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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NAVAL GAS TURBINES
Analysis of diagnostic informativeness of the exhaust temperature of a naval gas turbine
PublikacjaThe conducted investigations aimed to carry out an analysis of the possibility that the failures identification in the automatic control system of a gas turbine engine could be worked out on the basis of measurements of the exhaust stream temperature behind the gas generator. The exhaust temperature represents a basic control parameter, enabling technical state evaluation of the engine within the operation process, which is observed...
Design Analysis of Micro Gas Turbines in Closed Cycles
PublikacjaThe problems faced by designers of micro-turbines are connected with a very small volume flow rate of working media which leads to small blades’ height and high rotor speed. In the case of gas turbines this limitation can be overcome by the application of a closed cycle with very low pressure at the compressor inlet (lower than atmospheric pressure). In this way we may apply a micro gas turbine unit of accepted efficiency to work...
Gas turbines – technological development and potential use in CAES systems
PublikacjaThis article briefly describes Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES), focusing on the technological development of one of the key elements of such systems – the gas turbines. It presents the basic parameters and features of gas turbines, as well as turbine classes with example models. Main tendencies in the structural and technological development are discussed. Changes and trends on electric energy markets are becoming more and...
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Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostic examination of naval gas turbine engines. Part II. Unsteady processes
PublikacjaThe second part of the article presents the results of operating diagnostic tests of a two- and three-shaft engine with a separate power turbine during the start-up and acceleration of the rotor units. Attention was paid to key importance of the correctness of operation of the automatic engine load control system, the input for which, among other signals, is the rate of increase of the exhaust gas flow temperature. The article...
Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostic examination of naval gas turbine engines. Part I: Steady-state processes
PublikacjaThe article presents a possible method of detecting failures in the flow section and supply system of a naval gas turbine engine based on the exhaust gas temperature measured behind the gas generator. This temperature is a basic diagnostic parameter use for evaluating the technical state of the turbine engine in operation, and is monitored during engine start-ups, accelerations and decelerations of rotor units, and steady-load...
Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostic examination of naval gas turbine engines. Part III. Diagnostic and operating tolerances
PublikacjaThe third part of the article presents a method for detecting failures of the automatic engine control system with the aid of an exhaust gas temperature setter, specially designed and machined for this purpose. It also presents a procedure of identifying the operating tolerances and determining the diagnostic tolerances for the exhaust gas temperature recorded in the naval turbine engine during the start-up and acceleration processes....
Diagnostic tolerances' evaluation method of the start-up exhaust temperature of a naval gas turbine
PublikacjaThe conducted investigations aimed to elaborate the method of marking diagnostic tolerances of the exhaust temperature of a gas turbine observed during engine's start-up process. The diagnostic tolerances were determined by means of statistical inference by creating the hypothesis about a normal distribution of the start-up exhaust temperature's dispersion in the initial operation moment, which was subsequently verified applying...
Comparing combined gas tubrine/steam turbine and marine low speed piston engine/steam turbine systems in naval applications
PublikacjaPorównano układy napędowe okrętowe kombinowane turbina gazowa- turbina parowa oraz spalinowy okrętowy silnik tłokowy wolnoobrotowy - turbina parowa. Porównywano moce oraz zużycie paliwa oraz parametry pary świeżej układu turbiny parowej.
Specificity of automatic control of micro-turbines (steam or gas -driven and expanders) in dispersed generation system of heat and electric power
PublikacjaThis paper presents specific problems of automatic control of steam micro-turbines and expanders intended for the dispersed, combined generating of heat and electric power. The investigations concern ensurance of certainty of energy supply and its required quality.
An impact of ambient parameters change on steam and gas turboset control. The International Conference on ''Turbines of Large Output'' devoted to 100th Anniversary of prof. Robert Szewalski Birthday.
PublikacjaPorównano wpływ zmian parametrów otoczenia (ciśnienia i temperatury) na charakterystyki turbiny parowej i gazowej. Na tej podstawie zbadano wpływ tych parametrów na charakterystyki układu kombinowanego parowo-gazowego. Przedstawiono, w związku z tym, koncepcję kompensatora wpływu zmian parametrów otoczenia na charakterystyki układu kombinowanego parowo-gazowego.
Steam and Gas Turbines lato 24_5
Kursy OnlineSteam and Gas Turbines, Studium Stacjonarne, wykład i seminarium, środa 9.00-11.00
Fundamentals of Steam and Gas Turbines OASIV
Kursy OnlineApplication of turbines in industry and sea power plants. Basic thermodynamics and fluid flow mechanics in turbomachinery. Steam turbine power cycle and plants. Gas turbine power cycle and plants. Turbine blading systems operation.
Steam and Gas Turbines Constuction_ seminar/project
Kursy Online -
Marek Dzida dr hab. inż.
OsobyUrodził się 6 sierpnia 1953 r. w Bielsku-Białej. Absolwent Instytutu Okrętowego Politechniki Gdańskiej, od 1978 r. pracuje na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa PG. W 1983 r. uzyskał tytuł doktora nauk technicznych, w 2001 r. – doktora habilitowanego. Aktualnie zatrudniony na stanowisku profesora nadzwyczajnego na PG. Pełnił funkcję prodziekana ds. kształcenia WOiO (1996–2002) oraz dziekana (2005–2012). Od 2010 r. jest kierownikiem...
Heat Turbomachinery
Kursy Online1. Steam turbine cycles. 2. Gas turbine cycles. 3. Combined gas-steam cycles. 4. Flows in nozzles. 5. Theory of turbine stages. 6. Multistage turbines. 7. Examples of turbine design.
Heat turbomachinery
Kursy Online1. Steam turbine cycles. 2. Gas turbine cycles. 3. Combined gas-steam cycles. 4. Flows in nozzles. 5. Theory of turbine stages. 6. Multistage turbines. 7. Examples of turbine design.
Wybrane zagadnienia przepływowe turbiny gazowej pracującej w tłoczni gazu ziemnego.
PublikacjaW niniejszym artykule przedstawiono cieplno-przepływowe obliczenia turbiny gazowej, stanowiącej napęd sprężarki w tłoczni gazu ziemnego. Wartości parametrów wejściowych niezbędnych do przeprowadzenia obliczeń przyjęto na podstawie danych technicznych tłoczni zasilających polski odcinek gazociągu tranzytowego Jamał-Europa, w których pracują turbiny gazowe SGT-600 firmy Siemens, o mocy 25,3 MW.
Systems Engineering Requirements for Rotating Machines (PG-00060237)
Kursy OnlineTurbiny wiatrowe, gazowe, mikroturbiny, silniki lotnicze, turbosprężarki i inne systemy mechaniczne to przykłady maszyn wirujących, które wymagają wysoko wykwalifikowanych inżynierów. Powinni oni zrozumieć złożoność procesów projektowania i produkcji, w tym wytwarzania przyrostowego, oraz konserwacji prognostycznej opartej na inżynierii cyfrowej dla bezawaryjnej pracy silnika. Wind, gas, micro turbines, aircraft engines, turbochargers,...
Naval mine detection system based of FPGA circuit
PublikacjaElectrochemical processes take place in a metal object immersed into sea water even if an anticorrosive coating is applied [1]. As a result, flowing field appears around the object. There are naval mines between many other objects situated in the sea. Naval mines can be put in the seabed in order to be more difficult to detect by sonars. Such a mine is located on the line demarking two environments of different electrical conductivity....
Reverberation chamber in emc tests of naval systems
PublikacjaPaper covers the techniques of emission and immunity testing to the electromagnetic field in reverberation chamber. The procedure of he chamber calibration and field homogeneity assessment were covered. The naval forces' product as selected as an example for discussing the testing procedure in the chamber. The paper's summary gives the assortment of methodology in radiation emission testing and immunity to the electromagnetic field...
Design of horizontal axis wind and water turbines
PublikacjaThe basic hydrodynamic principles of horizontal axis turbines are presented. Computational methods based on vortex theory for design of such turbines and for calculation of their hydro or aerodynamic characteristics are described in detail. These methods are applicable both to wind and water turbines. The influence of detailed turbine geometry on its characteristics is presented. Several practical computational examples of different...
Wymagania inżynierii systemów dla maszyn wirujących (PG-00060237)
Kursy OnlineTurbiny wiatrowe, gazowe, mikroturbiny, silniki lotnicze, turbosprężarki i inne systemy mechaniczne to przykłady maszyn wirujących, które wymagają wysoko wykwalifikowanych inżynierów. Powinni oni zrozumieć złożoność procesów projektowania i produkcji, w tym wytwarzania przyrostowego, oraz konserwacji prognostycznej opartej na inżynierii cyfrowej dla bezawaryjnej pracy silnika. Kurs zapewnia fundamentalną wiedzę wymaganą w przemyśle...
In Search of Naval Beauty. Historical Study of Ship Architecture
PublikacjaDesigning ships is no mean achievement. In the old days, constructors focused on making their ships visually appealing, while paying scant regard to the living conditions of the crew. Such an approach reflected the state of the art in ship building at the time as well as the social order prevalent in those days. A breakthrough came no earlier than at the turn of the 19th / 20th centuries. The industrial revolution brought along...
PublikacjaBasic problems of foundations of sea wind turbines are considered in this paper. This aims to search for solutions to optimize supporting of the offshore turbines with a size greater than 10 MW. The types of foundations, their basic features, including most important dimensions, applications as well as general design considerations are discussed. Numerical model of the offshore turbine and some preliminary computations for a case...
Isothermal turbines − New challenges. Numerical and experimental investigations into isothermal expansion in turbine power plants
PublikacjaThe efficiency of power plants with steam or gas turbines depends on the efficiencies of a thermodynamic cycle and devices implementing this cycle. In the case of high power outputs, we cannot expect a significant increase in the efficiency of individual devices. Therefore, what remains is to increase the efficiency of the implemented thermodynamic cycle - the complex Rankine cycle in the case of steam turbines or the extended...
PublikacjaW praktyce eksploatacyjnej turbin wiatrowych o tradycyjnej konstrukcji (przekładniowych) obserwowana jest duża awaryjność przekładni, a zwłaszcza łożysk tocznych szybkoobrotowych wałów przekładni. W Polsce na zlecenie właściciela dużej farmy wiatrowej, firmy Energa Wytwarzanie S.A., Politechnika Gdańska we współpracy z Politechniką Poznańską i Akademią Górniczo Hutniczą podjęły badania mające na celu diagnozowanie przyczyn uszkodzeń...
Mohammad Hossein Ghaemi dr inż.
OsobyMohammad Hossein Ghaemi (ur. 1967), adiunkt Wydziału Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa (WOiO) PG w Katedrze Automatyki i Energetyki. Jest absolwentem Uniwersytetu Teherańskiego z zakresu mechaniki ciała stałego, a także PG na kierunku Oceanotechnika. Uzyskał stopień doktora nauk technicznych na PG w 2004 roku. Od 1995 roku pracuje na WIMiO PG (do 2020 r. WOiO PG) i prowadzi zajęcia dydaktyczne i badania naukowe w zakresie automatyki...
UUV and AUV Vehicles as the autonomous systems for naval applications
PublikacjaThere is a growing pressure to investigate how to design and build the unmanned underwater vehicles of different types which are devoted towards performing many tasks under the water surface according to the data missions. During the recent years the Department of Ship Design and Subsea Robotics, Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology, Gdansk University of Technology designed and built a few types of unmanned underwater...
On Accuracy Modeling of Gas Turbine Cycles by the In-house COM-GAS Code
PublikacjaIn this paper, a comparison of accuracy modeling of gas turbine cycles between the basic (classical) model and the in-house COM-GAS code has been presented. The basic model uses a semi-perfect gas and well known projecting assumption. On the other hand, the computational flow mechanics (CFM) basis on a real gas by using thermodynamic tables. The thermodynamic analysis of thermal cycles, simply gas cycle GT8C and gas turbine cycle...
Variable-fidelity shape optimization of dual-rotor wind turbines
PublikacjaPurpose Dual-rotor wind turbines (DRWTs) are a novel type of wind turbines that can capture more power than their single-rotor counterparts. Because their surrounding flow fields are complex, evaluating a DRWT design requires accurate predictive simulations, which incur high computational costs. Currently, there does not exist a design optimization framework for DRWTs. Since the design optimization of DRWTs requires numerous model...
Eulerian motion magnification applied to structural health monitoring of wind turbines
PublikacjaSeveral types of defects may occur in wind turbines, as physical damage of blades or gearbox malfunction. A wind farm monitoring and damage prediction system is built to observe abnormal vibrations of elements of wind turbine: blades, nacelle, and tower. Contactless methods are developed which do not require turbine stopping. In this work, structural health monitoring of a wind turbine is evaluated using a conversion from the captured...
RANS-based design optimization of dual-rotor wind turbines
PublikacjaPurpose An improvement in the energy efficiency of wind turbines can be achieved using dual rotors. Because of complex flow physics, the design of dual-rotor wind turbines (DRWTs) requires repetitive evaluations of computationally expensive partial differential equation (PDE) simulation models. Approaches for solving design optimization of DRWTs constrained by PDE simulations are investigated. The purpose of this study is to determine...
Heave Plates with Holes for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
PublikacjaThe paper presents an innovative solution which is heave plates with holes. The long-known heave plates are designed to damp the heave motion of platforms. They are most often used for Spar platforms. The growing interest in this type of platform as supporting structures for offshore wind turbines makes it necessary to look for new solutions. Based on the available literature and the authors’ own research, it was concluded that...
Implementation of Contemporary Technologies in Naval Sonars Modernization
PublikacjaToday’s fast technological advancement in electronics and signal processing methods makes electronic systems, including sonars, obsolete very quickly. The Polish Navy seems to be particularly affected as its ships were built in the 1970s and 1980s. Researchers at the Gdansk University of Technology have developed a methodology for modernising Navy sonars which involves the use of new electronic sub-systems and modern, bespoke methods...
PublikacjaThe dependency of marine gas turbine on the ambient temperature leads to a decrease of the gas turbine power output in arid areas. Very often gas turbine power output demand is high and the power margins originally designed into the driver , has been exhausted. In such circumstances the inlet air fogging is an effective compensation of gas turbine power. In this paper an analysis of inlet air fogging applicability to marine gas...
PublikacjaOne of the methods of modelling the movement of floating wind turbines is the use of the diffraction method. However, this method does not take into account the influence of viscosity; therefore, in many cases, it needs to be extended with a matrix of appropriate coefficients. The effect of viscosity causes both the added mass coefficient and the damping coefficient to increase. The determined coefficients were entered into the...
Advanced genetic algorithm-based signal processing for multi-degradation detection in steam turbines
PublikacjaThis research contributes to the field of reliability engineering and system safety by introducing an innovative diagnostic method to enhance the reliability and safety of complex technological systems. Steam turbines are specifically referred to. This study focuses on the integration of advanced signal processing techniques and engineering dynamics in addressing critical issues in the monitoring and maintenance of mechanical systems....
PublikacjaThe second part of the article describes the technology of marine engine diagnostics making use of dynamic measurements of the exhaust gas temperature. Little-known achievements of Prof. S. Rutkowski of the Naval College in Gdynia (now: Polish Naval Academy) in this area are presented. A novel approach is proposed which consists in the use of the measured exhaust gas temperature dynamics for qualitative and quantitative assessment...
PublikacjaSome problems of the foundations of offshore wind turbines are considered in this paper. A short review is presented on the two basic types of foundations, i.e. monopiles and gravity foundations, including their basic features and applications as well as general design considerations. Also, some issues regarding analysis are discussed, including geotechnical problems and modelling techniques. A numerical model of offshores turbine...
Analysis of the Hydrodynamic Properties of the 3-Column Spar Platform for Offshore Wind Turbines
PublikacjaThe article presents a design of a floating platform for offshore wind turbines. The concept is a modification of the Spar design and consists of three variable section columns connected to each other by a ballast tank in the lower part of the platform. This solution makes it possible to influence the position of the centre of buoyancy and the centre of mass of the structure. Compared to the classic Spar platform structure, the...
Naval electromagnetic compatibility investigations by use of topological model
PublikacjaPublikacja przedstawia zagadnienie uwarunkowań kompatybilnościowych na statkach. Ze względu na trudności jakie stwarza analiza EMC dużych obiektów, środowisko elektromagnetyczne okrętów jest zwykle dzielone na fragmenty analizowane oddzielnie. Referat przedstawia topologiczny model środowiska elektromagnetycznego w formie macierzowej, który pozwala na kompleksową analizę zagadnień kompatybilnościowych wielu systemów pracujących...
Efficiency of gas mixtures detection by resistive gas sensors
PublikacjaResistive gas sensors are very popular and are commonly used to detect various gases and their mixtures. Theeir main disadvantage is very limited selectivity. Practical use of gas sensors in environenmental applications requires determination of concentration of a few mixed gases at the same time. We would like to present recent results of gas detection improvement by utilizing a single gas sensor and additional measurements to...
PublikacjaResistive gas sensors are very popular and are commonly used to detect various gases and their mixtures. Their main disadvantage is very limited selectivity. Practical use of gas sensors in environmental applications (e.g., in sewage systems to protect workers, in air conditioning systems to monitor atmosphere quality) requires determination of concentration of a few mixed gases at the same time. We would like to present recent...
Selectivity of amperometric gas sensors in multicomponent gas mixtures
PublikacjaIn recent years smog and poor air quality became a growing environmental problem. There is a need to continuously monitor the quality of air. The lack of selectivity is one of the most important problems limiting the use of gas sensors for this purpose. In this study, a selectivity of the six amperometric gas sensors is being investigated. Calibration of sensors has been performed in order to find a correlation between concentration...
Advantages of adaptive control in LP turbines.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń numerycznych dla ostatniego stopnia turbiny parowej, w którym kierownica posiadała mozliwośc adaptacji do zmiennego ciśnienia w kondensatorze. Adaptacyjność uzyskiwano porzez zmianę kąta ustawienia ruchomej krawędzi spływu (lotki) kierownicy. Wykazano korzysny wpływ tego typu regulacji zarówno na sprawność ostatniego stopnia jak i stopni poprzedzających.
Gas sampling system for matrix of semiconductor gas sensors
PublikacjaSemiconductor gas sensors are popular commercial sensors applied in numerous gas detection systems. They are reliable, small, rugged and inexpensive. However, there are a few problem limiting the wider use of such sensors. Semiconductor gas sensor usually exhibits a low selectivity, low repeatability, drift of response, strong temperature and moisture influence on sensor properties. Sample flow rate is one of the parameters that...
A comparative study of pentanol (C5 alcohol) and kerosene blends in terms of gas turbine engine performance and exhaust gas emission
PublikacjaThe growing demand for sustainable and clean energy sources provides the incentive for the development of alternative fuels. Simultaneously, the development of gas turbine technologies with flexible fuel supply systems enables the use of alternative non-fossil fuels that can play key roles in contributing to global efforts in meeting emissions targets. This paper presents the current state of knowledge on the production and potential...
Application of Thermo-chemical Technologies for Conversion of Associated Gas in Diesel-Gas Turbine Installations for Oil and Gas Floating Units
PublikacjaThe paper considers the issue of thermo-chemical recovery of engine’s waste heat and its further use for steam conversion of the associated gas for oil and gas floating units. The characteristics of the associated gas are presented, and problems of its application in dual-fuel medium-speed internal combustion engines are discussed. Various variants of combined diesel-gas turbine power plant with thermo-chemical heat recovery are...
Effective method for determining environmental loads on supporting structures for offshore wind turbines
PublikacjaThis paper presents a description of an effective method for determining loads due to waves and current acting on the supporting structures of the offshore wind turbines. This method is dedicated to the structures consisting of the cylindrical or conical elements as well as (truncates) pyramids of polygon with a large number of sides (8 or more). The presented computational method is based on the Morison equation, which was originally...