wszystkich: 308
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MOLECULAR EXCITATION
A study of electron impact excitation of molecular oxygen at a scattering angle of 180 st.
PublikacjaZbadano wzbudzenie tlenu cząsteczkowego w zderzeniu z elektronem dla rozproszenia do tyłu, pod kątem 180 st. Do pomiarów wykorzystano nowe źródło lokalnego pola magnetycznego o geometrii stożkowej.
Low-energy electron scattering from molecular hydrogen: Excitation of the X1Σg+ to b3Σu+ transition
PublikacjaWe present time-of-flight differential cross-section measurements and convergent close-coupling calculations of differential cross sections for the electron-impact excitation of the X 1 g + → b 3 u + transition in molecular hydrogen. A part of this work was recently published [M. Zawadzki et al., Phys. Rev. A 97, 050702(R) (2018)]. In this work, agreement between theory and experiment is excellent overall, and marks a transition...
Differential cross sections for electron impact vibrational excitation of molecular oxygen in the angular range 15° - 180°.
PublikacjaZmierzono absolutne różniczkowe przekroje czynne na wzbudzenie drobin tlenu do poziomów oscylacyjnych v=1-4 stanu podstawowego X3 suma g. Pomiary wykonano dla energii elektronów równej 10eV w zakresie kątów rozproszenia od 15° do 180°.
Time-of-flight electron scattering from molecular hydrogen: Benchmark cross sections for excitation of the X1Σ+g→b3Σ+u transition
PublikacjaThe electron impact X1Σ+g to b3Σ+u transition in molecular hydrogen is one of the most important dissociation pathways to forming atomic hydrogen atoms, and is of great importance in modeling astrophysical and industrial plasmas where molecular hydrogen is a substantial constituent. Recently it has been found that the convergent close-coupling (CCC) cross sections of Zammit et al. [Phys. Rev. A 95, 022708 (2017)] are up to a factor...
Differential cross section for electron impact excitation of the a1 δ g state of molecular oxygen in the 15-180° angular range.
PublikacjaZmierzono absolutne różniczkowe przekroje czynne na wzbudzeniu drobin tlenu do poziomu oscylacyjnego v=0 stanu a1 δ g. Pomiary wykonano dla energii elektronów równej 10eV w zakresie kątów rozproszenia od 15° do 180°.
Electron-impact dissociation of molecular hydrogen: benchmark cross sections
PublikacjaWe present a joint experimental and theoretical investigation of a fundamental process in atomic and molecular physics: electron impact excitation of molecular hydrogen’s (H2) most dominant transition (X1Σg+ → b3Σu+). Excitation of this state is by far the main channel that causes the dissociation of H2 into H + H atoms at low energies. The Convergent Close-Coupling (CCC) calculations predicted significant, more than factor of...
Evaluating experimental molecular physics studies of radiation damage in DNA*
PublikacjaThe field of Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMP) is a mature field exploring the spectroscopy, excitation, ionisation of atoms and molecules in all three phases. Understanding of the spectroscopy and collisional dynamics of AMP has been fundamental to the development and application of quantum mechanics and is applied across a broad range of disparate disciplines including atmospheric sciences, astrochemistry, combustion and environmental...
PublikacjaWe report time-of-flight differential cross section (DCS) measurements for the electron impact excitation transition in H2. In this work, agreement between available theory and experiment is excellent overall, and marks a transition in electron molecule scattering where differential scattering of excitation is found to be in such precise agreement. We also prove that the newly built apparatus can be used for accurate measurement...
Excited state properties of a series of molecular photocatalysts investigated by time dependent density functional theory.
PublikacjaTime dependent density functional theory calculations are applied on a series of molecular photocatalysts of the type [(tbbpy)2M1(tpphz)M2X2]2+ (M1 = Ru, Os; M2 = Pd, Pt; X = Cl, I) in order to provide information concerning the photochemistry occurring upon excitation of the compounds in the visible region. To this aim, the energies, oscillator strengths and orbital characters of the singlet and triplet excited states are investigated....
Inner-shell fragmentation of molecules into neutral fragments in high-Rydberg states induced by soft X-ray excitation with pulsed-field ionization
PublikacjaIn the present communication, we will show the results of measurements probing the production of neutral high-Rydberg fragments at the K edges of the molecules containing oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The experiments were performed at the Gas Phase beamline of the Elettra synchrotron radiation laboratory (Trieste, Italy), exploiting a combined soft X-ray excitation with pulsed-field ionization and ion time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometry...
Low energy inelastic electron scattering from carbon monoxide: I. excitation of the a3Π, a’3Σ+ and AΠ1 electronic states.
PublikacjaDifferential scattering cross sections for electron excitation of the three lowest excited electron states of carbon monoxide are obtained experimentally using low-energy electron energy-loss spectroscopy and theoretically using the R-matrix method. The incident electron energies range from near-threshold of 6.3 eV to 20 eV. Experimental scattering angles range from 20◦ to 120◦. The normalization of the experimental cross sections...
Synthesis and hydrogen evolving catalysis of a panchromatic photochemical molecular device
PublikacjaA dinuclear hydrogen evolution photocatalyst [(tbbpy)2Os(tpphz)PtI2](PF6)2 (tbbpy = 4,4′-tert-butyl-2,2′-bipyridine; tpphz = tetrapyrido[3,2-a:2′,3′-c:2′′,3′′-h:2′′′,3′′′-j]phenazine) is synthesized in order to make use of the broader range of visible light absorption mitigated by the osmium center. In a first step, the activity of the complex for hydrogen evolution is investigated by evaluating the role of different electron donors...
Raman spectra for pyrolized natural compounds
Dane BadawczeThe presented data showcases the results of Raman spectroscopy analysis conducted on pyrolyzed natural compounds both with and without the inclusion of graphene. The study delved into four specific compounds: methylcellulose with lysine (ML), methylcellulose with lysine-graphene composite (MLG), algae (A), and algae-graphene composite (AG). Raman spectra...
Features of Nonlinear Sound Propagation in Vibrationally Excited Gases
PublikacjaWeakly nonlinear sound propagation in a gas where molecular vibrational relaxation takes place is studied. New equations which govern the sound in media where the irreversible relaxation may take place are derived and discussed. Their form depends on the regime of excitation of oscillatory degrees of freedom, equilibrium (reversible) or non-equilibrium (irreversible), and on the comparative frequency of the sound in relation to...
Superexcited states in the vacuum-ultraviolet photofragmentation of isoxazole molecules
PublikacjaThe photofragmentation of isoxazole molecules producing excited atomic and molecular fragments has been investigated over the energy range 16-50 eV, using photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. The following fragments have been identified by their fluorescence: the excited hydrogen atoms H(n), n = 3-7 and the diatomic CH(A2Δ, B2Σ−), CN(B2Σ+) and C2(d3Πg) fragments. The diatomic fragments are vibrationally and highly rotationally...
Electron impact fragmentation of pyrrole molecules studied by fluorescence emission spectroscopy
PublikacjaThe fluorescence emission spectroscopy using electron impact excitation technique was employed to study fragmentation processes of the gas phase pyrrole molecules. The following excited fragmentation species were observed by detection of their fluorescence decay: the atomic hydrogen H(n), n = 4-7 and the diatomic CH(A2Δ), CN(B2Σ+), NH(A3Π) and C2(d3Πg) fragments. These atomic and molecular products differ from those previously...
Dissociation and fragmentation of furan by electron impact
PublikacjaDissociation and fragmentation processes that produce electronically excited atomic and molecular fragments, following electron impact excitation, have been studied in furan. The optical excitation technique has been employed over the electron incident energy range 15-95 eV. Formation of excited hydrogen atoms H(n) in the n = 4-10 states has been detected by observation of the Balmer series. The diatomic CH fragments are formed...
A general approach to study molecular fragmentation and energy redistribution after an ionizing event
PublikacjaWe propose to combine quantum chemical calculations, statistical mechanical methods, and photoionization and particle collision experiments to unravel the redistribution of internal energy of the furan cation and its dissociation pathways. This approach successfully reproduces the relative intensity of the different fragments as a function of the internal energy of the system in photoelectron–photoion coincidence experiments and...
O 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2 molecule studied via detection of low-energy fluorescence emission
PublikacjaOxygen 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2 molecule have been studied with dispersed and non-dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy as well as with the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photon-photoion coincidence technique. The intensity of the neutral O emission line at 845 nm shows particular sensitivity to core-to-Rydberg excitations and core-valence double excitations, while shape resonances are suppressed. In contrast,...
Spectroscopic and photophysical properties of ZNTPP in a room temperature ionic liquid
PublikacjaThe steady-state absorption and emission spectra and the time-resolved Soret- and Q-band excited fluorescence profiles of the model metalloporphyrin, ZnTPP, have been measured in a highly purified sample of the common room temperature ionic liquid, [bmim][PF(6)]. S(2)-S(0) emission resulting from Soret-band excitation behaves in a manner completely consistent with that of molecular solvents of the same polarizability. The ionic...
Molecular transformation of dissolved organic matter in manganese ore-mediated constructed wetlands for fresh leachate treatment
PublikacjaThe organic matter (OM) and nitrogen in Fresh leachate (FL) from waste compression sites pose environmental and health risks. Even though the constructed wetland (CW) can efficiently remove these pollutants, the molecular-level transformations of dissolved OM (DOM) in FL remain uncertain. This study reports the molecular dynamics of DOM and nitrogen removal during FL treatment in CWs. Two lab-scale vertical-flow CW systems were...
Optoelectronic system for investigation of cvd diamond/DLC layers growth
PublikacjaDevelopment of the optoelectronic system for non-invasive monitoring of diamond/DLC (Diamond-Like-Carbon) thin films growth during μPA ECR CVD (Microwave Plasma Assisted Electron Cyclotron Resonance Chemical Vapour Deposition) process is described. The system uses multi-point Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) and long-working-distance Raman spectroscopy. Dissociation of H2 molecules, excitation and ionization of hydrogen atoms...
Theoretical Investigation of the Electron-Transfer Dynamics and Photodegradation Pathways in a Hydrogen-Evolving Ruthenium-Palladium Photocatalyst
PublikacjaTime-dependent density functional theory calcula- tions combinedwith the Marcus theory of electron transfer (ET) were app lied on the molecular photocatalys t [(tbbpy) 2 Ru(tpph z)PdC l 2 ] 2 + in order to elucidate thelight-in- duced relaxation pathways populated upon excitation in the longer wavelength range of its absorption spectrum. The computational resultsshow that after the initial excitation, metal (Ru) to ligand (tpphz)chargetransfer...
Theoretical designing of selenium heterocyclic non-fullerene acceptors with enhanced power conversion efficiency for organic solar cells: a DFT/TD-DFT-based prediction and understanding
PublikacjaIn this study, we have designed and explored a new series of non-fullerene acceptors for possible applications in organic solar cells. We have designed four molecules named as APH1 to APH4 after end-capped modification of recently synthesized Y6-Se-4Cl molecule. Density functional theory and time dependent-density functional theory have been employed for computing geometric and photovoltaic parameters of the designed molecules....
Excited states of mono- and biruthenium(II) complexes adsorbed on nanocrystalline titanium dioxide studied by electroabsorption spectroscopy
PublikacjaComprehensive characterization of the lowest energy electronic excited states for mono- and binuclear Ru(II) complexes containing bipyridine ligands has been performed by electroabsorption (EA) spectroscopy. The EA spectra of Ru complexes sensitizing a TiO2 semiconductor were compared with the spectra of these complexes in the form of solid neat films, both of which parametrized within the Liptay theory. The extracted values of...
A Novel Ru(II) Polypyridine Black Dye Investigated by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy and TDDFT Calculations
PublikacjaThe optical properties of a new(bipyridine)2Ru(4H-imidazole) complex presenting a remarkablebroad absorption in the visible range are investigated. Thestrong overlap of the absorption with the solar radiationspectrum renders the studied complex promising as a blackabsorber and hence as a starting structure for applications inthe field of dye-sensitized solar cells. The correlations betweenstructural and electronic features for...
Low energy inelastic electron scattering from carbon monoxide: II. Excitation of the b3Σ+, j3Σ+, B1Σ+, C1Σ+ and E1Π Rydberg electronic states
PublikacjaIn this second part of a two part paper (first part: Zawadzki et al (2020 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 165201)) we present differential scattering cross sections for excitation of several Rydberg electronic states of carbon monoxide by electron impact. The first part concerned the low-lying valence states of CO. In the present study cross sections are obtained experimentally using low-energy electron energy-loss spectroscopy...
Standing Acoustic Waves and Relative Nonlinear Phenomena in a Vibrationally Relaxing Gas-Filled Resonator
PublikacjaStanding acoustic waves in one-dimensional resonator filled with vibrationally relaxing gas, are studied. Two regimes of excitation of molecular vibrational degrees of freedom are considered, equilibrium and nonequilibrium. The acoustic energy enlarges with time in the non-equilibrium regime and decreases otherwise before formation of discontinuity. After that, it decreases due to nonlinear absorption and tends to zero in equilibrium...
PublikacjaDevelopment of Raman spectroscopic system for diagnostics of growth of diamond and BDD (Boron- Doped-Diamond) thin films during μPA CVD (Microwave Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition) process is described. Raman studies of such films were carried out as in-situ monitoring of film deposition as ex-situ measurements conducted for a sample outside the reaction vessel after manufacturing process. Modular system for the in-situ...
Very accurate time propagation of coupled Schrödinger equations for femto- and attosecond physics and chemistry, with C++ source code
PublikacjaIn this article, I present a very fast and high-precision (up to 33 decimal places) C++ implementation of the semi-global time propagation algorithm for a system of coupled Schrödinger equations with a time-dependent Hamiltonian. It can be used to describe time-dependent processes in molecular systems after excitation by femto- and attosecond laser pulses. It also works with an arbitrary user supplied Hamiltonian and can be used...
Anatomy of noise in quantitative biological Raman spectroscopy
PublikacjaRaman spectroscopy is a fundamental form of molecular spectroscopy that is widely used to investigate structures and properties of molecules using their vibrational transitions. It relies on inelastic scattering of monochromatic laser light irradiating the specimen. After appropriate filtering the scattered light is dispersed onto a detector to determine the shift from the excitation wavelength, which appears in the form of...
Vacuum ultraviolet photoionization and ionic fragmentation of the isoxazole molecules
PublikacjaThe photofragmentation of the isoxazole molecules producing ionized atomic and molecular fragments was investigated in the photon energy range of 9e32 eV, using synchrotron radiation excitation combined with ion time-of-flight spectrometry. Twenty-one well resolved cations were identified in the mass spectra of the isoxazole, and their appearance energies were determined. The yield curves of these cations were obtained in the photon...
Optoelectronic system for monitoring of thin diamond layers growth
PublikacjaDevelopment of the optoelectronic system for monitoring of diamond/DLC (Diamond-Like-Carbon) thin films growth during mu PA ECR CVD (Microwave Plasma Assisted Electron Cyclotron Resonance Chemical Vapour Deposition) process is described. The multi-point Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) and Raman spectroscopy were employed as non-invasive optoelectronic tools. Dissociation of H-2 molecules, excitation and ionization of hydrogen...
Effect of the Catalytic Center on the Electron Transfer Dynamics in Hydrogen-Evolving Ruthenium-Based Photocatalysts Investigated by Theoretical Calculations
PublikacjaThe light-induced relaxation pathways in the molecular photocatalyst [(tbbpy)2Ru(tpphz)PtCl2]2+ are investigated with time-dependent density functional theory calculations together with the Marcus theory of electron transfer (ET). The calculations show that metal (Ru) to ligand (tpphz) charge transfer (MLCT) triplet states are populated following an excitation in the longer wavelength range of the absorption spectrum, but that an...
Formation of CN (B2∑+) radicals in the vacuum-ultraviolet photodissociation of pyridine and pyrimidine molecules
PublikacjaFormation of the excited CN(B2∑+) free radicals in the photodissociation of pyridine (C5H5N) and pyrimidine (C4H4N2) molecules was investigated over the energy ranges 16–27 and 14.7–25 eV, respectively. Photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy was applied to detect the vibrationally and rotationally excited CN radicals by recording the B2∑+→X2∑+ emission bands (violet system). The measured dissociation yield curves demonstrate...
Rotational excitation of N2 by positron impact in the adiabatic rotational approximation
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Decomposition of halogenated nucleobases by surface plasmon resonance excitation of gold nanoparticles
PublikacjaHalogenated uracil derivatives are of great interest in modern cancer therapy, either as chemotherapeutics or radiosensitisers depending on their halogen atom. This work applies UV-Vis spectroscopy to study the radiation damage of uracil, 5-bromouracil and 5- uorouracil dissolved in water in the presence of gold nanoparticles upon irradiation with an Nd:YAG ns-pulsed laser operating at 532nm at dierent uences. Gold nanoparticles...
Elimination and migration of hydrogen in the vacuum-ultraviolet photodissociation of pyridine molecules
PublikacjaElimination of the excited hydrogen atoms H(n), n = 4–7, and hydrogen migration in formation of the excited NH(A 3Π) free radicals in the photodissociation of pyridine, C5H5N, molecules have been studied over the 17.5–70 eV photon energy range. In the measurements the photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy technique has been applied. Both fragments are produced through excitation of pyridine molecules into higher-lying superexcited...
Charge separation control in organic photosensitizers for photocatalytic water splitting without sacrificial electron donors
PublikacjaPhotocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (photoHER) is one of the most promising approaches towards production of “green” hydrogen. Currently, the state-of-the-art photoHER systems require the use of sacrificial electron donors (SED), because of inefficient charge separation in photosensitizers and thermodynamically challenging water oxidation by the same catalyst. Here, we present a molecular design approach for all-organic...
Dendron to Central Core S1–S1 and S2–Sn (n>1) Energy Transfers in Artificial Special Pairs Containing Dendrimers with Limited Numbers of Conformations
PublikacjaTwo dendrimers consisting of a cofacial free-base bisporphyrin held by a biphenylene spacer and functionalized with 4-benzeneoxomethane (5-(4-benzene)tri-10,15,20-(4-n-octylbenzene)zinc(II)porphyrin) using either five or six of the six available meso-positions, have been synthesized and characterized as models for the antenna effect in Photosystems I and II. The presence of the short linkers, -CH2O-, and long C8H17 soluble side...
O 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2molecule studied via detection of low-energy fluorescence emission
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Designing efficient A-D-A1-D-A type fullerene free acceptor molecules with enhanced power conversion efficiency for solar cell applications
PublikacjaThe achievement of highly efficient power conversion efficiency (PCE) is a big concern for non-fullerene organic solar cells (NF-OSCs) because PCE can depend on numerous variables. Here, new five novel acceptor molecules without fullerenes were developed and investigated using DFT (density functional theory) and TD-DFT (time dependent-density functional theory). Compared to the recently synthesized molecule (PZ-dIDTC6), the developed...
Effect of excitation intensity on slope stability assessed by a simplified approach
PublikacjaThe paper concerns the selection of a design accelerograms used for the slope stability assessment under earthquake excitation. The aim is to experimentally verify the Arias Intensity as an indicator of the excitation threat to the slope stability. A simple dynamic system consisting of a rigid block on a rigid inclined plane subjected to horizontal excitation is adopted as a slope model. Strong ground motions recorded during earthquakes...
Conception and design of a hybrid exciter for brushless synchronous generator. Application for autonomous electrical power systems = Koncepcja i projekt hybrydowej wzbudnicy bezszczotkowego generatora synchronicznego. Zastosowanie w autonomicznych systemach elektroenergetycznych.
PublikacjaThis paper covers a subject of a hybrid excitation system for a brushless synchronous generator working with variable speed in an autonomous energy generation system (e.g. airplane power grid). A hybrid excitation system (hybrid exciter) means a synchronous machine with wound-field and permanent magnet excitation. The hybrid exciter supply a dc field current to the synchronous generator field winding through a rotating rectifier....
Impedance Spectra of RC Model as a Result of Testing Pulse Excitation Measurement Method Dataset
PublikacjaThe dataset titled Impedance spectra of RC model as a result of testing pulse excitation measurement method contains the impedance spectrum of an exemplary test RC model obtained using pulse excitation. The dataset allows presentation of the accuracy of the impedance spectroscopy measuring instrument, which uses the pulse excitation method to shorten the time of the whole spectrum acquisition.
Electronic states of tetrahydrofuran molecules studied by electron collisions
PublikacjaElectronic states of tetrahydrofuran molecules were studied in the excitation energy range 5.5-10 eV using the technique of electron energy loss spectroscopy in the gas phase. Excitation from the two conformations, C2 and Cs, of the ground state of the molecule are observed in the measured energy loss spectra. The vertical excitation energies of the 3(no3s) triplet state from the C2 and Cs conformations of the ground state of the...
Excited states of isoxazole molecules studied by electron energy-loss spectroscopy
PublikacjaElectron energy-loss spectra were measured in isoxazole in the excitation energy range 3.5−10 eV to investigate the valence excited states. Spectra recorded at different scattering conditions enabled the identification of the singlet and triplet states and the determination of their vertical excitation energies. The two lowest energy triplet bands, ππ* 13A' and ππ* 23A' at 4.20 and 5.30 eV, respectively show vibrational progressions....
Electron energy-loss spectroscopy of excited states of the diazine molecules: Pyridazine
PublikacjaExcitation of the valence electronic states of the pyridazine molecules in the gas phase have been studied using the technique of electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Varying the electron scattering conditions, the residual electron energy and scattering angle, enabled the optically-allowed and -forbidden excitations to be differentiated. The measured energy-loss spectra enabled the vertical excitation energies of the observed states...
Charge Transfer, Complexes Formation and Furan Fragmentation Induced by Collisions with Low-Energy Helium Cations
PublikacjaThe present work focuses on unraveling the collisional processes leading to the fragmentation of the gas-phase furan molecules under the He+ and He2+ cations impact in the energy range 5–2000 eV. The presence of different mechanisms was identified by the analysis of the optical fragmentation spectra measured using the collision-induced emission spectroscopy (CIES) in conjunction with the ab initio calculations. The measurements of...
Magnetosonic Excitation of the Entropy Perturbations in a Plasma with Thermal Conduction Depending on Temperature
PublikacjaNonlinear excitation of the entropy perturbations by magnetosonic waves in a uniform and infinite plasma model is considered. The wave vector of slow or fast mode forms an arbitrary angle (0 B B ) with the equilibrium straight magnetic field, and all perturbations are functions of the time and longitudinal coordinate. Thermal conduction is the only factor which destroys isentropicity of wave perturbations and causes the nonlinear...