticity in a thermal environment. The continuum specimen involves an exponential mass distributed in a heterogeneous media with a constant square cross section. The physical neutral plane is investigated to postulate functionally graded material...
Analiza nieliniowa powłok z materiałów gradientowych w ośrodku mikropolarnym
PublikacjaW pracy zaprezentowano analizę powłok z materiałów gradientowych dla zakresu dużych przemieszczeń. Macierz konstytutywna została wyprowadzona dla elementu powłokowego o 6 stopniach swobody w węźle w teorii ośrodka mikropolarnego. Zaprezentowano wyniki numeryczne dla swobodnie podpartej kwadratowej płyty FGM i porównano je z wynikami z literatury oraz uzyskanymi w programie Abaqus.
Virulence of Clinical Candida Isolates
PublikacjaThe factors enablingCandidaspp. infections are secretion of hydrolytic enzymes, adher-ence to surfaces, biofilm formation or morphological transition, and fitness attributes. The aim of thisstudy was to investigate the correlation between known extracellular virulence factors and survivalofGalleria mellonellalarvae infected with clinicalCandida. The 25 isolates were tested and the activityof proteinases among 24/24, phospholipases...
Spray pyrolysis of doped-ceria barrier layers for solid oxide fuel cells
PublikacjaGadolinium doped ceria (Ce0.8Gd0.2O2 − x-CGO) layer fabricated by spray pyrolysis is investigated as the diffusion barrier for solid oxide fuel cell. It is deposited between the La0.6Sr0.4FeO3 − δ cathode and the yttria stabilized zirconia electrolyte to mitigate harmful interdiffusion of elements. The parameters of the fabrication process are linked to the measured area specific resistances of the symmetrical cells and the efficiency...
Efektywność skrępowania betonu w grubościennych słupach typu Concrete-Filled Steel Tube o przekroju kołowym
PublikacjaW słupach typu CFST w stanie granicznym dochodzi do zwiększenia wytrzymałości betonu rdzenia na skutek jego skrępowania. Zaistnienie tego zjawiska zależy od wielu czynników. Jednym z najważniejszych z nich jest sztywność obwodowa płaszcza stalowego. Jej wpływ na efektywność wzrostu wytrzymałości betonu rdzenia przebadano eksperymentalnie na grupie 48 grubościennych słupów CFST. Wykazano, że nadmierne zwiększanie grubości płaszcza...
Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Functionally Graded Shells Based on 2-D Cosserat Constitutive Model
PublikacjaIn this paper geometrically nonlinear analysis of functionally graded shells in 6-parameter shell theory is presented. It is assumed that the shell consists of two constituents: ceramic and metal. The mechanical properties are graded through the thickness and are described by power law distribution. Formulation based on 2-D Cosserat constitutive model is used to derive constitutive relation for functionally graded shells. Numerical...
Degradation of Gel-Coat Layer in Glass/Polyester Laminate in Seawater Environment
PublikacjaGlass/polyester laminate coated with gelcoat layer of different thickness 0,5; 1,5; 3 mm was studied in terms of blistering behaviour and water sorption in hot water environment. Blistering was found to be accelerated for thin (0,5 mm) gel-coat layer compared to the thick (1,5; 3 mm), however no significant difference in blistering behaviour was observed between the laminates with gel-coat thickness 1,5 and 3 mm which may suggest...
A Highly Sensitive Planar Microwave Sensor for Detecting Direction and Angle of Rotation
PublikacjaThis article presents a technique based on a modified complementary split-ring resonator (CSRR) to detect angular displacement and direction of rotation with high resolution and sensitivity over a wide dynamic range. The proposed microwave planar sensor takes advantage of the asymmetry of the sensor geometry and measures the angle of rotation in terms of the change in the relative phase of the reflection coefficients. The sensor...
Experimental research of the effect of face milling strategy on the flatness deviations
PublikacjaIn this paper the dependencies between face milling strategy of EN AW6082-T6 aluminum alloy samples, with difference thicknesses (6, 8, and 12 mm) and two cold rolling directions, and flatness deviations were presented. Three strategies of milling included different proportions of material removed from both sides of the plates. This approach allowed to control the proportions of residual surface stresses on both sides of the specimens,...
Experimental and numerical studies on the mechanical response of a piezoelectric nanocomposite-based functionally graded materials
PublikacjaThis work presents an experimental study of piezoelectric structures reinforced by graphene platelets, based on the concept of the functionally graded materials (FGMs). The assumed model is a rectangular beam/plate and the composition is due to the Halpin-Tsai rule. The model is also simulated in the Abaqus software which is the first time that such a structure has been modelled in an FEM package. In addition, a mathematical model...
Superconducting properties and electronic structure of NaBi
PublikacjaResistivity, dc magnetization, and heat capacity measurements are reported for superconducting NaBi. Tc, the electronic contribution to the specific heat γ, the ΔCp/γTc ratio, and the Debye temperature are found to be 2.15 K, 3.4 mJ mol−1 K−2, 0.78, and 140 K respectively. The calculated electron–phonon coupling constant (λep = 0.62) implies that NaBi is a moderately coupled superconductor. The upper critical field and coherence...
Effect of bitumen characteristics obtained according to EN and Superpave specifications on asphalt mixture performance in low-temperature laboratory tests
PublikacjaThe paper aims to identify those characteristics of bitumen which have the greatest impact on asphalt mixture low-temperature performance. It was observed that stiffness and m-value of bitumen from BBR test were moderately related to stiffness and m-value of asphalt mixture obtained from 3 PB test. Simultaneously those rheological properties significantly impact on cryogenic stresses induced during TSRST test. The multiple regression...
Warunki hydrogeochemiczne i podatność na zanieczyszczenie wód podziemnych w zlewni górnej Raduni
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of long-term studies in the Kashubian Lake district that have been completed with data gathered over the last five years. The purpose of this research was to assess a temporal variability of groundwater chemical composition and to analyze risk of pollutant migration to subsurface water. Investigation indicates local, however, significant anthropogenic influence on a shallow aquifers.The assessment of...
Oxidation and hydrogen behavior in Zr-2Mn alloy
PublikacjaThe purpose of the present research was to determine the oxidation and hydrogenation behavior in the new Zr-2Mn alloy. The oxidation of alloy was performed at temperatures between 350°C and 900°C for 30 minutes. The hydrogen charging was made for 72 h at a current density 80 mA/cm2. The charged samples were heat treated at 400°C for 4 h to obtain a uniform hydrogen profile content across the sample. The oxidation resulted in an...
Assessing groundwater vulnerability to sea water intrusion in the coastline of the inner Puck Bay using GALDIT method
PublikacjaIn this research, GALDIT method was used to assess seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the inner Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). The impact of potential sea-level rise on groundwater vulnerability for years 2081-2100 was also considered. The study area was categorized into three classes of vulnerability: low, moderate and high. The most vulnerable area is the Hel Peninsula with northern part of the Kashubian Coastland....
Assessing groundwater vulnerability to sea water intrusion in the coastline of the inner Puck Bay using GALDIT method
PublikacjaIn this research, GALDIT method was used to assess seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the inner Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). The impact of potential sea-level rise on groundwater vulnerability for years 2081-2100 was also considered. The study area was categorized into three classes of vulnerability: low, moderate and high. The most vulnerable area is the Hel Peninsula with northern part of the Kashubian Coastland....
Effects of thermal history on the performance of low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells with Sm0.2Ce0.8O2-δ electrolyte and LiNi0.81Co0.15Al0.04O2 electrodes
PublikacjaIn this study, low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells with an ∼560 μm thick Sm0.2Ce0.8O2−δ (SDC) electrolyte and ∼890 μm thick LiNi0.81Co0.15Al0.04O2−δ (NCAL) electrodes are constructed and characterized under three experimental conditions. The cell with an NCAL cathode pre-reduced under an H2 atmosphere at 550 °C presents the best electrochemical performance. This is ascribed to facts that the reduction reaction generating Ni–Co...
Superconductivity on a Bi Square Net in LiBi
PublikacjaWe present the crystallographic analysis, superconducting characterization and theoretical modeling of LiBi, that contains the lightest and the heaviest nonradioactive metal. The compound crystallizes in a tetragonal (CuAu-type) crystal structure with Bi square nets separated by Li planes (parameters a = 3.3636(1)Å and c = 4.2459(2) Å, c/a = 1.26). Superconducting state was studied in detail by magnetic susceptibility and heat...
Microwave Characterization of Dielectric Sheets in a Plano-Concave Fabry-Perot Open Resonator
PublikacjaDespite its long history, a double-concave (DC) Fabry-Perot open resonator (FPOR) has recently gained popularity in the characterization of dielectrics in the 20–110 GHz range, mainly due to such novel accomplishments as full automation of the measurement process and the development of even ore accurate and computationally efficient electromagnetic model. However, it has been discovered that such a DC resonator suffers from unwanted...
Analysis of server-side and client-side Web-GIS data processing methods on the example of JTS and JSTS using open data from OSM and geoportal
PublikacjaThe last decade has seen a rapid evolution of processing, analysis and visualization of freely available geographic data using Open Source Web-GIS. In the beginning, Web-based Geographic Information Systems employed a thick-client approach which required installation of platform-specific browser plugins. Later on, research focus shifted to platform-independent thin client solutions in which data processing and analysis was performed...