Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MULTI-LEVEL GOVERNANCE - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MULTI-LEVEL GOVERNANCE

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MULTI-LEVEL GOVERNANCE

  • Multi-level governance w procesie ustanowienia Wymiaru Północnego Unii Europejskiej

    Artykuł ukazuje proces podejmowania decyzji w celu ustalenia Wymiaru Północnego w kontekście multi-level governance. Analiza koncentruje się na instytucjonalnych i proceduralnych aspektach wertykalnego przekazania władzy. Jej wyniki wykazały właściwości wielopoziomowego sprawowania rządów w fazie powołania zewnętrznej inicjatywy makroregionalnej Unii Europejskiej. Pozwoliły one także na włączenie się do debaty na temat możliwości...

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  • Multi-level models of transport systems for traffic management


    The region of Pomorskie uses a variety of tools for forecasting and analysing transport. They can be operated, calibrated and updated with data that will be collected and stored in the TRISTAR system. An initiative of the Department of Highway Engineering of the Gdansk University of Technology is designed to develop and implement an integrated and hierarchical system for forecasting and analysing transport called MST (Multilevel...

  • Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM For a Cascaded Multi-level Inverter


    - Rok 2020

    This paper deals with the selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation (SHE-PWM) technique. This technique is used for the elimination of selected dominant low order harmonics in the multi-level inverter output voltage. The presence of these harmonics is the essential drawback of such kind of inverters; especially when it is used for the control of different AC drivers. The SHE-PWM is based...

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  • Multi-level Virtualization and Its Impact on System Performance in Cloud Computing

    The results of benchmarking tests of multi-level virtualized environments are presented. There is analysed the performance impact of hardware virtualization, container-type isolation and programming level abstraction. The comparison is made on the basis of a proposed score metric that allows you to compare different aspects of performance. There is general performance (CPU and memory), networking, disk operations and application-like...

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  • Implementation of multi-operand addition in FPGA using high-level synthesis

    The paper presents the results of high-level synthesis (HLS) of multi-operand adders in FPGA using the Vivado Xilinx environment. The aim was to estimate the hardware amount and latency of adders described in C-code. The main task of the presented experiments was to compare the implementations of the carry-save adder (CSA) type multi-operand adders obtained as the effect of the HLS synthesis and those based on the basic component...

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  • A multi-level risk-based method for safety assessment of ships in critical conditions.


    - Rok 2004

    W pracy przedstawiono podstawowe informacje na temat badań dla bezpieczeństwa statków w warunkach krytycznych. Opisano nowoczesne podejście do oceny bezpieczeństwa statków. Przedstawiono podstawowe elementy metody oceny bezpieczenstwa statków w warunkach krytycznych oraz elementy modelu obliczeniowego. Przedstawiono także elementy metody bezpośredniej oceny stateczności i stateczności awaryjnej statków. Podano kilka przykładów...

  • An analysis of wind conditions at pedestrian level in the selected types of multi-family housing developments


    The following article addresses the issue of wind conditions around urban building development at pedestrian level. Factors that depend on those issues include wind comfort and air quality within urbanized spaces. The conditions specific of cities located in a temperate climate zone have been taken into account. The article is intended to identify aerodynamic phenomena characteristic of the three basic types of multi-family building...

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  • A multi-level risk-based method for safety assessment of ships in critical conditions. Option for preliminary design


    - Rok 2005

    W pracy przedstawiono wybrane informacje na temat metody oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w warunkach krytycznych. Metoda umożliwia wielokryterialne i wieloparametryczne badanie bezpieczeństwa statków, w celu otrzymania wymaganego i optymalnego poziomu bezpieczeństwa. W metodzie wykorzystano podejście do projektowania oparte o ocenę osiągów statku i ocenę ryzyka. Istnieje możliwość dostosowania metody do oceny bezpieczeństwa statku...

  • International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems (Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms in agent Systems [COIN])


  • Tomasz Janowski dr

    Tomasz Janowski jest kierownikiem Katedry Informatyki w Zarządzaniu, Politechnika Gdańska; profesorem wizytującym w Department for E-Governance and Administration, University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria; oraz współredaktorem naczelnym czasopisma Government Information Quarterly, Elsevier. Wcześniej był założycielem i kierownikiem United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV),...

  • Concept of 'Good Urban Governance' and Its Application in Sustainable Urban Planning

    Contemporary urban theory and practice in the post-industrial era is increasingly often turning towards an approach based on sustainable development. That concept bearing the traits of a paradigm has grown on the ground of broad quest for an alternative to the existing development model of the industrial civilisation. It has gained wide social acceptance and is the basis for many development and environmental programmes at the...

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  • Data governance: Organizing data for trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

    • M. Janssen
    • P. Brous
    • E. Estevez
    • L. S. Barbosa
    • T. Janowski


    The rise of Big, Open and Linked Data (BOLD) enables Big Data Algorithmic Systems (BDAS) which are often based on machine learning, neural networks and other forms of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As such systems are increasingly requested to make decisions that are consequential to individuals, communities and society at large, their failures cannot be tolerated, and they are subject to stringent regulatory and ethical requirements....

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  • Appunti di corporate governance


    - Rok 2021

    Il libro pone la proprietà al centro di tutte le scelte rilevanti che l’impresa compie: in particolare affronta il «problema» del governo il tema della corporate governance dalla prospettiva della proprietà e in un’accezione più ampia e articolata rispetto agli studi di matrice anglosassone. In questo contesto, si analizza il tema delle relazioni tra proprietà, governo corporate governance e strategia corporate delle imprese, con...

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  • Jerzy Konorski dr hab. inż.

    Jerzy Konorski otrzymał tytuł mgr inż. telekomunikacji na Poitechnice Gdańskiej, zaś stopień doktora n.t. w dyscyplinie informatyka w Instytucie Podstaw Informatyki PAN. W r. 2007 obronił rozprawę habilitacyjną na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomnikacji i Informatyki PG. Jest autorem ponad 150 publikacji naukowych, prowadził projekty naukowo-badawcze finansowane ze środków Komitetu Badań Naukowych, UE, US Air Force Office of Scientific...

  • Principles of Corporate Governance


    - Rok 2019

    The book places ownership at the centre of all relevant choices that the conpany makes: in particular it adresses the problem of governance from the perspective of owenership. The second part of the book analyzes in a number of coutries economic systens, caputakism models, dfferent economic cultures, and their role in defining the type of corporate governance that has emerged

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  • Is Digitalization Improving Governance Quality? Correlating Analog and Digital Benchmarks


    The digitalization of public governance and the resulting concept of electronic governance is a characteristic feature of contemporary information society. Both can be defined as the process and outcome of digital transformation: transformation of the “analog” version of governance into “digital” governance. Measuring both versions of governance against typical performance measures of efficiency, effectiveness, equity, openness...

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  • Principles and Practices of Corporate Governance in the Global Economy


    - Rok 2020

    The book places ownership at the centre of all relevant choices that the company makes. In particular, it addresses the issue of governance from the perspective of ownership, and in a broader and more articulated sense than most Anglo-Saxon studies do. The authors analyse the relationship between ownership, governance, and corporate strategy, with a dual objective. On the one hand, the aim is to identify the consistency relationships...

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  • The role of governance to support smart community development: a systematic literature review


    - Rok 2024

    This paper studies the interaction between the smart community and smart governance concepts to elaborate on the role of governance to support local governments in developing smart communities’ strategies and solutions. We perform a systematic literature review to analyse how the concept of smart community has advanced in terms of its definitions, context, benefits, challenges, and enablers and propose a unified term with a focus...

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  • Informal practices in urban planning and governance. Examples from Polish cities


    - Planning Practice and Research - Rok 2023

    Planning has a formal, legally defined component and an informal component developed in response to deficiencies in the planning system. Informal practices can contribute to the development of tools that would improve urban governance, especially in areas related to space. This article presents an overview of informal practices that have taken place in Polish cities and towns in recent years and offers an assessment of their impact...

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  • Magdalena Ciesielska dr inż.

    Magdalena Ciesielska jest adiunktem w Katedrze Informatyki w Zarządzaniu, Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii, Politechnika Gdańska, Polska. Posiada tytuł doktora w dziedzinie ekonomii biznesu i zarządzania .  Jej obszary badań i ekspertyzy są interdyscyplinarne i obejmują zarządzanie cyfrowym rządem na poziomie krajowym, sektorowym i lokalnym, otwarte dane, włączenie cyfrowe oraz wkład cyfrowego rządu w zrównoważony rozwój i inne cele...

  • Is Digital Government Advancing Sustainable Governance? A Study of OECD/EU Countries


    International bodies and numerous authors advocate a key role for Digital Government (DG) in improving public governance and achieving other policy outcomes. Today, a particularly relevant outcome is advancing Sustainable Governance (SG), i.e., the capacity to steer and coordinate public action towards sustainable development. This article performs an empirical study of the relationship between DG and SG using data about 41 OECD/EU...

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  • Exploring governance among social co-operatives: three models from Poland

    There has been overly interest regarding social enterprise and social entrepreneurship in theory and practice. In this paper the author introduces the workings of governance of small social enterprises i.e. social co-operatives, acting in most cases for the purpose of work and social integration of the marginalized, at the bottom of the pyramid of socio-economic system. The aim of this paper is to provide insights into under researched...

  • Side Effects of National Immunization Program: E-Governance Support Toward Elders' Digital Inclusion


    In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the European Union (EU) governments develop policies to regulate exclusive health protection actions that consider societal needs with the emphasis on elders. Given that the EU vaccination strategy uses a centralized ICT-based approach, there is little guidance on how seniors are included in national immunization programs (NIP). In this paper, we addressed a knowledge gap of the side effects...

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  • Platform governance for sustainable development: Reshaping citizen-administration relationships in the digital age



    Changing governance paradigms has been shaping and reshaping the landscape of citizen-administration relationships, from impartial application of rules and regulations by administration to exercise its authority over citizens (bureaucratic paradigm), through provision of public services by administration to fulfil the needs of citizens (consumerist paradigm), to responsibility-sharing between administration and citizens for policy...

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  • Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure in the Top 30 Listed Non Financial Companies in Poland


    - Rok 2014

    This paper offers a first analysis of the relationships between corporate governance models and rules and ownership structure of the top 30 Polish firms listed at the WSE (not considering foreign firms and/or the Polish branches of foreign firms listed at the same stock exchange, nor the financial companies and the banks). The general picture depicted by this analysis is putting into evidence the increasing importance of institutional...

  • UAV measurements and AI-driven algorithms fusion for real estate good governance principles support

    The paper introduces an original method for effective spatial data processing, particularly important for land administration and real estate governance. This approach integrates Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) data acquisition and processing with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Geometric Transformation algorithms. The results reveal that: (1) while the separate applications of YOLO and Hough Transform algorithms achieve building detection...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Enhancing Economic Development Through ICT-Based Governance: Evidence for Developing Countries


    - Rok 2023

    his shows novel empirical evidence on how e-government solutions enhance the emergence of inclusive societies, increase institutional quality, and through that channels dynamize economic development in developing countries. With this aim we examine digital development inequalities adopting 2 core ICT indicators: mobile cellular telephony and Internet users; and gross per capita income and Human Development Index to show the level...

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  • Tax Evasion, Tax Morale, and Trade Regulations: Company-Level Evidence from Poland

    Objective: To investigate the determinants of the phenomenon of evading taxes among polish entrepreneurs. In particular, I examine such factors as tax administration satisfaction, tax morale, tax burden, and the influence of trade regulations. Research Design & Methods: A survey study conducted in 2017 in Poland among 454 enterprises. I used the zero-inflated negative binomial modelling technique to examine the impact of factors...

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  • Paweł Rościszewski dr inż.


    Paweł Rościszewski received his PhD in Computer Science at Gdańsk University of Technology in 2018 based on PhD thesis entitled: "Optimization of hybrid parallel application execution in heterogeneous high performance computing systems considering execution time and power consumption". Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland....

  • Is DAO Governance Fostering Democracy? Reviewing Decision-Making in Decentraland


    - Rok 2025

    This study analyzes voting dynamics and proposal outcomes within Decentraland, a prominent Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), by examining its voting behaviors and decision outcomes. We offer insights into how a DAO is employed to facilitate decision-making and discern the nature of the issues about which decisions are made. DAOs promise horizontal and democratic decision-making. However, our research reveals...

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  • Data and knowledge supporting decision-making for the urban Food-Water-Energy nexus


    - Rok 2022

    Cities are hubs of innovation and wealth creation, and magnets for an increasing urban population. Cities also face unprecedented challenges in terms of food, water and energy scarcity, and governance and management. Urban environmental issues are no longer problems for experts to address but have become issues of public debate, in which knowledge from multiple sectors is needed to support inclusive governance approaches. Consequently,...

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  • Towards Synthetic and Balanced Digital Government Benchmarking


    Reliable benchmarking is essential for effective management of the government digitalization efforts. Existing benchmarking instruments generally fail to support this target. One problem is the diversity of instruments, resulting in a split image of digital progress and adding ambiguity to policy decisions. Another problem is disconnect in assessing progress between digital and traditional “analog” governance, lending support to...

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  • Sustainability objectives and collaboration lifecycle in cluster organizations


    - Quality and Quantity - Rok 2023

    In our paper, we combine two issues, collaboration in cluster organizations and sustainability, aiming to answer the question: Does complex governance structure of cluster organizations support members in formulating and reaching sustainability objectives? Based on four case studies of cluster organizations and a still novel abductive approach, we present the ways in which sustainability was executed in their functioning. Our study...

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  • E-Estonia as a role model? Some general considerations and applicability in France


    - Rok 2020

    Estonia has recently been widely recognised – in the policy circles, academia, as well as the media space – as one of the more advanced nation states when it comes to digital government (and governance) transformation (e.g. Margetts and Naumann, 2017; Heller, 2017). Ever greater attention Estonia attracted with the two most recent digital government initiatives, namely the e-Residency and the virtual data embassy, both first of...

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  • Europe, between Mandatory and Voluntary Approach to CSR: Some New Evidence from the Polish Listed Companies

    This paper aims to explore the relationship between corporate governance rules and application of CSR practices into operations of the top 30 companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Since in Poland, so far, there is no obligation to follow any specific CSR standards or to make disclosures of non-financial, social and environmental information, this is still a fully voluntary approach. At the moment, only some of the companies...

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  • Towards a Smart Sustainable City Roadmap

    • G. V. Pereira
    • E. Estevez
    • R. Krimmer
    • M. Janssen
    • T. Janowski

    - Rok 2019

    This workshop of the CAP4CITY (Erasmus+ Strengthening Governance Capacity for Smart Sustainable Cities) project is to promote and stimulate the discussion and networking in the area of Digital Government. Smart Sustainable Cities and related concepts of Digital, Intelligent and Smart Cities represent a progression of how cities around the world apply digital technology to serve their populations, pursue sustainable socio-economic...

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  • Urban regeneration in urban functional areas in Poland as an instrument of implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy

    This study examines the role of urban regeneration policies in planning and governance within urban functional areas (UFAs) in Poland, in the context of the EU Cohesion Policy (CP). The empirical part of this study is based on comparing the approaches adopted in two Polish regions: Pomerania and Silesia. We describe the first successes but also the bottlenecks of the process, from negotiations and programming up to the implementation...

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  • Certyfikacja wielokryterialna jako narzędzie kształtowania wysokiej jakości przestrzeni miejskiej

    Celem tego artykułu jest omówienie systemów certyfikacji wielokryterialnej - zarówno narzędzi służących ocenie pojedynczych budynków, jak i zespołów zabudowy. Przeanalizowano rolę systemów certyfikacji oraz innowacyjnych technologii jako sposobu redukcji zużycia energii i osiągania wysokiej jakości energetycznej środowiska zbudowanego.

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  • Mapping negative unintended consequences of disruptive technologies use in smart cities


    - Rok 2021

    Smart cities governance (SCG) consists of both to foster technology-enabled innovation, and to utilize disruptive technologies (DT) outcomes and impacts to increase public value of urban services. Despite widespread discussion of DT benefits, scientific literature identifies multiple determinants of unintended negative consequences (UC) of DT deployment in smart city initiatives. By considering UC as the negative aspects resulting...

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  • Instrumenty prawne ochrony interesów akcjonariuszy mniejszościowych w polskich spółkach publicznych.


    - Rok 2002

    We wstępie wskazano na znaczenie ochrony interesów akcjonariuszy mniejszościowych w świetle corporate governance. Następnie omówiono instrumenty ochrony akcjonariuszy mniejszościowych przed transferem zysków i w wezwaniach na sprzedaż akcji. Rozważania oparto na licznych przykładach.

  • Cele nadzoru korporacyjnego w polskich spółkch giełdowych


    - Rok 2006

    Opracowanie składa sie z dwóch części. W pierwszej części rozwazań zaprezentowano dwa ujęcia corporate governance - z perspektywy akcjonariuszy i perspektywy interesariuszy. W drugiej części przedstawiono przyklady naruszania interesów akcjonariuszy mniejszościowych w spółkach giełdowych w Polsce.

  • Digital government evolution: From transformation to contextualization

    The Digital Government landscape is continuously changing to reflect how governments are trying to find innovative digital solutions to social, economic, political and other pressures, and how they transform themselves in the process. Understanding and predicting such changes is important for policymakers, government executives, researchers and all those who prepare, make, implement or evaluate Digital Government decisions. This...

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  • Corporate Governance 2022

    Kursy Online
    • L. Segreto

    The course deals with a broadened view of Corporate Governance since: a) It explores the dynamic relationships among the ownership structures, the governance structures, and the strategies that firms adopt. b) It relates to a variety of firms, including the specific case of family controlled companies. c) It is declined into two complementary perspectives: the managerial perspective, and the historical perspective based on international...

  • Innovative Regionen - kreative Metropolen


    - Rok 2007

    Innowacyjne regiony sa ''lokomotywami'' rozwoju. Koncentruja wiedze, nauke, innowacje. Szczegolna koncentracja form innowacyjnych wystepuje w przestrzeni metropolii w powiazaniach kapitalu wiedzy, spolecznego, ludzkiego, instytucjonalnego. Definicja potrojnej helisy (Triple Helix) dotyczy powiazan wiedzy i badan, gospodarki i zarzadzania regionem (governance). Kreatywne metropolie wyznaczaja 3xT: talent, technologie, tolerancja.

  • City scan as a tool to assess resilience challenges and vulnerabilities at the community level


    - Rok 2021

    The majority of the world’s population lives in cities and cities are the key to achieving resilience. Local governments own only part of the land and can only partially decide about measures that should be taken ‘on the ground’. Local governments are therefore highly dependent on individuals, communities, and businesses to adapt and transform and take action in their own backyards or neighbourhoods. Since, for many people, climate...

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  • Ahmed Awadelseed

    Ahmed Abbas received his B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Kordofan University, Sudan, in 2014, and his M.Tech. degree in power electronics & drives from the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Warangal, India, in 2018.  He served as a research assistant with the department of electrical engineering, Qatar University. Currently, he is pursuing his Ph.D. from the Gdansk University of Technology.  His research interests...

  • When digital government matters for tourism: a stakeholder analysis


    - Information Technology and Tourism - Rok 2017

    Despite the importance of governance processes for destination management and the impact of digital technology on such processes, surprisingly little academic research has explored the use of digital technology to transform public governance in the tourism sector. This conceptual paper fills this gap by conducting a digital government stakeholder analysis for the tourism sector using the digital government evolution model as its...

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  • Barcelona - from the province to Metropolis.The cogent strategy of branding the city


    - Rok 2016

    The phenomenon of rebranding Barcelona's image, called the Barcelona effect or 'Barcelona Model', is exampled as one of the most spectacular transformations of the city perception in the last decade. Why has Barcelona been successful? Is it the effect of the recently intensified revitalization practice, or has the city of Barcelona built its brand market value for years? The aim of the research is to name these transition...

  • CAD. Integrated Architectural Design MScArch (2024-25)

    Kursy Online

    Detailed understanding of optimizing the design process using parametric BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the Autodesk Revit Architecture program. Practical design exercises included familiarize students with methods of integrating parametric design and exchanging data with other CAD/BIM programs, modifying parametric objects and generating automatic 2D/3D architectural documentation. The lesson plan introduces students to...

  • CAD. Integrated Architectural Design, MSc Arch (2023/24)

    Kursy Online
    • D. Cyparski

    Detailed understanding of optimizing the design process using parametric BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the Autodesk Revit Architecture program. Practical design exercises included familiarize students with methods of integrating parametric design and exchanging data with other CAD/BIM programs, modifying parametric objects and generating automatic 2D/3D architectural documentation. The lesson plan introduces students to...